"ST0-247 Symantec Server UNIX Technical Assessment Exam" |
"368 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-247 Symantec Server UNIX Technical Assessment ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-247 Symantec Server UNIX Technical Assessment ExamTotal Questions : 368Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (276 of 368)"
Price: 169.99

OsteoSolution |
"In questo video-corso ti far scoprire come sconfiggere i tuoi dolori ed evitare che si ripresentino in futuro. Vedremo quali sono gli esercizi pi adatti da eseguire e come svolgerli nel modo pi corretto e logico. TI sveler qualche trucchetto per far in modo che il tuo processo di raggiungimento o mantenimento di una buona condizione fisica permei tutto l'arco della giornata, non solo il momento che dedichi agli esercizi.Ti accompagner nella presa di consapevolezza delle diverse parti del corpo e ti spiegher perch potresti essere arrivato a provare un determinato dolore. Capendo i motivi delle tue problematiche, ti sar infinitamente pi facile risolverle ed evitarle.Imparerai ad avere un occhio di riguardo per il tuo corpo in modo costante e sensato e non potrai che sentirti molto meglio!"
Price: 199.99

"Apprendre les bases du C# pour Unity" |
"Ce cours a pour but de vous offrir les bases du C#.Vous y apprendrez :-Les Variables-Les fonctions-Les conditions-Les GameObjects-Les Tableaux-Les Boucles-Les InputsMais prcisons bien une chose. Ce cours ne vous permettra pas de crer n'importe quels jeux vido. Vous n'y apprendrez que les bases du C#. Mais sachez que ce cours sera indispensable si vous comptez vous lancer dans la programmation, il vous faudra imprativement les bases que propose ce cours."
Price: 19.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam 2020" |
"This practice exam will prepare you for your upcoming HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Certification Exam with a total of 100 questions, each having 50 questions. This tries to imitate the actual Terraform Associate exam and the exam content is heavily following the official Exam Review Guide by HashiCorp. Items in the exam are intended to be really tricky to test your knowledge which will make you double check your knowledge. Questions are carefully constructed from theory to application and explains why would you choose an answer over the other. The practice exam content will be updated frequently based on Terraform updates and students' feedback. After taking this exam, you will be confident enough to take the actual exam. As you have passed the questions made by a professional who is Terraform Certified and worked for a lot of years in the ever growing IT industry. This practice exam would be sufficient enough to make you ace the exam however don't let this stop you from learning more things.All questions and answers are based in the official documentation and review guide.I would love to hear your feedback and I will make sure to hear every single comment out."
Price: 24.99

"Formation et Emploi Direct: Devenez Tlconseiller.e" |
"La formation est de courte dure (2-4h). Elle vous introduit au mtier de Tlconseiller.e Indpendant.e et la plateforme de travail. Une fois que vous compltez votre profil sur la plateforme, le contrat de travail est garanti. Les contrats se font directement avec les entreprises europennes (France et Belgique). Pour avoir accs aux contrats de travail, il faut suivre la formation jusqu'au bout."
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology Foundations" |
"This course is great for the student who is working towards graduate school and a career in health care or for the current healthcare practitioner looking to refresh their knowledge of medical terminology. This class will go through all of the body systems and most importantly will provide you with resources to help the material stick. I don't want to bore you with lectures running through words that you can read on your own, I want to provide you with the resources to make sure that you learn the material and can carry it forward in your career."
Price: 19.99

"100 - Cmo convertirte en un profesional de la informtica" |
"Quieres dedicarte a la informtica? Te gustara convertirla en tu profesin? Ves muchos cursos pero no consigues encontrar un camino? Te gustara trabajar de informtico y ganar un salario de ello? Buscas un camino alternativo online a la formacin tradicional?Tras muchos aos como informtico y como formador en informtica, me he dado cuenta de que existen muchos cursos de muchas tecnologas pero apenas existe una gua sobre las habilidades, conocimientos y tecnologas necesarios para para convertirte en profesional. Si tu objetivo es tener un salario mediante un computador y quieres saber lo que tienes que saber, te lo cuento!En este curso encontrars los 10 pasos que te guiarn para formarte en las claves de un buen informtico, ya sea desarrollador, administrador de sistemas, de base de datos... Y al final, exploraremos las posibilidades de especializacin del sector, con especial orientacin a las ms demandadas."
Price: 19.99

