Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Java for Beginners" |
"You're just on the right page. This course is created based on existing teaching experience of novice programmers.Topics and examples have been chosen in the right way so that you can start programming in a short time and be fully aware of how everything works.I'm waiting for you, let's stream to code!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Viyolonsel almay renmek istermisin?" |
"Seviye 1Viyolonsel nasl alnr? Viyolonseli tanyalm Viyolonsel eitimi ierikli video serisine hogeldiniz.Viyolonsel almay renmek istiyorsanz.Doru adrestesiniz? Bu seride BALANGI SEVYE 1 olarak konu ierikleri seri videolar halinde olacaktr.Video :1 VYOLONSELN HKAYES -viyolonselin ilk bulunuundan gnmze kadar gelen ilgin geliimi -tarihteki enstruman yapmclar -tellerin bulunuu ve geliimi -nl cellistler -Viyolonsel iin eser besteleyen besteciler Video :2-viyolonselin genel tanm, -yay nedir /are nedir? kllarn ne kadar skmalyz? Bakm nasl olmal?-reine nedir? Ne iin kullanlr? Nasl bir reine alnabilir? Reine nasl srlr?Video:3-nasl bir viyolonsel almalyz? -Luthier nedir ?neden viyolonselimizi luthier'e gtrmeliyiz? -hangi telleri kullanmalyz? -Viyolonsel ile ello arasndaki fark nedir?Video :4 AKORD YAPMAK-Android ve OS app 'ler-Tellerin ismi-Pes/Tiz nedir?-Kulaklardan ve fixlerden nasl ses ayarlanr?Video:5-Hangi pozisyonda oturmalyz? -Pik ayar nasl olmaldr? _Viyolonselin tellerinin ismi nedir?-Akord nasl yaplr? -Yay/Are'yi tutma pozisyonu -nemli ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar nelerdir? (ba parmak pozisyon vb.) -nce tek telde yay ekmeye balyoruz , koldaki hareket-Metronomla yay ekmek,metronom ayar nasl olmal?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Les fondamentaux de Photoshop CC 2020" |
"Diplm de lcole de photographie lEFET, je suis, depuis plus de 10 ans, photographe, vidaste et retoucheur photo professionnel.J'ai eu la chance de traverser le monde, et mit mon exprience aux profits de nombreux projets pour des magazines, des artistes, des personnalits publiques que jai pu accompagner dans le dveloppement de leur image et le renforcement de leur communication.Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez matriser les fondamentaux de Photoshop, que vous soyez totalement novice ou en partie form. Vous dcouvrirez les outils de bases de photoshop et apprendrez les utiliser grce des ateliers thmatiques et des exercices.Je vous apporte ma mthodes personnelle, qui prime sur l'efficacit et vous apportera de nombreuses cls afin de rapidement laisser de ct les questionnements techniques, et vous concentrer sur l'essentiel : votre crativit.Conu pour les personnes souhaitant prendre en main Photoshop rapidement, retoucher et corriger des images, se diffrencier sur les rseaux sociaux ou son site web, analyser ses images ...Dans ce cours vous pourrez, entre autre :- Comprendre et matriser les calques- Les slections et dtourages- Faire disparatre ou dupliquer les lments d'une image- Matriser l'outil Texte- Comprendre la puissance du dtourage et des masques de fusion - Apprendre les retouches de base d'un portrait- Retoucher vos photos comme un pro !et plus gnralement tout ce qui est utile la conception et la publication d'images pour le web ou les rseaux sociaux.Achetez cette formation et dveloppez sans limite votre imagination !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Elabora tu tesis paso a paso y fcil" |
"En el presente curso se presenta de manera estructurada la metodologa de investigacin llevada a cabo para la elaboracin de una tesis de grado, la misma est desarrollada de manera que se den respuestas a las principales preguntas de los estudiantes e investigadores.A lo largo de los mdulos que lo componen se establecen algunas herramientas estratgicas desarrolladas con aos de experiencia en el rea que permitirn a los estudiantes la elaboracin de su tesis de grado de una manera sencilla y comprensible, as mismo se dan algunos tips que ayudaran a los investigadores a desarrollar cada captulo de sus proyectos, evitando los errores tpicos.El curso est estructurado en base a las siguientes preguntas1. Cules son los tipos de investigacin?2. Cmo identificar el tipo de investigacin?3. Cmo seleccionar un tema?4. Cul es la estructura de una investigacin?5. Cmo realizar el planteamiento del problema?6. Cmo redactar el planteamiento del problema?7. Cmo hacer un rbol de problema?8. Cul es la pregunta de investigacin?9. Cmo hacer la delimitacin del problema?10. Qu son los objetivos?11. Cmo estructurar los objetivos?13. Qu es la justificacin?14. Cmo se debe redactar la