"GAQM - Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB)" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 50+.GAQM - Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB) Test seriesCertified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB) exam comprises of Lean Six Sigma Methodology who both leads or supports improvement projects, typically as a part-time role. A Lean Six Sigma Green Belt possesses a thorough understanding of all aspects within the phases of D-M-A-I-C. They understand how to perform and interpret Six Sigma tools and how to use standard principles of Lean. Lean Six Sigma Green Belts are valuable assets to any team. Our Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB) E-Learning will introduce you to the Lean Six Sigma philosophy and terminology and gives you the knowledge you need to prepare for Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB) Exam. You will gain a strong foundation in Lean Six Sigma and the skills needed to lead Lean Six Sigma process improvement projects, work on teams led by Lean Six Sigma Black Belts and help your organization implement Lean Six Sigma effectively. Six Sigma is a people?driven process. The Six Sigma project performance level tends to match the level of persistence, expertise, and commitment of the individual members of the team. While reviewing the roles that contribute to the project, most of them think about the champion and Black Belts roles to deploy the project. However, to improve the performance of the projects, Green Belts will also play a critical role in the process improvement. Green belts are skilled team players and their aim is to improve process quality. They help to bridge the gap between the Six Sigma theory and real-world application. Six Sigma Green Belt candidates play a vital role in improving the process, data inspection or Project Management. Green Belt training teaches candidates the basic tools used by a project team and how to apply DMAIC skills that relate to a Six Sigma project."
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Manufacturing Implementation" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 35+.SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Manufacturing Implementation C_S4CMA_2005 Test seriesSAP C_S4CMA_2005 practice testThe ""SAP Certified Application Associate SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Manufacturing Implementation"" certification exam for essentials edition validates that the candidate possesses SAP Activate onboarding fundamentals and core knowledge in the Manufacturing line of business area required of the consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of an SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition implementation project team with a focus on Manufacturing in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification. Please note that this 2005 version of the exam takes part in the Stay Current with SAP Global Certification program. Once you pass this version of the exam, make sure that you start your stay current process. You will be required to take the quarterly Stay Current Assessment for all subsequent SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition releases via the SAP Learning Hub starting with the 2008 release to maintain your SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition business consultant certification status and badge."
Price: 19.99

"CURSO DE MODELAGEM 3D - VOLTADO PARA PROJETO DE PRODUTOS PLSTICOS E MOLDES DE INJEO.PRODUTO- Caractersticas Tcnicas e Aparncia do Produto- Desenho de Produto e Desenho de Molde- Espessura de Parede, Variaes na Espessura de Parede - Contrao- Estudo Experimental- Reduo de Custo sem Comprometer a Qualidade do ProdutoMOLDE- Linhas de Partio, Desalinhamento da Linha de Partio - Comandos cavidades- Projeto de Linha de Partio de Bordas - Conicidade ou ngulo de Sada, Mecanismos Extratores"
Price: 39.99

"Desacoplamento de mdulos com Spring Boot" |
"Nesse curso vamos ver de forma bem clara e simples o que o desacoplamento de mdulos, vamos estar utilizando Java com o framework Spring, mas o conceito apresentado aqui pode ser usado em quase todas as linguagens e tambm quase todos os frameworks; veremos como podemos trazer flexibilidade a mudanas no nosso software, entender o beneficio das interfaces para um software e entender o principio de inverso de dependncia. Vale ressaltar que apesar de falarmos de um dos princpio do SOLID o curso no visa ensinar todo o SOLID, apenas um dos pilares que temos dentro dele; No iremos ensinar a instalao das ferramentas que iremos utilizar, este um curso mais voltado a sentar e desenvolver; e tambm no vamos explicar as anotaes do Spring Framework nem falar sobre a linguagem JAVA.Pr requisitosPara seguir o passo a passo do curso deve se ter um pequeno conhecimento em Spring Boot;Deve ter instalado em seu equipamento um banco de dados relacional e um no relacional, no curso iremos estar utilizando MySQL e MongoDB;E uma IDE para desenvolvimento, no curso iremos utilizar o IntelliJ."
Price: 24.99

