"Anlisis Fundamental de Acciones al estilo de Wall Street" |
"Ante las miles de acciones que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores, la pregunta usual es Cul accin comprar? Seguro t te haces la misma pregunta.En el curso, que he diseado especialmente para ti, Anlisis Fundamental al estilo de Wall Street. Te enseo a escoger acciones de compaas con buen desempeo financiero y ventajas competitivas. Que podrn potenciar el xito de tus inversiones.Revisando los nmeros claves en los estados financieros y trabajando con los ratios de desempeo y valoracin de mayor importancia, podrs analizar adecuadamente una empresa, para determinar la salud financiera del negocio que desarrolla y as escoger aquellas con una tendencia positiva en sus finanzas.No esperes ms y aprende las estrategias de Anlisis Fundamental utilizadas por los inversionistas ms exitosos de Wall Street."
Price: 44.99

"Complete CATIA V5 Express Training" |
"In this ""Complete CATIA V5 Express Training"" program you will experience a unique successful method of teaching developed and experimented on 1000's of students in live sessions. This course is designed for individuals who are new to CATIA V5 as well as the students who had learned CATIA V5 long time ago and just want a brush up on the tools and features quickly and use in their projects immediately.This course introduces the tools of CATIA V5 in a step by step process which will enable you to clearly understand the application of the tools under discussion before starting the next tool. Major Highlights of The CourseAll the Drawings practiced in the Lectures are included in this course for download. At the end of each section you will encounter a quiz related to the section which will further broaden your understanding in the related section.This course has been Designed using CATIA V5 R20 version but is equally good for any version of CATIA V5.Taught by a professional team headed by Mr. S. N. S. Roy who is the Chief Course Designer with an experience of almost 50 years of in Engineering Design and Product Development.A beginner can start practicing the tools right from lecture oneA Professional brushing up CATIA V5 can easily directly jump to the section of their choice.This course has been designed such that you can learn any other high end 3D CAD modeling software package easily using the concepts that you will learn in this course. Still if you don't like the course then you can ask for a refund."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende el proceso creativo de la ilustracin de mapas" |
"Has soado alguna vez con crear tu propio mundo? Te interesa saber cmo se realiz el mapa de tu videojuego o libro favorito? Ests creando tu juego de mesa y necesitas saber cmo realizar un mapa genial? En este divertido, diferente y amplio curso, encontrars el mtodo profesional para disear, ilustrar y crear un mapa de fantasa. A travs de diferentes clases aprenderemos desde el concepto inicial, la documentacin, la creacin del terreno, animales y asentamientos...hasta la finalizacin del proyecto usando mockups y la postproduccin de la ilustracin. Si eres ilustrador, un amante del dibujo o simplemente un friki con ganas de crear su propio mundo, este es tu curso! Slo necesitars Photoshop, algo de tiempo y muchas ganas de dibujar y disear!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Teach English Online - The Ultimate Guide" |
"In this course, I walk you through every step you need to take to go from nothing to a full-time online ESL teacher. I spent years to get to where I am today and had many setbacks along the way.I wish I had someone to guide me and show me that this kind of work is possible. So my goal in this course is to provide this guidance to you.This location independent job has allowed me to do so much, including travel the world, and I want the same for you."
Price: 24.99

"Entity Framework Core - The Complete Guide (.NET Core 5)" |
"Entity Framework is a term that goes hand by hand with ASP.NET Core. It is one of that technology that is used very often and is not understood most of the time.This course will teach you everything you need to know about using Entity Framework Core with ASP.NET Core. The skills you will learn will help you to build and architect complex ASP.NET Core applications that make full use of Entity Framework Core with Code First. We will start with the basic fundamentals of Entity Framework Core and then we would dive into advanced concepts.Unlike other courses, which are outdated or do not convert all the topics. I have especially taken care to keep the course updated as well as cover topics from beginner to advanced topics with Entity Framework Core.By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:Understand the basics of Entity Framework CoreUse code-first migrations to push changes to the database, and learn how to manage them.Override code-first conventions (using data annotations and fluent API)Understand how LINQ works and how to filter data.Add, update and remove objectsApply best practices with Entity FrameworkUnderstand relationships in Entity Framework CoreBulk operations in Entity Framework CoreChange tracker, RAW SQL, Stored Procs, View, and much more."
Price: 119.99

