"Fiverr Success" |
"Are you looking to make some extra money from home? Have you ever heard of the platform and website called Fiverr? In this course, I will teach you exactly how I became successful in selling voice-overs on Fiverr. It is important to know that Voice Overs are very competitive on Fiverr, meaning there are a lot of sellers. However, I show you how you can enter the competitive service on Fiverr and still make sales from the start. I show you proof of my earnings and how you can start doing this yourself. In this course you will learn:How to research other gigs to make yours even betterHow to create your voice-over gig on FiverrHow to create a killer gig image for free with a simple softwareHow to create an amazing gig promotion video with a free softwareMy secret voice over recording software that no one knows aboutHow to convert WAV files to MP3 files very quicklyHow to master your recording for free in minutesHow to scale up your business and offer your services on other platformsand much more....Enroll in my class and learn exactly how to start selling voice overs on Fiverr for extra monthly income. See you on the inside!"
Price: 89.99

"Niche Website - How to Build a Viral WordPress Site" |
"Welcome to my course on how to build a Niche Website from scratch. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about building a website quickly and more importantly how to get content and drive traffic quickly.Most courses will teach you how to create content that has to be thousands of words long and you must sit and wait for it to rank on Google. This can take months even up to a full year in order to see if your content was good enough to make it on page 1 of the search engines. This is a hard method and that is not what is taught in this class.In this class, you will learn a different way to create a website and gain traction from the very beginning.You will learn: Niche research How to validate if your niche can make you money or has a large audience How to choose a good domain name Where to buy your domain How to set up hosting for your site Some technical steps so you are ready to rock out of the gates Settings for your site Free and paid Wordpress themes Content strategy How to get ideas for content quickly Setting up social media accounts and which ones are the best for traffic Free and paid methods to drive traffic to your site How to monetize your site to make moneyIf you have wanted to build a website and create quick content for it and gain a social following and eventually make profits from your site, this course is perfect for you.This course is great for beginners in the internet marketing and make money online markets. If you already know how to build niche websites then this course may not be for you. If you have no experience building a Wordpress website then this course is perfect for you.See you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Data Science & Python: Data Science with Real Problems (2)" |
"THIS COURSE IS THE SECOND PART OF 7-STEP ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE JOURNEY.Python Data ScienceVisualization ToolsMachine LearningDeep LearningStatistical LearningReinforcement LearningWe will learn the Data Science required to learn our ultimate goal, Artificial Intelligence algorithms.DATA SCIENCE COURSE DESCRIPTIONData Science IntroductionKaggle and Data ScienceIntroduction to PythonPython Data Science Tool BoxCleaning DataPandas FoundationManipulating Data Frames with PandasTitanic Project1 Practice Exam: Final Exams12 QuizzesBONUSWHY PYTHON?According to 2020 IEEE research, Python is one of the most used and preferred programming languages worldwide.Python is the first choice of newcomers to coding thanks to its easy learning.Python is open source, supported by the world's largest companies such as Facebook or Google.When it comes to data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence, Python language comes to mind first. This causes Python to have a large worldwide audience.In terms of professional career, Python is one of the languages with the most opportunities.WHY DATA SCIENCE?Helping people make faster and more effective decisions.Demand and job opportunities for data scientists with the increase of data.Start-up opportunities.Decision making ability.THE OPPORTUNITIES YOU WILL HAVE WITH THIS COURSECoding ability from scratch: We will code together.Codes and Templates: You can download every Python template and code we have created in the course. Thanks to this code and template, you create the infrastructure for the applications and projects that you will make later.Theory and Logic: We not only tell you how to write code, but also the logic and theory behind the code we write, and why we write such a code.In-class support: We don't just give you video lessons. We have created a professional Python Programmer team and community to support you. This means that you will get answers to your questions within 24 hours.WHO WE ARE: DATAI TEAM ACADEMYDATAI TEAM is a team of Python Programmers and Data Scientists.Let's register for the course and start the Object-Oriented Programming adventure with Python."
Price: 199.99

