"Python Programlama Kursu" |
"Kursu satn aldktan sonra bana udemy zerinden mesaj atarak whatsapp grubumuza dahil olmay unutma !! Bylece sorularn daha rahat biimde sorabilirsin ve eklenmesini istediin konular benimle paylaarak eitimi gelitirmeme yardmc olabilirsin.Buna ek olarak her gn sohbet ederek kendini gelitirebilir ve yazlm ortamna adm atabilirsin.Grubumuzda olan herkese cretsiz mentrlk yapyor olacam.Yeni eitimler geldike indirim kuponlarn whatsapp grubumuzdan paylayor olacam.----------------------------O--------------------------------Python yazlm dili son zamanlarda olduka popler hale geldi ve bu bir rastlant deil.Python'un salad kolaylklar ile birok ilemi rahat biimde gerekletirebiliyorsunuz.Ben bu eitimde Python dilini ve Nesne Ynelimli Programlama mantndan bahsettim.Nesne ynelimli programlama birok dilde kullacanz bir yaklam.Bu kurs sayesinde bambaka bir beceri kazanacaksnz.Bu eitimde Python dilinden ve Nesne Ynelimli Programlama konseptinden bahsedildi.Birok dilde (Java, C++, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, Smalltalk, Objective-C) kullanlan bir yaklam olduu iin olduka nem arz etmektedir.Bu yaklam srdrlebilir , yeniden kullanlabilir , gvenilir ve doal yazlm gelitirmeye olanak salar.Kaltm ve ok biimlilik konular ile snflar arasndaki ilikileri anlamak,objelerin davranlarn renmek ok verimli olacaktr."
Price: 199.99

"APQP - Planejamento Avanado da Qualidade do Produto" |
"Alguns dos benefcios esperados ao adotar essas diretrizes incluem:Uma reduo na complexidade do planejamento da qualidade do produto para o cliente e organizaes.Um meio para as organizaes comunicarem com facilidade os requisitos do planejamento da qualidade do produto aos fornecedores.O APQP contm diretrizes que do suporte aos requisitos descritos na IATF 16949 e aos requisitos aplicveis especficos do cliente."
Price: 99.99

"Bellydance Elementos: Giros y Doble Velo" |
"La tcnica de giros en danza oriental es un trabajo esencial tanto como para coreografas en general como para elementos; velos, alas, abanicos y ms. Es algo de conciencia corporal, pero sobre todo de paciencia y prctica, el llegar a dominarlo har que tu danza llegue completamente a otro nivel El calentamiento es primordial en cualquier disciplina fsica, el cuerpo debe estar siempre habilitado para su respuesta, el acondicionamiento fsico siempre deber ser tu prioridad si decides dedicarte a cualquier danza sin embargo la danza oriental explota complementariamente otros atributos, como la gracia y el disfrute, por lo que no est vetada a cuestiones de edad o contextura, si no como es, a una ejecutante integral. As que si cuentas con alguna lesin previa, o limitante fsico, es vlido buscar alternativas a los requerimientos de nivel o ir escuchando a tu cuerpo ya que aunque yo te de los secretos y tips, siempre el avance y alcances sern tuyos."
Price: 645.00

