"Energy Healing for Horses" |
"I want to share the amazing gift of Universal energy healing for our equine friends with you, from my own knowledge and experience as an Equine Reiki Practitioner. I have found this easy to follow course is the best way to spread the healing love energy to as many horses as possible. Every horse owner or horse carer can benefit from this course in some way.You will enjoy this course journey as its designed for anyone who wishes to provide healing to horses or to just help you build a stronger bond with your own horse. The course is suitable for complete beginners starting out on their healing journey as well as qualified Reiki Practitioners with a special interest in Equine healing. This general healing practice can be tailored and incorporated into Reiki Practice for healing with horses so that anyone can do it.This horse healing journey takes us through universal energy, what it is and how it works. We look at the benefits of equine healing and why the horses love it so much.Different ways the energy healing can help our horses, plus how we can use and also benefit from the healing energy.I will show you how to offer horses healing, how they can react to in a healing session and I will discuss all the horses main energy centres and lots of other aspects to healing sessions so that you will quickly gain confidence to practice yourself with horses.This online energy healing course has no time constraints so that you can go as quick or slow as you like, you set your own time. The key element is to focus on your loving healing intention for your equine friends.I have put together self-healing practices and guided mediations so that you can feel more balanced and centred for offering healing. There are little optional quizs so you can check your learning, some handouts to practice with and lots of information videos.If you love energy healing, practice Reiki or other Natural Healing practice, love horses, or just want to connect more with horses, then this course is for you.Enjoy! "
Price: 74.99

" EasyEDA"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Zoom Hosting successful meetings" |
"The course provides a comprehensive introduction to Zoom, a popular and well-functioning web conferencing software. The course deals with all the basic functionalities in Zoom necessary to hold a successful meeting. In addition, several tips are provided for arranging meetings and trainings as well as for activating and interacting with the participants.The course begins with basics such as signing up for Zoom, scheduling your first meeting and acting as a host in the meeting. We then move to introduce the functionalities in Zoom, including chat, annotation, polling, breakout rooms, recording and participation tracking. Also different settings and security are dealt with. Throughout the course the focus is not so much on technicalities, but on organizing successful meetings and trainings, and many useful tips are provided along the way."
Price: 39.99

"MS Excel - Balang / Orta / leri Tm Seviyeler" |
"Hayatnz boyunca MS Excel ile tanmam olsanz bile sfrdan balayarak ileri seviyeye kadar tm bilgi, zellik ve fonksiyonlar renebileceiniz eitim ieriiTM RENCLERE KOULSUZ NDRM KUPONU20 farkl blm ve 200e yakn video ieriiHer blm sonunda mevcut blm ve nceki blmlerle ilgili uygulamalarHer konu iin ayr video ieriiTm seviyeler iin uygunMmkn olan minimum srede maksimum bilgi aktarmTekrar ve gereksiz bilgiler olmadan yaln ders anlatmSorularnza maksimum 24 saat ierisinde geri dnKurs dndaki projeleriniz iin destek"
Price: 99.99

