"O treinamento flyer para artista e show muito Completo, faz jus o nome. a formao de cursos mais completa que voc encontrar, so 6 aulas , todas no Photoshop, mais Bnus o curos que ensinar voc a criar flyer do zero para expor seus trabalhos para o mundo. Alm do disso o cursos ter sempre atualizao das aulas Conhea os cursoAdobe Photoshop CC 2017- AULA FELIPOAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - FLYER LIVEAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - AULA PAGODEAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - COLOCANDO FLYER NO FORMATO STORIESAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - APRENTAO NO MOCKUPAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - PROSPEO DE CLIENTESAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 - MATERIAL DAS AULAS PARA BAIXAR- So 6 aulas, desenvolvidas- de responsabilidade do aluno, possuir os softwar instalados em seu computador. A Udemy ou Isaas leite , no disponibilizam softwares para seus alunos."
Price: 39.99

"Cubo Mgico Iniciante Aprenda a montar o cubo por completo!" |
"Este curso para todos aqueles que tm muita vontade de evoluir como pessoa aprendendo o maior desafio matemtico do mundo o cubo mgico e assim aprimorando vrias habilidades mentais como: Raciocnio lgico, raciocnio espacial, memorizao, perseverana, auto estima, concentrao, tudo isso simplesmente atravs do montar o cubo por completo!Um curso muito divertido muito didtico e para todas as idades!"
Price: 39.99

"Herramientas para la educacin online 2020" |
"Este curso est orientado a docentes e instructores de todos los niveles que se han visto inmersos de forma violenta en este mundo digitalizado a causa del covid-19; El objetivo del curso es que puedan prepararse en el uso de herramientas bsicas y esenciales para poder continuar impartiendo sus clases de una forma prctica y sin complicaciones tanto para ellos como para sus estudiantes."
Price: 19.99

"Healthy posture: Release, stretch & strengthen your fascia" |
"Have you ever felt tired of too much tension within your body? Often, when too tensed, not even working out really helps release the muscles to rejuvenate. Maybe you've experienced chronic pain in your head, shoulders, lower back?These feel good exercises are designed to awaken the human connective tissue (also known as bodily fascia) to loosen up unnecessary tensions within the body and to integrate the discovered balanced body within your own life style.You can look at it as if you are driving your own car (alias your body) every single day and you expect it to work flawlessly. Sometimes, because of a mal adaption in posture or a habit, the body is not as 'oiled' any more and strikes: you feel pain. These exercises want to be like a good mechanic, that checks the whole body and makes sure, that all the different body parts are looked after, balanced. We therefore will focus not only at finding the painful cause, but we'll tackle the root of the cause and therefore induce lasting change and wellness.These exercises look at the body as a whole and do not only tackle one body part, because as we (more wholistic and experienced therapists) know: the pain of a body part is not always where the root of the problem lies. You will follow a simple but very effective 10 minute a day step to step program toward wellness.I invite you to join me now! Go ahead and click at the button that says: ADD TO CART. I look forward to supporting you.See you inside the course!Your movement therapist,Anastasia"
Price: 104.99

"Vena a crise com Inteligencia Emocional" |
"O curso destina-se a todos aqueles que entendem as transformaes que podem ocorrer na vida pessoal e profissional com o domnio da Inteligncia Emocional. Em um momento de crise, seja ela em casa ou no trabalho, saber conduzir as emoes para que o resultado seja acima do satisfatrio fundamental para alcanar seus objetivos."
Price: 114.99

"Equilibra las energas mediante la reflexologa (podal)" |
"Vas a aprender como equilibrar la energa del organismo mediante las zonas reflejas que tenemos en el pie.Te voy a dar a conocer todas las herramientas necesarias para poder aplicar la terapia en tus pacientes, mediante teora y prctica que te va a resultar fcil de aprender y de asimilar los conocimientos que te presento.Es un curso muy accesible para todos y no requiere estudios previos, solo buena predisposicin para aprender!.Con estos conocimientos podrs ayudar a aquellas personas que manifiestan dolencias, por ejemplo: dolores lumbares, artritis, artrosis, depresin, angustia, diabetes, entre muchas otras.Vas a tener acceso a documentos de material de estudio exclusivo adjunto a cada uno de los videos y temas tratados, para que puedas repasar la informacin y no perderte en el camino.Adems te voy a permitir conectarte a travs del correo electrnico para que nos mantengamos en contacto y as poder resolver todas tus dudas acompaandote en tu trayecto.Te deseo mucha suerte en tu trayecto, exitos!."
Price: 24.99