"Tai Chi Sword Form and Qigong with Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming -YMAA" |
"2 hoursLearn Tai Chi Sword step- by- step with Master Yang. Beautiful footage and incredible in-depth teaching, filmed recently in the redwood forest of Northern California.Tai chi chuan is a kind of moving meditation with ancient roots in Chinese martial arts. Beyond the bare-hand tai chi form awaits the elegant and highly effective tai chi sword, which has long been considered the highest achievement in tai chi training. The flowing and powerful tai chi sword form will strengthen your body, sharpen your mind, and raise your spirit.This Yang-style tai chi sword is taught step by step by Master Yang, Jwing-Ming, and shown with front and rear views. The exact technique and true purpose of each movement is taught with clarity and precision. Your development of Qi (energy) will increase, improving your health and immunity and sharpening your mind.You will learn:the complete 54-posture tai chi sword formtai chi sword qigongseldom-taught sword applications15 video lessons / 120 minutes / 2 hours 2 minutesThe ultimate or final goal of tai chi sword training is to gain a deep understanding of yourself in order to lead a more enlightened life. Dr. Yang, Jwing-MingFeatures YMAA President Nicholas Yang. Dr. Yang's tai chi can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao () and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu ().There are no references to sword in the Taijiquan Classics or Yang Ban-hous family documents, the two most important manuscripts in the Yang-style tradition. The Daoist priests and monks of Wudang mountain specialized in the art of swordsmanship, and this is considered the root of Tai Chi Sword. Daoism is a philosophy of peace and following the way of nature. In the violent early days of Chinese history, the Daoists came to rely on straight sword for self-defence. Eventually, sword was considered the Daoists weapon, as staff is considered to be the weapon of Shaolin (Buddhist) monks. The ancient Chinese internal martial arts date back to 550AD and focus on first developing the practitioner's internal Qi and then circulating abundant energy to enliven every movement, with the ultimate goal of leading the Qi beyond the tip of the sword.It is recommended that a practitioner have some experience with a Tai Chi barehand form before exploring the art of the sword, which is considered the highest achievement in Chinese martial arts. It is said ""100 days of barehand, 1,000 days of staff, 10,000 days of sword."""
Price: 69.99

"Learn English: Curso Intermedirio por Carolina Costa" |
"Aprenda ingls de verdade! Saber ingls deixou se ser um diferencial e agora passou a ser algo essencial. Requisitado em praticamente todas as profisses e especializaes. Pensando nisso, o curso foi criado para todos que desejam aprender Ingls com contedo e vdeos didticos, bem resumido mas contendo o importante para se comunicar.Dicas para facilitar o aprendizado;Contedo dinamizado;Contedo organizado;Vem ser um vencedor!"
Price: 84.99

"Digital Character Design Creations" |
"Tap into an imaginative new career in character designWere delighted to be able to offer our most comprehensive character design course. 100% online, our curriculum provides clear and straight - methods for creating your dream characters.Character design is a fun and flourishing skill and can forge a lifetime career. The ability to create a character and then bring it to life through personality and circumstances is in high demand in an age where strong content is vital for successful advertising and promotion. Aimed at beginners, our unique online course will teach you the principles and technical expertise necessary to tap into this high-income market.The courseDuring the three modules of this course, youll learn to create original and captivating characters through the process of drawing and design in the digital software called Procreate. Although you can easily translate what is taught over to the traditional method or with any other digital creative tool you have.What you'll learn:During this first module, youll learn the basics of character design including:Module 1 - Drawing Lines Shapes Structure Anatomy Features AnimalsHaving mastered the basics, this second module will show you how to refine your character using:Module 2 - Design Silhouette Reference points American style vs Anime style Colour EmbellishmentThis module features exercises to help you perfect your design.Our final module will show you how to make your character leap off the page and will cover:Module 3 - PortfolioTurn arounds Expression sheets Action sheets Character illustrations SummariesLearning outcomesOn completion of our course you will have: A clear understanding of the principles of character design Acquired the technical skills needed to create captivating characters Acquired visual communication skills Developed the ability to place your character in different settings and situationsWhat youll need:An up to date web browserAn up to date version of JavaStrong internet connectionWho is this course for?Anyone who has a keen interest in character design in 2-D. This is aimed at both beginners and intermediates.Students ready to learn and work hardStudents wanting to add a new skill to their digital art tool beltStudent looking to learn how to design charactersRequirementsSome basic drawing skillsAt some point, you will need to have access to some art software.A drawing tablet is very helpful at some point you need one.Paper and art pencilsThe duration of this course is: 5 hours and 26 minutes"
Price: 19.99