mak_tehniki |
"- . . , . - . ."
Price: 19.99

"Sicher und berzeugend prsentieren" |
"Im ersten Video geht es um Prsenz, um die richtige Energie und wie Du sie aufbauen kannst. Es geht auch darum, wie wir von anderen wahrgenommen werden und was wir tun knnen um einen guten ersten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.Im zweiten Video geht es um eine hervorragende Mglichkeit, wie Du Deine Prsenz steigern kannst eine wissenschaftlich nachgewiesene Methode, die Dir innerhalb krzester Zeit zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein verhilft. Auerdem beschftigen wir uns mit Zielen. Auch eine Prsentation oder Rede sollte ein klares Ziel verfolgen welches DU vorgibst.Thema dieses Videos ist die richtige Atmung. Sie ist die Grundlage um sicher und voller Selbstbewusstsein vor anderen zu sprechen und richtig angewandt hilft sie uns unsere Nervositt unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Ich stelle Dir verschiedene Atembungen vor und auch eine super Mglichkeit um schnell ruhig zu werden. Wenn Du Dir Deines Atems und Deiner Atmung bewusst wirst, kannst Du sehr schnell in einen Zustand der Entspannung kommen.Dieses Video befasst sich mit Deiner Stimme und wie Du mit diesem wunderbaren Krperinstrument Emotionen erzeugen kannst, die Deine Zuhrer anrhrt und begeistert. Zudem lernst Du wie Du Deine Komfortstimmlage findest, in der Du lange und unangestrengt sprechen kannst. Mit dieser Stimmlage wirst Du von anderen als souvern und kompetent wahrgenommen. Es lohnt sich also diese anzuwenden.Im fnften Video befassen wir uns mit der Frage: Lockerst und Dehnst Du vor deiner Prsentation oder deinem Vortrag deine Sprechwerkzeuge, also Stimme, Mund, Zunge, Lippen und Rachen? Nein??!! Na, dann wird es aber hchste Zeit. In diesem Video zeige ich Dir ein paar praktische bungen, die gut fr Stimme und Artikulation sind. Im beiliegenden PDF sind die bungen noch einmal schriftlich zusammengefasst und noch einige mehr.Wie Deine Sprechweise auf Deine Zuhrer wirkt und wie sehr sie auch Dein Image beeinflusst, darum geht es in diesem Video. Du lernst mehr ber unterschiedliche Sprechtempi und wie Du sie einsetzt. Auerdem behandeln wir die Wichtigkeit von Pausen.Kennst du schon die 10ieren Nein?! Dann schau unbedingt vorbei.Wie Du Dich selbst, Dein Business oder eine Idee, fr die Du Untersttzer brauchst, auf schnelle und eindringliche Weise prsentieren kannst ist Thema dieses Videos. Wir befassen uns auch mit der richtigen Struktur Deiner Prsentation. Du erfhrst, wie Du auf einfache Weise eine Gliederung erstellst, die auch fast allen Hollywoodfilmen zu Grunde liegt und warum Weniger oft mehr ist.Kennst Du das Ziel Deiner Prsentation? In diesem Video gehen wir genau dieser Frage nach. Dabei gebe ich Dir vier Knigsfragen mit auf den Weg, die Dir helfen Dein Publikum besser kennen zu lernen und zielgerichteter Deine Prsentation bzw. Deinen Vortrag zu gestalten. Anhand einer kleinen Gedankensttze (ZVS) gehen wir in die Tiefe und ergrnden Deine Motivation und dann gehen wir noch ein bisschen tiefer lass Dich berraschen.Das letzte Video dieser Reihe. Fr Dich soll es der ANFANG sein. Der Startschuss um Dein neues Selbstbewusstsein in Redesituationen jetzt in die Tat umsetzen. Zum Abschluss gibt es daher noch einmal ein Feuerwerk an Tipps und Tricks. Ein Destillat aus vielen Elementen und Themen, die wir in den vergangenen Videos behandelt haben, aber auch neue Impulse und konkrete Anleitungen, wie Du Deinen Auftritt effektiv und souvern gestalten kannst."
Price: 39.99

"Risk Assessment Essentials" |
"The risk assessment lies at the core of risk managementBut it also lies at the heart of understanding what it's going to take to help your organization succeed.Without a clear understanding of the risks faced, none of the other risk management activities can be undertaken meaning that the organization will remain reactive instead of being able to take proactive steps informed by risk-based decision making.However, successfully completing a risk assessment can be hard. Unclear direction, poor management buy-in and inconsistent processes mean that many risk assessments are started but few deliver the desired result.Don't let your organization fail because the risks aren't clearThe Risk Assessment Toolkit solves those challenges to ensure that your next risk assessment is efficient, effective and delivers the results you need.Whether you just want in-depth instruction on planning and delivering your risk assessment or need a full set of tools, this course gives you what you need. There's even a coaching option to help you work through the specific challenges of your specific project to ensure success.This is a proven system based on over 15 years of risk management experience and dozens of risk assessments for clients of all sizes worldwide.This course includes everything you need to ensure your next risk assessment succeedsIt's everything you need to really understand your risks"
Price: 124.99

