"Internacionalizao de empresas" |
"Neste curso ir aprender a como buscar alternativas de mercado para comercializar seu produto no exterior e ferramentas que iro cooperar com o sucesso de um projeto de internacionalizao. Conhecer a melhor forma de armar os seus preos em moeda internacional e estruturar sua empresa, seu produto e sua marca para chegar ao exterior com grande possibilidade de obter sucesso."
Price: 19.99

"Ready Steady Goal!" |
"Keeping it really simple. This course is a quick and easy way to set and achieve goals. If you are someone that is looking for some easy strategies to give you a clear organized, easy to understand approach to goal setting and achieving, then this course is for you. You will be able to apply what you learn from this course to any areas of your life where you want to make positive changes, whether it be career, relationships, health, in fact anything that you want to set a goal for."
Price: 19.99

"Microneedling treatment" |
"Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that aims to treat scar tissue, lax skin, wrinkles, and large pores by increasing collagen. Benefits, indications, contraindications, side effects, disinfection and sanitization, medical history and a consent form, danger of micro needling, post care, how many times to perform, how to do the treatment , all steps of a procedure. Everything you need two know to perform the treatment. For people familiar with the treatment, Microneedling has become one of the most popular skin resurfacing procedures for tackling wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other signs of aging.Microneedling is not included in any initial aesthetician program leading to state licensure. If you are legally allowed to perform microneedling under your esthetics license or if your license requires you to complete a microneedling program, it will be great easy opportunity to learn how to perform the procedure."
Price: 29.99

"Fondamenti di Lingua Cinese ()" |
"! Nho! Benvenuto in questo nuovo corso, dove apprenderemo le fondamenta della lingua cinese!Vuoi capire come funziona la lingua cinese?Vuoi imparare a leggere il bizzarro pinyin?Vuoi saper scrivere i caratteri?Vuoi conoscere le espressioni pi utilizzate in Cina?Allora sei nel posto giusto!Alla fine di questo sarai in grado di scrivere tanti caratteri, leggere il pinyin senza alcuna difficolt e utilizzare in maniera agevole delle espressioni di uso comune.Non hai bisogno di alcuna conoscenza per poter partecipare a questo corso, dunque non esiste uno studente ideale. Basta un pizzico di curiosit!Spero di riuscire a trasmetterti tutto il mio amore per questa meravigliosa lingua e la fantastica cultura che c' dietro.Ti auguro buono studio.! Zijin!"
Price: 179.99

"Crie 8 Jogos para Android do Zero com Construct 3/2 e Admob" |
"Com um nmero cada vez maior de ferramentas, mais espao para divulgao e custos reduzidos, a produo de games deixou de ser privilgio de grandes empresas. E agora opo de negcio para pessoas que sempre sonharam em trabalhar com jogos digitais. Atualmente, o mercado que mais produz renda com jogos, o mercado mobile.Segundo o site GamingScan, o mercado de games para celular representa hoje o maior segmento da indstria, com um estimativa de 36% de todo o dinheiro que as empresas do ramo arrecadaram em 2019.Enquanto os jogos de Console correponderam a 32% e os games de PC por 23% da arrecadaoE de acordo com o relatrio da SuperData, as plataformas mobile faturaram em 2019, nada demais que US$ 64,4 bilhes. Os jogos para PC ficam atrs, com a soma de US$ 29,6 bilhes, enquanto consoles arrecadaram US$ 15,4 bilhes.A expectativa que essa liderana crescente do segmento mobile, que era de 35% em 2018, continue se ampliando. A previso da Newzoo, que faz anlises de mercado para empresas de games, que nesse ano os games de celular representem 38% do faturamento da indstria, e at 2022 cheguem a 41%.Como j era de se esperar, as principais fontes de receita para as empresas de games para celular so os anncios e as microtransaes. As microtransaes, e outras formas parecidas de comprar coisas dentro dos aplicativos, so responsveis por 43% de todo o faturamento da indstria de jogos mobile. A segunda principal fonte de lucros so as propagandas em vdeo, que representam 31% do total, mas se considerarmos todas as formas de propaganda combinadas, vemos que 53% de todo o dinheiro gerado nesses games vem dos anncios.Enquanto isso, s 4% do faturamento so gerados pelo modelo tradicional que deu origem a indstria de games, em que voc precisa pagar para ter acesso ao jogo. Esses 4% dizem respeito tanto ao modelo de compra nica tradicional, quanto aos jogos que funcionam com assinatura, em que voc tem que pagar mensalmente.Neste curso vamos criar 8 jogos:-> Jumper (C3)-> Platform Jungle (C3)-> Dino (C3)-> Breakout (C3)-> Pong (C2)-> FlappyBird (C2 + Piskel)-> Slither io (C2)-> 2cars (C2)Em seguida, voc aprende:-> Criar conta Admob-> Colocar anncio no seu game-> Criar um apk e um website para hosped-lo-> Publicar na Play Store"
Price: 204.99

