"Conociendo el Automvil" |
"Aprender el adecuado uso del automvil, permitiendo economa en el gasto de combustible, desgaste y mantenimiento. Conocer los elementos que componen el vehiculo, su mantenimiento, reemplazo. Informarte, ante un desperfecto, cuales son las soluciones factibles y conocer previamente el costo de las mismas, evitando engaos o sobrefacturacin en las reparaciones Formas de Conduccin, Medidas preventivas. Acciones y Cuidados para evitar accidentes, en caso de producirse, que debo hacer. Seguridad y sealizacin en ciudades y rutas, significado."
Price: 19.99

"Gestin de Talleres de Reparacion Automotriz" |
"Desde el layout mas adecuado, gestin, administracin y medicin de ratios de rentabilidad, todo apuntado al mayor rendimiento y rentabilidad de un Taller de Reparacin de Servicios del Automotor. Importancia de la seleccin de personal, su capacitacin, su control. Definicin de puestos de trabajo. Como lograr la eficiencia y efectividad en los trabajos realizados. Orden de Trabajo, su importancia y seguimiento. Definicion e importancia de las figuras de Gerente de Taller, Jefe de Taller, Dependientes y Recepcionista."
Price: 19.99

"Estrategia y Modelo de Negocios" |
"Hablaremos sobre el armado de un plan de negocios, costos, financiamiento, reclutamiento de personal, publicidad y mas. Todo desde una mirada practica, efectiva y aplicable por vos mismo, sin la necesidad de incorporar mayores costos por contratacin de recursos externos, para lanzar Tu emprendimiento o para Crecer y Avanzar con Tu Negocio. Importantes conocimientos y herramientas para el desarrollo de ventas, lanzamiento de productos o servicios. Dirigido a Emprendedores, Titulares y Directores de Pyme y Profesionales, que deseen crecer en su actividad"
Price: 24.99

"Linux Heap Exploitation - Part 1" |
"For nearly 20 years, exploiting memory allocators has been something of an art form. Become part of that legacy with HeapLAB.The GNU C Library (GLIBC) is a fundamental part of most Linux desktop and many embedded distributions; its memory allocator is used in everything from starting threads to dealing with I/O. Learn how to leverage this vast attack surface via different heap exploitation techniques, from the original ""Unsafe Unlink"" to the beautiful overflow-to-shell ""House of Orange"".In this hands-on course, students will alternate between learning new techniques and developing their own exploits based on what they've learned. We'll make use of the pwntools and pwndbg frameworks to drop shells from vulnerable practice binaries, and you'll take on challenges that test what you've learned."
Price: 99.99

"CII - IF1 Practice Tests" |
"Set of practice tests for the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) IF1 - Insurance Legal and Regulatory - exam. Topics covered: Risk & Insurance, Structure of the Insurance Market, Contract and Agency, Insurable Interest, Utmost Good Faith, Proximate Cause, Contribution & Subrogation, Compulsory Insurance, and Consumer Protection.Written by an ACII Chartered Insurer with several years of experience both in the insurance industry and as a management and technology consultant to insurers.Disclaimer: not official CII materials."
Price: 19.99

Quiroacupuntura |
"A quiroacupuntura consiste em uma tcnica milenar de acupuntura coreana no microssistema das mos. Utilizando os mesmos meridianos da acupuntura tradicional chinesa nos locais correspondentes nas mos possvel garantir maior qualidade em preveno, diagnstico e tratamento.Muito simples e fcil de praticar a quiroacupuntura enriquece a terapia bem como pode ser utilizada em auto tratamento.Nesse curso abordamos: Conceitos, Terapia dos 14 Micromeridianos, Pontos Principais, Terapia de Correspondncia, Materiais e Instrumentos, Tcnicas de estmulo e Prtica."
Price: 159.99

"Voc em Alta Performance - Perfil Comportamental - DISC" |
"- Direcionado para o processo de Autoconhecimento atravs do Perfil Comportamental- Comunicao assertiva- Ampliar relacionamento interpessoal- Tomada de Deciso: identificar o seu perfil e como agir com os quatros perfis comportamentais- Como agir no momento das tomadas de decises- Se vai delegar uma demanda, qual a melhor forma - Perfil de Liderana: identificar o seu perfil de liderana e como agir com meus liderados- Processo de Venda: como agir e como no agir- Todo contedo embasado na Teoria DISC- Quais as caractersticas dos 4 Perfis Comportamentais: Dominante, Influente, Estvel e Conforme- Ampla aplicabilidade do Perfil Comportamental no ambiente profissional, pessoal e social- Relao entre a Salrio e o Perfil Comportamental"
Price: 129.99

