"TikTok Marketing 2020 Grow Followers & Create Viral Content" |
"Why Us?We have worked with some of the largest Fortune 500 brands such as Adidas, Cartier, LOreal, LVMH and Pfizer on multiple digital marketing projects. We aim to leverage our experience and know-how to help you launch and grow your brand on TikTok while maintaining brand professionalism, consistency and performance delivery.Why You Should Take This Course?Learn the latest tactics to grow a TikTok accountSave time, become more efficient and double the resultsUnderstand how to use TikTok's algorithm to your advantageAdvanced Hashtag StrategiesNot only increase likes, followers and engagement, but also leads and salesRun an account that looks professional, attractive and engaging for prospectsTransferable skills that you can use across any marketing roles or social media platforms such as content creation, influencer outreach and more!Learn all the hidden strategies that will set yourself apart from other accounts, and grow your followers and convert your successful TikTok statistics into followers, loyal fans and customers, and sales!"
Price: 129.99

"Pivotal Management" |
"This vital management course covers basicaly all the major information one needs to know about management. What scientific studies as anthropology, philosophy, economy and psychology can give to management. We will explore topics as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. As well, we will discuss managerial skills as conceptual, human relations and technical in addtion to emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence. Also, functional, divisional, matrix and virtual orgnaizational structures are tackled. There are so many subjects to discuss ! like blocks to problem solving pertaining to constancy and compression, managing cash flow, time management and all types of management mentioned elsewhere here. This course is the ultimate prelude and more to the world of management."
Price: 19.99

"Heroku Architecture Designer Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Heroku Architecture Designer credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Certified Heroku Architecture Designer exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with Heroku Architecture and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Heroku Platform: 10%Demonstrate an understanding of the basics behind building and deploying apps on Heroku, including the role of buildpacks in slug creation.Architect scalable solutions that are performant even during high traffic spikes.Architect and deploy solutions using add-ons and other components from the Elements Marketplace, including various add-ons, buildpacks, and Heroku Buttons.Data: 17%Demonstrate knowledge of Heroku Postgres, including data handling, security, and common use cases for follower databases. Describe the use cases of Dataclips.Architect solutions using Apache Kafka on Heroku to facilitate streaming communication between applications, services and/or functions.Architect solutions using Heroku Redis.Demonstrate the ability to prescribe a third-party add-on and add-on sharing, when appropriate.Security: 15%Construct architectures which leverage Heroku to achieve different security certifications.Recommend Heroku Private Space Peering or VPN Connections for appropriate use cases.Recommend when an app should run in the Private Space Runtime versus the Common Runtime.Heroku Enterprise: 28%Demonstrate how features of Heroku Enterprise can improve a system's architecture.Recommend networking solutions that use Heroku Private Spaces or the Common Runtime, appropriately.Describe the compliance features of Heroku Shield.Describe the features of Enterprise Teams.Architect Applications: 15%Recommend architectures that use the twelve-factor app methodology correctly.Construct solutions for creating an orchestration layer for building a microservices architecture using Apache Kafka on Heroku.Integrations: 15%Recommend architectures that use Heroku Connect appropriately, including the correct use of External IDs.Recommend techniques to integrate Heroku apps with the Salesforce Lightning Platform, and understand when to apply particular techniques."
Price: 49.99

"How to Develop REST Web API using ASP.NET MVC" |
"Web APIs are one of the essential component in the applications which involve data exchange in client-server machine architecture. In this course you will learn about development of REST web API using ASP.NET MVC platform from basic to advance level. This course outlines following topics i.e.What is REST Web API?How to setup basic REST Web API Project using ASP.NET MVC in Visual Studio?How to generate REST Web API Security Key for authorization?What are JSON Objects Mapper in C#.NET?How to create REST Web API HTTP POST type method?How to create REST Web API HTTP GET type method without Request Query Parameters?How to create REST Web API HTTP GET type method with Request Query Parameters?How to change REST Web API method name in ASP.NET MVC using Name Routing?How to do non-token based basic REST Web API authorization?How to do Token based REST Web API authorization using oAuth in ASP.NET MVC?What is Entity Framework?How to connect REST Web API with SQL Server using Entity Framework Database First?"
Price: 199.99