"Build a passive business empire with Mini Kindle Cookbooks!" |
"Do you want to make passive income? Do you want to replace your job or is are you looking for a side gig to supplement your day job? No matter what your goals are, did you know that you can achieve it with Kindle self publishing? Not just any books, but with cookbooks!Did you know that cookbooks sell like hotcakes on Amazon, and you can create an empire/brand of your own with books that barely hold 15+ recipes each? What if you can release a bunch of 20+ page recipe books, with barely any marketing involved, and make steady passive income for years to come? What if you can build a business from your everyday skills? Or better yet, what if you can leverage other people's cooking skills (which isn't hard to find) for free, and take advantage of this extremely lucrative business model?That's what you'll learn in this course. You'll learn the A-Z process on how to build your Kindle passive empire with a bunch of mini cookbooks that take barely a few hours to write or get written.This course is for everyone, from writers to non-writers to good cooks to people who've never set foot in a kitchen before. When I published my first cookbook, I didn't know how to make toast, so this course is for everyone! This is a complete business in a box course! What will you learn from this course? You'll learn: 1. The A-Z process on how to make steady passive income and an empire out of mini cookbooks that you can write in a few hours2. How to set up this business without writing a single word yourself, if that's what you want3. How mini recipe books can exponentially increase your Kindle passive income with every new release and how to utilize their exponential factor to your advantage4. How to leverage other people's everyday cooking skills and make a business out of it5. How to leverage YOUR everyday cooking skills and make a business out of it6. How to build up an empire of mini cookbooks in a few months so that you can start making more money7. 5 ways to get top quality cookbooks written by spending little to no money from your side and little to no skill8. How to publish your books and some tips to start getting sales (if you did everything I teach in the previous lessons, you should start getting sales and page reads hours after your book gets published)9. How to completely outsource the entire business on a budget10. Free ways to get others to write your books for you (without spending outsourcing dollars)11. Free marketing methodologies that get your books selling immediately upon publishing12. Tons of strategies to build sales momentum and get reviews, traffic and sales13. How to cross sell between your cookbooks to increase sales11. How to double your sales by publishing your cookbooks as paperbacks in a few steps, and why this method works especially well for cookbooks12. How to publish more books in the same niche to exponentially increase your income13. How to build a brand out of your recipe books and how to leverage that brand13. How to leverage your cooking brand to create your very own traffic source (E-mail list), successful YouTube channel, blog, and so much more14. How to build a real business on the back of your cookbooks outside of Kindle and scale it up to any level you wantand so much more! This course is for you:1. If you want a business model that nets you reliable passive income day in and day out with a few hours of work every week2. If you've always wanted to work from home and replace your dreadful day job, this business model can help you achieve that with the right amount of smart + hard work3. If you wanted a side gig that'll supplement your full-time income without draining your energy every day4. If you love cooking and have always wanted to turn your passion into something substantial, we'll teach you how in this course5. If cooking is your passion and you want to start making money with it without slaving away on YouTube videos or Recipe blogs for years with no return6. If you've dabbled in Kindle before, but never had much success, this course might be exactly what you need to turn things around7. If you are a business person who wants to add yet another passive income business to your arsenal and learn how to outsource the entire process 8. If you wanted to make it in Kindle but hate writing of any kind, this course has a couple of solutions to your problem9. If you don't know cooking, but always wanted to leverage the booming cookbooks marketThis is what our course covers: Module 1: Introduction & the Cookbook business model: Explained - In this module, Ill give you a brief explanation of exactly what the Kindle Cookbooks business model is, how to build a business out of them, why they sell so well, and how to make an empire out of short cookbooks that can be written in less than a day. Module 2: Finding Recipe Niches (Profitable topics) - Various techniques - In this module, I'll give you an over-the-shoulder walk-through of 3 powerful methods you can use to find profitable cookbook/recipe niches to write your books on. Your success depends on choosing the right niche, and I'll steer you in the right direction in these lessons. Module 3: Writing your recipes (even if you don't actually write them) - This module covers 5 different ways to get your cookbooks written, from using your everyday skills to quickly write books and leveraging other people's skills for free. Are you a good cook? Or are you afraid of the kitchen, but still want to publish cookbooks? There's something for everyone in this module. Module 4: Formatting your book - In this module, well be looking the exact ways to professionally format and design your book. I'll walk you through a pre-formatted book. We'll look at creating/editing table of contents, creating new chapters, linking to other books from your book and so much more. I'll also include a download to the pre-formatted book so you can edit it and use it to publish your cookbooks.Module 5: Designing your cover - In this module, we'll look at creating your Kindle cookbook covers for free with Canva. I'll include lessons on both creating your own cover from scratch and using pre-made cookbook cover templates to your advantage. A good cover makes or breaks a book's success, so pay attention to this module. Module 6: How to write high-converting blurbs/descriptions for your cookbooks - In this module, we'll analyse the titles, subtitles and blurbs/descriptions of best-selling cookbooks. We'll dissect their blurbs to arrive at the exact format we need to employ to write a high-converting blurb for your cookbooks. Module 7: Publish your cookbook - This is one of the most important module of the first part of the course. Well be looking at the exact steps you need to take to publish your book, and Ill cover various strategies to choose the right combination of titles, subtitles and keywords to make your book visible in the Kindle marketplace and search results. Similarly, Ill be giving you pointers on formatting your descriptions properly, and the right pricing strategies for your short books. Well finish the module with some tips on what you need to do next to jumpstart sales.Module 8: Double your sales with paperbacks - In this module, well be looking at some strategies you can apply to increase your book earnings without increasing the number of books youve published. Module 9: 3 Absolutely free ways to market your books and get sales - In this module, we'll look at 3 free, but very effective ways to jumpstart sales for your books right at launch. We'll also look at ways to exponentially increase your sales throughout your brand by employing a long-term marketing strategy. Module 10: Cross promotion, building a brand and so much more - We'll look at ways to cross promote your books (the exact method I use to bring the most sales) to exponentially increase your sales. We'll also look at ways to use your Kindle cookbook brand to build an E-mail list (your very own traffic source that'll bring you sales at will), a successful YouTube channel (another source of income), your author website where you sell affiliate products, and so much more. So, what are you waiting for? You have a complete business in a box here! Enroll now and get started immediately. You'll not regret it. :)"
Price: 199.99