"Complete SEO Guide For Beginners Step by Step" |
"What is this SEO course about?Search Engine Optimization is often perceived as difficult to understand and extremely technical for anyone not from the digital marketing background. Failing to realize that SEO is one of the most cost effective and easiest strategy of generating leads, SEO beginners tend to skip the entire process of Search Engine Optimization. The SEO Training for Beginners: Complete SEO Guide by IIDE explains how you can get your website to rank higher on Google with simplified, tried & tested and ready-to-implement SEO strategies.Why should you take this course?Whether looking for a specific product or a category of services, any consumers first instinct is to turn to Google. With 2 trillion searches reported every year, being available and visible on Google is extremely crucial. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as it is commonly known, is the process of redirecting organic traffic to your website which in turn helps to increase a brands visibility on Google. Google SEO, though technical, is extremely logical and fun.The SEO Training for Beginners: Complete SEO Guide by IIDE is filled with interesting animations, examples and subtitles which make it suitable for any audience - whether English-speaking or not. From learning how to conduct keyword research, exploring Wordpress SEO tools and how to rank for Local SEO to perfecting E-commerce SEO and diverting free traffic to your website with Local SEO, IIDEs trainer Meherzad Karanjia will hand-hold you through the nitty-gritties of SEO. Case studies and applied examples used throughout the course further enhance your learning experience."
Price: 134.99

"1 Saatte Sfrdan Zirveye Wordpress'e Hakim Olun" |
"Bu kurs sayesinde Wordpress'i kendiniz kefedebilir, ayarlaryla oynayabilirsiniz fakat asl reneceiniz ey iyi bir blog yazsn nelerin oluturacadr. Toplamda 1 saat ierisinde bilmeniz gereken her eyi yeterli bir ekilde renmi olacaksnz.Bu kurs sayesinde yarm saatten ksa bir sre ierisinde kendi blogunuzu oluturacak ve yaz yaynlamaya hazr hale geleceksiniz. En kaliteli blog yazlarn oluturmanz iin uymanz gereken tm kurallar bu derste detayl bir ekilde anlatlmtr. Kursun sonunda dilediiniz gibi yazmaya balayabilirsiniz.Arama motoru optimizasyonuTipografiTema seimiEtiketler-SluglarMetin editr kullanmEtkili resim kullanmgibi konulara deinilecek ve blog iinizden nasl para kazanabileceinizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Reading Music: Rhythm Training" |
"Why a course about rhythm?In my 30 years of experience as a music teacher I have found that more people struggle with reading rhythm than reading pitch.Many courses only teach the letter names of the notes. Knowing the letter names of the notes is useless information if you don't know how long each note should be played for.Isolating rhythm from pitch lets you focus your attention on mastering rhythm which is the most fundamental element of music. Once you have a solid foundation in rhythm, learning the other elements of music will be much easier and quicker.Music is a type of language and so in this course we will learn the same way a child learns a language.First, they learn to speak by hearing others and imitatingThen they learn to read the languageAnd finally, they learn to write the languageEach section includes:Learning a new concept.Practicing the new concept through, imitating, reading, and writing.An assessment in Smart Music where you will get instant feed back on your performance of various rhythms."
Price: 19.99

"Data Science and Machine Learning Developer Certification" |
"The Data Science & Machine Learning Developer Certification program provides a comprehensive set of knowledge and skills in data science, machine learning, and deep learning. This immersive training curriculum covers all the key technologies, techniques, principles and practices you need to play a key role on your data science development team, and to distinguish yourself professionally.Beginning with foundational principles and concepts used in data science and machine learning, this program moves progressively and rapidly to cover the foundational components at the core of machine learning. The program builds on the foundations and quickly moves into deep learning, along the way teaching you via lectures and interactive online labs. The training uses open-source tools along with your developing judgment and intuition to address actual business needs and real-world challenges.This program also covers the significant development of deep learning methods that enable state-of-the-art performance for many tasks, including image classification, time series (such as audio) classification and natural language processing. In this program, delegates gain hands-on deep learning experience.Delegates will learn by hands-on labs working tools including Python, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow."
Price: 44.99

