"Time Management for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs" |
"Working for yourself can be a blessing, since you are your own boss and can make your own choices.It can also be a curse, because you are your own boss and make your own choices.How can you make sure you stick to your work and don't get distracted/decide to hang out with friends/start watching TV/keep checking your phone? There is no teacher or boss or even a colleague to stop you, and this can be a very dangerous situation.At least that is what I found. When I started working for myself I realized I would have to be my own boss, quite literally, in that I would have to check up on myself and force myself not to waste time and get back to work. Yes, even when I didn't feel like it.This course is the method I have been following, along with some other tips, tricks and tidbits I've picked up along the way. Using this method I have been able to not only succeed as a Freelance Translator, but set up my own translation agency (Lugano Translations), write my book on Freelance Translation (available on Amazon), create this course (as well as quite a few others), and still have time for my family, reading, etc."
Price: 19.99

"The Definitive Course To Monetizing Your Facebook Groups!" |
"In previous courses, we looked at how to establish a jewelry business. The marketing side of it was not fully fleshed out, which necessitated that we do this course. With the popularity of Facebook groups and evidence showing just how effective they can be, it would be sad if you missed out on a chance to create a way to generate more revenue.Of course, this is not all about money. We are trying to create a community that will be your connection to your customers. You will be able to build a loyal following that constitutes a market-on-demand when done correctly.Some things that people learn about groups are useful and others are not. To make this course give you maximum usefulness, we ensured that we covered all the major and important points that we know will be most useful to you.As you dive into the course, you will be taken through the steps that start at the foundation of the group and go all the way to how you can successfully manage the group. You will also learn how to leverage the newfound power to reach people on a personal level and make revenue from the activities you can organize and the products that you can sell."
Price: 19.99

"How to Design a STAND OUT Resume CV Designing" |
"The techniques you will learn in this course will show you how to layout your CV, and start landing the interviews you need regardless of your industry or level of experience. A professional and well-structured layout will create a winning first impression, and allow you to highlight your in-demand skills to potential employers with ease."
Price: 49.99

"Basic Network" |
"Basic Network Network Network Engineer CCNA Network Admin Lab Cisco Packet Tracer"
Price: 3800.00

"AutoCAD 2021 Commands: Ultimate Quiz" |
"Welcome to all AutoCAD experts and students from the Civil Engineering field. We all know that AutoCAD 2021 is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software. It is developed and greatly marketed by Autodesk. AutoCAD is used in the construction industry, by top architects, engineers, graphic designers, city-planners and other working professionals. AutoCAD helps you gain complete productivity in 2D and 3D design.Some of you might have used AutoCAD, played around with the software and mastered the commands too. Now it's full time to put your AutoCAD skills to immediate test. How proficient are you in terms of AutoCAD 2021 software knowledge?In this superb and practical quiz from Srinidhi and Saranya, you will find all possible questions mostly on the vital AutoCAD commands and shortcuts. Get ready to challenge yourself to the core on this interesting subject of AutoCAD.Enhance your knowledge on AutoCAD 2021 commands and even learn something completely new and amazing by answering these insightful quiz questions here. Prepare for any upcoming test in AutoCAD, use it for training, simply keep yourself updated or even get new insights on the software once you enrol. Each quiz question in this course is made up of highly researched concepts that test your awareness and grasp of the subject of AutoCAD 2021 and its software commands - whatsoever. Detailed feedback for the quiz answers are also provided in the course. Why wait? Sign up now and take the quiz to get your score. Let's get started. All the best."
Price: 1280.00