"En route pour la certification PRINCE2 fondamental" |
"Cette formation comporte plusieurs tests pratiques pour tester vos connaissances et les dvelopper avec les dernires informations sur PRINCE2 (acronyme de PRojects IN Controlled Environments) en vue de passer la certification PRINCE2 Fondamental.Elle sera toujours mis jour avec les dernires informations sur PRINCE2.PRINCE2 c'est quoi ?C'est une mthode flexible qui vous guide travers les lments essentiels pour grer des projets russis. Construit sur sept principes, thmes et processus, PRINCE2 peut tre adapt pour rpondre vos besoins spcifiques. PRINCE2 est galement largement reconnu et utilis dans le secteur priv, au Royaume-Uni et l'tranger. La mthode PRINCE2 est dans le domaine public et offre des conseils non exclusifs sur les meilleures pratiques en matire de gestion de projet.Cette formation contient 3 tests passer en conditions relles avec leurs corrections dtailles (pour un total de plus de 190 questions). Cette formation est volutive et les tests sont rgulirement mis jour avec de nouvelles questions.Descriptif des examens inclus :Test 1- 75 questions en 1hTest 2- 75 questions en 1hTest 3- 75 questions en 1hBientt un nouveau test complet : Test 4 - Arrivera le dernier trimestre 2020Comment PRINCE2 peut-il vous tre utile? L'utilisation de PRINCE2 vous offre un meilleur contrle des ressources et la capacit de grer plus efficacement les risques d'entreprise et de projet.Pour qui ?-Personnes recherchant des comptences prcises en gestion de projet -Futurs chef de projets-Chefs de projet-Directeurs / cadres (propritaires responsables suprieurs) des projets, et des organisations"
Price: 19.99

"ayurveda basics {Beginners' Guide}" |
"AYURVEDA IS A COMPLETELY NON-EXCLUSIONARY SYSTEM.This means that Ayurveda does not exclude other systems of healing, but rather recognizes that there is a time and place for any healing modality that brings healing to an individual. Ayurveda aims to work in conjunction with any other healing modalities as long as the primary goal is working towards, maintaining or enhancing an individuals optimal (long-term) and very idiosyncratic expression of health. As a general rule, Ayurveda emphasizes preventative healing. The Western systems of healing often negate the long-term preventative measures that enhance our capacity for health & wellbeing in its multiplicity. Instead, focusing more on curative and hindsight fixing which is wonderful in the case of traumas, accidents and chronic illnesses that need immediate medical relief, but often means that there is a lack of attention to the other very real aspects of our lives that contribute to our long-term health.AT THE CORNERSTONE OF AYURVEDA IS THE NOTION OF BALANCE AND SUPPORTING YOUR INDIVIDUAL CONSTITUTION.Your individual constitutional make-up is your personalized guide-map to how to best support yourself through dietary, lifestyle and other means necessary in order to live in as balanced and harmonious a way as possible. From the lens of Ayurveda, the manifestation of illness stems from imbalance somewhere in the system that hasnt been addressed and correctively dealt with at the earlier stages of symptom expression. Ayurveda recognizes 6 distinct stages of disease formation. It is believed that by eating and living in a way that supports your bio-individual and ever-changing needs as an individual you are able to come into the fullest expression of your potentiality.AYURVEDA IS VERY BASED IN EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE:placing you at the forefront of your own healing navigation. It is not a dogmatic or prescriptive lifestyle, but instead offers a vast bank of knowledge that aims to empower you to understand what you need in any given moment to restore balance. Which in the end, results in MACRO manifestations and expressions of health.ANOTHER REASON WHY AYURVEDA IS SO POTENT IS THAT IT IS A SYSTEM OF HEALING THAT FULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE HIGHLY BIO-INDIVIDUAL NATURE AND PROCESS OF COMING TO YOUR OWN HEALING.Balance is not a destination or a fixed point, and it most certainly does not look the same for everyone. It is in fact, a constantly dynamic, ever-evolving, highly participatory process. A process that you are constantly engaged with. It is a philosophy that awakens our deepest healing potential as individuals by emphasising the innate capacity of each individual to self-heal through listening to the highly bio-individual cues of our own beings which are constantly feeding us information about our state of balance as it is in this moment. Our bodies have an innate intelligence of its own if we could just quiet our minds and sieve out the external fluff enough so that we can hear what our body-mind is telling us.HEALTH IS NOT SIMPLY THE ABSENCE OF DISEASE.It is the ability to step into your fullest expression of health and vitality within each moment and day. Ayurveda teaches us howto do this through its comprehensive understandings of the multiple factors that influence our health."
Price: 29.99

