"Learn Fashion and Personal Styling" |
"This course looks at the contemporary fashion image, the current fashion image and the day-to-day working life of a fashion stylist. Students will learn about the role of fashion stylist.Students will also learn about the different types of contemporary fashion image, key industry creative. Students will learn about the importance of Personal styling i.e. presenting yourself and the key skills required to be a personal stylist. Students will learn about the style by the decade. Students learn about the celebrities style transformation over the period of time.Course ModulesThis course covers 4 modules of study and research, including how to get the right style for the right person, building different looks and much more. We also cover what to expect in terms of being on the job.Module 1: Fashion Styling - Introduction to Fashion Styling, Fashion Stylist Specialties, Skills required for Fashion Styling, History of Styling, Fashion Styling Basics, Becoming a Fashion Stylist, Skills and Talents, Styling for Print, Preparing and Performing Test, Styling for Entertainment, Image management, Understanding Body Shapes, Understanding Personal Style, On the job, Portfolio Building, BrandingModule 2: Personal Styling - What is Personal Style?, Personal Style and New Image, Identifying your Look, Shopping and Maintaining your wardrobe, Wardrobe Essentials, Chic - the gate away & evening looks, Dress and style.Module 3: Styling your Business - Business Basics for Stylists & Marketing your Business, Forms & Contracts, Getting Work /Freelance Stylist, Personal & Celebrity Clients.Module 4: Colour Therapy by Laura Lightbody"
Price: 99.99

"Educao Financeira Crist Nvel II - Aspectos Emocionais." |
"Nosso objetivo proporcionar educao financeira para todos.Desta forma, o controle financeiro deve ser analisado nos trs principais aspectos. So eles: Aspectos espirituais, Aspectos emocionais, e Aspectos matemticos.Entendemos que este assunto no to simples como se pensa. Para uma organizao financeira pessoal e familiar no basta fazer contas. Fosse assim, nenhum professor de matemtica estaria endividado.Infelizmente a maioria das pessoas no tem noo do que leva ao descontrole financeiro. Qualquer um dos trs aspectos citados pode trazer srios problemas em suas finanas. Por isso, quanto mais cedo voc descobrir em qual rea est o problema, mais rpido poder corrigi-lo."
Price: 39.99

"Educao Financeira Crist Nvel I - Aspectos Espirituais." |
"Nosso objetivo proporcionar educao financeira para todos.Desta forma, o controle financeiro deve ser analisado nos trs principais aspectos. So eles: Aspectos espirituais, Aspectos emocionais, e Aspectos matemticos.Entendemos que este assunto no to simples como se pensa. Para uma organizao financeira pessoal e familiar no basta fazer contas. Fosse assim, nenhum professor de matemtica estaria endividado.Infelizmente a maioria das pessoas no tem noo do que leva ao descontrole financeiro. Qualquer um dos trs aspectos citados pode trazer srios problemas em suas finanas. Por isso, quanto mais cedo voc descobrir em qual rea est o problema, mais rpido poder corrigi-lo."
Price: 39.99

"Educao Financeira Crist Nvel III - Aspectos Materiais." |
"Nosso objetivo proporcionar educao financeira para todos.Desta forma, o controle financeiro deve ser analisado nos trs principais aspectos. So eles: Aspectos espirituais, Aspectos emocionais, e Aspectos matemticos.Entendemos que este assunto no to simples como se pensa. Para uma organizao financeira pessoal e familiar no basta fazer contas. Fosse assim, nenhum professor de matemtica estaria endividado.Infelizmente a maioria das pessoas no tem noo do que leva ao descontrole financeiro. Qualquer um dos trs aspectos citados pode trazer srios problemas em suas finanas. Por isso, quanto mais cedo voc descobrir em qual rea est o problema, mais rpido poder corrigi-lo."
Price: 39.99

atsautomation |
"A- T- S- I- HVAC S- B- I- G- Level switch"
Price: 199.99

"IELTS General Training Express Course" |
"This is an express course for IELTS General candidates designed by a TESOL certified ESL and IELTS instructor who lives and works in Canada. I got my 8777 for IELTS General and immigrated to Canada. This course includes videos about three Listening question types, three Reading question types, Writing and Speaking sections, and my personal experience of preparing for each of the sections to get my 8777."
Price: 54.99