"GCP-Professional Cloud Architect Brain dumps-2020" |
"Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Difficulty LevelSummary: This course provides 100% real questions very much similar to real certification questions, as an inaugural offer till 30th June we are providing Qwiklabs credits worth of price of course purchase and free access to Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Study Guide by Dan Sullivan. Please message us to get access to complimentary offers we will enable access in 2-3 business days.Features: The exams will evaluate proficiency, while also teaching certification material. Question includes a detailed analysis and explanation, which is provided upon exam completion. The explanations include linked references to GCP documentation."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas de Negociao em Vendas com Persuaso - Venda Valor" |
"Aqui voc vai aprender como NEGOCIAR E FECHAR MUITO MAIS VENDAS de maneira mais FCIL e RPIDO, atravs do que h de mais moderno e eficiente na cincia do comportamento humano aplicada s vendas. Vai dominar as tcnicas de vendas e negociao mais eficientes e como criar uma conexo instantnea, como identificar rapidamente o perfil comportamental do seu cliente e tcnicas de Persuaso para realizar uma venda de forma mais fcil, eliminando as objees desde o incio. o curso mais avanado e completo de vendas disponvel. CHEGA DE PERDER VENDAS E DEIXAR DINHEIRO NA MESA."
Price: 294.99

"ST0-248 Symantec Foundation UNIX Technical Assessment Exam" |
"331 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-248 Symantec Foundation UNIX Technical Assessment ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-248 Symantec Foundation UNIX Technical Assessment ExamTotal Questions : 331Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (248 of 331)"
Price: 174.99

"156-215.13 Check Point Certified Security Administrator Exam" |
"324 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-215.13 Check Point Certified Security Administrator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-215.13 Check Point Certified Security Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 324Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (243 of 324)"
Price: 164.99

"156-215.70 Check Point Security Administrator Practice Exam" |
"404 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-215.70 Check Point Security Administrator Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-215.70 Check Point Security Administrator Practice ExamTotal Questions : 404Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :290 minsPassing Score : 75 (303 of 404)"
Price: 179.99

bezkonfliktnoe_obshenie |
"3- 1- . - , , ! , , , , . : : 1. """": , , , , - ? 2. "" "": - , , ?3. "" "": , , - ? : , , : , , , "
Price: 2299.00

"Google Analytics Certification Practice Questions for 2020" |
"ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE NOW TO STUDY 150+ REAL GOOGLE ANALYTICS CERTIFICATION EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!Google Analytics Certification: The Google Analytics certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of Analytics.The exam is for FREE.It can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or at the workplace. You need an internet connection and a computer.This course gives you the practice tests to help you ace the ""Google Analytics"" exam in the first attempt.Solve these practice Questions and get certified in 1 day.What do you get from this course?150+ practice questions for 'Google Analytics Beginner' as well as 'Advanced Google Analytics' Exam.Ace the 'Google Analytics for Beginners' as well as the 'Advanced Google Analytics' exam in the first attempt. 30 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked.Why take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We will update questions regularly, and you will get access to our future courses at a special price.These questions will help you score at least 90% on the main exam."
Price: 12800.00

"Curso de Eletrnica Bsica Para Iniciante" |
"Esse curso ideal para quem quer aprender eletrnica e tambm para quem j fez um curso aqui na plataforma mas ainda no esclareceu algumas dvidas. Eu j tenho experincia com o ensino de jovens e adultos. Apresento nas aulas uma abordagem clara e direta.Estudaremos sobre corrente, tenso, resistncia e potncia. Aprenda sobre os componentes eletrnicos, como usar e tambm como saber se os componentes esto bons ou com defeito. Aprenda neste curso a montar circuitos e consertar placas. Alm de muitos outros assuntos. No precisa saber nada de eletrnica! Basta querer, pois o contedo traz princpios fundamentais usando a linguagem do dia-a-dia e a cada vdeo vai avanando transformando voc em um profissional da eletrnica!"
Price: 69.99