"Mindfulness of Breathing" |
"In this course, we will share one of the most detailed meditation techniques found in the Early Buddhist Texts, called Anapanasati. Usually translated as Mindfulness of Breathing, Anapanasati is a mental cultivation process consisting of 16 stages, where the meditator learns how to observe the mind-body processes, including sensations, emotions, thought, and the more subtle relationship between these phenomena and the common clinging to these that produces attachment and dissatisfaction. As you develop more concentration, you may be able to understand the impermanence of our clung-to identity, release yourself from it, and experience freedom of mind.We would like to offer this course for free, however Udemy requires a minimum price due to the length of the course. One Yoga will donate any profit received from this course to charity."
Price: 19.99

"VOLUME Eyelash Extension Training Course" |
"As part of this intensive course, you will learn how to apply multiple lashes to each natural lash hand making 2D,3D,4D fans to be able to provide your clients with a really beautiful look, being as subtle or glamorous even dramatic if they wish! Volume extensions is growing in popularity, especially among celebrities.With this course, I'm going to take your skills to the next level. Your clients will love it, and in just a few weeks, your bookings will increase when they learn about your lash versatility.Success doesn't just come and find you, YOU have to GO and GET IT! Finding a good mentor can make all the difference. *Disclaimer*I teach this volume eyelash extension course on a mannequin head. Before you practice on a live model I always recommend you do so under the supervision of a lash trainer or a licensed technician.This resources can be found in the following lectures:1) Lecture 1 - Welcome & Congratulations2) Lecture 2 - What are classic, volume, & hybrid lash extensions3) Lecture 3 - Creating Lash Fans4) Lecture 4 - Bridging gaps in natural lash line with volume fans5) Lecture 5 - Natural Lash Growth Cycle6) Lecture 6 - Curls/thickness and length7) Lecture 7 - Lash styling and mapping8) Lecture 8 - Product knowledge9) Lecture 9 - How to Sterilize Your Workspace & Tools10) Lecture 10 - Allergies&reactions11) Lecture 11 - Reasons why your clients don't come back12) Lecture 12 - Lash aftercare13) Lecture 13 - Lashing procedure step by step14) Lecture 14 - Practical part* how to apply full volume eyelash extension set15) Lecture 15 - Lash refills16) Lecture 16 - How to remove all the lash extensions with cream lash remover"
Price: 199.99

"QGS 3.12 Eitim Kursu" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar...Corafi Bilgi Sistemleri programlarndan birisi olan QGS program ile izim, harita retme, analiz, veri yorumlama, ekleme, veri indirme, veri dzenleme vb. gibi konular sfrdan balayarak ileri seviyeye program rahat bir ekilde anlayp kullanacak dereceye gelecek ekilde hazrlayp siz sevgili renci arkadalara, kendini baka bir CBS programnda gelitirmek ve baka bir program tanmak isteyen arkadalar iin sizlere sunuyorum. Basit bir ekilde ncelikle proje oluturma, proje ama, proje kayt ilemleri gibi basit konulardan balayarak adm adm daha karmak ilemlere doru bir yol izleyeceiz. Haydi CBS renmeye balayalm."
Price: 59.99