justificacin?15. Qu son las variables?18. Cmo elaborar un marco terico?19. Cmo estructurar los antecedentes investigativos?20. Cmo definir los aspectos relevantes para el marco terico?21. Cmo citar para evitar el plagio?22. Qu es la metodologa de investigacin?23. Cmo escoger el tipo de a investigacin?24. Cmo escoger el tipo y alcance de la investigacin?25. Cmo definir la poblacin y muestras?26. Cmo definir un instrumento de recoleccin de la informacin?27. Cules son las tcnicas de recoleccin de informacin para aplicar los instrumentos?28. Cmo plantear una hiptesis de estudio?29. Cmo realizar un anlisis estadstico?31. Cmo redactar una discusin de resultados?32. Cmo establecer las conclusiones de estudio?33. Cmo redactar una introduccin?34 Cmo redactar un resumen?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Microstrategy Dossier creation" |
"Are you a student who wants to learn to quickly visualize data to find insights or a business/financial/data analyst/non techie who wants to learn a new data visualization tool that can generate quick analytical reports and dashboards for your data, This is the right course for you.This beginner course will help you in learning on how to create a dossier (analytical dashboard) in Microstrategy desktop/web and will prepare you to become a Microstrategy Analyst within your organization. After taking this course, you will feel comfortable in creating beautiful and rich dossiers (analytical dashboards) within minutes. you will also be able to analyze, transform and clean the data within Microstrategy.Microstrategy supports a wide range of data sources that you can ingest / integrate and visualize (Excel, csv, twitter, google drive, dropbox, facebook, survey monkey, Microsoft access, Amazon S3, SAP, SQL, Salesforce, hive, etc.) No coding experience required."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Coffee: The Basics of Mastering Your Brew" |
"Even if you think youre completely satisfied with your coffeetheres always more you havent experienced.And a new appreciation of coffee can completely change the way you appreciate lifeWhen you appreciate coffee at all its levels, you can share more enjoyable experiences with everyone.Whats important right now is acquiring all the tools to gain that appreciation.Your adventure begins with surprising simplicity.This is what the Become a Coffee Connoisseur Workshop series is all about.Getting the tools for building appreciation of well-crafted coffee.The Basics of Mastering Your Brew: Become a Coffee Connoisseur Workshop #1, Includes:- My number 1 brewing method to begin your path towards coffee connoisseurshipAppreciation of coffee starts with knowing how to brew well-crafted coffee, start with my step by step guide, and always have a way to brew high-quality coffee at home.- The fundamentals of well-crafted coffee explainedIts not just enough to have a great brewing method, appreciation of coffee is in its craft. I give you the basic brewing fundamentals so you can always brew a great cup, no matter what you are using (even if its a pot in the woods).- The unknown parts of coffee which make or break your everyday brewThere are parts of the coffee preparation experience which can make the difference between a rich colorful tasting brew and something thats bitter, sour, or indecipherable. Discover the hidden keys in the coffee you pick, the way you store that coffee, and even the water you use, to get the most out of your newfound appreciation."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Filmora - How to use the Video-editing-Software" |
"Learn how to use the Video-Editing Software Filmora without hustle or trial and error. Simple yet proven ways of creating videos that feel awesome, look good, and make sense.You understand how to create, save, export your projects.You can use video effects, titles, animations, and more without having to finish a designer or videographer education... You can create content videos for anything you want to put out, no matter if you are a video-vlogger, youtube, social media enthusiast, online course creator, content creator, or anything in between. Even if you only want this last family gathering to get a beautiful memory in video form... here you learn how to do it with ease and without any complicated processes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get the Job You Want in 2020" |