"Curso bsico de motores eltricos de induo" |
"Este curso visa divulgar e disponibilizar uma viso global de motores de induo de baixa tenso. Em um momento futuro, disponibilizarei a verso deste treinamento para motores de alta tenso. O curso entao ira apresentar os principais aspectos que voc precisa saber para trabalhar com motores eltricos.Ao final deste curso voc ter todo embasamento terico necessrio para discutir e participar de discusses que involvam motores eltricos."
Price: 39.99

"Forex Binary Option Trading Course by Extra Money Academy" |
"If you had an extra money everyday, how would you spend it? Would you spend it on your hobby, buy a gift for a loved one, or invest it into a financial freedom account?In this course, you will learn how to do simply that. Make extra money online from the comfort of your home at anytime through Forex Binary Option Trading. This complete guide will show you step-by-step the fundamentals of forex market, proven and profitable trading strategy and how to successfully execute winning trades.This course is right for you if you resonate with the following criteria:If you are looking for an additional source of income, this course is right for youIf you are brand new to the forex market and trading, this course is right for youIf you are an experienced trader and looking for a proven strategy, this course is for youThis course contains a proven forex strategy used by professional forex traders and successful investors, as well as a blueprint on how to make those trades. A money tracking dashboard is included in this course to ensure your success along your financial freedom journey.In addition to purchasing this course:Full 30 day money-back guaranteeUnlimited and lifetime access at no extra costsFuture additional lectures in this course are always freeLatest information and updated lectures based on new strategies and student feedbackEMA Team's mentorship and support available to you if you get stuck or have a questionThis is well thought-out course created by a team that cares for their student's success. With the market economy evolving, this course evolves with the latest information and adapts to student feedback to bring massive value.If you are still reading this, we know you are interested. Now simply click the Enroll Now button and join us helping people like you on your financial freedom journey."
Price: 49.99

