"Trading Grundlagen: Methode, Money Management und Psyche" |
"Um profitabel an den Finanzmrkten mit Aktien, Futures, Whrungen zu handeln, muss man drei Felder beherrschen:MethodeWie erfolgt der Einstieg und Ausstieg?Wir wenden hier die Elliott Wellen Theorie an. Money ManagementWie wird das Risiko gesteuert?Wir wenden Regeln zur Bestimmung der Positionsgre und Begrenzung des Risikos an.PsycheWarum kann die Psyche und einen Streich spielen?Wir behandeln den sog. Dispositionseffekt und die Wichtigkeit diszipliniertem VorgehenDieser Kurs legt die Grundlagen des Tradings. Zunchst geht es um das Verstndnis von exponentiellem Wachstum, der mathematischen Anwendung auf Geld und der Betrachtung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Dann untersuchen wir Anwendungen in der Praxis und gelangen neben Poker schnell zu den Finanzmrkten. Hier knnen Strategien entwickelt werden, die ein Kapitalwachstum von beispielsweise ein Tausend Euro auf einen Betrag von ber einer Million in einem berschaubaren Zeithorizont ermglichen. Und zwar unter Nutzung von Hebelwirkung, der Identifikation von Handelschancen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Basis der sogenannten Elliott Wellentheorie und der Anwendung von Risiko-Management.Es werden die folgenden Instrumente beleuchtet:OptionenFuturesCFDsHebelzertifikateETFsIch mchte in diesem Kurs einen Weg aufzeigen, der die Verdopplungsstrategie auf Geld anwendet und die utopische Vorstellung der Geldvermehrung Realitt werden lsst. Es ist mglich, aus Tausend Euro eine Million zu machen. Ich lade Sie ein, diese Reise mit mir zu gehen. Mglicherweise knnen auch Sie dann einmal von sich behaupten, dass Sie aus Tausend Euro eine Million Euro gemacht haben. Ich wnsche es Ihnen von ganzem Herzen! Aber Achtung: Ohne Gewhr, keine Garantie, Trading ist riskant!"
Price: 49.99

"Design Thinking Guide for Professionals [Updated]" |
"Does your work involve solving problems and making decisions ? Does finding problems make you equally happy ? Do you think, how can I solve big problems and find better solutions? How can I find customized solutions ? How can I find sustainable & holistic solutions ? How can I solve societal challenges ? Are you sometimes unsure how to even start? Design thinking can help.Design thinking is a human-centered approach for creative problem finding & solving. It was popularized by the Stanford d.school and IDEO, and has been used by organizations around the world to solve knotty (wicked) problems. It is all about understanding systems-processes, your user's (stakeholders) needs and finding and then solving the right problem. By using this human-centered design approach, you can develop and enhance products and services to become truly unique and innovative and at the same time help your user (stakeholders).This uniquely designed program keeps in view the new trends in learning i.e. small nugget videos for concepts and instructions; backed by DIY, Assignment & Mini-project guiding slides.This course (Level I) that spans over 10 weeks, and engages approx. 2 to 3 hours/week; is meant to serve as an introduction to the principles of design thinking and touches on ways you can implement it in your workplace, thus it is called a Guide. The material is best suited for management professionals who are new to design thinking or want a refresher on the core concepts. Luckily, design thinking can be applied to almost any field; no matter what your profession (Marketing, HR, Finance, Operations etc.), design thinking can help you discover and implement the apt solutions to problems and possibilities you encounter.This course is from Innovation and Research Foundation from instructors who are involved with Design Thinking since last 20 years.Futurz Xplored TeamSkilled at educating Design Thinking, Design Clinic and Design-Innovation ToolsFuturz Xplored pioneered the design pedagogy intervention in India through the launch of specialized programs for Corporate, Higher Education Institutions & K12 Schools. A diverse group of interdisciplinary academicians and professionals forms the Futurz team. Over the last 15 years Futurz team has impacted over 1,00,000 students, professionals, academicians.Enrol today and get maximum benefit."
Price: 19.99