"ANXIETY Relief - CBT Anxiety relief Plan" |
"ANXIETY Relief - CBT Anxiety relief PlanUltimate Step by Step CBT Relief Plan to overcome Worry, General Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders and PTSD Anxiety.5 CBT Relaxation Techniques to relief AnxietyStrong Therapeutic BenefitsAnxiety Treatment PlanABC Model of Thoughts, Emotions, and ActionsUnderstanding Feedback LoopsSelf Help CBT Anxiety TreatmentUnderstanding Automatic ThoughtsObserving and Letting go of the thoughts of anxietyComposing Balanced ThoughtsTools for changing your thoughtsChanging your habitsChanging Limited ThinkingMindfulness for AnxietyKeeping Thought JournalDoing Risk AssessmentWhy this course?This course directly addresses the problem of Anxiety. When you feel bad, you dont have the time and patience to wade through simplistic pep talks, unrealistic success stories, needless horror stories, or long-winded and obscure discussions of theory. Therefore, I have made this CBT course as clear and as brief as possible.On the other hand, when you feel bad you dont have the energy to seek out partial fragments of the solution to your problem in widely scattered locations. So Ive also made this CBT Course as complete as possible.Everything you need to learn the techniques in this course is presented in detail, proceeding logically, step-by-step. If you are in pain, you also dont have any time to waste on unproven remedies of doubtful utility. Therefore, I have included only techniques that have been proven to have strong therapeutic benefits in many well-designed studies with many different types of people, and over a long period of time.Over the past thirty years, many new cognitive behavioral techniques have been developed and refined to relieve anxiety, lift depression, and calm anger. The best of these techniques are presented in this CBT Course. They offer you real promise that help is on the way. With patience and a little effort, you can start to feel better soon.People in the helping professionstherapists, doctors, nurses, social workers, even teachers and supervisorswill find many of these CBT techniques useful in their personal lives, and also of value to clients, patients, students, or employees.Special Features:1. Ready-made CBT based Anxiety Treatment worksheets2. Practice them as self-help steps toward change.3. Self-Guided made possible4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy foundation knowledge included5. You have to do the exercises, fill in the worksheets, and carry out real changes in how you think and behave.The goal is to be able to use the techniques wherever and whenever you need to, without having to refer to the course.What youll learn5 CBT Relaxation TechniquesStrong Therapeutic BenefitsAnxiety Treatment PlanABC ModelUnderstanding Feedback LoopsSelf Help CBT Anxiety TreatmentUnderstanding Automatic ThoughtsObserving and Letting go of the thoughtsComposing Balanced ThoughtsTools for changing your thoughtsChanging Limited ThinkingMindfulnessKeeping Thought JournalDoing Risk AssessmentAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Previous Knowledge requiredWho this course is for:People in the helping professionstherapists, doctors, nurses, social workers, even teachers and supervisorswill find many of these CBT techniques useful in their personal lives, and also of value to clients, patients, students, or employees.People Struggling with Worry, General Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders and PTSD Anxiety.Personal Disclaimer: This course is not a substitute for professional help of medicine, certified therapist, or counselor nor is it a substitute for University approved courses. I am a Certified CBT Practitioner from Achology The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology. By enrolling and applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. The certificate of completion doesn't hold any value other than what this platform claims. The student agrees to purchase this course with full knowledge of the above facts."
Price: 19.99

"Descubra o Orange Data Mining e o R Shiny Para Iniciantes" |
"Essa uma incrvel oportunidade de aprender com uma ferramenta totalmente visual como realizar Minerao de Dados e de forma prtica. Estou falando do Orange DATA MINING. Alm disto, nesta combinao de conhecimento, aprenda na Linguagem R como apresentar os resultados da explorao de dados em painis e aplicativos web, construdos com a biblioteca R SHINY.ORANGE DATA MININGO ORANGE uma das poucas ferramentas de mercado, totalmente construda em python, que o analista de dados pode trabalhar de forma totalmente visual, com um amplo aspecto de atendimento a diversas demandas na rea de minerao de dados por meio do uso de algoritmos de Machine Learning.ASPECTOS PRESENTES:Aprendizado de mquina de cdigo aberto e visualizao de dados para iniciantes e especialistas. Fluxos de trabalho de anlise de dados interativos com uma grande caixa de ferramentasexecute anlise de dados simples com visualizao inteligente de dados. Explore distribuies estatsticas, grficos de disperso ou mergulhe mais fundo com rvores de deciso, agrupamentos hierrquicos. At seus dados multidimensionais podem se tornar sensveis em 2D, especialmente com classificaes e selees inteligentes de atributos.Explorao interativa de dados para anlise qualitativa rpida com visualizaes limpas. A interface grfica do usurio permite que voc se concentre na anlise exploratria de dados em vez codificao, enquanto padres inteligentes tornam extremamente fcil a criao rpida de prottipos de um fluxo de trabalho de anlise de dados. Coloque widgets na tela, conecte-os, carregue seus conjuntos de dados e colete os insights!Use vrios complementos disponveis no Orange para extrair dados de fontes de dados externas. Este curso comtempla o ROADMAP ONE, que contempla a base para iniciar os seus projetos de minerao de dados e o ROADMAP TWO, que contempla a parte final dando nfase nos algoritmos de Machine Learning mais complexo.R SHINYNo mdulo do Curso SHINY na Linguagem R do Zero: Crie Painis para Anlise de Dados. Se voc estava procurando um treinamento essencial totalmente prtico para aprender a utilizar a incrvel biblioteca SHINY aplicada a linguagem R, esse o material que voc buscava. Vamos comear.A biblioteca Shiny na linguagem R foi disponibilizada para possibilitar aos usurios a apresentao mais amigvel e interativa dos dados extrados, atravs de indicadores, tabelas, grficos(plots) e tudo isso relacionado com muita interao entre os componentes.Nosso curso tem mais de 3 horas de contedo, te apresentando de forma prticas os principais recursos e arquitetura para construo de um ou vrios painis em Shiny. Veja o que aprender no nosso treinamento:O que e porque aprender R ShinyArquitetura de um aplicativo/painel ShinyUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada Texto, Nmeros e DataUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada UPLOADUtilizao de Objetos de Sada TextoUtilizao de Objetos de Sada Tabela Esttica e DinmicaUtilizao de Objetos de Sada PLOTS/GrficosUtilizao de Objetos de Sada DownloadAplicao de HTML em APP / Painel ShinyDefinio de layout para aplicativoUso de TemasIntroduo Reatividade e Publicao de Aplicativo BrilhanteNo final do curso Uma aula de como publicar seu aplicativo Shiny para acessar pela Internet."
Price: 204.99