"Violo do Zero" |
"O curso ensina os conhecimentos mais importantes e essenciais para quem quer aprender tocar violo.Desde de o zero, voc vai aprender passo a passo para conseguir tocar o violo.Cronograma contm 30 aulas:Partes do InstrumentoExerccios PsicomotoresComo afinarComo ler um diagramaAcordes maioresAcordes menoresRitmosDedilhadosAcordes maiores com stimaAcordes maiores com stima maiorAcordes menores com stimaAcordes menores com stima menorAcordes com quartaAcordes com nona"
Price: 39.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Succeed on Instagram in 2020" |
"*** THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO START GROWING AND MONETIZING YOUR INSTAGRAM TODAY***Instagram is a powerful tool for making connections, building relationships, promoting your brand, and sharing your value proposition with the world. You can make a difference by just showing up and being there for your followers. But, there are steps you need to follow in order to make it successful. We have been practicing, testing, checking these proven methods that will lead you to success and the best part - you can start utilizing them TODAY!Being visible to your targeted audience is the most important part!Spending just a few hours learning how to manage your Instagram like a pro will start paying off immediately. Methods covered in this course have been tested, proven to work, and in line with the latest Instagram algorithms of 2020.Join us on our journey while we show you step-by-step how to master your Instagram organically. ***It should be noted that we are not making any promises. The class does not guarantee that you will become an overnight Ambassador, achieve fame and fortune or any other empty promise that we read about every single day on the interwebs - although we do wish that for you. However, we are stating a fact, when we say that if you:Show upConnect with your audience/fansBuild and foster relationships.Consistently engageStrategically plan your content with purposeUnderstand your data You will build an online presence that is worth being proud of, you will begin to build your brand, and piece by piece will develop a tribe of followers that resonate with your version of the world.Course overview and why you should buy it.We have designed this course for anyone wanting to grow their Instagram following for professional purposes.We start with the basics where we cover things like why we use Instagram and why we invest in it. The investment is the time you spend nurturing your Instagram so it thrives. We teach you how to optimize your profile, what kind of a profile photo you should use, and give you relevant information so your bio is worth checking out.Next we talk about connections and why its important that you are there for your followers. Showing up is the most important thing to build any kind of relationship on Instagram. Your followers need to know they can count on you and you have to show them you care. Dont worry, well teach you how to do it!Youll learn how to build your content calendar and how to organize your pillars along with compelling captions you need to write. Well teach you how to stand out from the crowd so that youre noticed.Well show you how to build your brand and stick to it and teach you how to use your stories and IGTV effectively.At the end of the course, we will bring it all together by acknowledging the importance of hashtags. After that, well show you how we do it LIVE so be prepared to be blown away by the ACTIONABLE content you can utilize TODAY to start to boost your Instagram following, no matter if you use as a professional promoting your services and bringing on new clients or if you use it in a more intimate and personal way, sharing experiences and bringing value to the world by sharing your vision.You will PROFIT by taking this course - WE GUARANTEE YOU THAT. And if, for some reason, youre not happy with what we have to share, just easily take your money back with a One-month money-back guarantee.We are eager to help you start monetizing your Instagram and looking forward to seeing you in our classroom.Lisa and Deevo"
Price: 39.99

"Quais medidas contbeis adotar em tempos de crise" |
"Aproximar as prticas contbeis dos empresrios e demonstrar as mudanas ocorridas na crise alm dos novos procedimentos a serem adotados, a fim de esclarecer, nortear e identificar solues , com uma linguagem simples e objetiva.Informaes atuais, de fcil leitura e objetiva.Aproximao empresa/contabilidade.Parmetros para a tomada de decises.Aplicao prtica e planejamento tributrio eficaz."
Price: 144.99

"Heal your Relationship" |
"This course is a five days Quest style, focused on Healing Relationships, that has been impacted by some traumatic experience.For example, the pandemic we are facing now has harmed us in many aspects, but something that has been overlooked is the rise of domestic violence and divorce requests since the virus has begun to spread.However, I believe that most of the people in a relationship would like to learn a practical, healthy way how to cope with it, and instead of destroying to create a more lovable and strongest relationship.We will use a variety of tools, exercises, and actions to figure out what are the flaws, how to not obsess over it, and get your partner to also be part of this change."
Price: 69.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Certification Exams-6 sets" |
"All questions are prepare based on exam pattern and years of experience on training.. We have carefully choose each question for the test to secure your passing and update regularly to keep the relevance and change in exam pattern based on the feedback form ITIL 4 passed participants. After practicing these tests you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt. It is recommended to do a training. If you have any question please use udemy Q & A. I answer every questions personally.6 full ITIL 4 Foundation verified exams by (Ibrahim Hossain, Accredited ITIL 4 MP, ITIL Expert trainer)240 best-in-class questions with explanation of answers and mention the topic areas. The exams questions are updated periodically based on the latest ITIL 4 Foundation exam syllabusMore than 1000 students already passed the official ITIL 4 Foundation exam using these exams and study materialKind RegardsIbrahim Hossain"
Price: 99.99

"Criar uma Loja Online Profissional com nopcommerce." |
"Neste curso vamos aprender como podemos usar recursos gratuitos para preparar uma loja online profissional de elevada qualidade e com funcionalidades ao nvel das maiores empresas mundiais.Uma loja que se enquadra para pequenas empresas, podendo mesmo acompanhar todo o crescimento da empresa e tornar-se uma ferramenta poderosa no futuro da sua empresa online.Vlido para implementaes em Portugal e Brasil."
Price: 29.99

