"Insulation and Refectories" |
"Benefits of the course 1. How Insulation is beneficialHow Insulation works, what are benefits of Insulation. What is heat transfer mechanism of Insulation like role of conduction, convection and radiation in insulation?2. Types of InsulationThree methods of classification of Insulation. First is based on temperature, Second is based on composition of material and third is based on working method of insulation. Applications of Insulation like HVAC, Boiler, Furnace etc3. Fiber and cellular insulationDetails of Fibrous Insulation (Rock mineral, glass mineral and ceramic fiber), Details of Cellular Insulation (Cork, formed plastic and polystyrene) Details of Granular insulation (Silicate and vermiculite)4. Selection of insulation, Thickness of insulation and economic thickness of InsulationAbout expanded perlite insulation material, Selection of Insulation material, Calculation of Insulation thickness, Economic thickness of Insulation, heat loss calculation5. Selection of refractoriesApplication of Refractories, Types of Refractories, Properties of Refractories, About Alumina, Fireclay, Magnesite, Dolomite and ceramic fibers and selection of RefractoriesThis course is helpful to Engineers, Consultants and Architects."
Price: 99.99

"Temporomandibular Disorders and Sleep Apnea in Orthodontics" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders; Sleep Apnea.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders1. Incidence2. Patient Examination2.1 Chief complaint2.2 Medical history2.3 Dental history2.4 Clinical examinationGeneral inspection of the head and neckMasticatory and cervical muscle evaluationNeurovascular evaluationIntraoral evaluation3. Classification of TMD4. Joint disorders4.1 Congenital or developmental disorders4.2 Disk derangement disorders4.3 Temporomandibular joint dislocation5. Inflammatory conditions5.1 Synovitis5.2 Osteoarthritis6. Ankylosis7. Fracture8. Masticatory muscle disorders8.1 Myofascial pain8.2 Fibromyalgia,8.3 Myositis8.4 Myospasm8.5 Myofibrotic contracture8.6 Neoplasm8.7 Local myalgia unclassified9. Diagnosis9.1 Intracranial and vascular pain disorders9.2 Neurogenic pain9.3 Migraine headaches9.4 Tension-type headaches9.5 Extracranial pain disorders9.6 Mental health disorders10. Connection between malocclusion and TMD11. Costen syndrome12. Connection between orthodontic treatment and TMD13. Treatment13.1 Patient education13.2 Cognitive behavioral intervention13.3 Pharmacotherapy13.4 Physical medicine13.5 Orthopedic appliance therapy13.6 Occlusal therapy13.7 SurgerySleep Apnea1. Introduction2. Signs and symptoms3. Physical examination of the patient3.1 Adult apneic event3.2 Pediatric apneic event4. Effect of anatomy on respiration5. OSA in children5.1 Diagnosis5.2 Orthodontic managementTreatment involving the maxillaTreatment involving the mandible6. OSA in adults6.1 Diagnosis6.2 Cephalometrics6.3 Examination of the tongue, soft palate, and tonsils6.4 ManagementNon surgical treatment mandibular advancementOrthognathic surgery management7. Questionnaire and treatment planning for the OSA patient."
Price: 199.99

"Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Orthodontic treatment of impacted teethHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth1. Diagnosis of impacted teeth2. Localization of the Bony Crypts of the Maxillary Permanent Teeth2.1 Incisors2.2 Canines3. Intraosseous Eruptive Pathways4. Relationship of Malpositioned Tooth Buds to Anatomic Structures5. Orthodontic and radiographic assessment of impacted teeth5.1 Orthodontic AssessmentExaminationRadiographic assessmentPreventive Treatment of ImpactionsSupernumerary Teeth and Odontomas6. Impacted Maxillary Canines6.1 Diagnosis6.2 Assessment6.3 Interceptive treatmentExtraction of primary caninesExpansion of the anterior maxillaDistalization of the buccal segmentsExtraction of permanent teeth6.4 Criteria for Choosing Orthodontic and Surgical ProtocolSurgical Approaches to Impacted Teeth6.5 Stages of Orthodontic TreatmentOpening space in the dental archPreparing anchorage and the active unitPreoperative protocol for bonding the attachmentMoving the impacted tooth - Ballista springFinal detailing and retention7. Labially impacted maxillary canines7.1 Etiology7.2 Interceptive Treatment7.3 Surgical uncovering techniques7.4 Biomechanics7.5 Important considerations8. Palatally impacted canines8.1 Surgical uncovering techniquesSimple impactationsComplex impactationsAdult impactations9. Impacted mandibular canine9.1 Vertically Impacted Canines9.2 Horizontally impacted canines10. Impacted maxillary central incisors10.1 Etiology10.2 Surgical uncovering techniques10.3 Postoperative orthodontics11. Impacted premolars11.1 Surgical uncovering techniques11.2 Postoperative orthodontics12. Impacted mandibular molars12.1 First molars12.2 Second Molars"
Price: 199.99

"Mini Implants in Orthodontics" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Orthodontic Mini implantsHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic Mini implants1. Skeletal anchorage1.1 Basic components of the screw1.2 Biological aspects of implantation1.3 Stability of orthodontic mini-implants1.4 Specifications of mini implants1.5 Orthodontic loading1.6 Insertion sitesBuccal alveolusPosterior palatal alveolusMidpalatal sutureAnterior nasal spine and anterior alveolusAnterior rugaeInfrazygomatic crestMaxillary tuberosityBuccal alveolusEdentulous areaRetromolar areaAnterior and lingual alveolus1.7 Surgical proceduresSelf-drillingPredriling type2. Anterior-posterior treatment2.1 Anterior retractionTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesPosterior mini-implant clinical steps2.2 Posterior distalizationTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for mandibular distalizationClinical steps for palatal alveolar distalizationClinical steps for a mid-palatal distalizer2.3 Molar protractionTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for molar protraction using alveolar site anchorageClinical steps for mid-palate (indirect) anchorage3. Vertical control3.1 Anterior intrusionTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for Anterior intrusion3.2 Anterior extrusionTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principles3.3 Posterior molar intrusionTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsStrategies for intrusion of the maxillary dentitionStrategies for intrusion of the mandibular dentitionBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for maxillary molar intrusion4. Maxillary transverse expansion4.1 Bone anchored Rapid palatal expansion4.2 Surgically Assisted RPE (SARPE) with Bone-Anchored Expander5. Asymmetric transverse controlTreatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for centreline correction6. Unilateral intrusion (vertical asymmetry correction)Treatment planning, biomechanics, and mechanicsTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for unilateral intrusion7. Transverse correction of ectopic teethTreatment optionsBiomechanical principlesClinical steps for ectopic tooth alignment"
Price: 199.99

"Lingual Orthodontics. Construction of Appliance & Treatment" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Lingual OrthodonticsHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Lingual Orthodontics1. Historical Perspective1.1 Difficulties during the development2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Lingual Therapy2.1 Intrusion of anterior teeth.2.2 Maxillary arch expansion.2.3 Combining mandibular repositioning therapy with orthodontic movements.2.4 Distalization of maxillary molars3. Bracket positioning3.1 Laboratory Procedures3.2 Indirect Bonding procedure4. Methods of Ligation5. Archwire sequence6. Instruments used in lingual orthodontics7. Anchorage Control7.1 Anchorage control in the Upper ArchMaximum anchorageModerate anchorageMinimum anchorage7.2 Anchorage in the Lower ArchMaximum anchorageModerate anchorageMinimum anchorage8. Use of Quad Helix in Lingual Orthodontics9. Partial Canine Retraction10. Use of Coil Springs11. Use of Elastics12. Interproximal Enamel Reduction in Lingual Orthodontics13. Correction of deep bite14. Correction of open bite15. Distalization Treatment16. Space closing loops17. Finishing the case18. Lingual Orthodontics in Pediatric Patients"
Price: 199.99

