Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ACTUALIZACION: Se agregaron lecciones sobre Studio One 5!Con este curso aprenders a manejar completamente todas las funciones de Studio One, actualmente uno de los DAW mas RAPIDOS que existen, con increbles opciones superiores a las que se ofrece en los distintos programas de la competencia, conocers absolutamente cada detalle!El curso ofrece la posibilidad de manejar el ritmo de la cursada a tu gusto, con clases dinmicas creadas con el fin de llegar al punto en cada clase, sin redundancias.Un contenido total de 7 secciones con ms de 30 clases donde tambin podrs ir progresivamente aprendiendo paso a paso todas las funcionalidadesAbarcaremos a fondo los siguientes temas.Configuracin de Studio One.Interfaz y consola de mezcla; aprenders la funcin de cada botn. Creacin de Pistas de todo tipo; aprenders a grabarte y grabar a otras personas.EDICION DE AUDIO AVANZADA.Edicin detallada de MIDI para que puedas crear, grabar y editar tus instrumentos virtuales.Pista de ARREGLOS.Pista de ACORDES.Patterns Ritmicos.Uso de Plantillas.Efectos por envos.Automatizaciones.Multi instrumentos.Marcadores.Macros.EVENTOS FX.Exportar.Suite de MASTERING.Y muchas cosas ms...Estamos ante un software muy adelantado a su competencia, con detalles y opciones para optimizar tus mezclas y producciones. Acompame en este viaje y conozcamos Studio One al 100%. Ya seas principiante o avanzado adquirirs conocimientos necesarios para su adecuada utilizacin, y mas. Al terminar el curso garantizamos una drstica mejora en tu desempeo, independientemente de tus conocimientos previos o daws utilizados con anterioridad, logrando mayor agilidad y rapidez en tu workflow."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Fully Accredited Certificate in Natural Medicine & Herbalism" |
"** INCLUDES AN 883 PAGE E-BOOK ""MODERN HERBALISM"" **This is the place to start if you have ever dreamed of working in the field of Natural-Complementary Medicine and Herbalism. We have created this course to bring our combined 30+ years of experience in the field to you in the comfort of your own home. This course is filled with educational and career insights and opportunities, with each one more exciting than the next.There are so many ways to create a career in Natural and Complementary Medicine and whether your passion is Medicinal Plants, Homeopathy or People, the practice of Natural and Complementary Medicine is the vital bridge between all of them. This is truly meaningful and wonderful work to be involved in.The need for alternatives and complements to conventional western medicine has been increasing steadily over the past 40 years. The field of Natural and Complementary Medicine has grown 400% in the last 10 years and today practitioners of Complementary therapies are very much in high demand.This course explores a wide variety of potential opportunities including:What is natural medicineHerbalism and herbal medicine *This course includes an 883 page e-book ""Modern Herbalism"" as part of the resources section)Making your own herbal remedies and medicinesMaking your own herbal tincturesThe 9 most easy to use and powerful everyday medicinal plants and flowers Essential Oils and AromatherapyTherapeutic uses of essential oils for you and othersColloidal SuspensionsTissue Salts and other mineralsHomeopathy and Homeopathic Cold and Flu Remediesand much moreChoose whatever path suits you. Like many Natural Health Practitioners you may find yourself overlapping these specialities or evolving into new ones. I have worked in the Western and Natural Medicine field for over 16 years and during that time, I have successfully used and enjoyed each one of these career paths and Im happy to bring this level of experience to you within this course.Join me in this amazing journey and get the inspiration and confidence to step forward.What youll learnWhat Natural Medicine is, what it encompasses and how to understand each of it's branchesHow to stay healthy using everyday Herbs and Plants!Natural ways to boost your immune systemWhich kind of health properties you can find in different Herbs and PlantsHow to cure diseases naturallyNatural antivirals and antibacterialsHow to use your new knowledge of Natural Medicine to help to improve your own health and that of othersHow to create Herbal products and use them for your own health and to help others too. How to use Homeopathy and Homeopathics to help with common ailmentsHow to use Tissues Salts to help treat issues such as respiratory disorders, inflammation, pain, nausea, Colds and FluHow to use colloidal suspensions How to purify contaminated water to make it safe for drinking by using colloidal iodineInspiration about how to make a living as a Natural Medical Practitionerand much moreAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?There are no prerequisites for this course although it is helpful to take this course with other courses in Natural Medicine and Herbalism.Who this course is for:Those interested in a career in natural medicinePeople that want to stay healthy using herbsPeople that want to learn about natural medicine and complementary therapiesPeople that want to cure diseases naturallyPeople interested in herbalism and herbal medicinePeople who want to live healthier livesFully accredited CertificateIn addition to the Udemy ""certificate of completion"" our course is also fully accredited by the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accreditation Association) and you will receive an accredited ""Certificate of Natural Medicine"" (Cert NatMed) which can be used as a credit towards further studies in the field."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Drt Ana Karakter Atlyesi/Kiiliinizi ve nsanlar Tanyn" |
"Kendimizi bilmek, tanmak ve anlamlandrmak tela iindeyiz... te tam da bu noktadan baladmz yolculuumuz bir kartopu gibi byyecek!Kendimizi ve evremizdeki insanlar tandmz, birok krdm ve iletiim kmazlarmz zmeyi hedeflediimiz yepyeni atlyemiz sizlerle!.... Hangi karakterdeki insanlar hangi ilerde baarl olur? Baarszlk zannettiiniz eyler aslnda mizacndaki bir zelliin yanl kullanm mi?Einizi ne kadar tanyorsunuz ayet evli deilseniz onu neye gre ve nasl semelisiniz?Farkl karakterli insanlarn davranlarn nasl ayrt edebiliriz?Karakterinizin en olumlu ve olumsuz ynleri nelerdir??Zayf ynlerin kefi ve geliimi gibi ve daha bir ok alt bal ileyeceimiz atlyemize davetlisiniz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads 2020 : annciate en FACEBOOK e INSTAGRAM fcil" |
"Curso sencillo con el que aprender PASO A PASO y DESDE 0 a promocionar tu negocio de manera eficaz en Facebook e InstagramEste no es un curso actualizado a 2020, sino un curso CREADO en 2020, con la ltima versin de la plataforma de anuncios en Facebook (que es la que te vas a encontrar al crear un anuncio ahora) para que VEAS en tu pantalla EXACTAMENTE lo MISMO que en el CURSO. Olvdate de ver un curso de otro ao con otra versin de Facebook, este curso ha sido creado en 2020 para personas de 2020.Si te identificas con alguna de las siguientes frases, este curso es sin ninguna duda para ti:Tienes un restaurante o un negocio local y quieres conseguir ms clientes.Quieres aprender a promocionar tu negocio en Internet.Eres nuevo en el marketing digital.No tienes experiencia con los anuncios en Facebook y quieres aprender a utilizarlos.Quieres un curso con ejemplos prcticos pensado para personas sin experiencia que empiezan desde 0.Si eres un experto en marketing digital, este curso no te servir. Est pensado para personas que empiezan desde 0 y quieren aprender de una forma sencilla, con todo bien explicado paso a paso. Si quieres aprender a conseguir ms clientes y ganar ms dinero de forma rpida y sencilla, bienvenido.En el curso, que consta de ms de 2h de clases en vdeo, explica con detalle todo lo necesario para poder crear anuncios en Facebook e Instagram, entre ello:Crear una pgina en Facebook para el negocio.Conectar una cuenta de Instagram al negocio.Crear una cuenta de anunciante en Facebook.Cmo utilizar la plataforma de anuncios en Facebook.Cmo encontrar y seleccionar un pblico al que le vaya a interesar nuestro negocio.Cmo hacer que nuestro anuncio les llegue a esas personas.Cmo estructurar un anuncio paso a paso.Una herramienta online y gratuita para crear anuncios profesionales de forma sencilla."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Technique: Accessing Myofascial Karmic Memory" |
"In this course I will teach you about the myofascial tissue of your body, and how massaging it and connecting to it will allow you to unfold somatic memory, letting your restricted emotions flow, and also enabling reactions in your hole body that will even bring up karmic memories from past lives, childhood traumas and suppressed emotions with the intention of healing.This unique technique also gives access to heightened levels of consciousness and lots of others beneficial effects. Eliminates restrictions on your muscle tissue enhancing the nutrition of the cells, stretches the tissues, helps the natural movements of the organs, it connects you deeply to the body. This is not a common type of meditation, it involves the hole body using myofascial techniques. Through myofascial stimulation and the necessary awareness you can learn to unfold karmic memory contained in the body, that will allow you to experience this repressed emotions, past unconscious traumas and past lives karmic memories that are conditioning our present lives in a subtler way. It can be used as a complementary healing technique also with other healing processes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundation 1Z0-1085-20 Test" |