"Emagrea Rpido Treinando Em Casa Ou em Qualquer Lugar" |
"AQUI NO TEM MIMIMI tem Resultado . S ESCOLHER O SEU TREINO. Iniciante: - Pra quem nunca malhou ou est h muito tempo parada. - Sries de at 1h focadas na perda de gordura. - Voc ainda vai trabalhar fora, equilbrio e coordenao motora.Intermedirio/Avanado - Esse treino pra quem j malha, mas no est alcanando o to esperado objetivo. - Sries inovadoras e que trabalham o corpo inteiro. - Altssimo gasto calrico. Pra quem j malha h um tempo e acha que j fez todos os exerccios que existem. Treino de fora, equilbrio, coordenao e muita perda calrica. Exerccios que voc nunca viu ou aqueles que voc j fez, mas reinventados pelo prprio Guilherme GabrielPlus:Aula especial: como ter produtividade com uma rotina poderosaNesta aula voc vai aprender a como ter uma rotina poderosa e organizada de um modo fcil e rpido, afinal tempo vida, vamos te ensinar a valorizar cada segundo do seu dia.Aula especial: como fazer marmitas e lanches low carbMuitas pessoas tm dificuldade na parte da alimentao quando se trata de emagrecimento, principalmente com Junk Food, nesta aula especial Guilherme Gabriel te ensina como fazer coxinha, kibe, pizza e marmitas Tudo Low Carb, Sem Glten e Sem Lactose, depois desta aula no ir falhar na alimentao e quando der vontade de comer besteira ela ser saudvel.Aula especial: Aprenda a Se Vestir de Acordo Com Seu Padro de CorpoDepois de emagrecer nosso corpo muda e com isso nosso padro tambm e aquela roupa j no fica mais to legal assim, nesta aula ir aprender sobre seu padro de corpo e como se vestir de acordo com ele para ter um melhor caimento, alem disso vai aprender quais peas essenciais para seu guarda roupa, modelos de saias, saltos, qual culos fica melhor no seu rosto, e muito mais.Desculpas que te Impedem De Emagrecer:J TENTEI DE TUDO PARA EMAGRECER:Voc j fez de tudo, mas ainda no fez o que correto. O Emagrea Rpido Treinando em Casa, um mtodo com estratgias que vo mudar a forma como se relaciona com a comida e com os exerccios.MINHA GENTICA NO ME AJUDA.Aqui vou te provar que voc pode driblar a sua gentica, romper a sua histria familiar de excesso de peso e ter o corpo dos seus sonhos.MEU METABOLISMO LENTOVocs vo aprender como atravs de alimentos e exerccios possvel acelerar o seu metabolismo, emagrecer e nunca mais engordar.EU NO TENHO TEMPO PARA FAZER DIETAVou ensinar vocs a prepararem refeies saudveis e deliciosas. Vocs vo aprender a congelar os alimentos e a se organizarem para manterem a alimentao.EU NUNCA SEREI MAGRO(A).Voc j se conformou e acredita que nunca conseguir emagrecer? No quero que voc se conforme com isso. Aqui vou te devolver a sua confiana e a certeza de que pode emagrecer e ser magra para sempre.UM CURSO ON-LINE PODE ME AJUDAR MESMO?No tenha dvida! Voc ter acesso a muita informao, o que jamais conseguiria numa consulta tradicional. Vamos falar sobre mudana de pensamento, voc ira aprender sobre as calorias dos alimentos, sobre exerccios que mais queimam gordura e muito mais."
Price: 199.99

