"Colored Pencils Art Class" |
"Colored Pencils Art ClassHave you noticed the difference between your average, regular coloring work and a well done coloring page or colored pencils drawing? It is simply amazing how much expression, personality, beauty and details one can put into coloring once you obtain some special techniques in using your colored pencils well.My name is Benjamin Aeilkema and Im an Illustrator and Artist from The Netherlands. I love creating Artworks with all kinds of materials. One of the beauties of working with colored pencils is that there is so little hassle involved in using them. They give such an easy, consistent and satisfying workflow.This ever so satisfying workflow may not be your experience right now. Over the past few years I met many people who struggle to bring their coloring skills to the next level. Along with people who never managed to get started with building the right coloring skills, but who still would really love being able to make truly lovely colored pencils drawings.Some of the struggles people have shared with me.......All the great colored pencil drawings tutorials I have come across online are done with really expensive pencils and high quality brand paper. Trying their lessons with cheaper materials doesnt work at all, but I cant afford all of the stuff they recommend.I would really love to learn the techniques needed to make great colored pencil drawings, but every course Ive tried, was either too complicated or just way too tedious and cumbersome. Demanding so many hours of hard work on each drawing, that it really was disheartening.Do I really have to learn all the art-theory to improve my coloring? That is just so boring and isnt appealing to me at all. I just want better coloring results without being dragged down by all the over-my-head boring stuff.The thing I dont like about the courses Ive tried, is that I only learn follow-along-steps. When Im done with the project presented, I still cant apply the techniques to my own work, so I keep getting stuck all the time. Once again needing someone to guide me through the process.A number of years ago I found myself facing the same struggles. Nevertheless, I somehow was convinced that I could discover the right techniques to conquer these challenges. Techniques to unlock the mystery of making beautiful, impressive coloring pages and colored pencil drawings, without it being so hard to learn. And without being forced to spent a fortune on very expensive materials.Guess what? Once I figured out what these very specific techniques are, I developed ways to master them. You will be glad to hear that these ways are actually not that hard at all.So now without things getting really complicated, boring, tedious or expensive, you too can make a colored pencils work that will WOW people and put a big smile on their face. I love how much you can accomplish with such a well-known and readily available medium, if you just know the right techniques and the right way to apply them. All of that with a method that works with any brand and any paper!So, are you ready to unlock your capacity to create beautiful colored pencil works?Enjoy this specially designed Colored Pencils Method which will take you beyond the places where many get stuckDiscover these easy-to-master, special techniques I created for youWell work on topics like: the basics, blending, gradients, depth, quick light and shadows, and moreGain understanding of only the necessary theory with very plain and understandable step-by-step video lessonsDirectly apply your newly gained insights to assignments this course will walk you throughBecome confident in knowing how to apply your newly acquired skills and gained understanding to your very own colored pencils worksGain a whole new perspective on the way you color!Enrolling in this Art Class will give you 13 video lessons with clear instructions and examples. In these videos, I will be sharing my colored pencils secrets with you. You will greatly benefit from my decades long experience as an instructor and teacher.My easy to follow teaching method will help you to understand exactly how to get from point A to point B. The in-depth demos make even the more complicated matters easy to understand and apply.The skill level advancing assignments are all truly focused on helping you grow. Theyre fun to do, allowing you to keep on discovering new potentials. You will be equipped to explore so many wonderful ways to make amazing colored pencil works ALL ON YOUR OWN!While my journey lasted for years, you now get instant access to my secrets. As you gain from my pain, you will be pleased to see how quickly you improve and grow.There's more......Additional PDF: Great Time Savers in PDF formatTo help you save time, Im providing you with Templates. These templates quickly get you going, without the need of having to redraw the assignments in the videos. Just print out the template you need and youre set. This helps you to stay focused on the lesson, rather than being slowed down by extra work.Once youve completed an assignment, theres no need to re-watch the video lesson. Instead, all of the answers are in a handy booklet. Just find the lesson youre on and compare your work to the finished assignment in the book. Again, this will save you time and allow you to keep on going.Additional Video #1 What about blending?As you probably know, blending can give just that little bit extra to your colored pencils work. But what is the best way to go about this and which tools are the best to use? This Bonus will anwer these questions for you.Additional Video #2 Beyond coloring....So what if you want to transfer that perfect picture to work with to a non-printable paper, or if you dont have a printer at hand? This bonus gives you different methods to solve this problem.Enroll now to gain a new perspective on colored pencils. See you inside."
Price: 24.99

