"Enriching Classroom Engagement in Post COVID Times" |
"The learning of the new age incorporates the new normal with the new preface of learning and teaching. The new normal is being online all the time and exploring the module which depicts the strategies in particular to enhance the learning process for both the students and the teachers by being street smart with age and time. The learning is going to be at a magnitude with the post COVID times....and here is how."
Price: 19.99

"How to Promote Your Webinar and Get More Attendees?" |
"The very objective of this course is to deliver the call for the populated presence of the audience in any webinar. The promotion initiatives towards assuring attendance and clubbing the initiatives towards participation in the way. The strategies deal towards assuring few strategies in making the possibility a reality in particular. Making the participation active and assuring is the objective. Know the who how now for yourself."
Price: 19.99

"How To Avoid Classroom Distractions?" |
"The objective of this module is to innovate creative teaching and learning as an outcome within classrooms. To cure ignorance and avoid distractions in the teaching and learning process in particular. The module exhibits the introduction of novel strategies towards classroom management and creative teaching skills through engagement and implementing experiential learning modules towards a win-win approach as an educational climate within the school."
Price: 19.99

"Catering to COVID Times Boldly as a Learner" |
"The module exhibits strategies towards coping with the Post COVID-19 times and getting ready to be normal in the new normal by executing the task of living with the covid through measures and support system of self care and social distancing with positive motivation and at ease and comfort. The learning has to be on and executable with the march of time and tide. The priority in particular at large!"
Price: 19.99

"A complete guide to Domains, Web Hosting and Web development" |
"The course is for anybody who wants to understand what domains, web hosting and web development is. The course covers a vast area which starts from domains to designing a website, starting your own domain and web hosting reseller business and so on. After doing this course you will have a clear idea about all aspects of web hosting and web development. You will easily be able to design any website and also start your own hosting business. If you are a business owner, you can take this course and you will have an idea about all these web-related services."
Price: 19.99

"CRM for contractors Pipedrive for contractors" |
"How many deals did you get this month?How many deals did you close this month?What is your conversion rate?What is your revenue goal?How far are you today from achieving your revenue goal this month, this quarter, or this year?Those are fundamental to each business. However, it is not something they teach us in high school. We need to learn it somehow ourselves.After years of owning my business, I dedicated the significant portion of my success to our CRM.CRM is the core of our business.In this course, I want to share my knowledge. It is not rocket science, but you need to set it up correctly and know the basics to start using it right away."
Price: 99.99

"CRM for agencies Pipedrive for agencies" |
"How many deals did you get this month?How many deals did you close this month?What is your conversion rate?What is your revenue goal?How far are you today from achieving your revenue goal this month, this quarter, or this year?Those are fundamental to each business. However, it is not something they teach us in high school. We need to learn it somehow ourselves.After years of owning my business, I dedicated the significant portion of my success to our CRM.CRM is the core of our business. This is perfect course for any kind of agency. It is good for a marketing agency, digital agency, web developers, email marketing agency, creative agency and etc.In this course, I want to share my knowledge. It is not rocket science, but you need to set it up correctly and know the basics to start using it right away."
Price: 99.99

"ZOOM Zoom" |
"2020.05.16Zoom5.02020.05.19Zoom2020.08.06Zoom v5.2.0ZoomZoomZoomZoomZoomZoomE-bookZOOM"
Price: 9000.00

Radiology |
"This course is for post graduate, graduate medical students, nursing, paramedical students. Masters and PhDs in radiology will also find it helpful. I have assorted a wide range of topics of radiology which are complex and difficult to understand. I have primarily highlighted subjects which are often cause of confusion among students. I hope you like it and spread the good word !"
Price: 189.99

"Medical Imaging" |
"This course is for post graduate, graduate medical students, nursing, paramedical students. Masters and PhDs in radiology will also find it helpful. I have assorted a wide range of topics of radiology which are complex and difficult to understand. I have primarily highlighted subjects which are often cause of confusion among students. I hope you like it and spread the good word !"
Price: 189.99