"Boost Your Business With Bitcoin Profits" |
"Bitcoin. Thousands of people are making a fortune in just a matter of days or week with it.Some of them are millionaires by now and they swear by Bitcoin.They got into the market at the right time when Bitcoin was affordable.Bitcoin Prices Are 10 Times More Than It Was A Few Years Ago.I dont need to convince you how fast Bitcoin has been gaining value over the past year alone.Everybody that I know have been investing in Bitcoin here and there.Just as the USD, Bitcoin is a currency that can be traded for goods and services.It is a measure of payment.And as more and more people keep buying it, you as a business entrepreneur needs to understand how to reposition your business for this...Shift In The Way We Do Business.Is your business Bitcoin-Friendly yet?If not, then you absolutely need to hop on this trend and implement this in your business.As a smart entrepreneur, you would understand that there are 2 main benefits of doing so:1. More options for your customers.2. Its an investment for you as the price of bitcoin keeps rising.Thats right - you can only win!Why You Need To Get Started Now:Become a pioneer. The first movers are always the ones who gets the bigger share of the pie.No risk. You dont have to hope or invest money to get money. People pay you with Bitcoin.Make Money. As the price keeps rising over time, your net worth will keep rising as well.Massive Crowd. The whole world is hoping on Bitcoin and the market expected to grow massively every single day.No Experience Needed. You dont have to have to skilled to know how to implement Bitcoin in your business.And the list goes on and on.Implementing Bitcoin as a mode of payment in your business will bring it to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingBoost Your BusinessWith Bitcoin ProfitsHow To Integrate Bitcoin As A ModeOf Payment In Your BusinessTheres nothing like this video courseWatch as I show you how to get started and integrate Bitcoin in your business so that you can bring your business to the next level.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork involved.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Understand what Bitcoin is all about and which plan works best for your business.Learn how to get familiar with the it and how you use it with Stripe and Bitpay.Learn how to prepare your business for Bitcoin integration.Discover how to use unknown marketplaces to leverage on their resources.Learn the simple technique used to integrate it with your autoresponder.How to create a product and coupons using Bitcoin as payment.Learn how to run an affiliate program using Bitcoin to grow your business.Learn how to use a cloud-based network to make your integration easily.How to blacklist buyers to prevent them from abusing the system.How to move your whole business to Bitcoin market.Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video course will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple.To get started, all you have to do is click the enrolment buttonThere's No Risk!Click The Button Now To GetInstant Access To This Video Training!"
Price: 39.99

"Dialux for Indoor Lighting Design" |
"Light is a powerful thing. Lighting affects everything it falls upon. It creates atmosphere, drama and evokes different emotions as it changes.In a famous quote Glenn Cunningham described effective lighting design like a beautiful painting. It is your medium to bring someone to an emotional state with your art.Lighting design is indeed both a science and a art.Light is the first element of design, without it there is no color form or texture.Perhaps when it comes to interior design, lighting design is the one of its most important elements.Without proper lighting design the home decor and architectural beauty cannot be experienced to its fullest capacity. A well lit room assures a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. The right lighting design can make you feel more relaxed and productive.It enhances every single corner in a room from the furniture to the fittings and textures.Utilizing the right type of lighting and ensuring the correct light placement is the most crucial task in lighting design.And modern day Lighting designers achieve this task, through tools like lighting design and simulation softwares.A range of lighting design softwares are available in the market, but the most popular Lighting design software is Dialux.And in this course we are going to learn to use this software for our Indoor lighting design."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership Essentials [Accredited]" |
"JOIN MY > 41,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 170 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 2,600 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness, Leadership and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited professional program by The CPD Accreditation Group with 20 OPTIONAL CPD / CE Credit Hours. This training course contains HD video content, the Entire Audio version of the program, course transcript, workbook, assignments and supplementary resources.Upon successful completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for and receive an Official ""Leadership Essential Certificate by High Impact Consulting, Training and Coaching free of charge.Optional Accredited Certification and CPD / CE Credit Hour are and NOT PROVIDED by Braco Pobric.If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited course is for you: I am an Ordinary, Everyday Person and want to Study Leadership I am a Manager and want to learn how to move up to Leadership I am a Small Business Owner and want to Apply Leadership Skills within my business I am a Current or Future Business Owner and want to create a Business Vision I am Planning to Start my Own Business and want to learn about Management and Leadership competencies I am a Manager and want to understand difference between Management and Leadership I am an HR Manager and want to guide properly my Leadership and Management team I am a Business Owner and want to implement right culture within my businessAbout this course: Fully Accredited Leadership Program by The CPD Accreditation Group A Short, and to the point with everything you need to know about Essential Leadership and Leadership Core Competencies Essential Leadership Curse includes a full Transcript, Workbook, Presentation and practical Assignments Complete Audio Format of the Course for your FREE upload so you can listen on the go Entire Course Power Point / Keynote Slides Related Articles and Research Papers Learning and Reflection Assignments Certificate Program - Receive High Impact Consulting, Training and Coaching Certificate.At the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand Core Management and Leadership Competencies See the difference between the Managers and the Leaders Create a Business Vision Communicate Your Business Vision Improve Business Relationships Establish Resilient Business Choose the right Culture for your organization Begin creating a Business Strategy Check your Business Acumen And much more...______________________________________________________________________This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the The CPD Accreditation Group.Please understand that CPD Credit Hours and Accredited Certification are not provided nor issued by your Instructor Braco Pobric."
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Photoshop For Beginners Training Course" |
"Hello And Welcome To The Adobe Photoshop For Beginners Training Course!In this course you are going to learn the basic functions of Adobe Photoshop and how to use them for editing your images and creating your graphics and designs.In each lecture the functions are explained with a practical example so that you can see exactly how touse the function in a useful manner.This is the perfect course for beginners who are just starting out with Adobe Photoshop and want to learnthe basics of working with this software and creating and editing great imags, graphics and photos.We are looking forward to see you on the inside!"
Price: 114.99