"Fruit Nail Art. Handpainted Summer Nails" |
"This course includes 6 fruit nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs!"
Price: 19.99

"Az ingatlan tpusok s azok megtrlse" |
"Nagyon sokrt az elads.Az ember nem is gondoln, hogy mennyire sokfle ingatlan tpus van, amivel rdemes lehet foglalkozni.Kapsz egy sznes kpet az ingatlanokrl, ebbl kivlasztasz magadnak egy-kt flt, s abban profi mdon kimveled magad.Amikor az ember ingatlanra gondol, akkor a laks s a hz kpe jelenik meg eltte. Ez ennl tbbrl szl.Sok ember csak RZSBL fektet ingatlanba. n is ezt tettem. Ez ennl egy kicsit sszetettebb dolog, amit rdemes megtanulni.Amikor az ember ingatlanba fektet, akkor annyira rl, hogy sok mindent elfelejt.Pldul elfelejt megtrlst szmolni.A tanfolyam tudatosabb fog tenni az ingatlan befektetsek terletn.Segt abban, hogy kivl ingatlanbefektet legyl, s szabad letet lj."
Price: 99.99

"Buttercream Cake Carving" |
"Learn how to carve cakes using simple tools to create a variety of colourful, textured patterns and designs. This course demonstrates several carving techniques as well as ways to prepare your cakes with creative frosting styles and several ways to decorate carved cakes, such as sponge painting and sprinkle placement. Master the technique of carving cakes by following along as Emily decorates 18 cakes, explaining each step of the carving and decorating process. Additionally, see from start to finish how four themed cakes are assembled, frosted, carved and decorated!"
Price: 44.99

"Learn HTML 5 in the simplest way. Become professional ASAP" |
"Chapter 1: New Tags in HTML 5Layout Elements (header nav section article aside footer details - summary)Picture TagsEmoji CharactersChapter 2: Responsive DesignWhat is Responsive Design?Using View PortResponsive ImagesResponsive TextMedia QueriesChapter 3: FormsData ListInput Type NumberStep, Min and Max AttributesInput Type RangeInput Type SearchRequired AttributeInput Type ColorInput Type DateInput Type Datetime-localInput Type TimeInput Type MonthInput Type WeekInput Type EmailInput Type TelephoneInput Type URLPlace HolderAuto Focus AttributeAuto Complete AttributeChapter 4: GraphicsCanvasLineCircleTextLinear GradientCircular GradientChapter 5: SVGWhat is SVGSVG LineSVG PolylineSVG CircleSVG RectangleSVG Rounded RectangleSVG PolygonSVG EclipseChapter 6: MultimediaVideoAudioYouTubeChapter 7: GeolocationGeolocationGetting User LocationDisplaying Location in Google Maps"
Price: 29.99

"Certified Blockchain Expert (CBE) Practice EXAM" |
"This Practice Exam consists of 4 exams with increasing difficulty from Basic to Advanced, each exam consists of 45 questions that must be answered within 1 hour. At the end you will encounter the Final Boss Exam. If you pass all 4 exams with a high grade, you will be prepared to obtain your Certification as Blockchain Expert. Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Primavera P6 Industry based training - Basic to Advance" |
"The only correct way to learn Primavera P6 software is by understating its practical application and there is no better way to Learn Primavera P6 than by creating a working schedule for a building. Step by step 12 in-depth training video that will not only teach you Primavera P6 but show you how to use in a practical situation. Taught using 4D Construction video of the same building. This course is for fresher student or for a person with site experience who wants to change their career path and become a Planning Engineer. A Training Course by ZeroFloat Team."
Price: 19.99

