"Orthodontic treatment in the transverse and sagittal planes" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Transverse discrepancies and Treatment of sagittal discrepanciesHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Transverse discrepancies1. Development of crossbite1.1 Classification2. Posterior crossbite2.1 Etiology of posterior crossbites2.1.1Genetic factors2.1.2 HabitsMouth breathingFinger suckingInfantile deglutitionLingual interposition2.1.3 Interferences and occlusal factorsTraumaOther causes2.2 Types of posterior crossbitesFunctional crossbiteDentoalveolar crossbiteSkeletal crossbiteScissors bite2.3 Diagnosis for posterior crossbite2.4 Variables that can have influence in the correction of posterior crossbitesTeeth inclinationLateral functional displacement during mandible closureEstimation of the necessary expansionAge of the patientVertical changes2.5 Reasons and timing of treatment of posterior crossbites3 Disjunction3.1 Effects of disjunction3.2 Effects on the maxillary complex3.3 Effects on the alveolar process3.4 Dental effects3.5 Effects on the mandible3.6 Effects on the adjacent facial structures3.7 Disjunction indications and Counter indications4. Treatment for posterior crossbiteQuad HelixTranspalatal arch with an extension armInverted NiTi archOverlayCrossed elastics or ""Z"" elasticsHassHyraxSurgical disjunctionTreatment of sagittal discrepancies1. Development of a sagittal problem2. Diagnosis of sagittal discrepancies3. Class II malocclusion3.1 Clinical examination and functional assessment3.2 Morphologic characteristics3.3 Treatment planning3.3.1 Dentoalveolar Class II malocclusionsMaxillary distalization:Fixed distalizers open coil spring, elastic NiTi wires or Dr Richard Vlock's technique, sliding hooks, Pendulum appliance, Distal jetRemovable distalizers Cetlin plate, Veltri distalizer, Belussi DistalizerNon extraction headgear treatment3.3.2 Functional Class II with distally forced bite3.3.3 Skeletal Class II with maxillary prognathismExtraction treatmentManagement of the extraction spaceIndications and contraindicationsExtraction pattern in class II casesExtraction space closure biomechanics by:1. Elastics,2. Coils,3. Loops: The open ''I'' loop. The closed ''I'' loop. The closed helicoid ''I'' loop, Ricketts loop. Bull or Keyhole loop, The ""T"" loop, The segmented ""T"" loop, The utility retraction loop. The DKL (Double Key Loops).4. Retroligature3.3.4 Skeletal Class II with prognathism and anteinclination of maxilla3.3.5 . Skeletal Class II with retrognathic mandible4. Class III malocclusion4.1Treatment Problems4.2 Anterior crossbiteEtiologyClinical evaluationClassification - Dental anterior crossbite, Functional anterior crossbite, skeletal anterior crossbiteDifferential diagnosis between true and Pseudo Class III malocclusionTreatments for anterior crossbites1. Dentoalveolar Class IIIExtraction treatmentForward archBite blockLingually placed bracket2. Functional Class III malocclusion (with pseudo-forced bite or anterior displacement)3. Class III malocclusion with retruded maxillaFace mask treatmentOrthognathic surgery4. Class III malocclusion with mandibular prognathismOrthognathic surgery5. Class III malocclusion with a combination of maxillary retrognathism and mandibular prognathism"
Price: 199.99

