"Adobe Illustrator CC: Become an Awesome Designer" |
"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020: Become an Awesome Designer The first course which teaching methods and tutorials has qualitatively changed. For instance, in this course all the tutorials have been attached to the videos as .ai file, you can download them easily. Every tutorial episode has a full project episode as well. It helps you to learn how to use Illustrator features in a professional project which is a good motivation to practice more and learn better Scylla has decided to publish some free mini courses which they are an overview to the ultimate courses. You can watch them to learn some simple points about Illustrator and also check the quality. No Prior Illustrator knowledge needed ""Guaranteed"" All future & additional lectures will always be free of charge Unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Please follow us in social media, get acquainted with Scylla's method, watch some practical projects created with graphic software by Scylla and introduce Scylla to your friends.What This Course Entails:Adobe Illustrator is a premium software used for creating vector graphics for print or the webs. Actually, it is standard for making logos, graphics, comics, books or magazines, character designing, advertising and wide range of products. This course was designed to teach you how to successfully use Adobe Illustrator, no matter if you have ever used this program before or not, This course is designed for those students who are interested in logo designing, creating two-dimensional animation characters, designing children books, greeting cards and any other graphical activities. This course will teach you everything you need to know to make full use of the Adobe Illustrator.If you've used Illustrator before, then this course may amaze you with all the improvements and innovative projects that have been made to the program. If you're new to Illustrator, don't be nervous, that it will be overwhelming. We'll start at the beginning and teach you everything you need to know, in simple language so you learn easily.here's an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee! I'm known for always offering support in Udemy, so feel free to shout out if you're stuck or need assistance. ""I'm here to help""One final note:Scyllas goal is to teach you all Illustrator Tools & workspace areas, so don't worry about not having worked in Illustrator before. ""Scylla do the best to make it simple and fun""By the end of this course, no matter who you are or how much experience you've had with the program in the past, you will be an advanced user capable of using Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 like a professional to create, edit, and manipulate videos. You'll be surprised at what you can do with it!Why is this course different? Simple and clear script Every episode has a quick summary which includes what is going to be taught In comparison with others, we will teach you the full course Illustrator in less hours Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Tons of practical projects and exercises Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: respond quickly to all questions All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results By the end of this course you will be able to use the program easily. Whether you are looking for freelancing opportunities, developing a personal hobby, designing different images, get started today on your Illustrator journey! "
Price: 149.99

"Fujifilm X-T4'te Ustalamak" |
"Merhaba arkadalar;Bu eitimi incelediinize gre ya Fujifilm X-T4 ile ilgileniyor, onu almay dnyorsunuz ya da halihazrda alm durumdasnz.Alanlarn iini rahatlatacak, almay dnenlerinin kararn kolaylatracak bir cmle ile balayaym:ok doru karar...Evet, Fujifilm X-T4 ok iyi bir makine birok stn zellikleri var.Ancak unu unutmamanz rica ediyorum. Dnyann en iyi fotoraf makinasna dahi sahip olsanz, eer makinanz sizin elinizin, gznzn bir paras olmamsa hibir ie yaramaz.Neden mi? Aklayalm:Fotoraf ekme sreci ierisinde fotorafnn beyni, birok konu iin ayn anda dnmek zorundadr. Bunlar,k, diyafram, enstantane, ISO, makine ayarlar, lens ve a seimi gibi teknik konular;Kompozisyon kurgusu ve dier estetik kayglarAnlatm dili ve ierik ile kayglarO birka saniye hatta zaman zaman milisaniye ierisine bu kadar ok konu ve bir o kadar ok karar sdrmak gerekten hi kolay bir ey olmasa gerek.te bu konu ve kayglar ierisinde en kolay elimine edilebilecek, deikenlii en az ey, makine ile ilgili ayarlar blmdr.Siz makinanza hakim iseniz, makinanzdan ne istediinizi biliyorsanz, makinanzn size ne verebileceini biliyorsanz ve istediklerinizi makinanzdan nasl alacanz biliyorsanz artk nemli konulardan birisini halletmisiniz demektir.Dier konulara, kompozisyona ve fotorafn ieriine, anlatm dilinizi oluturmaya konsantre olabilirsiniz.Ancak, makinanz tanmyorsanz, fotoraf ekme sreci sizin iin makine ile bouma serveni haline gelir ve bu srada fotoraflar uar, gider.Makinanza ok ciddi bir maddi yatrm yaptnz. imdi de kendinize kk bir yatrm yapn ve makinanzla btnlemenize yardmc olacak Fujifilm X-T4te Ustalamak Video Eitim Serisini izleyin. Kendinize yapacanz bu kk yatrmn, makinanza yaptnz o byk yatrm nasl deerli kldn greceksiniz.Toplamda 65 ders, 6.5 saate yakn eitimi kapsayan X-T4te Ustalamak Video Eitim Serisinde, ok yetenekli ve stn zelliklere sahip olan makinanz, doru tanmanz ve ona hakim olmanz iin en ufak detaydan en karmak konulara kadar hemen her eyi vermeye altm.Bu eitimi bitirdiinizde bir kenara brakmayacak, takldnz her eyde tekrar tekrar gelip izleyeceksiniz. Gerekiyorsa batan sona tekrar izlemelisiniz. Ne zaman ki makinanz sizin eliniz, gznz oldu o zaman gnl rahatl ile bir kenara brakabilirsiniz.Ayrca ne zaman ihtiyacnz olursa, soru, gr, yorum ve nerilerinize ak olacam. Bana Udemy zerinden veya sosyal medya hesaplarmdan her zaman ulaabileceksiniz.Fotoraf serveninizde; makinanzla boumadan dier konulara konsantre olmanz iin size Fujifilm X-T4'te Ustalamak video eitim serisini iddetle neriyorum."
Price: 199.99

"SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting C_TS4FI_1909 Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting C_TS4FI_1909 PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting C_TS4FI_1909 PracticeExam Code: C_TS4FI_1909Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80 questionsPassing Score : 57%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 250"
Price: 139.99

"Gnlk grafiklerde oluturulan stratejiler ana eilimi belirleme konusunda yardmc olmaktadr. Bu eitimde gnlk grafiklerde matriks ve ideal zerinden belirli indikatrleri kullanarak pozisyona giri ve k iin rnek bir strateji oluturmaya allmtr. rnek stratejide kullanlan bak asna gre almalar yaparak kendi kiisel risk-getiri beklentinize, vadenize gre trade ya da yatrm mantnz kurabilirsiniz. Bu eitim sistem oluturmaya ve algoritmik trading konusunda kendini gelitirmek isteyenlere balang niteliindedir."
Price: 49.99

"Python For Those Absolute Beginners Who Never Programmed" |
"Python For Those Absolute Beginners Who Never Programmed - course has been aptly named for what it means to deliver.You may not have any programming background or might be not enough confident to believe that you also can be the best programmer. You never have had exposure to any programming language or even do not know what is programming. But this course will teach you all from scratch. Installation, basic concept of programming, syntax, conditional branching, loop, data types, handling the data, and everything you need to project yourself a confident not just a Python programmer, but even beyond that. This course will keep evolving with time to include everything that everybody else as Python expert claims to know.Python as best career option - Python is the language which has presence everywhere from application development to web development, machine learning to artificial intelligence, database query to data analysis, statistical analysis to deep learning, you name the field and you will find the Python being preferably used in there.Why study Python? For beginners there is no other computer language as much easy to learn as Python. It has a very sleek English like syntax. You need to write very small amount of code even for very complex problem. The Python has shown tremendous growth and it is much easy to get launched as python programmer with handsome salary. Python is the most sought after skill in these days. So one must learn Python as cross platform skill to stay in the groove even if already working."
Price: 12800.00

"Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I) Practice Exams - 2020 Edition!" |
"Is this the right PSPO I / PSPO 1 exam training for you?You want to become a certified Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I )? You do want to test your understanding of the Scrum framework under real PSPO 1 exam conditions?You want to pass the certification exam on your fist attempt (and not to waste $200 USD)?If you can answer this questions with a ""YES"" - this course is the perfect training for you!-------------------------------------------- What is the PSPO 1 certification about?Following Scrum. org: ""the Scrum Product Owner level I (PSPO 1 ) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of the Scrum framework and ability to support value creation and delivery. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSPO I Certification to demonstrate their mastery of the content.""""People that have passed PSPO I and achieved certification demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Achieving PSPO I is the minimum demonstration of knowledge any Professional Scrum Product Owner should be able to make.""Source: scrum. org-------------------------------------------- Frequently asked questions On which version of the Scrum Guide is this course and the practice questions based?Answer: This course is based on the 2017 version of the Scrum Guide (latest version).Is the Scrum . org certification exam fee included in this course?Answer: No, the fee for the PSPO 1 certification exam is not included in the price of this online course and needs to be paid separately.----------- Legal Disclaimer -----------This online course is not sponsored, endorsed by, in partnership or affiliation with Scrum . org! The terms Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO I , PSPO 1, etc. represent the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, the course quizzes, the course materials and practice exams are neither sponsored, endorsed by, created in partnership nor affiliated with Scrum . org.This online course is only a certification training. The price for the PSPO I certification exam is not included in the price of this online course and needs to be paid separately.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator (Friedemann Wittlinger) of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum . org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum . org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum . org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk.--------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Biomaterials for bioprinting" |
"This course will cover basic concepts of material and mechanical properties, crosslinking chemistry, and variety of natural and synthetic biomaterials and bioinks that will be useful for anyone who are starting their journey into the world of bioprinting. Topics that will be covered include:Material properties of biomaterials and bioinksMechanical properties of biomaterials and bioinksCrosslinking chemistry most commonly used for bioinksNatural bioinks: alginate, agarose, collagen, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, fibrin and silk fibroinSynthetic materials and bioinks: Polycaprolactone (PCL), hydroxyapatite and Pluronic F127Cells and bioinks and future directionsThis course is ideal for an intermediate level with basic knowledge of bioprinting technology. We recommend that you start with an introductory course in bioprinting such as Bioprinting for Beginners, before jumping into this course. Background knowledge in biology, physics and chemistry will also be useful."
Price: 99.99

"World class practical Procurement & Contract Management" |
"Often used interchangeably with purchasing, procurement and its outcome contracting is a term for a sequence of steps involved in acquiring (procuring) a product with purchasing being one of the steps of the procurement process.The procurement of the product involves processes including planning and specifying as well as value analysis and price negotiation all before the final purchasing and contracting of the product is made which will be successful, meaningful and a profitable acquisition.This is one of the processes within a supply chain with many branches of specialisms within their own right all of which must ultimately lead to the procuring of a product that must reflect what the company stands for and how it determines the consequential stages of your supply chain.Neatly divided into 6 parts starting with an introduction on the objectives of Procurement, then exploring issues that can arise and finally discussing the different types of applications. It allows you to focus on the areas you need. It is very easy to understand as we understand how procurement and contracting work from a practical level to better explain methods and practices. We have taught across the world and worked in organisations and regions where you are located . We bring our experience through our e learning courses to help enable you in your career Procuring a product is not just about making the purchase but ensuring that your supplier doesnt fail. Supplier evaluation is a part of procurement that allows you to manage and measure supplier performance.The course gives you all-you-need-to-know to achieve performance excellence It is an on line course that gives you a step-by-step and easy to follow guideWe show you how to be a world class procurement and contracts manager with our experience and vast knowledge . We are procurement people working with people in procurement ."
Price: 69.99

"Baarl Olmann En nemli Admlar !" |
"Merhaba ,Bu eitimde kendinize dardan bakmay ve baz eyleri srasyla yaptnzda ne kadar da baarl olabileceinizi fark edeceksiniz. Eer neden bu ii ben baaramyorum ? Bu ii dierleri nasl yapabilir ? Ben onlardan daha iyim aslnda ? ans beni ne zaman bulacak ? gibi sorular soruyorsanz doru yerdesiniz ! Youn bir emekle hazrlanm eitimden keyif almanz dilerim.Eitimde ;Erteleme NedenleriZaman YnetimiOdak Noktas MensEylem Admlar Sreleri ve bunlarn kullanmlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz .*Eitimin son blmnde tm eitim slaytlarn bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Os segredos do Storie" |
"Esse curso voltado para lojistas e influenciadores digital, com o intuito de mostrar a importncia de se fazer Stories na rede social Instagram. Ensino o passo a passo de como usar todos os recursos disponveis atualmente na rede social ao seu favor, conquistando um relacionamento firme com seus seguidores e consequentemente realizando vendas e influenciando pessoas."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Sketchup for Interior and Architecture" |
"Why do we need Sketchup?- To visualize your design/project in 3 dimensions- Easy and fast method to create 2D design into 3D- Sketchup offers you to visualize Products, Furniture, Interiors, Exteriors, Landscapes, Urban spaces and many more.- One of the most popular tool to be used by Architects and Designers.- As this is modelling software people use extensions like V-Ray, I-Ray, Enscape, Lumion etc. to render into realistic images and even animationsWhat we teach ?- Basic object making- Advanced extension- Furniture making- Space designing- Interior and Exterior modelling- Kitchen and wardrobe detailingWhat you will be able to do ?- Speedy 3D modelling- Interior space modelling- Exterior and high-rise commercial and landscape area modelling- Furniture detailed modelling"
Price: 1280.00