"Get the Job You Want Career Strategy CourseSkill level: All LevelsLanguages: EnglishDuration: 2,5h (Video 35 min; First-time practice 1h to 2h) Get a certificate by completing this courseMaterials: Action Book; Extra Contribution Template; Video Course Link DocumentYour resume and your cover letter need to impress. Get professional insights on your resume. You know your work history inside and out, but how does it come across on paper? With our Course, youll make the biggest impact!You will learn:How to match your experience and education with the job you apply forHow to adjust your CV for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)How to create a competitive advantage with your applicationHow and when to use your competitive advantageHow to add extra valueAdditionally:Match your experience and education with the job you apply forWell-matched and tailored CV creates a high possibility of being selected to the interviewCreate a competitive advantage with your applicationAnd much moreCompanies seek people who can contribute, show that you can do more than normally expected! This will result in the greatest chances of achieving personal and professional success.Who this course is for:Those considering work in Ireland in a professional jobAnyone who want to maximise their chance to earn moreVideo content:SECTION 1IntroductionThe 5 Steps Process OverviewStep 1Step 2Step 3ATS SystemsStep 4Step 5First ExerciseQuiz 1SECTION 2Go personalSecond ExerciseCase Study 1Case Study 2Quiz 2SECTION 3A gift for you templateA gift for you template exerciseQuiz 3SECTION 4Is our CV an accurate representation?The 5 steps summaryCustom-designed career strategy!Final RemarksQuiz 4Do not wait any longer and start your professional career now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microservices with Spring Cloud - Getting Started" |
"Microservices with Spring Cloud - Getting started course, is mainly for developers who want to learn how to build distributed applications with Spring Cloud. But people who just want to understand how microservices applications with Spring Cloud works are welcome too.In this course we will do quick overview of what microservices really are and what advantages they bring into the applications. Will take a good look at some of the main Spring Cloud components, such as: Eureka Registry, Config Server, Spring Cloud Gateway, and will build a fully functional Spring Cloud application, utilising them. Will speak about Microservice decoupling and monitoring in Spring Cloud. So by the end of this course you should be, not only familiar with main Spring Cloud building blocks, but also have fully functional application running on your machine.Also I want to mention, if you will have any questions about the course (or not) do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help you out! All reviews are welcome so I could learn form them and create better content in a future.Music: Royalty Free Music from BensoundMain photo: C Dustin on Unsplash"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Hive for loading data" |
"An organization having a big data environment with Hive may need to create a POC -- proof of concept or a new comer has been asked to create a POC with some sample data or somone who already went through a course in hadoop and would like to test hands-on how Hive can be used to analyze data. This practical hive for loading course will teach how a given can file can be loaded in Hive and make available for BI. We will see how easy it is to add value to a project after learning this course. Course will show step by step approach of loading a file in real IT environment how it may work which can be straight way can be used at a customer site or in a company ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Play Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) For Beginners" |
"Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) is China's ancient game of strategy.Played by millions of people, it is one of the world's most popular board games.Players of regular (Western) chess will find Chinese Chess to be similar enough to feel familiar, while also different enough to be a distinctive playing experience. Just like regular chess, Chinese Chess is a 2-player strategy board game, and the aim is to trap your opponent's King.However, with a larger playing board and different playing pieces, Chinese Chess tends to be faster, more dynamic, and more tactical. Chinese Chess is an amazing game which you can now learn for yourself! This course is taught by Nathan Rose (Author of ""Chess Opening Names"") - a native English speaker and international chess enthusiast. The lessons regularly highlight the differences and similarities between Chinese Chess vs. regular chess... but even if you don't know how to play regular chess, this course will teach you Chinese Chess - absolutely no prior knowledge is assumed.In this course, you will learn:How to setup the boardAll the pieces, and how they moveThe rules of gameplayBasic strategy - including opening moves, development, and tacticsHow to avoid the most common beginner mistakes... and, you can download a ""Cheat Sheet"" to remind yourself of the most important principles while you playThis course offers everything you need to play your first game of Chinese Chess (Xiangqi).Ready to get started? Click ""Buy Now"" and let's begin!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Civil 3D 2018 for Civil Engineers" |