"ISO 45001:2018 Sistemas de Gestin de la SST" |
"Objetivo del Curso: Al finalizar el curso, el participante conocer los requisitos de un sistema de gestin de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo basado en la norma ISO 45001:2018.ISO 45001:2018 Sistemas de Gestin de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoLa adopcin de un sistema de gestin de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo es una decisin estratgica para una organizacin que le puede ayudar a mejorar su desempeo global y proporcionar una base slida para las iniciativas de desarrollo.Los beneficios potenciales para una organizacin de implementar un sistema de gestin de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo basado en esta Norma Internacional son:Apoya el cumplimiento de los requerimientos legalesIdentifica los riesgos en la seguridad y salud en el trabajoAumenta la credibilidad y mejora la imagen de la empresaOfrece capacitacin al personal en prevencin de accidentes en el trabajoAyuda a la reduccin en la rotacin y el ausentismo del personalMejora de los procesosCrea una cultura preventiva en el trabajoContenido temtico del curso El presente curso tendr la siguiente estructura: Seccin 1. Aspectos Generales de un Sistema de Gestin de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabjajoSeccin 2. Capitulo 4. Contexto de la OrganizacinSeccin 3. Capitulo 5. LiderazgoSeccin 4. Capitulo 6. PlanificacinSeccin 5. Capitulo 7. ApoyoSeccin 6. Capitulo 8. OperacinSeccin 7. Capitulo 9. Evaluacin del desempeoSeccin 8. Capitulo 10. MejoraSeccin 9. Conclusiones y proceso de certificacin"
Price: 270.00

"Senaryo Yazm Teknii" |
"Merhabalar ben Tolga Sert, uzun bir sredir zerinde altm 5 saat, 40 videodan oluan bu eitim setinde; senaryo yazmnn tm evrelerini reneceiz. Batan sona yz yze ders anlatm, slayt ekran, film senaryolar ve filmlerden sahneler ile derslerimiz devam edecek.Yabanc ve Yerli senaryo rneklerini filmlerdeki karlk gelen kendi grntleriyle inceleyeceiz.Ders anlatmlarndan sonra beraber senaryolar yazacaz. Bu ekilde uygulamal bir eitim gerekletireceiz. Filmler ve senaryolarndan hazrladm kolaj videolar ile altrmalar yapacaz. rnein; Senaryoda sahne bal nasl yazlr? konusunu anlattktan sonra nasl yazldn beraber greceiz ve orijinal film senaryolarndaki yazmlar izleyeceiz. ster bir kat zerinde ister Word zerinde senaryo yazmak iin gerekli teknik bilgileri reneceiz.ok iyi bir hikayeniz olsa dahi bunu uygun bir senaryo formatna getirmelisiniz. Yarmalar, festivaller ve yapmclara gndereceiniz senaryolar bu kabul grm formata gre hazrlanmal. te bu noktada fikrinizi, hikayenizi bu formata uygun bir hale getireceiz.Ek olarak Kaynaklar blmnde Word, PDF ve RESM dosyalar olarak bir ok yazl ablon kaynak hazrladm. Bu kaynaklar indirip dilediiniz zaman kendi senaryonuzu yazmaya balayabilirsiniz. nl ynetmenlerin orjinal senaryolar ve Trke'ye evirdiim bir ok senaryoyu da inceleyebilirsiniz.Umarm kurs hayallerinizi gerekletirmenize ve bir senaryo yazmanza yardmc olur.Ben de bunun iin her zaman iletiim kanallaryla yannzda olacam. yi Seyirler."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de interpretacin musical I" |
"Es un curso de iniciacin musical en el teclado para comprender tanto la teora como la prctica. Este curso es para nios, jvenes y adultos que deseen dar su primer paso en el mundo de la msica. Si piensas que la msica es slo para aquellas personas que tienen talento, ests equivocado. La msica es para todos y este curso est orientado a convencerte de que t puedes lograr el avance que quieras sin importar el talento que tengas. En este curso crears tu propia conexin con la msica.Este curso incluye:Conocimiento de las notas en el pentagramaConocimiento de las dems figuras en el pentagramaIntervalosAcordes bsicosModos en la msica2 canciones de nivel bsico para que comiences desde este primer nivel a tocar piezas en el teclado.RtmicaY mucho ms.Es un placer para m compartir mis conocimientos adquiridos a travs de cursos que he tomado en diferentes escuelas."
Price: 2070.00