"Practice Test for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundation Associate (1Z0-1085-20)2 practice tests in this course. Test-1 contains 32 Questions and Test-2 Contains 31 Questions.This will clear your basic concept of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.100% Guaranteed Exam Clearance with more than 90% marks.Exam Topics:Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCIDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structureExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support model.Who this course is for:Oracle Cloud InteresetedOracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations1Z0-1085-20 100 % Pass GuaranteePlease don't forget to Review and provide a Rating for the course if you find it useful.If you have any concerns regarding this please contact us so we can assist you with it."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Docker for Continuous Integration" |
"Microservice Architectures, DevOps, and Continuous Integration with Containers, Docker, and Jenkins.Containers are a powerful tool for developing and managing software. When combined with DevOps practices, it is possible for organizations to efficiently deliver applications and services at high velocity.This course introduces containers and the most popular tool for their management: Docker. You will work with the core technologies provided by Docker for container management and apply them to the software development lifecycle as you package a custom application and test it using a Continuous Integration pipeline.Topics covered include: containers, Docker command line tools, building container images, networking, storage, and orchestrating multi-container systems using Docker Compose. In addition to Docker, you will also get experience with supporting systems such as Jenkins and GitLab that can be used to automate the building and deployment of Docker images as part of a continuous integration environment."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"7-Day Home Retreat and Full Body Spring Cleanse" |
"A holistic online program to guide you through your very own Home Retreat and Spring Cleanse. Bringing the love, support and connection of a healing retreat right into your home! Self-care is one of the most loving gifts you can offer yourself. Healing and rebalancing happen when you take time out of your busy life to nourish and nurture your body, mind and spirit. This 7-Day Home Retreat and Spring Cleanse is all about this. It's a flexible program that respects each individuals' personal needs and is based on nourishing and nurturing yourself from a place of love.The cleanse is a natural and gentle way to detoxify your organs, heal imbalances and restore vitality. For seven days we will journey through the main cleansing systems of the body: starting with a Colon Reset, followed by Liver & Gallbladder Detox, an Immunity Boost and finishing with a day of Full Body Rebalancing. You will be fully supported through your journey with self-care practices (yoga classes for each body system, healing meditation, skin care) a beautiful e-Book with detailed information on holistic cleansing, daily menus and delicious-nutritious recipes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
kurs_kopirayter_na_birge |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Meditao - Iniciantes" |
"Voc nunca meditou? Ou j tentou meditar e desistiu?Se a resposta sim, esse curso para voc!Aqui voc vai aprender uma tcnica simples e fcil para comear a meditar, sem pr-requisitos ou complicao. Explico tudo o que necessrio para aprender a meditar e estabelecer uma prtica de meditao consistente. A meditao traz inmeros benefcios para a sade mental e fsica. Dentre eles esto:- Diminuio da ansiedade- Manejo do estresse - Melhora de dores crnicas- Aumento da concentrao e foco- Melhora quadros de insnia- E muito outrosVoc pode alcanar tudo isso comeando com apenas 5 minutos por dia! No precisa ter nenhum conhecimento prvio, aqui tem tudo para aprender uma tcnica simples para comear a meditar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PLC Hardware and Programming" |
"This course is an introduction to the world of PLCs. Rather than focusing on programming, this short course explains what PLCs are and where they are used in industry. It begins with describing what PLCs are, how they are arranged internally and logically, and some of their uses in different industries. An extensive history of computing devices beginning with Charles Babbage's mechanical Analytical Engine and continuing through the relay and solid state computers of the 1900s until today is included, along with the evolution of the PLC from its origins in 1968 until today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Allen-Bradley RSLogix 500" |