"Orthodontics of Dilacerated, Ankylosed and Transposed Teeth" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Treatment of dilacerated teeth, Ankylosed teeth, Dental transposition. Treatment of patients with asymmetry.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Treatment of dilacerated teeth, Ankylosed teeth, Dental transposition1. Dilacerated teeth1.1 Definition1.2 Ethiology1.3 Epidemiology1.4 Clinical features of dilacerations1.5 Radiologic features of dilacerations1.6 Prognosis1.7 Treatment2. Ankylosed teeth2.1 Definition2.2 Ethiology2.3 Diagnosis2.4 TreatmentAnkylosed deciduous molarsAnkylosed permanent molars3. Tooth transposition3.1 Prevalence3.2 Etiology3.3 Classification3.4 TreatmentTreatment of patients with asymmetry1. Introduction2. Classification of asymmetry3. Etiology and diagnosis3.1 Skeletal asymmetry3.2 Dental asymmetry4. Treatment4.1 Correction of Unilateral Molar Rotation4.2 Treatment of the Class II Subdivision MalocclusionUnilateral class II elastics wearUnilateral tip-back bends incorporated in 2 4 appliancesJasper jumper applianceAsymmetric headgearUnilateral Tip-Back Mechanics4.3 Treatment of diverging occlusal planesCanted anterior occlusal planeCanted posterior occlusal plane4.4 Unilateral dental crossbite4.5 Asymmetric dental arch form"
Price: 199.99

"Clear Aligner Orthodontic Treatment" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Clear Aligner TreatmentHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Clear Aligner Treatment1. Introduction2. History of clear aligners3. Tooth movement biomechanics4. Biomechanics with aligners5. AttachmentsBonding of attachmentsEllipsoidal attachmentsVertical rectangular attachmentsHorizontal rectangular attachmentsBeveled rectangular attachmentsOptimized Attachments6. Advantages of aligner treatment7. Disadvantages of the aligner Treatment8. Steps in aligner treatment8.1 Taking the impression8.2 Photographs8.3 Radiographs8.4 Treatment optionsFull treatment33 treatmentExpress treatment8.5 Resolving of crowdingTeeth proclinationArch expansionExtractionIPR9. Treatment of open bite10. Treatment of deep bite11. Space Closure12. Treatment of cross bite13. Class II Correction14. Class III correction"
Price: 199.99

"SelfLigation in Orthodontic treatment" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Self-ligation in orthodonticsHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Self-ligation in orthodontics1. Evolution of Ligation and Appliances1.1 Begg pins1.2 Self ligationEdgelok bracketsSPEED bracketsMobil-Lock bracketsActiva bracketsTime2 bracketDamon SL bracketsDamon 2 bracketsDamon 3 and Damon 3 MX bracketsSystem R bracketsQuick bracketsSmartClip bracket2. The self ligating bracket2.1 Bracket body2.2 Slot2.3 Auxiliary Slots3. Active and passive systems4. Properties of an Ideal Ligation System5. Friction and self ligation6. Torque expression of self-ligating brackets6.1 Torque expression6.2 Torque loss7. Treatment with self ligating brackets7.1 Archwire Sequence7.2 Auxiliaries7.3 Ligation of Archwires7.4 Reduction of Overall Treatment Time7.5 Retention7.6 Longer Intervals between Adjustments8. Cost and Treatment Efficiency"
Price: 199.99

"How to get stronger and overcome training plateaus" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will take you through the steps to optimize your strength gains to the next level. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily. For example:Is it possible to build muscle, gain size whilst getting leaner all at the same time? Whats the best way to train and eat to maximise muscle growth? What if Im not looking to get bigger, just much stronger? Often, it takes one to hit a training plateau or unfortunately get injured before they really start to seek the serious answers. If you, like many others, want to identify the factors that go into optimizing your hypertrophy or strength training to see optimal results, then these lectures will provide the information for just that.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 49.99