"Step by Step Admin Panel Development - CakePHP 4.x Framework" |
"Inside this course students / developers are going to learn about complete guide forUnderstanding complete architecture to handle CakePHP framework application with MySQL databaseProject workflow preparationDatabase Management learning for an applicationWorking with Auth, Migrations & SeedersProject development with quality & standardsEasy & Simple code standards IntegrationsStep by step learning for each about layout, function & codeHandling every aspect of a project to a deep level in a very simple conceptCourse provides the best skill to make standalone project developerAll these topics we'll cover in detail with live coding standards of CakePHP Framework.Inside this video, student/developer needs only a bit knowledge of MVC pattern of CakePHP any version & little bit about jQuery & Database. That's it. Rest all things will be cleared during each detailed session."
Price: 189.99

"Completely voluminous brooch Pegasus (winged horse)" |
"What is shown in the course:1. Creating a three-dimensional shape for embroidery 360;2. Techniques for sculptural embroidery with thread with metal yarn, beads, seedbeads;3. Embroidery of a completely voluminous product without a seamy side (the face and the wrong side are sewn the same way!)4. Production of frame parts for wings and paws;5. Fastening of frame parts to a product with 3D volume without a wrong side;6. The nuances of fixing accessories for products without the wrong side;You will see the complete process of creating a complex volumetric product from a pattern to finished work. All stages will be considered in great detail, close-up. A lesson for those who already have embroidery experience. This material is not suitable for beginners. If you do not have embroidery experience, I strongly recommend before this lesson look simpler material on the same topic and try to make a couple of products."
Price: 54.99

"C# POO + Lgica de Programao Aplicada" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender de forma prtica dois dos conceitos mais fundamentais da programao que so a Lgica de programao e a Programao Orientada a Objetos, isto de forma prtica e eficiente, no utilizando um pseudo cdigo como normalmente os cursos comuns fazem onde depois de ter aprendido estes conceitos o aluno ter que aprender a sintaxe de uma linguagem de programao, mas sim utilizando uma das mais poderosas e conceituadas linguagens de programao que existem atualmente no mercado que o C#.Aps realizar este curso o aluno sera capaz de desenvolver aplicaes na prtica utilizando a linguagem C# e aplicando de forma correta a lgica de programao e a programao orientada a objetos.Alm do que o aluno ser capacitado para continuar seus estudos e se aprofundar ainda mais no conhecimento da linguagem C#, ou ainda, aprender qualquer outra linguagem de programao sem qualquer dificuldade, j que os conceitos de lgica de programao e POO, se aplicam maior parte das linguagens de programao existentes hoje no mercado de TI.Alguns dos Tpicos que sero abordados durante o curso:. Estruturas bsicas da programao. Sintaxe da linguagem C#. Desenvolvimento de aplicaes de Linha de Comando. Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes de Ambiente Grfico. Programao Orientada a ObjetosAssim como tambm vamos aprender os conceitos necessrios da linguagem C# para poder continuar em outras reas de desenvolvimento sejam estas Web ou Mobile.E ainda ganhar a base de conhecimento necessrio para poder compreender e comear a estudar qualquer outra linguagem de programao."
Price: 399.99

