"Guide to Success: The most effective principles of success" |
"These are the principles used by most of the top people in the world. All these principles are simple to apply, and if you apply them to your life, you will begin to experience more success in all areas of life.This short and practical guide will inspire you to rethink how you set and achieve your goals. In How Successful People Think Differently.This is a Personal & Professional SUCCESS course geared towards inspiring, igniting, developing and launching individuals in the direction of Excellence and SUCCESS. There are 18 Keys and Power-Steps. This course is designed to explain the most important tools to find your success; if success is a recipe, so you need components of this recipe and how you can use these components to get the best meal and to be happy with it.Finally; success is not hard to achieve, need time and tools, also trials in the right way, any destination needs action and direction, be sure about your direction and use tools in the right way to get successful actions. This course is for anybody who wants to learn the proven strategies used by successful people.This course is for you if you are looking for scientifically-proven techniques to achieve more significance and success in your personal and professional life.This course is for anyone who has decided to take the path of success and become successful from now. Just one idea in this course might be the inspiration and the spark of change you are looking for...just one idea can change your life."
Price: 99.99

"Online International Diplomacy and Protocol Masterclass" |
"Online International Diplomacy and Protocol MasterclassRepresent your country or your organisation in a seamlessly professional way.What is The Online International Diplomacy and Protocol course all about?This is an online training programme designed in collaboration with The African Institute of Protocol to teach you the in-depth diplomatic and ceremonial protocols necessary to host successful visits and events. It is geared towards the individual wishing to brush up on their knowledge or pursue a career in government, diplomacy and high-level events coordination.Business interactions between countries and/or companies are an extremely sensitive affair, the stakes are high and margins for errors are catastrophic, if not handled correctly.In fact without adherence to correct protocols, the potential for catastrophic errors is huge and ones misconduct weighs heavily on the shoulders of those responsible.A thorough knowledge of diplomatic and government protocol is thus an indispensable skill for the proper handling of VIPs and for safeguarding your country/organisations reputation.Students will learn:Protocol ResponsibilitiesDiplomacyPrecedenceHosting International VisitsPre-Arrival ArrangementsRequirements for HostingTechnical OperationsFlagsSeating ProtocolSocial Affairs and InvitationsGiftingTitles of AddressEach section comes with a video tutorial, workbook, practical assignment, downloadable slide and downloadable script.5 ChaptersEach skill has been assigned to one of 5 Chapters.Each chapter is packed with meticulous research, clearly defined learning outcomes, and historical case studies.Course ContentChapter 1: An introduction into the definition of Protocol and DiplomacyDefinition of ProtocolDefinition of DiplomacyProtocol Officer ResponsibilitiesHigh Level Events Coordinator ResponsibilitiesChapter 2: DiplomacyWhat are Embassies, High Commissions and ConsulatesDifference between Ambassadors and High CommissionersPermanent Representatives & MissionsVienna ConventionDiplomatic CommunicationsThe official languages of the United NationsChapter 3: PrecedenceDefinition of PrecedencePrinciple of the Right hand sidePrinciple of Sovereign EqualityPrecedence between StatesPrecedence Amongst Heads of StatePrecedence amongst DiplomatsPrecedence