"A Course made for Civil Engineers by Abbas Suwan: To understand the basic concepts, functions, methods of Autocad Civil 3D. This course is for beginners and for interested advanced Engineers.What to expect from this course:When finishing this course, you will be able to perform a lot of calculations using Civil 3D. This course is for biginners and advanced Engineers as well.The Benefits of using Civil 3D:Civil 3D is a breakthrough application made for Civil Engineers. You can design your road, choose the path suits you and change it if you want, make a huge amount of calculations within couple of minutes instead of spending time making things manualy. This course focuses on the following Civil 3D skills:Surface AdjustmentImporting contour map using Global Mapper & Civil 3D 2012 tools (Points Group) Drawing Horizontal AlignmentExtracting a reportCreation of Earth Profile (Surface)Creation of Corridors Creating AssemblyPerforming Earth Work Calculations (Cut & Fill) Performing Materials Calculations (Pave 1, Pave2, Base, Sub-base)Quantity CalculationsDrawing Cross SectionsAfter completing this course you will have a good knowledge of Autocad Civil 3D .I have done my best to make this course easy as possible ; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content.What are you waiting for ! register now.This course is FOR :Civil EngineersCivil Engineering StudentsSurveyors"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python Super Fast" |
"Have you always wanted to learn Python but were too busy to spend hours and hours with a course? Or perhaps you thought you needed to have a technical background?Well, you dont. In this course, youll get the fundamentals of Python in only two hours. Ill walk you through the process with clear definitions and examples. Oh, and there will be no need to install large amounts of software and frameworks on your computer. Instead, Ill be working with an easy cloud-based Python app.This course also comes with a variety of cheat sheets for your future reference.Overview of the CourseMy teaching philosophy comes from the Nike playbook: Just do it! So in this course, I will go through lots of interesting examples that you can code along with. But I will also show you how to learn by making errors!In this course, well:See how comments can help document your code.Look at ways to debug your programming.Use data types like strings and numbers.Cover dictionaries and lists, which are powerful data structures such as for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.Look at how to use coding structures like if/else statements, loops and while loops.See how to use functions to make your code more readable and reusable.And then finally, well put everything together by creating a cool program. I will also continue to refresh the material for this course.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Theres no programming experience required.Theres also no special software needed.Who this course is for:Anyone that wants a great beginners guide for Python.Those who are looking for a change in their career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pierde Grasa y Peso YA! Conoce TU Plan Nutricional en 1 HORA" |
"En los proximos 60 MINUTOS puedes tener a tu disposicion todas las herramientas y el conocimiento ESPECIFICO de como armar una dieta ESPECIFICA para ti. Cansado de las dietas que no funcionan?Frustrado con restringir tanto tus comidas que sientes que no vale la pena bajar de peso?O quizas estas harto de simplemente NO ver resultados?Invierte en TI MISMO con este curso, para poder aprender de manera objetiva y concreta los conceptos mas importantes de NUTRICION y como incorporar de manera SOSTENIBLE un plan nutricional dirigido y preparado para TU cuerpo, TU edad, TU sexo, y TU estilo de vida.A partir de hoy puedes realmente TOMAR EL CONTROL de tu nutricion para obtener el resultado que hoy tanto quieres. Querer es poder. Y si me das la oportunidad de mostrarte todo lo que he aprendido en carne propia, entenderas que puedes lograr tu objetivo de PERDIDA DE GRASA Y PESO. "