"Adult Orthodontic Treatment. Minor tooth movement." |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Adult Orthodontics, Combined Orthodontic and Prosthetic treatment; Minor Tooth MovementHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Adult Orthodontics1 Potential Adult Orthodontic Patients2 Diagnosis: Chief Complaint and Problem List2.1 Problem list2.2 General health2.3 Clinical examinationExtraoral examinationExtraoral photographs Function of the masticatory systemIntraoral analysisOcclusal analysisCephalometric analysisFinal problem list2.4 Aetiology of malocclusion2.5 Age-related changes in the skeleton2.6 Age-related changes in the craniofacial skeleton2.7 Age-related changes in the local environment2.8 Consequences of deterioration of the dentition3. Interdisciplinary Versus Multidisciplinary Treatments 3.1Treatment sequenceEssential and optional treatment procedures3.2 Orthodontist related factors3.3 Patient-related factors4. Treatment of adult patients4.2 Sequencing the treatment into phases4.3 Anchorage4.4 Appliance selection and designRemovable applianceFixed applianceContinuous archwiresSegmented mechanicsLoopsPower armsCantilevers5. Anchorage5.1 Classification of anchorage5.2 Intramaxillary anchorage5.3 Soft tissue anchorage5.4 Free anchorage5.5 Intermaxillary anchorage5.6 Extraoral anchorage5.7 Skeletal anchorageTemporary anchorage devices6. Material-related Adverse Reactions in Orthodontics6.1 Nickel allergy6.2 Chromium allergy6.3 Elastics and latex products7. Patients with Periodontal Problems7.1 Indications for orthodontic treatment in periodontally involved patients7.2Treatment of patients with flared and extruded upper incisors7.3 Tissue reaction to intrusion of teeth with horizontal bone loss7.4 Treatment of patients with vertical bone defects7.5 Periodontal limits for orthodontic tooth movement7.6 Sequence of treatment in periodontally involved patients8. Systematic Approach to the Orthodontic Treatment of Periodontally Involved Anterior Teeth8.1 Etiology8.2Amount of keratinized gingiva8.3 Gingival recession and proclination of lower incisors8.4 Progressive spacing of incisors8.5 Management9 Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Orthodontics and Periodontics 29.1 Periodontal diagnosis9.2 Local factors predisposing to periodontal therapy9.3Timing of ortho-perio treatment9.4 Periodontal therapy9.5 Surgical therapyMucogingival and aesthetic surgerySupportive periodontal treatmentCombined Orthodontic and Prosthetic treatment1. Introduction2. Edentulousness and space management2.1 The mesiodistal dimensionUnilateral agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisorsBilateral agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisorsBonded prosthetic solutionImplant solution2.2 The vertical dimensionUprighting the dental axesOrthodontic extrusion in implant siteOrthodontic Forces Necessary for Tooth ExtrusionStabilization After Tooth ExtrusionContraindications and limitations of tooth extrusionOrthodontic Tooth Extrusion Technique3. Orthodontics, periodontal disease and prosthetic splintingMinor Tooth Movement1. Definition2. The tilted posterior tooth2.1 Etiology2.2 Clinical symptomsTilting of molarTilting of premolarSpace loss2.3 Prevention2.4 TreatmentRemovable applianceOpen coil springHelical uprighting springSingle T-Ioop applianceDouble T-Ioop applianceBox spring applianceUprighting molars using miniscrew anchorage2.5 Retention3. Orthodontic intrusion of teeth3.1 Intruding a single maxillary tooth with a removable device3.2 Maxillary molar intrusion with temporary anchorage devices"
Price: 199.99

"Surgery Procedures in Orthodontics. Cleft Lip and Palate." |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Cleft Lip and Palate; Minor Surgical Procedures.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Cleft Lip and Palate1. Definitions2. Prenatal development of lip and palate2.1 Development of the nose2.2 Development of the secondary palate3. Cleft Lip with/without Cleft Palate (CL and CLP)3.1 Anatomy and function in cleft situationsLipNoseUpper alveolusMandibleHard palateSoft palate3.2 Classification3.3 Etiology3.4 Dental development with clefts3.5 Development of the occlusion3.6 Prenatal diagnosis4. Treatment4.1 Presurgical Maxillary Orthopaedics4.2 Early Orthodontics (58 Years Old)4.3 Conventional Orthodontics (1115 Years Old)4.4 Late and Retreatment Adult OrthodonticsMinor Surgical Procedures1. Minor surgical procedures1.1 FrenectomyDiagnosisTreatment1.2 Gingival enlargement during orthodontic tooth movement1.3 Circumferential fiberotomy1.4 Supracrestal Fiberotomy1.5 Autotransplantation2. Orthognathic surgery2.1 Malocclusions indicated for surgery2.2 Esthetic and Psychosocial Considerations2.3 Contraindications to surgery2.4 Orthodontic camouflage versus surgery2.5 Diagnosis and treatment planningEvaluation of FaceSmile analysis2.6 Diagnostic Features of Common Dentofacial Deformity2.7 Surgical procedures2.7.1 Mandibular SurgeryThe sagittal split osteotomyVertical subsigmoid osteotomyGenioplastyAnterior subapical osteotomy2.7.2 Maxillary SurgeryThe LeFort I osteotomySegmental osteotomy2.7.3 Dentoalveolar SurgeryDistraction Osteogenesis2.7.4 Adjunctive Facial ProceduresChin Augmentation or ReductionRhinoplastyImplants for Facial Soft Tissue ContoursSubmental Procedures2.8 Timing of Surgery2.9 Presurgical objectivesIntra-arch objectivesAnteroposterior (sagittel) objectivesTransverse objectivesVertical objectives2.10 Objectives during surgery, fixation, and immediately postfixation2.11 Postsurgical and retention objectives2.12 Postsurgical Stability and Clinical Success2.13 Risks of orthognathic surgery"
Price: 199.99