"MO-101 Microsoft Word (Word/Word 2019) Expert Certification" |
"Microsoft Certification in Expert Word(MOS-101)This course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam MO-101. Developed by University Lecturers who are also MOS Masters, Microsoft Certified Professionals and MOS examiners, no course on Udemy or any other educational platform can surpass this content. Covering every possible aspect of the MO-101 syllabus, you can be 100% certain that your knowledge of the skills required to succeed will be excellent. In addition to an explanation of every required certification technique, the course provides an overview of the exam, the objective requirements set by Microsoft, tips on how to prepare and what to expect on the day of the test. It includes a comprehensive bank of test exercises which reflect the style of questions asked in the MO-101 Microsoft Expert Word Certification exam.Become an Certified Expert Microsoft Office Specialist and Enhance Your CareerCore knowledge of Microsoft Word assumedLet Microsoft certify your expert skills in this hugely important technical skillUnderstand the requirements of the MO-101 Expert Certification ExamLearn how to correctly prepare for the testGet advice from seasoned professionals who know how to pass the examMaterial prepared by lecturers who are certified to MOS Master level and who are MOS ExaminersExpert Word with the MOS-101 ExamThis course is suitable for people with a core level of proficiency in Microsoft Word. Every element of the objective domain (Microsoft Syllabus) for the MO-101 exam is comprehensively covered, together with exercises designed to ensure that you know the style and types of questions which you are required to answer in the exam.When you pass the MO-101 exam, Microsoft issue you with the MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist certification status, in Expert Word. Obtaining this certification provides tangible evidence that you are proficient in your use of Microsoft Word and your LinkedIn profile will be automatically adjusted by Microsoft to reflect this achievement. If you follow and complete the course and exercises you will really optimise your chances of gaining that qualification, you will enhance your status in your existing job and boost your job prospects in the marketplace. Content and OverviewSuitable for anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Word, this course is aimed at you obtaining expert certification status from Microsoft by passing the MO-101 exam. Rather than simply provide sample questions, the course explains how the exam is structured, the way that the questions should be approached and how to study successfully to pass.The course also includes invaluable advice on the best way to prepare and what to expect from the testing process. Learn from the best!"
Price: 124.99

"Convirtete en experto en el anlisis de Pentacam" |
"El estudio Pentacam se ha convertido en la punta de lanza de los anlisis de crnea para la deteccin de ectasias y la preparacin para la ciruga refractiva. Es una exigencia de todo profesional de la salud visual dominar un mtodo de anlisis adecuado. Este curso te llevar paso a paso hacia un mtodo infalible de lectura que lo convertir en un experto en el anlisis. "
Price: 169.99

"Advance Probability, Permutations, and Combinations" |
"Taught 3000+ students offline and now extending the course and experience to online students like you!With over 5+hours of training, quizzes, and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive Mathematics courses available. We'll cover the Advance concept of Probability, Permutations & Combinations, and many more! This course is a great ""value for money!"".By the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing techniques across the major situations in Mathematics, Business, and Data Analysis.You'll Also Get:Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section If you are a student or preparing for the competitive exam you may download the exclusive chapter notes/ handouts.Free eligibility for any new lectures added to this course, for a lifetime!Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you a valuable chance for learning and to outstand.This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 69.99