"CAN and LIN Communication Protocols" |
"CAN & LIN protocols overview: Introduction to the CAN & LIN protocol, Overview of Reasons for the development of CAN & LIN, Comparison of CAN with other serial communication protocols, CAN vehicle network Architecture, Features of CAN protocol, Frame formats of CANCAN physical layer: CAN nodes, CAN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniques, CAN bit timings and baud rate settingsCAN data link layer: CAN Bus arbitration, CAN Bus Fault ConfinementComparison between CAN ans LINLimitation of CANframe formats of LINIntra-vehicle network , Features of LIN protocolLIN physical layer: LIN nodes, LIN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniquesPID CalculationChecksum CalculationError detection and Handling"
Price: 2560.00

"Microsoft MB-210 and MB-220 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam Microsoft MB-210 and MB-220 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020MB-210 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with sales expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that support a sales life cycle to run efficiently and effectively to meet revenue targets, business strategies, and company objectives.MB-220 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with marketing expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that attract and convert leads, build brand awareness, standardize omnichannel messaging, and deliver marketing insights.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft Exam MB-210 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Perform configuration Manage core sales entities Manage sales entities Microsoft Exam MB-220 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Configure marketing applications Manage segments and lists Create and manage marketing forms and pages Manage leads Create and manage marketing emails Manage customer journeysManage events and webinarsConfigure and analyze customer responses This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99

"React and Serverless - Fullstack Web Development" |
"In this course, you will build a secure and production-ready full-stack typing application from start to finish. Along the way, you will learn core concepts of developing modern web applications like React, authentication/ authorization, Serverless Functions, and continuous integration. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge you need to build amazing applications to share with the world!"
Price: 89.99

"Flutter Avanzado - La continuacin" |
"Adquiere este curso a tan solo USD 9.99 en https://meedu.app/curso/flutter-avanzado-la-continuacionEn este curso crearemos una aplicacin que se adapte a cualquier dispositivo, implementaremos login por redes sociales con firebase auth, facebook, google e inicio por correo y contrasea. Tambin aprenderemos como almacenar informacin en una base de datos NoSQL, aplicar el modo oscuro en nuestras apps, crear un reproductor de msica con la api de Deezer. Y como plato fuerte implementaremos Stripe como pasarela de pago.NOTA: Este es un curso avanzado.Requisitos para este curso.Nivel intermedio de flutter.Gestin de estados con el patrn BLoC.Conocimientos de animaciones en flutter.Conocimientos de Platform Channels en Swift y Java."
Price: 24.99

goodinvest |
Price: 1400.00

"Resistncia dos Materiais para Engenheiros Iniciantes" |
"Fala, meus queridos Engenheiros!Esse curso de Resistncia dos Materiais, ou Mecnica dos Slidos, foi idealizado como uma coletnea de vdeo aulas com a ideia de fazer uma reviso detalhada sobre os conceitos mais importante sobre Resistncia dos Materiais.Ele foi pensado para estudantes e engenheiros j formados que desejam relembrar e se aprofundar no assunto.O contedo consiste em:- Equilbrio e Leis de Newton- Conceitos de Tenso e Deformao- Cargas Axiais- Toro- Flexo- Cisalhamento TransversalAlm disso, h diversos exerccios resolvidos para TODOS aplicarem os conhecimentos adquiridos!VENHAM CONFERIR E ADQUIRIR O CERTIFICADO!"
Price: 159.99