"Orthodontic treatment planning for different malocclusions" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Orthodontic treatment planning for different malocclusions.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Summary of Treatment Planning for Different Malocclusions1.Management of Intra-Arch Problems Crowding Spacing Median Diastema/Midline Diastema Transposition Rotation2. Management of Transverse Malocclusions2.1 Types of Crossbites Anterior Crossbite Posterior Crossbite Facial Asymmetry3. Management of Vertical Malocclusions3.1 Deep Bite3.2 Open Bite3.3 Short Face/Low Angle Cases/Hypodivergent Face3.4 Long Face/Hyperdivergent Face/Features of High Angle Case4.Management of Sagittal Malocclusions4.1 Class II Division 1 Malocclusion4.2 Incisor EdgeCentroid Relationship/EdgeCentroid Relationship4.3 Class II Division 2 Malocclusion4.4 Class III Malocclusion4.5 Pseudo-Class III Malocclusion4.6 Bimaxillary Protrusion"
Price: 199.99

"Raising Champions" |
"Do you strive to raise healthy and mature children that are able to face the future with positivity and strength no matter the circumstances? Have you given up on the old-school ways of raising children that have no results? Are you struggling to get your child to do their homework and listen to you?Sign up for this course now and start your journey towards happiness, understanding and peace with your family members."
Price: 99.99

"20 Essential Coding Interview Questions in Java and Python" |
"If I summarize this course in one sentence?Learn data structure & algorithm (array, hashmap, string, linked list, binary tree, recursion) coding interview questions from scratch in Java or Python and prepare for your next job interviews at GAFA, Big N, etc.Please check preview videos to see if this course is really for youAre you one of the below?You want to get a job at Big 4 (GAFA) or Big N but don't know where to startYou feel stuck at current developer jobYou want to switch your job but don't know how to prepare for technical coding questionsYou want to practice data structure and algorithm coding questionsWho should take this courseyou are not satisfied with current job and want to grow as an engineeryou don't know how to go about learning and practicing coding interview questionsyou have coding experience in Java or Python for at least 3 monthsyou have never solved data structure coding questions in Array, HashMap, String, Linked List, Binary Tree, or Recursionyou want to learn ins and outs of coding questions from a senior software engineer working for an US company in SFyou want to practice and improve coding question skillsyou want to review fundamentals of computer science (coding, data structure, algorithms)you want to have deep understanding of abstract problems using diagrams, illustrations, pseudocode instead of memorizing solution codewho should NOT need to take this courseyou already know a lot of data structure coding questions for Array, HashMap, String, Linked List, Binary Tree, or Recursionyou have a lot of experience and confidence in technical interview questionsyou are not planning on switching a job or learning data structureyou have never done coding in Java or PythonIn this course, you will tackle 20 coding interview questions.With these 20 questions, you will learn:to apply the fundamentals of data structure concepts (Array, HashMap, String, Linked List, Binary Tree, or Recursion) into codehow to conceptualize and visualize abstract problemshow to write and come up with pseudocode algorithmscoding skills in Java and Pythonhow to debug and test codehow to analyze code for Big-O runtime and space complexity9 Reasons why you should take this course:1. Instructed by a Software Engineer working for US company in SFI have passed one of the most challenging technical coding interviews at Microsoft. With 6+ industry experience in both North America and Europe, I breakdown and explain questions using diagrams, illustrations, pseudocode, instead of just throwing you a solution code.2. Solution code in Java and PythonYou usually don't find a solution in multiple languages. Catered for Java backend developers and Python developers. Also beneficial if you know one of them but also want to learn the other.3. Questions are ordered by difficulty and solution pattern relevanceQuestions are organized and ordered from easy to difficult, and also those using similar solution approaches are grouped together, hence making it easier for you to associate seemingly different questions.4. Sharing my coding interview experiences at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Intel, Adobe, etcCoding interview is not just coding. I cover pre-work before coding such as conceptualizing & visualizing abstract problems, pseudocodecoding, testing, and Big-O analysis.5. Clear prerequisite skillsSyntax cheatsheets are available so beginner coders can gauge their skill sets.6. You learn two solution patterns in one questionNot only the optimal solutions but also brute-force anti-patterns are covered.7. Focused on pre-coding conceptualization processSpecial efforts have been paid for visualizing abstract concepts. I even explain looping through objects with diagrams so you know how variable values change, as if you do break-point debugging on IDE.8. You can have sneak-peek over senior software engineer's codingMy coding routine, how I define corder/edge cases, how I code/test and how I think while coding, everything is revealed.9. Big-O runtime and space complexity analysisYou will be asked to analyze your own algorithm and code you write. So I explain Big-O in each question.My background & Education & Career experienceHave interviewed at Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, Intel, Adobe, etcCloud DevOps Software Engineer with 6+ years experienceBachelor of Science in Computing Science from a Canadian universityKnows data structure, algorithms, design patterns wellKnows Java, C#, C++, Bash, Python, JavaScript, Terraform, IaCExpert in AWS (holds AWS DevOps Professional certification) and Kubernetes (holds Certified Kubernetes Administrator, CKA)I will see you inside!"
Price: 39.99