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda o Bsico do Linux!" |
"Esse curso de Linux Basico foi criado para profissionais e estudantes que desejam dar seus Primeiros Passos no Linux, do Zero.Dessa forma ele constri uma base de conceitos muito importantes que facilitaro e daro muito suporte ao aluno no seu processo de aprendizado e de conhecimento dos ambientes GNU/Linux, em conjunto com uma forte aplicao prtica do uso de comandos de texto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Videography: 4K Mirrorless Camera Guide Plus Video Editing" |
"The mirrorless camera was a step forward in the Videography world enabling higher resolutions, frame rates, and high powered footage. The Panasonic GH5 (GH5 for short) was one of the leaders in this category of camera and this course will be taught using this model of camera.This courses is for beginners that are new to Videography and that are interested in learning to create videography with a mirrorless camera. This course is suitable for Video production companies, Videographers, Freelancers, Youtubers, Vloggers, or Stock Footage videographers. The Panasonic GH5 is a game changing mirrorless hybrid camera that packs a lot of power into a small package like 4K resolution slow motion, shooting high definition video at high frame rates, in camera body stabilization, and video friendly features like peaking, dual cart slots, and a headphone jack and more..This Course is designed for first-time 4k mirrorless camera owners that want to learn how to get the most out of this camera and learn solid fundamentals. This is also a great course for DLSR video shooters that are interested in making the transition from a Canon DSLR to the Panasonic Mirrorless camera ecosystem.Students will leave the course with techniques and confidence to do professional corporate videos, stock footage, traveling, a creating videos for social media.Perhaps it is time for a camera upgrade and you're wondering if this is the camera for your needs. After taking this course you will have a good understanding of this camera's key features and whether to invest money in this camera.Some of the features we are going to cover are how to use this camera to create amazing video, shoot in different resolutions and frame rates, use the video friendly features (ie. peaking, audio jack, articulating screen), post production (editing footage shot from this camera) and more.This camera is also a hybrid photography camera and there will be a section dedicated to using this camera for effective travel photography.What you will learnVideo filming techniques How to film in 4K, different resolutions, frame rates, bit ratesPhotography techniques like creating a time-lapse video within the cameraBonus for 2020: Learn how to Video edit with your Footage in Adobe Premiere 2020"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Design Thinking" |
"Introduction to design thinking course takes a human-centered approach to growth, business, and problem-solving. As pointed out earlier, understanding the customer is the key, this course outlines methodologies, nuances, and techniques to understand your customer, uncover non-obvious insights from the data collected, use those insights to articulate the right problem, and you will ideate and prototype, test and retest to develop fresh, innovative solutions.Implementing the design thinking principles and practices you've learned is our top priority. We help you create an action plan for real work projects and provide post-program coaching so you can successfully execute innovation wherever you need it.Agenda for an Introductory course to Design ThinkingIntroduction to design thinking - what it is, why it is useful and how it can be usedDISCOVER: Understanding your customer with the help of various research techniques and tools to collect customer stories.INSIGHT: How to understand customers better, better than they know themselves. Tools and techniques that help you fall in love with the problem to develop non-obvious insights, insights that inspire innovationDREAM: While everyone inherently ideates, well help you build on your ideas to create solutions that are disruptive and not incremental. Tools and techniques that help you create a non-obvious solution that delight the customerDISRUPT: Use Lean startup methodology to rapidly experiment your solutions and learn from those experimentsAbout Pensaar DesignFuelling growth by empowering organizations to innovatively solve their customers needsPensaar Design is a design strategy and innovation