"Power BI - Building Interactive Dashboards" |
"In the 2010s, we used to have the Excel Add-ins to perform simple data transformation (Power Query), data modeling and analysis (Power Pivot), and data visualizations (Power View, and Power Map). I called them the Power Suite.Then a bottleneck was reached, as the largest rows of data allowed in Excel is 1 million rows, and you would be out of luck if you extract tens of, or hundreds of millions of rows of data you want to analyze.Now in July 2015, a completely new but powerful platform was born that incorporated all the tools in the Power Suite as I called. It exists independent of Microsoft Excel and yet allows for hundreds of millions or even more data rows to process in a shorter period of time. This means that people do not have to own Excel in order to use Power BI.And the biggest win is that it is FREE! Seriously, it is free! Microsoft only charges nominal monthly fees for sharing dashboards online.So what are you waiting for?! Lets see what Power BI, equipped with all of the 4 components of the Power Suite, can do for us!Did I mention that Power BI is the first dashboard software to incorporate Artificial Intelligence to create visuals or charts for you when all you need is to type English words telling it what to chart??!!"
Price: 99.99

"Aylk E-Ticaret Danmanl - Soru Cevap Modeli" |
"E-ticarete girmek isteyen birok marka kendisini eiterek adm adm ilerlemeye alyor. Bu dorultuda biz neler yapabiliriz derken farkl bir model dndk ve e-ticareti soru - cevap ile neden yapamayacamz dndk. Hem btesel hem de stratejik olarak ok hzl aksiyon anlamna gelecek bir model oldu!E-Ticaret danmanlnda bu paket ile 1 aylk e-ticaret danmanln alarak istediiniz kadar soru sorabilir, mail zerinden cevaplarnz alarak aksiyona geebilirsiniz.Dileyen ve bu modelden memnun kalanlar, aylk olarak devam ettirebilirler.Peki Neden Test le Baladk?Test ile sektr de ne kadar bilginiz var ve bana gelen sorularda sizlere nasl yaklamam gerektiini n grebileceim. Bu yzden net bir ekilde zmeye almalsnz.2. Pandemi yaklarken 2. eticaret bymesine ok az kald. nlemlerimizi olumlu ynde de alma zaman!"
Price: 109.99

"Sfrdan 10X seviyesine - Hzl Okuma ve Anlama Teknii" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Her kitap yaanm bir hayattr. Her okuduumuz kitap bir mrmzde bize yeni baka hayatlar da yaatr.Ortalama her CEO ylda 40 civar kitap okur denir. Bilgi anda zaman hzl akyor ve her anmzda kendimizi gelitirmek zorunda hissediyorsak, en hzl bilgiye eriim kaynamz okumak olacaktr.Okumak ise okul zamanndan itibaren yanl retilen, bu nedenle hzl ve anlaml okuma yerine daha tembellemi bir okuma teknii yznden skc, zaman kayb gibi hissettirmektedir. Geen sene okuduunuz bir kitab dnn, aklnzda ne kadar kald. ""Olay Roma'da geiyor"" dan te aklnzda kalan detaylar kitabn % 5-10 u dahi deildir.Bu nedenle hem hzl okumak, hem de okurken anlamanz artrmak, aklda kalcl maksimize edebilmek iin bu kursu hazrladm.Artk yanz veya zaman bulamamanz dert etmeyecek, daha hzl okurken daha kolay anlayacak ve aklda tutacaksnz. Kitabn kaln olmas sorun olmayacak, gnler iinde ve hatta saatler iinde kitaplar bitirebilmenin tadna varacaksnz."
Price: 299.99

"AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Exam" |
"Earn an industry-recognized credential from AWS that validates your expertise in the breadth of AWS database services and accelerating the use of database technology to drive your organizations business transformation. Build credibility and confidence by highlighting your ability to design, recommend, and maintain the optimal AWS database solution for a use case.Abilities Validated by the CertificationUnderstand and differentiate the key features of AWS database servicesAnalyze needs and requirements to recommend and design appropriate database solutions using AWS servicesRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceAt least 5 years of experience with database technologiesAt least 2 years of hands-on experience working on AWSExperience and expertise working with on-premises and AWS-Cloud-based relational and nonrelational databases"
Price: 19.99