"Google Sites ile cretsiz & Profesyonel Web Sitesi Oluturma" |
"Bu kurs kapsamnda hazrlanan rnek siteye www.berfinabilisim.site adresinden eriebilirsiniz. Google Sites Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal veya dier web sitesi oluturma aralarndan ok daha hzl ve kolay bir ekilde profesyonel siteler oluturmanza imkan vermektedir. stelik HTML, CSS, Javascrip veya tasarm bilgisine sahip olmanz da gerekmez. lkemizde pek yaygn olmasa da dnya genelinde Google Sitesi ile oluturulan milyonlarca web sitesi vardr. Google Sites ile hibir programlama veya tasarmc bilgisi olmadan kendi kiisel veya kurumsal web sitenizi yapabilirsiniz. stelik oluturduunuz bu web siteleri zerinde yine hi kimseden yardm almadan her trl gncelleme ve dzenleme ilemlerini yapabileceksiniz. Oluturduunuz sitelere hi kodlama bilgisine ihtiya duymadan anket, duyuru, harita, sosyal medya linkleri, banner eklinde kayan grseller ve daha aklnza gelebilecek birok zellik ekleyebilirsiniz. Oluturduunuz web sitelerine kopyala yaptr ile dilediiniz Bootstrap kodlarn yaptrabilir ve dilediiniz gibi deiiklikler yapabilirsiniz. Google Sites ile oluturduunuz web sitesini gerek zamanl olarak baka bir kullancyla birlikte dzenleyebilir ve birbirinizin yapt deiiklikleri canl olarak grebilirsiniz. Siteyi herkesin grebilecei ekilde yaynlayabilir veya paylam izinlerini kstlayarak yalnzca paylamak istediiniz kiiler iin eriilebilir hale getirebilirsiniz. Ayrca web sitenizin kmesi, hacklenmesi gibi bir sorununuz da olmayacaktr. Google Sites ile ister kiisel bir blog sitesi ister profesyonel kurumsal bir web sitesi oluturabilirsiniz. stelik dilediiniz kadar web sitesi oluturabilirsiniz. Sunucu veya gvenlik iin SSL sertifikalar ile uramanza gerek yok. Bunlar zaten cretsiz ve otomatik olarak Google tarafndan salanmaktadr.Hazrladnz web siteleri responsive zelliine sahiptir. Yani bilgisayar, tablet ve cep telefonu uyumludur ve her trl cihazda siteleriniz mkemmel gzkr."
Price: 49.99

"ETHICAL HACKING - Web Penetration Testing - SITE REAL 3 - 1" |
"Se voc quer aprender os sobre Seguranas de Websites, e como explorar falhas para poder invadir um site, este o curso certo para voc, neste curso iremos aprender desde a base para analisar o cdigo fonte, e entender como podemos explorar a parte do cdigo que nos daria acesso pgina restrita do site ou nos levarem at mesmo as palavra passe do administrador. Tudo ser feito em um ambiente que est em produo e que usado por muitos hackers para testarem suas habilidades, antes mesmo de testarem para as certificaes de Invaso de pginas web, ento ests num bom caminho que trilhado por muitos outros profissional na matrial, e Eu guiarei-te para seguir os mesmos passos. Iremos aprender da forma mais divertida possvel, iremos invadir como se estivssemos a jogarINSCREVA-SE J E VAMOS APRENDER INVASO."
Price: 19.99

"Guitarra para Principiantes (Acstica, Elctrica y Espaola)" |
"El curso esta diseado tanto para que las personas que llevan menos de un ao tocando la guitarra ganen destreza velocidad y precisin en las manos como para que los que acaban de empezar, es decir, iniciados, sean capaces de evitar los errores tpicos que se comenten al principio, tambin vers los acordes bsicos bien explicados y los ritmos bien definidos as como los riffs clsicos que a todos nos suenan, considero que el curso est bastante bien para iniciarse en este mundillo ya que echando la vista hacia atrs a mi me habra venido muy bien para aprender ms rpido.Espero que disfrutes del curso! y recuerda, lo ms importante es la prctica y la motivacin."
Price: 19.99