"Learn how to design a procurement fraud mitigation framework" |
"This course walks you through the areas of procurement fraud risk, and discusses the areas of an organisation framework, the key individuals, processes and departments that should be involved in the prevention, detection, investigation, disruption and financial recovery decision making process. The course outlines key areas that should be included within a strategy from building an organisations anti-fraud culture to the common practices, responsibilities and compliance structures within each area of the supply chain, project management and the proactive data analysis and detection techniques."
Price: 74.99

"Matlab and Octave in Jupyter Notebook" |
"We will be learning Matlab and Octave in this course. Octave is Opensource alternative of Matlab. We will cover the following topics.Basics and Intermediate Matlab/OctaveLinking up to Jupyter NotebookVariables and TypesConditional Statements,LoopsFunctionsArraysStringCell ArrayPlotting of Graphs 2d,3d manipulationLinear Algebra using Matlab/OctaveDifferentiation Indefnite and Definite IntegrationThe best part will be that we are not doing it at the editor or command window, So, if we ever need to come back and revise you can simply open the notebook and everything will be presented in the form of a book."
Price: 19.99

"Design Engaging Lessons and Trainings: 5-Part Model" |
"The 5-Part model is a lesson-planning, or program design template. Because it is derived from brain-based learning principles, there are several benefits we enjoy as trainers, educators and learning facilitators, regardless of experience level, right from the start:1. It supports in creating more engagement in the program2. It is brain-compatible: the model is inline with how our brains learn3. It raises the chances and rate of memory retention in our participants after the lesson.4. You can use the model to design a program on the macro level (big picture, overall program design) or on the micro level (segments of your program), or both.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSEThis is what you will be learning in this video course:1. An in-depth understanding of the 5 part model: Engager, Frame, Activity, Debrief, Metaphor2. Strategies within each stage to support you in your design work or sequencing3. Linear application of the model."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Interpretao da Norma ISO 9001:2015" |
"Conceitos de Qualidade.Sistema de Gesto de Qualidade definies e conceitos.Termos e definies novos e revisados aplicveis ISO 9001:2015.Conceitos-chave, como: pensamento baseado em riscos e abordagem de processos.Principais mudanas ocorridas na verso 2015.Foco da nova norma ISO 9001:2015.Novos requisitos especficos relacionados ao contexto, liderana, planejamento, suporte e operao.Interpretao dos requisitos da ISO 9001:2015.Exerccios prticos e estudo de caso."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking tico desde el Celular" |
"el curso ideal para quien quiere entrar de fondo a el mundo de la informatica de aqui saldran con una gran experiencia y con unas habilidades extraordinarias en el ambito laboral sin ms que decir espero que este curso les sea de gran utilidad y queden despejadas todas sus dudas."
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 6 Practice Exams 2020" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new 390 questions updated on May 2020. This course consists of 6 exams. Each exam have 65 questions and 100 minutes duration which mimics the real exam provided by AWS. The questions included are combination of several AWS exam attempts and each quiz covers all the aspects of the exam. It will enable you to confirm your mastery in all topics of the exam. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01) validates an examinee's ability to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure.Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles.Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition.Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics).Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.Define the billing, account management, and pricing models.Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud.This AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam course is updated regularly to reflect the latest exam and AWS changes"
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Showcalling for event management students" |
"This course is designed for event management students to give an understanding of the role of the showcaller in corporate events and the critical role of the producer in providing the information to enable the showcaller to deliver a good show.An explanation of all the other production roles involved and how the showcaller interacts with them.The course is made up of a series of videos giving an explanation of how a showcaller works alongside the producer from arrival onsite through to the show going live.There isn't very good availability of this sort of content for event management students. This course will equip those planning to become event and conference producers with essential knowledge of technical production and the pressures on the producer and showcrew when delivering an event."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Spanish Guitar Techniques" |
"Want to learn how to play the Spanish guitar? Whether you are just starting out or already have experience from different guitar styles, this course is perfect for you! In this course, you will build your skill with the fundamental techniques, understand some essential melodies, and master percussive rhythms. I will teach you exercises to improve your ability with tricky techniques. Furthermore, you will learn about the key musicians who have shaped the art form.In summary, this course will inspire you on your journey to learn Spanish and flamenco guitar, help you to understand your own style, and teach you to perform some beautiful songs!"
Price: 19.99