"Develop your photography skills and start doing photography" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Develop your photography skills and start doing photography''Photography is an amazing art. It can be a passion, profession and leisure activity. If you've mastered the basics of framing, shooting, and taking a photograph, try taking it further. Make it a hobby, or maybe even a career, rather than taking only the usual holiday, pet, and kid snapshots. It is time to start making stunning, rather than simply passable, photographs. There's something captivating about capturing images. If you're just starting out and would like to make photography a hobby, focus on the basics. Assemble gear for taking pictures and practice photographing with manual settings, using a tripod, and composing a shot. If you're an experienced photographer and you're considering making it a career, build on the basics while developing business goals.Pursuing a college degree in photography can lead to a rewarding, life-long career. Whether shooting pictures as a photojournalist, working as a commercial photographer or specializing in fine arts photography, potential students must understand what to expect when pursuing photography as a major. In addition to choosing colleges that offer photography degrees, those majoring in the field must focus on developing skills while learning the history, science, art and basics of digital and traditional photography. When learning how to major in photography, it is important for potential students to know what to expect when working towards a degree in the art of photography.Creating a portfolio of your work is one of the most important things you can do as a photographer. Whether you want to market yourself commercially or simply create a collection for private use, a portfolio allows you the chance to assemble a concise group of images that represents your best work. The purpose for your portfolio will play a large role in how you put it together. However, all portfolios should demonstrate skill level and include a cohesive group of images with a unifying theme. By keeping your purpose and intended audience in mind, you can assemble an effective portfolio for any objective."
Price: 144.99

"Curso de Copywriting" |
"El copywriting es la tcnica que convierte un texto simple en un contenido comercial que llame la atencin de posibles compradores.Cuando sta tcnica se orienta al SEO, prepara los textos adems para su posicionamiento en buscadores. Por lo que se convierte en la frmula necesaria para lograr contenidos comerciales en Internet.Recibirs el contenido y las instrucciones para realizarlo."
Price: 19.99

"Dibujo digital para moda" |
"En el mundo de la moda actual, las empresas buscan personas creativas que puedan comunicar sus diseos de una forma rpida y eficaz. Este curso est pensado para aprender cmo utilizar Adobe Illustrator de la manera ms precisa, a la hora de visualizar y representar sus ideas de diseo.Aprende tcnicas de ilustracin digital: comienza con los principios bsicos, con instrucciones claras paso a paso; sigue con la creacin del figurn tcnico que utilizaremos para aprender a hacer los dibujos en plano de diferentes prendas como camisetas, faldas, vestido, camisa, pantaln, etc. Avanzaremos gradualmente hacia tareas ms complejas como el figurn estilizado, construyndolo con diferentes rasgos y poses, adems de detalles en prenda como botones, cremalleras y cordones, pasando por todo tipo de tejidos. Por ltimo aprenderemos cmo hacer una presentacin adecuada de nuestro diseo.Cuando hayas aprendido todas las tcnicas incluidas en este curso, sers capas de producir bocetos sensacionales y tendrs la confianza necesaria para crear tu propio estilo. Desde prendas altamente tcnicas a ilustraciones completamente originales, al terminar habrs construido una valiosa biblioteca de fornituras y detalles de diseo para poder utilizar todas las veces que quieras en el futuro."
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript do Bsico ao Avanado 2020" |
"Agora que voc j sabe HTML e CSS, venha aprender a dar interatividade aos seus sites com o JavaScript.Este o terceiro curso da Srie Front-end do comeo: Desenvolvimento Web onde vamos aprender a fundo as linguagens base da Web, o HTML, CSS e JS.Neste curso ensino a fundo o JavaScript puro, o assim chamado JavaScript Vanilla do bsico ao avanado. essencial saber o JavaScript puro para que se possa entender os frameworks que so baseados nele como Node.js, Angular, React, jQuery e outros e que so to usados no mercado de trabalho.Este um curso onde eu apresento teoria e prtica para que ao final dele voc saiba pensar em JavaScript.Vou ensinar o JavaScript do bsico ao avanado cobrindo ES5 e novidades que vieram depois do ES6+.Venha aproveitar de mais de 12 horas de aulas para aprender a terceira linguagem que forma a base da Web!Vamos aprender:ECMAScript 5ECMAScript 6 (2015) adianteDeclarar variveisTipos de dadosOperadoresCondicionaisFunesColeesLoops e iteraesDocumento Object Model (DOM)Manipulao do DOMEvent handlers e listenersObjetos a fundoJavaScript AssncronoAJAXE muito mais...O que voc est esperando? Corre a e se inscreve!Necessrio saber HTML e CSS para entender o curso. Mas se voc no sabe, no esquenta. Vai a no meu perfil, e os dois primeiros cursos da srie so justamente de HTML e CSS. Comece pelo HTML!Bons estudos!"
Price: 324.99

