Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
classic_control_diploma |
"Classic controlDigital InstrumentationProtectionATS--Classic control-type of electrical load -type of mechanical load-matching between motor curve and mechanical load curve- Characteristics of 3phase induction motorIntroduction to control system.-Types of electrical key.-Push Buttons,Relay,latch relay, solid state relay-Different between power &control circuit.-Design control diagram for any control system-How to using simulation Programs EKTS , Automation Studio -Theory of contactor Action.-applications Different application by using relay and contactor -Timers-Different type of timers-applications Different application by using timer-How to solve timing diagram-Different application by timing diagram-troubleshooting ---Digital InstrumentationLimit switch-- Proximity sensor-Different between PNP &NPN proximity sensor-reed switch-between inductive &capacitive -pressure switch-photo cell-level switch-float switch -flow switch-flow mac--Protection-Circuit breaker-Theory operation of C.B -fuse-Overload relay -Theory operation of overload-Phase sequence theory of operation -phase failure-over under voltage -safety relay-total protection-RCCB-surge arrester -motor starter--ATS diagram with controller-ATS diagram without controllerone out of twotwo out of threetwo out of fourthree out of five"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Sports Governing Bodies" |
"A Sports Governing Body Is A Sports Organization That Has A Regulatory Or Sanctioning Function. Sports Governing Bodies Come In Various Forms And Have A Variety Of Regulatory Functions. The Basics Of Managerial Activities Necessary For Governance In Sport Organizations And The Structure And Function Of Sport Bodies Will Be Explored. Current Policy Issues And The Ethical Questions They Raise Are Investigated. Our Scope Will Be To Look At The Different Policies And Structures Of These Bodies. Through This Class The Student Will Learn The Importance That These Governing Bodies Have On Our Society As Well As The Negative Impacts That These Bodies Play On Our Society. We Will Look At The Ethics Behinds Many Decisions Made By The IOC, NCAA, Professional Sports, Etc. This Course Introduces The Student To The Power And Politics Of Sport Organizations In The U.S. And Internationally.This certificate program is a crisp-detailer of all the most popular sports and concerns governing bodies that a curious learner should not skip to learn who is in connection with the sports industry at any stage. "
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Media Relations in Sport" |
"An Analysis Of The Role Of Public Relations And Mass Media In Sports Communication. Hands-On Training In The Tools And Technology Of Sports PR Is Combined With An Examination Of The Publics Relationship With Athletes And Sports. This Course Explores The Progressive Techniques And Activities Used To Promote Sporting Events. Discussion Topics Include Brand Awareness, Media Management, Message Recall, And The Examination Of Four News Mediums: Television, Internet, Print, And Radio. It Will Incorporate And Reinforce The Skills/Concepts That You Have Learned Throughout The Year, While Increasing Your Knowledge And Perspective On The World Of Sports Media And PR. Also Dealing With Crises And Scandals In The Public Eye Within A Sporting Environment.When It Comes To Public Relations, Perception Is Reality. The Reality Is, The Size, Scope And Strengths Of The Campaign Must Be Directed Towards A Specific Target Audience In Order For It To Be Effectively Executed. Germany Kent"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Ethics in Sport" |
"The consequence of winning is one of the most common desires of persons affiliated with the sport. Athletes, coaches, and sport managers act in ways to achieve victory. If they are guided exclusively by their desires to win, moral reasoning most likely will not be a part of the process involved in winning. Robert C. Schneider, Ethics of Sport and AthleticsStudents Will Examine The Conceptual Framework For Ethical Decision-Making Using Sports As A Prism To ExamineNormative Perspectives. Varied Ethical Perspectives Are Analysed Through The Conflicts Presented In Sports-RelatedQuestions. Course Readings And Lectures Examine The Theoretical Constructs Of Ethical Decision-Making FromAthletes, Coaches, Physical Therapists, Trainers, And Sport Managers In Sport Frequently Face Difficult Decisions AndDilemmas, Often With Ethical And Moral Implications. It Is Therefore Critical For Current And Future Participants AndLeaders In Sport To Explore Their Understandings Of Moral And Ethical Concepts And Principles And How TheseUnderstandings Inform Decision-Making And Policy In Sport. This Course Will Challenge You To Examine EthicalIssues Central To Contemporary Sport. You Will Learn To Recognize Moral Questions, Understand Various EthicalTheories And How To Apply Them To Solve Moral Problems And Develop An Appreciation For Philosophic Inquiry"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Sports Marketing" |
"This Course Helps Students Gain A Deeper Understanding Of Sports Marketing By Examining In-Depth The Sports Marketing Mix Of Product, Price, Place, And Promotion As Well As Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Market Segmentation, Branding, Sponsorships, Licensing Venue And Event Marketing, Global Sports Marketing, And Public Relations.The Course Provides Research, Case, Analysis, And Other Opportunities To Learn Of The EffectivePrinciples, Theories, Practices, And Methods Involved With All Aspects Of Sports Communications."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Sports Law (CPSL)" |
"A Certificate Program Designed For In-Depth Details Of All The Aspects Concerned About Sports Laws In The Shortest Time Possible.The Sports Law Studies The Concepts Of Sport, Sport Activities And Sporting Life. It Examines The Problems That Arise Within The Sports Scene And Determines Their Legal Dealing Practices. This Course Is An Introduction To The World Of Sports Key Concepts As Conceived In National And International Law. At The Same It Imports Us To The Concept Of Sports Disputes, The Nature And Character Of Sports Courts And The Court Of Arbitration For Sport. Through This Online Course We Will Recorded And Investigate Major Problems That Encounter In The International Racing And Sport Activity. Finally, We Will Analyse The Topic Of Labour Relations Developed In The Context Of Professional Activity Of Individuals In Sports And Racing Activity. "
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Sports Facility Manager's Guide" |
"Good Sports Facilities Are A Blessing.- Kapil DevWith Valuable Information And Clear Explanations In Every Episode, Youll Easily Be Able To Understand The Key Factors Of Sports Facility Management, As Well As Learning How To Take Your First Step In This Fascinating FieldWhether Youre A Beginner Or An Experienced Professional In Sports Facility Management, We Believe You Will All Have Helpful Learnings From This Course. When You Finish This Course, Youll Be Able To:Be Familiarized With The Facility Design And Construction Of Different Kinds Along With Facility MaintenanceUnderstand How To Prepare And Implement Security Plans And Alcohol ControlAnalyze How To Meet The Different Needs Of Fans And Provide The Best ServicesAnd will explore in details about11 Core Competences, CEN Definition, BS Stander and its Purpose, Benefits According to BS Standards, ISO Standards, Value Index.What is Facility Manager and Management its Disciplines, Functions, Organisation Flow Chart, Responsibilities,Staffing, Classification, Organisation Chart, Preparing Job Description, Hiring Procedures, Announcements, Interview, Assessment Planning, OJT, Appraisal, Type of Employees, Work Environment, RelationsArrangements & Resolving Challenges of Coordination & Scheduling.Structural Expenses, Sources of Incomes and Fiscal Practices.Evaluating the type of cost for a sports facility management business and explaining it rightly. Types of Project Bidding & Funding Options.Learn about Circulation and Control, Comfort of Effeciancity and Aesthetics, Precautions, Care, Analysis, Education, Inspection, Reporting, Control, Influence, Policies, procedures, Liabilities, Codes, Standard, Security, SurveillanceHow to manage when things do not go as planned.Learn about Recreational Facility Equipment, Diversity, Complexity, Types, Its Efficiency System, Understanding Maintainance, Essentials, Singes, Its Storage, Acquisition types, and use.Type of Structures, Complexity, and Uniqueness, Sustainability understanding the demand for functional changes, Code interpretations, Cost Savings, Liability Protections, Positive and Negative Influence of Employee as well and Users, Career Implication and Recreation Agencies."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Parenting For Robust Emotional and Mental Health" |
"Raise responsible kids, with robust self-esteem, who know how to read the world and find their place in it. Learn how you can help your kids to feel happy, encouraged, validated, and supported as they grow into the wonderful person who feels confident in taking on the challenges the world will present. This comprehensive course You'll learn not only the parenting skills, but also how to see yourself and how your kids see themselves. I'll virtually be holding your hand as we discuss topics like; Understanding Childhood, Communication with Your Child, Family and Peer Relationships, Manners, Self-Esteem, and so much more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cartomancy for Spirit Communication" |
"This course will help you to communicate with spirit guides, ancestral spirits, departed loved ones, and earthbound spirits through the use of cartomancy. The methods taught in this course are for anyone with a working knowledge of Tarot, whether they feel they are a medium/psychic or not. With this course, you can use any Tarot deck you like or even a deck of standard playing cards. We will also cover how to use court cards specifically for spirit communication readings as well as precautions for you to use when communicating with spirits."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Conflitos" |
"As interaes humanas so terreno frtil para os conflitos. impossvel escolher se teremos ou no conflitos; s podemos escolher como responder a eles.A negociao torna-se uma palavra chave quando falamos dos conflitos.Alm disso, daremos enfoque a Liderana. Dentre as diversas atribuies de um lder dentro de uma organizao est a gesto de conflitos.Neste curso voc vai: Compreender o papel do lder na gesto dos conflitos.Entender os conceitos e impactos dos conflitos.Reconhecer formas de conflitos / contextos.Aprender tcnicas modernas de Gesto de conflitos, dentre elas a Negociao.Estrutura do Curso em 4 mdulos principais:Diferentes Vises do Conflitos.Componentes do ConflitoConversas difceisTcnicas de resoluo de conflitos"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Make Money by Investing in GOLD & GOLD MINING STOCKS Course" |
"GOLD - Everyone around the world is aware of this precious metal. Not just today but from the beginning of human civilisation gold has been a part of human society. Everyone around the world wants to own gold but what makes this precious metal soo valuable.As I already mentioned gold has been a part of our human civilisation. Earlier it was used as currency in the form of gold coins or gold bars. With time we humans have found thousands of ways in which we can use gold.Nowadays gold is used in almost every industry like aerospace, pharmaceutical industry, food, and many more.With time we have found countless ways to use gold but when we consider gold as an asset or gold as an investment?How exactly does Gold perform throughout history?Gold is considered as an inflation-beating investment. With time gold has proven to beat information and managed to sustain its value throughout history.But does it mean that we should directly invest in gold?No. You shouldn't. Yes, Gold is an inflation-beating asset but gold does not grow continuously with time. There are times when the gold loses its value and there are times when the price of gold shoots up and provides exponential gains.Then,When should you invest in gold?The first thing you have to understand is that gold works in a cycle. There is a time when the price of gold goes up and there is a time when the price of gold goes down. If you can identify the right time to invest in gold then you can get exponential gains and profit from gold.When certain conditions are met or some events take place in the market. The price of gold goes up. These type of conditions comes only after 7-10 years. This is the best time to invest in gold as all those conditions are taking place right now as you read this paragraph. And if you are able to identify the opportunity and take actions you can easily double your fortune in a matter of months.Before we move. forward I would like to introduce myself.My Name is Daksh MurkuteI am a full-time Trader and InvestorI have been in this industry for the past 8 years.Investing is a Skill which every person in the world should masterToday I am here with another Great opportunity which can change your financial fateWelcome to Investing in GOLD.This class is designed in such a way that you can easily identify the best time and the best way to invest in gold. This is a complete course on investing in gold.GOLD IS OLD BUT STILL GOLDIn this course, you will learn everything you need to know about GOLD and how to invest in GOLDWhy GOLD? - Why out of all the precious metals why you should invest in gold. What makes gold such an interesting asset to invest. This video covers everything you need to know about the history of gold and how it has been using in our society from the past thousands of years. Gold Price Investing.The New GOLD RULE - This new gold rule which has been brought up by the most powerful bank in the world. This rule has changed gold forever as an asset. This rule has made gold a safer investment than ever before. Every investor in gold or gold investor should know about this rule.Effect of Recession on GOLD - Everyone around the world knows that the world is about to be hit by a recession or global financial crises. But there is a particular way in which gold reacts in each recession. This video covers the interesting topic of the effect of the recession on gold.Understand the GOLD MARKET CYCLE - Till now you must have understood that the gold works in a cycle. There is a time when the price of gold goes up and there is a time when the price of gold goes down. If you are able to understand this cycle of gold then you can easily take advantage of the time when the price of gold shoots up.Right Time to Invest in GOLD - I know everyone wants to know the right time to invest in gold. This video of the course covers exactly that topic. If you are able to know the right time to invest in gold and take action at the right time then you can easily double your investment in gold. This will let you know the best time for buying gold.But wait there is another assetThat Is related to gold But Even BetterEven A small movement in gold can result in 10X growth of this asset and even moreThis Asset have shown a growth of 1000% or even 2000% after price growth in GOLD in the pastThis asset is Gold Mining stocks.What is Gold Mining Stocks?There are Gold mining companies that mine gold from the earth. All these gold mining companies have a lot of gold with them. They have their shares in the market which people can buy. These shares are almost known as gold mining stocks or gold stocks.When there is a small growth in the price of gold the gold share prices show exponential growth. The Gold Stock prices shoot very high as compared to gold because these companies have a lot of gold with them and small movement can show extreme growth in gold stocks.This Course also cover this interesting and profitable topic of GOLD mining StockThe Power of Gold Mining Stocks - This part of the course will help you understand how these gold stocks work, How does the price of gold affect the gold mining stocks. You will be able to understand the real power of gold mining stocks and these stocks have shown more than 10,000% Return in the past.How to Choose the Best Gold Mining Stocks - This part of the course covers the way to choose the best gold share or the best gold stocks for your investment portfolio. This blueprint will not only help you choose new gold stocks but also those which are undervalued right now. If you master this blueprint to chose the best gold mining companies or top gold stocks then you can also achieve exponential gains which will change your financial fate forever.The Proper Way to take profit from your Investment in Gold and Gold mining stocks - As an investor in gold or investor in gold mining stocks you should know when is the right time to encash your profit. This video covers the topic of taking profit at the right time.Proper Risk Management Plan for Investing in Gold Mining Stock - I always say this no investment plan is complete without proper risk management. In any kind of business or investment, you do there is always some kind of risk involved in it. There is no way we can remove risk from any investment equation. So as we know risk cannot be avoided but it can be managed. This part covers the Interesting topic of risk management.I am going to give away a Very Special Surprise Bonus for my early-bird studentsRemember this is for a very limited time.I am going to give away my Top 5 Picks of Best GOLD mining stocksTop 5 Picks of GOLD mining stocks ( LIMITED-TIME )And also going to show you my analysis for each pickThis will not only help you choose your best gold mining stocks for you but will also help you get a blueprint by which you can choose the right ones for you.But remember this bonus is for a limited time so make sure you take this before it ends.This Class is a Gold MineAnd The Information inside it is Pure Gold.So without wasting any timeLet's get started with this."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Come parlare in pubblico da vero professionista" |
"Parlare efficacemente in pubblico, farsi capire, essere pi carismatici ed avere una buona eleganza verbale sono abilit indispensabili nella vita lavorativa. Attraverso questo corso, ti forniamo le pi efficaci tecniche per superare fin da subito la paura di parlare in pubblico e tutti gli strumenti per rendere pi incisivo il tuo modo di parlare davanti ad una platea numerosa o durante una riunione e per comunicare pi brillantemente e con pi sicurezza le tue idee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dynamo BIM from Zero to Hero" |
"Dynamo from Zero to Hero is a course that teaches everything you need to know to start using Dynamo immediately on various tasks in the daily work of a Revit user. We start with basics and build skills on top of that until we finish with an overview and breakdown of complex Dynamo graphs. A part of the course I am really proud of teaches how to approach and solve problems with Dynamo. The course is delivered in numerous examples with the idea that the student follows along. Exercise files are provided with almost every lecture. We're touching on various applications of Dynamo and I believe this is the best way to learn - to see how a certain principle applies in different situations. I've been teaching that course in person for 20 hours. Here it is presented in 10 hours of video. The course is intense, but you're covered. You can ask questions here on Udemy or in our special Facebook group."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Temel Ethical Hacker ve Siber Gvenlik Kursu" |
"Kursumuzda balang seviye veya temel bilgilere sahip bireyler iin %95 uygulamaya dayal ounluk olarak video ierikli kurslar bulunmaktadr. Eer Etik Hacker olmak istiyorsan ve Siber Gvenlie meraklysan bu kurs tam anlamyla senin iin!!!! Daha farkl platformlarda bulunamayacak ierikleri burada bulabilirsiniz. Kursla ilgili soru neriniz olursa Udemy'nin Soru-Cevap Ksmndan faydalanabilirsin. Ben sana en az 1 saat en fazla 3 gn ierisinde soruna cevap vericeim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Fine Print: Learn the Writing Business" |
"New York Times bestselling author and award winning journalist Scott Carney will walk you through everything that journalism schools around the country neglect to teach. This is a no bullshit course about the business of journalism. It's about how you build a career around hard hitting stories that target the very best magazines and newspapers in the country. It will teach you how to negotiate contracts with companies that appear to have all the power when they put a contract in front of you, and how to write stories that have at least a shot of turning into books, movies and TV shows. But be warned: this is not going to be an easy path. It isn't the sort of course that promises that you'll be making millions overnight. It's about the slow, real life process that you're going to have to go through to make a name for yourself in an incredibly competitive, and even downright exploitative, business. This is a course for people who already know how to write, and are looking to take their careers to the next level."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Periodontal disease: Causes and Prevention" |
"Periodontal disease is a health crisis worldwide. Learn what it is and how to prevent it, and how to help your patients understand the importance of prevention in maintaining their Oral health. You will also learn how Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease and Autoimmune diseases are linked to Periodontal Disease. The topics presented in this course will enable you to improve your own health and the health of your patients."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PACS Administrator Interview Questions & Answers (2020)" |
"Have you at any point considered how to turn into a PACS administrator? Picture Archive And Communication system aka PACS system otherwise known as PACS framework is the achievement towards digitization of clinical records. Faculty who are equipped for planning the radiology work process, make changes to radiology work process on varying premise, convey the equivalent to radiologists with the goal that they can follow the work process are some basic activity obligations of PACS overseer This PACS Administrator Interview Questions is discussed about more subtleties on what's in store during your up and coming PACS administrator meet. We have secured inquiries at basic level so this will assist you with getting away from of PACS head work obligations, perform work job appropriately independent of PACS programming set up. Good luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arabic for Beginners - reading and writing in an easy" |
"You will learn how to recognise, read, and pronounce letters perfectly You will learn Arabic Sounds Qualities explained in details You will be introduction to writing Arabic words step by step (short introduction) You will learn common mistakes when pronouncing Arabic letters and how to avoid themYou will learn how to write the 28 letters correctly step by stepYou will learn how to practice Arabic writingYou will be introduced to vowels in Arabic with examplesYour will learn the short vowel Fathah with examplesYour will learn the short vowel Dammah with examplesYour will learn the short vowel Kasrah with examplesYou will learn how to write words with examples"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DA-100 and 70-778 Microsoft Power BI Practice Exam" |
"Skills Measured NOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive. NOTE: In most cases, exams do NOT cover preview features, and some features will only be added to an exam when they are GA (General Availability).Prepare the data (20-25%)Model the data (25-30%)Visualize the data (20-25%)Analyze the data (10-15%)Deploy and maintain deliverables (10-15%)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"El ABC de las Macros en Excel" |
"Las bases para iniciar en el mundo de VBA (Excel Macros) Declarar variables Diferencia entre mdulos y formas Como es la interaccin entre la hoja de clculo y el cdigo. Diferentes ciclos (for, while) Condicionales (ifs) Abrir archivos en otras carpetas y trabajar con ellos (desde el cdigo) Poder validar tu cdigo paso a paso Niveles intermedios para funciones ms elaboradas Como crear tus propias formulas Crear una forma Agregar botones, campos de texto etc. Diferentes caractersticas de las formas Cdigo dentro del formulario Como llamarlos o abrirlos desde un modulo Ciclos para poder generar una limpieza de datos Archivo txt Colocar formulas en patrones que no son regulares Ejecutar macros de otra forma que no sea un botn Cambiando una celda Al momento de abrir el libro Crear un archivo de texto que funcione para poder cargarlo en un sistema en especfico (muy comn en los bancos)Importante:La idea es que se puedan hacer ejemplos de la comunidad, osea que alumnos compartan problemticas y se puedan ver como ejercicios a resolver para que el curso sea ms enriquecedor. "
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Aprendre BINANCE para invertir en Criptomonedas" |
"En los ltimos aos, se ha hablado mucho sobre el mercado de las criptomonedas y sobretodo la moneda digital por excelencia llamada Bitcoin ha aparecido en todos los canales de televisin y prensa digital. Hubo una burbuja a finales de 2017 en la que mucha gente gan mucho dinero pero, en cambio, otra gente perdi sus ahorros, incluso prstamos personales.Buscas la clave maestra para ganar dinero en el mercado de las criptomonedas? Pues siento decirte que no existe ninguna clave maestra. Sin embargo, s existe la manera de aprovechar las diferentes oportunidades conociendo bien el mercado, el proyecto en el cul invertimos, cmo funciona la herramienta de inversin, y qu ventajas y desventajas podemos usar para cambiar el rumbo a nuestro favor.Este curso te ser indispensable para poder invertir en Criptomonedas.Por que? - Porque para invertir en criptomonedas necesitas dominar un exchange que las ofrezcas.Y qu me va a aportar este curso? - El conocimiento al 100% del exchange Binance, el que ms criptomonedas tiene y ms volumen de transacciones se generan.Como me puedo asegurar que sabes todo esto? - Soy usuario de Binance desde el ao 2016, mucho antes de la burbuja. He visto la evolucin del exchange a lo largo de estos aos y te puedo asegurar que no tiene nada que ver con el Binance de 2016. Ahora es una grandsima herramienta de inversin en criptomonedas que no slo te ofrece comprar y vender, sino tambin realizar tus anlisis tcnicos e incluso operar con apalancamiento.Qu garantas tengo de tener beneficios una vez domine Binance con este curso? - El conocimiento de la plataforma no te asegura ganarte unos beneficios extra, sino tu mentalidad y cumplir con una estrategia bien clara. Te voy dejando algunos consejos y tips a lo largo del curso para que puedas tambin ser existoso en este mercado.Algo diferencial que me puedas ofrecer y no ofrezcan los dems? - El ltimo mdulo es una muestra de gratitud haca mis alumnos ya que enseo a cmo programar un robot de trading, si tienes algunas nociones de programacin, y tambin pongo a tu disposicin un mtodo de inversin que me funciona de manera muy positiva. Son conocimientos que tienen un elevado coste y, en este caso, tengo la buena noticia de incluirlos en este curso como forma de agradecimiento haca ti.Si tienes mentalidad aprendedora y con ganas de abrir nuevos horizontes, especialmente al mundo fascinante de la inversin de criptomonedas, no lo dudes ms, ste es tu curso.Te doy las gracias de antemano por haber tenido la molestia de leerte esta descripcin y, aunque te inscribas o no, desearte mucho xito en la vida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Emocional Aplicada" |
"Da alimentao saudvel comunicao, um conjunto de tcnicas integradas para uma vida de bem estar pleno.Objetivo geral do curso, visa desenvolver o pleno controle emocional, desenvolvendo tcnicas de controle de ansiedade indo at uma melhoria de comunicao.Objetivos Especficos: Utilizar no cotidiano, tcnicas de controle de ansiedade;Aplicar uma tcnica eficaz para controlar nervosismo numa comunicao;Ter resultados imediatos em todas as reas principais que levam a um crescimento pessoal."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Get a Tech Job; Interview for and Land Any Job" |
"Welcome to the complete guide to acing your job search and landing your dream job in technology! This 2.5 hour complete career course will teach you everything to know about interviewIng skills, making a resume and cover letter, networking, and everything in between. This course is taught by accomplished Mircosoft Program Manager and entrepreneur, Philip, who previously interned at ZX Ventures and the infamous startup Juicero, plus received offers from Google, Uber, Intuit, and other tech giants. Ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job or internship in technology? The average tech salary is $135k, and this could be yours too with thousands of unfilled positions in one of the fastest growing spaces in the world.This comprehensive complete career course contains more than 30 lectures, resume templates, networking emails examples, tips to acing your interview, and dozens of other downloads and exercises to help you:Get ANY job you want,Create the perfect resume to land your dream job,Network and stand out better than your peers so you will secure your ideal job or internship,Interview better than anyone else (you will be able to ace the ""tell me about yourself"" question, prepare for technical and behavioral interviews, and be able to answer ANY interview question thrown at you),Negotiate your offer to get up to $20,000 more per year,and much more...I want you to learn from the mistakes I made and the accomplishments I had so you can reach your full potential. This course highlights everything I have learned through hundreds of job applications, interviews, and offer negotiations. Through thousands of hours of providing recruiting advice, interview prep, and job search advice, in addition to my own networking, recruiting, and interviewing, I have accumulated valuable information to help you land your dream technology job or internship. This course consolidates everything I learned and conveys it in an easy to understand manner.I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life, and I am eager to help you do the same! This course is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone.Ready to take your career to the next level?30 day money back guarantee.Cheers!Philip"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Programa de Abdominales Hipopresivos N1" |
"Videos de duracin aproximada de 20 min. Ideados para realizar una misma clase 2 a 3 veces por semana antes de pasar al siguiente video. Esto es muy importante ya que as nos aseguramos de aprender y manejar la tcnica de respiracin y postura. Ideales para combinar con otros tipos actividad fsica como yoga, entrenamiento funcional, natacin, etc. Deben realizarse con el estmago liviano y la vejiga vaca."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mercadolibre desde cero a experto." |
"En este curso les cuento mi experiencia de 8 aos trabajando con cuentas de Mercadolibre, dandole muchisimos tips para gestionar el sitio como lo hacen los mejores vendedores. Les cuento que es cada herramienta y la mejor manera de sacarle jugo.Tambien haremos un analisis de lo que se vende actualmente en MercadoLibre de Argentina , aplicable a varios paises mas, con la idea de empezar tu propio negocio vendiendo y sabiendo lo que mas se vende en el sitio, y si ya estas trabajando con mercadolibre, podes incorporar algunos de estos productos que mas se venden para vender mas.Ademas contaras con respuestas en pocos minutos acerca de tus dudas o en caso de que necesites algun consejo o asesoramiento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to financial accounting" |
"This course will provide you the knowledge of accounting:As you all know this subject is the primary subject of this stream because of which I have tried my best to teach you this subject with full reasons and examples. Study this subject with full consciousness and calculation because this subject needs the very basics of accounts to understand it properly.Basic definitions of accounting Why we need accounts in accounting Passing a journal entriesPosting in ledger accountsCashbook and other subsidiary booksPractice question for better understanding Full-lifetime access once bought Queries session at mail or Q/A section hereQueries will be entertained"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Cmo crear tu estrategia digital" |
"Aprend a contar lo que te apasiona! Buscs herramientas para difundir tu proyecto? Tens un emprendimiento y te da miedo dar el paso hacia lo digital? Este es tu lugar y momento, vamos a trabajar juntos en descubrir lo que tens para contar, cmo convertirlo en historia, dnde contarlas y cmo. En esta gua prctica vamos a desarrollar juntos una estrategia digital completa y funcional a tu negocio. Animate!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Create High Converting Landing Page Using WordPress" |
"Overview: This course is designed to anyone who is interested to learn how to create high converting landing page using WordPress! In this lesson, you will learn step by step how to create your first landing page using Wordpress and integrate with free email marketing tool to collect your subscriber list! Yes, you'll learn how to create a stunning lead generation landing page with setup an email auto-responder system with ZERO cost. You'll be able to collect emails, deliver autoresponder emails, and sell your product via the sales page. This course is suitable for anyone who likes to enter the digital marketing business with as low as an investment. After completing this course, you will be able to create landing pages on a WordPress website and easily customize it on the fly with the integration of email opt-in forms.Giveaway Bonuses!Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive my updates of ready-made templates at no extra charge.Yes! You get lifetime FREE Bonuses with only One Time Check-In here. "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Chegou minha airfryer, e agora?" |
"Imagine fazer em casa receitas deliciosas, prticas e criativas com a airfryer. isso que voc vai aprender em Chegou minha airfryer, e agora?. Seja um especialista na airfryer como eu e tenha em mos todos os segredos revelados de como obter os melhores resultados em suas receitas utilizando a sua airfryer de forma correta e eficiente. Alm disso, dicas de limpeza, de recipientes que podem ser usados e dvidas frequentes dos consumidores so um aperitivo especial nesse curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Productividad de FRMULA 1 para el teletrabajo o la oficina" |
"Descubre las 5 claves crticas del mtodo de gestin y productividad que yo aprend como ingeniero en la FRMULA 1 y que he aplicado como empresario durante 10 aos. Claves de gestin de tiempo, productividad, trabajo en equipo y trabajo remoto esenciales para estos tiempos de incertidumbre.Claves para tener claras tus prioridades, saber establecer y cumplir objetivos, no tener distracciones, gestionar mucho mejor el estrs (con claves de uno de los sectores con ms nivel de estrs!) y hasta cmo tener por fin reuniones eficientes de verdad. En vdeos cortos y herramientas sencillas y al grano. No necesitas ms de 15 minutos al da, mientras te tomas un caf. Por algo es el mtodo de la FRMULA 1!Son claves que ya he compartido en mis formaciones presenciales con ms de 600 profesionales de todo tipo: autnomos o independientes, dueos de PYMES, o profesionales de empresas de todos los tamao y sectores. Algunas de las empresas que seguro conoces son Banco Santander, Repsol, Iberdrola o Bosch, entre otras muchas.Lo que trabajo en esta formacin no es lo que he ledo en un libro. Es lo que he vivido y practico cada da en KeelWit Technology, mi empresa de ingeniera, tecnologa y formacin. Ahora me encantara compartirlo contigo! Consigue trabajar genial y vivir mucho mejor que ahora. Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bonds, Insurances, Payments, Cash Flow, Earned Value" |
"5 - - - - - . =================="
Price: 49.99 ![]() |