"1Z0-516 - Oracle EBS R12.1 General Ledger Essentials Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Full Length Practice Exams with 178 Unique Questions from ""1Z0-516 - Oracle EBS R12.1 General Ledger Essentials Exam"" covering all the topics for the 1Z0-516 Exam.What do you get in this course?3 Full-length mock tests with 60 Unique Questions in each practice test.Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses180+ Latest Questions with explanation for each questionQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.****************************************************************************************************Official Certification Overview: Exam Title: Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger EssentialsExam Number: 1Z0-516Format: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 150 minutesNumber of Questions: 80 for both sections combinedPassing Score: E-business Essentials - 60% General Ledger - 60%Validated Against: This exam is valid for Oracle E-Business Suite 12 and 12.1Syllabus of the Exam : E-BUSINESS ESSENTIALSNavigating in R12 Oracle ApplicationsLog in to Oracle ApplicationsNavigate from Personal Home Page to ApplicationsChoose a responsibilityCreate Favorites and set PreferencesUse Forms and MenusEnter data using FormsSearch for data using FormsAccess online HelpRun and monitor Reports and ProgramsLog out of Oracle ApplicationsShared Entities and IntegrationExplain shared entities within R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe key integration points and business flows between products in E-Business Suite (EBS)Identify Key Business Flows and products involved in E-Business Suite (EBS)Fundamentals of Multi-OrgDefine Multiple Organization (Multi-Org)Describe the types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org modelExplain the entities of Multi-OrgExplain how Multi-Org secures dataIdentify key implementation considerations for Multi-OrgDefine Multi-Org Access ControlExplain Multi-Org preferencesExplain Enhanced Multiple-Organization ReportingExplain the concepts of subledger accountingGENERAL LEDGEROracle General Ledger ProcessIdentify the steps required to complete the accounting cycle using Oracle General LedgerDescribe how Oracle General Ledger integrates with other Oracle eBusiness applicationsDescribe the integration of Oracle General Ledger with Oracle Subledgers & non-Oracle systemsExplain implementation considerations for setting up and using Oracle General Ledger and Oracle eBusiness SuiteDescribe an overview of Accounting Setup Manager, currency concepts, budgeting, EPB, reporting & analysisAdvanced SecurityManage Data Access Security for Legal Entities and LedgersExplain key Advanced Security setups and processManage Data Access SetsControl security of Management ReportingFinancial ReportingExplain the positioning of Financial Reporting within the Oracle General Ledger business flowBuild basic reportsUse key elements of the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) for creating financial reportsUse Standard listing reports available for FSG report definitionsCreate FSG Reports with XML PublisherUse Web ADI for Financial ReportingExplain key implementation issues regarding Oracle General Ledger financial reportingAccounting SetupsCreate Accounting SetupsDescribe the various Subledger Accounting OptionsPerform the Primary Ledger Setup stepsDescribe Ledger Balancing Segment Value AssignmentsPerform the Secondary Ledger Setup stepsComplete Accounting SetupConsolidationsExplain overview of Consolidations and their positioning within the Oracle General Ledger business flowIdentify the key implementation issues regarding consolidationsUse the features and functionality of Global Consolidation System (GCS)Use the elements of the Consolidation WorkbenchCreate eliminating entriesUse Standard reports and inquiry options available for consolidations LedgerDescribe the elements required to create a ledger within Oracle General LedgerDescribe the basic components of Accounting SetupDescribe the important elements for creating a Chart of Accounts structureCreating a new Accounting Flexfield structureUtilize the Account Hierarchy Manager to view and maintain Accounting Flexfield valuesFinancial BudgetingExplain the anatomy of a budgetExplain the components of budget accounting cycleDefine budget and budget organizationExplain Budget Entry methodsApply Budget RulesTransfer budget amountsPerform budget review and correctionTranslate budget balancesReview balances in Master/Detail budgetsCreate budgets with Budget WizardsUse available Standard budget reportsPlan Budget implementation requirementsIntroduction to Oracle Applications R12Explain the footprint of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe the benefits of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe R12 E-Business Suite architectureFundamentals of FlexfieldsDescribe Flexfields and their componentsIdentify the steps to implement a FlexfieldDefine value sets and valuesDefine Key FlexfieldsDefine Descriptive FlexfieldsFundamentals of Workflow and AlertsExplain Workflow conceptsDescribe the benefits of WorkflowBasic Journal EntriesDescribe how journal entries are positioned in the accounting cycleDescribe the different Journal Posting optionsDefine how to perform Account Inquiries & Drilldown to Oracle Subledger ApplicationsImport journal entry information using the GL_INTERFACE tablePlan the key elements of Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI)Define Web ADI setup options for key flexfieldsUtilize Web ADI profile options, forms functions, menus, and responsibilitiesMulti-CurrencyExplain Multi-Currency conceptsUse Currency Rate ManagerPerform Foreign currency journals EntryPerform Revaluation of foreign currency balancesTranslate functional balances into foreign currencyDescribe overview of Secondary Tracking SegmentUse Foreign Currency ReportsAccounting Setup ManagerDescribe the components of Ledger Processing optionsDescribe Secondary Ledgers & Reporting CurrenciesDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with one legal entityDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with multiple legal entitiesDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with no legal entitiesAdvanced Journal EntriesCreate Recurring JournalsFormulate Mass Allocation JournalsDescribe AutoAllocations and related implementation considerationsExplain AutoSchedulingDescribe the Journal Scheduling processDescribe key issues and considerations when implementing Advanced Journal EntryDescribe the business benefits of using Oracle General Ledger's Advanced Journal Entry functionsSummary AccountsExplain summary accounts and how they are used in General LedgerDefine How Parent Values/ Rollup Groups are used in General LedgerDetermine how Summary Templates are usedUse Budgetary Control & maintain Summary accountsPlan and maintain Summary Account structuresPeriod CloseExplain the accounting cyclePerform key steps in the close processPerform journal import of subledger balancesPerform Subledger ReconciliationExplain the Period Closing Process and ReportsConsolidate account balances"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenderemos de la mano desde lo ms bsico como la interfaz y movilizacin de objetos dentro del programa hasta como lograr que tus vistas cobren realismo gracias a la composicin fotogrfica, edicin de materiales, iluminacin y edicin de los efectos de fotografa todo sin salir del programa ! Interfaz y movilidad de objetos en el programa Importar archivos Composicin fotogrfica Editar materiales del programa e importar nuevos materiales Iluminacin e utilidades Detalles finales Edicin de imgenes y efectos El renderizado"
Price: 89.99