"This course teaches the student to program the Allen-Bradley SLC 500 and Micrologix brands of PLC. It covers the theory behind processor operation, file structure and addressing, communications and software drivers using RSLinx, and contains several practical software examples. A complete program is configured and written using different subroutines for each function. It includes descriptions of the IEC 61131-3 specification for PLC languages and covers many of the mnemonic shortcuts for entering logic.Various examples are given both offline and online editing, including some useful pieces of code such as a runtime totalizer using timers and counters, and scaling an analog value. Using math functions to convert temperature is also demonstrated.A series of videos covering the programming of an actual system are included after the basic instruction set is presented. This includes writing a simulation routine that interacts with the main program."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kneel Before Pod:" |
"Welcome to Kneel Before Pod: A Beginner's Guide to Podcasting. In this series we'll touch on more than the surface level podcasting stuff. Yes, we'll talk about microphones and recording software, but we'll also talk about the movement of sound in a room, acoustical treatment, tools of the trade, and more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Paper Quilling Course" |
"Paper Quilling is the art of rolling, shaping, gluing and making different things with simple looking colorful paper strips. With quilling you can make bookmarks, magnets, cards, ornaments, key chains, multipurpose boxes, frames and lots of things. The sky is the limit.Quilling has some amazing benefits for kids as well as adults. It works on fine motor skills including coordination and strength. It is a great way to build hand - eye coordination. It also helps in reducing anxiety. Quilling is also relaxing and calming. You also don't need expensive material.In this course you will learn basic shapes, basic scrolls, Malaysian petal, beehive technique, how to make jewelry, quilling comb techniques, how to give 3d effect to flowers, 3d flower pot, 3d angel, how to make monograms. Your Instructor Trupti More will guide you through all these steps . As this is pre-recorded course you can watch these videos again and again whenever you get time."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
PR |
"SNSPR30SNSs-0 s-0-1 l-1(04:36)s-0-2 l-2(4:01)s-1 1 s-1-1 l-3 s-1-2 l-4 PRs-1-3 l-5 PRs-2 2 s-2-1 l-6 s-2-2 l-7 s-2-3 l-8 s-3 3 s-3-1 l-9 s-3-2 l-10 s-3-3 l-11 s-3-4 l-12 s-3-5 l-13 s-3-6 l-14 s-4 4 s-4-1 l-15 s-4-2 l-16 9s-4-3 l-17 s-4-4 l-18 s-5 5 s-5-1 l-19"
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Copic Markers" |
"This class is a introduction to the world of illustration markers! Whether you are a beginner who has yet to pick up their first marker or someone who is frustrated with a new medium, this class will introduce materials and techniques so that you can feel confident to exploring your coloring! I will explain how the Copic marker system works, how you can choose your colors, and other brands of alcohol markers. You will learn a foundation of basic coloring techniques that you can apply to any artwork. Once we review coloring techniques, I have included an original illustration to be used as a coloring page for our class project!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Violo para Tocar sem Cifras" |
"Metodologia diferenciada e inovadora que transformou e ajudou no desenvolvimento dos meus alunos presenciais e online.O curso foi desenvolvido passo a passo para iniciantes do nvel zero e para pessoas que j tocam um pouco e desejam progredir.O mtodo que utilizo foi desenvolvido por mim, baseado em anos de pesquisa e necessidade de contribuir para que meus alunos tivessem xito no aprendizado.As aulas so disponibilizadas de forma online em uma rea de membros exclusiva do curso e conta aulas em HD didaticamente divididas em mdulos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test" |
"AWS is THE most important trending cloud platforms you need to learn as a cloud developer - and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a Cloud software developer!This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find for AWS exam - it's based on all my AWS certification knowledge AND teaching experience. Ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced AWS developers get a lot out of this course!These course provides a real exam based environment to practice your skills. Our primary focus is to give AWS Certified Solutions with realistic test questions based on the official exam Objectives. This makes developer to pass the AWS certification Exam with extra confidence!We assure you after practicing these tests you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees. It is recommended to first go with AWS cloud practitioner exam certification to idea about real exam pattern.As you investing your time and money. Hence, we offer you 30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Last 10 Lbs for Life" |