"Altium Designer" |
"Curso de Altium Designer para iniciantes e entusiastas desta ferramenta poderosa para criao de Placas de Circuito Impresso. O curso vai desde a criao dos arquivos de um projeto, at a gerao dos arquivos para a fabricao da placa, passando pela criao dos smbolos eletrnicos e desenho do componente para ser utilizado na Placa de Circuito Impresso.Os vdeos esto bem detalhados e explicados com tempo suficiente para o aluno acompanhar e seguir os passos de aprendizado."
Price: 19.99

"How I got 300+ podcast interviews: Strategy, Tools, Scripts" |
"Want to promote your book, product, or service by getting interviewed on podcasts? Join this course to learn the exact steps I used to book over 300 interviews in the last 3 years:Get the tools which save you hours of browsing for information;Learn the strategy that has been proven to maximize responses from podcast hosts;Copy exact scripts that my team and I have perfected over the years.Unlike traditional media, digital media does not have a shelf life. Once your interview is out, it stays visible to search engines and your potential customer with no expiration date! Even if you choose to start by approaching smaller podcasts, once an interview is out there, your exposure will grow with them.SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE TO GET NEW SOURCE OF CUSTOMERS FOR YOUR BUSINESS:You will position yourself as an expert in your industry;You will set yourself apart from the competitors, by elevating your expert status;You will convert podcast listeners into highly loyal followers and customers for your business;You will improve your SEO and fill the first page of Google search with links relevant to your brand;WHY PODCASTS ARE SO EFFECTIVE FOR ONLINE BUSINESS?Imagine someone is knocking on your door to sell their product. What will be your reaction? Now imagine that during dinner your friend recommends you the same product, how will you react now? According to a Nielsen study, PR is 90% more effective than advertising in influencing consumers. We are more likely to trust recommendations than companies, advertising themselves. When a popular podcast invites you to share your expertise, they are vouching for you and your business in front of their listeners. Borrowed credibility effect helps you to build expert status and raise the level of trust.HERE ARE THE FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW:Nearly One-Quarter of Americans Listen to Podcasts WeeklyPodcast Listeners Are Much More Likely to Earn $75,000+ per Year54% of Podcast Listeners Are More Likely to Consider Buying an Advertised Product* According to the Podcast consumer 2019 study.Enroll in this course now to start using the power of podcasts for your business!"
Price: 29.99

"Hustle for Beginners - Simple and Easy" |
"EASY to follow and FUN to learn, this course teaches you one of the most fun and easiest dances for couples - Hustle. This course is NOT for people that have ballroom dance experience. It is specifically designed for beginner dancers who are uncoordinated and have two left feet. =) We teach you everything that you'll need to jump start your dancing! We demonstrate every step for you, break each movement down, and give you tips and tricks to ensure your absolute SUCCESS.Once you finish this course you will have CONFIDENCE to get on the floor and dance!What you can expect:- Clear, simple breakdown of each step from multiple angles.- Techniques to better connect with your partner- Tips on how to hear the beat- Go at your own pace- Variety of steps to look and feel more confident on the dance floor- Forever access to your dance lessons"
Price: 19.99

"Cyber & Criminal Law In Digital World" |
"I have carefully designed this course to build the fundamentals of Cyber Law /IT Act 2000 in the context to digital world, Cyber Space, Interface Technology, concept of jurisdiction, legal issues in E-commerce, understanding of Cyber Crimes, Indian Penal Law, Indian law on obscenity and pornography, Penalties and offences under IPC, Investigation and adjudication issues, digital evidences. This course is required for all Law students and professionals working in the field of IT, HR, Bank, Software development, Media, Govt / NGO for enhancing their career opportunities as certification as well as understanding the Cyber Law.Lecture 1:-a. Cyber Crime and Digital world and Cyber Safetyb. Understand hacking in legal contextc. Cyber crime and digital safetyd. Understand security related crimesLecture 1-ConclusionLecture 2:-a. Cyber crimes and the IT Act, 2000Lecture 3:-a. Cyber Law and TerrorismLecture 4:-a. Cyber Crimes: Trending Challenges And EmergenceLecture 5:-b. Information Technology Act, 2000Lecture 6 :- Case Study Cyber LawThis Course Contains-Total-45 Lectures Slides with briefing of Current Case-Study"
Price: 1600.00