"Pandas - Tips and Tricks" |
"Data scientists spend most of their time in searching, managing, cleaning, and reorganizing huge amounts of data as most of them are using tools such as Excel to process their data. If you use a programming language such as Python you can drastically reduce the time it takes for processing your data and make them ready for use in your project. In this course you will learn various Tricks and Tips used in Python Pandas, to perform data analysis that is effective and full of useful insights. You will learn how Python Pandas package can be used to manage, clean, and organize huge amounts of data and how to extract the data files, load numbers of files, concatenating and joining data from different sources, converting between fields, aggregating, conditioning, and many more data processing operations. This course assumes you have basic knowledge of Python. By the end of this course, you will have an advanced understanding of the Pandas library and the knowledge that will help you to move forward and grow as a professional data scientist or analyst."
Price: 19.99

"Goal Setting and Getting Things Done" |
"Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. What makes a good goal? We touch on goal characteristics, time management, making a to do list, and what to do when setbacks occur. This course will provide the knowledge and skills for your participants to complete more tasks and get things done. Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done course will cover strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Your participants will learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.Course Objectives: Overcome procrastination Manage time effectively Accomplish important tasks Self-motivate Create SMART goals"
Price: 19.99

"Improving Your Happiness" |
"Course Overview:Improving ones happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this course will touch on to teach participants how to be happier. Happiness will spread throughout your organization, and have a positive effect on everyone.With our Improving Your Happiness course participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness. This will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives. It will improve their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism.Course Objectives: Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness Create a nightly routine and daily plan Relate more effectively to others in the workplace Understand how the work space environment impacts happiness Think more positively Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness"
Price: 19.99

"Improving Self Awareness and Personal Development" |
"Self awareness is an important part of everyday life. It transfers over to your personal, social, physical and work life. It can help one gain a better understanding of themselves, and how to live a better, more fulfilling life. When working to deepen ones own self awareness, it is important to fully engage yourself. One should take the time and proper steps, to fully become self aware.With the Deepening Self Awareness workshop, your participants will learn how beneficial becoming more self aware can be. A highly self aware person will become more equipped to deal with daily life and its challenges.Course Objective:Define the self and different aspects of the selfLearn from introspectionUnderstand the nature and value of emotionsAppreciate themselvesAppreciate othersImprove effectiveness"
Price: 19.99

"The Classical Maya City of Palenque" |
"This course is about the Classic Maya City of Palenque. We are going to explore and discover this enchanting and mysterious place. Palenque emerges from the jungles of Atlntida Maya. Palenque is an incredibly interesting, beautiful and alluring city. It contains some of the best examples of Classical Maya Architecture, Art and Design. You can hear the Howler Monkeys, see the Sacred Ceibas and it is a great place to experience Maya people. This mysterious, deep, place invites us to meditate and get lost in the Maya Civilization."
Price: 194.99