"Planeacin Financiera para Start-Ups en la Era Digital" |
"Si eres Emprendedor, tienes una idea de negocio o eres una Startup en esta Era Digital, y tienes dudas si ese proyecto es rentable o no, en este curso te brindaremos todas las herramientas conceptuales y tcnicas (Con herramientas descargables para tu uso y anlisis) para que puedas dar ese siguiente paso identificando precios rentables, todos los posibles costos y gastos que requieres, calculo de punto de equilibrio, necesidad de recursos internos y externos y la rentabilidad final de tu proyecto para que realices todos los cambios y mejoras necesarias para iniciar de la mejor manera y sostenible en el tiempo."
Price: 24.99

"30+ Career Soft Skills to Rapidly Save you Lost Time" |
"Have you been searching for more time in your day? Does one day run into the next? Looking to get promoted? Sharpening your professional management soft skills and redesigning your workplace may be the answer. Personal productivity management is essential for regaining control over lost hours and is especially important for attaining lifelong success. However, the key to maximizing your time requires effective management skills. Many people assume they know how to be productive, but spend little time perfecting the way they work. This course can save you thousands of hours by using this easy to follow step by step guide! These soft skills will allow you to build lifelong habits to become more efficient at time management and accomplishing tasks, which can translate into saving you thousands of dollars in lost time.This course is complete with quiz questions, fill in the blanks, written passages and more!! Strategies are tailored to fit your lifestyle by offering fully customizable scenarios and varied learning. Looking forward to saving you valuable time and money!"
Price: 199.99

"Anime Manga izmeyi renin" |
"Merhabalar. Anime ve manga izimini en kolay ve hzl ekilde renmeniz iin sizlere bu kursu tasarladk. Sizlerle birlikte yz izimini, karakter anatomisini, boyamay, lineart yapabilmeyi ve daha bir ok eyi reneceiz.Bunlar rneklerle pekitireceiz ve kursun sonunda birlikte tm rendiklerimizi birletirerek batan sona bir anime karakteri izeceiz. Kursun sonunda artk anime tarz izim yapabileceksiniz ve kendi kendinize bu yolda srekli ilerleme katetmeyi reneceksiniz. Unutmayn, yeteri kadar aba gsterirseniz hayatta her eyi baarabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"IBM 000-815 E-Business Solution Design Certify Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Because the solution designer should remain on the project after the project manager took over responsibility for implementing the solution?a) To provide a technical supervisionb) To oversee the project managerc) To provide details of the project pland) To ensure the technical personnel are performing in a satisfactory mannerQ) If a solution designer is asked by a person responsible for the project and the store for assistance, what the request is not the responsibility of the designer solution?a) Prepare the statement of workb) Assist to establish acceptance criteriac) Highlight the potential risk to the project introduced by design factorsd) Establish estimates of time and resources (people and technology) neededQ) What evidence would mark the end of a project of e-business success?a) Unit testb) Component Testingc) Entry testd) System integration testingQ) What is the final step that should be taken when implementing an e-business solution?a) Providing the requirements for proof of conceptb) Establish acceptance criteria and end points of the projectc) Justifying the business value of e-business solutionsd) Verify that the e-business solution meets the requirements of customersQ) In an analysis of cost savings, as an alternative design element it must be considered in the application of e-business knowledge management?a) Eliminating Storage Area Networks (SAN)b) Performing Storage Area Network (SAN)c) By eliminating extra capacity staging area for legacy datad) Implementation of parking area extra capacity for legacy data"
Price: 169.99

"Python 2 Course For Kids" |
"This Python course has everything you need to know to start coding in Python and not even that, by the end of the course you will know how to build complete programs and also build graphical user interfaces for your programs so you can impress your employer or your friends. I will guide you step by step starting from the basics and always assuming you don't have previous programming experience or a computer science degree. In fact, most people who learn Python come from a vast variety of careers.This course is designed to not only teach you Python, but to also give you a real feel of how to use Python in a real enviornment. You will get this real-world experience of using Python by gaining free access to a remote server where Python is already installed. You will write and run Python programs directly on that remote computer in an easy fashion by simply using your internet browser. This will also allow you to run Python programs 24/7 on that server and let the apps do interesting tasks while you sleep. That will make you understand the real power of Python in a real server environment and I will guide you through the entire process."
Price: 194.99