"Abrsm Guitar Grade 2 Tutorials with Video Exchanges!" |
"Hi there! Great to see you here, hope you will enjoy the lessons! Here you will learn all 6 solo pieces from the exam syllabus Grade 11) Mr Dowland's Midnight -List A no 12) The Meeting of the Waters - List A No 2 3) Allrgretto grazioso - List B no 14) The Trout - List B no 25) Fly me to the moon - List C no 16) Highland Spirit - List C no 2 Also get feedback on your playing by sending videos of your playing!"
Price: 39.99

"Abrsm Guitar Grade 3 Tutorials with Video Exchanges!" |
"Hi there! Great to see you here, hope you will enjoy the lessons! Here you will learn all 6 solo pieces from the exam syllabus Grade 31) Saltarello del predetto ballo - List A no 12) Tri Martolod - List A No 2 3) Andante - List B no 14) Suo Gan - List B no 25) Peppermint Rag - List C no 16) Celtic Blue - List C no 2 Also get detailed feedback on your playing by sending videos of your playing!"
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce Admin Certification Practice Tests" |
"These 6 practice tests will fully prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam. There are 6 practice exams, each question has been carefully hand-crafted to put you through the Real testing experience.These practice tests are in accordance with the official Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with the 12 Knowledge Areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam with confidence, not just hoping you are ready, but knowing you are ready.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.You can retake the tests in this course as many times as you need. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. The Explanation contains links for additional study and reference, so you can see for yourself the official word from Salesforce on a given topic.These Practice tests will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico - Smath Studio com exemplos da Engenharia Civil" |
"O curso apresenta de forma objetiva e clara a utilizao do software Smath Studio com aplicaes na Engenharia Civil. Sero apresentados 14 aulas distribudas em 5 sees, com contedos tericos e exerccios sobre os principais comandos: comandos de repetio, comandos condicionais, vetores e matrizes, e construo de grficos, e soluo de sistemas de equaes lineares."
Price: 54.99

"MS-300 and MS-301 (Exam Bundle)" |
"MS-300Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of integration points with the following apps and services: Office, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer, Microsoft Graph, Stream, Planner, and Project. The administrator understands how to integrate third-party apps and services including line-of-business applications. Candidates also have an understanding of SQL Server management concepts, Azure Active Directory, PowerShell, networking, Windows server administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory mobile device management, and alternative operating systems.Configure and manage SharePoint Online (35-40%) Configure and manage OneDrive for Business (25-30%) Configure and manage Teams (20-25%) Configure and manage workload integrations (15-20%) MS-301Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of integration points with the following apps and services: Office, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer, Microsoft Graph, Stream, Planner, and Project. The administrator understands how to integrate third-party apps and services including line-of-business applications. Candidates also have an understanding of SQL Server management concepts, Azure Active Directory, PowerShell, networking, Windows server administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory mobile device management, and alternative operating systems.Configure and manage SharePoint on-premises (55-60%) Configure and manage hybrid scenarios (30-35%) Migrate to SharePoint Online (5-10%)"
Price: 59.99

"Game Audio 201: Advanced Sound Design & Recording Techniques" |
"Go more in-depth with the artistic and technological aspects of audio conceptualization and creation. We'll put audio concepts and theory into practice by recording and creating assets for video game trailers, cutscenes, dialogue and individual ability sounds. By the end of this course, you'll have multiple portfolio pieces as well as the audio and career knowledge needed to enter the industry.Want more specifics? We'll go over:Sound Manipulation and ProcessingMore Microphone Types and AttributesHow to Train Your EarDialogue Recording & EditingPhasingModulation & Delay EffectsStereo Recording TechniquesAdvanced Audio FormatsSynthesizers and Audio SynthesisCareer DevelopmentCheck out the bundle course ""Game Audio 101 & 201"" to get both courses at a discounted price, and go from beginner to advanced Game Sound Designer!"
Price: 84.99

"Learn Python Programming from Basics 2020 [XteeV]" |
"You're at the right place to:- Learn programming very quickly from the basics.- Understand programming concepts.- Learn Python by practice rather than just learning theory.- Learn useful shortcuts to make programming a lot easier.- Prepare for jobs, coding competitions and internships.- Be self reliable to learn any programming language by using knowledge acquired from this course.Course by XteeV"
Price: 49.99