"Science-based hypertrophy & muscle growth optimization" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will take you through the steps to optimize your muscle growth to the next level. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily. For example:Is it possible to build muscle, gain size whilst getting leaner all at the same time? Whats the best way to train and eat to maximise muscle growth? What if Im not looking to get bigger, just much stronger? Often, it takes one to hit a training plateau or unfortunately get injured before they really start to seek the serious answers. If you, like many others, want to identify the factors that go into optimizing your hypertrophy or strength training to see optimal results, then these lectures will provide the information for just that.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 49.99

"FAT LOSS: What you need to know" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will take you through the Fat Loss Factors that you might not know. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily:What does it take to lose fat and transform a physique? From trendy diets to weight loss pills and detox teas, to magazine training regimes and fancy ab gizmos, Im sure weve all tried something and are now a little wiser to what works and what doesnt. So lets cut through the confusion and bullshit. One method that could work for one person, is just as likely to be anothers downfall.So, if youve hit a plateau, are unsure where to begin, or just want more science-based information behind your diet and training, then these lectures will give you the necessary tools and will teach you how to use them effectively to achieve your goals.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 59.99

"#Bodygoals Physique Transformation" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will take you through Everything you need to know to transform your physique. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily:What does it take to lose fat and transform a physique? From trendy diets to weight loss pills and detox teas, to magazine training regimes and fancy ab gizmos, Im sure weve all tried something and are now a little wiser to what works and what doesnt. So lets cut through the confusion and bullshit. One method that could work for one person, is just as likely to be anothers downfall.So, if youve hit a plateau, are unsure where to begin, or just want more science-based information behind your diet and training, then these lectures will give you the necessary tools and will teach you how to use them effectively to achieve your goals.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 59.99

"How to optimize your Athletic Performance to the next level!" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will take you through How you can optimize your Athletic Performance to the next level. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily:What is the difference between an elite athlete and the weekend warrior? How many times have we seen those with potentially superior skills miss the mark because they gassed out or were overwhelmed by an opponents strength?Often times athletes focus a majority of their efforts in training their technique but fall short due to insufficient or ineffective focus on strength and conditioning.These lectures will give you the information and tools necessary to optimize your training and nutrition for sports so that you can fully implement your technique, get the results you deserve, and emerge your winning best!Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 49.99

"Busting common nutrition myths" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will be Busting common nutrition myths. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily:Trendy fad diets and supplements are growing in popularity in the pursuit of losing weight, looking leaner, gaining muscle, or performing better. Weve all heard about Keto, fat-burners, and countless types of pre- and post-workout supplements. Yet, with the vastness of information, you would be fortunate to stumble upon what actually works for you health-wise and physique wise.These lectures will cut through the noise and delve deeper into the science behind the factors that need to be considered in order to optimize nutrition. From gut health to digestion and nutrient assimilation, to optimal supplementation this series will give you the holistic understanding of nutrition necessary to achieve your goals.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn more about diets and supplementation" |
"Hi, I'm Benjamin Siong, the Founder of Australian Strength Performance (ASP) - Australia's premier Fitness brand focused on body composition, athletic performance, and optimal nutrition.In this course, I will be taking you through diets and supplementation. You will learn the fundamentals and get answers to questions that are frequently asked, yet never answered fully or satisfactorily:Trendy fad diets and supplements are growing in popularity in the pursuit of losing weight, looking leaner, gaining muscle, or performing better. Weve all heard about Keto, fat-burners, and countless types of pre- and post-workout supplements. Yet, with the vastness of information, you would be fortunate to stumble upon what actually works for you health-wise and physique wise.These lectures will cut through the noise and delve deeper into the science behind the factors that need to be considered in order to optimize nutrition. From gut health to digestion and nutrient assimilation, to optimal supplementation this series will give you the holistic understanding of nutrition necessary to achieve your goals.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, and start learning today!"
Price: 49.99