"German language course- Beginners A1" |
"The course is a good start to your German language learning journey. If you want to start learning the German language and don't know where to start, then you have come to the right course. You will learn the necessary grammar, phrases and vocabulary that you will need throughout your journey of learning the German language."
Price: 199.99

"1Z0-1084-20 : OCI Developer 2020 Associate : Practice Test" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate 1Z0-1084-20 Latest & Updated Premium Question Dumps for candidates to study and pass the exam in first attempt100% Pass rate with Money back guarantee Visit Oracle Learning portal to register and take the exam for free.Exam Information: Exam Title: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Exam Code :1Z0-1084-20 Format: Multiple Choice Duration: 85 Minutes Number of Questions: 55 Passing Score: 70%Exam Topics:Developing a high available, highly scalable & secure cloud native applicationDevelop high performing applications & APIDevelop a serverless applicationDevelop a secure applicationManage application persistenceDevelop application using OCI Developer tools, such as, APIs, SDKs and CLISecurityMake authenticated API calls to OCIUse Encryption in Application DeploymentUse IAM for Authentication and AuthorizationUse 3rd party tools for secret managementApplication Modernization on OCILift & Shift existing application on OCICraft new Microservices based on Microservices design pattern such as Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead Pattern, API Gateway etc.Deploying a cloud native applicationDeploy the code using existing CI/CD pipeline on OCIDeploy a serverless applicationManage & store the application code runtimesManage the deployment strategy such as blue/green, canary, rolling upgradeDeploy an application on Oracle Kubernetes EngineDeploy and manage autonomous database for application persistenceDeploy the base infrastructure using Resource ManagerLogging, Monitoring and AlertingDevelop applications such a way that uses the logging service & send metrics to telemetry serviceEnable logging for OCI services such as Events, Object Storage, Oracle FunctionEnable compute resources for monitoringMonitor the application metrics in Telemetry Dashboard"
Price: 29.99

antistress |
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Price: 1799.00

"Fabricando Dinheiro" |
"Fabricando Dinheiro um guia para Pequenos Empreendedores, um passo a passo, ou melhor dizendo, um Checklist para voc literalmente fabricar dinheiro para ontem. Neste mdulo voc aprender a montar 5 Negcios Totalmente do Zero:Venda de Refeies - Marmitas - Negcio 01Esttica a Domiclio - Manicure, Pedicure etc - Negcio 02Venda de Salgadinhos e Docinhos - Negcio 03Vendas Diversas no Semforo - Farol - Negcio 04Aulas Particulares, Reforo e Cursos - Negcio 05Todos eles de maneira muito simples e com baixo custo, para voc tirar do papel rapidamente e colocar em prtica o seu negcio o quanto antes.Sabemos o quanto o desemprego est alcanando boa parte da populao. Milhares de pessoas desempregadas que esto precisando de dinheiro para ontem, pois as contas esto vencendo, os boletos esto chegando e a pessoa no sabe o que fazer!Neste Curso vamos lhe orientando desde a criao do e-mail da sua empresa at as melhores estratgias de marketing para fidelizar os seus clientes e faturar demais! Acredite, vamos lhe ajudar a vencer este momento de dificuldade que voc est enfrentandoNos vemos no Curso!"
Price: 54.99