"Mental Health Training for First Responders & Health Care" |
"2 Hours of Continuing Education in Mental HealthAs first responders and/or health care professionals, you are the tip of the spear when it comes to mental health.You are seeing the very worst and most challenging situations we have to deal with.What you see and encounter can have a tremendous impact on both the patient, and you.More importantly, how you respond has an even greater impact on not only the current situation but also the future.How you respond can literally be the difference between life and death.We are seeing more and more situations involving mental illness and disease.What is your comfort level and knowledge of mental illness?Do you feel comfortable dealing with patients with obvious mental distress?The critical point is you should be.You can make a huge difference in someones life, possibly even save it.Hi, I am Drew Case and I am a nurse, was an Acute Adult Nurse Practitioner, worked for several years in the ICU, was a medical officer in the USNR for 8 years, and was a certified instructor for Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for adults, Youth,and Higher Ed.I became interested in formal education on Mental Health and suicide prevention years ago when I worked for the government running a federal grant on education for healthcare providers.Currently I am an assistant professor at a university where I teach leadership in a RN-to-BSN program.I loved teaching MHFA and did that for years.It is an 8-hour course and I highly recommend it to anyone as it is designed for anyone.This course is specifically for first responders and is my own condensed version of what I have seen and encountered in the medical field and having a spouse that is not working as a first responder.What I want to do is trim off all the fat and just present you with the most important points or topics and take the military view or KISS approach.I think you will find this course both enjoyable and useful.MISSION:Increase your knowledge and comfort level with any and all issues encountered in the field that relate to Mental Health for the benefit of both the patient and you."
Price: 29.99

"Stock & Options Strategy: Volatility Surf Trade (low risk)" |
"Note: I am actively trading this strategy and sharing it on my website!You should enroll in this course if you:1. ... bought an Udemy stock options course, but you feel it is theoretical or does not teach you a proper and proven strategy2. ... have basic options knowledge and need a proper strategy to apply it in the market3. ... lack consistency trading stocks, forex or even stock options (derivatives)4. ... are not profitable scalping stocks (or using stock swing trading approach)5. ... use technical analysis that is not producing positive results6. ... use trading indicators and they deliver non-profitable signals7. ... shorted volatility and it produced huge drawdowns in a Volatility spike8. ... are willing to start trading with a proper trading plan (clear entry and exit instructions / pure mechanical)**** ENROLL NOW and learn an easy, proven, medium risk and profitable trading strategy and join our growing community of profitable volatility traders! ****This course will teach you a strategy that combines stock and options to profit from the characteristics (price behavior) of Volatility ETNs, like VXX and UVXY. As you can understand from their price behavior, they lose in the long term and this strategy seeks to profit from their price erosion due to contango and roll yield. I trade exclusively volatility-based strategies with stock options (and now using a combination with stock). I quit trading stocks, as well as individual stock options and forex several years ago and now specialized in this asset class - volatility! I also launched a book on this topic at Amazon (The Volatility Trading Plan). In this course, you will learn a combined stock and options based trading strategy (entry-level, very easy to implement) that will give you capital appreciation with protection benefiting from stock options! It is a proven stock options strategy, with a market edge, that will boost your portfolio returns! This is not a course on stock options trading! It uses a volatility ETN, VXX or UVXY, which has much more price predictability than any other stock or forex markets! And I will show and prove to you how!This course starts with the volatility analysis fundamentals (VIX Futures Curve analysis and concepts) and then moves to the development of this combined stock options trading strategy, including its rationale. Additionally, I will provide an updated version (higher risk strategy) of it that will benefit from sudden increases in volatility. Both strategies have clear entry and exit rules that can be applied on mechanical trading.After this course, you will have access to a very consistent and highly profitable stock and options combined strategy!This options course describes a full investment methodology with a detailed explanation of its rationale and expected outcome. It includes details on some backtests developed to support its robustness and consistency as well as alternative tests presented to support the chosen criteria. This options trading methodology should be a very good add-on to increase the return of your Stock or ETF portfolio! If you are trying to scalp stocks or using stock options on your trading and not achieving results, move to this asset class - Volatility! Also, you do not need to have any knowledge of technical analysis or even indicators. Just follow the clear strategy instructions given market outputs.Options are derivatives and could be stock options that have stock as their base asset. In this case, we trade a derivative, which is volatility! We are trading derivatives of a derivative!Only basic options knowledge is needed as well as a brokerage account (either live or practice account if you want to test it first)!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course content:My Background / ExperienceWhy Volatility investing is much more interestingVolatility trading risks (and how to control them)Instruments of Volatility TradingVIX futures Term StructureContango, Backwardation and Roll YieldStrategy rationaleTrading Rules (Basic Surf Volatility Trade)""Modified Surf "" trading rules Trade ExamplesAll future course updates will be for free as well as email support for any questions that may arise.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course is for you if:a) you are trading stocks, forex, stock options (derivatives) or even volatility products and not achieving desired results;b) you already enrolled in any other Udemy basic options course and want to learn a profitable trading strategy;c) you are fed up with technical analysis, stock price patterns, indicators that do not deliver results.ENROLL NOW and start to earn money today! This options management style can be implemented with a minimum suggested account value of USD5000.Options are derivatives and could be stock options that have stock as their base asset. In this case, we trade a derivative, which is volatility! We are trading derivatives of a derivative!This options trading approach is targeting investors who want to learn a combined stock and options strategy, improve their learning curve and add a new consistent and profitable methodology that would increase their wealth and diversify risk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just message me if you are interested in one-2-one options trading coaching. Mentorship will be designed specifically for you, according to your options trading knowledge and taken via Skype. Enroll and let's trade together! Stock trading, forex trading or even stock options (derivatives) trading involves risk. Be aware that not all of the trades will be winners; the goal is to be profitable in the long term!"
Price: 19.99