"How do Aircraft Engines Work? (Use code GIMME16)" |
"Aircraft engines are gas turbines and have been around for a long time, but how do they work? Find out here!I'll use my experience and guide you from the very basics - temperature, pressure, etc - all the way to the details - looking inside an aircraft engine, and how to start one up!"
Price: 24.99

"Orientao a Objetos com JavaScript (Projetos e TypeScript)" |
"JavaScript uma das linguagens mais utilizadas atualmente, tanto para o front-end quanto para o back-end. Quando voc quer elevar o seu conhecimento nela, voc precisa aprender novos paradigmas, e o mais utilizado hoje em dia o: Orientado a Objetos!Neste curso veremos a Orientao a Objetos de forma completa em JavaScript, comeando pela sua forma mais padronizada (verso ES5), e depois evoluindo para as novas funcionalidades do ES6, que impactam e muito a OOP.E voc no ficar s na teoria, o foco a aplicabilidade, voc criar dois projetos prticos construdos totalmente de forma orientada a objetos, para exercitar todos os conceitos aprendidos ao longo do curso.Alguns dos tpicos do curso so:Os objetos do JavaScript;Teoria de Orientao a Objetos;Prototype;Orientao a Objetos no ES6;E claro: muitos projetos, que agregaro toda a teoria aprendida na prtica de projetos que simulam aplicaes reais. Alguns exerccios tambm so inseridos periodicamente para reforar conceitos mais complexos.Na ltima seo voc ter um mini curso de TypeScript, que abordar desde a instalao do superset, at os conceitos fundamentais do TS, e sempre fazendo a comparao entre as duas linguagens para melhor assimilao do contedo e entendimento completo do poder do TypeScript.Este o ltimo curso de Orientao a Objetos para JavaScript que voc vai precisar, todos os tpicos referentes a POO com JS sero abordados de forma ampla e ainda solidificados por meio de projetos e exerccios."
Price: 489.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Dome Wireframe Structure" |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Wireframe Structure System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"Resume writing" |
"( ( , , : 90% : Cover letter references 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is designed to everyone people live in (USA, Canada, Gulf area, Egypt)Have you applied to hundreds of jobs but still getting no calls? Do you like to create a professional resume that guarantee employers calling you for interview ?In this course, I will be telling you all you need to know about writing a PROFESSIONAL resumeYou will learn:- How to structure your Resume perfectly- Choose modern layouts and templates - How to include skills bar charts -Know 90% of top mistakes of resume writing In addition to resume writing, you will learn how to create the following documents:-Well written cover letter-list of your referencesAs a bonus section you will also receive 20 downloadable resume templates"
Price: 24.99

"Moodle 3.8 - Criando Sistema de Cursos do Zero (Verso 2020)" |
"Aprenda na Prtica a criar um sistema completo de Cursos Online utilizando a Plataforma Moodle!Neste curso voc aprender a Instalar, configurar, Personalizar e criar seus cursos online diretamente na plataforma do Moodle, alm de conhecer os principais Recursos e formas de Atividades desta plataforma de ensino a distncia.O Moodle o sistema de gesto da aprendizagem mais popular do mundo, sendo amplamente utilizado por diversas instituies de ensino e universidades no Brasil. Tambm um sistema de Cdigo aberto e Gratuito!Alguns tpicos essenciais que o Moodle Permite:Criar Cursos Online;Criar Atividades Interativas entre os alunos e professores;Inserir vdeos do Youtube / Vimeo nas aulas;Emitir Relatrios de concluso de curso;Configurar Inscries Pagas no seu curso - via Paypal;Personalizar sua interface com logotipo e cores da sua empresa;Configurar certificados;Instalar novos temas para o Moodle;Instalar Extenses que complementam as funcionalidades do LMS;E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta oferece tudo que voc precisa para criar um sistema completo de cursos distncia EAD.Este Moodle s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 129.99