"Cum s creezi o reclam pe Facebook care s vnd" |
"Afl cum s creezi o reclam care s se plieze pe afacerea/hobby-ul tu.Creeaz un design al reclamei care s arate ntr-un mod profesionist pentru obiectivul tu de marketing.Afl cum s nu dai promovare unei postari pentru a nu irosii banii fr rezultat.nva cum s structurezi o reclam cu 0 cunotine n Facebook Ads.nva cum s ajungi la clienii ti prin Facebook Ads.Alte tips&tricks."
Price: 19.99

"THEO 111 - Praise & Worship (Louvor e Adorao)" |
"No curso THEO 111 Praise & Worship (Louvor e Adorao) estudaremos sobre os seguintes temas:1. Qual o lugar que se deve adorar e louvar a Deus?2. Definindo termos: o que significa a palavra ""adorao"" 3. Uma analise sobre a adorao congregacional no Antigo Testamento4. Definindo termos: o que significa a palavra louvor?5. Qual e a adorao verdadeira?6. As naturezas distintas da verdade e do amor.7. A adorao falsa existe. 8. A Adorao verdadeira existe - Uma analise de Joao 4:23,249. O que significa ""adorao em verdade""? 10. A adorao congregacional no Novo Testamento."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of CG VFX Compositing in Nuke - NK303" |
"This is an extensive Nuke Compositing course on CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) compositing inside of Nuke from an Industry Professional with years of Hollywood feature film experience.Why learn from this course?This course is providing a CGI render, footage, and all of the elements necessary to composite a CG shot. It is difficult to find high quality courses on the internet for a good price to learn this set of skills, and a course equivalent to this would cost $1000 or more from a VFX university. Not only are you receiving all of these elements which Alex has specifically created for this course, you will be guided by an industry professional who has worked at the top visual effects studios in the world. This is a major bargain and extremely great opportunity for someone who wants to learn to become a compositor.Your instructor has worked on feature films such as:Star Wars: The Rise of SkywalkerAvengers: EndgameX-Men ApocalypseThe MandalorianFantastic Beasts and Where to Find them....And many more.What is this class about?You will learn CG compositing techniques, up to an intermediate level, as well as advanced color grading techniques. By the end of this course, you will have successfully composited a fake render seamlessly into the real world.First, what do I need to know entering this course?:1. A basic understanding of Nuke and Nuke's interface (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK101).2. Knowledege about the basic nodes in nuke, and beginner level color correction concepts (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK101).3. Beginner level knowledge on the 3d system in Nuke (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK202).What skills will I learn?CG Compositing Soft Skills (Understanding the basics of lighting, shadows, reflections, and other physical properties of the real world)Multi-pass CG compositing: Learning how to break a render into layers and control individual elementsGrading CG to match real world footageUsing ""utility"" passes to enhance a CG renderCreating light effects and glows based off of luminance keys and ID mattesCreating particle rain with light interactionCreating fake refractions inside of NukeProjecting color grade mattes to adjust the look of a sceneArtistic grading concepts and compositional lighting techniques Using mathematical expressions to generate 3d noise patternsExtra techniques and tricks along the wayWhat projects do I get to work on in this course?:There's only one project, but it's a very long one. You will composite a Porsche 911 into a real scene. You will start with a CGI render that is provided to you, but your job will be to make it look photorealistic. Of course, Alex will teach you how to achieve this!These techniques are absolutely vital to learn if you wish to pursue becoming a better compositor. Knowing where I was when I started, I would have jumped on this class in a heartbeat as the knowledge being conveyed is from actual experience.Who this course is for:Beginners / Intermediate users learning Nuke but already have a foundational understanding of the 2d and 3d system in nukePeople who have already taken NK101 and NK202, my previous classesIndividuals looking for a deeper education in Compositing for a very good priceNote: You will be required to sign up and download the project files if you want to follow along with this class"
Price: 154.99