"E-Commerce app from Scratch to Play Store and beyond" |
"Hello folks,I'm Sheshadhree, from India and I'm here to teach you how to develop an beautiful e-commerce app. So you can watch the Intro video to know more about the course. As said this Course consists of 2 parts and it'll cover various topics such as 1)Register to firebase2)Login page3)Recyclerview4)Firebase5)Firebase Auth6)Crashlytics7)Storage8)How to handle for all kinds of user's9)Payment Gateway10)it consist four types of user i)For Customer's ii)For Seller's iii)For Admin iv)For Employee11)Git12)GithubSo this course is for everyone whom like to upgrade their knowledge in android studio and who wanna create an e-commerce app with java and xml. Download All Source Code at Resources which is given in Second Tutorial of Each CourseThe Major 5 Stage's of Project Development are :i)Developmentii)UI/UXiii)Testingiv)Debuggingv)ProductionSo if you complete all 2 parts you can able to get a clear knowledge about Android App development.It'll be a Strong foundation for your career and you can take Google's Android Associate developer Exam after Completing all the 2 course's efficiently by adding little spices to the leftover topic which we have not seen here.Please watch Github Videos first at the end of Part 1 (last 4 videos)"
Price: 199.99

learn-shopify-in-60-minutes |
"60 ? . ! , ( ), , . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Unleash the world of Algebra" |
"Are you a high school or college student having Algebra as study part of your curriculum or may be professionals who need to succeed in application of Algebra to resolve project challenges.Are you already studying Algebra and looking for better resource OR online course to study and get better grades?This is the course for you.It is designed to help understand you the easy way of learning Algebra. Your basic mathematics skill will be further enhanced to apply rules of mathematical symbols with various interesting ways. Each lecture is build with specific goals like basic concept , problem solving techniques, logic building and supportive many word problems / examples of real-world uses to ensure complete in-depth understanding for the same.24+ Hours of Course content comprise of 300+ lectures mainly focus as below:1. Algebraic Expression: Fundamental Concept and simple way of understanding expression with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.2. Algebraic Identities: Product of Algebraic Expression and Distributive Laws3. Factorisations: Factors of Algebraic Expressions4. Indices: Algebraic Expressions having exponents5. Linear Equations: Transpositions, root of an Equation and word problems6. Linear In-Equations: Universal Sets, Solution Sets, Properties of Inequalities, Representation of solution on number line7. Logarithms: Laws of Logarithms8. Quadratic Equations: Factorisation Method, Formula Method, Nature of Roots and word problems9. Ratios and Proportions: Properties, comparisons of Ratios, Continued Proportion, Mean Proportion.10. Simultaneous Linear Equations: Linear Equations in two variables methods - Elimination method, Substitution method, Cramer's Rule, Graphical method, and word problemsThis course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you Algebra skill for your further studies and real life application."
Price: 19.99

"LaTeX A-Z Simplified : Basics to Advanced Step-wise Journey" |
"Latex is freely available high quality type-setting system. The course teaches all concepts in step by step manner with help of examples. Course Content are as follows : 1) Introduction 2) Installation of Latex - Miktex and TexStudio3) Basic Text Formatting - Paragraphs, Sections, Sub-sections, Formatting text (Bold, Italics, etc.), Lists4) Mathematical Equations and Algorithms 5) Figures and Tables 6) Bibliography and References 7) Prepare Scientific Report in Latex From Scratch - Page setup and Preparing Table of Contents, List of Tables, etc.8) Latex Presentations Using Beamer 9) Advanced Topics - Working with Templates, Split Large Document in Parts For technical queries please feel free to contact me. It is my pleasure to help you. ======================================================================================Following are feedback shared about the Course by students :@Anand Sudhir Shivade :I really enjoyed the online course. I thought it was well planned and layed out, easy for me to follow also The lectures are very interesting and make me eager to listen. The lectures are with real-time examples so I am able to understand better.@Carlos Mendiola : It was explained very well, it was consistent and long enough to get a good sight about the LaTeX environment.@Hassan Jari :A Great course for learning LaTeX from Basic to Advanced Level. I learned a lot from it's better than many Latex courses and youtube tutorials. I have recommended it to my friends and colleagues and I recommended it to anyone wanted to learn Latex. Thank you Dr. Sndeep for providing a great course Thank you so much for such a useful course.@Ronnie John A. PascuaThe course is detailed. I've learned a lot.@Roger :Nice course for starting with latex and getting knowledge of advanced topics. Covers almost everything which is required to use LaTeX in practical. The instructor solved my queries promptly.@Suhel Sayyad :Course is well structured. It is recommended for all researchers, students who are new to Latex to take this course. Every concept is well demonstrated with proper justification. The instructor's style of teaching is appealing and comes out like a story telling experience. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO TAKE THE COURSE..!!"
Price: 19.99