"ServiceNow Dashboards" |
"ServiceNow Dashboards - um overview para criar dashboards no ServiceNow, este curso fornece uma viso inicial sobre mdulo.O ServiceNow Dashboard possibilita voc criar e compatilhar informaes que mostram os dados atuais de sua instncia, com diversas funcionalidades agregando informaes de relatrios.ContedoViso Geral do Dashboard / Dashboard overviewPrefernciasMenuNavegaoRolespa_viewerpa_power_userpa_admindashboard_adminComo criar dashboardsPasso a passoATENO:Reports no abordado neste curso: Aqui mesmo no Udemy h outro curso para este tpico.Performance Analytics no abordado neste curso / Performance Analytics isn't part of this course."
Price: 19.99

"UX Testing For Real Clients The Perfect Site Structure" |
"Do you have a website, online store or blog? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous websites, marketing agencies, local business and start up services looking to fix big mistakes we all make when designing and creating a website.I've done hundreds of reviews and love helping people. I'm sharing these private case studies in this massive course to help you make your web presence better. You'll learn various ways to improve your own website by watching someone go in blind and use a brand new website. Give, real actionable feedback based on my own personal experience of running two 4 figure websites."
Price: 99.99

"ISC2 CISSP-ISSEP Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for ISC2 CISSP-ISSEP Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020Security engineering certification recognizes your keen ability to practically apply systems engineering principles and processes to develop secure systems. You have the knowledge and skills to incorporate security into projects, applications, business processes and all information systems.This practice test will help you prepare for the real CISSP-ISSEP official exam test environment. CISSP-ISSEP DomainSecurity Engineering PrinciplesRisk ManagementSecurity Planning, Design, and ImplementationSecure Operations, Maintenance, and Disposal Systems Engineering Technical ManagemenThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC2 CISSP-ISSEP in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

"Seu e-book na Amazon" |
"Este curso no serve para quem deseja escrever um romance, um conto, uma coletnea de poesias. No mundo dos livros (e dos e-books) essa a categoria literatura e fico, que inclui poesias, peas teatrais, contos, romances. E h a categoria denominada no fio - livros tcnicos, autoajuda, orientao para a vida, variedade, etc. O curso destina-se a quem deseja publicar um e-book de no fico.Publicar um e-book pode ser um bom caminho para fazer uso produtivo de uma competncia que voc tenha, para promover sua carreira, para promover a organizao a que esteja vinculado, para levar sua mensagem avante, para estabelecer um canal de comunicao com uma comunidade. Enfim, os e-books so uma alternativa de mdia das mais interessantes, flexveis e eficientes. Qual seu objetivo? O e-book poder ajudar voc a realiz-lo.Muitas pessoas, entretanto, consideram a possibilidade mas no sabem por onde comear. Esse curso vai ser o primeiro passo essencial para essas pessoas. O autor j publicou mais de 30 e-books na Amazon e profissional do livro com mais de quatro dcadas de experincia - alm de tese de doutorado no assunto.Esse curso simples, prtico, curto, direto. Bem dentro da linha ""how-to"", como fazer, vai dar todas as dicas essenciais para a criao e publicao de um e-book na Amazon, de modo a ampliar seu potencial de sucesso."
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Realistic Drawing: Master Colored Pencil Drawing" |
"Drawing with colored pencilThe use of colored pencils has been around for many years in painting, and in recent years the use of colored pencils for drawing has increased among artists, and nowadays we see more artworks created by colored pencils in collections and museums.If you want to start the colored pencil drawing experience, this series of tutorials related to colored pencils techniques for drawing and painting will be suitable for you.To begin with, we would like to remind you of the points made by artists who paint with colored pencils as important points. These topics include creating layers with colors, using brushes and lightening colors of colored pencils, and creating the primary sketches.1- Arranging the layers in sketching with colored pencilsOne advantage of painting with colored pencils is that the colors are compatible and can be combined. The colored pencils are transparent, so the layers we create are transparent and blend together as well. Sometimes you may find it difficult to find exactly the color you need between the colors of your pencils, but you can get other colors through layering, which means putting the colors on top of each other, so the color will be close to what you want as a result.The next challenge is knowing what effect these layers have on each other.Here are some tips about this: Layers created with complementary colors darken both colors. If the hand pressure on the colored pencil is increased, the color concentration will be higher but not darker. You can darken a color with the closest dark color to the same color. For example, use purple on red. Or use dark blue or dark brown before black. Remember not to use black as the top layer on any color. To lighten a color, create a layer with a lighter color on it. Combine a color to intensify it. Creating a white layer on most colors makes them lighter.2- Using brushesSome tutorials use a brush to create base or background color, which speeds up the work. You can use powdered pencil or pastel or even cosmetic shadows to paint the background. But it is preferable not to use too much brush on the surface layers of pencil painting, as this will reduce the freshness and gloss of the colors.In this method, you need colored pencils that have a high pigment. If there is not enough pigment so that the brush can move it, nothing will happen.Only if there are too many pigments, they can be transferred to the required parts with a brush.3- Precise sketch of the primary sketch with graphite pencilWhen you apply the components with a graphite pencil, it will be easier to paint and shape the sketch. The pencil suitable for creating the primary sketch is a regular B2 pencil, that the softness and opacity of which is suitable for creating the primary sketch, or you can create the primary sketch with a pencil that is close to or slightly lighter than the background color, so there won't be a need for erasing the pencil lines.If you use a graphite pencil, be sure to erase the perimeter lines slowly before painting.Painting fruits with pencils, while seemingly simple, is a practical tutorial with many charms. Among the subjects of lifeless nature, the fruit is a subject whose painting subject has always been available and there is a great variety of forms and colors. In this course from fruits and vegetables, we have selected bell peppers and zucchini for teaching. In these tutorials, you will learn how to color and shape and create a shiny texture of pepper in three colors.Another subject that has been chosen for this course is the shoes. In the selected model, you will get acquainted with how to create shoe volume as well as the subject's leather texture, and of course, the selected model has other details that will also be taught.Drawing animals with pencils is another interesting subject in this technique. The variety of textures, colors, and shapes that exist in animals has made them an interesting subject in pencil learning. In painting different animals, the student can get acquainted with different types of feathers, hair, wool, etc. In this training course, we will teach a simple design of a butterfly, parrot, dog, and tiger, during which the student will learn coloring the butterfly, create the shape of the parrot's feathers and how to create the dog's body shape and hair and beautiful tiger body spots and etc."
Price: 199.99

"DIY whimsical wedding design course is creative wedding online floristry course, where you will learn the essentials of whimsical wedding floral design in the most beautiful contemporary way.No prior experience is needed. This course is suitable for hobbyists, beginners, experienced florists or those who want to create their own wedding.Through the length of more than 3 hours video tutorials you will learn the basics of whimsical wedding design and create your own wedding.In our detailed, step by step tutorials you will learn how to create a beautiful wedding bouquet , buttonhole and gorgeous table centrepiece.You can take your time, as this course is 100% online and there is no better way to create the wedding flowers than from the comfort of your home."
Price: 44.99

"Social Media com PowerPoint" |
"Crie Mdias Digitais Incrveis para Redes Sociais do absoluto Zero usando apenas o PowerPoint.Neste Treinamento Completo de Social Media, voc Aprender a criar Imagens para Feed de Redes Sociais como: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp entre outras. Alm disso, tambm aprender a criar Stories Normal, Stories Animado, Carto Interativo Digital e Muito mais...Tudo do Absoluto Zero, passo a passo detalhado"
Price: 39.99

"Articulate Rise Completo (100% em Portugus)" |
"Esse curso apresenta uma viso abrangente do Articulate Rise e aborda todas as funcionalidades desse programa. O contedo foi organizado de forma a contemplar dos conceitos simples aos mais avanados, preparando o aluno para fazer um uso completo dos seus recursos, tanto para usurio iniciantes como para quem j usa a ferramenta."
Price: 399.99

"Python for Data Science: Learn Data Science From Scratch" |
"Hello there,Ready for the Data Science career? Are you curious about Data Science and looking to start your self-learning journey into the world of data with Python?Are you an experienced developer looking for a landing in Data Science!In both cases, you are at the right place! Welcome to Python for Data Science: Learn Data Science From Scratch coursePython is the most popular programming language for the data science process in recent years and also do not forget that data scientist has been ranked the number one job on several job search sites! With Python skills, you will encounter many businesses that use Python and its libraries for data science. Almost all companies working on machine learning and data science use Pythons Pandas library. Thanks to the large libraries provided, The number of companies and enterprises using Python is increasing day by day. The world we are in is experiencing the age of informatics. Python and its Pandas library will be the right choice for you to take part in this world and create your own opportunities, In this course, we will open the door of the Data Science world and will move deeper. You will learn the fundamentals of Python and its beautiful libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib step by step. Throughout the course, we will teach you how to use the Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms and we will also do a variety of exercises to reinforce what we have learned in this Python for Data Science course.In this course you will learn;How to use Anaconda and Jupyter notebook,Fundamentals of Python such asDatatypes in Python,Lots of datatype operators, methods and how to use them,Conditional concept, if statementsThe logic of Loops and control statementsFunctions and how to use themHow to use modules and create your own modulesData science and Data literacy conceptsFundamentals of Numpy for Data manipulation such asNumpy arrays and their featuresHow to do indexing and slicing on ArraysLots of stuff about Pandas for data manipulation such asPandas series and their featuresDataframes and their featuresHierarchical indexing concept and theoryGroupby operationsThe logic of Data MungingHow to deal effectively with missing data effectivelyCombining the Data FramesHow to work with Dataset filesAnd also you will learn fundamentals thing about Matplotlib library such asPyplot, Pylab and Matplotlb conceptsWhat Figure, Subplot and Axes areHow to do figure and plot customizationAnd we will do many exercises. Finally, we will also have 4 different final projects covering all of these subjects.Why would you want to take this course?We have prepared this course in the simplest way for beginners and have prepared many different exercises to help them understand better.No prior knowledge is needed!In this course, you need no previous knowledge about Python, Pandas or Data Science.This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level.If you are new to data science or have no idea about what data science does no problem, you will learn anything you need to start data science.If you are a software developer or familiar with other programming languages and you want to start a new world, you are also in the right place. You will learn step by step with hands-on examples. You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now Python for Data Science: Learn Data Science From Scratch courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"La Ley, manifiesta la vida que deseas." |
"Si ests aqu es porque an no te ha funcionado nada de lo que has ledo y practicado propuesto por numerosos gurs, maestros, emprendedores... O quizs comienza a funcionarte, pero sientes que algo sigue fallando.En este curso te desvelamos una ley superior a la Ley de Atraccin, se trata de la Ley de Dios, una ley que Neville Goddard comparti con el mundo. Una ley y conocimientos que te permitirn retomar el control de tu vida, te permitirn cumplir tus deseos, te permitirn poderte ayudar a t mismo/misma y a otras personas.Descubrirs que la humanidad lleva toda su historia aprendiendo bajo el yugo del Maestro del Sufrimiento, pero ha llegado por fin el momento de avanzar un escaln ms, aqu te presentamos a un nuevo maestro mucho ms suave, agradable, amable: El Maestro de la Consciencia, el cual te ensear a travs de la elevacin de tu consciencia y no a travs de los golpes de la vida. Y la Ley es la manera en la que el Maestro de la Consciencia nos permite movernos por el mundo consiguiendo lo que deseamos y no ser aplastados.- Motivacional - Reljante- Revelador- InspiradorCon imgenes especialmente seleccionadas y dispuestas en el orden adecuado para ir hablndole a tu mente interior subconsciente mientras escuchas conscientemente mis palabras."
Price: 169.99

"The Black Book of Succcess and Achievement" |
"In this course you will learn how to See the ""View from the top"" starting at the bottom.V- vision, I- Intention, E- Execution, W- Willpower. All parts are necessary for success. This visualization technique will be blended into other principles including the main ideal of using Visualization to bend the ""Law of Attraction"" to your will."
Price: 29.99

"Drawing Comic Master Class Volume 2" |
"Hi its Harvey Fenellere here. Due to lots of message that i received this whole time from some people asking me to make a new course here I just finished one.thank you for all the patience and understanding. technically I was actually thinking whats the best thing to teach since I'm pretty sure that most of you guys are eager to learn advance material.So here I am introducing my secrets to all of you. In this Course I will Tackle some of the secrets that pros use to create their comics including mine. And I will teach you things that I normally teach when I guess on different universities and academy to teach comics as well in every seminar I've been invited at.So dont hesitate to take this course if you enjoyed my previous one. Thank you for all the support and positive feed back. Hopefully this course will serve you guys good amount of knowledge. I put my 16 years of experience on the line.Have fun and dont forget to take notes!-Harvey Fenellere"
Price: 19.99

"Cuisine base de plantes. Vgtalien. +BONUS la fin" |
"Ce cours comprends des vidos de 12 recettes de cuisine base de plantes.. Recevez en plus votre BONUS : un livre numrique GRATUIT: 25 plantes pour survivre aux infections viral normalement vendu 27.Gurissez votre corps grce une alimentation base de plantes, en utilisant ces recettes faciles suivre qui changeront radicalement votre perception des aliments.Les personnes qui suivent un rgime base de plantes ont un taux de cholestrol plus bas, une meilleure pression artrielle et un risque plus faible de maladie cardiaque, d'accident vasculaire crbral, de cancer, de diabte de type 2 et d'inflammation. ouvrira un nouveau monde de cuisine base de plantes. Crer de nouvelles saveurs dlicieuses et des plats inspirants faciles crer.Ce cours limine le stress de la planification et de la cuisson de repas sains. De la comprhension des aliments qui vous conviennent le mieux l'achat d'ingrdients simples et abordables, au mlange de tous les ingrdients et l'attente de la cuisson de votre repas, de nombreux facteurs entrent en jeu. Comment chaque repas vous nourrit, vous donne plus d'nergie et ce qu'il faut pour faire des recettes d'aliments sains et savoureux!Les personnes qui suivent un rgime base de plantes ont un taux de cholestrol plus bas, une meilleure pression artrielle et un risque plus faible de maladie cardiaque, d'accident vasculaire crbral, de cancer, de diabte de type 2 et d'inflammation. Dans ce cours, la chef Cynthia Louise ouvrira un nouveau monde de cuisine base de plantes; Crer de nouvelles saveurs dlicieuses et des plats inspirants faciles crer.Voici certains des avantages de la cuisson des aliments entiers:ingrdients simples et faciles (tous les ingrdients peuvent tre trouvs dans votre supermarch local ou sont ceux que vous avez dj dans votre cuisine)rester en bonne sant (il a t dmontr que les rgimes alimentaires entiers rduisent le risque de nombreuses maladies + cancers)se sentir plus connect (avec la terre, les agriculteurs, vos amis et votre famille et vous-mme!)satisfaction accrue (vous obtiendrez tous les nutriments dont vous avez besoin pour vous sentir plus satisfait)mieux dormir la nuit et plus d'nergie tout au long de la journerduction des fringalesmeilleure digestionse sentir plus motionnellement, mentalement et physiquement quilibrrien de plus artificiel (juste de la nourriture pure comme la nature le voulait)pas de rgime la mode ou de nourriture rapide (manger n'a pas tre stressant ou compliqu, les gens mangent de cette faon depuis des milliers d'annes)bons gras! (la cuisson des aliments entiers contient des graisses saines qui sont bonnes pour votre sant globale)options sans produits laitiers, sans oeufs, sans gluten et sans noix (ne manquez plus rien - il y a des substitutions pour tout!)Changer votre alimentation afin d'amliorer votre sant et votre nergie : c'est un changement de style de vie."
Price: 29.99