"HCIP Routing & Switching IERS V2.5 Course" |
"HCIP-Routing & Switching certification validates the knowledge and skills required to construct and manage small and medium-sized networks.The HCIP-Routing & Switching curriculum includes, but is not limited to the following:Fast Deployment of Enterprise Routing Network (OSPF, ISIS, BGP, IP Multicast, Route Control)Fast Deployment of Enterprise Switching Network (Advanced Features of Switches, RSTP, MSTP)Improving Enterprise Network Service Bearer Capability (MPLS, MPLS VPN)Optimizing Enterprise Network Access Control and Manageability (DHCP, eSight, Agile Controller)Improving Enterprise Network Service Quality (QoS)Improving Enterprise Network Security and High Reliability (Firewall Technology, VRRP, BFD)Next-Generation Enterprise Network Development Trends (SDN, VXLAN, NFV)Implementing Enterprise-level Network Engineering Project (Network Planning, Network Design, Network Implementation, Network Maintenance, Network Troubleshooting, Network Optimization, Network Migration)"
Price: 29.99

"Practical Goods and Service Tax Return filing Course by CA" |
"This course is 100% Practical GST Return filing course. Course is prepared by a Experienced Chartered Accountant. While designing the course we have taken into account all the aspects which needs to be understood by students if they want to do compliance with the GST Department such as Filing of GST Returns, Online Payment of Taxes, GST Registrations and so on. We have also covered different concepts under GST which are required to be understood if we want to give consultancy to our clients through accounting, Value added Services etc. We aim to provide our learners with all the information and tools required to prepare themselves to comply with the GST department."
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentals of Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs)" |
"Who shouldn't attend the course?If the person think he/she has enough knowledge in this domain then you are surely not made for this course. Other thing is that the instructor of this course has knowledge of english as a second language. So learners who cannot understand second language English are free to not enroll in this course.This MOOC focuses on the key concept of Functionally Graded Materials , their Manufacturing Process, how they are different from composite materials and their applications. We hope that learners will surely find this course useful in their respective domain."
Price: 19.99

html5-css3-c |
", ! , HTML5 CSS3 web-. JavaScript . - . . , , , , , . , , , . , ! - . -. , , , , ! !"
Price: 13299.00

"Azure Kubernetes Service - AKS" |
"Learn how to create and manage Kubernetes using one of the leading managed services on the market.Azure Kubernetes Service Zero to Hero admin guide is an intermediate course which describes:Comparison of Managed vs self-managed Kubernetes solutions;Pros and Cons of Managed Kubernetes services;AKS Capacity Analysis;Detailed AKS network architecture;How to create an AKS cluster using Azure Portal and Azure CLI;Integrate AKS with Active Directory;Create Kubernetes users using self-signed certificates;How AKS creates and manages Azure storage resources;AKS monitoring and log debugging."
Price: 199.99

"The Fundamentals of English Grammar." |
"The Fundamentals of English Grammar course will teach you the basics of grammar (A1 to B1) to have a strong knowledge in grammar before moving on to the more complicated parts of English Grammar. You will learn about the parts of speech, modals, the different tenses, some interesting insights to grammar, and much more. This course is for people who have a bit of prior knowledge in English grammar, but are still building a foundation in grammar. The course includes:- Introduction video for each section- Various examples- A quiz after each section to test your knowledge"
Price: 34.99

"Dclic motionnel" |
"Ce que vous allez voir vous permet de vous librer de vos troubles anxieux, votre stress, vos peurs intempestives et toutes vos motions irrationnelles sans bouger de chez vous !C'est une mthode qui associe science et pratique ancestrale. En seulement 1 semaine mes symptmes ont baiss de 40%.Cette formation est utile pour :Ceux qui ont un tat anxieuxRessentent colre et tristesseRessentent de la peur sans raison apparenteOnt une phobie sociale non pathologiqueEssaient de se remettre d'une rupture amoureuseOnt des symptmes post-traumaSont beaucoup trop impulsifsNous allons utiliser la neuroscience pour reprogrammer votre cerveau pour passer d'un tat de survie un tat serein et cratif."
Price: 69.99