"O curso construindo Dashboard em Excel do Zero: Passo-a-Passo Fcil, vai gui-lo atravs de uma incrvel jornada pela Excelncia. Ele aborda conceitos essenciais e tcnicas avanadas de formatao de Excel para ao fim fechar com chave de ouro 2 projetos completos de Dashboard, feitos passo-a-passo com voc.No mdulo 1, Introduo, o mdulo que voc est agora, onde abordaremos conceitos que teremos como base em aplicaes futuras. Veremos em detalhes o que um Dashboard, o que so KPIs e como relacionar esse conhecimento com o Excel para automatizar a informao.No mdulo 2 veremos como podemos formatar as clulas do Excel para exibir a informao da melhor forma possvel, na formatao simples, Condicional e Personalizada.No mdulo 3 faremos um aprofundamento nos grficos disponveis no Excel. Veremos qual o grfico mais adequado para cada situao, assim como veremos como adicion-los, edit-los e format-los.No mdulo 4 colocaremos em prtica os conhecimentos vistos nos mdulos anteriores e desenvolveremos grficos personalizados onde o cu o limite para criao, como grfico de termmetro, Velocmetro, e de imagens personalizadas.No mdulo 5 mostraremos os elementos de interao com o usurio, como Caixa de combinao e Caixa de seleo, para que voc aprenda como criar grficos interativos, de forma a exibir especificamente as informaes que foram selecionadas pelo usurio.E finalmente no mdulo 6, criaremos do zero, dois projetos, um Dashboard de mtricas digitais e um Dashboard de Vendas. Neste mdulo usaremos todo o conhecimento aprendido no curso para transformar dados em informao, a ser exibida de forma rpida e eficiente."
Price: 39.99

"Macros no Excel: VBA Passo-a-Passo Fcil - Projetos inclusos" |
"O curso VBA E MACROS NO EXCEL: GUIA PRTICO PARA AUTOMAO NO EXCEL vai mostrar a voc como aplicar tcnicas simples de automao para que voc possa hoje mesmo aplicar em seus trabalhos com Excel. Em diversos casos, em nossas organizaes, percebemos que algumas atividades no Excel, em nosso dia-a-dia so repetitivas. Seja ela criar um filtro, cabealhos, adicionar um PROCV, etc. Nos vemos repetindo as mesmas funes. As Macros vm para aqueles que desejam somente uma coisa. Automatizar! Uma funo que era feita em 10 minutos, formatando, inserindo, ajustando, colorindo, agora pode ser feita com apenas 1 clique de um boto. Isso se torna muito valioso para as organizaes visto que lhes poupa tempo e dinheiro!"
Price: 39.99

"Caregiver Support Services Training" |
"Have you heard the saying cleanliness is next to godliness? The popular proverb can be found in ancient Hebrew and Babylonian texts but was coined by John Wesley in 1778 and highlights the importance of having measures in place to keep the environment where you care for your loved one or client clean. For example, routinely disinfecting the living space where your client or loved one receives care and washing your hands properly can prevent the spread of illness-causing bacteria and virusesIn this course, you will learn about the difference between bacteria and viruses, with a focus on best practices for preventing the spread of infection, including tips about effective handwashing, applying and safely removing gloves, using hand sanitizer, and disinfecting your clients or loved ones living space."
Price: 24.99

"SCA-compliant Stripe card payment with Angular/Laravel SPA" |
"Since September 2019, new SCA standard requirement for integrating card payments have changed, and this course shows the new procedure for making integration of stripe payments in a Single Page Application, Angular/Laravel precisely. We shall install the angular stripe package on the front-end and also the laravel stripe package on the backend and configure them to communicate with each other to accept stripe card payment"
Price: 19.99

"Transform Lives: NLP Change Processes with John Seymour" |
"For over 30 years John Seymour (co-author of the million-copy best selling Introducing NLP : Psychological Tools for Understanding and Influencing People) has developed an unrivalled reputation for quality, integrity and a rigorous attention to detail in teaching NLP at all levels. It is this reputation that sets him apart from many of the other NLP trainers here on Udemy, that's not to decry their skills, there are some great NLP trainers on here, it's just this is an opportunity to learn from one of the best known and respected names in the NLP world. In this programme, John shares his wisdom and knowledge to help you build a firm understanding and capability of the core change processes at the heart of NLP. He talks about how they work and offers step-by-step guides to help you build the skill to use them in your own life and with other people. He also offers unique insight into the diagnostic techniques that help you pin point the change work that will make the most difference. Over the years John has built a strong reputation as the trainers trainer, not only because he literally wrote the first NLP training book (Training with NLP) but also in no small part, because of his willingness to apprentice the brightest talents amongst his students, nurturing their skills until they attained the coverted NLP Master Trainer certification - a level achieved only by a handful of NLP Trainers in the world. This willingness to create Masters now allows him to spend a lot more time on his hobbies beyond NLP his garden, his boat and thought leadership in areas such as the memes of transformation.This Udemy course offers you a chance to step back in time to train with John in a classroom 10 years ago as he looks in detail at the change processes that form the heart of NLP's transformational power. The course is for anyone with an interest in modelling one of the foremost NLP Masters as he takes you step-by-step through the Neuro-linguistic programming coaching techniques that help produce profound change on a consistent basis. John also introduces a range of diagnostic techniques that help you understand at a deep level the stages of NLP change work and how to nail a well-formed issue (something that isn't taught on many NLP training courses). He then goes on to help you build a set of profound change skills that can enhance your coaching ability and help clients achieve lasting change. These videos a were filmed in a classroom over 10 years ago when John was in his prime. As such, the picture quality of the videos is not of the same quality that we'd produce today, but we believe that the content is timeless. They offer a rare opportunity to spend time with John as he shares the incredible NLP change processes that have made such a significant impact on the lives of his thousands of students.John's version on Neuro-Linguistic Programming is highly ethical and values driven, and as such he teaches how to influence with integrity, ethics and with congruence. These videos offer a rare opportunity to learn directly from NLP legend John Seymour. John is deservedly one of the most respected and sought after NLP trainers in the UK. With over 30 years experience training from his bases in London and Bristol., and indeed with organisations across the globe He has a gift for making the complexities of NLP profoundly simple, and the practical applications life-changing.He also brings real wisdom and humour to this workshop. Many consider his level of skill and sophistication to be sublime. The course includes over 5 hours of video from a live classroom. John was one of the first NLP Master Trainers in the UK and has trained many hundreds of NLP Practitioners, NLP Master Practitioners, and NLP Trainers, and indeed Master Trainers (such as Neil Almond who introduces this video series. Many well known UK NLP authors and trainers started their careers by training with, or apprenticing to, John.The introduction to his book, Introducing NLP: Psychological Tools for Understanding and Influencing People, was written by John Grinder, one of the founders of NLP, which again demonstrates how close to the founders John Seymour was and is. He studied under John Grinder, Judith DeLozia, Robert Dilts and later Richard Bandler. If you're intrigued to meet John, or have enjoyed his books, then please join us for this programme. We have unlocked the first few videos so that you can get a feel for whether you will enjoy studying with John. We hope you will, and look forward to the adventure ahead. "
Price: 19.99

"Medical Coding: Crack The Code On Evaluation and Management" |
"Become an Evaluation and Management Coder and learn one of the HOTTEST skills needed for the 2021 changes!This is a straight-forward and clear course on E&M level selection criteria!With great video lectures and more than 2 hours of video, this comprehensive course will clarify those tricky topics and prepare you for the HUGE CHANGES that are coming to office E&M services on January 1, 2021!This course will teach you E&M coding in an engaging manner, with fully explained case studies. If you need to see how to score out a note, we've got you covered!Topics covered include: Chief Complaint New vs Established History Examination (95 & 97) Medical Decision Making Medical Necessity Time 2021 Office Visit Changes Scoring ToolsYou will get lifetime access to this course!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back.So what are you waiting for? Learn E&M coding in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge!Who this course is for: Beginner coders who need to learn E&M Established coders that need a refresher Medical providers that want to select the right level of service Healthcare professionals that need to know the 2021 changes"
Price: 29.99

"V-Ray for 3ds Max, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde V-Ray Mekan Render Teknikleri ile alakal birok noktaya deineceiz.Mimar Cihan zkan anlatmyla v-ray i mekan render tekniklerini reneceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Python 3 for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]" |
"Why to be a Software Developer?Software Developers are in high demand and companies are desperate to find talent.Theres no shortage of opportunities in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, there will likely be more demand for developers in the future, to develop new software or maintain an existing one.Why to learn Python?Python is growing really fast and it makes a lot of sense to learn a growing programming language if you are just starting your programming career.It will not only help you to get a job quickly but it will also accelerate your career growth.Why this course?This course will get you started quickly as it is more focused on practical demonstrations from installation of python to all the core features of this powerful programming language."
Price: 194.99

"Learn Photo Editing From Scratch(Photoshop)-2020" |
"You want to learn how to use Photoshop CC, right?Start using Adobe Photoshop CC to edit photos and design beautiful graphics today!Either you're completely brand new to Adobe Photoshop, or you've played around with it but want to get more comfortable with Adobe Photoshop. Either way, this course will be great for you.Adobe Photoshop is the worlds's #1 photo editing application. This full course is the best way to learn how to use it.This course will cover everything you need to know to start, including:Getting started with PhotoshopNavigating and customizing the workspaceUsing the Photoshop layers panelEditing RAW and non-RAW photos in PhotoshopUsing selection toolsUsing tools like doge and burn to edit just part of your imagesRetouching photos such as whitening teeth, removing blemishes, and moreCreating and adjusting shapes in PhotoshopDesigning graphics with different blend modesAdding and editing layer styles like bevels and drop shadowsAdding artistic filters like blursAdding and editing text to your graphicsSaving your projects for anything - printing, online, and moreRequirements:Students should have a copy of Adobe Photoshop to follow along. We'll be teaching using version CC (Creative Cloud), but any version will be fine.Who this course is for:This course is great for beginners who have never used Photoshop or have used it only a few times.This course is also good for intermediate/casual Photoshop users who want to learn new techniques and tools, and how to properly use Photoshop.Advanced users and experts who know a lot of the key topics won't benefit much from this course.No prior knowledge or experience with Photoshop is required#HAPPY LEARNING:)"
Price: 24.99

"Choose Happiness Today! III Learning Meditation" |
"With the completion of ""Choosing Happiness Today's"" third installment, you will learn a new level of self-acceptance. With this class, you will be on your way to coping with anxiety and depression in healthy and positive ways. This class was created to comfort anyone struggling with their mental health due to COvID- 19 Feel free to ask any question and leave all comments Malcolm"
Price: 19.99

"HPE6-A71 Aruba Certified Mobility Professional [ ACMP ]" |
"Special Offer : get 1 Pratice exam and pick 1 for free from our Practice setsWelcome To The HPE6-A71 [ACMP] Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1 : All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Note 2 : Explanations are alawys there for tricky Questions and u can feel free to ask our team Exam details;Exam ID : HPE6-A71Exam type : Pearson VUE Testing Center Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutesExam length : 60 questionsPassing score : 65%Related certificationsAruba Certified Mobility Professional (ACMP)"
Price: 19.99

"Price to Profit: Psychology & Science of Pricing" |
"This course uses marketing psychology principles to educate you on the science and psychology of pricing. Price is what makes you money so deep understanding of how customers think about price can help you win customers and make more money. Pricing Strategies are powerful weapons in your hands to increase sales and more importantly profit. This course is pragmatic and applicable. It digs deep into scientific research of psychology and pricing in addition to the wisdom of pricing scholars and gurus. I have collected for you not only the tips and tricks to hack into customers' perception of price but also the overall strategies and consideration to coordinate your pricing strategies in any given situation or context. Did you know if you increase price 1%, your profit can go up by 11%? So what can be done to increase your prices by creating a win-win situation with your customers will be discussed in this course. What You Will Learn:Universal Rules of Pricing: what is the overall How to Charge Higher Prices Confidently: Pricing is not about cost but about value perception of customers, we will see how you can find the higher price without losing sales. This can make you rich How to Fight Price Wars: Price wars are dangerous and costly. But they are inevitable. You will learn how to fight them if you have toPsychology of Pricing: How to Manipulate Price to Make it More Appealing: Does size or Color Matter? What's 99-ending pricing and other variations of odd pricing. Are they effective, when, and how? Here you will learn how to influence with Price.The Art of Discounting without Losing Profit: Discounting is another weapon in your arsenal. You need to learn when and how to use it maximize profitability. Random and blind discounting is prohibited. How to Enhance Consumption and Increase Renewal Rate: Interestingly price not only influences demand, it can also influence how people use products and services. Here you will learn how maximize renewal rate and consumption of your product. And many more interesting topics and bonus videos. To the best of my knowledge, this is the most complete pricing course in Udemy. Why Me?I am an award winning marketing professor in a major university in USA. I have a Ph.D in business and have taught many MBA course including pricing strategies in different countries. I have a passion for teaching and my teaching style has been applauded by my students all the time. It is simple, to the point, and engaging. My Udemy course are all ""highest rated"" and very positvely reviewed. So take this course now and let me take your business acumen to the next level. Who this course is for:EVERYONE because you are either a Seller or BuyerBecause everything has a PRICEBecause the Right Price will Make your RichWrong Price will make you Broke"
Price: 199.99

"SonarQube : Master SonarQube within a few hours ,2020" |
"SonarQube : SonarQube is an open-source tool used for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities on 27+ programming languages.Audience: Freshers, Project managers, Developers, Architects, QA, Support Engineers, DevOps, DevSecOps, Infosec, Process engineers can master the course and excel in their careers.Course Content:Coding best practices.Installation of SonarQube, Jenkins, docker, docker-compose.Configure and connect Sonar ScannerInstallation & Configuration of ANT, Maven, Gradle, NodeJs, Python.understanding the basic terminologies used in SonarQube.Onboarding projects on Jenkins & SonarQube.Integrating Jenkins Jobs to SonarQube & publishing the results of the projects for analysis.Integrating Sonar Scanner with build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle, NodeJs, Python, etc.Installation of plugins in Jenkins & SonarQube.Project Administration.Analysis of Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Code Smells, Debt, Code Coverage, Unit/Integration test.Configuration & Administration of SonarQube.Configure & analyze Quality Gates and Quality ProfilesFail SonarQube projects based on conditions of Quality gates.Fail Jenkins projects based on conditions of Quality gates mentioned in the SonarQube project.Learn to read and understand Complexity.Identifying Duplicated lines, files, blocks across the projectsSonarQube Rules and Rule Templates.Managing rules and creating custom rules with templatesMaintainability, Reliability, and Security Ratings.Handling identified issues.Administration tasks - Users, Groups, Permissions, token creation.SAST analysis.SMTP settings and notifications via email on various criteria set for projects.Branding Image: replace the sonar image with your company's brand image.SonarQube market place.SonarQube system details.Integration with real time code analysis plugins like Sonar Lint with IDEs like Eclipse"
Price: 24.99

"Immigration Solutions: US Student Visa Guide" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of the types of student visas available to study in the United States. There are various categories under which a person may be eligible to apply for a student visa to study in the United States will be discussed, as well as the requirements for obtaining the student visa under these categories. By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of the types of student visas, the eligibility requirements and the requirements necessary when you arrive at the US port of entry. This course is broken down into seven (7) sections with twenty-six (26) short videos. Each video contains information and guidance on navigating the process of applying for a visa to study in the United States. What youll learnUnderstand the types of student visas. Identify the student visa requirements. Discuss how to complete the student visa application forms and accompanying documents. Prepare for the student visa interview.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoneTake this course if you interested in pursuing a tertiary education in the United States. Who this course is for:All persons interested in studying in the United States and need to understand the visa requirements, eligibility and forms required for completing the process. Person desirous of understanding how to maintain their student visa while living and working in the United States."
Price: 34.99

jezykpolski |
", . , , , . , . : 670 , 12 , 1500 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 40 ( ), 1 , , , , , ( )."
Price: 69.99