"Arpejos trades na guitarra (Putz! Que nota eu uso agora?)" |
"L est voc, em cima do palco que queria estar. Seus companheiros de banda te lanam aquele olhar de ""faz teu nome, campeo"" e voc nem pestaneja (piadinha). Com toda a segurana do mundo, e como quem conhece cada milmetro do brao da guitarra e da harmonia da msica, voc toca um solo to lindo ou to sagaz que faz a platia ir loucura e aplaudir em p no meio da msica. Todas as notas que voc tocou estavam exatamente onde deveriam estar, e voc se sente um heri da msica salvando o dia. Mas a acontece o pior: voc acorda.Saudade dessa histria que a gente nunca viveu, n, minha filha?Se voc tambm sonha com esse dia mas ele ainda no se tornou realidade eu tenho 3 coisas pra te dizer:Seu sonho possvel! (exceto a parte de salvar o dia, foi um pouco exagero da minha parte)Seu sonho no vai se realizar sentado a onde voc t (desculpa, no avisei que podia doer)Eu posso te mostrar o caminho e te oferecer o incio dessa jornada!Se voc no sente liberdade no brao da guitarra ou do violo, voc precisa comear de algum lugar, e esse lugar se chama Arpejos Trades. Caso voc j conhea arpejos trades, vou te fazer uma pergunta: se eu te pedir pra fazer todos a, cada um dos 5 tipos nos 5 shapes de cada, voc ia tocar sem ficar tentando lembrar, como se fosse um reflexo? pra isso que serve Playalong! Esse curso, alm das explicaes tericas que eu dou sobre os arpejos, sobre mtodos de composio e improvisao, recheados de playalongs pra voc poder tocar junto comigo dentro da sua rotina, e deixar esses arpejos tinindo na ponta do dedo, nunca mais tendo que tentar lembrar deles no meio da msica.Alm disso, o curso recheado de material pra voc baixar e acompanhar no s com os vdeos. Tem backing tracks pra voc baixar, tablaturas, partituras, arquivos de Guitar Pro e MusicXML, diagramas... Cara, tudo que eu pude colocar, na verdade.E mais: te afirmo que fazer isso vai ajudar mais ainda a sobrar espao pra voc criar a sua identidade artstica. Afinal, quanto mais coisas a gente faz no automtico, mais espao sobra pra gente pensar em outras coisas durante nossa performance.O curso vai abordar nica, exclusivamente e extensivamente os arpejos trades. Ele o primeiro da srie de minicursos que estou lanando, que abordam de forma mais profunda cada ponto que o profissional da msica precisa saber pra se virar melhor no dia-a-dia, e bvio, soar cada vez mais original nas suas composies e improvisos.A pergunta que no quer calar : o que voc est esperando pra ir atrs do seu sonho?Imagens e edio por: Isabela Eichler"
Price: 99.99

"ETHICAL HACKING - Web Penetration Testing - MODULO 2" |
"Se voc quer aprender os sobre Seguranas de Websites, e como explorar falhas para poder invadir um site, este o curso certo para voc, este o mdulo 2 deste curso.Iremos aprender da forma mais divertida possvel, iremos invadir como se estivssemos a jogar, a plataforma que iremos invadir, nos dar recompensa a cada nvel que atingirmos. Assim poremos acompanhar nosso progresso.Vamos conhecer uma das plataformas que Muitos hackers usam para testar conhecimentos, ou mesmo, apenas para passar tempo."
Price: 19.99

"Personalcontrolling mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinIm Personalmanagement bentigen wir diverse Controlling-Tools, um zum Beispiel die Krankheitsquoten der Abteilungen zu analysieren, oder die Leistungen der Teilbereiche aus dem Personalwesen zu messen.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Excel professionelle Vorlagen fr das Personalmanagement erstellen.Inhalteinfacher DienstplanKrankheitsquoten-Analyse-ToolPersonal-ReportUrlaubsplanExcel Tipps und TricksZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertigen Excel-Dateien zur bung bzw. Vertiefung.Hinweis: Die Dateien wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen allerdings auch mit einer vorigen Version umgesetzt werden. Die Anwendungen sind sehr hnlich bzw. identisch."
Price: 99.99