consulting practice. Rooted in design thinking, Pensaar Design uses collaborative and human-centered approaches to create delightful customer experiences. The dedicated team of creative design thinkers inspire new possibilities, helps enterprises re-imagine existing experiences, or create new experiences that will not just meet but beat customer expectations.With a focus on co-creation and envisioning, the Pensaar Design team fosters design leadership by co-creating unexpected delight. They believe that awesome experiences start with discovering opportunities that have always been there but been overlooked. Then creating a clear and well-understood customer problem that you can solve really well. They then layer on ease of use and will not stop till they build in unexpected customer delight."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Excel - Bsico ao Mestre das Planilhas!" |
"Neste curso, voc vai abrir um leque de oportunidades na sua vida profissional, que at ento voc desconhecia!Pouqussimas pessoas domina o Excel nas empresas, e quem domina se torna o salvador de todos! Neste curso, voc vai aprender realmente tudo o que precisa para se tornar uma verdadeira fonte de informaes da sua empresa. No vai perder tempo com frmulas que nunca usar, com explicaes que no fazem sentido para o seu atual cenrio. Aprender o funcionamento do Excel e as principais funes. A partir da, nem o cu ser o limite para voc!O Excel mudou minha carreira, e por isso criei um mtodo que vai mudar a sua!Segue a nossa grade!1- Entendendo o funcionamento do excel 2- Formataes e Validao 3- Operaes Matemticas Simples & Lgica 4- 'ProcV' e seus familiares 5- Corresp 6- Funo 'Cont' e seus familiares 7- Somases 8- Tabela Dinmica 9- Grficos 10- Dashboards 11 - Macros 12- Macetes e finalizao"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chair Yoga Progressive Series with Joanna Griffin" |
"This Progressive Chair Yoga Series is an opportunity to learn tools that can provide the body with more mobility, flexibility, strength and space, all from a seated position. Research has shown that the most effective way to reduce pain and increase longevity is through movement. This program begins with classes that focus on specific areas of the body to increase function, improve fine motor skills and body awareness. The program culminates in combining the exercises learnt throughout the series in classes with a full body approach. The series also includes a guided self care massage. All classes are taught at a meditative and mindful pace, with clear instruction and with lots of variations and modifications throughout. This Progressive Chair Yoga Series will empower students to feel confident to make choices in their practice that truly serve their bodies.Music Credits:Intro/Outro - Amaranthus by Chad CrouchSavasana - The Sun Is Scheduled To Come Out Tomorrow - Chris Zabriskie"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Completo Para Iniciantes - Criando Sites Do Zero!" |
"Voc est cansado de usar plataformas amadoras e limitadas de criao de site?Est cansado de depender de web designer e programador para muitas vezes fazer pequenas melhorias no teu site?E se eu te desse a grande chance de fazer sites totalmente profissionais, responsivos e gerenciveis mesmo que voc no saiba nada de programao?Isso, mesmo, ao final dos 9 mdulos / 39 vdeo aulas voc estar apto a fazer qualquer tipo de site corporativo (para divulgar servios ou produtos), institucional, no governamental alm de blogs.Mais do que isso, voc no far sites somente para os seus negcios, poder tambm fazer sites para os seus clientes ou parceiros / scios profissionais!O que voc est esperando para ter um novo meio de renda, profisso ou de divulgao dos seus negcios?!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Corso Fiverr in Italiano - Diventa un Freelance di Successo!" |
"Benvenuto nel primo corso in italiano su Fiverr!Se sei arrivato qui, oltre ad essere nel posto giusto, pu voler dire 3 cose:- Sei un freelance, o aspirante tale, in cerca di un modo per avere nuovi clienti;- Stai cercando di rivoluzionare il tuo lavoro rendendolo digitale;- Hai una capacit che vuoi far fruttare e vuoi unentrata parallela al tuo attuale lavoro.Non importa se sei tra questi tre casi o se non ci sei. Limportante che tu sia qui per capire che questo corso ti aiuter a scoprire il mondo di Fiverr! Cosa vuol dire?LAVORARE E GUADAGNARE CON LE PROPRIE CAPACITA, OVUNQUE TU SIA!PUOI FARLO COME:- Freelance/lavoratore autonomo- Dropservicing/imprenditore (non fai direttamente tu il lavoro ma gestisci diversi freelance)Sai perch ti dico ci? Perch in Italia