"Canva designing masterclass: Design popular Instagram posts" |
"In this course, I will teach you how to create professional Instagram posts using Canva. I will design 4 main types of Instagram posts. which are very useful in creating professional pages. we will be using canva free software to create our designs. canva is the best software program for graphic designing for beginners or entrepreneurs. learn how to design a highly engaging Instagram post in canva.learn how to design facts posts for Instagram in canva.learn how to use canva designerlearn some important tips in graphic design.learn with 4 projects ( Instagram post designs) using canvaso just join this course and create stunning designs for your Instagram."
Price: 199.99

artificial_intelligence |
"AI US$9.9 : 7ECBA4C01DC4A3DF9E035!! (68) !!"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle GoldenGate Beginner to Expert" |
"Course Outline/Agenda:Introduction to Oracle Golden GateGolden Gate Extract and Pump Process ExplanationGolden Gate Replication Process ExplanationCheckpoint Details of Extract/Pump/ReplicateGoldenGate Installation and Basic Process creationSupplemental Logging Importance How to find a Replication FlowGoldenGate Initial Load Detailed ExplanationIntegrated Golden Gate Process Directory Structure and TroubleshootingManager ParametersHandlecollision PracticalEtrollover Guidelines Adding Table to Existing Replication FlowSplitting of Extract and ReplicatTrail File Corruption IssueTrail File Lost issueRe-sync of Table in Existing Replication FlowCredential StoreReplication with different Table StructureDefgen FileBi-Directional Replication and CDRDDL ReplicationGolden Gate Process MigrationSteps to Identify Session causing older recovery checkpoint for ExtractGolden Gate Process Upgradation"
Price: 1920.00

"Houseplants 101: A Beginners Guide to Indoor Gardening" |
"Want to learn more about houseplants? Have a bad track record of killing plants? Not sure how to care for different types of plants? Houseplants 101 is the course for you. Whether you are growing your plant collection to 50 or just starting out with your first houseplant, our Houseplants 101 course will shape you into a confident, comfortable houseplant parent. Our course is structured to cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of plant structure, to fighting off pestiferous bugs! At Dublin Indoor Gardeners we are passionate about plants, design and sharing our knowledge. Specifically, we have held over 100 gardening workshops, corporate events and design consulting engagements. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience to help you become a confident, comfortable houseplant parent!"
Price: 34.99

"GD & T and Stack-Up (Basic to Expert level)" |
"This course brings you complete exposure you require to work in GD & T and how to use it.It starts by easy step by step approach so that your base bulding is good and then the standard will be slowly increased to industry level along with discussions of various problems.. The course wont jump directly onto what is the meaning of different symbols rather will help you study them in complete detail and see what is the use of that particular symbol.So buckle up, get going and make the best use of your time by enrolling to our course."
Price: 199.99

"Guitarra: Cmo acompaar a cantantes" |
"Este curso te ensear distintas herramientas desde bsicas hasta avanzadas para poder acompaar a la/el cantante debidamente, o quizs para que te puedas acompaar mientras cantas. Se vern diferentes recursos para que la guitarra est en armona con la voz y sepamos aplicarlos en distintos escenarios. Este es un curso de prctica en la guitarra pero ademas, todo esto estar acompaado con vdeos explicativos y lecturas para reforzar las ideas."
Price: 19.99

"How to Sing for Artists" |
"Learn to sing from the basics to advanced techniques from Emmy Award winning recording artist and professional vocal coach Michal Towber. This course includes 5 hours of clear explanations, warmups, drills, and 4 complete vocal workouts to take your singing into the stratosphere. Michal is a caring, warm, and experienced teacher who draws from multiple disciplines to create a holistic approach to singing. "
Price: 99.99