"Cmo realizar un Servicio de Higiene y Seguridad Laboral." |
"OBJETIVOS:En la actualidad, todas las empresas y organizaciones (cualquiera sea su tamao o actividad), necesitan controlar las condiciones de Higiene y Seguridad laborales en sus instalaciones, y deben emplear las medidas necesarias para cumplir con la legislacin vigente.Nuestro taller te garantiza que aprenders informacin vital que solo podras adquirir con aos de capacitacin y experiencia, pudiendo aplicar estos conocimientos en cualquier empresa sin importar su rubro, o si trabajas de manera dependiente o independiente.El curso tiene como objetivo brindar a los participantes los conocimientos principales referentes a las condiciones de Higiene y Seguridad Laboral que deben cumplirse en los lugares de trabajo segn lo establecido en las legislaciones vigentes, buscando que las actividades sean desarrolladas en un equilibrio fsico, mental y social. De esta manera se lograra minimizar o evitar la ocurrencia tanto de siniestros o accidentes como la generacin de enfermedades laborales.Con este curso, obtendrs los conocimientos y el material necesario para comenzar a trabajar como Prevencionista de Riesgos Laborales y realizar un servicio de Higiene y Seguridad Laboral (Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo) desde cero.El curso cuenta con un mdulo especial sobre Legislacin vigente en Amrica Latina, por lo cual, todos los conocimientos impartidos en el desarrollo del mismo, son aplicables para personas de Argentina, Colombia, Chile y Mxico. DESTINATARIOS:Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona con ganas de aprender sobre Higiene y Seguridad, hombres o mujeres, estudiantes y profesionales de la carrera Higiene y Seguridad (Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo), trabajadores novatos, trabajadores experimentados, supervisores o jefes de planta y cualquier responsable en Higiene y Seguridad Laboral (Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo).CURSADO:El curso se realiza mediante modalidad 100% online, con material de lectura, videos y evaluaciones por cada mdulo.Se entrega con el Curso, material descargable y editable, para que puedas utilizar y modificar y adaptar a tus necesidades, todas las planillas vistas en el transcurso de los mdulos."
Price: 19.99

"MTODO 5S: Orden, Limpieza y Mejora de Sitios de Trabajo" |
"Conocers y aplicars todos los conocimientos y herramientas para poder disear e implementar un programa de 5Ss al interior de cualquier empresa. Aportando de esta forma a procesos y actividades mas eficientes, seguras, claras y con un un enfoque hacia la mejora cada vez mas notorio. 17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Chinese pinyin phonetic alphabet with short sentences" |
"How to pronounce Chinese pinyin with examples and short sentences. There are corresponding English word to help you pronounce authentically. Also there are simple sentences to let you use the pronunciation right away!Pinyin Crash Course: Learn Chinese pinyin finals vowels and initials consonants with English corresponding pronunciation, Chinese word examples, and short sentences by applying the finals and initials instantly."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccion a la Industria Musical" |
"Con este curso conocers las diferentes posibilidades laborales que existen en el negocio de la musica, profundizando en conceptos, terminologa y mtodos de trabajo. Todo un abanico de posibilidades por descubrir y conquistar en esta industria tan apasionante.En este curso tocaremos temas como Historia de la industria, reglas bsicas, claves importantes de la estructura del negocio, derechos de autor, acuerdos musicales, managers, booking agents, actualidad de la industria, disqueras etc.Espero que encuentres en el curso una experiencia gratificante y que aclare algunas preguntas que puedas tener acerca de cmo funciona la industria de la msicaLas lecciones en video son el corazn del curso y cada leccin incluye un cuestionario para ayudarle a revisar algunos de los puntos importantes que vamos a cubrir cada leccin.Estoy muy contento de que te hayas registrado para este curso y esperamos que tengas una experiencia maravillosa al aprender mucho sobre el negocio de la msica."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft DP-200 and DP-201 Practice Tests" |
"Why getting MS Azure DP-200 and DP-201 Certifications?The technology market is experiencing a shortage of data engineering talent. Data Engineer was the fastest-growing job role in 2019 (growing by 50% in one year) and is set to be one of the most sought-after roles also in 2020 and 2021, as demand for data storing, data processing and data infrastructure management skills soars.Among all data engineering certifications, MS Azure DP-200 (Implementing an Azure Data Solution) and DP-201 (Designing an Azure Data Solution) Certifications are definitely worth pursuing and, once obtained, lead to the MS Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification. Microsoft has been a global data technology leader for several years, and has moved very aggressively into the cloud with MS Azure services. Today Microsoft has the second-highest market share among cloud providers, and Azures YOY revenue growth was reported to be 76% in February 2020.So, whether you plan to take Microsoft Azure DP-200 Certification and DP-201 Certification tests to change your career, seize the opportunity for a promotion or simply brush up and prove your expertise in an increasingly hot and in-demand IT area, the practice tests in this course will greatly help you succeed.What is this course about?The course consists of three complete, timed tests. That's 150 questions covering all the skills assessed during both DP-200 Certification and DP-201 Certification exams and presenting the same level of difficulty your will face in the real exams. Each test contains 50 questions, just like the real exams, and you'll be timed and graded on your results. The benefits of taking the practice tests are multi-fold and include the following:Self-assess your preparation at any time, tracking your progressesGet familiar with the type of questions you will find in both examsPractice and perfect your test-taking strategies, e.g. test timingIdentify knowledge gaps and strengths, to make your study work more efficientBuild exam-taking endurance and reduce anxietyThe practice tests cover the following Azure services, from both the Azure data solution implementation and design perspectives:Azure SQL DatabaseAzure Cosmos DatabaseAzure Data Lake StorageAzure Synapse AnalyticsAzure Blob StorageAzure Data FactoryAzure Stream AnalyticsAzure DatabricksAll three practice tests are formatted just like the real questions would be in Microsoft official exams, which each correct answer linking back to official Microsoft documentation for confirmation, so you can immediately locate relevant information, cementing your knowledge. However, please be aware that, although the skills assessed are the same, each practice test in this course will be a multiple-choice only, while the real exams will include other types of question as well. Finally, by purchasing this course, you will get unlimited access to all questions, with the possibility to take the practice tests as many times as you like.Where can I find more information on MS Azure DP-200 and DP-201 Certifications?All the information concerning both certifications can be found on Microsoft's official website, including:Microsoft data engineering learning paths (divided into modules)Certification skills outlineCandidates' profileAdditional exam preparation resourcesExam scheduling instructions"
Price: 29.99