"The Python Certification Course" |
"Do you want to be able to create games, work with files, manipulate data, and much more?If you want to learn programming or are learning Python for the first time, then you've come to the right place!Python is a powerful, modern programming language that has the capabilities required for experienced programmers, while being easy enough for beginners to learn. Python is a well-developed, stable, and fun programming language that is suitable for complex and simple development projects. Programmers love Python because of how simple and easy it is to use."
Price: 189.99

"The Certified Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn how to be anonymous while hacking on the web. There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains."
Price: 194.99

"Python Hacking Course For Ethical Hackers" |
"Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, and use the programming skills you learn to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking."
Price: 184.99

"Anonymity Guide For Ethical Hackers" |
"Learning hacking is very difficult. Unlike programming or any other thing you have to work really hard to get to know something. Because there are closed communities, not especially friendly to people from ""outside"". A lot of people complained about it before they started the training. Almost everyone experienced rejection and almost everyone did not know how to make the first step. People just want to learn fast and good because of that we offer solid good information for beginners."
Price: 184.99

"Qi Gong for Longevity w Lee Holden (Health & Graceful Aging)" |
"1 hour 31 minutes.Qi Gong for Longevity. Follow-along workout options.Longevity has been a quest for humankind cross-culturally for centuries and no other culture has studied how to age gracefully more than the Ancient Chinese.Based on 4,500 years of practice and refinement, the ancient Chinese medical practice of Qi Gong can help practitioners ""Add not only years to your life, but life to your years."" It is a simple, effective way to reduce and even reverse the effects of aging in just a few minutes a day.In Qi Gong for Longevity, Master Teacher Lee Holden guides students through a simple Qi Gong routine anyone can use to age with grace. The routine uses gentle stretches, energetic activations, and easy-to-follow flowing movements.Learn: To keep your Qi (life-force energy) circulating to create a healthy body that resists aging. Key pressure points to prolong a youthful appearance and bring blood flow to the face to nourish collagen. Flowing movements to keep the body relaxed, the mind at peace, and the heart open. How to create consistent anti-aging results with safe, natural, and traditional techniques (the more you practice, the more you'll feel confident and a greater sense of self-esteem).Qigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute.Executive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben CoxDirector: Daniel Todd VillegasEditor: Daniel Todd VillegasVideography: Teresa ChuDVD Authoring/Streaming: Ocean SilverMusic: Dean EvensonPackage Design: Axie BreenPhotos: Daniel Todd Villegas 2020 Lee Holden Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website."
Price: 49.99

"Qi Gong: The Seated Workout with Lee Holden (YMAA /Sitting)" |
"Qi Gong: the Seated Workout. Follow-along workout options.Qi Gong is called the ""art of effortless power."" It has been practiced for over 4,000 years in China to activate healing energy in the body. As your ""Qi"" or life-force energy"" releases and flows freely through your body, you'll feel a natural sense of calm and peace.This routine activates your body's natural healing abilities, clears stress and tension, strengthens the lower legs, and uses slow, graceful flows to create deep relaxation all from a seated position.In the Qi Gong: The Seated Workout, Master Teacher Lee Holden guides you through an energizing seated Qi Gong routine. You can do this while lying in a hospital bed healing from surgery, seated in a wheelchair, or in any chair at work or home.Learn: How to awaken your Qi (life-force energy) using easy-to-follow, effortless movements you can do while seated or lying down. To release tension, tightness, and pent-up stress throughout your entire body, so you have more energy and heal faster.Easy exercises you can do while seated to help strengthen and stretch your body.Qigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute.Executive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben CoxDirector: Daniel Todd VillegasEditor: Daniel Todd VillegasVideography: Teresa ChuDVD Authoring/Streaming: Ocean SilverMusic: Dean EvensonPackage Design: Axie BreenPhotos: Daniel Todd Villegas 2020 Lee Holden Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website."
Price: 29.99

"Qi Gong for Better Balance with Lee Holden: Prevent Falls" |
"Qi Gong for Better Balance: Feel Centered and Prevent Falls. Follow-along workout options. Studies show that Qi Gong is one of the best forms of therapy to prevent falls. The practice uses slow, graceful movement, mindful exercise, and energy activations to help practitioners get rooted, secure, and connected.In Qi Gong for Better Balance, Master Teacher Lee Holden guides students through simple, practical, and easy-to-follow exercises to help prevent falls, strengthen the lower legs and feet, and improve balance.Holden provides several modifications for students at all fitness levels. Modifications include seated changes for those who can't stand. ""You start from where you are, and then build strength and energy from there,"" says Holden.Learn: Simple, low-impact exercises to strengthen the feet, lower legs, and improve balance to help prevent falls Easy-to-follow Qi Gong flows to help you ground your energy and relax your mind Effortless exercises to help improve balance and prevent fallsQigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute.Executive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben CoxDirector: Daniel Todd VillegasEditor: Daniel Todd VillegasVideography: Teresa ChuDVD Authoring/Streaming: Ocean SilverMusic: Dean EvensonPackage Design: Axie BreenPhotos: Daniel Todd Villegas 2020 Lee Holden Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website."
Price: 29.99

"Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning from scratch" |
"There are many AI & Machine Learning courses out there BUT most of them teach you how to develop AI applications in just three lines of code! You will NEVER want that if your objective is to get a solid background in AI from scratch.Therefore, this course by Long Nguyen (PhD. AI, France) is aimed at providing you comprehensive fundamentals in AI, from zero to hero! After completing this course, you will understand and be able to implement the most important methodologies in AI such as MACHINE LEARNING, Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, and Evolutionary Computation.Concretely, I will walk you step-by-step through the most fundamental AI algorithms and guide you in many coding assignments that focus on real-world problems such as: handwritten digits recognition, customer segmentation, house price prediction, customer churn prediction ...As having been working very hard and seriously for this project, I really look forward to seeing you in the lectures!"
Price: 119.99

"Easy-to-learn wedding dance for beginner level dancers" |
"Are you one of the couples that gets NERVOUS when you think about your wedding dance?Are you afraid to look SILLY or dont want to just sway side to side for 4 minutes straight?Do you feel like you have TWO LEFT FEET and dancing is NOT FOR YOU?We know how you feel and you are not alone. In fact, MOSTwedding couples feel the same way you do.GREAT NEWS You dont ever have to feel that way again!Remember, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Once you know what youre doing, youll never feel nervous or look silly ever again.Even if you have two left feet, we GUARANTEE that youll be able to learn your wedding dance!We want to share with you the system weve used throughout the years, teaching wedding couples who have never danced before.ITS SO SIMPLE:Pick a SongLearn your dance routinePractice until its familiar & comfortable(Optional) Perform your routine in front of a small group of friends to get used to dancing in front of people.Our program is designed to help you through every step of this system.So when your big day comes around, you feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT and youll impress all of your guests!This is WHAT you get:ELEGANT CHOREOGRAPHY with EASY to follow, step by step video instructionsUNLIMITED lifetime access to all videos24/7 email support to answer any and all questions.PERSONALIZED recommendations for picking your perfect wedding songYou are probably thinking right now I dont have any dance experience. Am I going to be able to learn?OR Is it even possible to learn to dance online?OR I have 2 left feet. Is it going to be as easy they say to learn the choreography?The answer is YES, YES, and YES!Weve built this program specifically for people with NO DANCE EXPERIENCE.In fact, not only can you learn to dance online, it will SAVE you time & hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars!And whether you have two left feet or two right feet, we are confident that YOU CAN LEARN this. Anyone can dance at the DanceU!Ultimately you WILL:Have NO STRESS planning your perfect wedding dance;Have a ROMANTIC routine that goes with any song;Build memories that youll CHERISH for the rest of your lives;Feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT on the dance floor;Save HUNDREDS of dollars on private dance lessons;Have more TIME to spend on other things to prepare for your wedding.But dont just take our word for it. Check out our videos."
Price: 24.99

"The Power of WOW" |
"What you Can Expect from this Course:Assessment of your Massage CareerBusiness vs. Practice MindsetPassive vs. Active Marketing - Why we do what we doSpending money to market, which, when and how muchThe Best Marketing Tool on the PlanetHow to make your massage sessions continuously lucrativeGet Re-bookings without being a pushy salespersonLearning the Power of WOW FormulaGetting your clients to ask the 'Golden Question'Summing it all up - effect on your massage business"
Price: 34.99

"Scrum Product Owner 2 practice test" |
"Scrum Product Owner 2 practice test course is design to help Product Owners, Scrum Master, and Agile leader to enrich their knowledge of Product Ownership and stance to help their organization growth. The question will stress your knowledge.It will may help you to pass the PSPO II certification exam.The explanation provided will help you also to understand why it is the right answer.Be more confident and pass on your first try the PSPO II exam on Scrum dot Org."
Price: 24.99