"La tromba-come produrre il suono" |
"Ciao a tutti, sono Gian Marco, in questa prima lezione vi espongo lo strumento in tutte le sue caratteristiche e vi parler di come produrre il suono la prima volta, con esercizi giornalieri che miglioreranno l'approccio alla tromba. Hi everyone, my name is Gian Marco, in this first lesson I will show you the instrument in all its characteristics and I will talk about how to produce the sound the first time, with daily exercises that will improve the approach to the trumpet."
Price: 19.99

"Quais comportamentos adotar diante do isolamento social" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo proporcionar estratgias de como lidar e criar rotinas harmoniosas em tempos de isolamento social. Auxiliando as pessoas, em seus distintos papis, a organizarem suas vidas de forma produtiva, alm de oportunizar exerccios que auxiliam no controle da ansiedade e busca do equilbrio.O curso faz parte do Projeto Solues, desenvolvido e patrocinado pela Incursus - Treinamentos e desenvolvimento."
Price: 144.99

"The Complete JavaScript Closures Course" |
"Description:In this course, we'll dive deep into JavaScript Closures. We'll cover what Closures are and then diagram through examples to highlight the true power of Closures.Why learn Closure when I could be learning Node or React?The purpose of this course is for you to take time out of making it work to meet deadlines to truly understand a concept that will allow you to accelerate all your future engineering.Closure is that building block that all the other concepts sit upon. 4 of the most important areas of modern programming rest on it:Professional-grade functions like memoize and once to write cleaner and more efficient codeDesign patterns like Nodes module pattern (the CommonJS pattern)Functional programming techniques like partial application, currying and monadsAsynchronous JavaScript and the callback patternSo how should I learn this?In this course, we will visualize every line of code as it runs. There are no mysteries in programming if you dont skip steps!Were going to develop a mental model of closure thats intuitive but built from scratch. Its not a bad thing either that one of Googles favorite interview questions is What is closure - this is the concept that can truly test your understanding of the language.You will follow along with four other developers as we lead them through the code and as they hit blocks, ask questions and have them resolved (in something like the socratic method). We'll also go into Q&A sessions with these developers, thus answering questions you may have along the way.Additionally, at the end of the course, you will get access to a special interview with Olivier De Meulder, the Senior Engineering Manager at New York Times and the author of the most popular Closure article on Medium - ""I never understood JavaScript closures - Until someone explained it to me like this.""By the end of this course you will:Have a mature understanding of JavaScriptImprove your technical communicationHave a set of professional techniques for writing more maintainable code"
Price: 19.99

"MATLAB for Engineers (Beginners)" |
"My name is Sara Anis ElDarwich, I am a current master's student at Virginia Tech studying biomedical engineering. I have made for you, a very introductory course on MATLAB starting from the basics and going all the way to making your own functions and creating ""for"" loops.I take you step-by-step through each topic easily showing you how to complete the task.I will be covering the following topics:The MATLAB interfaceHow to do basic mathematical operationsHow to create vectors and matricesIndexing elements within a vector or a matrixPlotting data and labeling the graphsHow to create a functionConditional operations using ""if"" and ""elseif"" statementsCreating ""for"" loopsThroughout the course, you will see quizzes and assignments to help you reinforce concepts taught through the lecture."
Price: 84.99

"Aprende Roles desde su Base y diferentes Sabores" |
"Roles su preparacion de la masa, su relleno y cobertura con diferentes sabores.jamas fue tan sencillo, hacer una deliciaEl paso a paso de como elaborar cada masa, sus tips y mas.Roles tradicionales de Canela, los mas deliciosos de oreo, para los amantes del cafe, chocoavellana, y los unicos y diferentes de frambuesa."
Price: 345.00

"How to Start Your ACTING CAREER" |
"In these 10 short lessons you will learn everything you need for you to have a successful start of your acting career. What to do, what to avoid, and how to get booked! Get the best information from a premier acting coach Troy Rowland who has been working in the industry for over 20 years and has accumulated a lot of knowledge. And he wants to share it with you!"
Price: 49.99

"Scrum - Preparatrio para PSM I e melhores prticas" |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo oferecer ao aluno uma slida base de conhecimento sobre o framework Scrum, realizando a preparao para certificao PSM I. Durante esse processo vamos passar pelas melhores prticas do mercado atreladas ao framework, algumas ferramentas e conceitos vastamente explorados nos times que utilizam o Scrum (Grfico de Burndown, Planning Poker e User Stories), alm de um conjunto de atividades e exerccios simulados."
Price: 39.99

"Fundamental Hair Retouching with Photoshop" |
"Welcome to my hair retouching series, focusing on hair photography has allowed me to master this specific subject. As my work requires dealing with emphasising the beauty of hair through Photoshop, Ive come to realise that it can be a bit tricky, which challenges me to find the right workflow throughout my career.In this course, I am going to share with you my techniques and workflow that I use to tackle the most common challenges when it comes to re-touching hair.We will focus on the clean-up foundation to better understand what needs to go and what needs to stay. We will also look into what could be added to keep a natural result and flow throughout the hair.I will also share with you how we can copy areas to be able to fix gaps or cover imperfections. And of course, the tools that we need to use in order to get that flawless looking image. We will also look into how to correct the hair colour by enhancing the luminosity by using different contouring techniques.Make sure to download the resources and Actions to be able to follow my steps! Throughout this course, I assure you to provide you the best tips and advice that can help with your workflow and communication with clients and photographers.I will make sure that we give them a final result that will not only satisfy them but most especially you.Lets get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Cmo crear un emprendimiento exitoso desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear tu emprendimiento y a construir todas las bases para salir al mercado en redes sociales.Hablaremos de como crear la idea de negocio, como definir si necesitas una marca personal o una marca comercial, aprenders a crear tu propio logo, tu paleta de colores, tus piezas grficas, tus propios videos y algunas estrategias de marketing claves para tener xito en el mundo del emprendimiento."
Price: 19.99

"Success Optimisation Relationship Challenge" |
"This course helps you to understand what stops you from building lifelong relationships and learn how to enhance interpersonal skills through satisfying relationships. Heal yourself from within, the past memories that are holding you back and are impacting your ability to build strong relationships. Building trust with the people you interact with is a major indicator of achieving your relationship goal."
Price: 39.99

"Success Optimisation Abundance Challenge" |
"Understand what stops you from attracting Wealth and Prosperity while you work towards overcoming those blocks to build a life you desire. Over a period of the 21 days learn to shift your mindset 1 day at a time as you work on various aspects of attracting abundance in your life."
Price: 39.99

"Success Optimisation Fitness Challenge" |
"Understand what stops you from going ahead in this journey towards achieving a healthy YOU and work towards overcoming those blocks to build consistency in your efforts. The 21 day challenge spread over 21 videos will help you unlock the barriers that are a hindrance to achieve your Health Goals."
Price: 39.99

"Success Optimisation Personal Excellence Challenge" |
"Understand how you can take yourself to the next level by introspecting on your strengths and weaknesses, build on successful habits that help you lead a life you desire. Over a period of 21 days, work on knowing yourself inside out and create the success that you truly deserve and desire for yourself."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Auto Maquiagem" |
"Nada como aumentar sua auto estima. As mulheres sabem que isso muito importante, saber chegar na sua melhor verso.Por isso passei meu curso de auto maquiagem, que antes era presencial, para o modelo online, assim voc consegue rever quantas vezes quiser e praticar no seu melhor momento.De um modo simples e fcil, dou pequenas dicas pra voc que quer aprender de vez a fazer desde aquela maquiagem simples para o dia-a-dia, trabalho e compromissos dirios at aquela maquiagem impactante.Seja sua melhor verso!"
Price: 39.99

"Sales, Procurement and Business Development Professional" |
"Sales, Procurement and Business Development are very important for understanding operating huge companies and organizations.Therefore, anyone is working in the business side should know about these skills to manage and improve company or organization performance. In this course, we will learn bout:1- Sales Management.2- Franchising.3- Sales Team Management.4- Business Development.5- Key Accounts Management.6- Brand Management.7- Business Models.8- Procurement Management.9- Purchasing Way.11- Purchasing Types.12- Business Cycle."
Price: 129.99

"Agile made simple; PMP made easy;Agile in 10 Knowledge Areas" |
"Agile is explained in easy-to-understand wayBest for both IT and non-IT professionalsBest for those who are new to Agile or PMPAgile discussed in the context of all 10 knowledge areas of project managementEven a layman can understand Agile model with this courseAgile life cycle is discussed in detailComparison of Agile with Waterfall modelAgile Values and Principles are discussed in detailThis course is an aid for PMP AspirantsUseful Quizzes and Tips for PMP Aspirants"
Price: 12800.00

"Cisco Call Studio CVP IVR Learning" |
"This course is created for developers and students who has Zero knowledge. In this course we will be learning Cisco CVP Call Studio IVR application concept and design for IVR system. This video covers How to begin with Call Studio application. Reaching Welcome message. Select menu options, Handle Max tries logic(No Match and No input). Validate application and run application in debug mode. Audio files format and location to be place in CVP server Concept of logs. Enable debug log and activity log Application deployment, Application compiler, General settings, root doc settings Design IVR with Call Start and App Start classes endpoints. Decision and Action element configuration and customization. Element Settings. SayItSmart plug in concept. Page Connector and Page entry. Database integration for reporting and fetch user information. Use of session and element data. load and use of log4j properties files. External VXML(toVXMLVariable) variables uses and Call transfer to ICM (Agent). Concept of FromExternal varibles in call start classSayItSmart Smart in detail and Form element uses. Other classes programming and uses. Add jar in Java build Path and change JRE system libraryTroubleshooting guideline of IVR application from Admin, Error, Debug, Activity and customs logsIf you need any clarification. Please feel free to ask me in QnA section. "
Price: 29.99

"Treinamento Super Trader - Dlar Futuro" |
"Nesse curso o aluno aprender de fato a enxergar o movimento do preo, identificando quando est barato ou caro, aprender a real lei da oferta vs. demanda. Utilizaremos o grfico de Renko que nos dar maior clareza das marcaes de preos relevantes e verificaremos como o preo se comporta. Sem muito bl-bl-bl, iremos direto ao ponto. Traremos conceitos bsicos apenas para fins de contextualizao, mas o bsico est disponvel gratuitamente na internet. Ento, aqui iremos aprender o que realmente funciona.Iniciaremos o curso com uma sesso de 4 mdulos tericos, onde apresentarei conceitos e exemplificarei sua funcionalidade.Price Action Linhas de Tendncia (LTA e LTA)Suportes e Resistncias de verdadeMovimento do preoTipos de mercadoContexto de mercadoRegies compradora vs. vendedora (oferta x demanda)Anlise Grfica/ TcnicaVwapAjustePivot Point MM200GestoGerenciamento de riscoGerenciamento de tradePlano de tradeBons gains!"
Price: 144.99

"Learn to sew" |
"This course will guide you on your sewing journey.We will guide you through the basics as well as teach you about your machine, the stitches and types of seams.We suggest you watch each demonstration and then make your own sample and stick it into the space provided on the course document.Making your own notes as you go will also help to remember the techniques.Please note that sewing machines may differ so please check you manual and apply your stitch selections and threading accordingly."
Price: 300.00

"How to ace job interviews?" |
"Are you a fresh graduate waiting to face your first interview? Are you someone looking for a job and is getting ready for your interview? Then this is the perfect course that will help you get a jump start to your preparations. Clearing an interview successfully is not going to happen without any preparation. In fact, much of the interview battle is won if you are well prepared in advance. This course will help you prepare using a very systematic approach to the interviewing process. The entire course is very well structured into 10 key elements. Several worksheets are provided in the course to prepare you for the interview questions. By the end of the course, you will be quite confident of your capabilities and will be able to ace the interview without any hassle. This course is specifically created for fresh graduates who will be facing the interview for the first time in their life. The structured methodology will also help you take away any fears about interviews and will get you ready for your interview in no time."
Price: 2560.00

"Fundamentos de Segurana em Redes Sem Fio" |
"Esse curso foi criado com base na experincia de mundo real do instrutor Alberto Oliveira, em seus mais de 20 anos de carreira, ajudando a proteger empresas, negcios, pessoas e informaes. Fundamentos de segurana em rede sem fio te dar a habilidade de entender melhor o funcionamento do wi-fi, como planejar e implantar de maneira correta sua WLAN e aprender como os principais ataques funcionam, alm de dicas essenciais de como se proteger! Wi-fi atualmente um dos meios mais inseguros de acesso, e impacta diretamente na sua estratgia de cybersecurity. Para saber como fazer uso dos recursos de proteo disponveis de mercado e traar sua estratgia de cybersegurana, nesse treinamento voc encontrar valiosas informaes sobre como trazer maior proteo pro seu ambiente de wi-fi, trazendo mais segurana para sua empresa e parceiros de negcio. Nenhuma estratgia de segurana ciberntica estar completa, sem envolver seu ambiente wi-fi. Invista na sua capacitao e aprenda com quem implementa redes wi-fi , de maneira segura, trazendo a perspectiva do mundo real para voc."
Price: 199.99

learnfacebookmarketing |
" , ,"
Price: 24.99

"Make your Job Search Effective" |
"If you want something youve never had, then youve got to do something youve never doneOn the same lines, if you want to land into your dream job, you have to plan for it and this program can guide you for this growth journeyApplication Building Program assists you in gaining clarity on your career progression path. I have associated with different companies from varied background and have sourced compatible candidates to join with them Leveraging on this experience, I run this course to guide candidates in making their job search effective. Application Building ProgramClarity on Career GoalsConventional Job Search MethodApplicant Tracking SystemModern Job Search FunnelStrategies to build a solid ResumeLinkedIn Profile BuildingLinkedIn Power Strategies to find jobEffective profile building on job portalsWhat Will I Learn?This course will assist you in landing into your dream job.It caters to the first and most important step in your job search - Application BuildingThis program will brief on modern job search funnel and then explains how is it different from conventional method.It further guides in making a solid application on different platforms -- CV / Resume- LinkedIn Profile- Job Portals ProfileStrategies to break the ATS and come directly in connect with real recruiters"
Price: 19.99

"Como medir a Experincia do Cliente" |
"ATENO:Voc sabe o que Experincia do Cliente (CX - Customer Experience)?Sabe o por qu a maioria das empresas tm ou est desenvolvendo uma rea focada no olhar da experincia?J pensou em se capacitar e iniciar uma nova carreira nessa rea que s cresce?No seu dia-a-dia, j se deparou com problemas ao medir a satisfao dos seus clientes e sente que falta conhecimento e mtricas destinadas para cada indicador?Quer ter a jornada do cliente mapeada e trazer todos os seus feedbacks como centro da maioria das decises?Acredita que a venda resultado da composio da experincia e da qualidade? dono de negcio e tem visto que suas vendas no esto atingindo os nveis esperados?Na sua empresa, considera que todos os colaboradores devem ser ouvidos, pois so os primeiros clientes do negcio?Acredita que ter dados inteligentes e indicadores chave podem mudar o seu negcio?Sonha em ter um negcio prprio e quer iniciar conhecendo seus potenciais clientes?Vive em um ambiente de negcios focado no cliente, mas ainda no domina todos os conceitos da rea?Acredita que o atendimento humanizado, a fidelizao, a lealdade, os clientes-embaixadores, so o ""novo normal"" para garantir suas vendas?ESSE CURSO PRA VOC!!!!Junte-se a ns da ROX Consultoria nessa jornada de conhecimento com 3 horas de contedo, onde o cliente o que mais importa. INSCREVA-SE e comente o quanto esse curso te ajudou!ROX, quer dizer: Return on Experience (O RETORNO DA EXPERINCIA).Nosso sonho trazer para todos os nossos clientes e alunos o retorno que s o foco na experincia proporciona. Somos especialistas no assunto e nesse projeto online, para iniciantes, trazemos uma extenso do que j aplicamos na prtica e no dia-a-dia dos nossos clientes.Nossos projetos tm NPS de 93,6, Churn praticamente nulo e feedbacks incrveis de clientes realmente satisfeitos. ""O CLIENTE O MOTIVO PELO QUAL VOC VAI TRABALHAR. SE ELE FOR EMBORA, VOC TAMBM VAI"". ROX Consultoria."
Price: 144.99

"Complete Guide to Rotations and Transformations" |
"You need to learn know Attitude Representations and Transformations!Engineers, Game Developers, 3D Graphics Programmers all require fundamental knowledge of attitude representations and transformations.These concepts are used extensively in engineering, simulation, games, computer graphics, and so on.Why focus on AttitudeDifferent attitude representations have different limitations, advantages and disadvantages.Different standards and conventions which can be confusing and are commonly misunderstood.Difficult for beginners to comprehend rotation transformationsFundamental concept used in engineering and programming (from autopilot control systems to computer games)So you dont waste time trying to solve or debug problems that would be easily avoided with this knowledge! Become a Subject Matter Expert!Who is this course for:University students or independent learners.Aerospace Engineers. This is their bread and butter!Engineering professionals who wants to brush up on the math theory and skills related to simulation and analysis.Programmers who wish to understand the basic concepts behind attitude representations and transformations and how to use them from scratch or in existing products (i.e. Unity or other 3D engines).Anyone already proficient with math in theory and want to learn how to implement the theory in code.So what are you waiting for??Watch the course instruction video and free samples so that you can get an idea of what the course is like. If you think this course will help you then sign up, money back guarantee if this course is not right for you.I hope to see you soon in the course!Steve"
Price: 44.99