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Price: 24.99

"Excel Yazlm Dersleri (Tasarm, Forml, VBA Kodlama) 2020" |
"Merhaba Deerli Arkadalar,MS Office Excel'i, genel kullanm kalplarnn dnda bir tarzla gelitirerek kullanmak amacyla oluturmu olduumuz bu kursumuzda; temel olarak Excel'i bir yazlm program gibi kendi ierisinde arayz ve veritaban sayfalar bulunan bir program olarak tasarlayacak ve bir i planlama program yapacaz. Yapacamz bu almayla aslnda Excel'in snrlarnn ne kadar geni ve ne kadar esnek olduunu; iyi bir ekilde programlandnda, dier yazlm programlaryla yazlan programlarn sunduu imkanlarn nemli bir ksmnn Excel ile ok daha esnek biimde yaplabileceini sizlere rneklerle gstermeyi hedefliyoruz.Kursumuzun amac sizlere yazlmc gibi teknik dersler anlatmak olmayp Excel'de sklkla kullanlan ve iinize ok yarayacak olan forml, tasarm, biimlendirme, kodlama ve grafik zelliklerini birlikte, dengeli ve pratik biimde kullanarak bir program rnei oluturmaktr. Bu sayede sizler de buradaki rneklerden faydalanarak i hayatnda iinizi kolaylatrp profesyonelletirecek, kalite standardnz ykseltecek ve kurumsallnz gelitirmede sizlere nemli katklar salayacak programlar gelitirebileceksiniz.Unutmayn! Hayal gcnz, eserinize ve hayatnza deer katar. Sizler de Excel ile hayal gcnz ortaya koyarak snrlar zorlayn...Kurs ile ilgili soru, gr ve nerilerinizi buradan veya mail adresimiz* zerinden 7/24 bizlere iletebilirsiniz. Aksi bir durum olmad srece zaman snr olmakszn sizlere 24 saat ierisinde geri dn yapacam.Kursumuzu, sizlerden gelecek geri dnlere ve taleplere gre srekli gelitirip gncellemeyi planlyorum. O yzden ister bu programla isterseniz ileriniz iin gelitireceiniz farkl programlarla ilgili talep ve nerilerinizi her zaman iin benimle paylaabilirsiniz. Bu sayede hem kursumuzu hem de kendimizi daha iyi gelitirme frsatlar bulmu oluruz. Ayrca kursta yapm olduumuz planlama programmz, ek baz zellikler de ekleyerek sizlerle kodlar ak biimde paylaacam. Bu konudaki fikirlerinizi de ltfen paylamay ihmal etmeyiniz.Kursumuzun faydal olmas dileiyle...* karatasakademi@outlook.com"
Price: 409.99

"Learn Practical Apache Beam in Java BigData framework" |
"This course is all about learning Apache beam using java from scratch. This course is designed for the very beginner and professional. I have covered practical examples.In this tutorial I have shown lab sections for AWS & Google Cloud Platform, Kafka , MYSQL, Parquet File,BiqQuery,S3 Bucket, Streaming ETL,Batch ETL, Transformation.This course is all about learning Apache beam using java from scratch. This course is designed for the very beginner and professional. I have covered practical examples."
Price: 1280.00

"Firebird SQL - Curso Completo SQL" |
"Aptido total para trabalhar com o banco de dados Firebird, o que ter aps as primeiras aulas deste curso. De forma conceitual e muita prtica, sero vistos os principais conceitos e comandos. Todas as conceituaes so acompanhadas de prticas, o que torna o nvel de aprendizado muito maior ! Voc que profissional da rea de TI e precisa iniciar na rea de banco de dados, ou tem interesse em aumentar seu conhecimento especificamente neste banco de dados, este o curso certo para voc !Muito do que visto aqui, pode ser aplicado na utililizao de outros bancos de dados relacionais, como MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Maria DB, etc."
Price: 39.99

"TIBCO TB0-121 Active Matrix BPM Solution Designer Exam" |
"86 UNIQUE practice questions for TIBCO TB0-121 Active Matrix BPM Solution Designer ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TIBCO TB0-121 Active Matrix BPM Solution Designer ExamTotal Questions : 86Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (64 of 86)"
Price: 144.99

3729100-x |
Price: 10200.00

"Nutricin y Estilo de Vida Anti-Aging" |
"Les doy la ms cordial bienvenida a su curso de Nutricin y Estilo de vida anti-aging.Yo soy la Dra. Blanca Rodriguez, especialista en Salud Pblica y Nutricin.Las felicito por el deseo de mejorar su salud y calidad de vida.A todos y todas nos interesa mantenernos con vitalidad y salud, por lo cual estamos constantemente buscando recetas y tratamientos para lograrlo. Les tengo una buena noticia, esta fuente de juventud y bienestar, se encuentra en su cuerpo, y est compuesta por todas las funciones metablicas; que cuando se llevan a cabo en armona, les permiten mantenerse sanas, de buen humor, con aspecto juvenil, y listas para disfrutar lo mejor de la vida.En este curso aprendern las estrategias necesarias para disear su propio programa anti-aging basado en sus necesidades y metas.Les invito a visitar todos los captulos, donde encontraran informacin til, de fcil aplicacin y que les permitir obtener grandes beneficios para su salud y apariencia.Muchas gracias."
Price: 19.99

"Site, Apartman, Merkezi, Avm, Residence ynetim yazlm" |
"Kira, Aidat, Takip ve Analiz Yazlm ile Yaplabilecekler;Kiralar, Aidatlar, Giderler, Grevli Personel ve Ekipmanlarn takibi kolaylkla yaplabilir. Gider ister m2 baznda, istenilirse de sabit rakam olarak datlabilir. rnein yakt gideri m2 zerinden datlabilecei gibi, gvenlik gideri m2 'ye baklmakszn mlk baznda datlabilir. Her mlke eit paylatrlabilir.Program modlleri: Mlk ynetimi, kirac ynetimi, szleme ynetimi, tahakkuk ynetimi, tahsilat ynetimi, personel ynetimi, bakm onarm ynetimi, genel raporlar, kullanc yetkilendirme ve zet bilgi ve grafik ekran. Modllerdeki veri giri alanlar apartman, site, i merkezi, Recidence ve Avm ler iin uygun yapda gelitirilmitir."
Price: 409.99

"Barkod Master ile barkod etiket tasarm (Yazlm hediyeli)" |
"Etiketlerinize barkod, yaz, not, resim ve ekil ekleyebilirsiniz. Farkl byklkteki etiketleri kolayca dizayn edip her trl yazcdan kt alabilirsiniz. Bir etikete birden ok barkod ekleme, harici resim ve ekil ekleme ve eklenen objeleri dndrebilme zellii ve objeleri katmanlara gre sralama zellii (En ste gnder, en alta gnder) ile kullanc dostu pratik bir arabirime sahiptir. Etiketlerinizi kayt edip daha sonra ihtiya duyduunuzda tekrar aarak yazc kts alabilirsiniz. Barkod yazcsna gerek duymakszn, her trl A4 kartma kada bask yaplabilmekte, etiket en boy, st alt ve kenar boluklar ister cm cinsinden ister inc olarak ayarlanabilmektedir. lkemizde kullanlan barkod standartlarndan Code 128 (Avrupa Standard dz barkod) ve EAN13 (Amerikan Standard trnakl barkod) barkodlarn haricinde toplamda 18 farkl barkod standardn desteklemektedir."
Price: 99.99

"Machine Learning con Python" |
"En este curso se describe desde sus fundamentos el Machine Learning con sus diferentes algotimos de inteligencia para la prediccion futura. Ademas se realiza una importante introduccion al lenguaje de programacion Python a fin de habilitar a todos los alumnos en el manejo de este lenguaje para la aplicacion de la inteligencia artificial. En otro Item se capacita a los alumnos en el Preprocesamiento de datos aplicado en Python. Se describen en forma practica y detallada los principales algiritmos de Machine Learning tanto en su parte teorica como practica en Python. Finalmente se expone un ejemplo completo de Aplicadion de Machile Learning con Python."
Price: 19.99

"How to heal your spiritual wounds" |
"The aim of the course is to know how one can be healed from spiritual wounds and recognize that such healing is only possible through Jesus. The course will cover different aspects of spiritual wounds which one can suffer in life. By the end of the course, students are expected to appreciate the healing power of the love of Jesus and that through prayer and faith, one will receive His healing."
Price: 19.99

"Stop Delaying, Start Doing!" |
"This course is designed to help anyone that has ever postponed doing something. Youre included! You neednt be a chronic procrastinator to benefit from this course. It will help you become more efficient, gain time and capitalize on proven methods to get things done.I know how busy everyone is, so I synthesized the information clearly, delivering it in a timely fashion without unnecessary padding. So youll get everything you need in just 1 hour of training.What can you expect from this course?15 dedicated lessons11 proven techniques to fight procrastination8 downloadable resources7 exercises to help you apply the techniques1 hour of continuous sparks to stop postponement for good* Intro Music:""Groundwork""Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0"
Price: 124.99