"What People Really Hear When You Talk To Them" |
"This course will take you on a personal journey that will help you identify why some of the difficult interactions you face take place.This course is not about finding out what it means if you cross left arm over right or right arm over left. It is also not about communications philosophies nor will you find complex self-assessment tests.The focus is on the impact the words and nonverbal cues have on what people hear when YOU talk to them. The assignments let you to take a closer look at your day-to-day interactions are received by others."
Price: 24.99

"SEO para jornalistas" |
"Se voc trabalha em um site de notcias, tem ou trabalha para um blog, este curso te deixar preparado para produzir contedos para o ambiente digital, considerando as melhores prticas para aparecer no Google e demais buscadores de maneira orgnica. Entendendo os fatores de ranqueamento ser possvel aplicar nos textos e estruturas da pgina o que necessrio para estar melhor posicionado nos mecanismos de busca e aumentar o trfego orgnico do seu site. Saiba como funcionam o Google e os demais mecanismos de busca;Entenda quais so os principais fatores de ranqueamento e como otimizar seu texto de blog e/ou site;Compare as diferenas entre as prticas jornalsticas e a produo de contedo digital;Veja na prtica as principais ferramentas e o passo a passo para que seu contedo esteja melhor posicionado no Google."
Price: 354.99

"E-Ticaret Maazas Tasarlama&Satma Eitimi(Sermayesiz)" |
"Ben Kimim?Merhaba arkadalar, ismim Ufuk. 20 yandaym, Uluda niversitesinde Ekonometri okuyorum. Yaklak olarak 3 senedir E-Ticaret ile urayorum. rendiim bilgileri farkl kaynaklar aratrarak ve deneme yanlma yollarn kullanarak edindim. Sizlere elimden geldiince yardmc olabiliceimi umuyorum. Bu Kursta Neler Var?lk olarak belirtmeliyim ki kursumuzda yapacamz btn eyler iin sadece bir bilgisayar yeterli, hibir maddi harcama yapmanza gerek yok. Sermayesiz bir ekilde ilerleyip, dolar zerinden kazan salamaya balayacaksnz. Kursumuzda, ilk olarak doru kaynaklar ve eklentileri kullanarak bir E-Ticaret sitesi tasarlamay reneceiz. Ardndan kurduumuz E-Ticaret sitemizi doru ve gvenilir arac siteleri kullanarak sata sunacaz. Kursu tamamladnzda kendi banza bir E-Ticaret sitesi aabiliyor ve bunu satabiliyor olacaksnz. Ne Kadar Kazanabilirim?Sizlere tahmini bir kazan syleyip umut tacirlii yapmak istemiyorum. Bu ite altnz, uratnz ksacas emek verdiiniz kadar kazanabilirsiniz. Fakat bir rnek olmas asndan; Ayda 2 site sattnzda ortalama olarak 80-100$ aras kazanrsnz. Ancak bu minimal bir rnektir. Dediim gibi ne kadar kazanacanz tamamen sizin ne kadar alacanza baldr. Kesin Olarak Kazanacak Mym?Kazanacanzn garantisini veremem. Daha ncesinden de sylediim gibi tamamen sizin almanza, kendinizi gelitirmenize ve verdiiniz emee bal olarak deiir. Ancak gnmzde E-Ticaret ykselen bir sektr ve bu sektre ok yksek yatrmlar sz konusu. Bu ii yapmak isteyipte E-Ticaret sitesi kurmay bilmeyen milyonlarca insan var. Yani n ok ak bir sektr. Kendinizi gelitirip zenli iler kartrsanz insanlarn sizle almak istemesi ok muhtemel bir durum. Kendinize gvenirseniz, yapabiliceinize inanyorum. Hepinize imdiden iyi kurslar dilerim :)"
Price: 409.99

"BlockChain CBDE - Ethereum and CBDH - Hyperledger Developer" |
"CBDE The Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. Additionally, you will become a member of a community of Blockchain leaders. With certification comes monthly industry updates via email and video.The CBDE exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours and is performance-based evaluation of Ethereum Development skills and knowledge. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides.CBDHThe BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. Additionally, you will become a member of a community of Blockchain leaders. With certification comes monthly industry updates via email and video.The CBDH exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours and is a performance-based evaluation of Hyperledger Fabric development skills and knowledge. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides."
Price: 29.99

"Investing in Gold & Silver" |
"Years ago I started noticing that during every economic crisis Gold appreciates against all other currencies. Even after the economy recovers, and Gold becomes cheaper, it's still more valuable than what it was before the crisis. I was fascinated by this and wanted to understand why. My research led me to invest my savings into Gold and Gold stocks and I've seen the value of my portfolio increase dramatically.If you want to secure your financial future, then Gold is the best hedge against the decreasing purchasing power of your currency. Gold is not just a commodity. It is not like Oil, and you shouldn't try trading it as such. Once you understand Gold's role in history, you'll be able to predict with reasonable accuracy where the price is going over the long-term. And ultimately that's what matters most. This course is not a get rich quick scheme! However if you have patience and you understand and act on the information that I'm sharing in this course, then you can at the very minimum preserve your wealth over a very long period of time, something that is easier said than done in today's economic reality of negative interest rates, price inflation, and sharper boom & bust cycles.After completing this course you will understand the various investment options that are available to you and what are the risks and rewards for each. You will be capable of deciding for yourself how to best position your portfolio no matter which way the financial markets swing. But you need to know what you're doing, or risk getting scammed, either through fake Gold, or huge premiums, or buying into Gold funds that don't even own any Gold. You will learn about how to avoid problems like these and much more.Besides precious metals we'll also cover investing in Gold mining stocks. These companies have exposure to the price of Gold and are cyclical businesses that come with lots of risks. But if you understand the fundamentals and time your trades right, you can earn much more than just by trading metals.We will also talk briefly about Silver - Gold's historical companion, a riskier but potentially highly rewarding asset due to its historical correlation with Gold.DisclaimerThe information in this course is provided for information only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell, or otherwise transact in any investment including any products or services or an invitation, offer or solicitation to engage in any investment activity. All investments come with significant risk. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision. Any investment decision that you make should be based on an assessment of your risks in consultation with your investment adviser."
Price: 84.99

"English Grammer" |
"To use any given language correctly one has to know and learn the structural rules of that language. These structural rules called grammar lays foundation for understanding and communicating in the given language.The course content begins with basic grammar units and moves on to more well defined concepts of the language.LEARNINGS:Basic sentence structureTypes of sentencesCorrect sentence formationRules to change active and passive voiceRules to change direct and indirect speech"
Price: 19.99

"Building English Vocabulary" |
"To be able to express and understand your and others thoughts and emotions through words means half the battle is already won. A vast repertoire of vocabulary gives you an edge over others be it in any field.Learning about how words are formed what they mean and how your day to day communication can be dotted with expressive language can make any one a confident communicator."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Trainer Level 3 Exam Questions, Active IQ (UK)" |
"Do you want to be a Personal Trainer? Take the Level 3 Personal Trainer course and pass the exams first time with these practice questions and answers. The multiple choice exam questions on every course are taken from a bank of questions which repeat themselves regularly. Access and practice those questions here! Note: This is NOT the course. It is exam questions and answers only."
Price: 19.99

"The Journey of Coffee" |
"Geography and Terroir of CoffeeIn this unit we explore where coffee is grown and what are the suitable climate, soil, elevation and temperature conditions to grow coffee. You will gain a basic understanding of Coffea arabica varieties, and survey the main regions where Arabica coffee is grown.Botany of CoffeeDive deeper into the world of the coffee plant. Willem Boot will explain the path of the seed to a coffee plant, flower and finally the coffee cherry. In this unit we go deeper into differentiating coffee varieties and their specific properties when it comes to the quality of your coffee.Cultivation Practices and HarvestWhat are the main considerations a farmer makes when growing coffee? Which plot will produce healthy coffee plants? Which variety of coffee to grow? Organic vs conventional farming? Shade or no shade? Which harvesting method to use? Willem Boot will guide you through these core questions every farmer has to answer when it comes to creating high quality coffee at the farm and supporting their family.Processing MethodsAfter coffee is harvested, it needs to be processed. The processing style is one of the main determinants when it comes to the quality and flavor profile of your coffee. What are these processes and how do they influence your cup? Find out all about it in this segment.Coffee Consumption and EconomicsThere are 25 million coffee farmers in the world who make decisions every day about how to sustain their farms and feed their families. Willem takes you through the choices farmers make and how they can influence their livelihood, and also the quality of your coffee.Looking Into the Future of CoffeeWhat are the main challenges and opportunities for today's coffee farmers? Climate change, increased demand in previously non-coffee drinking nations, and the economic sustainability of farming are the main ones we address in this segment."
Price: 149.99

"Matriser l'analyse TECHNIQUE en trading" |
"Le trading est un domaine passionnant qui comprend de nombreuses briques.Matriser les indicateurs techniques permet de conforter certaines configurations de march importantes que tout trader doit connaitre. Cela ne fait pas tout mais c'est un lment dterminant.Ce cours t'apportera les bases ncessaires en termes d'analyse technique en trading.Nous verrons comment utiliser et trader avec les diffrents indicateurs techniques."
Price: 34.99

"Automation anywhere A2019 & V11 Excel VBA, HTML...(14 Hrs)" |
"A2019 & V11 Automation anywhere tool all the actions overview with demoActions, variables, recorders, bots, credential & lockersHow to use Automation anywhere toolLearn Excel VBA from beginner to advanced skillsLearn more than 100 Excel formulas with live examplesLearn how to create interactive Excel DashboardGain Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS & JavascriptHow to write first program in notepadHow to download and use HTML editorLearn HTML, CSS, javascript easilyLearn Top 30 Excel Tips and TricksLearn keyboard shortcutsLearn complete Microsoft excel from beginner to advancedAutomation anywhere A2019 if, Elseif, loop, variables, recorders, IQ Type of variables (User & System variables)Type of Recorders (Smart, Screen & Web recorders)Automation anywhere V11 tool overview with demoAutomation anywhere Excel, database, string, error handler, loop...... Type of RPA ToolsRPA OverviewHow to Register for Automation anywhere certificationHow to download Automation anywhereMultiple Real time project examplesDifferent type of Bots in AAWhat is RPA and different type of RPA toolsAbout Bot runner and Bot developerMinimum system requirements to install Automation anywhere.We will also have a look at some real-world examples on how RPA has been applied at different companiesThank you! Dhinesh Kannan"
Price: 19.99

"5 Steps & 30 Mins : Composite Material Modeling (Digimat-HC)" |
"We all love content that offers a lot of benefits and information in a time-saving manner and is always to the point. Also, some people struggle in the composite material analysis topic as many tools that help model and simulate the behavior of composite materials are having a steep learning curve. Digimat is a software that is used to predict local composite material behavior, and optimize safety factor & composite materials weight.In this course, we will learn how to model a sandwich-structured composite in Digimat-HC tool in 5-steps :1-Creating and Choosing Core Material2-Creating Skin Layers 3-Composing the sandwich material panel structure 4-Three-Point Bending Test Setup 5-Viewing Simulation and Constructing PlotsAfter learning how to model a sandwich panel in Digimat-HC, we will have 2 worked examples so we can put things together.Learning how to use the software efficiently will save your time, and offer quick-yet accurate predictions for local composite behavior. Doing so will also help improve production costs linked to time-wasting and multiple testing.Tips: 1- It's recommended that you apply what you learn step-by-step after finishing each lecture. And then model an already validated structure to measure model accuracy, and getting thoughts about improving your model.2- Read the EKT ( Extra Knowledge Text ) containing information that might help you understand more about the models' parameters selection, and entry The version used: E-XStream Digimat 5.1.1"
Price: 24.99

"Colorblind Guide" |
"Short course from ColorWill on how to learn colors as a colorblind.First Standard Guide For Colorblind PeopleLearn how to select and use colors even if you are colorblind.What Will You Learn?We were taught WHAT to learn but not HOW to learn. In fact, most colorblind people never learned colors right, so they waste time making the same mistakes over and over again.We will cover Color Basics, Latest Treatment For Color Blindness, and share the secret of understanding the Color Schemes to help you apply colors in your daily and professional life.- New Method Of Learning Colors- The Secret Of Working With Color Schemes- Building Friendship With Colors- The 'Talk': How To Share With Others- Selecting Perfect Colors For Your Business- Unleash Your Potential By Adding More Colors- Learn How To Work With Useful Applications""It can be a hard or embarrassing experience, but I would like to take you to a new journey full of colors to make it a fun and enjoyable part of your life."" We did our best to explain things in an interesting way and used only high-quality material and samples to make this course valuable, fun, and informative. This course was designed with a pure heart to help people like me, and the story behind it is very different. So here is the course for all of you people with a unique vision. Im aiming to change this negative feeling, the prejudice colorblind word caries behind, and make you feel proud of who you are."
Price: 19.99

"Curso CEA ANBIMA: Seja um Especialista em Investimentos" |
"Imagina voc trabalhar em um banco...Voc finalmente trabalhando no mercado financeiro...Em uma das profisses que possui um dos maiores salrios do Brasil...Imaginou?Ento pare de imaginar porque totalmente possvel e eu vou te mostrar como.E voc s precisa de 1 coisa.Qualificao...Exatamente. a nica coisa que voc vai fazer para conseguir trabalhar no mercado financeiro.E como eu consigo essa qualificao?Antes de eu te falar, preste ateno nessa histria:Era 2018, em um dia ensolarado e muito quente...Por volta das 14 horas...L estava eu, sem nenhuma noo de mercado financeiro, entregando currculos em cada banco que tinha na cidade que eu moro...Na minha cabea eu iria ser contratado, mesmo sem ter nenhuma qualificao.Infelizmente, eu era inocente naquela poca e no sabia o que eu vou te ensinar nesse curso....Se no tudo teria sido diferente.No fim ningum sequer ligou para o meu celular e eu no pude nem participar de uma entrevista de emprego.Hoje eu trabalho em uma instituio financeira, e amo o mercado financeiro.E eu vou te ensinar exatamente tudo o que eu fiz para que VOC consiga ter o mesmo resultado que eu tive...De uma forma muito mais simples e rpida.Ento, como realmente conseguir a tal da qualificao?No mercado financeiro existem certificaes que te deixam em destaque sobre os demais.E geralmente somente que possui elas so as pessoas que j trabalham em uma instituio financeira.A que esta a grande chance!Praticamente ningum que concorre a uma vaga de emprego no banco possui essas certificaes...Exceto uma pessoa.Voc!Porque depois desse curso, voc vai possuir uma das certificaes mais valiosas e bem vistas pelo mercado financeiro e vai se destacar facilmente na hora de fazer uma entrevista de emprego.Mas que certificao essa?A certificao que voc vai obter depois desse curso se chama CEA.E o que a CEA?Ela basicamente vai te qualificar como um Especialista em Investimentos, o que significa que voc poder auxiliar gerentes de contas de investidores e indicar produtos financeiros.E no s isso, mas tambm poder exercer todas as funes das certificaes CPA 10 e CPA 20.E esse curso totalmente focado em voc conseguir essa certificao e se destacar no mercado financeiro.Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Os 7 mdulos completos de contedo para se obter a certificao CEA.Mais de 100 exerccios resolvidos ao longo do curso.Adquire a apostila utilizada no curso com todo o contedo.Aprende os principais ndices do mercado financeiro.Disponibilidade para tirar dvidas a qualquer momento.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.E como eu vou conseguir a finalmente essa certificao?A CEA uma prova de marcar com 70 questes, onde voc tem que acertar 49 questes para passar e obter ela, ou seja 70% da prova.Cada questo possui 4 alternativas de marcar e s 1 a verdadeira.Meu deus uma prova, e difcil? A prova muito tranquila e eu vou te ensinar todos os macetes e o contedo completo durante todo o curso.Alm disso voc ver ao longo das aulas a correo de 100 questes que j caram em prova.E o melhor voc ainda nem sabe...Voc pode assistir o curso inteiro por 30 dias sem nenhum compromisso.Caso no goste por qualquer motivo aleatrio que seja do curso, voc pode pedir todo o seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 1 ms.A partir de agora, s existem duas opes:Opo 1# - Ou voc ignora tudo isso que voc acabou de ler e continua a sua vida do jeito que ela est e est tudo bem.Mas voc nunca mais vai poder reclamar que no teve uma chance real de mudana, porque hoje, voc teve a melhor oportunidade para mudar seu futuro.Opo 2# - Acreditar no que eu estou falando e confiar no seu potencial e tomar a deciso que voc precisa tomar, que de se inscrever no curso CEA ANBIMA: Seja um Especialista em Investimentos.Agora a deciso totalmente sua.Voc quer realmente trabalhar no mercado financeiro?Adquira agora e aproveite as 107 aulas e os 7 mdulos inteiros do curso. menos que o valor de uma pizza.Uma pizza vale mais que todo o conhecimento que voc ir obter?Claro que no, ento obtenha agora!Lembre-se: Voc pode ver por 30 dias totalmente sem compromisso e se no gostar a Udemy devolve todo o seu dinheiro.Aproveite antes que o desconto acabe.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

"Russian for Beginners (A1 - Part 2) with Marina" |
"A1 Course (Part 2) - Beginner Level40 lessons - 12 hours - 4 quizzesReal-life dialogues, vocabulary, grammar, explanations and lots of practice with versatile materials for all kinds of learning styles.Watch the preview of the last lesson to see what you will be able to achieve by the end of this course.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN- You will start speaking Russian confidently- You will understand and use everyday expressions with ease- You will acquire the skills required for A1 level- You will master important grammar rules and strategies of how to remember them easier- You will develop your Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing skills- You will learn to understand spoken Russian thanks to a native Russian speaking teacher- You will get ready to travel to Russia, communicate with locals, express yourself, pass the A1 exam and keep on learningREQUIREMENTS- Beginner level of Russian is required (you are all set if you have completed Part 1 of this course)- 20 minutes a day once or twice a week to achieve best possible results- Motivation to keep going!"
Price: 24.99

"How to use Keybase for Remote Teams" |
"In this course, you will get an introduction to the Keybase platform (Lecture 1), then have access to video walkthroughs of the Keybase software (Lectures 2-5), for both mobile & desktop simultaneously. By the end of the first Lecture, you will understand the history of the Keybase platform, and how it is similar and different to other platforms. Additionally you will get a glimpse within the first minute of the course, into what the majority of the course will look like (video walkthrough format). In the second through the fifth Lectures, this course will cover many of the features and capabilities of the Keybase platform. Video walkthroughs are performed with a simultaneous display of the mobile and desktop versions of the application. By the end of the course, you will learn many of the abilities of Keybase. After completing the course, we welcome all students to submit ""Real World Use Cases"" for Keybase, which we will provide video walkthroughs for in future versions of the course."
Price: 29.99

"Be A Pro : Industrial Panel Design Complete Guide With CATIA" |
"Industrial Control Panel's are most important part of industry. For automation control Panel's are most important part to control various activities with various components. In this course you will learn how to start as beginner then how to start. Design. Of Control panel with CATIA software. Then you will Learn tips and tricks which will reduce your time and money while designing control panel. And whole procedure of fabrication of control panel. Lastly most important part is testing and types of test and how it should be done.So join us in this journey and let us give chance to help out with panel Designing. Which will boost your career."
Price: 199.99

SpringBootMySQLJavaCSV |
Price: 3600.00