"Security Analyst" |
"This course is designed for anyone who wants to understand the analysis of data security. More than ever, information security analysts are needed to rescue companies when they have been hacked or breached, as well as to put in place controls and counter-measures to avert cyber attacks.Gain the skills required to detect and mitigate information and cyber security threats and vulnerabilities. The security analyst role is an entry point to many other security specialties and is highly in-demand in todays evolving threat environment.In the fast moving world of cyber security, with new threats evolving daily, up to date knowledge and skills that involves protecting systems and networks of companies and other assets containing mission-critical data as well as designing and developing new security solutions routinely to stay ahead of the hackers and cyber attackers.Learn the essential prerequisites for your career success! ENROLL TODAY!"
Price: 149.99

"Forensic Investigator Fundamentals" |
"Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attempts and correctly obtaining evidence to investigate the crime and performing investigations to deter further attempts.This course will allow both the established and new practitioners to build their existing and future career. Computer Hacking and Forensic Analysis is one of the most valued skillset in the area of network security, and possessing it raises one to an elite group of professionals.This course is built for those involved in digital forensics to get a glimpse of the real realm of computer forensics examination.Learn world class electronic discovery and professional investigative techniques, and hold computer forensic knowledge that will help organizations recognize, seize, preserve and present digital evidence.Irrespective of the size of your company, computer forensics must be part of that system, indicating that the demand for highly trained computer forensics specialists continues to grow.Become a professional today, SIGN UP NOW!"
Price: 149.99

"DNA and Therapeutic Agents MCQ Practice Questions (Bio Tech)" |
"Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genomeRecombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two strands. Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure, and differ only in the nucleotide sequence within that identical overall structure. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera. R-DNA technology uses palindromic sequences and leads to the production of sticky and blunt endsTherapeutic effect refers to the response(s) after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are judged to be useful or favorable. This is true whether the result was expected, unexpected, or even an unintended consequence. An adverse effect (including nocebo) is the converse and refers to harmful or undesired response(s). What constitutes a therapeutic effect versus a side effect is a matter of both the nature of the situation and the goals of treatment. No inherent difference separates therapeutic and undesired side effects; both responses are behavioral/physiologic changes that occur as a response to the treatment strategy or agentThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Recombinant DNA and Synthesis of Therapeutic Agents.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 39 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Kurs Microsoft Power BI - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Szkolenia z PowerBI dla kadego!Dziki szkoleniu dostrzeesz, e Power BI to co wicej ni tylko wykresy. To potne, zaawansowane i niezwykle skuteczne narzdzie analityczne, ktre pozwoli Ci wizualizowa dane czy automatycznie podczy wiele najrniejszych rde danych, aplikacji i usug. Zobaczysz, jak zastosowa poszczeglne narzdzia i funkcje, ktre pozwol wykorzysta cay Twj potencja i osign maksymalne korzyci dla Twojej firmy. Zaznajomisz si z tematyk pulpitw nawigacyjnych i kafelkw, a take interaktywnych raportw. Dowiesz si rwnie, jak wygenerowa kod QR dla dowolnego elementu w usudze. Przekonasz si, e Power BI to inteligentne rozwizanie dla kadego wymagajcego przedsibiorcy.Dla kogo jest szkolenie?Szkolenie z PowerBI dedykowane jest w gwnej mierze firmom wykorzystujcym w swych dziaaniach szeroko pojt analiz biznesow, a wic tym, ktrzy na co dzie pracuj z danymi, publikuj je i udostpniaj. Tym, ktrzy nieustannie poszukuj nowych i coraz bardziej efektywnych rozwiza do monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym wszystkiego, co dotyczy ich firmy w jak najbardziej przejrzystej formie."
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Office Professional Training WEP" |
"After taking this course you will be able to create documents for your office or you will be able to create documents professionally for your personal use. you will be able to earn online. Purposes for creation is only providing computer education for pakistani student. This complete course ms office professional training.After taking this courss you will be able create your documentsYou will be able to get a job in office"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginner Tools + Workshop" |
"As a graphic designer for over 10 years, I have taught in various Graphic Design and Marketing Schools and in Training Centres.This training course is aimed at professionals as well as students who want to learn the basics of the ILLUSTRATOR programme and be able to freely create.You wish to create your logo, pictograms, visual graphics but you do not know how to procede.This course will guide you step by step through the basic learning tools. You will learn how to master the tools, to create your own logo, modify a logo, create an illustration and therefore create your own independent visual project.ILLUSTRATOR is an easy-to-use software but contains a few keys you need to know: this is what this training programme provides.Now take your computer mouse and you are only a few clics away from creative logos and visuals!Join the Facebook group for clues, tutos and mutual help and assistanceType Formation graphique by Romain DuclosBuy this programme and be free to create"
Price: 199.99