"ngilizce Online Eitim - Number One English ile mr Boyu.." |
"ngilizce renmede kesin sonu.ngilizcesini ilerletmek ve sfrdan balamak isteyenler iin adm adm ngilizce.Trke destekli... 40 Trk ve ngiliz Uzmanlar tarafndan hazrlanm Trke ve ngilizce arasndaki iletiim kurallarn en iyi anlatan sistem.Trke ve ngilizce arasndaki mantk farkn en iyi aklayan anlatm yaps.MR BOYU DERSLERMZ TAKP EDECEK VE CRETSZ DESTEK ALABLECEKSNZ..SZE NGLZCEY RETME VE KONUTURMA KONUSUNDA DDALIYIZ.Hem Udemy'deki dersleri mr boyu izleyebilecek, hem de Number One English eitim platformumuza whatsapp - facebook - twitter - email - telefon gibi iletiim aralaryla iletiim kurarak takldnz her konuda cretsiz eitim destei alabileceksiniz.Genel ngilizce ngilizler tarafndan binlerce resimli ve renklendirilmi olanlar ngilizce / Trke diyaloglar. Sesli gramer anlatml Pratik konuma teknikleri Tablolarla ngilizce Dinle tekrarla Resimli sesli szlk Okuma paralar Trkeden ngilizceye - ngilizceden Trkeye eviri teknikleri Annda zp sonucunu grebilecein binlerce altrma. ngilizceyi pekitirmeniz ve akc konuma yetenei kazanmanz iin bilinalt alglama teknii.Bilinalt Sesli Kodlama Sistemi:Ses dalgalar ile (beyin dalgalar) bilinalt alglama - bilinalt alglamaBLNALTI ALGILAMA SSTEMYLE; 45 gn gibi bir sre kalc bir altyapya sahip olacak, 45 gn gibi bir sre de akc konuma becerisini gelitireceksin."
Price: 49.99

"ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Awareness" |
"Testing and calibration laboratories play important role is assuring quality of any product / service. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 provides guidelines for competence of laboratory. Once your laboratory complies with the requirements, it can be accredited by third party accreditation agency through Mutual recognition agreement; hence your results are globally accepted. This course will give guidelines to personnel working in test or calibration lab so as to achieve the accreditation. This helps in improving accuracy and reliability of results of your laboratory."
Price: 1920.00

"Kotlin ile Programlama Temelleri" |
"Selamlar DostumBu eitim serisinde, Temel seviye programlamadan balayarak orta seviyeye kadar pratikler ile kotlin reneceiz. Eitim sresince tek bir kaynaa bal kalmayarak daima aratrmac olmak ve proje oluturmaya ynelik almay ihmal etmeyelim. Programlama dilinin bir ama deil ara olduunu daima hatrlayarak, alet antamzdaki alet edevatlarmz kullanmay byk titizlikle renmeliyiz. Motivasyonunu diri tut ve odaklan !"
Price: 19.99

"Personal Financial Stewarship" |
"This Personal Financial Stewardship course is designed to support your life journey improving the applications of everyday decisions ultimately leading to better outcomes in the areas of Personal Finances and Stewardship. After completing this course, you will be able to assess own current personal financial stewardship position, identify relevant objectives and develop practical applications to achieve these objectives."
Price: 39.99

"Licitao Pblica - Curso - Documentos Habilitao" |
"Curso especfico para estudo dos Documentos de Habilitao exigidos na forma da Lei.Credenciamento, Habilitao Jurdica, Habilitao Fiscal, Habilitao Tcnica, Habilitao Econmica Financeira, Consultas Obrigatria, Organizao.O curso prepara o aluno para ter uma viso analtica no que tange a fase de documentos de habilitao.Por mais que as exigncias sejam subjetivas elas se embasam no Artigo 27 ao Artigo 31 da Lei 8.666/1993.Saber organizar, preparar Documentos de Habilitao minimizam a possibilidade de errar em um processo de licitao pblica.Documentos de Habilitao sempre considerado a fase mais crtica no momento da HABILITAO e INABILITAO DE LICITANTE, saber entender e compreender as exigncias de habilitao, as formas e os procedimentos corretos para sua apresentao."
Price: 99.99

"Project Management Essentials" |
"Get ready to face the Project Economy! This self-paced course on project management is the ideal course for project managers who have little or no formal training on project management. It is based on the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide 6th Edition, the de facto global standard on project management. Whether you are working on Waterfall or Agile projects, this course is suited for you. Participants get to learn practical approaches in running projects while understanding how concepts meet application. Be an awesome project manager. Learn the essential skills of project management today."
Price: 149.99

"Hormone Yoga Hormone Balance" |
"This is a yoga program in a calm and natural atmosphere in Italy. On the terrace of an old abandoned house, with a light wind that rushes through trees and birdsong you will be guided through your program.In addition, I explain individual sequences to you in a cozy living room atmosphere.The HormonBalance-Yoga program is a natural way to positively influence your hormone balance in the different phases of life - for your health and well-being. With this exercise program you send gentle impulses on the physical and mental area to harmonize your whole system.Take care of yourself and take a break when you need it.You are also completely free to choose which exercises you want to do and how many repetitions or at what pace you practice.Always practice exactly as it is good for you.It is important that you train your imagination during the exercises.Because the stronger your imagination becomes, the more effectively you can use your self-healing powers for yourself.Learn to feel better and better inside yourself and to recognize what is good for you.With this program you will also learn the basics about the most important glands and their tasks in your body and I will guide you through 40 exercises, some of which are combined with breathing and concentration exercises.This exercise program is geared towards the hormonal system for women.You can also practice this program as a man, then all passages in which I mention the ovaries apply this to the testicles.The program is structured in these parts: 1. Important information2 Introduction3. hormone system4. Meditation5. Preparation of the joints and energy channels and breathing technique6. Perceive energy7. Raise energy8. Concentrate energy and direct it into the ovaries and adrenal glands9. Concentrate energy and direct it into the thyroid and pituitary glands10. Journey through the body11. Harmonize energy12. Relaxation phase to anchor your positive vibrationand conclusion with outtakesMaintain contact with your inner body system and, over time, follow your inner wisdom more and more clearly and thereby initiate the right thing for you.Take time for yourself - and learn more about yourself and your system - and how you can keep it in balance with your mental strength and physical exercises.After the program you will feel relaxed and balanced and know more about yourself and your system.Experience yourself with HormonBalance Yoga!I look forward to accompanying you!You will learn:- You will learn to stay in balance between concentration and relaxation, to promote your physical and mental harmony and to keep it lasting.- You will learn how to combine breath and movement to recharge your batteries and find inner peace.- You will learn how and where you can easily integrate yoga into your everyday life and do something good for your well-being and health.- You get an overview of where the hormone-relevant glands are in your body and what function they have. This knowledge improves the effectiveness of the exercises.- The program encourages you to listen to yourself and do the exercises you need. Regular practice is the key to balance. So you can change and do what is important to you."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Skills For Small Businesses" |
"This Marketing Skills Course for small businesses will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to market your small business successfully and covers the following important aspects i.e.- Introduction.- What is Marketing ?- Setting You Marketing Goals Or Objectives.- How To Assess Your External Environment (STEPCOM Analysis).- How to Do A SWOT Analysis Of Your Business.- Important Elements To Include In Your Marketing Plan & Strategy.- Defining Your Market Segmentation & Specific Target Market.- The Major Reasons Why Certain Products Or Services Are Successful.- Understanding The Customer Decision-Making Process.- Understanding The Marketing Mix.- Important Points To Consider Before Deciding On Your Pricing Strategy.- Important Financial Information You Need For Your Marketing Plan.-Deciding On What Promotional Mix Is Suitable For Your Business.-The Most Common Marketing Mistakes Made By Small Businesses.- Key Components Of Your Marketing Plan.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers Part 1: The Baby Boomer Generation.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers Part 2: Generation X.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers Part 3: Generation Y.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers Part 4: Generation Z.- Conclusion."
Price: 54.99

"Teil 2: Automatisieren mit JS++" |
"Aufbaukurs zu Teil 1Erstellen einer SPA mit JavaScript pur fr Automatisierer aus verschiedenen Branchen. Lernen und Praktizieren mit JavaScript, SVG-Elemente sowie die Anwendung eines eigenen Private-Server mit Node.js und dem Browser Google-Chrome.Basis-Grundlagen der Web-Technologie fr die industrielle Automatisierung zur ersten SPA mit dem Framework JS++, welches schrittweise selbst erarbeitet wird. Dazu gehrt auch die Anwendung von 'eval' wie an einem GcAutomat gezeigt wird.Der Kursteilnehmer kann nach diesem zweiten Teil die eigenen SVG-Elemente in fortgeschrittenen Formen erstellen und diese als Objekte ber ein Men auf dem Browser abbilden. Das so entstehende Projekt wird ber den Browser auf die Festplatte gespeichert und bei einem Neustart des Browsers automatisch gelesen und abgebildet. Die SPA kann im Run-Modus getestet werden. So ist der Teilnehmer in der Lage verschiedene Aufgaben der Automatisierung zu lsen. Dazu gehrt im Wesentlichen die HMI-Gestaltung und SVG-Elemente zum Funktionsplan nach Grafcet.Die Anwendungen der SVG-Elemente zum Funktionsplan (FUP) und Grafcet knnen selbstndig, beliebig gendert oder erweitert werden.Die Programmierung in JavaScript erfolgt ausschlielich nach dem Prinzip der Klassen (class), so wie es C/C++-Programmierer kennen.Doing learning ist hier zu 100% angesagt. Es handelt sich um ein praktisches System-Seminar fr Experten und bietet den besten learning style.Die Quellcode (Sourcen) in JavaScript zur Umsetzung in eine SPA fr diesen Kurs, knnen in eigener Verantwortung beliebig verwendet werden."
Price: 49.99

"LEED Eitimi v4 Temel Kavramlar ve Stratejiler" |
"LEED v4-v4.1 Eitimi Temel Kavramlar ve StratejilerLEED v4-v4.1 Yeil Bina Derecelendirme Sisteminin Temel Kavramlar ve Stratejilerini iermektedir.Yeil Bina Kavramna GiriLEED v4 Yeil Bina Derecelendirme SistemiLEED Kredi Balklar Nelerdir?Entegre Tasarm ve LEED Kredi Balklar Yerleim & Ulam ve LEED Kredi BalklarSrdrlebilir Araziler ve LEED Kredi BalklarSu Verimlilii ve LEED Kredi BalklarMalzeme ve Kaynaklar LEED Kredi Balklar evre Kalitesi LEED Kredi BalklarEnerji ve Atmosfer LEED Kredi BalklarTasarmda Yenilik LEED Kredi BalklarBlgesel ncelik LEED Kredi Balklar2 Blm, 3 Ders112 dakika (2 saat) Video erii le Mkemmel Anlatm120 Slayttan Oluan Kaliteli Sunumlar ve Video AnlatmlarLEED AP Akredite Uzman Eitmen"
Price: 249.99

"Gerencie seu tempo utilizando o Google - Empresrio" |
"Esse curso muito bom e renovador.Voc que sempre quis buscar algo para a sua vida na questo de organizao, venho aqui compartilhar com vocs essa minha experincia.Vou ensinar a utilizar as melhores ferramentas para o seu dia a dia. Vou ensinar coisas bsicas mas para que voc seja mais eficiente no seu trabalho.Esse curso foi feito para Empresrios e assim foi feito tudo voltado para esse profissional.Seja bem vindo a uma nova viso de organizao para a sua vida!"
Price: 39.99