Fiverr ancora poco conosciuto e negli USA le persone guadagnano molto bene e si fanno ogni giorno clienti nuovi!Ovvio: bisogna saperci fare e studiare come usare questa piattaforma web!In questo corso, affronteremo tutto, dall'impostazione dellaccount al raggiungimento di maggiore visibilit: ti aiuter a creare da zero un business Fiverr o migliorarne uno esistente.PROGETTA UN SERVIZIO CHE RISOLVE UN BISOGNO E RIVENDILO TRAMITE FIVERR!Nel corso vedrai poca teoria e molti metodi per iniziare subito! Scala la classifica dei tuoi annunci (gigs) nella ricerca di Fiverr e fatti trovare da pi acquirenti Inizia a vendere su Fiverr anche se pensi di non avere competenze vendibili Fai in modo che le persone ti facciano ordini consistenti (up-sell ed extra gig) 5+1 tattiche che ti aiuteranno a promuovere i tuoi gigs di Fiverr 7 strategie per ottenere pi recensioni su Fiverr Tecniche avanzate per freelance o per imprenditoriRISPARMIA TEMPO E IMPARA VELOCEMENTE COME FUNZIONA FIVERRIn questo corso ti mostrer cosa serve e che mentalit devi avere per essere un venditore Fiverr e impostare una nuova tipologia di lavoro. Vedremo come sviluppare i dettagli della tua offerta in modo da creare e lanciare un servizio che vende. Risparmia tempo e fatica con i suggerimenti e le strategie che imparerai. Potrai generare un secondo reddito o un lavoro completo su Fiverr. Dipende da te!PERCH FIVERR MEGLIO DI UPWORKMentre puoi pubblicare i tuoi servizi di freelance su entrambi i portali, con UpWork hai il problema che, prima di concludere una trattativa, i potenziali clienti richiedono una lunga conversazione. Questo tempo nessuno te lo paga! Su Fiverr invece tutto molto pi rapido.A chi rivolto questo corso?A tutte quelle persone che vogliono crearsi un lavoro, sia primario che secondario, per guadagnare come freelance o imprenditore digitale. A chi si vuole impegnare per raggiungere degli obiettivi ed avere un'indipendenza economica slegata dall'orario dell'ufficio!A chi NON rivolto questo corso?A tutte quelle persone che vogliono un guadagno facile, immediato e senza sforzo. Non un'entrata passiva da ""poltrona"". In questo business devi metterci del tuo e delle costanza. Solo cos potrai raggiungere degli ottimi risultati!SODDISFATTI O RIMBORSATIQuesto corso viene fornito con una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni incondizionata, sostenuta da Udemy. Ho aderito a questo programma perch, in questo modo, far del mio meglio per aiutarti ad intraprendere questa strada e crearti un lavoro del futuro!Questo corso non vederlo come un costo, ma come un investimento per il tuo futuro!Quindi, sei pronto per iniziare la tua attivit Fiverr?Ci vediamo all'interno del corso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
ppcdirect |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao e Oratria" |
"Para complementar e enfatizar o contedo do Ebook, o curso oferece 8 vdeos separados por captulos e mais 4 bnus em udio. Sero estudados o conceito de comunicao e suas vertentes, incluindo pensamento, linguagem, rudos de comunicao, retrica, a histria da oratria, alm das tcnicas prticas da arte de falar em pblico. Levando em considerao o fato de que a maior dificuldade no desempenho est associada insegurana do orador, o curso prope um captulo inteiro sobre autoconceito e autoimagem, temas estes que trabalharo o autoconhecimento, proporcionando assim, a oportunidade de compreender seus bloqueios emocionais. Para amparar esta temtica sero disponibilizas ferramentas da programao neurolingustica com foco em desenvolver um mindset positivo ao aluno."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
kak_kopirajteru_poluchat_bolshe |
"?! , . . : , ( ) , , ... . , + 3 ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI - kompaktowy kurs dla zabieganych" |
"Witajcie! Zarzdzanie informacj finansow jest jednym z kluczowych aspektw funkcjonowania kadego dziau finansowego.To jakie dane prezentujemy, w jakim ukadzie i komu y wpywa na to jakie decyzje biznesowe s podejmowane i w jakim kierunku zmierza firma.Mowa tu jest o danych wewntrznych, zewntrznych ale te o ich kombinacji. Jeeli dane te s odpowiednio obrobione i zwizualizowane, to nasi partnerzy biznesowi mog podejmowa trafniejsze decyzje w krtszym czasie. To oznacza, e jako przedstawiciele dziau wspierajacych pomagamy podnosi efektywno caej firmy.Power BI to excel XXI wieku. Pozwl, e Ci go przedstawi i zaprezentuj jego moliwoci"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Complete On-Grid Solar Plant Training for Beginners" |