"So lsen Sie Probleme in 30 Minuten" |
"AllgemeinProbleme gehren zum Leben dazu. Mal grere, mal kleinere.Hin und wieder kommt es allerdings vor, dass sich diese Probleme in die Lnge ziehen und wir nicht wissen, wie wir diese lsen knnen. Das knnen Themen wie Meetings sein, an denen man nicht teilnehmen mchte, oder wir im Job unzufrieden sind.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie mit mehreren Solo-Techniken anhand von 3 Beispielen, wie Sie Ihre Probleme in 30 Minuten lsen knnen.Tatschlich dauert dieser Kurs ber 45 Minuten, dies liegt allerdings an den Erluterungen der Techniken.InhaltSolo-TechnikenErstellung von LsungsstrategienPortfolio-TechnikMassnahmen-PlanHinweis: Es sollten kleinere bis mittlere Probleme sein, die selber gelst werden knnen, also herausfordernd, aber nicht unmglich."
Price: 39.99

"CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) PMI-100" |
"These CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) PMI-100 Practice Exams provide you with the latest test questions.Who Should Take This CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) PMI-100 Practice Test? These tests are intended for individuals who want to earn their CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) certification.These practice tests will not only help anyone who is looking to pass the CAPM exams, it will also help anyone who wants to learn the real ins.Official CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 150x3=450+20 Bonus questionsType of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 180min/practice testPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!Wish you all the best!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Practice Tests : 2020" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course.These Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 tests will help you pass the Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Certified Associate in Project Management Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Course149 High Quality practice questions for your Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 ExamAll Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertsAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?149 High Quality Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 practice questionsOur Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Practice tests will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification ExamGo ahead,Take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99

"Javascript in HindiUrdu" |
"in this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of javascript in Hindiwe will start from scratch to intermediate level using modern javascriptyou will learn how to write javascript than learn about datatypesstrings,number,arrays,strings methods ,functions ,if else statement,the object in number inside the function you will learn about Arguments and return and everything will be in Hindiand you will learn more stuff"
Price: 19.99

"sap ale idoc for abap and functional consultant" |
"IDOC : Idoc is a data container which is use for the data transfer from one system to another. The data transfer can be sap to sap system or sap to non sap What type of data is transferred : Following type of data is transferred using Idoc container 1. Master Data : Material Master, Vendor master, Customer master etc. 2. Transaction Data : Purchase order, sales order, FI document etc. 3. Custom field data : Custom fields data with idoc extension concept. In this course, students can learn all the basic step, required for the configuration of ale Idoc between 2 sap clients.Idoc Objects :SegmentsIdoc typeMessage TypeLogical systemRFC destinationRFC PortPartner profileData Transfer and data monitoringError analysis and trouble shooting Idoc filteringStatus changeChange Pointer activation"
Price: 4800.00

"Reviso Mecnica dos Slidos - Momento de Fora" |
"Este curso tem como fundamento a analise de sistemas bidimensionais e tridimensionais de foras, atravs da decomposio no plano e espao, observando a capacidade das foras em produzir um momento de rotao.Contedos do curso: ESTTICA Esttica dos Pontos Materiais Foras no Plano Foras no Espao Corpos Rgidos: Sistemas Equivalentes de Foras Foras Internas, Externas e Equivalentes Momento de uma Fora Definio de Binrio Sistema Equivalente Abordagem Vetorial"
Price: 39.99

"Tenso Normal Mdia e Tenso de Cisalhamento Mdia." |
"Este curso tem como objetivo, determinar as tenses normais e de cisalhamento nos elementos estruturais submetidos a a carregamentos pontuais , distribudos uniforme e linearmente na estrutura. Observando como os valores das tenses variam em cada ponto do elemento estrutural atravs de anlise grfica das foras normais, foras de cisalhamento e momento de flexo."
Price: 39.99

"EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation: Simulateur d'examen" |
"La technologie d'aujourd'hui volue rapidement et change notre faon de faire des affaires. Les entreprises numrisent toutes les informations par dfaut, stockent leurs donnes dans le cloud et utilisent des logiciels open source. Cela soulve des problmes de scurit de l'information lis l'infrastructure rseau et systme.Le module EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation couvre les tapes de base du piratage thique: collecte de renseignements, analyse de rseaux / systmes informatiques et systmes de pntration.Type de cours: examen d'essaiAidez les tudiants se prparer leurs examens de certification en leur fournissant des questions pratiques.Contenu du cours:Simulateur de 20 questions choix multiples pour soutenir la certification en franais, dans lequel vous pouvez vous entraner avec des questions similaires l'examen rel, marquer votre rponse et voir le score obtenu la fin, chaque fois que les questions sont commandes au hasard, de cette manire Vous pouvez vous entraner autant de fois que vous le jugez ncessaire.Matriel de soutien autodidacte pour la certification en anglais.Bnficiez de 25 euros de rduction sur la certification EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation en achetant l'examen avec nous. Valable uniquement pour la France.Considrations importantes:Ce cours n'est PAS la formation officielle EXIN.Ce cours ne comprend PAS de vidos.Nous sommes un centre d'examen autoris EXIN."
Price: 19.99

"Home Office - The Best Guide to be Productive at Home" |
"Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a.k.a COVID-19, millions of workers experienced the concept of home office. For a lot of them, this experience is completely new. Creating their own work schedule, collaborating remotely with colleagues while also tending to household chore poses a great challenge for many of us.This course aims to help easing these new problems with giving scientifically proven and widely used tips & tricks that anyone can implement right away! We will give you practices that anyone can start doing right away. These tips will touch on remote collaboration, IT security as well as motivation, stress and time management. Furthermore, we chose techniques that are not only relevant today, but will be really useful even after the pandemic.We are sure that you will find these tips & tricks useful and hope that they will allow you to spend the workdays more efficiently and stress free!"
Price: 59.99

"Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"86 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 86Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (64 of 86)"
Price: 149.99

"Web Marketing Turistico: da sito web alla prima prenotazione" |
"Come sai le OTA (Online Travel Agencies) hanno il compito di trovare clienti per il tuo appartamento o struttura ricettiva. Utilizzano un enorme budget per pubblicizzare gli annunci e permettere ai tuoi ospiti di trovare il tuo annuncio e prenotarlo in maniera semplice e sicura. Saprai per anche che le commissioni che prendono sono piuttosto alte (circa il 18%) e destinate a crescere tanto pi riusciranno a dominare il mercato turistico. Se hai intenzione di accrescere le tue prenotazioni ma soprattutto di ottenere prenotazioni dirette (ovvero senza l'intermediazione delle OTA) diventa obbligatorio aumentare la tua presenza online e sfruttare a pieno tutti gli strumenti del web marketing. E ti assicuro che esiste una valanga di azioni che puoi fare per promuovere la tua struttura. un vero e proprio nuovo mondo, ma se vuoi rimanere competitivo, ottenere prenotazioni e guadagnare sempre pi nel tempo devi sapere utilizzare almeno parte degli strumenti che il web ti mette a disposizione: sito web, campagne pubblicitarie, social media marketing, google my business, ecc ecc...Se mi seguirai vedremo insieme come sfruttare il web marketing turistico per accrescere le prenotazioni dirette senza spendere un budget enorme. Alla fine di questo corso saprai: Qual la strada per ottenere le tue prime prenotazioni senza commissioni per la tua struttura Creare il sito web professionale della tua struttura e pubblicizzarla senza spendere cifre folli Trovare nuovi clienti sul web Impostare campagne pubblicitarie per il tuo sito web Lavorare come un vero esperto del settore turistico"
Price: 64.99