"Etik Hacker Olmak: Web Szma Testleri ve Bug Bounty" |
"Web Szma Testleri & Bug Bounty Eitimine Hogeldiniz!Bu eitimde sfrdan balayarak Web Uygulamalar ve Web sitelerinde nasl aklar bulunur, bu aklar kapatlmas iin nasl ilgili kiilere bildirilir ve bundan bir gelir elde edilir reneceiz. Hacker'larn kulland saldrlar, bu saldrlarn nasl yapldn, teorisini ve tabii ki kurumlar bu saldrlara kar korumay reneceksiniz. Teoriyi atlamadan fazlasyla pratik yapacanz ve her a deneyerek reneceiniz bir eitim sizi bekliyor.Eitim Udemy'de 200.000+ renciye Etik Hacker'lk & Mobil Gelitirme dersleri veren ve ayn zamanda Boazii niversitesi'nde Mobil Gelitirme Eitmeni olan Atl Samancolu tarafndan veriliyor! Siz de biliim gvenlii dnyasna adm atmak istiyorsanz aadaki detayl aklamay inceleyip kursa hemen kayt olabilirsiniz.Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Web Szma TestleriBurpsuiteKali LinuxHTMLbWappJuice ShopOwasp Top 10MutillidaeDVWAXSSXXESQL EnjeksiyonuHTML EnjeksiyonuPHP EnjeksiyonuShell Ama YntemleriDosya AklarNiktoCommixDotdotpwnWafw00fDirectory TraversalBrute ForceBug BountyerikBu eitim Etik Hacker olmay renmek isteyenler ve web uygulamalarnda ak bulup gelir elde etmek isteyenler iin ideal. En temel konulardan balayarak en detayl konulara ilerleyeceiz. Eitimi almak iin herhangi bir n koul bulunmamakla birlikte temel siber gvenlik bilgisinin faydal olaca dnlmektedir.Alakal konularda yapacamz derslerde Kali Linux, Burpsuite, HTML, XSS, SQL, PHP Enjeksiyonu gibi kavramlarn ne olduunu ve nasl kullanldn reneceiz. Tm mfredat sizin en rahat ekilde anlayp en iyi ekilde uygulayabilmeniz zerine gelitirilmitir.nemli Uyar: Bu kursta retilen tm bilgilerin amac etik hacker, siber gvenlik yetkilileri yetitirip; kiileri ve kurumlar bu saldrlardan korumaktr. Tm renciler kursta rendii bilgileri yasal ereve ierisinde kalarak kullanacaklarn taahht ederler. Etik Hacker Olma Kursu'na gelen baz renci yorumlar:""Atl Bey'in anlatm gerekten ok baarl, akc olmasnn yan sra en ince ayrntlara kadar yer veriliyor. Bunun dnda kullanacamz terimleri geitirmek yerine nedir neye yarar, nerde kullanlr; bu ekilde anlatmas baka gzel. Sorulan sorulara da kesinlikle anlalr ve kibar bir dn oluyor, bilginize. Eitimi tereddt etmeden aln gerekten faydasn ""fazlasyla"" greceksiniz :)"" - Metin""Harika bir kurstu, adeta eitmen deneyimini konuturuyor ve eitim veriyor. Yabanc kaynaklara nazaran ok gzel ve uzun bir kurs oldu. Her soruma yant alarak sorunlarm dzelttim ve baarya ulatm. Teekkrler, alma tereddtne denler hi dnmeden alabilir :)"" - mer""Ben byle kaliteli bir eitim daha grmedim. Kurslara para harcamanza gerek yok. Atl hocam Java ve Kotlin kursundan biliyorum ve takip ediyorum. Kendisine bu deerli bilgileri bizlerle paylat iin ne kadar teekkr etsem azdr. Temennim bu kaliteyle ve anlatmla baka kurslarn da gelmesi. Atil diye yazlr, adamn diye okunur"" - Erturul""ok aklayc bir anlatmla rencileri ben acaba yapabilir miyim sorusundan uzaklatrarak kendi zgvenlerini oluturan bir program olmu. Geri kalan videolar iin sabrszlanyorum."" - Eren""Anlatm ok anlalr ve sade. Gereksiz cmleler yok, konular sral, eitmen konuya tam hakim ve odak noktas bizim tam konsantre olmamza ynelik. Teekkrler."" - Servet""phesiz Udemy'nin en iyi hocas ve bu kurs en iyi, en verimli kurslar arasna girebilir."" - Abdurrahim""Yeni mac kullancym daha iletim sistemini tam manasyla zememiken bu kursa katlma gibi radikal bir karar aldm. Zorlanrm diye tahmin ediyordum ancak hibir ekilde zorlanma yaamadm aksine gittike artan bir heyecanm ve daha fazla bilgi almalym istei var zerimde. Atl hoca o kadar gzel aklyor ki her eyi hibir bilgi havada kalmyor. Birazck dikkatle dinleyip pratie dkerseniz ok ciddi ve az kiinin sahip olduu bilgiler edinebilirsiniz. Tavsiye ediyorum."" - Emre""Hem bilgi ve donanm, hem anlatm, hemde slup asndan ok kaliteli bir eitim. Tereddt etmeden eitimi alabilirsiniz."" - Ahmet""ok ok iyi bir kurstu. nternet'te arayp da bulamadm konular nokta at ile bir kursa toplam hocamz. ok samimi ve anlalr bir dille hazrlanm mkemmel bir kurs. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Eer biraz meraknz varsa ve bilginiz ise hi dnmeden aln derim. Gerek rneklerle desteklenen bir kurs. Hocamz bizim iin elinden geleni yapm. nternet'te bildiini anlatmayan hocalar gibi deil. Merak edilenlerin hepsini sralam. Kursun ikinci versiyonu ksn da alalm :) ok teekkr ederim..."" - Yunus""Konu anlatm ok ak ve anlalr, rnekler ok canl ve kullanl. Bu kadar zor bir konuyu bu kadar basit anlatabildii iin kutluyorum Atl hocay."" - Burak""Hoca inanlmaz deneyimli. Tam bir profesyonel. Konuya en ince detaylarna kadar hakim. Anlatt bilgiler ok deerli. Yllarca aratrp bulamayacanz bilgileri ok gzel derleyip sunmu. Teekkrler."" - Abdullah"
Price: 399.99