"Cryptocurrency Assets for Passive Income Lite Course" |
"Crypto Assets for Passive Income Course leverages on the concept of deriving passive income from your cryptocurrency portfolio. In addition to benefiting purely from capital gains, prospective investors should also consider generating a passive income stream from their crypto assets to let their money work even harder for them.Dont let any of the technicalities of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies intimidate you. Hear from what others have to say about ""Crypto Assets for Passive Income"" concepts you are about to learn.""Crypto assets are hard assets, but most of the world hasnt recognized them as such yet.""Roger VerChief Executive Officer of Bitcoin(DOT)comEveryone knows how to invest in stocks, but not so many people knows how to use opportunities to invest in crypto currencies. This book will give you a clear understanding what you should do to get an additional income. Omar Chen,Vice President of ZB, and CEO of ZBG Exchange.""Cryptos are the stepping stone for the redesign of the financial system and our future. This book demystifies investing in cryptos!""Richard OlsenFounder and Chief Executive Officer of Lykke""Warren is really a giant in the area of Crypto-Asset Management, he is very knowledgeable & l urge anyone who wants to know more to read this awesome user's manual guide to achieve success in your cryptocurrency investment. I truly enjoy reading this book, cheers!!!""Dr Bernard Yeo, Hon PhD,Human Capital Development and Human Profiling""This book is definitely a must read for those who want to get started to understand this new financial instrument. Although I have been in trading for 20 years, crypto is still very foreign to me. The author has been able to use his knowledge in forex and stocks to apply to crypto. I enjoy reading it.""Daniel Loh,DL Investment Director of DanielLoh(DOT)comThis course exposes the exact blueprint that the instructor use to identify coins that provide crypto investors both passive income and capital gains, avoiding the hype while reducing the tendency to buy into shitcoins (coins that eventually will go to zero value), and lastly help navigate the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency markets with conventional financial wisdom.Crypto Assets for Passive Income course is your guide to that future of money. You get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99

"Process And Threads in Linux" |
"Are you preparing for the next Linux interview?Are you preparing for the Next Embedded Interview?If, Yes. This course is a must need.This course covers the basics of Process management to the expert level of Process management.Each chapter has lots of programming Practice, tricks, and Interview question discussion.This Course is based on the practical approach with lots of Programming.Lots of hidden and rarely known concepts are explained which you can find very rarely in any online platform or book"
Price: 1280.00

"React JS 2020" |
"React JS. React web . React JS context, hooks . single page application , API . , ! ! !"
Price: 1799.00

"Curso Online - Anatomia Humana (Sistema Muscular)" |
"A disciplina de Anatomia Humana , sem dvida, um dos pilares na rea da Sade. Assim, o Curso Online - Anatomia Humana (Sistema Muscular) tem a misso de facilitar o seu aprendizado, destacando os principais tpicos da disciplina, seja voc estudante ou um profissional da rea. Para facilitar o seu aprendizado, o curso conta com aulas narradas, animaes de modelos anatmicos para ilustrar a funo dos principais msculos, alm de questionrios para melhor fixao do contedo.Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Exploit Development From Scratch" |
"When you complete this training you will learn, GDB and Immunity Debugger usage, basic assembly programming, assembly instructions, stack layout, memory protection mechanisms, Fuzzing, offset calculating, shellcode creating. Morever you will practice and learn SEH exploit development, Egghunting method, ROP, ROP exploit development in a lab enviorenment. If you are pentester you need to read, interpret, write, modify the exploit codes. If you want to be exploit developer or level up your pentester carieer this course is very useful for you."
Price: 99.99

"Este curso esta orientado a todo tipo de personas que quieran aprender la tcnica de masoterapia para autoconocimiento, para sus familiares o bien como una salida laboral. Sea cual fuere el motivo este curso te aporta una excelente preparacin ya que te permite ir ms all de un msculo contracturado conectndote as con la necesidad y verdad del paciente. No se trata de realizar el mismo masaje para todo el mundo, sino incorporar este conocimiento integral para elegir un determinado masaje para cada persona y situacin. Este abordaje te ubica en un lugar de profesionalismo. En este curso vas a encontrar todo el masaje completo del cuerpo, los tratamientos ms comunes que aparecen en los gabinetes, puntos y estiramientos que ayudan a aliviar el dolor ms la relacin de las emociones con la postura.Al finalizar tendrs ejercicios y una evaluacin para medir tu aprendizaje y seguir reforzando lo que te haga falta. Un manual de ms de 50 pginas con todo lo visto en el curso (y mas...), power point y audio con informacin complementaria. A dems de 3 videos de automasajes.Siempre tendrs el acceso a consultas para acompaarte tanto en el proceso de aprendizaje del curso como en la atencin de tus primeros pacientes."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Muay Thai" |
"The goal of this course is to introduce you to the basics of Muay Thai.The course breaks down the basics of Muay Thai, from a beginner's point of view. From someone entering a Martial Arts school for the first time, and having little to no experience in the Martial Arts.From this course you will...Learn all of the basic techniques that make up the beautiful deadly art of Muay ThaiExtra training videos to work on typical problem areas when performing these techniquesHave access to instructional videos, breaking each technique down and highlighting essential pointsGet detailed written instructions on how each technique is broken down and what are the major points of each techniqueHave an organized flow from easy to hard techniques. We pretty much ""hold your hand"" through the curriculum, as if you were a first tine student in our academyNow let's get started..."
Price: 24.99

"Masaje Infantil Shantala" |
"El masaje Shantala es un arte milenario procedente de la India, que fue introducido en Occidente por el doctor Frederick Leboyer en los aos 50.. Se trata de un masaje teraputico que aporta importantes beneficios para el desarrollo y el bienestar del pequeo, y tambin para los paps.Es una tcnica que permite comunicarse con los recin nacidos tras su nacimiento, pues el tacto es el sentido principal a travs del cual los bebs descubren el mundo exterior.El masaje Shantala es un arte sencillo que se basa en la presin suave y los movimientos descendentes lentos, ya que su objetivo es la relajacin del beb. Adems, es una tcnica que posee mltiples beneficios, tanto fsicos como emocionales.Te enseamos, paso a paso, cmo debes realizarlo."
Price: 24.99

"Estimulacin Temprana para Bebs" |
"En este curso encontrars un marco terico y mltiples consejos, ejercicios, juegos y actividades para el correcto desarrollo de las reas Psicomotriz, Cognitiva y Lenguaje, todo en el marco de la estimulacin Socio-Afectiva.Este tipo de intervencin es fundamental durante los primeros aos de vida de nuestros nios. La Estimulacin Temprana tiene por objetivo, entonces, optimizar el desarrollo normal del nio; prevenir la aparicin de dficit asociados a un riesgo biolgico, psicolgico o social; atender las necesidades de la familia; aminorar los efectos de una discapacidad; aumentar el control emocional del nio; proporcionar una sensacin de goce, alegra y motivacin; ampliar la habilidad mental y la capacidad de aprendizaje; y estimular la creatividad, curiosidad, exploracin e imaginacin de los nios. Por lo tanto, est dirigida a todos los nios, desde su nacimiento hasta los 2 aos de edad, sin importar si presentan algn tipo de discapacidad motora y/o cognitiva y puede ser realizada por un profesional especializado o por el propio entorno familiar del nio."
Price: 24.99

"Primeros Auxilios con foco Nios y Bebs" |
"Un tercio de los accidentes que provocan lesiones y muerte en los nios corresponde a accidentes domsticos. Un 54% de los incidentes en menores de cinco aos ocurren en la casa. (OMS 2015)Al terminar el Taller:Estars preparada/o para enfrentar cualquier incidente: Abordaremos los incidentes ms comunes que le ocurren a los nios entre 0 y 8 aos.Reaccionars rpidamente ante un incidente grave, evitando la muerte o secuelas: A veces ocurren situaciones graves que requieren de una accin inmediata para evitar as la muerte o secuelas importantes.Aprenders a evaluar sntomas y signos vitales: Sabrs identificar y actuar ante sntomas como la fiebre y/o alteracin de la oxigenacin y frecuencia cardaca.Estos conocimientos tambin te servirn en caso de un Adulto."
Price: 29.99