"SharePoint Framework SPFx from Zero to Hero Get Hired" |
"Join Now Because it's time to get started The SPFx Training:-SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Training Walks you through all SHAREPOINT FRAMEWORK (SPFX) DEVELOPER TRAINING from Zero to Hero on practical and real-time examples which will help you to learn SharePoint easily.I will teach you technical skills:- Introduction to SharePoint Framework (SPFx)Setting up a SharePoint Framework Development EnvironmentSharePoint Framework Development Environment Set upDownloading and Installing Node.jsNode Package Manager (npm)Gulp and Yeoman installationInstalling the SharePoint FrameworkVisual Studio Code installationTypeScript Crash CourseWhat is TypeScript & BenefitsTypeScript for SharePoint DevelopmentInstalling TypeScriptCreate a TypeScript ApplicationTypeScript language featuresTypeScript Annotations, VariableTypeScript Arrays, EnumsTypeScipt FunctionsTypeScript if-else, switch, for loop, while loop, do-while loopInterface in TypeScriptTypeScript classesNamespace in TypeScriptTypeScript ModulesGenerics in TypeScriptPromises and async/awaitReactJS EssentialsReact ComponentSharePoint Framework Client Web PartsCreate First SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web partCreate a client-side web part and Understanding of the project structure, files, and foldersPackage and Deploy SPFx Client-Side Web Part3 Different ways to create SPFx SolutionSharePoint Framework (SPFx) Client-Side Web Part PropertiesLoading SharePoint Data in a client web partWorking with the context in SPFx Web PartsSharePoint List data via REST using SPHttpClientCRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx - Insert Item ExampleCRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx - Update List Item ExampleCRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx - Display and Delete List Items ExampleSharePoint Framework (SPFx) with PnPIntroduction PnP JS Library in SharePoint Framework (SPFx)CRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library - InsertCRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library - UpdateCRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library - DeleteCRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library - DisplayDeploying SharePoint Framework (SPFx)Packaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part - SharePoint Online App Catalog SitePackaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part - SharePoint Online CDNPackaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part - Microsoft Azure Storage CDNBrand your client web parts with Office-UI-FabricSPFx Office UI Fabric IntroductionAre There Lots of Examples? There are loads of examplesPay once, benefit a lifetime! with 30 Days money-back guarantee. Certification after course completion"
Price: 19.99

"SAP MDG - UI, FPM, Adaptations, Derivations and Validations" |
"This course will teach you the following concepts:- Creating Simple FPM applications and making them adaptable applications to place them on MDG NWBC UI screens.- Creating Personalization's on MDG UI screens for various users which is useful for functional consultants and end-users.- Creating Derivations and Validations for various fields on MDG UI.- Adding a new fields to an entity in MDG data model and placing it on the UI.I have tried to make it as simple as possible but, it'll require some knowledge in ABAP (especially for FPM part). For SAP MDG Data Modelling and SAP MDG Workflows - please refer to my other courses in Udemy."
Price: 54.99

"Anlise Grfica e Machine Learning com Orange e R GGPLOT2" |
"A construo de projetos de dados, envolvem muito as necessidades e definies do problema que estamos estudando. Embora grande parte da comunidade no mundo trabalhe com ferramentas modernas, o tempo de entrega pode ser muito grande a depender das necessidades que so colocadas no inicio de cada projeto. A principal meta deste treinamento permitir que voc tenha um tempo curto de aprendizagem para iniciar a trabalhar com dados.O ORANGE uma produto que merece o destaque que vem tendo no mercado, h diversas frentes j criadas com o uso do ferramental, mas isso devido a sua grande facilidade em construir modelos matemticos e estatsticos pelo uso da interface grfica que possui, com ele voc pode em cliques estabelecer um pipeline de dados robusto e fcil de implementar, pois tudo nele grfico e bem direto, facilitando o aprendizado.J o uso da biblioteca GGPLOT2 facilita a construo de diversos grficos na linguagem R que podem ser disponibilizados aproveitando as sadas de dados do ORANGE Data Science. O GGPLOT2 permite a construo de grficos diversos (Barras, Box-plot, Wordcloud, dentre outros) a unio de duas grandes ferramentas em apenas um s curso, facilitando e muito o aprendizado da rea de Data Science."
Price: 189.99

Zbrush |
"Zbrush! , . . , , Zbrush . . , , , Dynamesh, ZRemesher, Sculptris Mode, ZSphere LiveBoolean ,"
Price: 89.99