"Seguridad WordPress: Elimina Inyecciones y Malware en WP" |
"Seguridad Wordpress: Elimina Inyecciones y Malware en WP. Es un curso didctico con pocas lecciones de teora para aplicar una buena limpieza en un sitio web, y dejarlo libre de inyecciones y hackeos futuros. Uno de los problemas ms graves que puede pasar todo webmaster o administrador de un sitio web, es pasar por la terrible idea de ser hackeado. Y en este curso, basado en WordPress vamos a aplicar un procedimiento universal donde cualquier persona del mundo, sin importar su profesin, o conocimiento en seguridad web, pueda crear un proceso ptimo de limpieza de un sitio web.Este procedimiento, la he usado por mucho tiempo, y es un procedimiento a la que he denominado ""cuarentena"", porque sigue un procedimiento de 5 pasos sencillos para lograr que un sitio web, quede limpio al 100%. Este procedimiento, le ahorrar mucho estrs, mucho sufrimiento, poco tiempo, y sobre todo, 0% de dinero. En realidad es un proceso 100% gratis!Al aprender este curso, usted no tendr necesidad de contratar a una empresa de seguridad, o un especialista en seguridad; sino que podr aplicar este procedimiento, y usted mismo, en menos de 2 horas tendr su sitio web de WordPress listo, y como nuevo. Sin embargo, una buena limpieza de sitio web, no es suficiente; es por ello, que instalaremos un plugin 100% gratis del repositorio oficial de WordPress, para proteger al sitio web de futuras inyecciones o hackeos. De esta forma, usted aadir una capa de seguridad en su sitio web.Este curso usa las siguientes herramientas:Panel de administracin de Cpanel.Google Search Console.Sucuri scanner.WordPress 5+Si usted, conoce de manera bsica al menos todos estas plataformas y herramientas, puede seguir este curso al 100%. Aunque le puedo asegurar que este curso se centra en lecciones prcticas, y no habr mucha teoria. Adems, he utilizado un ejemplo real para que usted mismo lo pueda aplicar en su sitio web de WordPress. Finalmente, este curso se ha basado en el libro que he publicado en Amazon, y que lleva el mismo nombre ""WordPress 5 Avanzado: Seguridad en Wordpress 2020 (Top 100 libros de Kindle Amazon)"".Asi que tendra en sus manos la versin en PDF de este libro, y podr llevarlo a donde usted vaya. De esta forma, podr estudiarlo, y ensear a otros. Te invito a inscribirte en este curso!"
Price: 84.99

Cubase |
"Cubase11Cubase1CubaseCompressorEqualizerQuadorafuzzVSTBassAmpVSTAmpRackAmpSimulatarDeesserRoomWorksSEReverenceMaximizerCubase10.5 ProCubase3113303"
Price: 24000.00

wcobfidz |
"12 . , . , - . . , , . . ."
Price: 19.99

schoolpoznyak_portret |
". , , , . , - . . , , . . ."
Price: 24.99

"Platform Developer II Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Platform Developer II credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Platform Developer II exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Salesforce Fundamentals: 8%Given a scenario, analyze the effects of using base-system objects such as sharing objects, history objects, metadata objects, multi-currency, and Chatter objects.Given a requirement, determine if a declarative or custom-coded solution should be implemented.Outline the benefits of adopting a low-code approach in Salesforce.Demonstrate knowledge of the localization features and capabilities and how they affect coding.Data Modeling and Management: 5%Given a scenario, identify and justify where Apex managed sharing should be used.Describe the use cases for and benefits of external IDs.Identify use cases for different types of custom metadata and custom settings, and describe how to implement solutions for those use cases.Logic and Process Automation: 20%Given a scenario, identify the considerations of interactions between multiple processes, both declarative and programmatic.Identify how an Apex method can be made available for use by Lightning Web Components.Given a scenario, propose and justify the optimal programmatic or declarative solution.Demonstrate knowledge of the best practices for writing Apex triggers.Describe the Apex features available for error handling and maintaining transactional integrity.Identify the keywords used in a SOQL query and explain where they're used in a query's structure.Describe the data return types for SOQL and SOSL queries and their impact on variable assignment.Analyze a set of requirements and determine the benefits of using asynchronous or batch Apex coding.Given a scenario and requirements, identify the appropriate dynamic Apex feature to use in the solution.Differentiate DML statements and types of database events.User Interface: 20%Given a scenario, compare and contrast the usage of Visualforce controllers.Given requirements and code snippets for a Lightning Web Component and its Apex controller class, determine necessary changes to the Apex class.Describe the techniques for using Visualforce to perform actions and partial page refresh.Describe the messaging techniques and best practices when displaying errors in user interfaces.Given a set of requirements, select the appropriate solution (Lightning vs Visualforce) and describe its benefits.Given requirements and code snippets for resources in a Lightning Component bundle, determine necessary changes to the Lightning Component.Given a scenario, describe the aspects of Lightning Components that can be used to cause elements in a component's markup to display in a responsive manner based on a device's form factor.Given a scenario, justify when to use an Application type event rather than a Component type event in a Lightning Component.Given a scenario, describe how to configure a Lightning Component to be displayed in a modal dialog using declarative configuration.Describe the purpose and benefit of static resources in both Visualforce and Lightning Components.Performance: 15%Identify the common performance issues for user interfaces and demonstrate knowledge of techniques and tools to mitigate them.Given a scenario, choose the appropriate logic and query structure to maximize application performance and handle large data volumes.Analyze a given scenario and determine performance improvements that can be achieved with an asynchronous callout.Select scenarios where code reuse is applicable and how the reuse should be implemented.Given sample code, identify inefficiencies and and demonstrate the ability to resolve them.Integration: 14%Given a set of requirements, apply the programmatic techniques and platform features for inbound communication.Given a scenario, apply programmatic techniques and platform features for outbound communication.Given a set of requirements, choose the appropriate integration technique.Describe the techniques and benefits of using External IDs for data integration.Testing: 13%Apply techniques and tools for testing Apex classes and triggers.Apply techniques and tools for testing Visualforce controllers and controller extensions.Given a scenario or Apex tests that are not performing as expected, apply techniques and tools to isolate and identify the issues.Debug and Deployment Tools: 5%Given a scenario, Apex code or trigger that is not performing as expected, apply techniques and tools to isolate and identify the issues.Given a scenario, formulate the deployment process, supporting tools, and mechanisms.Given a sample of JavaScript code, identify issues to resolve errors and use best practice patterns."
Price: 49.99

"Covered the concepts:SAP BASIS Questions and AnswersSAP JAVA NETWEAVER Questions and AnswersSAP S/4 HANA Questions and AnswersSAP HANA ADMINISTRATION Questions and AnswersSAP SOLUTION MANAGER Questions and AnswersThis course would really help in a new way of learning. An excellent guide for achieving the knowledge on SAP Administration including very new topics.You would be introduced to the very new topic of the subject with a single question and answer and Explanations helps you to understand the depth of the concept."
Price: 19.99

"Youtube ReactReact Hooks" |
"React + YouTube APIYouTube React, React Hooks, Context API, CSS ModuleFunctional ComponentReactLayoutReact Router DomuseHistory, useLocationuseStateLocal StateuseReducer + ContextAPI + useContextGlobal StateCSS Module (CSS)Youtube APITextURLa()Promise.allYoutube reactreact hooksreact hooks React Hooks React+!"
Price: 24000.00

"Learning Modern HTML & CSS made EASY AND FAST" |
"""I have been to different resources and tried courses on the subject of Web Development , this instructor created a jam-packed course with hands -on exercises! If you want to learn modern web development and design this course is perfect for you!"" Anthony S. Are you looking for the best way to learn how to build beautiful websites with HTML5 and CSS3? That even look great on your phone?Have you taken other HTML and CSS courses, but still wonder how to code a real-world website, not just some basic examples?If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!What makes this course so unique and why it is a perfect fit for you?Reason #1: The course is totally project-basedTogether we hand-code a beautiful and responsive landing page that I made up just for the course. We start from learning HTML5. We code alone exercises until you get comfortable and step by step learn CSS3 features. This approach will get you from beginner to advanced. At this course you will learn the most modern web technologies. The course has 3 major project that will get you all the real-world skills to build responsive real-world HTML5 and CSS3 websites. After you watch the lectures, code - alone and complete exercises you to build any website you can possibly imagine.Reason #2: Code and design websites from scratchWe go through the process of building websites and deploying on the web! I agree that learning how to code is great, but it's not everything you need! The course includes major skills that you need to create successful website: designing websites, coding, planning your code, writing clean and organized code, best practices and deploying your website to the internet!Designing a good website is what makes web developers good! You have you seen modern websites! They are absolutely great! During this course we will learn you how to design it. Together we make sure that you get a personalised feedback on your projects and we focus on coding and designing!Reason #3: You get a ready to show off professional Website portfolioWhen you complete this course you will have a complete, modern website! It will look perfect on any screen computer, tablet, or smartphone. You get to code the entire code and learn where to get all the images and graphical assets.Please check out the promo video to see the final website!Reason #4: HTML5 and CSS3 learning is easy and entertainingResponsive web design and learning HTML5, CSS3 are really easy! This course was created because it give you a full and complete knowledge rather than watching random tutorials on YouTube videos! Below is exactly what we will cover during this course: This course is jam-packed with exercises and hands-on and easy-to-follow web development projects using modern and responsive HTML5, CSS3. Learn how to make your website unique and stand out from the crowd by using this simple and practical web design guidelines and tips. We will use images, Web fonts and icons to make any website shine. Responsive web design: learn how to create websites that work perfectly well on all screen sizes. Learn how to use scroll effects and ""sticky"" navigation. Launch your website to the Internet for other to see and visit.This questionary will help you find out if this course is for you!You are: a beginner with no coding skills and want to learn how to build responsive and modern websites using HTML and CSS.You have: some knowledge of HTML and CSS, but want to improve your skills and want to create a complete website from scratch.You are: a UX designer and want to learn HTML5 and CSS3. This course is for everyone that don't know how to create responsive and modern Websites using HTML5 and CSS3! If you know how to do it, then skip this course. Everyone else: take this course, today!Now it's your turn to decide. This is what you get: You get a lifetime access to my learning videos, code - alone exercises, and 3 major projects. There is no monthly subscriptions. You can learn at your own pace. You get to download code and design for 3 major projects and exercises. Most importantly you get a feedback by the end of each project. Feedback is so important for the learning process. Support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck.Are you excited? Let's start this amazing course together and just click the Take this course"" button!Who this course is for:Complete beginners who want to learn how to build a responsive, modern, professional websiteYou have some knowledge coding HTML and CSS, but you want to learn how to create modern, responsive and professional websites.UX Designers who want to learn the skill of HTML5 and CSS3"
Price: 19.99

"Certificao MCSA SQL Server 2019 Database Administration" |
"Este curso apresenta os fundamentos para escrita de consultas em T-SQL e para o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados no Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Nele, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL da Microsoft, que o primeiro requisito para a certificao MCSA SQL Database Development.Alm disso, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-764 Administrao de uma Infraestrutura de banco de dados SQL da Microsoft, que um dos requisitos para a certificao MCSA SQL Server Database Administration.Aps o curso, o aluno estar apto a:Utilizar ferramentas de consulta no SQL Server;Escrever consultas utilizando SELECT;Agrupar e resumir dados;Relacionar diversas tabelas com Joins;Inserir, alterar e deletar dados;Trabalhar com subconsultas;Consultar campos de texto usando ndices do tipo Full-Text;Utilizar objetos de programao, tais como views, funes, procedures e triggers;Consultar metadados;Trabalhar com transaes;Aplicar tcnicas avanadas na construo de consultas, tais como utilizao de cursores, converses de tipos de dados, SQL dinmico e XML;Instalar e configurar o SQL Server 2019;Gerenciar bancos de dados e arquivos;Realizar backups e restores;Implementar a gesto de segurana de instncias;Trabalhar com transferncia de dados;Configurar a automao de tarefas administrativas;Implementar uma replicao;Configurar ambientes de alta disponibilidade;Monitorar o SQL Server;Resolver de problemas de conexo e erros genricos;Efetuar performance tuning;Como pr-requisitos, espera-se que o aluno tenha conhecimentos em lgica de programao e tenha conhecimentos bsicos sobre bancos de dados relacionais."
Price: 189.99
