"Todo Sobre el Ukelele" |
"El ukelele es un instrumento sencillo y humilde, pero tambin es multifactico: puede ser simple o complejo, divertido o reflexivo, festivo o relajante...!En este curso te mostrar las posibilidades que tiene el ukelele y te dar herramientas para que puedas desenvolverte con fluidez en cualquier situacin.Pongo a tu disposicin un material creado con cario y esmero, reflejo de muchos aos de experiencia en la docencia del ukelele.Este curso est diseado para TOCAR. Teora, slo la necesaria.S que tu objetivo es llegar a tocar tus canciones preferidas y quizs tambin acompaarte cantando; tambin s que la ilusin de ver cmo sale msica de tus manos y de sentir cmo resuena en tu cuerpo es algo increble. Por todo esto y por ms cosas que encontrars en el curso, te animo a coger tu ukelele y entrar en el curso para expandir tus habilidades con este singular instrumento!En el curso aprenders lo siguiente:""I'm Yours - Somewhere Over The Rainbow"", ""Imagine"", ""Greensleeves"", ""Summertime"" y ms ...!Breve historia del UkelelePartes del instrumento Cmo sujetarloAfinacinSolfeo La escala mayorAcordes bsicos y avanzadosLas notas en el ukeleleEntender el Ritmo Cmo se forma un acordeCmo se lee un diagrama de acordeCmo rasguear con dedos o paTocar un BluesTocar melodasTcnica de FingerstyleDiferentes estilos musicalesArpegiosCmo funciona una partitura: repeticiones, casillas, ...Ritmos de Reggae y SwingComps de anacrusaY ms...!Archivos en PDF:Dispondrs de archivos en PDF con material trabajado en los videos adems de algunos ejercicios extra para que puedas practicar y desarrollar lo estudiado.Audio - Backing tracks:Dispondrs tambin de bases instrumentales en mp3 para practicar lo estudiado en clase. Estos audios fueron creados exclusivamente para que saques el mximo partido a tu aprendizaje!Como profesor de este curso, te aseguro que tu tiempo y dinero estarn bien invertidos. Si tienes paciencia y perseverancia (ingredientes fundamentales en el aprendizaje de cualquier instrumento), tus objetivos no tardarn en ser una realidad!Te espero dentro del curso para compartir juntos la aventura de descubrir este pequeo gran instrumento!"
Price: 19.99

"Crea tu Imperio Digital con Builderall desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar la plataforma de Builderall en tu propio beneficio, para ganar de forma recurrente ingresos pasivos, mediante el marketing de afiliados y otros mtodos.Adems, te mostrar como crear tu propio negocio digital junto con todas las herramientas que ofrece, embudos de ventas, creacin de sitios web, email-marketing, entre otras herramientas.Para realizar este curso podrs usar la prueba gratuita de la herramienta, que te proveo como recurso dentro del curso, as que no tienes obstculos para aprender y emprender.Toma tu papel y lpiz y nos vemos dentro!xitos!"
Price: 34.99

"Learn Verilog HDL - beginner level" |
"VSLI (Very large scale integration) is a vast domain to pursue a career in. Hardware description language is one of the ladders to climb. Verilog being a strong HDL which is used for not only for programming but rather more exhaustively for test benches and simulation. System Verilog, a variant of Verilog HDL is used for verification. This course can be considered as a very basic and preliminary level course to start in this domain."
Price: 19.99

"Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash (Elastic Stack(Temel-Orta))" |
"Kurs balangcnda tm elastic stack bileenlerine ynelik temel ve teorik bilgiler verilecektir. Elastic Stack'in zerinde alabilecei eitli platformlarda ayr ayr kurulumlar yaplacaktr. lerleyen sahfalarda farkl veri kaynaklarndan elde edilen verilerin elastic stack ortamnda kullanlmasna ynelik almalar yaplacaktr. Bu kapsamda MySQL ve Apache Kafka gibi kaynaklardan Filebeat vastas ile elde edilen veriler Logstash te parse edilecek, daha sonra Elasticsearch te index lenecek ve son olarak ta Kibana da grselletirilecektir."
Price: 409.99

improvevisionru |
"? ? ? ? ? , , . . . , , , 20 , , . . . , . , , . 12 . ., , 30 , . ( , , - 1 , ) ?, , . , . , - , 30- . ! !"
Price: 19.99