"Life Coach Certification" |
"Life Coaching is a positive, forward-thinking, active partnership with the client. It is exciting to watch clients realize their life purposes, design viable strategies, and conquer life goals.Life Coaches inspire, motivate, and empower clients to set and get life goals!As you move though this program, you will explore and gain the above noted skills, and begin to revel in your clients life successes! What you will learn:Foundation Coaching Course (17 Video Modules)Coaching BasicsUnderstanding the ICFGetting Started as a CoachRunning Effective Coaching SessionsThe First Free Coaching SessionUnderstanding Goal Attainment and Creating the Action PlanPowerful Questions in CoachingActive Listening, Acknowledging, and EmpoweringBusiness Assessments and Analysis in CoachingWhat is a Business Coach and How to ProfitWho Needs a Business CoachBusiness Coaching OptionsBusiness Communication CoachingBusiness Marketing CoachingCoaching Techniques to Help Your Client Deal With StressCoaching Techniques to Help Your Client with Health and Wellness in the WorkplaceConflict Resolution CoachingHelp Your Client Write a Business Plan ( Business Plan Coaching)Increasing Self-Awareness Course12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Quiz (applicable for your using with clients)Getting StartedWhat is the SelfAwareness of the Physical SelfTime ManagementThe Emotional SelfMood ManagementThe Mental SelfInterpersonal AwarenessThe Spritual SelfLimitations of Self AwarenessWrapping UpIncreasing Your Happiness Course12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Quiz (applicable for using with clients)Getting StartedPlan Ahead for HappinessPlan Your DayRelate to OthersGo to Your Happy (Work) SpaceAccentuate the PositiveUse Your BenefitsTake Control of Your Career HappinessSet BoundariesPractice PositivityChoose to be HappyWrapping UpGoal Setting & Getting Things Done Course12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Quiz (applicable for using with clients)Getting StartedOvercoming Procrastination (I)Overcoming Procrastination (II)Four P's of Goal SettingImproving MotivationWise Time ManagementTips for Completing TasksIncrease Your Productivity""To Do"" List CharasteristicsSMART GoalsMistakes will HappenWrapping UpEmotional Intelligence Course12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Quiz (applicable for using with clients)Getting StartedWhat is Emotional IntelligenceSkills in Emotional IntelligenceVerbal Communication SkillsNon-Verbal Communication SkillsSocial Management and ResponsibilityTools to Regulate Your EmotionsGaining ControlBusiness Practices (I)Business Practices (II)Making an ImpaceWrapping UpThe Life Coach Certification program is offered via a home-study course to help you slowly absorb the information presented; and provide time for you to complete the videos, exercises, and quizes, before you take on new clients."
Price: 24.99

"Desarrollo de Personajes 3D para Presentaciones" |
"En este curso aprendernos a crear un personaje para presentaciones, adems lo podremos usar como imagen corporativa, en el curso veremos conceptos los conceptos ms relevantes una produccin 3D, con estos mismos conocimientos podremos crear muchas otras animaciones en 3D, en nuestro mtodo bastante simplificado pasramos de un concepto bsico y sencillo a conocer el programa Autodesk Maya, modelar, texturizar, iluminar hacer un simple rig , animar y renderizar para finalmente llevarlo a After Effects."
Price: 109.99