"Google sala de aula" |
"O Google sala de aula um aplicativo fantstico por meio do qual, de forma rpida e prtica, o professor pode organizar uma sala de aula digital sem a necessidade de conhecimento tcnico. Nesse curso voc aprender:Criar a primeira turmaConvidar um ou mais professores auxiliaresConvidar os alunos para a turmaRemovendo alunos e professoresCriar notificaes no MuralCriar atividades e enviando Menes (notas)Enviar material de estudosCriar questionrios de perguntas ou testes rpidosCriar questionrios no Google Form (bsico)"
Price: 39.99

"ReactJS, Hooks, Recoil, TDD, Clean Architecture, SOLID" |
"Nesse curso irei demonstrar na prtica como criar um sistema em ReactJS utilizando Typescript, Hooks e seguindo as melhores metodologias do mercado. Se voc est cansado de cursos bsicos e quer realmente aprender sobre contedos avanados e relevantes como: Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, SOLID, DRY, KISS, YAGNI e TDD, voc est no lugar certo. O objetivo maior desse treinamento fazer voc sair da sua zona de conforto e ver que existem muitas coisas a serem estudadas para se tornar um lder tcnico ou um arquiteto de software.Vamos criar um sistema completo com Login, Cadastro, Lista de Enquetes, Responder uma Enquete e Resultado da Enquete.Ao fim do curso tem uma sesso bnus mostrando como refatorar o gerenciamento de estado de toda a aplicao para o Recoil.Alm de tudo isso irei mostrar na prtica como utilizar o Git, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Integrao Contnua e como fazer para manter nosso cdigo sempre limpo, organizado e bem estruturado, criando inclusive travas para evitar que cdigos defeituosos ou mal formatados sejam commitados em nosso repositrio.Esse curso far voc evoluir mais do que anos de faculdade. Mostrarei pra voc, de forma objetiva, todos os conhecimentos que obtive ao longo dos anos de minha carreira. Voc ter a oportunidade de evoluir em semanas ou meses o que os programadores sniors levam anos para aprender."
Price: 279.99

"Learning English Pronunciation" |
"Neste curso voc vai comear a perceber os sons do Ingls e se preparar para melhorar a sua pronncia, atravs de curiosidades que eu mesma tive quando passei a entender que na lngua inglesa, o que importa o som. Voc j se perguntou o por que as pessoas tm dificuldade de entender o que vc fala ou por que voc no consegue ouvir a sua msica favorita? Neste curso voc vai saber a resposta e o que fazer para resolver este problema!"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 19c PL/SQL Fundamentos - Completo (Teoria e Prtica)" |
"Perfeito para iniciantes!Este curso direcionado para quem quer aprender Oracle Database PL/SQL literalmente do Zero, elaborado para ser o melhor curso para iniciar em Oracle PL/SQL, incluindo teoria e prtica.ltima verso do OracleO curso foi desenvolvida na ltima verso do Oracle que a verso 19c, mas seu contedo abrange tambm as verses anteriores 11g, 12c e 18c.O que voc vai aprender?Voc ir aprender desde onde realizar o download dos softwares da Oracle (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer) para estudo e pesquisa, realizar o download dos softwares (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer), instalar o banco de dados Oracle Database XE para Windows 64 Bits, configurar uma conexo ao Oracle Database XE utilizando Oracle NET, instalar e utilizar as principais ferramentas utilizadas para desenvolvimento em Oracle SQL, tais como SQL Developer e SQL*PLUS, configurar conexes no SQL Developer ao banco de dados Oracle.Alm disso, voc aprender a linguagem Oracle PL/SQL, todos os conhecimentos tericos apresentados sero totalmente demonstrados na prtica, todas as prticas alm de demonstradas sero disponibilizadas para download para que voc possa tirar quaisquer dvidas e executar todos os comandos realizados no curso.A segunda etapa para um desenvolvedor Oracle ou DBAEste curso a segunda etapa na preparao para um Desenvolvedor Oracle que poder atuar em desenvolvimento de sistemas corporativos, aplicativos, Business Intelligence ou Data Science. Este curso a segunda etapa na preparao para um Administrador de Banco de Dados Oracle (DBA). Enfim, este curso se destina a quem quer iniciar e aprender na prtica Oracle PL/SQL ou para quem deseja iniciar a preparao para conquistar certificaes Oracle. Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoArquivos scripts de todas as prticas realizadas no curso disponibilizados para downloadCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasA Udemy possui uma poltica de reembolso de 30 dias"
Price: 579.99

"Learn Bootstrap 4 & Get More Web Projects Done In Less Time!" |
"Why you need to learn bootstrap 4 as a front end web developer:The web development process takes a lot of time. Even if you are a boss of CSS, it will take several hours creating and designing a template depending on the complexity and the size of the template.That where frameworks like bootstrap 4 come in. They make the coding process easier for a front end web developer. You could make multiple projects done with CSS in the time you could create a single template using raw CSS. And in this world of competition, speed is a very important factor in success.This course will literally take you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap 4 to learning all of the utilities, components, widgets, and grids and building real-world themes and websites. You don't need to know Bootstrap 4 for this course. Even if you already know Bootstrap 4, you can boost your knowledge in this course.No boring stuff!The course is completely practical! There will be no classes on boring theories. From the first, we will be creating practical real-world website templates using bootstrap 4 from scratch. And in this process we will learn about Bootstrap 4 components and functionalities. Because, I believe, learning by doing is the best approach to learn a new thing.See the preview:If you want to learn more about the projects we are going to complete in this course, please watch the preview and section intros. You will get a good idea about what we are going to accomplish in this course.What happen if I am not satisfied after taking the course?Don't worry about that! Udemy has a money-back guarantee of 30 days. So, you can always get your money back if you're not satisfied.I am confident that you will find this course very useful as a front end developer. It will definitely boost your productivity as a front end web developer and you will get enough knowledge and confidence about bootstrap 4 that you'll be able to create your own templates later on using bootstrap 4.#bootstrap 4 #front end web development #responsive design"
Price: 19.99

"Crochet Amigurumi - Learn to make Dave the Dog" |
"Amigurumi is a Japanese word which describes small knitted or crochet animals or charactersThis course introduces you to the world of crochet amigurumi.We will work our way through a basic amigurumi pattern to create Dave the Dog. I will show you how to work the magic circle to start your proejct, how to increase and decrease and how to understand a crochet pattern. I love teaching crochet and teach it regularly across the UK. I love the mindful aspects that crochet can bring, to help us switch off from the busy world and also create some beautiful and fun projects.Discover your 'crojo' with me!"
Price: 19.99

"Crochet Corner to Corner Technique" |
"A crochet course for those new to crochet who want to learn new techniques.Let me help you start your corner to corner projects. The corner to corner technique is perfect to make beautiful blankets and cushions.We will work our way through beginning and increasing our corner to corner project as well as decreasing. We will also learn how to create a heart design as well as looking at methods as to how you can create your own corner to corner designs.I love teaching crochet and teach it regularly across the UK. I love the mindful aspects that crochet can bring, to help us switch off from the busy world and also create some beautiful and fun projects.Discover your 'crojo' with me!"
Price: 19.99

"UiPath 2020. Robotic Process Automation Introduction" |
"Robotic Process Automation is a process to replace the human effort by bots to do repetitive and mundane tasks. The advantages of this are increased efficiency, accuracy, and higher ROI. It also frees the human resources to be used for better and more productive jobs.Robotic Process Automation consists of 3 major components:Robotic - An entity that is capable of being programmed by a computer for doing complex tasks is known as a Robot. In terms of RPA, this task would be to mimic human actions. We are talking about software robots, not mechanical.Process - A process is a sequence of actions/activities or steps/tasks taken in order to achieve a particular end.Automation - When a task/an activity happens automatically, i.e. without human intervention.Based on these terms, we can assume that Robotic Process Automation means:Mimicking human behavior to execute a sequence of steps/actions which leads to a meaningful end without human intervention.According to McKinsey Research,Knowledge in work automation could have an economic impact of $5-7 trillion by the year 2025. It will touch more than 230 million knowledge workers, nine percent of the global workforceIt is estimated that up to 45 percent of the activities companies pay people to perform can be automated through RPA.Routine tasks in the Do category contribute to over 90% of the regular and repetitive work.RPA is best suited for automation of routine and repetitive tasks.It is best suited for Banking, Financial Services, HR operations, Supply Chain, and similar functions. They may require some cognitive work also.RPA technology is not amateur as many think as some organizations feel skeptical in implementing RPA in their processes.RPA is there in the market from the past 10 years and is mature. Bots have been into the processes from the last 6-7 years in applications having location-based services.The reason why Im telling you that UiPath is the top tool, you should look at the following pointers:UiPath is the top tool to learn RPA and it does not require any knowledge of programming languages to use it to implement RPA.UiPath is among the leading tools in the past 4 years in terms of popularity and usability.The tool is simple to use and has a drag and drop functionality of activities (an activity is an entity that performs a specific action in an RPA solution), using which you can easily set the functionality of your Process Automation Solution.UiPath has a standard Studio version which has a trial period of 60 days.And the best part is, UiPath comes with a Community Edition which is free for lifetime and has most of the functionality of the Studio version.During this course, we'll use the latest version of UiPath Studio 2020 (beta). This version includes UiPath Assistant. UiPath Assistant is the center of all your attended automation needs. It is an application that allows you to view, manage, and set reminders for processes.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sign up today and see how fast you can improve your seniority and create your first robot!"
Price: 19.99

"Estilo de Vida & Marca Pessoal" |
"J imaginou como seria bom ter um Mapa Estratgico da sua Vida?SAIBA COMO CRIAR O SEU ESTILO DE VIDA E UMA MARCA PESSOAL!O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NESSE TREINAMENTO? Tenha uma Ferramenta para fazer a sua Avaliao Pessoal; Aprenda a definir metas de curto, mdio e longo prazo para sua Marca Pessoal; Aprenda a tornar sua Marca Pessoal em um Estilo de Vida; Identifique seus pontos fortes e pontos fracos com um diagnstico poderoso!"
Price: 54.99

"Test Your Idea and Build an MVP quickly without coding" |
"Are you finally ready, and want to pursue the idea of your dreams, but have a lot of questions? How do I find out whether my idea is worth pursuing with? How do I find the tech co-founder or raise seed funding to build my first product? How do I do marketing and scale my business?In this course, you will learn how to take any idea, validate it, and build an MVP without coding in 4 weeks. Become a better entrepreneur, a smarter startup founder, or a more profound product manager. Learn how experienced entrepreneurs come up with killer ideas and launch them with minimum time and money invested.About the instructorSerial entrepreneur with 16 years experience, who has built 5 businesses from scratchStartup Coach at the University of New South Wales, Australia - coached over 100 startup foundersTeaches Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Sydney, AustraliaEx Australian State Government Senior Advisor, assessed over 500 startup grant applications, and helped over 200 startups successfully accessed government fundingCreated and launched websites/apps for over 200 businesses in Australia and Hong Kong since the early 2000s"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft 70-642 Windows Server Network Infrastructure Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Mark works as a network administrator for TestKing Inc. The company has a domain network based on Windows Server 2008. The network has a file server that runs on Windows Server 2008. His assistant wants to know the wireless local area network (WLAN) SSID . Which of the following statements are true about WLAN SSID? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.a) All wireless devices in a wireless network must have a different SSID.b) It has a maximum length of 32 characters.c) It is a sequence of alphanumeric charactersd) And 'the name of a wireless local area network (WLAN).e) It has a maximum length of 24 characters.Q) You are the network administrator for your company. The network contains Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista computers. You are setting FileSrv2 to forward events to the Event Viewer srv2. On FileSrv2, you run the winrm quickconfig command. Then he srv2, you run the command wecutil sth. Finally, we add the srv2 account to the local Administrators group FileSrv2. What should you do next?a) Create a customized view of FileSrv2.b) Create a customized view of srv2.c) Create a new subscription on FileSrv2.d) Create a new subscription on srv2Q) You are the network administrator for your company. The company's network runs on Windows Server 2008. All client computers run Windows Vista. You have a branch office and a main office. You should monitor all the frames that pass over the network to a local buffer, regardless of the destination address. What should you do?a) Use a capture bufferb) Use view filtersc) Use promiscuous moded) Use the capture triggerQ) Which of the following types of backups should be used to back up all files that have changed since the last full backup or incremental backup and mark these files as having been backed up?a) Differentialb) copyc) incrementald) NormalQ)P What routing protocols are not available in Windows Server 2008? (Choose all that apply.)a) RIPv1b) RIPv2c) OSPFd) EIGRP"
Price: 179.99

"Einfhrung in Julia" |
"Dieser Kurs wird dir Julia von Grund auf beibringen. Dir werden Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen des Programmierens beigebracht. Julia ist eine sehr neue Programmiersprache, die vor allem fr numerisches und wissenschaftliches Rechnen entwickelt wurde. Sie kombiniertdie Geschwindigkeit von Hardware nahen Sprachen wie c und c++ mit einer einfachen high Level Syntax wie Python."
Price: 179.99

"CASOS DE USO: da notao a cenrios complexos" |
"Casos de Uso uma linguagem simples que facilita a comunicao entre times especialistas de Tecnologia da Informao e clientes. Tambm, para profissionais de reas no relacionadas a Tecnologia da Informao, mas que no dia a dia esto envolvidos com profissionais da rea tcnica, Casos de Uso facilitar a discusso e compreenso sobre um domnio pela perspectiva do negcio entre as equipes.Neste curso voc aprender a notao grfica UML para Casos de Uso e aprender a construir cenrios que proporcionaro altos nveis de detalhes para discusses sob o sistema.Casos de Uso tambm um aliado na descoberta de novos requisitos.Se voc um profissional que atua como Analista de Negcios, Analista de Sistemas, Analista de Requisitos ou um profissional que est envolvido constantemente com a equipe tcnica de Tecnologia da Informao da sua empresa para discusses de alinhamento da tecnologia e negcios, este curso pra voc."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Course AutoCAD 2020" |
"AutoCAD Sketching (Drawing tools, modify tools, how to create dimension, creating layers, creating blocks, details about utilities)How to add constraints, how to modify geometric dimensionHow to render 3D modelExercise Practice tutorials3D modeling ( Modeling tools, Solid Editing, 3D modify tools, creating section plane, how to use coordinates, visual styles of product )How to convert 2D sketch into 3DHow to apply materials on partRendering2D and 3D exercisesLayoutBasically Useful For Civil Engineering Students, Architecture Design Students"
Price: 29.99

"Calidad de la energa elctrica" |
"Este curso est dirigido a egresados de Ingeniera elctrica, e ingeniera en energa; o para estudiantes de ltimos semestres, que estn pensando en adquirir el conocimiento necesario para ofrecer sus servicios a industrias que, por sus cargas inductivas, requieren la correccin de su factor de potencia.El curso se compone de tres partes, en la primera se estudian los conceptos bsicos que son fundamentales de para el resto del curso: Representacin senoidal y fasorial, impedancia inductiva y capacitiva, potencia promedio y el tringulo de potencias, el factor de cresta, etc.En la segunda parte se detalla el tema de la correccin del factor de potencia, ya que a las industrias y comercios les interesa la correccin de su factor de potencia, para evitar cargos econmicos por parte de la compaa suministradora. Se observa que el tiempo de retorno de la inversin es de unos cuantos meses, y el costo de la instalacin del banco de capacitores, puede cubrirse por medio de los ahorros que se obtienen como resultado de la elevacin del factor de potencia.En la tercera parte, se aborda el tema del anlisis armnico, y el diseo de filtros para la mitigacin de las corrientes armnicas, que son perjudiciales para el sistema elctrico y para el equipo.Se presentan varios casos de estudio que podras encontrar en el campo, cuya solucin se implementa mediante el uso de Matlab y del software de transitorios electromagnticos ATP. Por lo que, como valor agregado, podrs incluso empezar a aprender a utilizar estas poderosas herramientas, las cuales por cierto, son muy valoradas tanto en el mbito acadmico, como en el laboral."
Price: 54.99