"Code a cricket game: Learn Python programming through sports" |
"Hey cricket fans,Learn to code with this beginner Python programming course featuring 100% cricket-related examples and projects.By the end of this course, you will have made a fully working cricket game simulator - even if you are new to programming.So, whether you want to change careers and become a super savvy sports data analyst or, just try to predict the results of your team every week learning Python is where it all begins.Check out this course and learn a new high-income skill while tackling a super-interesting cricket project.As a sports fan, even if youve tried to learn to program before, but lost interest because of the boring examples give this course a go youll be pleasantly surprised.And, obviously, if you aspire to become a sports data analyst, but need to learn Python basics first then this is definitely the course for you. You will learn programming using relevant sports examples as opposed to rehashed unrelatable exercises.This course is very practical. Im going to teach you a lot of different concepts right from the start, and you will immediately see how they work in a practice in real scenarios because you are programming something from lesson one. Then, we will keep on using and building on these concepts throughout our projects until you become really familiar with them.Many other courses take 10-20 videos to go through some of the concepts I introduce in lesson one and you would be sitting there wondering when youre going to get to actually program something. With this course, you wont ever feel that.This course is based on a very successful learning strategy that many experienced programmers encourage, which is to find a project that you enjoy doing, and then learn the concepts you need to complete that project. Then do another project and, learn what you need, and build your knowledge, and so on.Learn what you love, love what you doSo, if you are ready to invest some time in learning Python why not enjoy it? Its a lot easier to learn to program when youre engaged in the subject matter and working through scenarios that you can picture in real life and while having fun. So, are you ready to kick-off? I know, I am."
Price: 199.99

"Obtenez des aujourdhui votre certification en ASTROLOGIE SPCIALISE POUR LES ENFANTS !Ltude des thmes astrologiques d'enfant sont comme un voyage la dcouverte de leurs besoins ducatifs, la clef qui nous permettra d'entrer dans leur univers, afin de les accompagner dans leur volution personnelle.Savoir accueillir leurs besoins, les comprendre, les recevoir et les guider sur leur chemin de vie.La formation est spcifiquement oriente dans le cursus de linterprtation des thmes d'enfant, elle convient aussi bien aux parents, aux ducateurs ainsi qu'aux thrapeutes.Elle peut s'appliquer galement dans le cadre d'un revenu complmentaire si vous dsirez en faire une activit professionnelle.Ce cours est compos de 14 dossiers pdagogiques et 24 vidos explicatives ainsi que d'exercices pratiques.A la fin du cursus vous possderez toutes les comptences ncessaires pour pouvoir interprter le thme astral d'un enfant, dans le but d'aiguiller, de conseiller les parents dans lducation de leur enfants."
Price: 29.99

Lightroom |
" after taking this course you will be change your hobby as photography into a business and you can make money from it ! i will make it easy for you how to deal with customers how to edit your photo as professional, i will give the right setting for editing your photo with Light Room lightroom cc this course is in Arabic language"
Price: 49.99

"10 entreprises inspirantes en Exprience client" |
"Ce cours aborde les bonnes et moins bonnes mthodes que des entreprises ont mis en place en ce qui concerne l'exprience client! Je procde donc l'analyse de 10 entreprises trs inspirantes quant leurs pratiques en ce qui concerne l'exprience client. Je prsente autant des PME que des entreprises mondiales afin de touch tous les types d'entreprises ainsi qu' l'ensemble des secteurs d'activits."
Price: 49.99

"Nutrition for Bodybuilding" |
"This course is for someone who wants to learn how to eat to get bigger and stronger. The course content is based on many years of personal experience, as well as evidence-based recommendations for building muscle mass.My name is Andr Baumann and I have a master's degree in nutrition. I have helped hundreds of people with weight loss for the past ten years. In my current position as a sports nutritionist at The Norwegian Olympic Sports Centre, I tailor diet plans for Olympic athletes. I have also worked as a personal trainer for almost ten years, helping both trained and untrained achieving their body goals. The main take-aways from the course are:How to tailor proteins, carbohydrates, and fat in your diet to build muscleWhich performance-enhancing supplements that are effective for bodybuildingPractical diet tips for hypertrophyValuable tools to monitor your weight gain progressUseful sports products for building muscleHow estimate your calorie expenditureMy top 10 tips for gaining weightPractical case exampleWhat is the course content?Estimate your baseline and find your motivation!The importance of goalsettingThe value of the correct motivation How to calculate your resting metabolismHow to calculate your total daily energy expenditureHow many calories you need to gain muscle mass with the least amount of fat massImportant tools to track your progressLearn about the three main macronutrients and their recommended intake for hypertrophy.How much, when, and what type of proteins you need to build muscleHow much and what type of carbohydrates you need to perform optimally in your trainingHow much and what type of fats you need for healthFind out which supplements you can use to improve your strength and increase your training adaptations.What type of legal performance-enhancing supplements (e.g., creatine, beta-alanine) you should useWhat type of sports products (e.g., protein powder, BCAA) that are good for bodybuildingHow you should dosage your performance-enhancing supplementsWhen and if you should use these supplementsLearn how to adapt your diet to your training.When and what to eatMeal composition for an optimal pre-workout mealImportance of hydration for strength-training performanceThis is the right course for you if you are interested in learning about nutrition for building muscle mass effectively!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants the essential information on how to build muscle massAnyone interested in an effective method for gaining weight and muscle mass"
Price: 169.99

"Mechanical Engineering (Education, Courses , Career Paths)" |
"Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines , whether we are talking about HVAC , Aerospace , Automobiles and many more industries...a Mechanical engineer would be part of the equation.In this course you will learn what it takes to become a Mechanical engineer , starting from the educational background all the way to the various career paths that you can take. This course is designed and taught by a Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager & Certified Educator/Teacher with over 9 years in the field therefore you are guaranteed quality education along with an insider expertise on the subject"
Price: 199.99

"HVAC Engineering Fundamentals & HVAC Experts Best Practices" |
"............................................................................Where Theory Meets the application...........................................................................................HVAC engineering is one of the sub-disciplines of Mechanical Engineering that is highly in demand in today's world. In this course you will learn the core principles of HVAC engineering straight from the professionals in the field along with the HVAC fundamentals that every professional in the HVAC field must know. You will be equipped with the sufficient knowledge that will allow you to understand the discipline in depth along with having a complete perspective of the discipline whether you are working in the field or you are considering a career in the field.In addition, You will develop the sound knowledge that is often obtained from professionals that have been working in the field for years.Usually as You Transition from the Academics to the actual field , it seems frustrating since you have the knowledge yet for some reason it does not match the practice.Here is a checklist to know if the course is for you :- You want to learn about the HVAC discipline properly in order to practice it as a professional.- You want Credible expertise not random teaching.- You have struggled with finding proper resources to support your Learning process.-You have a sound background but you want to be able to apply what you have learned.- Your Knowledge is based solely on theoretical ends and you cant seem to relate your knowledge to the practice in the industry.- You are confused about the HVAC application , where to begin , what to do , how it works etc- You want to learn more about the field to support your career choices or field of studyIf any of the above points sound familiar then this course is a must have, it will save you precious time of random research. This course is designed and taught by a Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager & Certified Educator/Teacher with over 9 years in the field therefore you are guaranteed quality education along with an insider expertise on the subject."
Price: 199.99

"Forecasting for hotel managers" |
"This course 'Forecasting for hotel managers' is based towards students who are new to forecasting in the hospitality industry.If you have little to no experience in forecasting and want to learn the basics of forecasting then this course is for you.Together we will discuss all the basics of forecasting in a hotel. By the end of this course you will have a solid foundation and basic understanding of; what forecasting is, what you need in order to make a forecast, why forecasting is important and more. When you've finished this course you'll be able to make a simple, quick and effective forecast for your hotel. So learn to forecast today!"
Price: 29.99

"Recruitment and Talent Consulting (USA/INDIA)" |
"Recruitment/Talent- OverviewCompany types, Recruitment system between companieswhy communication english is important, candidate follow up and hold on, Recruitment ProcessWho are Recruiters? Sales? are they Branding Professionals? who is HR? sales Recruiters?Requirement Analysis, Requirement Analysis (Part 1), Java Requirement (Part 2), UX/UI Requirement (part 3), Database Admin and Database Developer Requirement (part 4)Resume ScreeningEffective Telephone discussion to candidatesEmail communication to candidatesBoolean StringsUS Tax TermsWork Permit - GC, GC EAD, USCWork Permit-H1, H4 EADWork Permit- Visa F1, Work Permit F1 CPT, OPT, OPT EAD/STEM OPT, TN, L1/L2 EADJob Posting/AdvertisementNetworking and Social Media"
Price: 1600.00

"Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA 8) Boot Camp" |
"This course fully prepares you to pass the RHCSA (RHEL 8) EX200 certification exam and become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator. It's for anyone who wants to learn Linux and become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator.In this course, we are going to cover the objectives of RHCSA (RHEL 8) EX200. The course contents are: Installing Linux Virtual Machines.Linux Essentials.Users and Groups Management.Linux Network Configuration.Linux Security.Operate Running Systems.Configuring and Maintaining Systems.Storage Techniques.Configuring File Systems. Practice Test.RHCSA is one of the most valuable Linux certifications in the industry and become RHCSA will definitely help you start a career in Linux. This course is fully hands-on. It'll help you and prepare you for the real exam. You are only one certification away from becoming a certified Linux system administrator; you are only RHCSA away!"
Price: 199.99

"Master in TDS- Other than Salary" |
"Detailed understanding of Income Tax Law in respect of Deduction of Tax at Source ( other than Salary).All the sections (except for Salary) are covered.Case studies are discussed for understanding practical implications of the Law.You will understand the Practical procedures like -Online payment of TDS.Filing of Quarterly returns.Industry best practices & SOPs to be followed in respect of TDS function."
Price: 3520.00

"ESG and Sustainable Investing 101" |
"This is an introductory course on Sustainable Investing and Environmental, Social and Governance Factors.Level: BeginnerLearning Outcomes:Being educated on environmental, social and governance factors is becoming a key in successful integrated business and investment management. Whether you are a Financial advisor, Finance professional, Student, Investor, Passionate about sustainability; this course will allow you to catch up and build foundational knowledge on Socially Responsible and Sustainable Investing.Financial industry is evolving at a rapid speed; demand for Sustainable and Socially Responsible Investments is raising on both individual and institutional investor's side. Integration of material environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into financial analysis has proven to enrich fundamental analysis and result in better risk adjusted returns.This course will allow you to understand the difference between ESG or Sustainable Investing and Ethical or Socially Responsible Investing. You will learn about the foundation and current state of the market as well as basic terms and concepts used in the field. We will cover some more specific environmental, social and governance factors and risks (climate change, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, employee diversity, human rights, data privacy, board independence and cyber security). Bridging ESG factors and financial performance will bring clarity on interrelationship between these extra-financial issues and risk/return outcomes.Course will give you an overview of the seven main ESG Investing strategies: negative screening, positive screening, best in-class , norms based screening, ESG integration, impact investing and shareholder engagement. It will provide examples of how ESG factors can be integrated into the financial valuation models.Multiple quizzes and an assignment will keep you actively engaged in the course.To apply your knowledge you will conduct a case study analysis on Putnam Sustainable Leaders Fund.We will wrap up with key takeaways from the course.All students are welcome to join our community forum where we continue to share knowledge with you by posting articles, research papers and announcing pertinent webinars.COURSE OUTLINE:ESG, Sustainable Investing and Socially Responsible InvestingTerms and Concepts (SASB, TCFD, PRI) Environmental FactorsSocial FactorsGovernance FactorsBridging ESG and Financial PerformanceESG Investment StrategiesESG in Financial AnalysisPerformance of ESG StrategiesCase Study Assignment - Putnam Sustainable Leaders FundKey TakeawaysREFERENCES: Sustainable investment: A new landscape, Monika Dutt, OECD ObserverUnderstanding sustainable investment and ESG term, Schroder Investment Management North America Inc.HSBC Sustainable Financing and ESG Investing report, HSBC Bank, 2018ESG Funds Might Soon Have to Prove to SEC Theyre Actually ESG, By Benjamin Bain, March 2, 2020, The Global Risks Report 2020, World Economic Forum, 15th editionGlobal Climate Change, NASAInvesting in a Time of Climate Change The Sequel, Mercer, 2019BBC, Science & Environment, Climate change: Should you fly, drive or take the train? Coffees Invisible Carbon FootprintUnited States Environmental Protection Agency, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies CalculatorA practical guide to ESG integration for equity InvestingClimate Transition Risk for General Insurers, the Actuaries Institute Climate Change Working Group, Michelle Dong, Sharanjit Paddam, Stephanie Wong, Nov 2018ESG INTEGRATION: HOW ARE SOCIAL ISSUES INFLUENCING INVESTMENT DECISIONS?, UN PRI, Justin Sloggett, CFA, Bettina Reinboth Most big companies failing U.N. human rights test, ranking shows, Umberto Bacchi, NOVEMBER 11, 2018Green Finance Is Now $31 Trillion and Growing, By Reed Landberg, Annie Massa and Demetrios Pogkas, June 7, 20192018 Global Sustainable Investment review, Global Sustainable Investment AllianceRIA Canada websiteMorgan Stanley, Sustainable Reality Analyzing Risk and Returns of Sustainable Funds Better Munis Worse, Evaluating ESG Effects on Risk and Return, by Patrick Wang, Morningstar Quantitative Research, Feb 20, 2020, From the stockholder to the stakeholder, How sustainability can drive financial performance, G. Clark, a. Feiner, M.Viehs, University of Oxford, Arabesque Partners, March 2015Gunnar Friede, Timo Busch & Alexander Bassen (2015) ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical studies, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 5:4, 210-233, DOI: 10.1080/20430795.2015.1118917GIIN websiteRBC, Does Socially Responsible Investing Hurt Investment ReturnsCREDITS:Content review: Marie-Jose Privyk, CFA, RIPC, SASB FSA Credential holder, ESG AdvisorMusic: ""Keys of Moon - The Epic Hero"" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright"
Price: 44.99

"Facebook Ads Training : Complete Guide For Lead Generation" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads expert? Want to Generate Leads? More than 2.2 Billion People Log In to FACEBOOK every month, and 1.50 Billion of them every day. This is Giant. Having your company and your brand on Facebook is the best way to reach millions of new potential customers that will be very interested in you, your products, and your message. But thats not enough, to succeed on Facebook you need to dominate some simple but critical tools that Facebook is already providing to you.Reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE Right Now!You get lifetime access to lectures!You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for my clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook page and Facebook ads, therefore, enabling you to reach any type of target market!Inside the course, you'll learn how to: Facebook Lead Generation Strategy How to set yourself up for success with Facebook ads How to build a Facebook strategy that gets you results How to choose the right types of Facebook ads to fit your unique business goals. How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals How to Install Facebook Pixel How to add Call-To-Action How to create Facebook Lead Ads And Much More!You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 8960.00

"Herramientas + Acciones = + Ventas" |
"Herramientas y Acciones para incrementar las ventas y rentabilidad de tu negocio o servicio. Metodologas y acciones practicas y efectivas para alcanzar Tus objetivos en Ventas y Rentabilidad. Vamos a darte capacitacin para realizar publicidad en redes sociales, para establecer adecuadamente el costo de tus productos o servicios, informarte sobre los aspectos legales, impositivos y financieros importantes para el lanzamiento o crecimiento de tu negocio. Conversaremos sobre la importancia de los recursos humanos, su contratacion, capacitacion y desvinculacin."
Price: 19.99