"UML For Beginners: Introduction and Tips" |
"Learning about UML and need those tips badly? Do require learning about UML related concepts and do not know where to start? Then THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! With UML For Beginners: Introduction and Tips, you will get just exactly what you do need. Improve a lot, learn and go further. Time to study now!"
Price: 19.99

"QA Quality Assurance Software Testing Fundamentals" |
"The primary goal of this course is to help existing or future QA analysts, testers and leads to build a solid foundation in Quality Assurance and Testing in order to excel in their job or be able to successfully pass the interview and secure the QA Quality Assurance analyst job. The structure of this course is very simple yet comprehensive and powerful and covers all the knowledge necessary and topics for Testing and Quality Assurance.Apply coupon code: UDEMY09 to get your discounted course!This course covers the following topics: Software Development Lifecycle;Testing methodologies, testing methods, types of software testing, Manual versus automated testing as well as testing tools such as HP Quality Center. Moreover this course includes also real interview questions and answers in order to ace your interview and excel in your job.At the end of this course you will have a strong understanding of what QA Analysis is; what your role as a QA Quality Assurance analyst is; what are your job responsibilities; what are your deliverables that you need to produce as a QA Analyst; how to approach the interview in such a way to project a positive light and stand out from the other candidates. This knowledge will allow you to perform your daily tasks in your QA job position easily. This course is the complete road-map that any QA Analyst, future QA Analyst or Tester should take."
Price: 99.99

"Devexpress le Restaurant Uygulamas (Blm 2)" |
"Kursu almadan nce amacnz eer ki Profesyonel yntemlerle C# ve Devexpress nasl kullanlr diyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Kursumuz BackEnd ve FrontEnd ksmlarndan oluan ve BackEnd tarafnda NLayer Architecture(ok katmanl Mimari) eklinde tasarlanan, gereksiz kod yazmnn olmad gl bir BackEnd ile FrontEnd tarafnda Devexpress`in bir ok aracnn kullanld ve grnts ho ve kullanl bir uygulama yaptk. Uygulamamzn tantm videosunda bu ksmlar inceleyebilirsiniz. Kursu almadan nce ltfen izleyin. Kursu bitirdiinizde C# ile ilgili bir ka seviye atlayacanz(Ezbere yapmadnzda) garanti ediyorum. ok ok nemli not: Ltfen kursu Kaynak kodlar talep etmek iin satn alacaksanz ltfen uzak durunuz. Kaynak kodlar paylalmayacaktr."
Price: 99.99

"American Accent Mastery II: Advanced Application" |
"COURSE GOALS:To give you the tools, tricks, exercises and techniques to apply your American Accent knowledge to every day, real world situations. Are you sick of people asking you ""Where are you from??"" or ""Can you please repeat that?"" or ""Sorry, can you speak slower?"" If so, this course will help you speak with a clear, crisp and correct American accent in circumstances spanning business, phone conversations, presentations, interviews, acting and social conversations.The goal is simple: finally remove the barrier to communication you have as a foreign English speaker.THE SEQUEL COURSE EVERYONE HAS BEEN ASKING FOR:With thousands of clients around the world, more and more I'm hearing the need and craving for a course that doesn't only teach the techniques to achieving a perfect American accent, but how to apply these techniques to specific real world situations.As a foreign English speaker, you can understand the struggles of being understood on the phone or being passed over for a job because the manager couldn't understand you. You've known what its like to order food or a product and receive the wrong thing because the person on the other end misunderstood you. The experience of people laughing at you awkwardly or tuning out of your stories or presentations because they don't know what you're saying, is all too familiar.After learning the techniques in my first course, it's time to use advanced skills to apply them. So, I decided to create a course where you get to watch and listen as we convert foreign accents to an American accent in real world situations. This course also gives you a whole new way of approaching the American accent by removing the technical aspect and getting you to THINK like an American English speaker.The idea of this course is to breakdown the techniques you've learnt and show you how to apply them in your daily life and also provides practical assignments and exercises for you to practice in your daily life.The reason this is a separate course is because the forms of application are so vast that putting them in the introductory course would be overwhelming. This is for those who need to and are ready to use their accent in high stake situations in their daily lives.WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:This course is for anyone who wants to perfect an American accent in the real world, regardless of your field of work. The teachings apply to everyone from those who work in IT and business, to those who need the accent for presentations, meetings, phone conversations, to actors, hosts and voice over artists. Ideally, you will have completed my first course ""American Accent Made Easy"" and have a basic understanding of the drills and techniques we will be applying here.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:You will learn how to apply the Drills and Technical lessons to real world situations. You will learn how to use the American accent to your advantage in professional and social situations. You will also learn how to analyze American conversations through case studies, so that you will understand how rhythm is applied. This will help you tweak and shift your accent to American English that can be understood in this ever expanding globalized world. CLIENT TESTIMONIALS:""My lack of understanding of the US accent was preventing me from booking work. Ashwin has a wonderful, effective and easy to learn approach to his teaching that wasn't just about the sound, but also rhythm and tone. After only a few lessons I had more much confidence for auditions and within only a few weeks had book an American job!""- Keisha Castle-Hughes (Oscar nominated actress in Game of Thrones, Whale Rider, FBI: Most Wanted)""Meticulous, thorough and practical. Ashwin Gore's accent coaching means walking in the room feeling prepared and on-point with the American accent.""- Deobia Operai (actor in Independence Day 2, Dumbo, Sex Education)""Ashwin has helped me get the perfect American accent. His methods are easy to learn, easy to practice and fun to do. Not only did he help me with the accent, he also taught me to use my voice in the best possible way.""- Tyler Atkins (actor in Outlaw Chronicles, Puberty Blues)"
Price: 79.99