"Olympia Speed Reading Program" |
"Learn how to master the skill of speed reading. The human mind is capable of many things, and you will learn how to train your mind to read words, thoughts, phrases, and ideas in the blink of an eye, and have a very high comprehension level. This course is fun, user friendly, and very effective. You will develop valuable skills you will have for the rest of your life"
Price: 49.99

"Security Operations, Processes & Strategies in Aviation" |
"Course Objectives:This course introduces and covers principles, methods & recommended practices relevant to the following topics: Aviation Security Operations Aviation/Airport Policing Airport Crime Private Security Officers in Aviation Security functions and roles of Airport and Airline employees.Course Outline: Aviation Policing- Strategies- Airport Policing- Passenger Types- General Aviation Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Security Management Systems Airport Crimes- Baggage Theft- Drug Smuggling- Human Trafficking- Tickets Fraud- Other crimes Professional Security Officers Red Teaming Emerging Issues- UAVs- Cyber Security"
Price: 49.99

"Quemar grasas en 4 minutos!" |
"El curso trata sobre un mtodo de entrenamiento en el que se trabaja a mxima intensidad durante 4 minutos, y que tiene como objetivo quemar grasas. En dicho curso se pueden distinguir diferentes bloques de trabajo segn la zona que se quiera trabajar, as como 4 rutinas para un entrenamiento global.Incluye adems, una explicacin sobre el funcionamiento de dicho ejercicio, y los beneficios que ste produce a nuestro organismo.Se trata de un mtodo estudiado, comprobado, aplicado a varios atletas de lite y que cada vez gana ms terreno en el mundo del Fitness, y que es muy efectivo debido a su corta duracin y a sus grandes resultados. Eso si, no subestimes los 4 minutos porque tendrs que dar lo mximo de ti.Si te interesa el contenido de este curso y quieres ponerte en forma y reducir tu ndice de grasa corporal, nos vemos en el curso!!"
Price: 149.99

"Blender 3D Architecture Designing Course Beginner to Pro" |
"Learn how to start using blender and use it for professional level 3D Architecture DesigningLearn How to do the following Download Install blender, customize the interface and start using the various tools and features in blenderStart modeling, texturing, lighting up a scene and render outputs in blender 2.8 seriesImport Cad Drawings into Blender using correct unitsCreate stunning models in Blender using the Cad drawing and give materials matching the requirementsLight up the scene in daylight and night lighting settings and render professional looking 3D Architectural render outputs that can impress your clients"
Price: 5120.00

[Unity3D]47 |
"UnityAndroidUnityUnityUnityYoutubeYoutube 4loops Official(1)NGUI-UIUI (2)EasySave2 - (3)AudioToolkit - (4)PoolManager-"
Price: 19.99