"How To Make Money with a Podcast" |
"Having a podcast is fun, but it can also be profitable. In this course, I'll show you how to turn your passion for podcasting into a profitable business. We'll uncover the various strategies that are out there, and I'll show you exactly how I've turned my podcast into a six figure business. To help you on your way, I'll provide the exact same media kit and sponsorship agreement that I use for my show."
Price: 19.99

"Boost Productivity: Personal Mission, Vision, and Values" |
"In personal development and productivity: personal mission, vision, and values are equivalent to""Knowing your why""- Simon Sinek Start with Why""it is only when you understand your why (or your purpose) that youll be more capable of pursuing the things that give you fulfillment. It will serve as your point of reference for all your actions and decisions from this moment on, allowing you to measure your progress and know when you have met your goals""- DevelopingGoodHabitsA personal mission, vision, and values statement is essential to decision-making and goal-setting. It defines your purpose and sets priorities.There are courses that cover this topic from a motivational or spiritual perspective, but this course aims to teach from a business perspective with real examples, case studies, and walkthroughs.These statements create a tangible, yet flexible, roadmap to success in your home, work, and personal life. It's also an essential tool for clear communication. This is a concrete pathway to developing your first written personal mission, vision, and values statement and an introduction on how to use it throughout life."
Price: 34.99

"Social Media Mastery" |
"What you'll learn:As a business owner - set up your own social media accounts and generate leadsUnderstand how social media marketing works for your businessFind clients and increase online presenceStart a freelance business as a social media managerGet paid for your expertise Improve your brand identity and grow your brand's audience"
Price: 29.99

"Manager Excellence: The Tools the Best Companies Use" |
"In this short, value-packed, six-lesson program, new and experienced managers will learn tools, frameworks and tips they can use to lead their teams successfully. Save time, frustration and confusion, while boosting productivity both face-to-face and virtually, by implementing easy tried and tested management strategies. You will be able to implement the methods taught in this course right away, increasing engagement, motivation and productivity."
Price: 29.99

"How To Be Your Own Wizard Or Witch And Reclaim Your Magic" |
"Magic is real. If you connect to the magical realm of 'fantasy', I can help you remember that it is a real dimension of reality. If you connect to Faeries, Dragons, Unicorns, Sorcery, Wizardry and Witchcraft, then this course can bring this world into 'synergy' your life. This course is designed to help you connect to the dimension of magic and empower you to make your own personal relationship with your own inner Wizard or Witch, or however you choose to refer to yourself..Warlock, Sorcerer, Priestess etc.You will learn the art of Alchemy, or High Magic, which is to use the Secret Fire to transform the lead of your shadow into the gold of your illuminated self. This leads to completion of the Great Work which is the equivalent of Enlightenment your birthright.Learn to be your own Shaman, to Spirit Travel into navigating ancient maps of the multiple dimensions of reality. We cover the many keys of liminality to cross over the threshold into other realities. We were once a shamanic people. It is time to reclaim our shamanic roots, and become one with our inter-dimensional nature.The art of using your magical powers through focused intent and visualisation to manifest your dreams into reality. The only limit is your imagination. You deserve to have the life you really want. Magic makes all of this possible. I will give you the keys, some of these secrets, for example my revelation on how to open up to the possibility of instant manifestation, I am giving out for the first time, so you will not find this anywhere else. Please use this wisely, with great power comes great responsibility.Learn the ways that have been hidden from humanity for too long. It is our time now...It is time to reclaim your magical birthright... It is time for you to be your own Wizard or Witch!...Enroll Now!Cover Art by Rachel Da Silva: Instagram: peachmelt"
Price: 199.99

"Azure AZ-300/AZ-303 Architecture Technologies Practice Exams" |
"These practice test course contains 100+ practice questions. That's over 3 practice tests to practice for the real test and each answer has an explanation linked to Microsoft documentation.The practice test are designed just like the real questions would be.Microsoft's new AZ-300/AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies exam is most popular exam for getting a deep and thorough understanding of Azure. The test covers following topics :Deploy and Configure InfrastructureImplement Workloads and SecurityCreate and Deploy AppsImplement Authentication and Secure DataDevelop for the Cloud"
Price: 29.99