"Scrum Master 2 Exam Practice" |
"This course help The Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches. and Scrum Enthusiast to enrich their knowledge about The Scrum Framework.You need a good knowledge of the Scrum framework before you can take this course. The question set is not a straight forward and it will test your real understanding of the the Scrum framework.Also it will help the preparation for the PSM II exam, Kindly note that this set of question and explanation is very hard to pass if you do not have the basic knowledge of the Scrum Framework.It will may help you to pass the PSM II certification exam.The explanation provided will help you also to understand why it is the right answer.The question level simulate the PSM II real exam."
Price: 24.99

gxlgvovv |
Price: 2400.00

psychotherapist |
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Price: 24.99

"E Swayam's VIP Students English Speaking Course" |
"Introduction to E Swayam EnglishThe most powerful English speaking system based on Natural Language Learning Procedure (Kids learn their mother tongue with this procedures)The must have English speaking course for students to start speaking from Beginner level to Advance level speakingThis course is completely designed to help people who hate English grammar rules, boring English drills activityThis course is the best for those who want to speak English fluently & confidently by practicing the speaking skill.How does it work?From the very first lesson you will get in to the English speaking Environment you will be watching English movie scenes with funny & exciting and easy to remember dialogues. But you will not only watch and listen the dialogues but you will be taking part in those dialogues. You will be learning to express you feeling, ask and answer the question.You will be saying more than 2000 words in each lesson. In total during the course you would have said more than 1.2 lakh words.With this much practice you will start speaking English fluently with anyone in the world.What you get when you purchase the course you get more than forty hours of intensive English listening & speaking practice. You will easily learn most important 5000 thousand words & phrases which will help you in any situation.You will be master of spoken English grammar & that too without studying boring & confusing grammar rules, just like your mother tongue & remember we never think about grammar rules when we speak our mother tongueThis course will help students to learn to speak English Naturally like a child without studying boring & confusing grammar rules & booksImprove English listening Understanding & Speaking skills quickly easily & automatically. 12 VIP Lesson Sets opens the door to new & entertaining method of English speaking without studying boring & confusing grammar rules & books. Join Online English Learners Community Video Calls to Other VIP Members & Meet Amol..This course will help you become an advanced speaker of English you will learn how to speak English fluently!REQUIREMENTS FOR COURSEMobile,Laptop Or ComputerSpace Aprox 4 GBA Good Quality Of HeadphonesInternet To Download The ContentMost Important Patient, Courage & Self InspirationHow To Speak English Fluently ?This course will help students transform their intermediate English into advanced!A complete step by step video guide to transforming their intermediate listening and English speaking from intermediate to advanced !This course will help you become an advanced speaker of English you will learn how to speak English fluently!When English speakers speak quickly, they break the grammar rules !!!In this course you will learn step by step how to use and understand these little contractions when you learn English.You will learn all the secrets to be able to speak English fluently and understand like a native speaker!The course is very student focused and makes it easy to learn English. The videos all have practice exercises for you to train your English pronunciation and listening.What will you learn with this course?Your English listening skills will improve quickly easily & automatically.You will practice English speaking in structured exercisesYou will feel more confident to speak English and communicateYou will learn English intermediate grammar, including advanced conditionalsWho is the course for?Students who are beginner & intermediate students but want to take the next step with English speakingStudents who are preparing to visit or study in an English speaking countryStudents who are already living and working in an international environment and want to communicate in English fluentlyInstructorExpert English teacher Shri Amol Deshmukh has been teaching students from all over the world for 4 years in Language schools and online.He has helped people from all over the world achieve success with their English, helping people get better jobs with their English or adapt to living in a new country.Today he creates video materials for his online students who want to improve their English fluency.Who this course is for:Students who already have intermediate English who want to learn to understand and speak more like native speakers of EnglishAnyone wanting to learn English speaking for work or studyAnyone who wants to learn how to speak English fluently"
Price: 12800.00

"E-Commerce 101 -" |
":1- - - - - - 2- - B2C- B2B- C2C- B2A- C2A3- - Drop Shipping- Private Label- Online Arbitrage- Retail Arbitrage- Wholesale- Handmade4- 15 5-"
Price: 19.99

"Curso-Taller Ingresos ordinarios bajo NIIF PYMES 2015" |
"El Curso-Taller de Ingresos de Actividades Ordinarias tiene como objetivo general DESARROLLAR JUICIO FINANCIERO EN LOS PROFESIONALES SUSCRIPTORES MEDIANTE ANLISIS DE CASOS.Como parte de los objetivos especficos, el Curso-Taller cuenta con un programa de temas que le permitirn a usted:Desarrollar habilidades de juicio financiero frente al tema contable.Adquirir herramientas de anlisis financiero frente al tema contable.Al finalizar este Curso-Taller, usted contar con habilidades para medir el ingreso por venta de bienes o servicios de acuerdo con los lineamientos de Seccin 23. Como parte de esto, obtendr habilidades para medir el ingreso en venta de servicios de acuerdo con el grado de avance supeditado a la medicin fiable de costos pendientes por incurrir."
Price: 29.99

"Penetration Testing With Kali Linux & Empire PowerShell" |
"This tutorials contains 9 Labs which includes exploitation of vulnerabilities like SQL injection,WordPress Exploitation,SMB exploitation ,Linux Privilege Escalation,Exploitation of Windows 10 using empire Powershell. It includes utilization of a variety of industry standard penetration testing tools within the Kali Linux distro and Windows 10.It will enhance student's offensive mindset while performing vulnerability assessment and penetration Testing as well as their skills of Offensive Penetration Testing"
Price: 34.99

"Mastering Pre-Algebra" |
"This course is packed with every concept students may encounter in Pre-Algebra. This course will provide students with a jump start and success towards Algebra. Students will master Function Tables/Linear Functions, Exponents, Square root and Cube root, Scientific Notation, Slope, Systems of Equations (Substitution and Elimination), Linear Equations Graphing, Pythagorean Theorem, Triangle Sum Theorem, Matrix, Midpoint Formula, and Distance Formula. Students will experience the multi-facet exploration of Pre-Algebra in an easy manner. This course is Common Core based with worksheets provided on each topic, in addition to a lecture explaining each concept. This is a must take course!"
Price: 19.99

"Construction Contracts and Law (CB 514)" |
"This course provides ; A detailed insight into the construction contracts management, as well as the essential characteristics of Biding and its different phases.Principles and basics of construction contracting - Types of construction contracts - contracts documents - project delivery systems - introduction to building and construction law - Legal aspects associated with construction projects - claims."
Price: 29.99

"Time Management Skills" |
"1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13-"
Price: 24.99

"Asking for Referrals" |
"I'VE GOT GREAT NEWS ... FINDING CLIENTS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER!Are you growing your business through referral marketing?Most people who are running a business spend a high proportion of time finding new clients. Yet the most powerful endorsement of all - a trusted referral - is often not used to full advantage! Some business owners are afraid to ask, others assume it'll happen anyway and many often ask in ways that are random and ineffective.If you follow the methods shown in this course, you can start growing your referral business quickly and effectively, which means less time and money spent on prospecting to find new clients and more time focusing on the type of business and client profile you really want to work with.This sales course on referral marketing is also suitable for business owners who are already receiving referrals as it will help to support and focus existing success with smarter strategies.YOU DID A GREAT JOB - NOW HELP YOUR CLIENT BECOME YOUR ADVOCATE!"
Price: 49.99