"Essentials of the Professional Sports Business Management" |
"Certificate Progam on Sports Management is a must-have course for Sports Management as a Career and As a Business.ExploreView of athletes and coaches, Hierarchy structure, better leadership, gender and leadership, sports leadership norms, leadership as a collective phenomenon, managing climate and culture.Personal Sports and Organisational Sports Communication, Technology in Sports Communication, Socialisation in Sports.Application of Material and Technology, Sport Performance Tools, Use of data for making strategic decisions that limit the maximum possible error. Consumption of information, wearables and quantification, gamification, and social media.Managing the Event, Market Research, Event Report, Goal Setting, and Execution with 5Ws, Vendor Choosing, Creating an Event Blueprint, Setting Timeline.Case Study, Complexity of Football Business and Communication as Sport BusinessEssential Information of E-Sports a Gaming Business and it's EcoSystem, E-Sports Audience, and Effect of Role Models, Game and Teams of Sports Vs E-sports, Brand Involvements in E-sports, E-Sport Events - Marketing and Sponsorship and Team Valuation.Career Options as an athlete and non-athlete in sports, who employs and professional terms.Role and Skills of Sports Manager. GM Approach, Quality & Strategic Sports Business Planning and its Management, Performance Measures, Complexity and Decision Making in Sports Management.Planning for Safety and Responsibility with the reference of the sports ground, Risk Assessment, Spectator safety policy, chain of command, stewarding plan, contingency and counter-terrorism plans, and safety audit."
Price: 164.99

"CMOS Analog IC Design - MOSFET, DC BIAS and Transconductance" |
"""Analog circuit design is like chess - just because you know how the pieces move doesnt mean you know how to play the game"". - Patrick LaheyIn this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of MOSFET, the ways to bias the transistors in triode/linear, cut-off and saturation regions. Later in the course, you will learn about transconductance Gm, which is currently being used popularly in sensor read out circuits, broadband circuits and in high speed design. The Constant-Gm circuit is extremely popular in low power circuit designs. This course is a prerequisite for the course ""CMOS Analog Circuit Design - Amplifiers with Solved Examples"" and ""Circuit Design for High Speed Serial Links"". Consequently, we're seeing analog job requisitions in several key areas including Sensor Design and Sensor interfaces, WiFi (wireless LANs and Internet access), ultra wide band technology (UWB) and power management. Demand for designers with expertise in high-speed data conversion seems to be high across a variety of industries."
Price: 29.99

"Certificate in Training Design" |
"Course SummaryCreate lesson plans, schemes of work and training materials to promote inclusion and maximise learning. This course provides a foundation of knowledge of how people learn, how to consider individual, group or organisational training needs and create effective learning aims and objectives. This course includes practical tools and advice on planning and designing outstanding courses.Learning OutcomesBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, with an insight into how people learn.Plan and design training sessions to meet learner or organisational needs.Design inclusive learning programmes with SMART learning objectivesIdentify methods of assessment that can be incorporated into course design"
Price: 39.99

"Advance Facebook Ads Mastery Course in Hindi" |
"Advance Facebook Ads Mastery Course in HindiYou are Going to Learn How to Get More Website Visitors, Qualified Leads & Online Sales, and How to Bring in 30 - 40 New Clients & Sales Every Month Using Facebook Ad Mastery.Module 1.How to use the Ad Triangle Theory to Write Profitable Ad Copy.Stories of Untold Pain.Stories of Unexpected Solutions.Module 2.Type of Sales Funnel to Sale Product and Services.Module 3.Foundational Pillars For Your Facebook & Instagram Ads.Learn How to Create Facebook Business Manager.How to Create Instagram Business Account.How to Set up Facebook Pixel in Your Website or Landing Page.Module 4.How to Create Facebook Business Page.Module 5.Understand Facebook Marketing Objectives & Ads policy.Module 6.How to Create Traffic Generation Ads With 3 Simple Steps.Module 7.How to Create Engagement Ads to Get More Likes, Comments and Share.Module 8.How to Create Lead Generation Ads.Module 9.How to Create Custom Audience & lookalike Audience For Re Marketing/Re-Targeting.Module 10.How to Create Conversion Optimized Ads. (e Commerce Sales)Module 11.How to Scale Your Facebook ad.Best Advertising Strategy to Getting More Leads at a Lower Cost.Check Competitors Advertising Details.Module 12.Measure Ad Metrics"
Price: 1280.00

"Certified Fraud Examiner Practice Test 2020." |
"This test is focused on Certified Fraud Examiner syllabus 2020. Students will be able to assess their knowledge and understanding of the CFE syllabus.Updated content according to 2020 syllabus of CFE,1000 MCQs with detailed explanations,30 days no question asked money back guarantee,Instructor support through Q & A section,All you need is a computer and internet connection to use this practice test."
Price: 99.99

"Design Grfico Para Empresrios" |
"Saiba como Criar seu material profissional sem contratar uma Agncia ou designer mesmo que voc no saiba nada de Criao e Arte, ou sem ter qualquer ideia de como fazer. Est tudo proto para voc adaptar ao seu mercado e eu vou te ensinar com fazer agora. O PR Um Treinamento passo-a-passo que REVELA Os Segredos e Tcnicas para Voc Criar os Seus Materiais de Comunicao Utilizando Software Online Gratuitos.Est tudo Na Internet Pronto Para Voc Usar de Forma Profissional. Eu Vou Mostrar na Prtica Como Fazer e o que Funciona na Criao e Divulgao do seu Material.Esse Treinamento Feito para deseja VENDER MAIS, ATRAIR SEUS CLIENTES e IMPACTAR O SEU MERCADO. Faa seu: LogotipoCarto de VisitasFolder com 2 dobrasFlyer/panfletoFolha de Rosto/TimbradoAssinatura de EmailRecorte de ImagemCartaz de PromoesBanner Impressose OnlinePosts em Diversos Formatos e Modelose muito mais... Treine sua prpria equipe e comece agora mesmo a produzir o seu material de marketing."
Price: 219.99

"O Poder da respirao" |
"O poder da respirao para voc se tornar uma pessoa extraordinria Ser extraordinrio antes de tudo uma escolha: Ns construmos a nossas vidas por meio de nossas escolhas. Ento ser algum extraordinrio uma escolha a ser feita.Voc pode escolher ser uma pessoa comum , vivendo uma vida medocre, como pode escolher ser uma pessoa com qualidades excepcionais, capaz de fazer diferena no mundo e na vida das pessoas isto ser extraordinrio.""A Respirao a ponte que liga a vida conscincia, que une seu corpo e seus pensamentos""."
Price: 99.99

"Raising A Gifted Child" |
"If you have an intensely curious, sensitive, empathetic child who wants to learn everything about the world, there is a strong chance that they are gifted. These exceptional little people come with endless questions, unusual challenges and sometimes overwhelming traits. Let me guide you through this unique parenting journey so that you can nurture their gifts, navigate the school system and meet their emotional needs to help them flourish. This evidence-based course also explains areas such as IQ testing, gifted programs and mental health issues and how to manage these best for your child's wellbeing."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de REXX completo, desde 0, para Widnows y z/OS" |
"Buenas a todos!!!En este curso vamos a aprender a programar con REXX, un lenguaje muy sencillo utilizado principalmente para automatizaciones. Empezaremos desde 0, por lo que no hace falta conocimientos en ningn lenguaje de programacin. Pero a la vez iremos rpido con las cosas ms bsicas que se ven al principio con todo lenguaje de programacin.Primero, veremos cmo trabajar con REXX en el entorno de Windows para que podis utilizarlo tambin para cosas personales, que os faciliten tareas que hacis habitualmente. Trabajaremos con un editor de textos muy intuitivo y til para programar.Veremos cmo interactuar con el sistema Windows y cmo manejar archivos, tambin veremos cmo ejecutar comandos de MS-DOS.Despus, veremos cmo utilizar REXX en z/OS. Os contar cmo conseguir acceso de manera gratuita y legal a un Mainframe con z/OS para que podis acceder desde vuestro ordenador y ver todos los comandos en el sistema operativo de IBM. Os guiar para acceder a este sistema de IBM y cmo instalar la herramienta para conectarnos al Mainframe. Este entorno es el original para el que se creo REXX. Aplicaremos todo lo que hemos aprendido durante la fase de Windows y veremos las opciones especficas para trabajar con REXX en MVS o z/OS(el ltimo sistema operativo de IBM).Aqu veremos cmo ejecutar los programas que creemos en REXX, cmo crear paneles de dilogo de ISPF y cmo interactuar con ficheros del sistema.Durante el curso, iremos encontrando sencillos tests y ejercicios para poder repasar y aplicar lo que hemos ido aprendiendo durante el curso.Espero que disfrutis y este curso os sirva de ayuda.Respondo a los emails rpido. Podis contactar conmigo ante cualquier necesidad.Muchas gracias.Un saludo!!!"
Price: 29.99

"The complete guide to running Java in Docker and Kubernetes" |
"If you need to learn how to run, tune, and maintain JVM applications that run in Docker and/or Kubernetes then this is the course for you.This course is very different from other Java/Docker/Kubernetes courses. It focuses on all the skills that you need to succeed in production.All of the examples are in Java but the content is applicable for any JVM language including Scala, Groovy, and Kotlin.We'll start with introductions for Docker and Kubernetes then we'll get into the fun stuff. We'll learn:What a container is under the coversLinux cgroupsLinux namespacesThen we will go into how the JVM and your Java application behave differently in Kubernetes when running inside cgroups and namespaces. We'll cover:JVM ergonomicsHow CPU Shares and Quota workHow Kubernetes manages CPU and Memory Then we will teach you all the techniques needed to build production-ready images:Selecting a base imageJDK vs JRE based imagesMulti-stage Docker buildsGraalVMClass data sharingAhead of time compilationWe will experiment with different JVM versions and settings.By the end of this course you'll know how to:Build a production-ready imageSelect between using CPU limits, quotas, or both in KubernetesSelect memory limits and tune the JVM for running in KubernetesUnderstand CPU usage in Kubernetes and know why it is different to VMs and physical machines."
Price: 24.99

"33 Lockdown Lighten Up" |
"Sifu Rob Moses, assisted by Sifu Sonny Mannon, presents 33 short, fun, re-imagined ""physical energy sonnets"" inspired by Chi Gong type exercises designed to help calm, energize, uplift, and heal. These routines are not put into concrete. They are physical suggestions to help you feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and maybe even spiritually. Once you understand these things, you can apply them anytime. Mix and match, expand and contract...and remind yourself to breathe."
Price: 34.99

"Agile i Scrum od podstaw" |
"W tym szkoleniu zawarem ""pigu"" wiedzy niezbdnej kademu praktykowi metod zwinnych. Omawiam w nim m. in.:skd wzi si i co zawiera Manifest Agile (nawet wielu Scrum Masterw nie zna manifestu, e nie wspomn o 12 pryncypiach, ktrych szczegowe omwienie znajdziesz w moim szkoleniu),e Scrum jest tylko jedn z wielu metod (zdecydowanie za czsto spotykam ludzi, ktrzy myl, e Scrum rwna si Agile a Agile to po prostu Scrum),jakie jest miejsce Agile wrd innych podobnych fenomenw (trudno dobrze zrozumie Agile nie wspominajc o Lean),jakie s trendy w nowoczesnym zarzdzaniu, ktre wia si z ruchem Agile.Omawiam take dokadnie Scrum, wyjaniajc nie tylko z czego si on skada, ale take dlaczego te elementy s takie, czemu su. To wane - uwaam, e trudno jest by dobrym uytkownikiem tej metody nie rozumiejc jej, a jedynie lepo realizujc jaki podrcznik czy schematy przekazane przez innych. Omawiam zatem po koleji wszystkie role, zdarzenia i artefakty dodajc od siebie praktyczne komentarze. Jest to zarazem takie samo omwienie Scrum jak to, ktre otrzymuj uczestnicy robionych przeze mnie od wielu, wielu lat szkole certyfikacyjnych. Moesz zatem mie pewno, e jest to wiedza zgodna z zaoeniami i duchem Scrum Guide."
Price: 609.99

"Learn SQL in an hour" |
"Learn SQL in an hour:Are you a fresh Data / business analyst who wants to learn a new skill ?Are you thinking about entering into Analytics / Data Science world ?Do you want to become a professional Software / Web Application Developer and increase your income Exponentially ?Are you a University Student Working Towards a Computer Science or Information Technology Degree ?Then, this is the right place for you. I have been working for SQL for more than 5 years now and currently working as a data engineer. This course will give you an understanding of how powerful SQL is and will make you knowledgeable enough to start writing SQL queries, apply functions, create stored procedures, do complex calculations, etc. After learning this course, you will be ready to perform the duties of a SQL developer as well as a data analyst who analyzes large amount of data within Milliseconds."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga to handle and manage stress at work" |
"Efficient techniques to release pain for busy peopleIf you are a busy person who works long hours in front of the computer every day, juggling between family, house, children and other commitments, but you still feel like you should do something good for yourself to feel better without having to invest lots of time (that you do not have!), then this is the right course for you.Long hours in front of the computer often mean problems with pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back, hands and wrists. In this course I will show you how to release the pain and stress in these areas, as well as how to wake up your body with energy in the mornings. I will also show you short relaxation techniques you cand exercisesan use during the day.There are no big courses you dont have time for. Each lesson is short, to the point and targetted to one of these areas mentioned above. Most techniques can be used in front of the computer, elsewhere in your office, home or wherever you happen to be.Im Cheney, from Cheney Katya Yoga. I worked in the corporate world for 20 years and I hope these ideas I have put together (from my own experiences) will help you as much as they helped me.Disclaimer:The contents of the courses provided by Cheney Katya Yoga (this Course) are intended for general information only and not as specific medical advice. Cheney Gasparini (the Instructor) are not licensed medical care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions or any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Please check in with your health-care provider before following any suggestions found in this Course.The guidance given in this Course is not meant to replace medical advice and should be used only as a supplement if you are under the care of a health-care professional. When you are not sure of any aspect of the practice, or feel unwell, seek medical advice. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury or activating or aggravating pre-existing physical injuries, conditions or congenital defects. If you engage in the exercise or exercise program presented in this Course, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge the Instructors from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown."
Price: 19.99

"Principles of Management-BBA" |
"Course Objective : To help students to acquire basic knowledge in ""Concept and Theory of Principles of Management"". Course Contents : Unit - I Management : Concept of Management, Nature & Scope of Management, Significance of Management, responsibility of managers, Management thoughts : Fayol, Taylor, Elton Mayo; Functions of Management. Unit - II Planning, Characteristics of Planning, Steps in Planning Process, Benefits and Limitation of planning, Types of planning, Objective, Strategies, Policies; Management by Objectives. Unit - III Organizing : Nature & purpose of organization, principle of organization; Departmentation; Centralization & Decentralization; Forms of organization structure; Line and Staff relationship. Unit -IVDecision Making : Features of decision making, Role of decision making in management, Types of managerial decision, Steps in decision making process, Decision making techniques, Principles of decision making Unit - VControlling and Budgeting : Nature of Control, relationship between planning and control, need for control, significance and limitation of control, types of control, process of control, budgetary control, performance budgeting, Zero based budgeting, management audit, networks techniques PERT & CPM a over view .Note-Added Important Asked Questions."
Price: 1280.00

ecommercearabic |
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Scratch desarrollando 4 videojuegos educativos" |
"Con este curso el alumno aprender los conceptos fundamentales y las tcnicas necesarias para poder disear y crear sus propios videojuegos usando Scratch, ..... (MIT)....El curso sigue un aprendizaje basado en proyectos, de modo que el alumno se familiariza con Scratch mientras desarrolla cuatro videojuegos en los que se pueden ver todos los estados del desarrollo de principio a fin para dar solucin a problemas reales.BAsado en el currculo educativo de primaria ...."
Price: 19.99

"Fortigate Firewall NSE4 Training in Urdu/Hindi" |
"In this courses, feature lecture and hands-on labs, you will learn to install, configure, manage and troubleshoot FortiGate Networks firewalls, gaining the skills and expertise needed to protect your organization from the most advanced cyber-security attacks.The student will get hands-on experience in configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment.This class covers many topics required for NSE-4 Certificate and new topics are added frequently.This course dives deeper into FortiGate firewalls policies and network configuration to give the students a clear understanding on several topics. Topics covered include Security Policies configuration, Routing configuration, IPsec configuration, High Availability configuration and other real world configuration examples. This online class will help in preparing the student for the NSE-4 certification by covering topics in the depth that FortiGate expects the candidates to know. There are also materials included with this class.With every video you will get step by step notes."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Excel in right way - Arabic version" |
"Excel is the most important software at the work cause anyone needs to understand what Excel can do, In this course, I help and support you to learn Excel step by step to reach the level you want at Excel with keyboard shortcuts and expressions most know at the Excel"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Tagalog for Beginners" |
"This is a basic Tagalog language course, consisting of lessons that covers reading, writing, listening and tests. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on.After completing this course, you will be able to1. Read and write Tagalog alphabet.2. Communicate in Tagalog with basic expressions.3. Learn the basic knowledge on Tagalog culture.Its fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!"
Price: 19.99

googleads2020 |
".. .. . 18 7 . 10 (Google Partner). ."
Price: 39.99

"Learn kinematics" |
"Concepts and terms explained using multiple videos for each chapter. Problems solved with clear explanations using videos. Quizzes at the end of each chapter with feedback for each student within 24 hours of taking the quiz. Content will be regularly updated with the addition of more problems. Students may ask for the solutions to individual problems.Motion in one dimension, Motion in Two dimensions, Newtons Laws of Motion, Circular Motion and Gravitation,Work and Energy, Linear Momentum, Statics and Torque, Rotational Motion and Fluids in Motion."
Price: 19.99

"BodyWeight: Chest & Abs/Core Workout" |
"Chest And Abs/Core Exercises With Great Form Being Properly Demonstrated By Instructor To Help And Guide Individuals Into Achieving His Or Hers Desirable Cheat And Abs Goals. Also Demonstrates Proper Stretching Before Demonstrating Each Individual Exercise With Clear Step By Step Instructions To Complete Each Exercise Properly Through The Entire Course."
Price: 19.99

"How To Make Money As An Online Trainer (2020)" |
"In this course, you will learn how to service your existing clients with customizable programs, sign new clients with pre-made packages provided for you, and sell your own programs and products through your newly made website and online store. You will also learn how to connect with your clients live for face to face training with programs like ZOOM.PERSONAL TRAINING SOFTWAREYou will learn how to create customized fitness programs for your clients that include free exercise videos, assessments, meal-plans and many more features like ""progress trackers"" that allow you to track your clients fitness and nutritional progress.Your clients can access their programs on the go by signing into there personal portal online, or by downloading the software app for easier convenience.ESTABLISHING YOUR BRANDWe will also be creating your brand logo, creating your professional social media accounts and creating an online fitness website/store tailored to your brand where you can sell additional programs and products. We will then integrate everything onto your newly made website, which will be used as your home base for all current and future clients to refer to.ADDITIONAL SOURCE OF INCOMEAlso added into the course is a breakdown of how to out source tangible products, like custom apparel with your brand logo stamped on it, and how to drop-ship them to customers around the globe as an additional low-cost source of income. VIEW FREE CHAPTER LESSONS BELOW"
Price: 29.99

"Basics of Accounting in 1hour Prepare financial statements" |
"ABOUT THIS COURSELearn the basics of accounting within 1 hour with easy-to-relate examples! This course has been taught to many Accounting diploma/ bachelor students. Many of my students have a strong Accounting foundation after attending my course, with them going on to score As in their examinations.Having studied 7 years in Accounting, and teaching it for many years, I have mastered the techniques and important information one should know. You don't have to know every single bit of technical information - just the important ones!These are the topics that are covered:The Accounting EquationThe Profit EquationAccounting Assumptions & PrinciplesCash vs AccrualsFinancial Statements (Income Statement & Balance Sheet)Debits & CreditsRecording Business Transactions (Prepayments & Supplies, Unearned Revenue, Depreciation)WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis course has been designed for beginner level students who do not have any experience in Accounting or Finance. If you do not have any background in either, fret not as this is a course that is easy to digest and understand.This course is also great for people who learnt Accounting before and needs a refresher.PREPARATION FOR THE COURSEPractice questions are also given throughout the course to test your understanding. Do stand by a piece of paper and calculator before starting the course. Detailed answers and explanation will be given."
Price: 39.99

"Como comear sua Startup do ZERO! Iniciando sua empresa!" |
"O Curso ""Como comear sua Startup do ZERO! Iniciando sua empresa!"" aborda diferentes temas para conseguir evoluir uma ideia em uma empresa com bases slidas em um ambiente de extrema incerteza.Ao final do curso, o propsito terminar com as primeiras verses do produto j disponvel no mercado e a busca pelos primeiros clientes da empresa."
Price: 249.99