"In this Course, well discuss all about solar power plant. Course overview: 1. Types of solar power plant 2. Different usage of solar power plant 3. Major components of the solar power plant 4. How does solar power plant work? 5. Benefits of the solar power plant. Well see the different types of solar systems and their applicability. Also, well understand the major components of the on-grid solar system and its working. Well conclude the video with the benefits of the on-grid system compared to the off-grid solar system."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Angular: Crea pginas web con filtros desde 0 (Angular 10+)" |
"En este curso aprenders a convertir una plantilla HTML y convertirla totalmente a Angular, realizaremos pginas web utilizando lo siguiente:Creacin de serviciosConsumo de datos de una ApiManejo de InterfaceComponentesRutas fijasRutas con parametrosUtilizacin de Pipes de AngularConstruccin de nuestros propios Filtros Personalizadosy mas...Tambin daremos solucin al error que comunmente se da al dar refresh a las aplicaciones cuando se suben a un hosting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende SEO desde cero!" |
"El presente curso le brindar los conceptos ms importantes del Posicionamiento SEO (Search Engine Optimization) en los Motores de Bsqueda, con especial nfasis en Google. Desea que su pgina web alcance el Primer Lugar de Google? Es totalmente posible. Lo importante es aplicar con perseverancia las tcnicas de SEO de Sombrero Blanco, tales como: Backlinks de alta calidad, Blogs Postings, Social Bookmarkings, Registros en Directorios, Social Link Building, entre otras. Tambin es importante evitar las tcnicas de SEO de Sombrero Negro, como ser: Programas automatizados, Link Wheel, Backlinks de baja calidad, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"You're Wired for Success...So Get Unstuck!" |
"Success is a habit, sure. But to pick up this habit, you have to have the right mindset. Most successful people share a range of mindsets that enable them to maintain their success habits. This training teaches you to reprogram yourself for success by adopting eight, key mindsets. You need to go through these and incorporate them into your life for them to change your results."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginners: Creating A Website From Scratch" |
"I have been a web developer for 15 years and am excited to teach you all how to build a beautiful responsive website using WordPress. This course is for those web designers who are looking to learn WordPress and also for those who are interested in building their own website themselves. I will show you how to build a WordPress website from beginning to end. You will watch as I build a demo site and you can follow along with my easy to learn instructions.Today knowing WordPress is a huge asset and you will be sure to build as many sites as you can once you have this knowledge. The best thing is that you do not have to have a previous WordPress experience and you also don't need to know any code. What's even better is that I will guide you on how to customize your website using Elementor so that you can see exactly what you are building as you go. If you are used to drag and drop then you will feel at ease with Elementor and even if your are brand new to building any kind of site this course is just right for you.This course will show you how to:Install WordPress with a hosting providerGet familiar with the WordPress back endCreate pagesCreate blog postsHow to find a themeHow to install a themeWhere to go to customize your theme settings such as colors and fontsHow to upload you logoHow to customize your theme using ElementorHow to create a photo gallery with Gutenberg and ElementorHow to change the comment settings for your blogHow to install pluginsHow to work with widgetsHow to create your site navigation& so much moreGrab a seat and get ready to learn and become great at WordPress."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Trade Options Strategies by Sensibull" |
"This is a comprehensive and in-depth Options Strategies courseIt is very practical and application-oriented. It is aimed to help you with real tradingAt the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about how to practically trade Options StrategiesYou will understand which strategy is the best for various market conditionsYou will know how to create simple Options Strategies yourselfIt covers how options prices change with the stock price, time, IV, etc.It covers complex concepts such as Greeks, strike selection, and expiry selection, etc in detailMore strategies and more content will be updated into this"
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |