"Mindfulness, Vive el presente" |
"Vivimos en un mundo donde no nos han enseado a vivir el presente, constantemente nos han enseado a vivir pensando el futuro y rememorando el pasado, perdindonos el maravilloso regalo del presente, el nico lugar y momento en el que podemos cambiar cosas, tomar decisiones, disfrutar y en definitiva ser felices. El arte del mindfulness es milenario pero ha sido trado a occidente relativamente hace poco.ANMATE A APRENDER ESTA TCNICA, SI LA EXPERIMENTAS CAMBIARA TU VISIN DE LA VIDA."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop - Les bases pour matriser le logiciel en 8H" |
"Dans ce cours de 8 heures de vidos, vous apprendrez matriser les principaux aspects de Photoshop, que vous soyez totalement novice ou en partie form. Vous dcouvrirez toutes les notions fondamentales pour analyser, retoucher, corriger, modifier vos images, travers un cursus trs progressif. Aprs avoir tudi de cours, vous pourrez laisser de ct les questionnements techniques, et vous concentrer sur l'essentiel : votre crativit.Idal pour les personnes qui souhaitent matriser Photoshop tel un professionnel, retoucher, dvelopper ses photos numriques, analyser ses images, comprendre et matriser les calques, les masques, les modes de fusion, les slections et dtourages, les objets dynamiques, la peinture avec Photoshop, les styles de calque, les automatisations, et plus gnralement tout ce qui est utile la conception et la publication d'images pour le web ou l'impression."
Price: 24.99

"Popping Dance For Beginners" |
"Have you ever seen robot dancers in the streets? You know, the ones who are painted in all silver and they only move when you put a $1 dollar bill in their box!How about YouTube videos with 17 million views?The ones with amazing dancers from shows like Step Up, World of Dance and So You Think You Can Dance?Here is your chance to learn the basic robot and popping foundations without even going to a studio!Maybe you dont have experienceOr you feel embarrassed to attend a class.Perhaps there are no qualified teachers in your area.You might not be sure if youre ready to commit to weekly sessions!I am going to teach you how to do the basic robot and 10 beginner Popping techniques by breaking it down in simple steps that anybody can follow.You can go at your own pace and there is no pressure to keep up with others. Its no problem if you trip on two left feet and look totally awkward like a middle-aged dad in a clown suit at first.You might not become a professional overnight, but youre definitely going to learn some party tricks, get some confidence and gain the foundations to grow from.You might have seen dancers like Jaja Vankova, Jabbawockeez, Poppin John and more. They all started where you are at - day 1! We all started from the ground up, and you can do it too!This course is for people who have zero popping dance experience. You dont need to have any background in dance. If you have some experience already, I will recommend my intermediate or advanced courses.If you would like more information, heres a course outline below:Things youll learn:Staying on the beat of the musicHow to do basic popping hitsBasic robot movesBody and arm waves, toyman, twist-o-flex and moreOne choreographed routine per classDon't worry if these sound hard. Im going to teach you every step of the way and you dont even have to get out of your pajamas. But please, at least wash them.The goals of this course: You will understand the basic robot and be able to comfortably dance popping at a beginner level.Imagine when you can show your mom or dad, husband or wife, friends or children the cool new dance moves youve learned!You will get access to my Popping music playlist so that you can practice at home with the best music for this dance style.If you want to learn how to dance at a party or social gathering, or just gain a fun hobby where you can express yourself creatively, this class is just what you need! At the very least, youre going to get some sweet party tricks!This will boost your confidence. What do you have to lose anyway?These moves are going to stick with you forever, they are really for any age. You dont have to be a young athletic 20 year old to be able to do the robot. When youre older, your grandkids will think youre awesome.Come join me let's get robotic together!Dont wait longer. Sign Up Now to get started in my course!"
Price: 104.99

"Elevacin de Privilegios en SO Windows estilo OSCP 2020" |
"Curso prctico en la identificacin de probables vas de acceso para la elevacin de privilegios en Sistemas Operativos Windows, sin hacer uso de herramientas automatizadas de explotacin. Uso de tcnicas y herramientas tiles a tomar en cuenta para la preparacin del examen OSCP Este curso contar con actualizaciones de manera regular. "
Price: 24.99

"Impresso 3D Profissional - Simples, Eficiente e Objetiva" |
"O curso Impresso 3D Profissional - Simples, Eficiente e Objetiva foi desenvolvido com base em experincia real de aplicaes da tecnologia.Todos os conceitos e exerccios descritos nesta apostila foram cuidadosamente selecionados para que ao final voc possua, ao menos, uma viso geral de todos os elementos que compe o processo de produo em impressoras 3D.Este curso se destina a:Alunos e Profissionais dos cursos de Engenharia Civil, Mecnica e Arquitetura;Para Profissionais de nvel tcnico das reas de usinagem e injeo de plstico;Para empreendedores que pretendem abrir um novo negcio na rea tcnica;Para Indstrias em geral, que buscam melhorar seus processos produtivos por intermdio do desenvolvimento de objetos funcionais ;Para a rea de manuteno industrial;Para a rea de desenvolvimento de produtos."
Price: 39.99

"C# - Buenas prcticas y cdigo limpio" |
"Este curso contiene una serie de tips, buenas practicas, consejos y ejemplos reales para escribir C# de la mejor manera posible de acuerdo a los retos que se nos presenten. Aprenders a realizar refactoring en cdigo existente y mejorarlo utilizando las mejoras de C#, LINQ y algunas herramientas externas. Con este curso mejorars tus skills y pasars a otro nivel como programador."
Price: 19.99

"GNU Makefile" |
"The course is intended to provide students a guideline to create Makefile for their project.This course is designed with taking consideration for the newcomers in the Linux world and to the beginner in C and C++ coding.The lessons are designed with a detailed practical approach and resource are shared for practice and understanding"
Price: 1280.00

"Ive been furloughed due to the Coronavirus, what do I do?" |
"Am I edible for unemployment? How do I file for unemployment? Is there relief for my business? What if I can't pay my rent? Know your rights as a renter or homeowner. How do I apply for relief? How do I get my stimulus check? How do I understand my relief options? How to speak to your landlord? What about my student loans? These are some of the topics we will discuss to get you back on your financial feet."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo vender en Marketplaces y en Amazon con xito?" |
"No cabe duda que el 2020 sea probablemente el ao en que el Comercio Electrnico termine de despegar en la regin latinoamericana. En este ao y por razones desafortunadas, COVID-19, los consumidores se volcaron al canal online, razn por la cual empresas como Mercado Libre anunciaron 70% de incremento en sus ventas.Para las empresas, ya no es opcional contar con una estrategia de comercio electrnico, y comenzar a vender en Marketplaces, es el primer paso de toda la transformacin del canal de comercializacin tradicionalVender en Marketplaces, es relativamente fcil, ya que el Marketplace nos facilita mucho las cosas, desde muchas dimensiones diferentes:Los Marketplaces tienen una gran cantidad trfico.Cuenta con herramientas de marketing y promocin para generar demandas.Nos brinda pasarelas de pago y prevencin de fraudes entres otras cosas.Logstica, como Amazon Prime o Mercado Envo Full.Y sobre todo tiene la base de intenciones de compra del consumidor.Si bien es una tarea sencilla, si la comparamos con lo que implica lanzar un Sitio de Comercio Electrnico propio, hay aspectos fundamentales a considerar as como consideraciones tcnicas, y herramientas que son necesarias para tener xito, ya que la oferta y la competencia es muy intensa en los marketplacesEn este curso abordaremos la problemtica de vender en marketplaces con una metodologa probada de 9 pasos claves, que explicaremos a lo largo de las 17 lecciones, incluyendo como hacer publicidad en Amazon con PPC o Sponsored Products, que herramientas utilizar para estimar la demanda de un producto o estudiar a la competencia, como disear y generar los contenidos correctos para los consumidores descubran nuestra oferta."
Price: 24.99

"Become Agile with Scrum by Examples (... and get certified)" |
"Can you imagine learning a framework that really works for enabling continuous improvement and delivery of value? How do you see this fitting your current condition?Ever wanted to learn something that is on the mouth of everyone in today's business? Being agile and not doing agile.This course lets you understand the most famous and used framework in the world of organizational and business agility, Scrum, and provides you with examples, metaphors and real world knowledge to immediately apply and grow.This course contains:Video Lectures: to learn the theory and get the informationCoaching moments: short clips inviting you to reflect and grow on several areas touched by the frameworkSection tests: to check your progress and get to the pace3 Full length exam simulation: to validate your understanding and be more prepared to get any foundational certification on ScrumWhat do you need to start? Nothing! Just the will to learn, grow and the curiosity to explore something new!"
Price: 19.99

"Learning and practicing Mindfulness" |
"Have you ever felt emotionally distressed, ""stuck"" in life, lacked concentration and focus, or simply want to move towards a better future that is in line with your life values? Mindfulness may be the answer for you.I would like to welcome you to this course and congratulate you for taking the first step to learning about Mindfulness. In this course, we will discuss all aspects of Mindfulness. I will take you through a journey of considering what Mindfulness is, why it is useful, and how Mindfulness helps us to step back from difficult thoughts and emotions. Simultaneously, we will learn about how Mindfulness can help you gain more control over your internal experiences, thoughts and emotions, improve your focus and concentration, improve your psychological wellbeing, and thus can help you move towards your life goals. We will also go through a formal Mindfulness Meditation practice as well as an informal exercise. This course is useful for people who are students of psychology or mental health, people who want to self-develop, people who want to better manage emotional distress or achieve better psychological wellbeing. With this course, I hope that we can enter with an open mind, embracing loving kindness as well as holding a compassionate position so we can better understand our personal psychology and support ourselves to live better lives."
Price: 44.99

"DIY Self Waxing at Home" |
"Whether you are trying to save money, fed up with paying salon prices, too embarrassed to have someone else wax intimate areas, or simply just want to be independent and not rely on others, then this course is for you. Whether you are a waxing professional, or a complete novice, you will learn something useful on this course.I will cover the areas of waxing such as legs, bikini line, and underarms. You will learn about safety, equipment needed (and where to purchase), the benefits of waxing, the hair growth cycle, after care advice, potential problems and how to overcome them.The cost of this course is equivalent to the price of just one, or two of your salon waxing sessions, which means that you will start saving money within just a couple of months! Armed with the knowledge to be self-sufficient, and able to wax at a time that suits YOU, rather than being limited to salon opening hours and availability.There's lots of information online about how to wax yourself at home, but nothing like this course, which will guide you every step of the way.Imagine being that in control, having eliminated a problem that you previously had in your life... Let's get waxing!"
Price: 69.99

"Con este curso podrs entrenar tu cuerpo con un mnimo de tiempo requerido, aprendiendo a mejorar tu postura, ser consciente de tu cuerpo, aliviar estrs y mejorar la musculatura.La forma de este curso es nica, tendrs varia rutinas cortas en distintos niveles de dificultad, de modo que se pueden combinar de acuerdo a tus propsitos.No importa tu nivel fsico o tu edad, en este curso tendrs una rutina para hacer e ir mejorando de forma segura y continua. "
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Professional Admin" |
"This course helps you to learn how to administer the Salesforce CRM. Salesforce CRM is used to maintain customer data and manage their customers in engaging with their products. So now the organisations are prefering this CRM as it is hosted in cloud and easy to access and manage their customers and their data on the go. Learning this module helps you to understand the application in Administering levels."
Price: 19.99

"Risk and Return In Security Analysis & Portfolio Management" |
"This course helps in Analyzing the Securities & Portfolios by calculating the Risk and Return of Securities. Investment can be made in Securities by considering the Risk as well as Return involved in the Securities. So this course gives an insight into the Calculation and Models used in calculating the Risk and Return of each Security, thereby suggesting the investor about the appropriate security in the Stock Market."
Price: 1600.00

"Ruby on Rails - 2020. ." |
". . . Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails. : - REST Full dev - REST API - TDD (Test Drive Development) - MVC (Model View Controller) - SOLID Principles - RUBY - RUBY on RAILS - Relations () - JavaScript - PostgreSQL - OAUTH ( . ) - / - - Ajax - !!"
Price: 29.99

"Ruby on Rails 6 - 2020." |
"Ruby on Rails . . Ruby on Rails. : - TDD (Test Drive Development)- MVC (Model View Controller) - RUBY - RUBY on RAILS - JavaScript - PostgreSQL !!"
Price: 29.99

quick-way-to-learn-english-typing-for-beginners-in-tamil |
", . . . . , . 30 . 15 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 27 3 . , . , . , . ,."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction la reconnaissance d'images en Deep Learning" |
"Dans ce cours, je vous propose de crer votre propre systme de reconnaissance d'images via des outils puissants de Deep Learning (Python, FastAi, Pytorch...).Aprs une introduction aux concepts du Deep Learning et des rseaux de neurones convolutifs, nous mettrons en place un modle qui pourra classifier 2 modles de guitares diffrents !Le cours se concentre davantage sur les aspects pratiques que les aspects thoriques du Deep Learning (pas de formules mathmatiques compliques mais une prsentation dtaille de l'algorithme et du code !).Nous utiliserons un environnement de programmation Python et la puissance des librairies Pytorch et FastAi pour mettre en place notre modle rapidement et efficacement. La mthodologie et l'algorithme dvelopp pourront ensuite tre utiliss pour l'adapter vos propres images.Vous pourrez donc l'utiliser pour construire votre propre classificateur d'images !"
Price: 54.99

"Introduction to noetic science and noetic technology" |
"This course is an introduction to noetic science and technology. Noetic science is the study of consciousness and it's effect on the outside world. In this course you will learn all about the different noetic science experiments that have already occurred in facilities such as The Institute of Noetic Science and by organisations such as the CIA. Along with this you will also learn about the quantum mechanics principles that underline the reality we live in to give you a better understanding of how these things are possible and happen. You will also be given an introduction on how to train yourself and others to have such abilities using quantum mechanics and other scientific principles such as the principle of neural plasticity."
Price: 19.99

"Carreira em compliance: 10 coisas de que voc precisa saber" |
"Esse curso foi produzido para ajudar a quem est comeando ou querendo migrar para a rea de compliance. No falarei sobre a estrutura de implementao de um Programa de Compliance.Voc assistir a 1h de aula e, alm dela, deixo disponveis 4 (quatro) materiais de apoio para seu trabalho futuro.Bom curso, sucesso e conte comigo!"
Price: 69.99

"Data Analysis with Pandas and Python [2020] for Beginners" |
"Recent Reviews:---> ""Thanks to Piyush Sir, for explaining basics of python in a lucid way.I would recommend this course, whoever is very much new to Python and interested in understanding basic concepts of Numpy and Pandas from scratch.""--->""Yes, this is course i was looking for my knowledge which will eventually help me in my professional growth.I will surely recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Data science or Data Engineering""**** Lifetime access to course materials . 100% money back guarantee ****The course is packed with real life projects examples and include Covid19 Data Analysis ( real life Hospital Data ) which you will be doing as part of Assignment. Solutions and source code is providedGet Transformed from Beginner to Expert . Become expert in using Python Pandas,NumPy libraries ( the most in-demand )Source Codes are provided for each session so that you can practise along with the lectures..Start doing the extrapolatory data analysis ( EDA) on any kind of data and start making the meaningful business decisionsStart python programming professionally Extract data from various sources like websites, pdf files, csv and RDBMS databasStart using the highest in-demand libraries used in Data Science / Data Analysis project : Pandas , NumPy Start making visualisations charts - bar chart , box plots which will give the meaningful insightsLearn the art of Data Analysis , Visualizations for Data Science ProjectsWe will also go through Melbourne Real estate data , market data , Covid 19 Data and analyse which factors are key to decide car price ."
Price: 199.99

data-analysis-using-microsoft-excel-2016 |
" 2016 ( ). Solver Analysis ToolPak , , COVID-19 Cases Prediction"
Price: 19.99

"The 5 Keys to Master your Homemaking" |
"This course is here to help you thrive as a Homemaker! Enhancing your skills in the 5 key areas of Homemaking. You will receive video lectures, articles, practical downloadable files, tutorials, assessments and quizzes to guide you through each area of Homemaking. With this course you will evolve your skills in cultivating beauty in your home, creating functional clean and organized spaces, setting the tone in your home, learn how to set the perfect dinner table along with beautiful serviette fold tutorials, recipes, practical family productivity scheduling and enriching relationships inside your home, routines and scheduling, self-reflection, care, self love as a Homemaker and so much more!"
Price: 450.00

"Riyaz Techniques for Light Music" |
"Through the roots of classical music, we are going to go across a few techniques which enhance the performances of light music. Singing Light Music is slightly different that singing classical and certain techniques of riyaz can be slightly different for both genres. This course highlights the riyaz for light music."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Tarot para Iniciantes" |
"Voc quer aprender Tarot mas no sabia por onde comear? Este curso para voc!Aqui voc vai:Ter uma introduo e noes bsicas sobre orculos e sobre o Tarot.Vai conhecer os 2 principais modelos clssicos de Tarot: O Tarot de Marselha e o Tarot de Waite.Vai compreender as principais diferenas entre o Tarot de Marselha e o Tarot de Waite.Vai aprender a estrutura bsica de um baralho de Tarot.Vai entender a Jornada da Vida pelos arcanos do Tarot.Vai conhecer os grupos de cartas que compem um baralho de Tarot.Vai aprender os principais significados das 78 cartas do Tarot.Iremos comparar o mesmo arcano em diferentes baralhos. Vai ter algumas dicas de como se preparar para as suas leituras de cartas.Vai ter dicas de como formular perguntas para o Tarot.Para fazer este curso recomendado que voc j tenha um baralho de Tarot. Indicao de baralho: Tarot de Waite.Para quem este curso recomendado?Pessoas que querem aprender a usar o Tarot para autoconhecimento e ferramenta de auto-anlise e auto-desenvolvimento.Pessoas que buscam o autoconhecimento e gostam de espiritualidade e esoterismo.Pessoas que querem aprender a usar o Tarot como ferramenta para a tomada de decises.Qualquer um que queira ter o primeiro contato com o Tarot, ou que deseja aprofundar seus conhecimentos nesta ferramenta.Ao comprar o curso, o acesso s aulas do curso aparecero para voc no boto ""Meus Cursos"" na aba superior....Sobre o instrutor:Meu nome Guilherme, tenho cerca de 8 anos de contato com o Tarot. Meu primeiro contato com o Tarot foi na infncia ao ganhar um baralho de presente. Na poca fiquei encantado com aquilo, mas acabei me afastando do Tarot e da espiritualidade. O motivo para este afastamento foi eu ter entrado em uma fase bem ctica da minha vida, onde comecei a questionar muitas coisas, especialmente os aspectos da religio da minha famlia que no faziam sentido pra mim, como por exemplo alguns preconceitos que eu observava. Mais tarde eu senti um chamado muito grande para voltar a estudar o Tarot. Por volta dos 20 anos de idade eu resgatei o meu Tarot e meus livros do fundo do armrio e voltei a estud-lo com seriedade. Comecei a comprar outros baralhos para observar as semelhanas e as diferenas de um baralho para outro. At hoje (nos meus 28 anos) eu no parei mais de estudar. Percebo hoje que o Tarot um estudo para a vida toda. O Tarot uma ferramenta extremamente profunda. Cada Arcano do Tarot infinito. (Arcano deriva de ""arca"", no sentido de cada carta como se fosse um ba escondendo um tesouro a ser revelado.)Sempre estudei o Tarot de forma autodidata atravs de livros, aulas, cursos e material na internet. Sou uma pessoa profundamente apaixonada pelo autoconhecimento, e encontrei no Tarot uma ferramenta maravilhosa para compreender melhor a mim mesmo, minhas luzes, minhas inseguranas, meus medos, minhas sombras e auto-sabotagens. Ao estudar o Tarot me deparei com alguns outros universos que o cercam, como Espiritualidade, Esoterismo (com foco na Teosofia) e Psicologia (com foco em Jung). Neste curso voc encontrar alguns conceitos bsicos destas reas de conhecimento.H anos eu alimento um Instagram com tiragens e interpretaes de Tarot. Venha conhecer o meu trabalho em @tarotnossodecadadia. Eu sou o Gui, e espero que voc goste deste curso."
Price: 159.99

"Email Organization 101" |
"Are you stressed, disorganized, and generally unproductive when it comes to your email? Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, or someone who must be on top of their email to succeed, this course will help you streamline your digital workflow so you can focus on what truly matters. We'll guide you through selecting your primary email account, choosing the appropriate email system, organizing your incoming messages, reading more effectively, writing more effectively, and optimizing your overall routine."
Price: 29.99

"Django3 with Python" |
"End of the course you will be able to make any kind of website with Django. You can apply your acknowledge to the industry. In the course you will learn how to make categories, delete and edit categories. make contact page, how make to leave comment, how to share post under category and go the post under particular category "
Price: 19.99

"Nervous System and Hormones-Biology MCQS Practice Test" |
"The Biology students and Medical students will be able to solve or practice all important MCQS on Nervous system and Endocrine system.This Practice Test will help you to sharpen your skills and score excellent marks in your examinations/Aptitude tests.It basically covers QUIZ in which I have tried my level best to cover MCQS on receptors,Parts Of Central Nervous System(Brain and Spinal Cord),Reflex Action,Eye ,Neurons,Roles of Hormones,Endocrine Glands,Diabetes Mellitus,Other important diseases and aspects of Both systems of Human body."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Women throughout Islamic History" |
"In this course, you will gain an understanding of Muslim women in history. Starting from pre-Islamic Arabia to modern concepts, this course gives you a crash course in women's lives throughout the world. If you are interested in history, Islam, and/or women's issues, this is the course for you. Islam is made up of hundreds of different cultures, languages, and ethnicities. Women in various Islamic cultures have risen to become Queens, Sufi saints, rulers behind the scenes, warriors, and much more. Even though the harem was known to be a women's space, women were not quiet nor have the remained quiet."
Price: 24.99

"3 leons pour apprendre la programmation avec Scratch" |
"Dans la 1er leon, on va crer une galette et essayer de trouver la fve. On va apprendre utiliser le clone et des combinaisons de variables.Dans la 2me leon, on va apprendre une utilisation de la fonction liste en pratiquant la divination. On va utiliser une variable et un nombre alatoire en les combinant avec une liste. Dans la 3me leon, on va crer des exercices de langue. On va approfondir les utilisation de liste et des variables."
Price: 19.99