amongst UN, EU and AU member statesChapter 4.1: Hosting a State Visit- Pre-arrival StageDefining a State VisitThe 5 Areas of Focus for Hosting a successful visitEstablishing the Purpose3 Questions to Assist with Establishing a Clear PurposeChapter 4.2: Requirements for Hosting a State Visit-Understanding the following Requirements for Hosting a State/International VisitFundingAccomodation and Air TravelAirport arrival and DepartureCultural IssuesPublicity and Media CoverageInterpreters and TranslatorsCreating a Finalised ProgramChapter 4.3: Technical Considerations for Hosting an INternational VisitOfficial Arrival and WelcomeWelcome at the AirportWelcome in front of the buildingFlag placementPreparation for talksGift selection and PresentationChapter 4.4: Flag ProtocolFlag PrecedenceFlags in a straight lineFlags Leading up to a BuildingFlags on Crossed PolesFlags in a semi-circle/full-circleVertical vs. Horizontal Flag HangingVehicle and Podium Flag PlacementMourning Protocol and Flag heightChapter 4.5: Official Seating PlansPrinciple of Right Hand SideBritish and French Styles of SeatingSeating plans for:NegotiationsConference and Boardroom Table SeatingReception RoomsFormal eventsInformal eventsChapter 4.6: Achieving ObjectivesLearning Outcomes:Preparations for TalksNegotiation Set-UpBilateral and Multilateral Signing Agreement Set-upChapter 4.7: Social Affairs and InvitationsHow to Write Invitations for formal EventsThe Four Types of Events involved in Every State VisitInvitation TimelinesDefining the EventElements of Good PlanningChapter 5: Titles of Address and Official IntroductionOfficial Titles of AddressHow to Make Formal IntroductionsWhat you will get in the course:WorkbookGet 150+ page downloadable workbook that includes every requisite piece of information about protocol and diplomacy. It also includes a copyrighted comprehensive checklist and layouts for signing ceremonies, airport arrivals, banquets and seating plans.AssignmentsThere is one assignment per video tutorial. Students will submit a total of 12 Assignments including a final assessment.Downloadable ScriptsJust in case you miss anything during your lesson, you are easily able to review your scripts.Free ConsultationYou will receive a 1 hour free consultation with one of our Trainers to ask any questions and share any real life challenges you may have in your day-to-day responsibilities.International Diplomacy and Protocol is completely virtual. You can get instant access to your course, allowing you to study at any time from anywhere. The video tutorials are quick, punchy and filled with all the necessary information to upskill you in the shortest time.The Online International Diplomacy and Protocol Masterclass has been brought to you by The African Institute of Protocol and Added Vantage Online, bringing strong partnerships together to create exceptional products.Sign Up Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Conducting an Inquiry into Sexual Harassment Complaints." |
"When an employer receives a complaint from his employee of an alleged incident of harassment, it has a legal obligation to promptly inquire into the complaint. However, a poorly conducted investigation can harm an organizations reputation and impact it financially as well. The knowledge of the law coupled with the skill of inquiring into a complaint are critical. Companies need professional who can inquire into Sexual Harassment Complaints the right way.In this course, you will learn the essentials in inquiring into a complaint of sexual harassment. The course discusses generally acceptable procedures, situations, and actions that the Internal Committee (IC) could take while inquiring into the complaint.The course is facilitated by Tapas Majumdar. He is IICA Qualified Independent Director, Ex- Army, POSH qualified ICC Member, Certified Corporate Director, Author, Mentor."
Price: 2240.00