"Network Security" |
"This is preparation test for the final exam in ""Security of Computer Networks"". It covers various network security-related concepts, e.g. security risk management, technical vulnerability assessment, CVSS, TCP/IP protocol suite and its' related vulnerabilities, classification of network attack types, network application attacks, etc. All the questions given are of Multiple Selection type, i.e. for each question the number of correct answers could vary from one to four."
Price: 19.99

"ITIL Version 4,2 Foundation Certification Practice" |
"This ITIL Foundation course provides you with a firm understanding of the ITIL 4 framework, core concepts, and terminologies of the ITIL service lifecycle. By the end of this ITIL certification, you will understand how ITIL evolved to adopt modern technologies and operational processes as well as the necessary concepts in a service management framework. ITIL certifications demonstrate that professionals are educated in IT Service Management (ITSM) best practices. Aligning IT with the business can save time, reduce waste, and help IT avoid costly rework. ITIL concepts are vendor-neutral and address the processes, terminology, and methods used in modern IT."
Price: 19.99

"TestNG for SDET - Bootcamp" |
"TestNG is one of the best testing frameworks available today.It helps the automation tester to focus on writing and implementing test cases, so that they can concentrate on testing the functionality of the application and the logistics of running, monitoring and reporting is managed by the TestNG Framework.This course includes a wide range of topics from TestNG Annotations, different kind of Assertions, running a Test Suite, running tests in a desired sequence, Grouping related tests, understanding Dependent Tests, Preserver order of execution, reading Parameters from xml file, DataProviders (run test methods for multiple data sets), TestNG Listeners, TestNG Reporters (Logging), TestNG HTML Reports. All materials including code files.***** One stop place to become an Expert in Automation Framework Implementation from scratch ************************** WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *****************************We assume that students have no experience in testing frameworks and start every topic from scratch and basics.Examples are taken from REAL TIME to understand how different annotations can be utilized, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics. Some knowledge of Java is desiured.*******************************************************************************************************Are you looking to step into automation industry with the latest technologies in market?Are you keen to learn how to utilize TestNG to build a strong automation foundation?Interested in learning how TestNG can help you manage logistics of running tests frameworks?This course is backed by udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!What are you waiting for? Enroll today and learn the powerful TestNG Framework !!!Who this course is for:Quality Assurance professionals and Manual testers looking to start career on test automationQuality Assurance Automation professionals to intensify their current test automation skill setsFresh Graduates who want to make a dream career in software engineeringQuality Assurance Team leads and ManagersOther courses i offer on udemySelenium Webderiver Selenium Testing Framework Appium REST Assured RESTful API RESTful Web Services Devops Jenkins Apache Maven Python Docker Jmeter Coding Interviewes"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Swahili Essentials for African Safari Tour" |
"Swahili Essentials for African Safari Tour is one of the courses that will unlock your difficulties of understanding Swahili language and its culture after learning and tasting it from a native speaker and Swahili Professional Teacher (SPT). Nakukaribisha sana kwenye kozi hii ya pekee (I warmly welcome you to this unique course). Lear, understand and decide to have your Safari to African Swahili speaking countries! Hakuna matata / No problem! Haya endelea kujifunza / Ok, continue learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Skills" |
"( target) . . customer first"
Price: 19.99

"Compliance Anti-Money LaunderingAML" |
"-Anti-Money Laundering-AML - -KYC --Know Your Customer -Risk based approach -Financial Action Task Force-FATF- - ."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Como Criar Filmes - Intermedirio" |
"Este curso ir abordar os conhecimentos de maneira individual no incio, com o objetivo de facilitar a aprendizagem. Depois sero feitas evoluo para compreender a utilizao dos conhecimentos aprendidos durante o curso. A fuso do aprendizado ser feita atravs um projeto final de filme, o qual ser feito a partir de um projeto de jogo disponibilizado gratuitamente.O foco foi trabalhar com artefatos e ferramentas que esto disponveis gratuitamente."
Price: 159.99