"Profits in Self Storage For Real Estate Investors" |
"There are around 50,000 self-storage businesses across the USA. Approximately 73% are owned by ""Mom and Pop"" operators.In this fast-paced real estate investing course, Fernando Angelucci, The Storage Stud, explains why the self-storage industry is one of the best opportunities for real estate investors when it comes to ROI, growth, cash flow, and fewer headaches.You'll discover:Highest ReturnRecession ResilienceGreat LeverageEasier ManagementFragmented MarketLow Break-EvenEasy EvictionsHigh Sticky FactorAncillary Profit CentersAnd much more!No matter what position you occupy in the real estate spectrum, at some point you need to know which asset classes to put your time and money into. Weighing up the pros and cons between them requires research, and many asset classes tend to fall beneath the radar. Self-storage is one of these, and Fernando Angelucci, The Storage Stud, gets into the many reasons why investors should be taking this asset class more seriously. Fernando is the founder and president of Titan Wealth Group, which operates nationwide sourcing off-market investment properties, particularly in the self-storage space.Forget about tenants. Forget about multifamily. Fernando is breaking down the numbers so you can see how managing storage units can help you earn the income you deserve. His strategy approaches mom and pop owners, but hes got his own system down to a science. Fernando is involved with both commercial and residential storage, and his techniques work for both sides of the market.Get started on a new lucrative path to real estate investing today!"
Price: 199.99

"IoT Internet of Things Bundle" |
"This is a complete bundle to get you started in IoTIoT Internet of Things Crash Course: Step by step is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take their Electronics and Microcontroller Projects to the next level, adding Wifi, Bluetooth connectivity and more processor power while maintaining battery lifeESP32 Email Alert Based on Sensors Reading: Send Emails using ESP32 and Arduino IDE coding easily and effectively and unleash the power of coding and ESP32 HardwareESP32 Web Server: Step by Step Course to create your very own standalone web server with ESP32 that controls output and display Data.ESP32 + Databases to Control Anything Anywhere: Step by Step Course to help you create your first internet-connected electronics projects using ESP32 wifi breakout boardIoT Internet of Things Crash Course: Step by step is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take their Electronics and Microcontroller Projects to the next level, adding Wifi, Bluetooth connectivity and more processor power while maintaining battery life <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to work on ESP32 Board by using C Language and the famous Arduino IDE development environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the ESP32 Board with your Computer and Control it in no time.ESP32 can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects, or IoT Home Automation related projects.Why Learn ESP32?If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want to control or monitor via internet, ESP32 with it's Robust Design, Ultra-Low Power Consumption, High Level of Integration and Hybrid Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Chip is the best fit to get started in Internet of Things World.We will explore:Digital Output: Blinking a LEDDigital Input: Reading a Touch SensorAnalog Input: Reading a variable voltage from a potentiometerAnalog Output: Controlling a LED brightnessAnalog Output: Controlling a Servo PositionReading Temperature/Humidity Data with a Digital sensorConnecting to the Internet and getting local timeReceiving data from a simple local web page, turning on/off a LEDTransmitting data to a simple local webPageAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative IoT Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING.------------------>>> ESP32 Email Alert Based on Sensors Reading: Send Emails using ESP32 and Arduino IDE coding easily and effectively and unleash the power of coding and ESP32 Hardware <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain ESP32 Email Alert Based on Sensors Reading by using Arduino IDE coding and Arduino Environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the ESP32 with your Computer and Control it using Arduino IDE to read sensor data and send emails accordingly.ESP32 can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects, or Home Automation related projects.Youll learn how to:Set up electronic circuitsSet up the Communication protocol on ESP32 Write basic applications for ESP32 in Arduino to control basics functionsAdvanced Control sensors and email automation using ESP32 How to Integrate ESP32 sensors and switches Why Learn ESP32?If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want Physical interaction with your computer system & to display the operations on PC ScreenESP32 is one of the cost-effective tools which you can create or purchase & starts programming to interact with physical elements with your logic & create results the way you want.And using Arduino IDE, you can fully control the ESP32Board and the various process parameters like Motor Speed, LED ON/OFF Feedback, Temperature Signal.At the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING.--------------------->>> ESP32 Web Server: Step by Step Course to create your very own standalone web server with ESP32 that controls output and display Data. <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to create a webserver by using Arduino IDE Programming Environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You could connect sensors to an Arduino and control everything using a simple webpage that you will create in this course. You could also control a webserver that is mobile responsive and can be accessed with any device that has a browser on the local network and trigger devices such as Motors, LEDs, Relays, and more.Why You Should Join this course?Because ESP32 Board gives you much data control, you can basically control anything you can imagine using ESP32 Webserver Youll learn how to:Create A Simple ESP32 Web Server In Arduino IDEESP32 Operating ModesStation (STA) ModeSoft Access Point (AP) ModeWiring Connecting Devices to ESP32Concept Behind Controlling Things From ESP32 Web ServerESP32 as HTTP Server using WiFi Access Point (AP) modeAccessing the Web Server in AP modeDetailed Code ExplanationESP32 as HTTP Server using WiFi Station (STA) modeAccessing the Web Server in STA modeAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING.---------------------------->>> ESP32 + Databases to Control Anything Anywhere: Step by Step Course to help you create your first internet-connected electronics projects using ESP32 wifi breakout board. <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to control stuff from all around the world by using Arduino IDE Programming Environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You could connect sensors to an Arduino and send the values to a database on the internet. Then you could enter a website that you will create in this course to see the values from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You are no longer stuck controlling your devices locally.You could also add boolean buttons on to your website and control stuff connected to the Arduino such as Motors, LEDs, Relays and moreWhy You Should Join this course?Because IoT and controlling devices via Internet are one of the top trending topics nowadays and ESP32 Board is one of the best boards that can help you achieve Internet control with tools that you already have.Youll learn how to:Create A Simple ESP32 HTTP Request In Arduino IDEGet a FREE Hosting server and domain nameCreate a PHP script to insert data into MySQLDisplay data on a web pageCreate MySQL database to store readingsGet Sensors ReadingAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99

"Kanban com o Trello - Pare de S Comear e Comece a Terminar" |
"Se voc daqueles que costuma comear muitos projetos, mas nem sempre consegue termin-los. Ou precisa gerenciar projetos complexos, sejam eles pessoais, ou com uma equipe e no sabe como fazer isso da melhor forma, utilizar o mtodo Kanban pode ser uma soluo!Kanban, um mtodo visual e simples de gerenciamento de projetos e fluxos de processos, que vai te auxiliar: No acompanhamento de todas as etapas das tarefas;Na priorizao das demandas mais importantes;No aumento da previsibilidade de prazos de entrega;Na melhoria da qualidade;Aumento da vazo;Diminuio do Lead Time;Gerenciamento de equipes;Tomadas de deciso;E muito mais...O Kanban nasceu, embasado na filosofia do Just in Time, e comeou a ser implantado na Toyota na dcada de 50 por iniciativa de Taiichi Ohno, que era proprietrio da mesma na dcada de 50. Tambm conhecido como ""mtodo de gesto visual"", ou ""carto visual"" o Kanban foi desenvolvido e implementado com o objetivo de tornar simples e rpida as atividades de programao, controle e abastecimento de estoque. Aps seu surgimento e sua implementao, o sistema kanban de produo passou a fazer parte de muitas indstrias japonesas que, necessitavam de um modelo de produo que lhes possibilitasse maior flexibilidade e agilidade produtiva, tendo em vista o cenrio em que estavam inseridas. Apesar de sua origem voltada para o setor de produo na Toyota Motors, o mtodo Kanban foi se adaptando e ganhou muitos adeptos por atuar como uma ferramenta de gesto de tarefas.O mtodo portanto, no est restrito apenas aos limites na indstria. E exatamente por ser um modelo de gesto de tarefas, que pode ser implementado em empresas de desenvolvimento de softwares, equipes de marketing, prestaes de servio e qualquer projeto que seja beneficiado por sua metodologia. Seja para projetos profissionais, como elaborao de aulas para professores, lanamento de uma campanha de marketing para um produto, organizao de um cronograma de consultas para mdicos, elaborao de processos para advogados. Nesse curso, aprendemos sobre a metodologia e como us-la na prtica com o auxlio do Trello, para gerenciarmos fluxos de processos da melhor forma possvel para parar de comear e comear a terminar."
Price: 39.99

"Creating Measures and Metrics using the ITIL 4 Framework" |
"Every organization uses metrics and measurements to determine where they are, and where they want to be.But, do you know how to create these metrics and properly measure them to drive actions across your organization?In this course, you will learn why we start with the overall organizational vision when developing our metrics, how to create proper objectives, measure those objectives using indicators, and picking the right metrics to measure what matters.You will learn about the five types of measures used to track progress. You will also learn about various measurement models, such as the Planning and Evaluation Model, the Balanced Scorecard, the Organizational Improvement Cascade, the Value Driver Framework, and the Service Profit Chain. Additionally, you will also learn about the five types of assessment models: the Gap Analysis, the SWOT Analysis, the Customer/User Satisfaction Assessment, the Benchmarking Assessment, and Maturity Assessments.So, if you have ever wondered how to better understand what success really looks like in your organization and how it is measured, this is the course for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Econometrics A beginners guide" |
"Introduction to econometrics. Econometrics is a subject that defines every economist. It is one of those key subjects which should be used to help make evidence based decisions based on data. One makes econometrics so wonderful is the ability to forecasts or predict the future. Imagine using statistics to know how the future may be. This methodology has helped governments around the world safeguard their economies. This course is giving students a beginners guide on what econometrics is and how it has been done to shape the world. There is tonnes of information on the internet on econometrics but what this course does is simplify this information so that any body can learn it within 30 minutes."
Price: 24.99

nacademyrobot |
"4 1. Arduino2. 3. 4. POP X2 Standard ( ) ( ) ( ) ( PrinceBot) 25 13"
Price: 5000.00

"Gesto Empresarial na Prtica: Jogo de Negcios" |
"FAA UM MINI MBA!!! Com nosso curso voc aprender sobre gesto de negcios colocando a mo na massa!Nosso ambiente online permite que voc tome decises empresariais em um mercado competitivo simulado, onde voc ver sobre estratgia, planejamento, finanas, operaes, marketing e muito mais! O jogo consiste em um ciclo de anlise de resultados e tomadas de deciso. com 2 rodadas e teste para que voc entenda o funcionamento do simulador e 10 rodadas reais. Vamos comear?"
Price: 129.99

"Coaching na prtica" |
"Esse curso, vai de forma direta , algumas ferramentas da metodologia de Coaching , que podem ser aplicadas para sua evoluo pessoal ou para ajudar pessoas e equipes sobre sua gesto. A metodologia ensina ir te ajudar a desenvolver metas e objetivos e alcana-los, de forma eficaz . Podemos aplicar estas ferramentas de forma a nos melhorarmos tambm para enfrentar desafios cotidianos."
Price: 399.99

"Mastering Microsoft Excel Beginners Boot Camp-Learn Fast!" |
"Learn Microsoft Excel from scratch. Less talk and lectures - MORE Hands on Labs. Master basics of Excel and apply your knowledge at your work or home projects. Reduce your manual efforts in analyzing data - work faster and shine at work with your practical Excel knowledge. Quick Tips and practical Labs."
Price: 19.99

"ASP NET CORE MVC 3 e 3.1 - Aprenda construindo sistemas" |
"O mercado de trabalho carece de profissionais qualificados para o desenvolvimento dos mais variados tipos de software. uma rea que sempre tem demanda a ser suprida e no h gente o suficiente para esses postos de trabalhos. Atualmente, o profissional de TI deixou de ser apenas um custo para as empresas e se tornou um cargo estratgico. Faa parte desse mercado e tenha uma carreira de sucesso.Este curso visa ensinar como o framework ASP NET Core MVC 3 funciona atravs da construo de um gerenciador de condomnios, desenvolvendo um bsico CRUD at funes e componentes mais complexos, tal como o ASP NET Identity e chamadas Ajax.Ser visto o funcionamento bsico do Entity Framework Core, o aluno aprender a configurar conexo com o banco de dados, mapear classes, estilizar pginas utilizando o framework Materialize CSS e muito mais !O mercado carece de profissionais com conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de aplicaes web. Saia na frente da concorrncia."
Price: 49.99

"C++ Interview Question Series" |
"Hey, There this course is for College Students attending their Interviews. This series is the compilation of the Question generally asked in the Interviews. before you go for your Interview you can take these practice tests. This would help you to test your skills in C++ programming.C++ is the generally asked programming language in the interviews for the freshers."
Price: 19.99