"Modeling Military Boots in Zbrush" |
"This is a chapter of the whole character making tutorial, get the full version on my Gumroad page: Evolving_CGThe full version of the Hellboy making series tutorials contains 3 parts which are Modeling, Posing(include modeling process of needed parts that supports the posing), and Texturing&Rendering.1st part will show you the modeling process of every part that achieve this Hellboy character. English Commentary"
Price: 199.99

"SAP HANA Database Security" |
"No or Less theory, only practical, No off topic discussionPoint by point and step by step practicalsEnd to end implementation and configuration,SAP Security and Basis tips along with the video, Home work assignments given. Short video tutorials of up-to 10 mins long to keep the learning engaging. Learn below Introduction to SAP HANA, Understand HANA architecture, Learn about HANA Studio, IDELearn about HANA privileges, user and role managementLearn auditing HANA systems, Learn troubleshooting authorization issues."
Price: 1280.00

"Green Smoothie Cleanse" |
"Do You Want to Lose Weight, Boost Your Energy,And Increase Your Overall Health?Discover How To Feel Better Than You Ever Have Before With A Great Tasting Smoothie A Day...Dear Friend,Do you ever feel like you have to drag yourself out of bed just to get your day started?If you're like a lot of people out there, most days you likely feel out of energy before you ever get started for the day.Heck, some days you may just want to crawl right back into bed...Unfortunately, if you wake up with little to no energy, things don't get much better as the day goes on...By the afternoon, you feel drained, lethargic, and ready for a nap...Of course, with the busy lives that most of us lead, taking a nap in the middle of the day is very rarely an option...If You Feel Tired, Stressed, And Worn Out Most Of The Time, You're Not Alone.So what's the answer to this?Is feeling miserable all the time just part of modern life?Most people probably think that's the case...that feeling less than good is just part of live.But there is some good newsYou DON'T have to go on feeling that way...For most people, the reason why you feel and low on energy is due to an underlying issue that can be fixed...And the even better news is that the fix to feeling less than energetic is pretty simple...Although most people think they are getting the nutrients that they need, a majority of the people out there are not getting certain VITAL nutrients each day...Without the nutrients that our bodies need each day, we're just not able to function at the levels we are supposed to be at...To put it simply, when your body doesn't have the nutrients it needs each day, it's not much different than a car trying to win a fast, high-octane race with little to no fuel.At some point, that car is going to run out of gas, and end up on the sidelines losing the race.With Our Fast-Paced Lives, Most Of Us Don't Eat The Right Foods And End Up Running On Empty Most Days...Thats because.A very large portion of the food you find at the grocery store these days is processed...And processed food is NOT good.Sure, it may last forever on a shelf, but that's because most processed foods are PACKED with preservatives and sugars...and contain almost NONE of the vital nutrients that we actually need to fuel our bodies each day.These empty calories are...Depleting your energy levels day after dayMaking you feel tiredIncreasing your stress levelsCausing you to store and gain fat (while you lose muscle mass)And ultimately destroying your overall health...Yikes!It sounds horrible, I know.So, What's The Answer?How do you turn things around?The bottom line is thisYou NEED to eat more fruit and vegetables every day.Our bodies literally CRAVE fruits and veggies, and lots of them.To get all the nutrients you need each day, you'd need to eat MULTIPLE servings of both fruits and veggies.But that's easier said than done, right?Even with the best of intentions, it's difficult to eat fruits and veggies all day long.It's not all that convenient, and we often don't have easy access to healthy foods in our busy daily routines...But what if there was a simple way for you to get a HIT of the fruits and veggies that you need at one time?The good news isTHERE IS!The Answer Is Drinking A SmoothieEvery Single DayYou've heard the old phrase that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.Don't get me wrong.An apple a day is great and certainly better than nothing, but your body needs much more than just 1 apple to get all the needed daily nutrients.IntroducingThe Ultimate Guide To Boosting Energy And Improve Your Health With A Smoothie A Day(Great tasting, easy-to-make smoothie recipes included inside)This step-by-step guide gives you everything you need to boost energy, lose weight, and improve your health with daily smoothies.On top of all the health benefits and way you'll feel, the smoothie recipes I've included inside taste AMAZING!Here'A Preview Of Some Of The ThingsYou'll Discover Inside...How smoothies can quickly transform your healthWhy nutrients are so important and the BIG problem that virtually all of us have with or our modern diets (and what we can do to quickly turn things around)The danger in consuming too many empty calories, and how frequent consumption of empty calories are literally destroying your health and making you feel horrible day after day...Why smoothies are a great solution for getting the daily nutrients you need, and what to expect when you start drinking them...How to get the most out of smoothies and avoid harming yourself with the sugar found in many smoothiesNot all smoothies are the same. Discover the 5 keys to the PERFECT smoothie. Almost no one knows this, but making sure your smoothies have these 5 keys is crucial to getting the best results possibleHow to supercharge every smoothie you drink for maximum health and energy. This is simple, but again, very few people know this simple health hack.How to create Energy and Defense Smoothies that boost your immune system and quickly improve your healthSupercharge your morning routine with the Morning Wakeup Smoothie.Unlock the power of the Prep and Pick-up Smoothie anytime you need a quick BOOST.Get a simple recipe for the ultimate Brain Fuel and Breakfast SmoothiesWant a relaxing smoothie that calms you down? You'll also get a recipe for an awesome Bedtime Smoothie that will have you sawing logs in just minutesLike to have a drink every now and then? We've got you covered with the Perfect Smoothie for Hangovers (This one works great when you're overworked or recovering from being a little sick too)You also get an entire selection of smoothies focused on weight loss, building muscles, and getting the most out of your body...Plus, a whole lot more.This guide will give you everything you need boost nutrients and improve your health extremely quickly.But don't just take my word for it.This Sounds Like Exactly What I Need...How Much?When it comes to finding a solution for improving health and boosting energy with smoothies, a lot of people just aren't sure exactly where to start...There are some resources out there about boosting energy and improving your health with smoothies, but most people just end up getting confused when they wing-it and try to figure it all out on their own...In fact, some people get so confused that they hire a nutritionist or invest in expensive smoothie programs to help them get the best results possible with regular smoothies.The problem with this is that it can quickly end up costing you an arm and a leg...The good news isThis guide is the next best thing to hiring a nutrition expert to point you in the right direction.And although this guide will change your life, you won't invest nearly as much as you're probably thinking this is going to cost when you get started today...I've personally devoted my life to helping people get amazing results with smoothies and truly believe that daily smoothies are THE answer to boosting energy and improving your health quickly in today's fast-paced, modern world...I know when you get this, you're going to love it, which is why I've slashed the price for a limited time and made this so affordable that ANYONE, ANYWHERE can get this without breaking the bank...When you grab this guide today, you can get INSTANT ACCESS for just..."
Price: 129.99

"Einkaufscontrolling mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinNicht der Personalaufwand oder die Miete machen die hchsten Kosten im Unternehmen aus, sondern die Wareneinsatzkosten.Damit Sie die Kennzahlen der Ware optimal analysieren, um daraus die richtigen Entscheidungen ableiten, bentigen Sie professionelle Controlling-Tools. In diesem Excel-Kurs lernen Sie mehrere Tipps und Tricks fr Vorlagen, die Sie effektiv im Einkaufscontrolling einsetzen knnen.InhaltABC und XYZ-AnalyseScoring ModellMarken PortfolioWarengruppen PortfolioArtikel PortfolioBreak Even ChartsZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertigen Excel-Dateien zum ben und zur Vertiefung.Hinweis: Die Dateien wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen aber auch bei einer vorigen Version angewendet werden. Die Umsetzung ist sehr hnlich."
Price: 99.99