"SAP Project System certification (C_TPLM22_67) - Mock Tests" |
"The ""SAP Certified Application Associate -SAP Project Systems"" certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP ERP Project Systems Solution Consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification.For your convenience, I have added 100 questions into Two tests of 50 questions each(120 Minutes).Mock Tests cover below topicsMaterial> 12%Resources> 12%Dates> 12%Cost and Budgets> 12%Revenues and Payments 8% - 12%ReportingActual certification Exam DetailsExam name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Project Systems with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP7Exam: 80 questionsCut Score: 55%Duration: 180 mins"
Price: 199.99

"C++ Programming Bootcamp - Learn Complete C++ From 0 to 100" |
"C++ Programming Language is one the fasted and flexible programming language of all time as well as one of the most widely used Programming language in the world.C++ is one of the rarely languages which holds two features that's Procedural Oriented and object oriented methodologies .Why you should learn C++ programming?C++ is Currently in Everywhere and widely used across the platforms.Popularity and SalaryC++ is one of the most popular languages in the world. It is used by some 4.4 million developers worldwide. C++ Developers hold some of the most high-paying jobs in the industry with an average base pay of $100, 000 per year.Large Library SupportC++ is rich in library which helps developers to enhance their progress.Large CommunityThere is a large online community of C++ users and experts that is particularly helpful in case any support is required. C++ is used in Databases Operating Systems Compilers Web Browsers Graphics Embedded Systems.C++ is one of the most popular language used for game development.Why You should enroll in this course?if you don't have programming experience at all or have little background in programming it's alright.In this course you will learn fundamentals of programming languages in general and C++ language in specific.this course is divided into 2 main sections and many more minor sections.in first half of the course you will learn procedural oriented programming(POP) which helps you understand fundamental concept of C++ programming language.By the end of this section you will be able to develop you own programs in C Programming Language even if you have not studied C Programming Language.In second part of the course you will learn Object oriented Programming Concepts like classes ,object,encapsulation,inheritance and many more advance topics of C++ programming language.by the end of this course you will be able develop your own programs in C and C++ programming languages.as well as you will be able to compete in national and international coding competitions where you can make a link between yourself and top companies in the world and achieve cash prizes and championship titles. click on signup button to get into course"
Price: 12800.00

"Radical Resilience: How to Master Your Emotions!" |
"Emotions are a powerful force in our daily lives. Most people don't understand this mysterious force that can lead us toward a positive future or capsize us into a sea of chaos. Managing your emotions is a part of living a successful life and developing inner strength and confidence.In this class, you'll learn how to master your emotions. If you don't learn to manage your feelings, they will control your life. I will guide you step-by-step to build your inner strength by understanding the keys to emotional empowerment. You can turn your life around quickly and live a more happy and balanced lifestyle overflowing with well-being, peace of mind, and greater inner strength (resilience).Your emotions are at the core of all of your desires, and they drive your actions and behaviors. Your feelings can guide you toward greater happiness, or lead you astray, feeling lost and confused. You cannot escape stressful conditions; however, you can learn how to transform emotional stress into an inner strength and resilience.This class will teach you the mental and emotional tools to end the suffocation of emotional frustration and mental confusion. You'll be able to quickly move toward greater well-being. You'll learn to manage the power of your mind and build inner strength and master your emotions.Discover a new and fresh perspective on the way you perceive your emotions and how to manage and then master your relationship with them. You'll be able to quickly move from emotional ignorance to emotional intelligence and become the master of your life."
Price: 99.99

"Financial Accounting SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7 C_TFIN52_67 Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Financial Accounting SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7 C_TFIN52_67 PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Financial Accounting SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7 C_TFIN52_67 PracticeExam Code: EhP7 C_TFIN52_67Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80 questionsPassing Score :60%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200"
Price: 94.99

"GAQM - Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB)" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 70+.GAQM - Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) Test serieslack Belts operate under Master Black Belts to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. They devote 100% of their valued time to Six Sigma. They primarily focus on Six Sigma project execution and special leadership with special tasks, whereas Champions and Master Black Belts focus on identifying projects/functions for Six Sigma. Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) is well versed in the Lean Six Sigma Methodology who leads improvement projects, typically in a full time role. A Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt holder possesses a thorough understanding of all aspects within the phases of D-M-A-I-C. They understand how to perform and interpret 6 Sigma black belt tools and how to use standard principles of Lean. The Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) is a professional who can explain Six Sigma philosophies and principles, including supporting systems and tools."
Price: 19.99