"Become an Expert on Mortgage Credit Reports" |
"Becoming an Expert on Mortgage Credit Reports is a smart and practical approach to approving more borrowers and helping them have better interest rates in the process which will increase your sales and total income. Mortgage credit report experts are always in high demand, they close more deals, and make more money!In this modern course, you'll learn all of the skills necessary to become an expert on mortgage credit reports and be able to use these skills in you're day-to-day working life. From how to read a credit report to requesting a ""rapid re-score"" to running credit score simulations, these lectures are designed for any one who wants to approve more buyers and borrowers. With real world examples demonstrating exactly how to execute each step of the credit score improvement process, you'll find out exactly what to do to remove delinquent credit and how to get it to report in a matter of days not months, and be compliant with all federal and state regulations.Main benefits of this course and of being an expert on mortgage credit reports are:- Double, triple, or quadruple your income by approving and closing more loans.People who put into practice what they learn in this course can go from making $60,000 to $300,000 or more. The volume of loans that you can close will increase many times over which will seriously increase your income.- Improve your own credit scores- Get hired much faster with a bank, lender, or mortgage company or simply help more buyers get approved if you already work in the financial industry.- Help borrower's get better interest rates and lower mortgage payments.- Become the best at what you do or want to do by knowing more than you competition about mortgage credit reports.If you already know the basics of mortgage credit reports and want refresh your memory or are just starting out and want to learn more in depth, this is the course for you. Ensuring the success of each and every loan requires that you have the knowledge necessary to solve credit problems. You need to know how to solve different types of credit problems and tools you can use to make these changes. This course will provide you with the knowledge and the solutions you need to become a success in the mortgage and real estate industry.The first and second sections of this course will take you through two hugely important parts of the mortgage credit process: how the entire mortgage credit reporting process works and what it means to be a mortgage credit report expert. You will learn how credit scores are determined and what can bring them up the most. In addition, you will learn what scoring models are and just how high credits scores can go. Besides that you will understand what components go into a mortgage credit report and how each one affects a borrowers capacity to qualify for a mortgage. In the third and fourth sections of this course you will learn what you need to do to improve borrowers credit and their scores (or your own if that's our goal). This section will go into depth how to solve common credit problems borrowers have such as collections, late payments, low credit scores, bad credit, etc., so that you can quickly recognize them and efficiently resolve them.In the fifth and sixth sections, you will learn how to solve common credit problems and how to run credit simulations to see just what needs to be done for each particular borrower to bring their scores up. You will also understand what the minimum credit requirements are to qualify for a home loan and how credit repair companies work and how they help borrowers. In the end of this section, you will understand what credit fraud and identity theft are and how to prevent them. This is a growing concern among borrowers which you can advise them on.At the end of it all, you'll have the tools needed to make better, and more successful decisions when helping borrowers qualify for a mortgage.Your instructorJoseph Correa is the founder and CEO of Finibi Mortgage, a licensed mortgage brokerage business based out of Orlando, Florida. Having closed hundreds of mortgage loans and having improved borrowers credit to help them close, he has the necessary mortgage credit knowledge to help you become a success. In the past, he has also owned a correspondent lending business and invested in real estate."
Price: 139.99

"Bots para WHATASAPP desde cero con Dialogflow y APP Premium" |
"Es un Curso Taller donde aprenders a Crear desde Cero un BOTS con la Herramienta Dialogflow e integrarlo al Canal Digital Whatsapp. Es un Curso totalmente prctico para implementarlo desde las primeras clases y comenzar a monetizar un negocio independiente con el Desarrollo de Inteligencia Artificial y aplicarla al Canal Digital que mas usa el MUNDO: Whatsapp Whatsapp Business"
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Band in a Box em Portugus (Nvel 2)" |
"Neste curso Nvel 2 (continuao do curso Nvel 1) irei mostrar muitas mais coisas que o software Band in a Box da PG Music pode fazer. Este software excelente para poder criar uma msica do zero, fazer uma partitura, preparar um arranjo de uma msica, produzir uma base para colocar voz em cima, produzir uma msica completa e at us-lo como ferramenta de aprendizado musical. E estas so somente algumas das muitas solues que ele oferece.Neste segundo curso, bem mais avanado e usando a verso 2020, mostro como usar o software dentro da DAW Reaper, como escrever em partitura e tablatura um arranjo fingerstyle com a ajuda do software, como colocar letras em msicas para uma partitura profissional, como usar a ferramenta de Ear Training que vem com ele, como o software faz o reconhecimento de acordes a partir de um udio MP3, como compor uma msica inteira do zero com a ajuda do software, como sofisticar seu arranjo ao mximo nvel de profissionalismo e perfeio, e muito mais.Venha se juntar a essa turma de milhes de msicos felizes e satisfeitos com sua vasta gama de solues!"
Price: 69.99

"Work From Home Jobs - Top 10 Freelance Jobs for 2020" |
"Do you want to make money online but you just don't know where to get started? Do you want to use your talents to make money on your terms? In this course, I show you exactly how you can take the hottest 10 freelance services today, 2019 going into 2020 to customers on a daily basis. These services promise high demand and there is plenty of room for more freelancers to get into the business and make money doing this. This course offers the best work from home jobs and freelance jobs for 2020 and beyond.What will you learn in this course?The best platforms to post your freelance services toonly 1 of these is a paid service but all of them will bring you a ton of customersThe 10 most in demand services to offer your customersNone of these services require a high skill set. Anyone can do this!I will show you some of my results and earnings as I am also a freelancerLearn from an instructor that practices what he preaches. I don't just tell you what you should do in theory, I actually show you how I do this and how you can make money from this too!Get motivated to get your services up and running quickly How to offer more for less to get the ball rolling and get customers to your doorAfter you get a client base, you can raise your prices and make more moneyhow to have a unique selling point to separate you from other freelance sellersJoin an instructor that is not afraid to peel back the curtain into his own business and show you exactly what to do to become successful making money online. The best starting point, and fastest way to make money online is offering freelance services on popular selling platforms. You will make money with this. Sign up today and I look forward to seeing you in the course!!!"
Price: 199.99