"I know from firsthand experience how difficult it is to lose the last 10 lbs. After working really hard to lose 45 pounds, I got stuck with the final ten pounds that lingered for literally years! I tried everything...adding more cardio to my exercise routine; cutting out carbs and fats; severely restricting my matter what I did, I just couldn't shed the weight.It wasn't until I discovered the two eating patterns that I've combined in The Last 10 Lbs for Life program, that I FINALLY shed the weight. And, not only that, I found a way to eat that allows me to enjoy all the foods that I love that I can sustain for life.Im helping people lose their unwanted 10 pounds, but it's so much more than that. It's about finding a way to eat and use small habits to keep the weight off and enjoy eating for the rest of your life.The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me. And I want you to know that I can help you, too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Acelesi Olanlar in Temel Fotoraflk" |
"Bu online temel fotoraflk kursunu alnca, hayalinizdeki gzel fotoraflar ekebilmek iin gerekli ayarlar, hzl ve net ekilde reneceksiniz.Temel fotoraflk kursu, fotoraf bilgisi az ya da hi olmayan kiiler iin hazrland. Gereksiz detaylara bomadan, sadece fotoraf makinanzda istediiniz fotoraflar ekmek iin gerekli ayarlar ve bu ayarlarn fotoraflara olan etkisini bu hzlandrlm temel fotoraf kursunda saatten daha ksa zamanda fotoraf makinanz elinize alp ayarlarn istediiniz etkileri yaratmak iin deitirebileceinizi grecek ve daha fazla pratik yapmaya frsat bulacaksnz.Bu kurs, daha nceden fotoraf eken ancak fotoraf makinasn bir kernarda unutup uzun sre fotoraf ekmeyenler iin de iyi bir hatrlatma olacak."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
speakaboutsex |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word From Unskilled to Skilled" |
"Overview to the course:If you were looking for Microsoft Word Course ,this course is for you .This course is in Bangla.Following are some of the key points in this course:File Saving ProcessPDF makingInsert SectionImage AddDesign the pageHow to marginHow to add shapes .FunctionsMuch More..Technologies we'll use in this course:Microsoft officeMicrosoft WordWhat youll learnYou'll learn about full wordAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Opening Microsoft Office WordWho this course is for:All beginners & intermediate users"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hi Temeli Olmayanlar iin Gitar Dersleri" |
"Toplamda 1 saatlik eitimi izleyerek bir buuk, iki ay gibi ksa bir zaman diliminde gitar almay renebileceksiniz. Sizin iin zel olarak hazrlam olduum bu hzlandrlm eitimle btn temel akorlar herhangi bir yere bakmadan kafadan karabileceksiniz. Zamann deerli olduu bu ada size en pratik yollarla gitarda akor mantn reteceim. imdi gitarnzn tozunu silin ve arkanza yaslann. Aramza yeni bir mzisyen katlyor..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Datenbankdesign und Datenbankentwicklung in SQL und MySQL" |
"In diesen Kurs lernen Sie ein Datenbank auf Basis Ihres eigenen Projektes zu modellieren. Sie stellen Beziehungen zwischen den Tabellen in Ihrer Datenbank her und werden auf Basis Ihres eigenen Projektes Ihre eigene Datenbank designen. Es werden folgende Themen behandelt:Gestaltung von Mock-Ups fr Ihre Webseite und DatenbankErstellung von Mustertabellen innerhalb der DatenbankErstellung von Beziehungen mittels des ER-ModellsErstellung eines physischen Datenmodells zur Erstellung Ihrer DatenbankVerwendung der MySQL WorkbenchErstellen einer Datenbank und Tabellen in SQLEinsetzen und selektieren von Datenstzen aus den Tabellenund vieles mehr.Viel Spa beim Kurs, wnscht Ihnen Mathias Ellmann, freiberuflicher Dozent und Trainer"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 1Z0-1085-20" |
"This simulation prepares 100% to pass real exam 1Z0-1085-20 Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 AssociateHi students, exam questions are 100% revisedpass 100% guaranteedUpdated exam 20/05/2020Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCIDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structureExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support model"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ArcGS Temel Seviye Kursu" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar;ncelikle bu kursla beraber balayacak olan ve devamnn gelmesini umduum CBS eitim setlerini siz sevgili renci kardelerimle paylamaktan mutluluk duyuyorum. Eitimlerimiz tamamen grsele dayal olmak ile beraber bol bol uygulama seenei mevcuttur. Konu sralamasna dikkat ederek ve srayla takip ettiiniz mddete bu eitimden korkmanza veya ekinmenize gerek duyucan dnmyorum. Siz sevgili renci arkadalarmzla uzun bir yolculua balayalm...."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory Comprehensive Complete: Parts 16, 17, & 18" |
"Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Theory Guide!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and level up. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.For years I've been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I'm making for Udemy use the same syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory - and cost shouldn't be a barrier.My approach to music theory is to minimize memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own. If you've tried to learn music theory before, or if you are just starting out - this series of courses is the perfect fit.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I'll back to it as fast as possible. This class is a combined class and includes all parts 16, 17, and 18.In this class, we will cover:Chromatic SequencesThe Lament Bass (The saddest music in the world)Common-Tone Diminished 7th ChordsChromatic MediantsCommon-Tone ModulationsChromatic Inflection Modulation Descending Fifth Modulation Enharmonic Diminished 7th Chord ModulationVoice-Leading ChordsA Return to ModesPentatonic ScalesWhole-Tone ScalesOctatonic ScalesLinear AnalysisInteger NotationPitch Class SetsSet Operations...and much, much more!You will not have another opportunity to learn Music Theory in a more comprehensive way than this. All the tools you need to successfully learn Music Theory is included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.Test Prep: This course is perfect for prep for the Praxis II Test (ETS Praxis Music), The ABRSM Music Theory Exam (up to Grade 8), AP Music Theory Exam, College Placement Exams (Music Theory), and other common secondary and post-secondary placement exams.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30-day money-back guarantee, as per Udemy Policy) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Complete Good Sleep Habits Course - Sleep Better Tonight!" |
"Complete Good Sleep Habits Course - Sleep Better Tonight!Build Healthy Sleep Habits - Eliminate Insomnia - Learn Strong Habits to Sleep Better - Become Well Rested AgainYou can increase your odds of getting a good night's sleep. Most people who are poor sleepers have poor sleep habits. Personal development and habit expert TJ Walker will teach you how to build strong sleep habits effortlessly. In this course, TJ Walker will cover every important habit you need to develop in order to have a solid and restful night sleep. He covers the following:Nighttime routines and ritualsCreating a bedroom designed for sleepTools and technology for sleepDiet do's and dont'sMorning routines.Daytime routines Most important, TJ Walker teaches you his unique and proprietary SelfieSpeak Progframming (SSP) method for turning best sleep practices into your own daily habits.Youve likely heard other experts tell you that you should not look at your cell phone or your texts or email right before you go to bed. Walker goes beyond the standard advice and digs deep in order to create new and permanent habits in you that will set you up for a lifetime of restful sleep.If you are ready to start sleeping more soundly this week or even tonight, then enroll in this course now. You have nothing to lose but the bags under your eyes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Willpower Course - Build Self Control & Good Habits" |
"Complete Willpower Course - Build Self Control & Good HabitsBuild the Strong Willpower Habit - Improve Self Control - Self Discipline - Weight Loss - Build Strong New HabitsYou can gain power over your own life. You can build the willpower muscle that allows you to live life on your own terms. Imagine if you had the willpower you need to maintain a healthy diet you deserve, to exercise properly, and to stay focused on your professional and personal life.Willpower is not something youre born with. Willpower is not backed into your character. Willpower is a skill that you can learn right now.TJ Walker is a personal development expert who has a unique system of helping people program the habits they choose for themselves into their lives. TJ will teach you how to create the exact willpower you need in order to live a fulfilled life on your own terms.You never again have to regret your own lack of willpower. You can start today by empowering yourself to make change. Enroll in this willpower course now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |