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"Turkish Travel Agencies Management Mini Masters (Arabic)" |
"15 ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LUMINAR 4.2 : Sublime tes photos Simplement et Rapidement" |
"Retoucher ses photos demande du temps. Il faut se former, c'est pas toujours facile.En tant que photographe, j'y suis pass aussi.Je me suis form Photoshop, Lightroom, la suite Adobe. Des heures durant. La complexit de ses logiciels m'a demand des dizaines d'heures pour comprendre leurs mcaniques. Des semaines m'ont t ncessaires pour apprivoiser et dompter ces machines de puissance.Et puis il y a quelques mois, aprs 3 ans de dur labeur et de retouche, j'ai dcouvert se qui pourrait tre LA Solution. Oeuvre de simplicit, d'intelligence mais surtout de rapidit, je parle de Luminar 4.Je m'appelle Augustin, je suis photographe et vidaste depuis plus de 3 ans. Passionn par l'image, le travail des couleurs et de la retouche en tant que tel.Grace mon exprience dans le milieu ; des centaines d'heures de retouche, des dizaines de prestations ralises pour des collaborateurs (entreprises, artistes, voyages, vnements..) Mais surtout grce au suivi de nombreuses formations auprs de photographes professionnels, du visionnage de (trs) nombreuses vidos pour apprendre utiliser Luminar comme un professionnel...J'ai tabli une mthode complte rsumant tout ce que j'ai pu apprendre pendant ces annes. Cette formation en est l'essentiel.Tu apprendras dans cette formation :A matriser le logiciel dans sa globalit en comprenant ses mcanismes, comme un professionnel Retoucher tes photos deux fois plus rapidementApporter des modifications avances (Remplacement de ciel, incrustations, colorimtrie...) Sublimer tes photos et les rendre extraordinaires plus rapidement qu'une pose longue de 2 minutesJe ne te promets pas de devenir le Martin Parr de la retouche ni le Doisneau du dclenchement.Par ailleurs, je t'assure que tu vas apprendre quelque chose qui va te faire VOLUER, te rendre plus performant, et qui te fera GAGNER beaucoup de TEMPS.Maintenant, c'est toi de choisir : stagner ternellement ou voluer et devenir MEILLEUR en photo ?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Java |
"No need to take the basic Android application course as it has one full detailed module with simple and deep explanation.No need to take extra course on sql.No need to take extra course on sql database connectivity with Java.Specially designed for the people who want to learn hardcore in limited time.No reasons for not taking the course :)System.out.println(""Best of luck"");Checkout the course to understand the above meaning :) :)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn Robot Studio" |
"Interested in building real time industrial robot applications, then this course is for you.!!!This course has been designed to equip the engineers with Simulation Skill. Building simulations is a lucrative and yet a challenging skill where imagination plays a paramount role. A simulation engineer must imagine the entire process of operations and build a virtual world that imitates the actual scenario. The complexity of simulation further increases when the process demands higher efficiency. In this age of automation, as process automation experts, we have observed the importance of industrial robots in various industries and the challenges such High supply vs. Demand, Cutting edge process for higher efficiency & superior accuracy have made engineers also turn towards industrial robots. Robot simulation answers many questions that rise during this transition from traditional process to robotics process. This course will be the genesis of Virtual Commissioning using ABB Robot Studio."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Embodiment of archetypes Saboteur and Magician" |
"This video tutorial is about How to shut down your Saboteur to awaken creativity of the higher vibration - your inner Magician? You recognize your Saboteur by inner voice that constantly shouts : ""you could do this better "" or you are not ready yet, you are not good enough. In general he likes to invent countless excuses for convincing you of not doing something and shifting your attention from what is truly important. He is also the one that is disencourageing you, blocking your potential and walking around with ""this is not gonna work out"" attitude. Exceeding the saboteur archetype is the journey to the archetype of the MAGICIAN - who is the master of illusions and illuminates your path, even where there is a great chaos around you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Resoluo de Fsica das Provas - UFRGS, ACAFE, UFSC e UFPR" |
"As questes dos vestibulares costumam ser parecidas, portanto quanto mais questes voc fizer mais voc esta familiarizado com a prova e maior a chance de acertar, devido a isso, verificamos a necessidade de fazer um curso que demostra como resolver as questes de um jeito rpido e prtico, mostrando detalhadamente como fazer cada questo da UFRGS, ACAFE, UFSC e UFPR dos vestibulares de 2016 a 2020."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Finanzas Personalez - Gua prctica de bienestar econmico" |
"Este contenido del curso es un manifiesto que te cambiar la vida al examinar nuestras actitudes hacia el dinero y la riqueza material. Te dar un lente nico para romper los paradigmas y supuestos que nunca hemos cuestionado sobre el dinero. Con estas tcnicas y herramientas podrs generar abundancia para vivir una vida ms satisfactoria y suficiente.Aprende :. Mtodos de atraccin de abundancia. Utiliza esto para saber en qu enfocar tus energas.. Ejercicio prcticos para reconocer oportunidades en cualquier lugar. Ms de 15 participantes han usado estos ejercicios especficos para crear negocios actualmente operativos.. Las 3 diferencias claves entre la mentalidad pobre y la rica. Al saber esto podrs modificar y mejorar [al instante] los patrones negativos en tu vida.. Modelos de generacin de cashflow. Son lo que utilizo actualmente y que me han permitido tener 3 fuentes distintas de ingreso. Copialos y aplcalos.. Cmo crear tu primer capital para invertir Sin afectar tu estilo de vida actual!. Esta metodologa la utilic yo para cambiar 180 mi situacin financiera.Si te interesa tu futuro financiero, y quieres alcanzar todo lo que aspiras en la vida, La Energa del Dinero es para ti.Obtn el curso ahora y manos a la obra!nete a las ms de 132 personas que tomaron la decisin correcta, ahora 100% vitual.Satisfaccin Garantizada(30 das de Garanta)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QGIS: Modelos Digitais de Elevao - MDE em 3D" |
"O objetivo do curso fornecer ao aluno embasamento conceitual e prtico para aplicar sobre as funcionalidades do software Quantum GIS de forma a permitir que o aluno aprenda o uso de geoprocessamento em ambiente de sistema de informao geografia e a manipulao de dados vetoriais, raster e aprender a visualizar e elaborar projetos de Modelos Digital de Elevao em 3D, bem como torna o aluno um Expert na confeco de mapas topogrficos.Neste curso o material de estudo todo orientado, ser disponibilizado apostila, Banco de dados contendo informaes geogrficas para o aluno praticar e indicao de sites para facilitar o aprendizado profissional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
chakra-yoga |
": (KAJU) Kindle"
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Airbnb Setup Guide" |
"This course provides you with everything you need to know to take your Airbnb operation to a professional, commercial level.Like most things in life, theres no secret formula to get rich quick on Airbnb however there are many tricks of the trade, that while executed correctly, will significantly increase your revenue, increase your positive reviews and maximise.The four main topics we explore in extreme detail are as follows:-Pricing-Listing-Automation-Guest InteractionIf all the suggestions from this course are implemented you will be operating at a commercial hospitality level on Airbnb.If you have any questions please feel free to message me on Udemy, email me at or message me on Instagram @AndyArgyrou."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"Uma vez eu escutei a seguinte frase: Usurios do Iphone nunca mais voltam para o Android. Hoje eu Digo: Usurios Linux NUNCA mais voltam ao Ru-Windows.O Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS. realidade, Fossa aumentar a produtividade do desenvolvedor, oferecendo a aparncia mais bonita do Ubuntu at agora. Desenvolvedores de IA e jogadores esperam ansiosamente que as GPUs nVIDIA sejam suportadas imediatamente, enquanto um novo tema padro, o Yaru, alm de temas claros e escuros integrados, resultando no Ubuntu obtendo uma nova aparncia, mantendo a sensao de assinaturaUbuntu um sistema operacional ou sistema operativo de cdigo aberto, construdo a partir do ncleo Linux, baseado no Debian e utiliza GNOME como ambiente de desktop de sua mais recente verso com suporte de longo prazo. desenvolvido pela Canonical.O Ubuntu construdo sobre a arquitetura e a infraestrutura do Debian, e compreende as verses de sistema operacional para telefones e tablets Linux, desktop e tablet descontinuados. O Ubuntu lana verses atualizadas previsivelmente a cada seis meses, e cada lanamento recebe suporte gratuito por nove meses."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Do the magic with PowerPoint - Pitch Deck" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to give a plus to your startup/business idea, by designing the perfect pitch deck:You will be able to:Set a catchy background designGrab the attention from the beginning with the most suitable designUse icons to add design value to your pitch deckInsert and play with shapes to adapt them to each slide objectivePlay with your brand colors to make the design attractiveLock your pitch deck with an extraordinary way"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"V-RAY FOR 3DS MAX ile i mekan grselletirme" |
"Merhaba arkadalar. Bu eitimde srasyla kamera yerleimi, aydnlatma, malzeme hazrlama ve post production ilemlerini olabildiince sade ve anlalabilir bir ekilde anlatmaya altm. Basit ilemler ile gzel ve etkili sonular almann zor olmadn bu eitim ile beraber anlayacaksnz.Her ilemde adm adm gideceiz. inize yarayacak ve hzl sonu almanz salayacak tm bilgileri bulacaksnz. 3ds max programna balang dzeyinde hakim olmanz ve v-ray render motorunun alma mantn balang dzeyinde bilmeniz, bu eitimden aldnz verimi en st dzeye karacaktr.Eitimde modelleme dersi yoktur. 3ds max programndan ziyade v-ray render motoruna younlalmtr.3 boyutlu grselletirmeye balam ve belli bir yerde takl kalm iseniz, bu eitim tam size gre.Derslerde grmek dileiyle.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda probabilidade em Opes Binarias" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a catalogar sinais para operaes no mercado de opes binrias.Ter acesso as planilhas de catalogao, todas completas.Este curso abordar catalogao de M5, M15 e H1.Neste curso voc aprender os pares de moedas que mais respeita a probabilidade.Neste curso o aluno sair com todo entendimento em probabilidade e catalogao. Neste curso o aluno conseguir emitir os seus prprios sinais que daro a possibilidade de fazer operaes probabilsticas no mercado de opes binarias."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"English Course - Learn English with Animations and Dialogues" |
"Welcome to our English course. This course is mainly focused on teaching how to speak English fluently and with a good pronunciation.In this course, you are going to learn English with the dialogues that are recorded by American teachers so that you will be able to speak English like a native.Are you bored with grammar based courses and books because you cannot learn the real language? This online course will solve your problem.Here in this course, our animation characters will help you learn daily conversational English. The dialogues in our course have been chosen from daily life and ordered in a systematic way.You will see the most used words and sentence structures in everyday English. Every lesson is designed for you to repeat and practice the phrases you have learned.As all the statements are recorded by American teachers, you will be able to learn the real pronunciation and accent.The statements in animation videos are also given to you in written form; therefore, you can compare them with their translations in your own language.Please turn on the subtitles in your own language and you will never miss anything you hear. The translations in the subtitles will teach you the real meaning of the phrases you hear.Additionally, we have added dialogues and target phrases as pdf documents and articles. These documents includeConversations in the animation videosTranslations of the statements in the dialoguesGerman, Turkish and Spanish translations (more languages are on the way)Target words and phrasesAdditional explanationsAnd necessary Grammar explanationsWe have also added some grammar and structure explanation videos to our course to reinforce your learning. Watch those videos to learn how to create more sentences using the same structure.When you finish this course,you will be able to speak with the foreigners in a comfortable way,and understand the things you hear and read in English, such as movies, songs, news and so on.When you are enrolled in this course, you will have a lifetime access to all the materials and updates added to the course. We will be constantly updating the course by adding new animation videos and materials.See you in the first lesson.Corpus Academy"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Scalable Machine Learning Pipeline" |
"I show you you everything you need to start using your tflite and tensorflow.js machine learning models in production. Create a website that allows users to upload images, get predictions from your custom machine learning model and review the performance of the model in real time. Whether you already have a computer vision model or not I show you how to easily create one and ultimately use and deploy it to production. Learn how to use your own custom models with tensorflow.js, allowing users to upload images and get predictions back on that image. We create an entire pipeline that allows you to improve and monitor your machine learning model's over time. Allow users to upload new images for predictions, saving those predictions and then using the new images as training data to improve our custom models performance."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Energy saving in Steam Distribution System" |
"Benefits of the course Why Steam is as heating source in process Industry? List of Industrial application of steam Design aspects of good Steam Distribution System Different types of steam traps Possible losses in Steam Distribution System How to save energy by reducing heat loss? Energy Saving methods and Design Guidelines for Steam Distribution System Troubleshooting and Checklist"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing course for Business - Complete Getresponse" |
"Email Marketing is the best way to grow your traffic whether it for a website, affiliate or whatever but the main purpose of email marketing is to reach your potential targeted audience and make some money by your email campaigns but wait a minute it needs some effort. If you're going to offer any offer or need quality targeted traffic via email marketing so first of all, you have to understand the email marketing strategy that how it works and how to collect relevant emails and make a list then at the very end and most awaited stage how to send your email campaigns in free of cost. You will learn these all step by step from this complete Email Marketing Hindi Course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Step By Step Guide To Selling Stock Video In 2020 & Beyond" |
"My storyAfter finishing our studies in Denmark, I and my Fianc decided to quit our jobs and travel around Asia for a year. We had some savings for the trip, but I an entrepreneurial spirit started questioning the ROI (return on investment) of this trip.I understood the spiritual value of traveling, however, I just couldnt help to notice the amount of money we will spend Thinking of ways to monetize our travel, I came across stock footage.I knew nothing about stock photos, stock footage, I didnt understand videography, editing or drone operation. Literally Nothing But, discovering the possibility of making money while I sleep from footage I took while traveling was an incredible motivation for me. A way to passive income.I started researching, reading, watching and listening to everything I could before our trip started. I got a basic Canon 200d and a Mavic Air drone and started practicing.It was fairly easy to learn how to shoot (tons of good tutorials online), but what I discovered was, there was not a lot of information online on what the stock footage industry is all about I had to watch hours and hours of YouTube videos just to find out that I wasn't getting anywhere... Even when I had the best clips, I screwed up my metadata and submissions, therefore my clips never showed in the search results. It was devastating not to know how to do things the right way.After 2 years of reading, learning, consulting with agencies, SEO experts, videographers, drone operators and people who made a living off of stock footage, I finally can say I am ready to share my knowledge and help you skip the hustle I went through and armor you with the skills to making money right away.Why should you sell stock footage?As you will learn in the course, stock footage production can be a hobby or a business. Either way: It is a lot of fun You can be your own boss You can do it remotely You can build another source of PASSIVE income Make money while you sleep Repurpose your unused footageDont have time to shoot? Good news for you then! You dont need to! Why, you ask? Hard drive mining!Most cinematographers I know have several terabytes of footage lying around on their hard drives. With the right approach, you can repurpose your footage, submit them as stock, and they could literally make you hundreds or even thousands of dollars while you sleep.Who should take this course?I made this course to give an opportunity to any creator who has the desire to change her life and build a passive income from passion. Whether you are a veteran cinematographer, a professional or beginner drone pilot or a passionate iPhone wizard, this course will show you how you can become successful in selling stock footage for fun and for fortune.Selling stock footage does not only provide you with a source of passive income It provides you with the freedom to create whatever you want and make money from it several years down the lineWhy should you take this course?I know how you feel. Been there, done that, and trust me when I say: I can help you!I would be lying if I said you cannot find the content of this course all over the web its 2020 Everything is online BUT! If you take my course, you not only will save hundreds of hours but will be able to get a shortcut to the stock footage industry, filed with valuable tips, trick and techniques.Here is what you can expect:I am an extremely practical thinker. I will take you through everything you need to know to be successful at selling stock footage and do it on the shortest, most practical journey possible.If you want a way out, and love videography, this course is guaranteed to change your life forever.The course will give you a complete overview of: The stock footage industry Gear and mindset you need to succeed Most profitable Agencies Essential pre-production practices Shooting and Editing techniques Uploading, and metadata of your clips Other relevant and helpful resources"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Capire il Motorsport" |
"Capire il Motorsport il corso pensato per darti una visione d'insieme completa del mondo del Motorsport. Approfondiremo sia l'aspetto sportivo che quello tecnico-ingegneristico, su cui ti dar delle nozioni di base, ma anche risorse gratuite per approfondire ulteriormente gli argomenti, facendo si che sia tu a scegliere quanto scendere in dettaglio. Vedremo inoltre quali sono le principali realt in cui si configura il Motorsport nel Mondo e quali sono i protagonisti principali e i fattori chiave.Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REIKI HEALING - things you have to know (theories and facts)" |
"In this course you will learn among others:what is Reiki,how Reiki energy and Reiki therapy differs from other energies and energetic therapies,what is aura and how to care for aura,what are chakras and how they work,connections between chakras and organs and emotions,recognizing chakra's dysharmony.and more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Canteiro de obras - EFICIENTE" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender teorias, tcnicas e ferramentas para tornar sua obra mais produtivas.Faremos atividades prticas para o executar um bom layout de canteiro de obras, dimensionar a quantidade de material que a obra ir precisar, e dimensionar as reas de armazenagem com um o uso de uma super planilha automtica. Todo o material apresentado no curso fornecido para os alunos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Powershell In-Depth" |
"In this course, we explained the below concepts.-Windows PowerShell Architecture-setting up the scripting environment-Language fundamentals1. Variables, Arrays, and Hash Tables2. Pipeline3. objects4. conditional logic, loops, functions, and filters-script blocks and error handling-Regular expressions,XML-User management-Creating new cmdlets and extensions.-I/O and error handling-PowerShell providers snapins session objects remoting-Files and REgistry-Services, process monitoring, and event logging-working with AD using ADSI-WMI"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IGCSE Biology Masterclass Part 1 with Exam Walkthroughs" |
"Do you need help learning IGCSE and GCSE Biology from home? This course will give you the skills you need to feel confident for your exams. As soon as you sign up for this IGCSE Biology and GCSE Biology masterclass you will receive access to:NEW and updated IGCSE bio & GCSE bio video lessons for each section of the course.FREE digital IGCSE bio & GCSE bio summary notes with a value of $49.99.FULL EXAM QUESTION WALKTHROUGHS of past exam papers to help you learn the best exam writing strategies.FREE topic-specific IGCSE biology past exam paper questions and mark schemes. This course has two objectives:To teach all aspects of IGCSE biology & GCSE biology theory: Content is delivered during quick, efficient video lessons that are easy to for students to understand and absorb. To teach IGCSE biology & GCSE biology exam strategy: Exam strategy is one of the most important skills needed in the IGCSE exams. During this masterclass you will learn everything you need to know using full Past Exam Paper Walkthroughs. This IGCSE biology & GCSE biology (O Level) course covers ""Part 1 Living Organisms"" which includes training on:Characteristics of living organisms. Variety and features of living organisms. Levels of organisation. Cell structure and organisation. Biological molecules & food tests. This IGCSE biology (O Level) masterclass is the first of four IGCSE biology masterclasses offered by IGCSEprep on Udemy. These four masterclasses can be taken in any order or as stand-alone knowledge-boosters. Taken together, these four masterclass cover all the content needed to write the IGCSE biology exams offered by Pearson Edexcel (double or triple) or Cambridge CIE (core or extended)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Google Ads do Bsico ao Avanado [Atualizado 2020]" |
"Curso voltado para quem precisa criar uma campanha no Google Ads de maneira rpida e prtica. Ensina em minutos como criar, configurar e fazer seu primeiro anncio para vender na internet. Se voc quer aprender de forma prtica e rpida esse curso para voc, sua campanha estar pronta seguindo o passo a passo.Lembrando que esse curso nvel iniciante e diversas outras tcnicas podem ser aplicadas."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
70-411-k |
"Windows Server 2012 . Windows Server 2012 . Windows Server 2012."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Marketing PRO - Tudo que voc precisa saber para vender on." |
"Marketing PRO ?Com 7 anos de experincia no mercado publicitrio e observando a crescente necessidade de estar presente no mercado digital de forma estratgia e com resultados decidi transferir meu conhecimento para empreendedores e gestores que no tem capacidade de pagar por uma agncia de publicidade e marketing. Sabendo do alto custo que muitas vezes torna-se invivel para pequenos negcios, decidi compartilhar aqui toda minha experincia de mercado de forma objetiva clara e direta onde voc vai aprender de uma vez por todas os segredos do marketing digital e como vender na web. ?No meu curso voc vai aprender: Introduo ao marketing Introduo ao marketing #PRO4 Ps do marketing Anlise de Swot (conhecendo o concorrente)Definio de persona (pblico alvo)Tipos de clientes Gatilhos mentais (o princpio para qualquer venda)Tcnicas de ancorarem (como vender o mais caro)Nmero mgico das vendas Oferta irresistvel Porque seu cliente pede desconto? (Como vender sem queimar a margem) Audincia Alcance Uma live com dicas exclusivasE ainda um super presente ? 7 dias no meu whatsapp com consultoria em marketing e vendas. ??"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Clarity & Confidence - An Introduction" |
"Version of YOU - 2.0INC., helps single, divorced professionals move past complacency, feelings of worthlessness, and regret. In this 7-series E-Learning program, you will begin to gain both Clarity & Confidence in how you can take back control, reconcile your past, create opportunity, and renew self-confidence through the experience of the action steps provided throughout. Understand how your current state of one or more of your BIG 5 may be holding you back."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Master MERN Stack by Building Complete Blog Project [2020]" |
"Best way to learn new skill is learning by practice. Welcome to the ""Master MERN Stack by Building Complete Blog Project"" where we will be building complete blog application using MERN Stack (Node.js, Express, React, Redux and MongoDB). Through the course you will learn how all these different technologies work together. The course is completely a practical hands on project course for building full stack projects using MERN Stack. Because this is a ""learn by doing"" course, you should be familiar with basics of React, HTML, and CSS. No other knowledge is required. If you successfully complete the course, you will be able to build your own MERN stack application using the best practices tought throughout the course.What will you get at the end of the course?You will have Complete Blog App as a portfolioYou will know implementing CRUD (create, read, update, delete)You can covert any HTML&CSS into React applicationYou can integrate React with any back-end in an smooth wayYou will know how and where to use React HooksYou can use Redux for app state managementYou can create reducers and actionsYou will integrate Redux with React HooksYou will know how to debug and test Redux Chrome extensionYou can build an complete backend API with Node.js & ExpressYou can deploy to Heroku using GitYou will know how to test API with PostmanWhat are some app functionalities?All PostsFeatured PostsTrending PostsFresh StoriesCommentingSingle Post PagePosts by Category404 PageThe course is for all skill levels and experiences. It does not matter, whether you are developer who is currently learning MERN stack or it is just your first project with these technologies, this course is just for you.All this just for a price of a typical breakfast at restaurant!So, it is the best time to invest into yourself and learn a skill which can boost you career and salary!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trading Forex avanc - TRADING AVEC ICHIMOKU" |
"Comment tradez-vous sur les marchs financiers? Ajoutez-vous des indicateurs sur des indicateurs et vous vous retrouvez plus confus qu'auparavant?Et si je vous disais que vous pouvez analyser les marchs avec un seul indicateur?Et si je vous disais que vous pouvez transformer l'un des indicateurs les plus complexes en une arme puissante et facile utiliser pour faire de l'argent sur les marchs financiers?Bienvenue dans Trading Forex avanc - TRADING AVEC ICHIMOKUMon objectif ultime pour ce cours n'est pas de vous enseigner un autre indicateur que vous pouvez avoir sur votre graphique. Mon objectif est de vous fournir une stratgie logique que vous pouvez appliquer pour ngocier les marchs en toute confiance.Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous devons d'abord jeter un coup d'il l'indicateur Ichimoku. Nous commencerons par une introduction afin de vous familiariser avec l'indicateur complet, puis je consacrerai je vais dtailler toutes les composantes.Vous ne trouverez pas un ensemble de rgles pr-emballes appliquer l'aveugle, vous comprendrez n'importe quel composant unique de l'Ichimoku, vous apprendrez n'importe quelle formule unique et les raisons pour lesquelles nous allons trader d'une certaine manire. Cela vous permet de comprendre quand et comment utiliser l'indicateur Ichimoku, d'tre en mesure de diffrencier les diffrents scnarios de march, de trouver les meilleures opportunits de commerce et de gagner de l'argent en tradant sur le march Forex.Une section est entirement ddie l'analyse du march Forex en utilisant l'indicateur entier, vous pouvez donc commencer vous familiariser avec toutes les techniques et mthodes que nous avons tudies dans les sections prcdentes.Aprs cela, nous aurons une autre partie importante de la stratgie: la gestion des risques.Donc, ma promesse est de vous donner une stratgie complte avec une section entire sur les points d'entre et de sortie, afin de comprendre comment ouvrir et grer vos mtiers.Presque tous les exemples fournis dans le cours concernent le Trading Forex, mais je suis convaincu que vous trouverez le matriel trs utile pour d'autres marchs financiers, comme les indices, les cryptomonnaie et bien d'autres.Quoi d'autre dans ce cours?Vous apprendrez de mes 4+ annes d'exprience.Vous avez un accs illimit vie sans frais supplmentaires.De nouvelles videos seront ajoutes au cours en permanence sans frais supplmentaires pour vous!Garantie de remboursement sous 30 jours sans poser de questions.J'aime dire mes tudiants que s'inscrire ce cours, c'est comme s'inscrire un abonnement au gym. Vous avez tout l'quipement, toutes les machines et un entraneur personnel prts vous aider, mais si vous restez la maison, en mangeant des frites et en regardant la tlvision, vous n'allez voir aucun rsultat, non? Alors, faites votre premier pas. Inscrivez-vous au cours et commenons ce voyage ensemble.Rendez-vous au sommet :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"In Binary Option trading course, you will learn about how to trade with price action any candle psychology this course is the best for option trading (where your trading belongs to expiration time)after watching this course you will be able to understand market condition chart type candle psychology news trading chart type ranging market low volume market.YOU WILL KNOWwhat is a strong uptrendwhat is a strong downtrendwhat is the healthy downtrendwhat is the healthy uptrendhow to know ranging markethow to know low volume marketwhat is a low volume marketwhere to find newshow to identify charthow to predict next candleHow to understand candle pressure How to identify trend what are support and resistancehow to draw support and resistancetype of support and resistancewhat is dynamic support and resistancehow to use Fibonacci level as SNRAND MUCH MORE YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE BONUSPRICE ACTION PDF GUIDEMONEY MANAGEMENT EXCEL SHEETMARKET ANALYSIS DIGITAL INDICATOR FOR 1 MINT TO 1 MONTH TIME FRAME"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |