"Sztuka komunikacji - jak rozmawia, by zjedna sobie ludzi." |
"Kurs skada si z trzech czci - pierwsza zostaa powicona zasadom i reguom odpowiedzialnym za skuteczn komunikacj. Druga cz kursu porusza tematyk mowy ciaa - gestykulacji i uoeniu ciaa, ktrych znajomo moe znacznie uatwi proces komunikacyjny w kontekcie tych technik ktre wspomagaj, jak i tych, ktre utrudniaj proces komunikacji, Trzecia cz kursu zostaa dedykowana budowaniu trwaej i efektywnej relacji za pomoc odpowiedniej komunikacji, ktrej celem jest zjednanie sobie rozmwcy i sprawienie, by by przekonany do wartoci kontynuowania relacji. Kurs jest przeznaczony zarwno dla tych, ktrzy chc podnie swoje umiejtnoci komun8ikacyjne w sytuacjach prywatnych: relacjach partnerskich, rodzinnych czy towarzyskich, jak i zawodowych: w organizacji, w zarzdzaniu zespoem oraz we wsppracy z innymi."
Price: 249.99

"Corso di programmazione C" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di apprendere la programmazione strutturata e modulare tramite linguaggio C.Particolare enfasi posta sui principi e le tecniche di programmazione, il controllo del flusso di esecuzione, la rappresentazione dei dati, la definizione e l'utilizzo di funzioni e librerie, le strutture dati, le operazioni di ingresso ed uscita."
Price: 99.99

"Corso sulle basi di dati: dallo schema E/R all'SQL" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di apprendere le 3 fasi fondamentali della progettazione di una base di dati, ti dar le basi inerenti ai principali algoritmi di cifratura, ti far capire la differenza fra sistemi informativi e sistemi informatici e ti permetter di capire come gestire la tua base di dati.Particolare enfasi posta su metodi e strumenti per la gestione di grandi quantit di dati memorizzati in modo persistente, per permettere l'archiviazione, la consultazione e la modifica da parte di utenti (uso interattivo) o programmi in modo flessibile, efficiente e sicuro."
Price: 99.99

"Corso di programmazione assembler 8086" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di imparare a programmare con un linguaggio a basso livello, cosa fondamentale per poi passare a linguaggi di alto livello (come possono essere java o c#).Particolare enfasi posta sui principi e le tecniche di programmazione, il controllo del flusso di esecuzione, la rappresentazione dei dati, la definizione e l'utilizzo di funzioni e librerie, le strutture dati, le operazioni di ingresso ed uscita."
Price: 99.99

"Modern Data Architecture using Microsoft Azure" |
"A hands on walk through of a Modern Data Architecture using Microsoft Azure. For beginners and experienced business intelligence experts alike, learn the basic of navigating the Azure Portal to building an end to end solution of a modern data warehouse using popular technologies such as SQL Database, Data Lake, Data Factory, Data Bricks, Azure Synapse Data Warehouse and Power BI."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft SQL for Beginners (SQL Server and T-SQL)" |
"Are you interesting in learning a skill that can start you in a job between $85,000-$125,000?In this course you will learn Structured Query Language - SQL and how to use Microsoft SQL ServerDatabases are incredibly important in our modern world with many organizations using data to run and drive their business and learning SQL is the staring point to roles in Data Science and Big Data.This course is meant for absolute beginners who want to learn about Databases and SQL for Microsoft SQL ServerThis course covers a series of topics including...- Setting up and installing SQL Server- Installing a sample database- Select Queries- Where Clauses- Advanced SQL Queries- Joins- Aggregate Functions- Subqueries- Stored Procedures and ViewsClick the Signup button to sign up for the course!A PC or Mac is requiredNo prior knowledge of Databases, SQL or SQL Server is needed."
Price: 29.99

"Basics of Python Programming for Beginners (with Jupyter)" |
"This class is a great way to launch a career that can range from $100,000-$175,000 a year!Kickstart your learning of Python for web development, data science or automation as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to programming in Python in a short period of time and give you a taste of how to start working with Python and Jupyter Notebooks.Upon its completion, you'll be able to write your own Python scripts. If you want to learn Python from scratch, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Roller Skating Magic" |
"This course teaches you how to take your rhythm/jam skating to Ninja level. Spins, creeps, stops, sidewinders, fakes, misdirection, taps, pivots, and more are broken down in detail to add a unique style to your dance skating arsenal when you're at the skating rink. New York style with a Freshco twist so you can roll like you're in ATL, Chicago, Detroit, LA, or anywhere else in the skate world! All of the secrets they don't tell you about roller skating like a professional, are finally revealed!"
Price: 29.99

"WordPress Plugin Development 2020 and Proversion for selling" |
"Hi! WordPress Plugin Development Course & Proversion for selling will give you the know-how to create the front-end and the back-end type of plugins. Well gonna place To top button on the footer section with the color changing and its animation speed.Not only these normal kinds of plugins but well be going to make a proversion plugin for selling. To do that, applying it to the Official Plugin Directory is the key. You can promote your plugin by setting the Recommended Plugin Section. Thus, your plugin install will increase which concludes to sell your proversion plugins more.You can easily set the shopping site for the proversion plugin by using WordPress and the Woocomerce plugin. You can set PayPal and credit cards paying for this.The merit for this plugin creation is that you dont need to make difficult structured coding. The simple but attractive and useful plugin will increase your installs.Please have fun with this course, and Im sure you can create your original plugins and proversions for selling."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Web Development Course" |
"The only course you need to learn web development - HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap frameworkI believe in Learning-by-doing. So, in this course, you will learn Website Development from basic to advanced level concepts. Practice Exercise or Readings are provided at the end of every section. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a portfolio website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.You do not need any programming experience to take this courseThis Course Will CoverBasic structure of a web applicationHTML5CSSBootstrapPortfolio Website ProjectWeb Hosting for freeSome E-Books"
Price: 29.99

"Magickal Theater: Psychodrama, Magick and Ritual" |
"This class explores the psychological powers of magick. In this class, you will learn how the mind is the most powerful tool of the magician and how it is used to execute powerful and effective spells.This class covers the entire ritual format for effective spellwork, teaching you how to create powerful rituals for effective magick.In this course, you will:Learn the breakdown of pagan ritual structure through the lenses of psychology and symbolism.Learn how to target your attention, intention, and energy both during and after your rituals to change your inner and outer worlds as you see fit.Learn where psychological mechanisms and mystery overlap and where logic gives way to belief.Explore how to train your brain as the most powerful magickal tool at your disposal and empower your magick through effective ritual structure and effective spellwork."
Price: 19.99

"Power Words and Sigils" |
"Sigils are powerful symbols in magick that can evoke great amounts of power through their programmed energy and associations. Power Words are linguistic symbols that magicians can use in their workings to invoke great power as well. In this course, you'll learn how to create power words from statements of intent and desire, how to translate them into sigils for magickal use, and how to create sigils that suit your individual desires and needs through three different methods. "
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Fundamentals fr Shop-Betreiber" |
"Der Basis-Kurs fr alle Shopbetreiber, die ihre Webanalyse so einrichten mchten, dass sie das Optimum an Webanalyse-Daten herausholen. Damit Entscheidungen nicht mehr nach Bauchgefhl, sondern datengetrieben gefllt werden knnen. In diesem Kurs schauen wir uns an: Welche grundlegenden Einstellung in den View- und Property-Settings notwendig sind.Wie Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking integriert wird, um die volle Power an Analyse-Daten zu nutzen.Wie wir Content sinnvoll gruppieren, um Auswertungen auf Template- oder Bereichsebenen zu erstellen.Wie wir das User Verhalten im Shop tracken, um Schwachstellen zu identifizieren.Wie wir Formulare inkl. Fehler tracken.Wie die Suche getrackt werden kann und dabei festhalten, fr welche Suchanfragen es keine Ergebnisse gab. Wie wir Zielvorhaben einrichten und welche grundstzlich sinnvoll sind.Wie Marketingkanle (Google Ads, Facebook, Google Search Console) angebunden werden knnen.Wie die Daten mittels Alerts, Dashboards und Vermerke sinnvoll genutzt werden knnen. Der Kurs ist so aufbereitet, dass wir die notwendigen Schritte, die fr ein Basis-Tracking deines Shops erforderlich sind, gemeinsam durchgehen."
Price: 179.99

"Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to this Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Exam What you get?150 High Quality (CFE) practice questionsAll Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Answers & Explanations are verified by subject matter expertAlways updated30 Days money back guarantee bu udemy Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? No prerequisites needed as this is a practice Exam What will students learn in your course? 150 CFE Practice Exam will help you score at least 80% on the main exam."
Price: 19.99

"Creativity for productivity" |
"Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be to work less but achieve more? Have you ever tried a productivity techniques, but failed to implement them? This course is offering you the collection of easy to do, fun exercises, that can boost your productivity, but at the same time they are exercising your creativity."
Price: 19.99

"United States History to 1877" |
"This course examines the first half of United States history to 1877, developing critical thinking skills in reading comprehension, essay writing, and vocabulary development. Lectures are paired with exercises, quizzes and essay prompts for students to enhance their understanding and evaluation of essential questions in the first half of American History."
Price: 74.99

"Management of the developing dentition orthodontic course" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Management of the developing dentition. Early treatment.; Management of incisor crowding and Management of oral habits.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Management of the developing dentition. Early treatment.1. Space management in the transitional dentition1.1 Prediction of tooth emergence1.2 Factors influencing time of eruption1.3 Factors influencing mesial or distal drift2. Planning for Space Management2.1 Space evaluation and size predictionNance analysisMoyers analysisBolton analysis2.2 General eruption pattern and problems of eruption3. Treatment Options for Space Management3.1 Space maintenance3.1.1 Nonfunctional fixed unilateral space maintainers band and loop, distal shoe3.1.2 Nonfunctional fixed bilateral space maintainers Lower arch, Active holding arch, transpalatal arch, Nance arch3.1.3 Functional fixed space maintainers - Band and occlusal bar, Band and pontic, Crown and bar, Crown and pontic, Anterior provisional fixed partial denture3.1.4 Removable space maintainers3.2. Space regaining3.2.1 Fixed unilateral and bilateral regainersMolar distalizer with Nance anchorageSliding loop and lingual archPendulum applianceDistal jet appliance2 4 bondingRemovable space regainers3.3 Space creationTooth extractionSequential selective enamel strippingSagittal expansion - lip bumper, pendulum appliance, active lingual arch, removable distalizer, headgear.Transverse expansion - W arch, quad helix, has expander, hyrax expander, removable expanders3.4 Space closure3.5 Space supervisionManagement of incisor crowding1. Classification of incisor crowding2. Treatment of minor crowding3. Treatment of moderate crowding3.1 Preservation of E space3.2 Space creation4. Treatment of severe crowding4.1 Serial extraction4.2 Treatment planning4.3 Timing of serial extraction4.4 Sequence of serial extraction4.5 Serial extraction in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusions4.6 Serial extraction in patients with Class II division 2 malocclusions4.7 Serial extraction in patients with open bite4.8 Serial extraction in patients with Class III malocclusions5. Mandibular Incisor Crowding Caused by Bolton DiscrepancyManagement of oral habits1. Non-Nutritive Sucking1.1 Ethiology1.2 Effects on occlusion1.3 Time of treatment2. Thumb or Finger Sucking2.1 Ethiology2.2 Effects on occlusion2.3 TreatmentBehavioral modificationRemovable habit breakersFixed habit breakers3. Pacifier Habits3.1 ffects on occlusion4. Tongue Thrust4.1 Classification4.2 Clinical examination4.3 Treatment5. Lip sucking or lip interposition habit5.1 effects on occlusion5.2 Treatment6. Mouth Breathing6.1 Effects on occlusion6.2 Etiology6.3 Clinical examination6.4 Treatment6.5 Muscular extras ices7. Speech problems8. Bruxism9. Nail biting habit"
Price: 199.99

"Orthodontic treatment of hypodontia and eruption problems" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Orthodontic management of hypodontia; Orthodontic management of supernumerary teeth; Diagnosis and management of abnormal frenulum attachments; Early detection and treatment of eruption problems.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic management of hypodontia1. Definitions2. Etiology2.1 Genetic factors2.2 Environmental factors:AllergyFacial traumaMaternal medications during pregnancyEndocrine disturbancesMaternal health during pregnancyMaternal rubella (German measles) during pregnancyEvolutionary dental changesLocalized inflammation and infection during the initial stage of tooth formationSystemic conditions (rickets, syphilis)Dysplastic syndromes (ectodermal dysplasia) and abnormalities of the ectodermal structures (discussed later in this chapter)Chemotherapy and irradiation2.3 Association of Hypodontia with Dental Anomalies3. Effects of hypodontia on occlusion4. Treatment4.1 Management of Missing Lateral IncisorsSpace closure by canine substitutionSpace creation and alignment for a prosthesisAutotransplantation4.2 Management of Missing Mandibular Second PremolarsSpace openingSpace closureOrthodontic management of supernumerary teeth1. Prevalence2. Etiology3. Odontoma4. Dentigerous Cyst5. Classification of Supernumerary Teeth6. Ectopic Eruption of Supernumerary Teeth7. Late Development of Supernumerary Teeth8. Effect of Hyperdontia on Occlusion9. Management9.1 Early detection and removal9.2 Early detection and observation9.3 Late detection and management9.4 Late development of new supernumerary teethDiagnosis and management of abnormal frenulum attachments1. Prevalence2. Etiology of Midline Diastema2.1 Lateral incisor hypodontia2.2 Microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (peg-shaped lateral incisors)2.3 Presence of mesiodens or odontoma2.4 Deleterious oral habits2.5 Muscle imbalance (lip dysfunction)2.6 Impinging deep bite2.7 Anterior Bolton discrepancy2.8 Pathologic tooth migration3. Effects of Abnormal Frenum Attachment on Occlusion4. Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Frenum5. Clinical and radiographic signs of true abnormal frenum6. Management in adults7. Early treatment procedures8. Management during the primary dentition9. Management in infants10. Frenectomy procedure11. Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)Early detection and treatment of eruption problems1. Phases of Tooth Eruption2. Mechanisms of Eruptive Tooth Movement3. Permanent teeth eruption- Factors That Can Disturb Tooth Eruption4.Types of Eruption Disturbance4.1 Disruptions in timing Delayed tooth eruption- Etiology- Diagnosis- Treatment Early exfoliation of primary teeth and premature eruption of permanent teeth- Etiology Failure of eruption (PFE and secondary failure of eruption)- Etiology- Treatment Retarded tooth development Abnormal sequence of eruption- Eruption of the second molars before the premolars- Eruption of the maxillary canines before the premolars- Eruption of the mandibular first premolars before the canines- Eruption of the maxillary canines before the first premolars- Eruption of the maxillary second molars before the mandibular second molars- Eruption of the maxillary lateral incisors before the central incisors- Asymmetric eruption in the left and right sides of the arch4.2 Disruptions in position are: Ectopic eruption- Prevalence- Etiology- Treatment- Distalization appliances Transposition- Classification- Incindence- Etiology- Diagnosis- Treatment ImpactionMaxillary canine impactation- Incidence- Ethiology- Diagnosis- TreatmentMandibular canine impactation Ankylosis- Incidence- Etiology- Diagnosis- Treatment"
Price: 199.99

"Early orthodontic treatment of dentoskeletal problems" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Orthodontic treatment of dentoskeletal problems. Management of sagittal problems class II class III. Management of transverse problems. Management of vertical problems. Open bites and Deep bites. Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic treatment of dentoskeletal problemsManagement of sagittal problems class II class III1. Strategies of early treatment2. Class II malocclusion2.1 Characteristics2.2 Diagnostic procedures2.3 Advantages2.4 Treatment options2.4.1 Camouflage treatment2.4.2 Orthognathic surgery2.4.3 Growth modification and occlusal guidanceFunctional appliancesExtraoral tractionLip bumperHawley appliance2.4.4 Two-phase strategy for Class II division 1 malocclusion2.4.5 One-phase strategy for Class II division 1 malocclusion2.4.6 Strategy for Class II division 2 malocclusion3. Anterior Dental Crossbite and Class III Malocclusion3.1. Simple dental crossbiteClassificationEtiologyTreatment3.2. Pseudo-Class III malocclusion (functional crossbite)EtiologyTreatment3.3 Skeletal Class III and potential Class III malocclusionTreatment - Face mask, Modified Tandem;Management of transverse problems1. Posterior crossbite1.1 Characteristics1.2 Etiology1.3 Consequence of delayed treatment1.4 Advantages of early treatment1.5 ClassificationFunctional crossbiteBuccal crossbiteLingual crossbitePalatal crossbiteScissors biteBrodie syndrome1.6 Diagnosis1.7 Early Treatment StrategiesW-archQuad helix expanderHaas expanderHyrax expander.Bonded expanderRemovable expandersManagement of vertical problems. Open bites and Deep bites.1. Open bite1.1 EtiologyFinger suckingTongue forceMouth breathingGenetics1.2 Characteristics1.3 Dental open bite1.3.1 Type I simple dental open bite1.3.2 Type II combined dental open bite1.3.3 Type III dentoskeletal open bite1.3.4 TreatmentTreatment in the primary dentitionTreatment in the mixed dentition1.4 Skeletal open bite2. Deep bite2.1 Etiology2.2 Characteristics2.3 Dental deep bite2.4 Skeletal deep bite2.5 Factors influencing the extent of overbite2.6 Treatment2.6.1 Early Treatment Strategies for Deep Bite2.6.2 Treatment of skeletal deep biteTreatment in primary dentitionTreatment in mixed dentition"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Course For Krav Maga. (Practitioner 1-5 Level)" |
"This course is a Krav Maga course, so by definition you will learn the most efficient self-defense system that there is right now in the world.You will learn all the curriculum of the five first Levels as you were in a Krav Maga school.In this course you will learn how to Win a street fight quick and efficient and knock out the other guy and protect yourself and your loved ones.This course is made to be very easy to understand and perform the techniques.In Krav Maga there is no rules, is exactly like the street, a street fight is chaos and we will teach you how to dominate chaos.Krav Maga is a system that the most Police and Military Units around the Globe use and train and depend their lives to this system.WHY?Because Krav Maga WORKS, krav maga is simple to learn, is simple to performed and used under extreme pressure and fear.All the techniques in this course are given by level, explained in every little detail so it will be totally understand by the student that took the course.But also this Course is designed in such a way that it could help a Krav Maga instructor with all the key points that he will need, and also it will help a general Martial Art Instructor to understand, learn and put to his class new things.This is not a Krav Maga course with some techniques from the curriculum, this is the course that gives ALL the curriculum of the first five levels in Krav Maga. (2 Years of training minimum in Krav Maga School)Krav Maga was made for everybody, Imi Lichtenfeld the founder of Krav Maga he used to say I make Krav Maga so that one may walk in peace."
Price: 99.99

ammash-premiere |
" "
Price: 24.99

"Tienes los minerales necesarios en tu cuerpo?" |
"Los minerales son sustancias que se requieren en pequeas cantidades pero que aun as son fundamentales para que nuestro sistema funcione a la perfeccin. Aprenders sobre que nutrientes debes ingerir y en que alimentos encontramos estas sustancias, las consecuencias de no tener los minerales adecuados y como funcionan en el organismo."
Price: 19.99

"Samba tanzen mit und ohne Partner leicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"Die Elemente sind fr Solo- und Paartanz geeignet.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs die Basics der Samba.Uns ist wichtig, dass Sie die Tanztechnik gleich am Anfang kennen lernen, damit Sie sicher und prsentabel ber die Tanzflche wirbeln knnen.Samba lernen und leben.Begleiten Sie uns in die Welt von Brasilien und bewegen Sie sich zu deren mitreisende Musik. Lassen sie den Rhythmus in sich erklingen."
Price: 39.99

"Samba tanzen fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht Teil 2" |
"Die Elemente sind fr Solo- und Paartanz geeignet.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs einige Figuren der Samba.Uns ist wichtig, dass Sie die Tanztechnik gleich am Anfang kennen lernen, damit Sie sicher und prsentabel ber die Tanzflche wirbeln knnen.Samba lernen und leben.Begleiten Sie uns in die Welt von Brasilien und bewegen Sie sich zu deren mitreisende Musik. Lassen sie den Rhythmus in sich erklingen."
Price: 34.99

"Bachata fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"BACHATA:""Hach ich liebe Bachata! Die Musik und die Bewegungen!Das Feuer und die Tanzleidenschaft die dieser Rhytmus entfacht ist einfach Magie!""Dir/Ihnen/Euch geht es auch so?Na dann los...In diesem Kurs kontenzrieren wir uns auf die Basics und deren Variationen. Es bleibt der selbe Schritt und ist trotzdem jedesmal anders.Keiner wrde auf die Idee kommen, dass es sich hierbei nur um den Grundschritt handelt."
Price: 39.99

"Paso Doble tanzen fr Solo- und Paartanleicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"Lernen Sie mit uns und werden Sie sicher in Figuren und Technik.Werden Sie selbst zum Torrero oder zur Flamencotnzerin und drcken den Charakter des Tanzes mit Ihrem persnlichen Stil aus.In diesem Kurs widmen wir uns den Basics des Paso Dobles und stylen diese auf.Der Kurs ist fr Solo - sowie auch Paartnzer geeignet."
Price: 39.99

"Paso Doble fr Solo- und Paartanzen leicht gemacht Teil 2" |
"Lernen Sie mit uns und werden Sie sicher in Figuren und Technik.Werden Sie selbst zum Torrero oder zur Flamencotnzerin und drcken den Charakter des Tanzes mit Ihrem persnlichen Stile aus.In diesem Kurs widmen wir uns dem Anfang des Paso Dobles ""um uns zu prsentieren wenn wir in die Arena kommen"".Der Kurs ist fr Solo - sowie auch Paartnzer geeignet."
Price: 34.99

"Jira Server for Beginners" |
"Jira for Beginners helps onboard new Jira users by covering the basics of Jira and creating a solid foundation for future Jira training. After this course, you will be able to find your way around Jira and know how to create an Issue, the basics of permissions, how to search and create filters in Jira , and how to manage Issues and data through editing options, built-in reports, and dashboards.In this course, you will learn how to:Identify the purpose of Jira, what makes a project and a JIRA issue, and use those partsIdentify basic permission concepts and difference in groups and rolesPerform a basic searches in Jira and advanced search using simple JQLIdentify the different parts of a Jira workflow and the basic concepts behind workflow functionsReview reports available in a project and run these reports; also recognize that different reports are available in different types of projectsThis training was written using Jira version 7.10.0 and should take about 2 hours."
Price: 19.99

"Storytelling techniques for Teachers/Educators" |
"This is a tailor-made course for teachers/educators on the art of storytelling. It is beneficial for the teachers or aspiring teachers of all subjects including Maths, Science, Social Studies, Languages, Philosophy, Sociology, etc. This course will not only serve you in the short term but provide a ready-reference on all aspects of engaging the audience through storytelling for the years to come. Who is this course for?- Teachers/Educators who want to enrich the experience of their classrooms- Aspiring teachers who have a will to bring a change in the teaching-learning process- People who want to enhance their presentation skills"
Price: 29.99

"Next Generation Software Developer Foundations Java Basics" |
"Trying to get your foot in the door of the largest growing industry or just trying to pick up a new hobby. This course will teach you the Concepts associated with general computer science, but also will also train you to learn the craft of computer programming through Java. I make an effort to teach you not only the course material but also how it is directly impactful in our technology-driven world. Each major topic is broken down into defining a new tool or skill, seeing how we can implement it in Java, explore working examples of this tool or skill in action and then finally put this new discovery to the test through either quizzes or code exercises. This course uses Java as the chosen programming language, but the topics are described through a holistic lens to give light on how other languages accomplish the same tasks. This is not just a Java Programming Course, but rather a Computer Science Course that teaches us how to program in general, then apply it through Java."
Price: 129.99

"Translation Editing: A Practical Introduction" |
"Are you fascinated by the intricacies of written language? In todays interconnected world, translations and translation editors are in high demand. Learn about the skills you need to edit translated texts and explore a career in this vibrant and rewarding field.This course provides an overview of the various aspects and guiding principles of translation editing, interspersed with tips and real-world editing examples that demonstrate how to turn theory into practice.If you are An aspiring editor preparing to work professionally in this field; An experienced editor branching out to work with translated texts; A writer or translator seeking to hone their technical language skills;. . . Then this course is for you!This course covers: A general introduction to the fields of translation and editing, and their intersection; The basics of copy editing and proofreading, including a walkthrough of the major aspects of language this work involves, from punctuation and grammar to idiom and consistency; Workflow management and communication strategies for the professional editor, with an emphasis on translator-editor teams; Real-life examples of errors in translated fiction from Nyoi-Bo Studios editorial team!Instructor Bio:Jenny Han Simon is a copy-editor with a BA in English and Linguistics, and a Fulbright alumna. She has always been an avid reader with a passion for education and teaching. She was a writing tutor for two and a half years before moving to Mongolia as a Fulbright grantee to teach English at the university level. She has worked as a copy-editor for Nyoi-Bo Studio for almost three years. In addition to her work with the studio, she does freelance writing and editing, and is a writing and English language tutor. She is happy to get to share her insights with aspiring editors through this course."
Price: 39.99