"Aviation: How to Become An Air Hostess/Cabin Crew?" |
"Airline cabin crew are responsible for the comfort, safety and welfare of passengers travelling on aircrafts during short-haul and long-haul flights.The air cabin crew of a commercial airline share responsibility for the safety and comfort of its passengers. Duties include:greeting passengers as they board and exit the planeshowing passengers to their seats and providing special attention to certain passengers, such as the elderly or disabledserving meals and refreshmentschecking the condition and provision of emergency equipment and information for passengersdemonstrating emergency equipment and safety proceduresadministering first aiddealing with emergenciessupplying passengers with newspapers, magazines and in-flight entertainmentselling duty-free commercial goods and pursuing sales targetsproducing written flight reports after completing a journey.So if You want To Be a Part Of this Job & want To Make your Career In Air Hostess OR Cabin Crew So Join This CourseBest Of Luck"
Price: 1280.00

fluonavq |
". . . . . (OVO) . ."
Price: 19.99

"Cloud Computing For Beginners" |
"The Intro To Cloud Computing course is a general training course for cloud computing professionals. This course will introduce concepts and fundamentals required to start your journey as a Cloud Professional. The goal of this course is to introduce cloud computing methodology that can be used during cloud operations.Who This Course Is For:Solutions ArchitectsCloud EngineersDevOps EngineersCybersecurity AnalystsNetwork Security EngineersSystem AdministratorsProgrammers"
Price: 19.99

"SweetHome3D - Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"Sweet Home 3D uma aplicao gratuita para desenho de interiores. Nele possvel distribuir mveis em espaos residenciais e comerciais. Para quem passa horas planejando como ser a mudana de decorao de um determinado espao. o Sweet Home 3D permitir a qualquer pessoa soltar a imaginao e transformar-se num verdadeiro profissional do mundo mobilirio. Atualmente este tipo de aplicaes e utilizado por Profissionais da Are de design de interiores, mas tambm por engenheiros e arquitetos o Software muito comum em sites de empresas, para demostrao de projetos mobilirio e em espaos comerciais."
Price: 249.99

"Accounting Fundamentals for Employers and Employees" |
"Does financial information confuse you? Do financial statements and accountants send chills up your spine? Do you feel overwhelmed by accountancy? Do you find yourself clueless when presented with a set of financial statements? Do you feel frustrated about not being able to follow a finance related issue during a team meeting at work? Do you ever feel in the dark whenever a finance related topic is discussed with family or friends?Imagine yourself being able to connect all the dots of financial accountancy and understand the accounting aspect in setting up a business. Visualize yourself speaking the language of finance and finally being taken seriously by others in the business field. Picture a world where your financial vision has been so vastly improved that you can actually read and analyze financial statements and effectively contribute, during work meetings, by asking challenging questions surprising your colleagues!This course embraces the idea that accounting is the language of business so unless you hone your financial literacy skills you will not be able to spot current and future opportunities.Whether you are an entrepreneur, a small business owner or perhaps considering starting your own business, then this course is perfect for you. If you occupy a middle management post and need to understand what the organization you work with is trying to achieve then this is the appropriate course to follow. This course is also suitable if you are a prospective MBA student who needs to be introduced to accounting before taking on deeper accounting courses. Maybe you just want to get your feet wet in accounting and the business world!This course progresses in an entertaining, engaging and relatable manner. You will not be exposed to complex language or accounting jargon unless really necessary and most of the time metaphors and stories that stir your imagination are used to facilitate understanding and learning. Whilst numbers do have an important role, it is a supporting rather than a leading one. So, through pictures and drawings I will try to visually stimulate you to understand me better, learn and retain more.A particular study on learning retention concluded that we retain 11% of what we hear; 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear and 70% of what we do. So, I have included at the end of each section/module a Quiz Challenge that I urge you to take as it will further consolidate your understanding. Please, treat the Quiz Challenge as an integral part of the course.The learning experience this course offers is scaffolded so that you can build on concepts one at a time and lessons build up on the preceding ones.At the end of this course, you will amongst other things, be in a position to read, understand and analyze financial statements, be able to tell the difference between profit and cash and understand why a balance sheet actually balances. It is not my scope to teach you about trial balance, ledgers or debits and credits. I leave that to the accounting profession. My aim is to help you develop into a more financially intelligent person who is no longer scared of numbers. If you hate mathematics, please be aware that accounting only uses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and percentage and no complex arithmetic is involved.We will start off by defining accounting and looking at who the users are. We will proceed to define the accounting equation, which is the foundation stone of accounting. In the 3rd, 4th and 5th sections/modules we will be looking at the different forms of business that an individual can set up, at some of the most important accounting rules and at depreciation respectively. In sections/modules 6, 7 and 8 we will be looking at the financial statements before proceeding with the analysis of financial statements through accounting ratios in section 9.In conclusion, even though this course is mainly aimed at improving your financial intelligence in business thus contributing towards enhancing your career, I strongly suggest that you apply what you learn in your personal life too!"
Price: 99.99

"Maximum Performance through plant based nutrition" |
"Let 3 x Guinness world record holder Donald Spiderman Thomas, share with you his program of healthy aging and athletic nutrition. As the former celebrity chairperson for the American Heart Associations Hawaii chapter Jump rope for Heart campaign he has taught his nutrition program to over 60% of the Hawaii School system with an emphasis upon High School and college students.He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for lecturing on the topics ""The history of herbs in maintaining physical fitness"" as well as ""Vegetarian Athletic Nutrition"". These speeches were based upon his research in gerontology(healthy aging), sports nutrition and minority health disparities. As an independent publisher he used his books as the actual world record speeches. After each record he had enough energy left to give a jump rope (New Jump Swing) demonstration. He has currently revised and updated those books and will be teaching from his latest work titled New Jump Swing Healthy Aging and Athletic Nutrition program. Currently 66 years of age, Thomas's program is designed for students of all ages, business people as well as amateur and competitive athletes."
Price: 39.99

"Prctica Guiada para Incorporar jUnit 5" |
"Este curso es para quienes tienen su primera aproximacin con las actividades de testing automtico (tests unitarios y de integracin) usando jUnit 5 y para aquellos que quieran asentar su conocimiento sobre testing y conocer nuevas caractersticas de jUnit 5.Aprenders desde cero a testear con jUnit 5 con ejemplos de cdigo y de situaciones que surgen al desarrollar aplicaciones, siempre poniendo foco en las ventajas para cada caso. Tambin vers las principales caractersticas especficas que jUnit 5 te brinda para facilitarte el da a da.Se presentan ejemplos incrementales, en una diversidad amplia de escenarios.Podrs construir tus propios tests interpretando sus resultados y decidiendo con criterios que maximicen los beneficios en tu entorno particular.Si necesits enfrentarte a un trabajo nuevo y nunca antes hiciste tests, este curso te permitir integrarte con tu equipo rpidamente, como si hubieses conocido jUnit desde siempre.Es cada vez ms grande la demanda de conocer jUnit para los desarrolladores Java dado que toda empresa moderna utiliza entornos de testing e integracin continua."
Price: 19.99

"Energy Saving in Compressors" |
"Benefits of the courseWhy compressor consumes lot of energy in any plantTypes of compressors used in industry Applications of compressed airSelection of compressorPerformance evaluation of compressorEnergy conservation methods for compressorAnalyse quality and quantity of air requiredAvoiding inappropriate use of compressed airLeakage detection and trouble shootingReducing pressure dropRole of intercooler and aftercoolerUsing right controller for compressorPressure settingCompressed air storageMaintenance Capacity assessment of compressor Checklist for compressed air system"
Price: 109.99

"Energy Saving in Boilers" |
"Benefits of the courseDifferent types of Industrial boilers and their working Understanding of Steam generator through sketches and animations. Explanation of different systems of boilers Two methods of boiler efficiency evaluation namely direct and indirect method Calculation of different losses in boilerEffective blowdownShoot removalDeaerationWater treatment methodsEnergy saving measures applicable to all boilersChecklist"
Price: 149.99

"Efficient Lighting System" |
"Benefits of the courses areFundamentals of LightingBasic Terms in Lighting System and FeaturesLamp Types and their FeaturesRecommended Illuminance Levels for Various Tasks / Activities / LocationsLighting System AuditEnergy Saving methods in Lighting System like retrofitting, solar powered lighting, lighting controls, day lighting, task lighting, group relamping, efficient street lighting and many moreCheck List"
Price: 109.99