"Develop Java MVC web apps using MyBatis, Servlets and JSP" |
"Servlets and JSPA Java servlet is a Java software component that extends the capabilities of a server. Although servlets can respond to many types of requests, they most commonly implement web containers for hosting web applications on web servers and thus qualify as a server-side servlet web API. Such web servlets are the Java counterpart to other dynamic web content technologies such as PHP and ASP.NET.A Java servlet processes or stores a Java class in Java EE that conforms to the Java Servlet API, a standard for implementing Java classes that respond to requests. Servlets could in principle communicate over any clientserver protocol, but they are most often used with HTTP. Thus ""servlet"" is often used as shorthand for ""HTTP servlet"". Thus, a software developer may use a servlet to add dynamic content to a web server using the Java platform. The generated content is commonly HTML, but may be other data such as XML and more commonly, JSON. Servlets can maintain state in session variables across many server transactions by using HTTP cookies, or URL mapping.To deploy and run a servlet, a web container must be used. A web container (also known as a servlet container) is essentially the component of a web server that interacts with the servlets. The web container is responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets, mapping a URL to a particular servlet and ensuring that the URL requester has the correct access rights.The Servlet API, contained in the Java package hierarchy javax.servlet, defines the expected interactions of the web container and a servlet.Servlets can be generated automatically from JavaServer Pages (JSP) by the JavaServer Pages compiler. The difference between servlets and JSP is that servlets typically embed HTML inside Java code, while JSPs embed Java code in HTML. While the direct usage of servlets to generate HTML has become rare, the higher level MVC web framework in Java EE (JSF) still explicitly uses the servlet technology for the low level request/response handling via the FacesServlet. A somewhat older usage is to use servlets in conjunction with JSPs in a pattern called ""Model 2"", which is a flavor of the modelviewcontroller.MyBatis is a Java persistence framework that couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using an XML descriptor or annotations.Apache MyBatisMyBatis is free software that is distributed under the Apache License 2.0.MyBatis is a fork of iBATIS 3.0 and is maintained by a team that includes the original creators of iBATIS.Unlike ORM frameworks, MyBatis does not map Java objects to database tables but Java methods to SQL statements.MyBatis lets you use all your database functionality like stored procedures, views, queries of any complexity and vendor proprietary features. It is often a good choice for legacy or de-normalized databases or to obtain full control of SQL execution.It simplifies coding compared to JDBC. SQL statements are executed with a single line.MyBatis provides a mapping engine that maps SQL results to object trees in a declarative way."
Price: 12800.00

"Projeto Arquitetnico de um Sobrado no AutoCAD" |
"Neste curso os alunos aprendero como desenhar o projeto arquitetnico de uma casa de 2 andares do zero a impresso, no AutoCAD.Neste curso voc aprender como criar um arquivo modelo completo, desenhar plantas baixas, cortes, fachadas, plantas de locao e situao, plantas baixas mobiliadas, definir escalas do projeto, inserir dimenses, reas e anotaes no projeto, manipular blocos, gerar tabelas automticas de esquadrias e imprimir o projeto em um formato padro."
Price: 294.99

"Real Estate 4.0 - The Real Estate Industry in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!--------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Real Estate 4.0 - the Real Estate Industry in Industry 4.0!--------------------------------------------------In this course, there are SIX sections which cover over 45 lectures worth over 2 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to the Real Estate Industry - Discover what the Real Estate Industry is and ...Section 2 - Introduction to Challenges of the Real Estate Industry - Discover the Challenges of the Real Estate Industry including...Section 3 - Introduction to Opportunities for Innovation in the Real Estate Industry - Discover what the Opportunities for Innovation are in the Real Estate Industry including....Section 4 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 and the Industry 4.0 Environment - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 5 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 6 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Real Estate Industry - Learn about the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Real EstateIndustry including building a more robust and resilient supply chain, better and faster quality checking, proactive decision making in the production floor, multi-model manufacturing and smart clothing.--------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on Customer Experience in Industry 4.0 and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!--------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Pending) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 6 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 79.99