"Swift Tetris Game" |
". , , . . , , , , . . . . , , , , , , , . 10 , 1 10 . . ?"
Price: 110000.00

"SAP HANA App Associate {C_HANAIMP_16} Exam Questions 2020" |
"300+ Unique questions!!! No duplicates like other websites.Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Exam Questions similar to actual C_HANAIMP_16 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 (SPS04)C_HANAIMP_15 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 (SPS03).Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas:Describe the Architecture and Deployment Scenarios > 12%Build Calculation Views > 12 %Configure Modeling Functions > 12%Manage the Modeling Environment > 12%Work with SQL and SQL Script in Models 8-12%Optimize the Performance of Models 8-12 %Implement Text, Predictive and Hierarchy Functions 8-12%Implement Spatial Graph and Series Data Modeling 8-12%Secure Data Models <8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 (SPS04)Exam Code : C_HANAIMP_16Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 64%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePractice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 300+Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 64%"
Price: 19.99

"Voc j se pegou desejando ter a disciplina necessria para uma histria ou para um negcio de sucesso, para ter orgulho de si mesmo ? Esse o momento de encontrar o segredo para vencer essa grande luta na qual o maior adversrio voc mesmo.O treinamento Passo a Passo Como Sair das Dvidas tem como objetivo levar o indivduo a um mar profundo de reflexes e de tcnicas descomplicadas e objetivas que iro lev-lo a um passo a passo para sair das dvidas. chegada a hora de voc, somente voc eliminar as crenas e realizar seus sonhos, para isso voc precisa ter um mtodo para sair das dvidas de forma prtica e com o sentimento de resultado dirio. Por isso te convido a se permitir viver e aplicar diariamente o mtodo passo a passo para sair das dvidas."
Price: 39.99

"3 Passos Para Aumentar o Foco nos Estudos Com Auto-hipnose" |
"Criar um nvel elevado de foco e concentrao para os estudos em qualquer rea.Voc consegue se concentrar? Realmente focar e se concentrar em determinada tarefa? Ou se distrai facilmente com mensagens, como notificaes do celular ou outras coisas? Consegue deixar de lado a procrastinao de projetos que vem sonhando h algum tempo?E no importa realmente o quando voc tem conseguido se focar e concentrar em determinada tarefa, voc pode aumentar ainda mais estas suas habilidades com as tcnicas de auto-hipnose ensinadas neste curso.Hipnose tem tudo a ver com focar a mente em algo interno, deixando de lado tudo que tem a ver com o mundo exterior. um estado focado de ateno que pode ser aprendido e aprimorado com o tempo.Voc vai poder realizar qualquer tarefa em menor tempo e com muito mais facilidade utilizando e aprimorando as suas prprias habilidades de focar e concentrar. Voc vai se capaz de cumprir prazos em tarefas especficas, assimilar uma quantidade muito maior de informaes, aumentar a sua capacidade de memorizar dados e informaes, tudo isso de uma maneira mais natural.Voc vai ser capaz de dominar o seu poder mental de estudar, de comear projetos, de alcanar objetivos em qualquer rea.Vai desenvolver habilidades para manter a persistncia, o poder da inteno e sua determinao em continuar estudando e se aprimorando.Voc vai aprender a excluir elementos negativos e crenas limitantes de sua realidade e incluir motivao e foco naquilo que realmente deseja.Vai diminuir nveis de insegurana e medo que impedem as mudanas em direo a objetivos importantes.Vai eliminar pensamentos negativos em relao a si mesmo e vida.Vai poder aumentar a sua motivao para selecionar e assimilar informaes importantes e produzir mais.Vivemos todos hoje em um mundo de informaes vindas de todas as partes, principalmente das mdias sociais, e da interao instantnea com outras pessoas. Centenas de estmulos dirios para a mente que acabam impedindo o foco nos estudos e realizao de tarefas.Pesquisa mostram que as pessoas se concentram menos do que h alguns anos atrs, e quando a ateno dividida em multitarefas, as pessoas tambm aprendem e memorizam menor quantidade de informaes importantes, consequentemente produzindo menos. E a maneira como as pessoas vivem hoje sem conseguir o foco e concentrao necessrio em tarefas importantes as limitam, criam barreira para as oportunidades e sucesso.E algumas vezes quando realmente queremos aprender e assimilar alguma coisa profundamente, quando queremos ter um desempenho otimizado em alguma atividade, precisamos nos concentrar profundamente e por um perodo mais longo de tempo.E quando no conseguimos nos concentrar em determinas tarefas e objetivos na vida, ento apenas reagimos aos acontecimentos, somos levados pelas circunstncias da vida ao invs de tentar moldar o nosso destino.O foco e concentrao em preocupaes excessivas e contnuas na mente, as quais muitas das vezes no conseguimos ter controle, ocupam a mente e impedem o foco e concentrao em outras atividades e objetivos importantes.Preocupaes, medo e estados de ansiedade podem produzir um estado de exausto da mente chamado de depresso. Se usamos a mente para imaginar situaes futuras de fracasso, ou ficarmos presos em fracassos no passado, criamos um estado hipntico negativo desperdiando toda a energia que poderia estar sendo utilizada para alcanar objetivos."
Price: 54.99

"Personality in a Bottle - Wine Basics" |
"This course gives you the knowledge to finally be able to say, "" I have enough knowledge to buy the right wine for the right occasion, to serve any customer in any restaurant, to pair wines with any meal, to serve wines correctly and taste wines like a pro"". Ultimately, this all round wine course will drive your passion further into the world of wine, irrespective of how much or how little knowledge you had before. It is time now to learn more about this incredible....PERSONALITY IN A BOTTLE."
Price: 19.99

"Client Before Care: Eyelash Extensions" |
"A lot of new and existing lash artist do not realize that there is an initial first step clients should take prior to their first lash appointment with you. And as we all know, it is imperative for your lash client to start with clean healthy natural lashes. Although we, lash artist, thoroughly clean our clients lashes by giving a 'lash bath' before we start lashing, BUT the very first step is actually when your client do their part at home prior to their appointment. This step sets the tone for the longevity of your clients lash extensions and keeping the health of their natural lashes. It also builds trust with your new clients, showing them that you actually care. That trust leads to a long loyal relationship with your client which can bring in new client referrals. You should never under estimate the power of before and after care. Its not just about the final result of beautiful looking lash extensions. Every single step that is transpired during each and every client service, which includes emails and texts, makes a big make or break difference.Just know, that when you build your business on integrity and good morals by showing your new clients how professionally you run your business, even before they meet you, makes them feel even more confident in the decision that they chose you as their new lash artist.(This course includes a FREE downloadable 'Prep Instructions' sheet you can submit to your lash clients, found in Section 6)."
Price: 19.99

"Formation complte Catia V5 Dbutant" |
"Pendant cette formation CATIA V5, vous serez en mesure de concevoir des objets et des ensembles d'objets de formes simples et complexes par la modlisation solide. galement, vous allez crer des assemblages, d'analyser la structure hirarchique du modle, de pouvoir l'diter, d'attribuer des matriaux et crer des mises en plan afin de fabriquer votre cration. Vous allez aussi apprendre l'animation et pratiques des analyses du mouvement d'un mcanisme, vous permettant de modifier et de valider son bon fonctionnement."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction To Space Planning In Interiors" |
"All rooms are first and foremost functional spaces, in which we live, eat, entertain, sleep, read, dress, bathe etc. If the room does not meet its first critical criteria of functionality it really wont matter how beautiful it looks!So before you begin to consider how the room will look and feel, you need to plan the space.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Textiles and Fabrics for Interiors" |
"Textiles may seem like accessories or the last design elements to purchase but they're actually the opposite. They can serve as the inspiration for the space, providing a color palette upon which to build the room.Explore the history of textiles, their role, use and application. Also learn to work with repeating patterns, railroaded fabrics and textile suppliers.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Styling and Staging Interior Spaces" |
"Become a pro in styling interiors and staging your (and your clients) interior spaces. Once you know how, its easy! Learn how to artfully rearrange existing furnishings, surfaces, artwork and accessories to transform any room into a stylish, revitalized and inviting space that reflects personal style and taste.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Aprenda a usar Whatsapp Business" |
"Como eu sei que o empresrio tem pouca pouca disponibilidade de tempo, resolvi fazer esse curso que muito prtico, rpido e objetivo. uma ferramenta muito importante para os seus negcios e tornar a comunicao com o seu cliente, mais profissional e produtiva. Aqui voc aprender um pouco mais sobre o Whatsapp Business, como instal-lo e configura-lo para que ele fique da forma que o seu negcio precisa. No precisa esperar terminar o curso para colocar em prtica, voc pode assistir o curso e a cada parte do mdulo finalizado executar o aprendizado adquirido aqui."
Price: 39.99