"Yoga Thrapie et prvention" |
"Lapproche thrapeutique du Yoga permet de dterminer les postures, les enchanements, les techniques de respirations, de mditation, nergtiques et de soins adapts chaque personne. Lindividu est envisag dans sa globalit, afin de permettre lorganisme de se re-rguler et de trouver lquilibre.Il convient de prciser que la Yoga Thrapie est efficace en prvention et en soin de nombreuses pathologies, mais ne se substitue pas systmatiquement un traitement mdical."
Price: 19.99

"Overcome your Writer's Block: The Golden Tips" |
"Overcome your writer's blockIsn't it awful: writer's block?! Not only does it stop you from writing, it's costing you time and it's incredibly frustrating.With this course, I will share the golden tips that I use every time and they often relieve my writer's block. They are from my own experience. There is no guarantee they work for you, but they are practical tips to relieve your writer's block. You can start trying them out and who knows? You achieve your goals hassle-free. That first draft is after all not impossible!Avoid frustrationOvercome writer's blockPrevent writer's blockLearn the practical tipsSave time Achieve your goals"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Circuit Logic - Calculators from Scratch" |
"This course, taught by Mark Englander, who studies Computer science with Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, will cover the basics of logic within in circuitry and will finish with some details on simulating a basic calculator circuit. We start by looking at the binary representation of a number. We then move on to the basic gates within circuitry logic, AND, NOT, OR and XOR. Finally we build our calculator, using the skills we developed from the first two sections."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Tudo Sobre Mini Drone Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender sobre o mais recente mercado que vem crescendo exponencialmente em todos os ramos, os Drones. Neste curso iremos focar nos Mini Drones, que so usados mais para recreao, fazendo voos indoor (dentro de ambientes fechados) e outdoor (fora de ambientes fechados), alguns modelos de Mini Drones mais parrudos possuem cmeras que filmam em HD e outras at em qualidade 4K, fazendo deste um CineWhoop, um Drone feito para voar em ambientes controlados e que filma com tima qualidade.No se preocupe que voc no precisar ter nenhum conhecimento prvio para aprender este curso, pois irei ensinar tudo o que voc precisar saber, uma vez que iremos falar bastante de eletricidade.Este curso uma porta de entrada para o ramo de Drones, o fato de estarmos focando em Mini Drone no ser impactante, uma vez que as partes que compem um Drone grande a mesma de Drone pequeno. A mesma coisa vale para os comandos de pilotagem que so os mesmos para todos, mudando apenas pequenos detalhes."
Price: 54.99

"Matemtica Bsica: FRAES E PORCENTAGEM" |
"Curso rpido, com consistncia, sem lenga lenga, mas trazendo tudo que foi esquecido sobre os conceitos de Matemtica Bsica.Reveja todo o contedo sobre FRAES e sobre PORCENTAGEM, fazendo contas como:* ADIO e SUBTRAO de FRAES COM DENOMINADORES DIFERENTES* NMEROS PRIMOS* MMC* MULTIPLICAO de FRAES* DIVISO de FRAES* CLCULOS COM PORCENTAGENS* CONVERSO de FRAES PARA DECIMAIS, de DECIMAIS PARA FRAES* CONVERSO de FRAES PARA PORCENTAGEM, de PORCENTAGEM PARA FRAES* CONVERSO de PORCENTAGEM PARA DECIMAIS, de DECIMAIS PARA PORCENTAGEMAprenda de uma vez por todas os mistrios das FRAES associada a DIVISO, nunca mais passe vergonha em qualquer situao, e tenha a oportunidade de avanar o conhecimento matemtico desenvolvendo assim o seu raciocnio lgico e o seu pensamento quantitativo"
Price: 39.99