"Obtn certificado internacional: Coach en Tarot Universal." |
"Qu es una certificacin internacional como Coach en tarot Universal? Esta certificacin esta disponible solo en esta plataforma y esta incluida al tomar tu curso, ya que sers dado(a) de alta en la base de datos de Coach Certificados y podrs consultar desde cualquier parte del planeta, el certificado incluye un cdigo QR y un cdigo nico que certifica tu identidad como Coach. Programa de certificacin: Parte 1. Arcanos Mayores Unidad 1 - El Loco, El Mago, La Sacerdotisa y La Emperatriz.Unidad 2 - El Emperador, El Sumo Sacerdote, Los Enamorados y El Carro.Unidad 3 - La Justicia, El Ermitao, La Rueda de La Fortuna y La Fuerza.Unidad 4 - El Colgado, Arcano 13, La Templanza, El diablo y La Torre.Unidad 5 - La Estrella, La Luna, El Sol, El Juicio y El Mundo.Unidad 6 -Manual de tiradas del Tarot (formato PDF descargable).Parte 2. Arcanos MenoresUnidad 7 - Arcanos Menores - Oros Parte 1.Unidad 8 - Arcanos Menores - Oros Parte 2.Unidad 9 - Arcanos Menores - Bastos Parte 1.Unidad 10 - Arcanos Menores - Bastos Parte 2.Unidad 11 - Arcanos Menores - Copas Parte 1.Unidad 12 - Arcanos Menores - Copas Parte 2.Unidad 13 - Arcanos Menores - Espadas Parte 1.Unidad 14 - Arcanos Menores - Espadas Parte 2.Unidad 15 - Arcanos Menores - Mi Primera Tirada (Formato vdeo).Parte 3. Obtener mi certificado como Coach en Tarot UniversalUnidad 16 - Certificado como Coach en Tarot Universal. Qu obtendrs al finalizar este maravilloso curso? Sers dado de alta en la base de datos universal de Coach Certificados y tendrs tu QR de autenticidad.Certificado como Coach en tarot Teraputico Universal. Acceso al curso de por vida.Ebook Manual adicional del Tarotista.Soporte va WhatsApp para dudas del curso (aplica solo los primeros 3 meses despus de comprar tu curso).Acceso a nuevas tiradas de tarot (sers subidas a la plataforma sin costo adicional).Gracias!"
Price: 1020.00

"HTML/JavaScript/Css - Fundamentos Para Criao de Websites" |
"-Se voce sempre quis aprender HTML/CSS/ venha pra esse curso intermediario para iniciar sua carreira depois desse curso voc podera se aprofundar no assunto de uma forma melhor com dicas que darei durante o curso voce aprendera muitas coisas bacanas.Voc aprender durante o curso:-Aqui voce aprendera fundamentos e os principais usos de cada uma dessas ferramentas- Estilizar com CSS-Linguagem de programao JavaScript-Criar um site"
Price: 99.99

"Pocket Excel" |
"Aprenda a utilizar funes do Excel sem complicao.Consiga imprimir sua planilha de maneira rpida e bem estruturada.Insira cabealhos e rodaps nas impresses e se destaque com seus arquivos.Crie e gerencie senhas para arquivos e para planilhas, proteja seus dados.Entenda o que so extenses de arquivos, salve da maneira correta e defina assertivamente a aplicao."
Price: 39.99

"Making Your First Beat in Ableton Live 10" |
"This course is structured in a way to reduced your frustration of creating your first beat.you will be taken step by step to create your first beat.all the resources you need will be provided along withcourse .Download these samples and get started with your first beat. In this course, you'll build initial knowledge by learning how to create beats.you will learn step by step process which includes,1.TEMPO2.TIME SIGNATURE3.DRUMS4.CHORDS5.LAYERING6.MELODY7.BASS8.ARRANGEMENT9.MIXING10.MASTERING AND EXPORTI Will see you all in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Python for 3D Data Visualization using Matplotlib" |
"This course is ranges for a beginner to an expert data scientist that want to learn how to visualize the data in 3 dimensions space, with the popular data visualization library Matplotlib. There is absolutely no pre knowledge requirement for this course. The course starts from the basic 3d Line visualization and reaches to advanced concept such as 3d WireFrame"
Price: 29.99