"9 passos para uma Rotina Positiva e livre de estresse" |
"O curso 9 passos para uma Rotina Positiva e livre de estresse foi criado aps 5 anos de prtica, cursos e muito estudo. A Rotina Positiva formada por 9 hbitos saudveis que vou dividir com voc para encurtar o seu caminho e te proporcionar uma jornada mais leve e feliz. Uma vida plena! Te garanto que, se seguir as sugestes do curso, adaptando-as ao seu universo, vai perceber melhorias imediatas.Adote uma Rotina Positiva, tenha uma vida mais saudvel e livre de estresse. Eu transformei e meu desejo que voc transforme tambm! Eu posso te ajudar, atravs deste curso.O aumento do estresse pode causar doenas e a falta de uma rotina positiva pode te distanciar da vida saudvel. Quem adota bons hbitos, tem uma vida mais plena.Embarque comigo nessa experincia! Transforme-se! Voc pode ter a to desejada Vida Plena."
Price: 129.99

"COVID - 19" |
", , , , ( , ), , , COVID - 19."
Price: 8299.00

"Pegasus CAD-CAM(Torna)" |
"Ahap Sektrndeki CNC makinelerinde retim Yapabilmek ve Efektif Olarak Makinelerin Tm zelliklerini Kullanabilmenizi Salar. En basit makinelerden en komplike makinelere kadar nasl altrp , nasl operasyon atayp , nasl i emirlerini makinelere gndereceinizi anlatmaktadr. 2 Eksen CNC Makineler3 Eksen CNC Makineler4 Eksen CNC Makineler5 Eksen CNC MakinelerTorna leme Yapan MakinelerNesting izimDXF ileme"
Price: 409.99

"Catia pour les dbutants" |
"L'objectif de ce cour est : Concevoir une pice 3DAssembler un ensemble des picesDessiner un plan de d'ensembledessiner un plan de dfinitionCes axes sont le noyau de la conception pour pouvoir usiner et faire natre des pices relles.Ce cours permet galement une large ouverture d'esprit, en donnant une opportunit au cerveau dimaginer..."
Price: 24.99

"Camtasia pour les dbutants" |
"Ce cours vient pour rpondre aux besoins de Montage des vidos et traitements des photos chez les dbutantsles points cls de ce cours : Montage des vidosNettoyage de sonAjouter les effetstraiter les photosCette formation permet de : pour les Youtubers dbutants : monter des vidos et ajouter des effets de son / bruitages facilementpour les utilisateurs des rseaux sociaux de publier leurs photo / et vidos avec une qualit remarquablepour crer des simulations et des cours e-learning dans votre travail pour valoriser votre touchepour les futures formateurs de Udemy de pouvoir monter des vidos pour les parents pour enregistrer les moments familiales sous un moule adquat"
Price: 24.99

"Finding Your Answer to 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?'" |
"Welcome to The HEALTHY Path Process video training series: 8 Steps to Know...Should I Stay or Should I Go? Based on my comprehensive HEALTHY Path Process coaching program, these videos will guide and support you in clearing away the confusion and stress as you move through each of the 8 steps toward clarity and peace of mind about your relationship. Honing In on the Purpose of Your RelationshipEmpower Yourself From What You've Already Learned the Hard WayActivate Your Intuition & Inner ChampionLetting Go of the Pain That Binds YouTrust Yourself and the Process of LifeHave the Conversation with Honesty and RespectYes! You Deserve to Be Happy!Along with each video, you will also receive an inspired action exercise to give you the experience of applying each step. Each exercise/worksheet is in Adobe PDF format, so if you don't already have that program on your computer, please take a few minutes to download it now (there are free versions available...simply Google ""Adobe download"").The average length of each video is 14 minutes, give or take a couple of minutes, and I encourage you to set aside uninterrupted time to receive and implement the value that each video offers. We're talking about a very important and influential decision in your life, and it deserves dedicated time of focus from you.The greatest challenge when feeling trapped in an unfulfilling relationship is the stress and sense of hopelessness from not knowing what to do about it. But the good news is, it doesnt have to stay that way, and there IS hope.And the even better news is, by signing up for this empowering source of support, youve already demonstrated that you consider yourself and your relationship a priority. And Im SO glad youre here!Please remember that youre not alone in this. Ive been in this situation myself, and found a way to successfully navigate through the mental chaos and emotional turbulence and show others how to do the same. I know you can do it too!I am honored to be on this path with you, and I trust that these videos will help you handle your relationship issues with integrity, honesty and respect.If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at catherine@healthypathtolove.com. Lets do this together Im here for you! With love and support,Catherine DietzHealthy Relationship CoachLicensed Heal Your Life Coach"
Price: 44.99

"Curso AutoCAD Civil 3D paso a paso" |
"Es realizado en la versin 2020 de Civil, pero se ajusto para que todo el material pueda ser descargado para versiones desde la 2013.El curso abarca inicialmente con una breve introduccin sobre el programa y su utilidad, adems de indicar como pueden descargarlo. Luego se enfoca en analizar las configuraciones previas que se deben hacer, as mismo presentar el entorno de trabajo. Una vez expuesto esto se da evidencia con ejercicios prcticos de como importar puntos desde archivos CSV a Civil 3D, aunque no se detiene ah, tambin se ensea con otro ejemplo prctico como generar nuestros proyectos en civil a partir de curvas de nivel.Teniendo esta informacin, inicia el trabajo en Civil 3D, creando superficies. Despus el curso se centra en el alineamiento horizontal, desde como realizar la lnea de ceros hasta la generacin de los diferentes tipos de curvas que hay. Generarn el perfil, peraltes (de dos formas), ensamblajes, disearan corredores, sample lines, calculo de volumen de tierras, secciones transversales, tablas de elementos geomtricos y el recorrido, por mencionar algunos de los temas.Cabe aclarar que hay un Word donde se expone el proyecto a realizar a lo largo de curso, con todas sus especificaciones, encontrarn tambin un Excel con las frmulas usadas para el clculo de curvas, curvas verticales y peralte, este lo podrn ajustar a las necesidades de sus proyectos.Tendrn acceso a cada archivo de civil utilizado en cada clase. Y por si era poco, hay adjunto un manual con el paso a paso de lo realizado en cada vdeo. Para mayor satisfaccin del estudiante"
Price: 19.99

a-beautiful-bowel-course-for-10years-to-stay-beautiful |
Price: 9600.00

Xcode |
". ( breakpoints ) . (LLDB ) . ."
Price: 19.99

"How to do Arabic calligraphy" |
"In this course anyone can learn Arabic calligraphy, no prior knowledge of Art is required.I have made this course very easy, by creating bite size videos to write each Arabic alphabet. You ll learn:1. Brief history of Arabic Calligraphy 2. Tools and materials 3. Measurement of alphabets using Standard Nuqta system in Arabic calligraphy. 4. Writing letters starting with Alif 5. Writing more letters (similar looking alphabets) together, so you can learn more is short time.6. Class project where students will write their names in Arabic calligraphy style. I ll assist you in this step.7. Voila!!! You ll be able to write letters independently with some use of colours too."
Price: 19.99

"Java SE + Workshop From Oracle Academy ( ) 75 Hours" |
"This Java SE training introduces you to object-oriented programming using the Java language. Through hands-on exercises, you'll begin to build a baseline of knowledge to propel your career in development.Use Java programming language constructs to create a Java technology application.Use decision and looping constructs and methods to dictate program flow.Understand basic object oriented concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction.Use and manipulate object references, and to write simple error handling code.Use the new SE 8 java.time and java.time.format packages to format and print the local date and time.Specify a data modification by passing a predicate lambda expression to the Collections class.ObjectivesWrite Java code that uses variables, arrays, conditional and loop constructsManipulate primitive numeric data and string data using Java operatorsCreate Java classes and use object referencesAccess the fields and methods of an objectManipulate text data using the methods of the String and StringBuilder classesUse casting without losing precision or causing errorsDeclare, override, and invoke methodsAccess and create static fields and methodsUse classes from the java.time and java.time.format packages to format and print the local date and timeEncapsulate a class using access modifiers and overloaded constructorsDefine and implement a simple class hierarchyDemonstrate polymorphism by implementing a Java InterfaceUse a Predicate Lambda expression as the argument to a methodHandle a checked exception in a Java application"
Price: 109.99

"Forex Eitim Seti" |
"Trilyon dolarlk i hacmine sahip bir piyasa olan Forex'te yatrmc olmak isteyenlere pf noktalar ieren eitimim ile sizde yol haritanz ok daha rahat oluturabileceksiniz. Sizde bu eitim ile sfrdan Forex hakknda bilgilerin sahibi olacak , neyin neden olduunu ve nasl olabileceini ngrerek ilemlerinizde bir adm ne gemi olacaksnz. Sizde hazrsanz eitimime batan sona dikkatli bir ekilde notlarnz alarak takip etmeye sizleri bekliyorum."
Price: 149.99

"Matriser l'analyse GRAPHIQUE en trading" |
"Le trading est un domaine passionnant qui comprend de nombreuses briques.Matriser les graphiques permet de visualiser en un coup d'oeil certaines configurations de march importantes que tout trader doit connaitre. Cela ne fait pas tout mais c'est un lment dterminant.Ce cours t'apportera les bases ncessaires en termes d'analyse graphique en trading.Nous verrons comment identifier et surtout trader les diffrentes figures graphiques."
Price: 34.99

"EPLAN Electric P8 - Curso intensivo Parte 1/2" |
"Bienvenido al Curso de intensivo parte 1 EPLAN Electtric P8.En este curso aprenders desde cero hasta alcanzar un excelente nivel en el dominio de EPLAN, lo cual fomentara de gran manera tu desarrollo profesional.Trabajaremos con un proyecto de un entorno real lo cual te permitir adquirir excelentes habilidades para el desarrollo de la ingeniera de tus proyectos de automatizacin y control.Al finalizar el curso tendrs habilidades en Eplan como:Desarrollo de ingeniera de proyectos desde cero.Generacin automtica de reportesGeneracin automtica de documentos.Integracin de PLCs y sus mdulosy Mucho mas "
Price: 99.99

"Braids Made Easy" |
"Learn with Create Beautiful Hair & find out how to create beautiful braids including French, Dutch, Pull-through and Waterfall & lots more.with more that 20 video tutorials to watch you'll be able to build your confidence and find out how to create braided hairstyles.Get lots of braiding practice, help and advice on plaiting & braiding techniques.Join our online bridal hair course & learn how to create beautiful braids and braided hairstyles!Plus FREE bonus braid tutorials!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda Aromaterapia y Aceites Esenciales" |
"Si ests leyendo esto, es por tu deseo de conocer sobre aromaterapia y aceites esenciales, sobre todo su beneficio para la salud y estilo de vida.A travs de este curso, podrs tener un conocimiento bsico, de tal manera que te permita elegir aceites esenciales de buena calidad que son los adecuados para cumplir tus expectativas de salud."
Price: 19.99

bulgarian-wedding-with-buentsi |
"- , , . - , , !"
Price: 19.99

"Joyful Living" |
"Welcome to your JOYFUL LIVING journey!I am Nobieh and I will be honored to be your guide in this exciting and life changing journey towards an abundant and joyful living!Over the years, Ive discovered that most people struggle with one of three core issues:Stresses and everyday anxieties makes you feel unfulfilled in life?You feel like theres more to life than just the everyday routine.You want to learn how to overcome stress, fear and anxietyYou want to add guided meditation into your wellness practice?If any of these questions resonates with your current state of mind then, youre in the right place.This course is created for anyone who wants to find some tools to deal with the challenges facing the worries and concerns when facing chaotic times in lifeHow to overcome the stresses and challenges coming from the hidden fears we have inside. These fears manifest themselves during intense timing into worries, stresses,dispairs, depression and other emotions limiting us from living our life fully and joyfullyWe will present you with some exciting tools to clear your minds and walk toward the path of JOY, beyond your worries and concernsThis course is presented to you through 5 STEPSEach step consist of :1- some insightful guidance for your journey2- amazing and inspiring quotes to keep you motivated3- A GUIDED MEDITATION relating the focus of the presented step.Its not going to be easy! but it's worth all the effort you put into this life changing experience!If you are ready, join me in this journey ..."
Price: 99.99

"Diabetes: Taller de Nutricin y Cocina" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Terico y Prctico de Nutricin y Cocina para personas con Diabetes.En este curso, vamos a hablar de diabetes, desde un punto de vista prctico, incluyendo contenidos de nutricin y de cocina, ideas de mens, formas de preparacin, reemplazos y dems.Haremos nfasis en los ndices glucmicos de los alimentos, lo cual nos va a ayudar a la hora de elegir una alimentacin adecuada y saludable."
Price: 19.99

SDGs |
Price: 3600.00

"Optimal Pregnancy Nutrition" |
"You will learn the in's and out's of nutrition for pregnancy, supporting both the health of the momma carrying and the little one growing. Numerous changes occur in your body once pregnant and we're here with 'tried and true' tips to help you navigate those changes and keep you feeling well. We've got the nitty gritty details on what's the very best for optimal development of that precious baby brain. Pregnancy is your one chance to fuel that growing baby in utero so give it your best momma!"
Price: 49.99

"Personalized Bodyweight Workouts: Science-Based Home Fitness" |
"***Delivered by a military fitness training expert: with over 10 years experience in using Bodyweight Workouts for fitness and strength while on overseas military deployments***> > YOU'LL NEVER NEED TO PAY FOR A GYM MEMBERSHIP AGAIN! < <Highlights:Achieve incredible fitness results at homePerfect for Lockdown or IsolationLatest scientific researchProven military techniquesLearn to build and personalize YOUR OWN bodyweight workoutsTailored to YOUR OWN goalsMethods relevant to your ability, weight, genetics, gender, height - this is personalized workout design for fast and efficient results__________________________________________What other students are saying about this course:""Superb! High-quality course, with a very good instructor. I've learnt a lot about designing a workout program for doing at home. I think I've been doing things wrong for sometime now with my training - this has really helped! Thank you so much :-)"" - Rit K""Very comprehensive beginner course. I've been working out from home for some time now, using bodyweight exercises and I learnt lot in this course...Clear tuition, confident instructor who has used these techniques in the military (always nice to see someone who has real life experience). Great work!"" - Mike W""Very informative. Learnt loads, even though I consider myself knowledgable about health, fitness and exercise. Lot of additional material on nutrition, rest, workout building and goal setting, which was nice to have. Also it was so refreshing to have a teacher who has actually 'been there and done it' in the military."" - Jed PI think why this course comes across so well is that the instructor has actually used these fitness methods while on operations with the military. He isn't just a gym buff (lots of other courses seem to be). He comes across as confident about what he is teaching, honest and genuine. I really enjoyed this course - I learnt a lot and I appreciate the time that's gone into sharing his knowledge and skills."" - Paul R__________________________________________Learn effective military techniques to build your own bodyweight workouts to achieve your personalized fitness goals: proven methods, supported by the latest scientific research.The Bodyweight Workout Training Program has been carefully engineered to provide bodyweight workout beginners with the knowledge, confidence, and motivation required to achieve their fitness goals. Whether you're looking to start working out at home, or while traveling, this course contains everything you need - all delivered by Sam, an ex-military officer, and course creator.>>This course is suitable for both female and male students<<Sam's Full Course Description:""My fitness training course is based on bodyweight workout techniques perfected by the military for use in the worlds toughest environments. Within the Bodyweight Workout Training Program, Ill teach you these techniques: empowering you to stay in shape without access to gyms or equipment.All the recommendations, lessons and guides within my home workout course are fully referenced and draw on the latest scientific research to provide you with effective workout techniques and planning methods that have been military-proven to get results.As well as building an understanding of the science behind bodyweight workouts, youll learn how to create your own, fully-personalized, bespoke bodyweight workout program, whatever your fitness goal:- Build Muscle [Yes, this is 100% possible without a gym or equipment]- Improve Cardiovascular Endurance [The military use these techniques to achieve unrivaled levels of fitness]- Build Muscular Endurance [Learn how to train your body to keep going, and going, and going]- Lose Body Fat [Learn how HIIT workouts and Bodyweight Exercise can shed the pounds - fast!]My course is different from many bodyweight courses available because it is based on my experiences as a military officer. Over many years I used bodyweight training to keep myself and my team in peak condition, whilst we were deployed in challenging environments. This combination of military-style tips and scientific research has resulted in an extremely comprehensive learning experience.""Included in This Course:- Myths surrounding fitness training dont believe everything you read on the internet!- The Science Behind Bodyweight Workouts- The Fundamentals of Muscular Strength Training Program- The Fundamentals of Muscular Endurance Training Program- The Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Endurance Training Program- The Fundamentals of Fat Loss Program- A Full Library of Exercise Demonstrations- How to Build a Bodyweight Workout Program- How Nutrition Should Feature within a Training Program- How Rest Should Feature within a Training Program- How to Effectively Set GoalsPlus These Professional Quality Downloadable Resources:- Full Exercise Guidebook- Nutrition Guidebook- Workout Guidebook including some workouts to get you started on your journeyMy Bodyweight Workout Training Program will give you the skills you need to be able to stay in great shape wherever you are. As well as the workouts I provide you, youll be able to create your own do-anywhere bodyweight workouts that are perfectly matched to your own fitness goals, whether that be to build muscle strength, increase endurance or lose body fat.You'll NEVER need a gym membership again!"
Price: 119.99

oekeoozx |
", . - . 14 . . , , . ., , . , , , , . , , . , , , . , . , , , ! . -, , , . , , . ! , ! ! ! !"
Price: 119.99

"Fotografia Descomplicada (Profissional)" |
"Aprenda fotografia do zero, com muita facilidade.Atravs do mtodo utilizado neste curso voc vai aprender fotografia com muita facilidade, as aulas contam com animaes, ilustraes e exemplos que do formas visuais s lies e favorecem o aprendizado at mesmo dos alunos que nunca tiveram contato com a fotografia como arte.Assistam as aulas demonstrativas.Se voc j tentou aprender fotografia e achou difcil, convido voc a assistir as aulas aulas que esto liberadas na grade de aulas, ali voc vai conhecer a linguagem usada no curso e poder comprovar sua facilidade de aprendizado.Apaixone-se.A fotografia j por si s uma arte encantadora, mas a partir do momento que voc aprender os seus ""segredos"" o encanto torna-se paixo. Venha fazer parte dessa arte que se torna mais cativante a cada dia."
Price: 234.99

"Apprendre Excel en moins de 2 heures (100%Pratique)" |
"Ce cours vous permettra de : Savoir l'utilit de Microsoft Office Excel . Maitriser la saisie et la mise en forme des donnes . Maitriser le traitement des donnes .Une experience de plus de 5 ans en tant que formateur en Bureautique ( Microsoft Office Word , Excel , PowerPoint ) aussi en Comptabilit , Finance , Analyses des donnes Mais c'est la premire fois Udemy."
Price: 69.99

jwtrjiao |
", . 3 . 3-7 , 1200 1700 . - 3600 11900 - . , . . , ! 3 - , . . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Salesforce Administrator Certification" |
"In this course, I fully prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam. With 5 practice exams, each of which is timed at 105 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test.I have followed the official Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with the 12 Knowledge Areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam with confidence.After you make the Trailmix ""Prepare for Your Salesforce Administrator Credential"", combining these exam examples, I promise you will pass the certification in the first instance!"
Price: 19.99

"Italian For Beginners" |
"In Italian For Beginners we will focus on building a strong foundation and understanding of the Italian language, both spoken and written.We will do this by starting with the very basics in lesson 1, and build up all the way up to some more advanced dialogues with irregular verbs in lesson 5 and this with more than 5 hours of video content. The main focus are the building blocks of a language: verbs.In every class we will build up on what we have learned in the previous class by adding vocabulary, dialogues, grammar and more. Every class comes also with a pdf with extra exercises to practice on your own pace.By the end of this course you will have build a strong foundation and understanding of the Italian language that will give you the opportunity to continue building and expanding towards a more advanced level. You will have built a decent amount of vocabulary and know the conjugations of regular and common irregular verbs in the present tense which will give you the opportunity to have dialogues and communicate effectively in Italian.This course is meant for anyone interested in learning Italian or anyone who is planning to take more advanced Italian classes and would like to refresh their knowledge of the Italian grammar."
Price: 49.99