"Start Your Own SEO Agency From Home - The Complete Blueprint" |
"Are you looking for a course that shows you EXACTLY how to start an SEO business from scratch?Great, youre in the right place.I dont just talk the talk; I actually walk the walk and live it too.I own and run Londons Leading SEO Agency called ClickSlice!In this course youll be learning the EXACT process that I followed to set up my own successful SEO business, so you can be confident that what youre learning is indeed used in the real world and does actually work.This stuff is SUPER powerful and has provided me with freedom and allowed me to live my life on my own terms.Instead of just giving you the theory and then leaving it up to you to figure it all out, Ill be revealing EVERYTHING!From the strategies I utilise to get clients, pricing, invoicing, client reporting and even my exact SEO proposal template!You name it, Ive got you covered.What youll learn by taking this SEO courseHow to get clients for your SEO businessPricing your servicesHow to close SEO dealsCampaign fulfilmentHow to outsource all the SEO workInvoicingClient reportingScaling up your businessLiterally everything you need to be able to start and run a successful SEO business.There are tons of resources for you to download throughout the course and lots of bonus tips and tricks you can use as well.Fact: The SEO industry is worth $80 Billion and continues to grow every year. There are so many businesses out there who are desperate for more visibility in Google, theres never been a better time to learn how to start an SEO business.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEBefore we go any further, let us just say, I dont want you to be disappointed.If you dont like this course for any reason, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, which is backed by Udemys 30-day guarantee, with no questions asked!This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed.Learn how to start a successful SEO business today and never look back.Enrol now."
Price: 199.99

"Sistema POS punto de ventas con PHP ~ Laravel 7 y MySQL" |
"Al adquirir el curso incluye:Proyecto culminado para localhostProyecto culminado para produccinBackup de base de datosCaracteristicas del sistema:Apertura y cierre de caja.Contabilidad y gastos de caja.Panel de ventas (Maestro detalle)Graficos estadisticos para caja y ventas.Cartera de clientes por correo electrnico.Envio de correos para todos los clientes (Enviar descuentos, ofertas, etc).Facturacin para las ventas (Impresin fisica).Facturacin electrnica (Envio de factura por correo).Configuracin y rediseo de la factura (Editar cdigo fuente de la factura).Panel de configuraciones para todo el sistema.Gestin de usuarios y roles. (Administrador, vendedor y almacenero).Catalogo de productos.Cdigo de barras por producto.Filtro en catalogo con preview de resultados.Vitacora de inventario.Cancelacin de venta (regreso de productos al stock).Y ms."
Price: 199.99

"CompTIA CA1-001 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following components of a VoIP network are often used to overcome the communication device?a) MCUb) video conferencing stationc) IP phoned) call agente) NoneQ) Which of the following is a declarative language access control policies implemented in XML and process model that describes how to interpret the policy?a) SAMLb) SOAPc) SPMLd) XACMLe) NoneQ) What technologies can be used to help ensure effective traffic over VoIP?multiple-choicea) DNSb) QoSc) H.323d) RSTPe) NoneQ) You work as a network administrator for uCertify Inc. You want your clients and servers in your organization to be able to communicate in a way that prevents eavesdropping and manipulation of data in the Internet. Which of the following you will use to accomplish this task?a) ETUCb) WEPc) SSLd) MS-CHAPe) None"
Price: 159.99

"Renderizacin profesional de interiores con SketchUp - Vray" |
"La visualizacin arquitectnica es una herramienta muy til para un arquitecto al momento de plasmar su proyecto ya que permite llevarlo a un nivel superior de presentacin acercndolo ms a la realidad. Este curso tiene el fin de ensearte no solo como llevar tu proyecto arquitectnico a una tercera dimensin, sino de como lograr una renderizacin fotorrealista y realzar el valor de tu proyecto."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) - ElasticSearch" |
"Kubernetes is a buzz word, whosoever deals managing multiple containers and think of better orchestrating the containers. Kubernetes is the platform, however Kubernetes is not an easy to learn, this course has been tailor made to keep the course really simple and easy.This course helps you learn Kubernetes fundamentals right from scratch, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes deploying and managing containerised applications easy. It offers serverless Kubernetes, backed by power of Azure leveraging features like Active Directory to control fine grained access on who has access to what.How the course is shaped?We start off writing terraform script to spin up Azure kubernetes Service along with Azure Container Registry.Generate secrets for AKS to get deployed.Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on AzureIntroduction to Kubernetes Dashboard Deploy dashboard on Azure Kubernetes ServiceWe push docker images to Azure Container RegistryWe start with the fundamentals of kubernetes like namespaces, deployment, services, statefulsets, pods, configmapsand then the fun part where we start off with deploying workloads on AKS just like you would do it on a production system. we join the services and get the Kibana UI up and running.We use rolling update and replica sets to keep the service highly available.Use a static public IP address and DNS label with the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) load balancer"
Price: 24.99

"Boost Your Mind-Thoughts and Beliefs Power" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the fourth course (there are totally 7) from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Boosting Your Mind-Thoughts and Beliefs Power- learn how to build skills and reprogram your mind for total self-esteem, so that you will have full success, you will have more lasting and healthy relationships; you will be able to accomplish your goals in life; respect your self, your talents, and believe in your inner worth."
Price: 199.99

"Ciberseguridad - CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Mdulo 1" |
"En este mdulo inicial de curso de preparacin de CompTIA Security+, usted aprender acerca de los conceptos bsicos de seguridad y acerca de las diferentes amenazas y ataques de seguridad. Aunque el video fue creado para la preparacin de la certificacin CompTIA Security+, el estudio de su contenido les ayudar para la preparacin de otras certificaciones de seguridad como CEH de EC-Council, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) de ISC2, Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) de ISACA, Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) de ISACA, Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC), Certified Risk and Information System Control (CRISC) y Cisco Certified Network Associate Security."
Price: 19.99

"20 everyday EXCEL formulas" |
"This course explains 20 must have EXCEL formulas. Starting from the basic it progresses to more complex formulas in an easy to understand, practical manner. It is a good reference tool if you need specific formulas to rehearse before that interview or to quickly put together a task or report."
Price: 19.99

"TE0-123 Teradata Physical Design Implement Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A table has been partitioned using the RANGE_N function and includes the NO GAMMA and unknown walls. There are gaps in the ranges and the designer needs to add new partitions to fill the gaps. The data in no band partitions should be checked against the new partitions. What procedure should be used?a) Create another table with the new definition of partition, then send INSERT SELECT statement to populate the new table.b) Create another table with the new definition of partition, then extract the data from the NO RANGE and unknown partitions and import the data into the new table.c) Send an ALTER TABLE statement to add new partitions, extract data from NO RANGE and unknown partitions, and import the data into the existing table.d) Send an ALTER TABLE statement to add new partitions, then the data of NO RANGE and unknown partitions will be automatically checked against added partitions.Q) Which two statements are true about Upis? (Pick one.)a) They must be defined as NOT NULL.b) The database can perform a partial value of research on them.c) They may be a reference column in a referential integrity constraintd) The optimizer can derive demographic information even without statistics collected.Q) What action will help to conserve disk space?a) Set permanent space limits for each table that is created.b) Specify a spool space limit for users in their profile.c) Use a lower number to the cylinders saved forPERM setting.d) Table of theDBQL.LogSQL uses in place of DBQL.LogSummary table.Q) An application is brought on Teradata that stores and calculates metrics using a variety of large integers. Both integers 128 bits and 256 bits are needed to capture the results of complex calculations. What kind of Teradata data should be used for these large integers?a) UDTb) BIGINTc) VARBYTEd) WHOLE NUMBERQ) The following repositories must be created on a system - a repository that contains the retail sales data - a file containing the inventory data - views repository participation for each - a repository share stored procedure (includes some dynamic SQL procedures) What They must be implemented as a user with the allocated space?a) viewsb) the retail sales datac) inventory datad) procedure storage"
Price: 169.99

"PMI-001 PMP V5 Planning Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What defines a project is executed, monitored and controlled, and closed the document?a) Strategic Planb) project Charterc) Project Management Pland) Service Level AgreementQ) What tool or technique it is used in the Application of the Plan Scope management process?a) analysis of documentsb) observationsc) analysis of the productd) expert ReviewsQ) What tool or technique is a review of the sector and of specific vendor?a) independent estimatesb) Market researchc) analytical techniquesd) bidder conferencesQ) An input used in the development of the communications management plan is:a) communication models.b) Enterprise environmental factors.c) organizational communications,d) organizational cultures and styles.Q) Enterprise environmental factors are an input to what process?a) Scope of controlb) define Scopec) Scope Management Pland) Requirements Gathering"
Price: 144.99

"Quero ser baixista" |
"Aprenda o bsico do contrabaixo eltrico com Renato Leite, com esse curso online que foi formatado a partir de 20 anos de experincia em aulas de baixo particulares presenciais e online. Aqui o nosso nico pr-requisito querer aprender contrabaixo. Vamos ver as matrias desde o inicio, assim vamos aprender o instrumento sem vcios e da maneira correta. So seis sesses com vdeos e textos de apoio abordando o seguintes temas:- Postura, posicionamento, sonoridade e organizao dos estudos- Tcnicas de mo esquerda e pizzicato (mo direita)- Histria, funcionamento e regulagem do contrabaixo (essa aula pode te ajudar a escolher o seu baixo)- Amplificador- Posies das notas e memorizao- RepertrioVdeo extra exclusivo para auxiliar no treinamento da Aula 02 - Exerccios de tcnica - Toque junto"
Price: 69.99

"COMSOL Multiphysics all features walk through" |
"This course is prepared for students who are NEW in COMSOL Multiphysics. Beginners find the Software UI very confusing and always wonder ways to get an overview of the software and lean all its features in a concise and compact manner. Irrespective of the type of project you want to work, it is necessary to get an overview what COMSOL Multiphysics is capable of doing. This course is made for it.Few features of the course are:Very compact lecture videosAlmost all features are touchedVery useful to get an overview of the softwareInclude few Examples to do manual mesh, geometry and ResultsNOTE: THIS COURSE IS NOT MADE FOR EXPERIENCED COMSOL USERS.THIS COURSE is best for students who are starting or about to Start learning COMSOL Multiphysics"
Price: 99.99

"Cocina salada sin gluten. Masas y pastas gluten free." |
"Aprenders a producir una amplia variedad de preparaciones para almuerzos y cenas libres de gluten. Nos centraremos sobre todo en las masas y pastas. Logrars masas de empanadas, tartas, tacos y pastas sper elsticas y fciles de manejar y de formar. Y masas saladas leudadas como pizzas, focaccia y calzone sper esponjosas y crocantes.Con este curso estars altamente calificado, una vez concluido, para realizar tus preparaciones 100% libres de gluten y aptos para celacos. Ya sea que lo hagas para tu hogar, o para aplicar a un emprendimiento o empresa, estas recetas te resultarn sper practicas y fciles de lograr.Me interesa tanto como a vos que logres resultados ptimos, por lo cual podrs consultarme cuantas veces necesites si te surge alguna duda. Estoy para guiarte y ayudarte!Las recetas sin gluten que vers en este curso son: Masa bsica de pastas.Tallarines salteados con verduras.Raviolones de calabaza con salsa de queso azul y verdeo.oquis con salsa boloesa.Canelones.Pizza.Focaccia.Calzone.Tarta con masa hojaldrada.Empanadas con salsa criolla.Tortillas para tacos.Sin mix comerciales! Hacemos nuestras propias premezclas y combinaciones de harinas. Los principales ingredientes que usamos para esto son:Almidn de maz.Harina de arroz.Fcula de mandioca.Leche en polvo ( te enseo como reemplazarla es caso de intolerancia).Goma xntica o guar.Trataremos temas importantes como:La contaminacin cruzada.La limpieza necesaria para eliminar el gluten.Qu hornos utilizar.Utensilios aptos para la produccin.Celiaqua, intolerancia, sensibilidad y dieta sin gluten.Pods aprender a tu propio ritmo y en tus horarios disponibles! Tenes acceso de por vida a los videos, podrs verlos cuantas veces necesites, pausarlos, y volver a retomar desde los puntos que necesites, en los momentos que vos elijas.No es necesario que tengas ninguna experiencia previa, con muchas ganas de aprender es suficiente!"
Price: 79.99

"Supply Chain - Procurement(Tender Process, Implementation)" |
"What are the day to day tasks Procurement Personnel needs to handle? Is there anyway it can be standardized and managed strategically? This course shares the common tender execution tools (RFI, RFQ, RFP) used to obtain information and the best tips and tricks in handling the entire process. it also covers the post-tender stage such as project implementation and vendor performance metric. Quick tips on negotiation is included as well.Note this course is extracted from the 7steps of strategic sourcing that covers the extensive strategic planning. Please do not resubscribe."
Price: 49.99