"5 estratgia com indicadores para download" |
"Nesses 3 anos de mercado financeiro, j passei por vrias estratgias e por vrios operacionais, mas tem aqueles que se destacam pelo resultado alcanado, e quando tu consegue colocar os 5 melhores, todos em um s lugar, em um s mtodo, isso incrvel.Com toda a certeza esse o tipo de material que eu gostaria de ter acesso quando eu comecei h 3 anos atrs, teria poupado muito tempo e dinheiro no meu processo de consistncia."
Price: 99.99

"Sony Vegas Pro 16 - Essentials Training Course" |
"The Purpose of This CourseIn this course, we will be going over all of the basic functions of Sony Vegas Pro 16 almost in the form of a tutorial so that in one hour you are prepared to use the software for most consumer-based applications. Obviously you won't be working at Lionsgate after watching this course but you should have all the knowledge to make some phenomenal YouTube videos and other similar content.In this sony vegas pro 16 course we will be learning all of the following and more!How to utilize the interface of the software including how to create a project, clear a project, import media, create timelines for the media, and many keyboard shortcuts that are crucial to using the software effectively and quickly. In the next section of the course, we will learn how to add text to the screen, transitions, speed up and slow down clips, add background music and create audio points for advanced audio, overlay images, create pictures from the video, key-frame intervals, chroma-key, color correction, and many of the other features the Vegas Pro video editing software provides. This course is for beginners who are ideally looking to get into creating YouTube or content of similar style and grade, all you need is a computer with sony vegas and a willingness to learn. Some additional clips would be helpful but are not needed."
Price: 49.99

"How to Make a Retro Style 3D FPS in the Godot Game Engine" |
"In this course you'll learn how to make an old school fast paced 3D FPS in the Godot Game Engine.I'll cover how to set up an environment and lighting, make player movement, create four guns: a machete, shotgun, machine gun, and rocket launcher, make two enemies, one melee and one range, with pathfinding and basic ai, create particle effects for explosions and smoke trails, create animations for weapons, create ammo, health, and weapon pickups, and set up a basic hud for the player"
Price: 49.99

"How to Find The Best Name for Your Business" |
"The name of your business is one of the very first pieces of information potential customers, investors, and partners will receive about your company. You want this name to create the right impression, but creating a business name is hard.Not only do you have to think of a name that will fit your business, you have to pick a unique name that is not protected by a trademark and a name that you can find a domain name because youre probably going to want a website, right?In this course, I will help you find the perfect name for your business. The approach we will take is mainly focused on online-based businesses, but it will work if you dont plan to have a website as well. I would take this approach because it will show you what names are taken and protected, and help prevent you from a lawsuit or being forced to change your name later on.My name is Michael Luchies, and over the past 12 years Ive been writing for small businesses and entrepreneurs. What I am most known for on freelancing websites is creating business names and taglines. To date Ive created over 500 business names, and its something I truly love to do. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship and have worked with hundreds of startups in different capacities. I love small businesses and entrepreneurs and I look forward to working with you.If you are tired of not knowing what to call your idea or the startup youve already started working on, start this course with me and well find the right business name together! We will cover the ins and outs of great business names and then go through 9 simple steps together to name your business and website so that you can move on with your business."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Lighting in Videography" |
"Lighting is probably the single most important technique to master, when you make videos. And it can also be a complex topic. In this class you are going to learn smple, yet powerful techniques to achieve amazing looking results.Learn the importance of Keylight, Fill and BacklightHow to position each light for beautiful resultsHow to use the lights that you already ownHow to get amazing results on a very tight budgetGear Recommendations that bring good results for less than 100$ in total!2 Live-Lighting situations, where I build up two lighting scenes from scratch with behind the scenes camera angleIf you have any further questions to the topic of lighting, please let me know."
Price: 29.99