"Introduction to Ethereum: Learn How to Build Blockchain Apps" |
"Want to learn how to write your own smart contracts or build production-ready apps based on the blockchain using Ethereum?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Ash - he is very talented and knows Ethereum inside out!There are many programming languages for writing smart contracts which run on Ethereum Virtual Machine on Blockchain. Some are contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript.Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:The Ethereum World ComputerEthereum HistoryWhat is EtherWhat is GASEthereum Account ArchitectureEthereum TransactionsEthereum BlocksPOW Mining TokensDApps, and more!So if you are ready to learn how to build blockchain apps with Ethereum...Check out our preview videos and ENROLL NOW!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 79.99

"CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Practice Certification Exams" |
"These CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback. In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams of 75 unique questions, each of which is timed at 165 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) exam for all 5 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Certification Exam with confidence!Threat and Vulnerability Management (22%)Software and Systems Security (18%)Security Operations and Monitoring (25%)Incident Response (25%)Compliance and Assessment (13%)After taking this CySA+ (CS0-002) Practice Exam course, you won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you should be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, a breakdown of how you did in each of the five domains, and a detailed explanation for every question in our database, telling you exactly why each option was correct or wrong. This way, you can pinpoint the areas in CySA+ which you need to improve and study further. This course stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA CySA+ exam (CS0-002), and also provides a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!What Other Students Are Saying About Our Courses:I used this test prep course ON ITS OWN and PASSED. Period. I am now CySA+ certified thanks to Jason....That's what matters. (Jose, 5 stars)Excellent check on learning. The author has been extremely responsive and attentive when questions or concerns arise. I highly recommend this for anyone looking to verify their knowledge before taking the CySA+ test. (Darrell, 5 stars)Used a book and this course, passed first take. (Michael, 5 stars)"
Price: 99.99

"The Logical Framework Approach in Project Management" |
"The Logical framework approach online course is the heart of Project Management because it shows you everything about the project and how you will ultimately achieve your goals and objectives. It is important to realize that for many years LFAs have been applied by many organizations and with much success. Today, although people may seem confused at first, they soon realize that once applied correctly it does yield the results that we are looking for. Here is some advice, enroll for this course and you will not only come out of it an expert, but you will also have the Skills and Techniques necessary to implement this not only in your organization but in your personal lives as well. There is need to understand that in order to learn something new, this course will require your maximum attention and commitment. Don't be afraid to ask questions where need be and also remember, to become that expert you need to devote energy and time to achieving your goals and objectives. This course will fully equip you to become a person of value in the organization that you are working for. You see folks, LFAs have been applied for many years and it is no wonder that it is growing in popularity. Once you know this technique, you will not only understand what it takes to measure success, but you will also understand the Strategic direction of the organization in a whole different angle. Now is the time, to draw your attention to all the videos that are being elaborated for your personal consumption. In just a few short videos, let me show you how the LFA works so you can understand what it is, how it works and the steps to creating more effective projects.Logical Framework Logframe Logical Framework ApproachLFA"
Price: 44.99

"Workshop facilitation in Project Management" |
"Facilitation of a Workshop is a skill that demands a high level of commitment and determination. The whole issue is for the facilitator to be in touch with the audience and make the experience engaging. The last thing people want is a facilitator who is boring but what people really need is a presenter who is not only interesting but keeps the environment interesting.This course will empower you with the knowledge and skills required to make your presentation and facilitation skills a lasting success. Master the skills and techniques that even the best workshop facilitators use in the world of presentation.Learn how to- How to build confidence in yourself- You will learn how to prepare yourself for the workshop- You will learn how to prepare resource materials for your audience- You will learn how to be engaging with your audience- You will learn how to keep your audience attention- You will- You will learn how to use PowerPoint when doing the presentation- You will learn how to get feed back on the presentation- You will learn how to ask the right questionsIf you are shy and reserved and want to turn your life around, this course is absolutely for you."
Price: 44.99

"Advanced Duolingo English Test Training" |
"In this course you will learn how to score 140+ in Duolingo English Test. Whether you are aiming for 115 or 140+, this course has something for all. We have taught from a very basic level to a professional level. Firstly, you will be getting overview of the Duolingo exam as well as different activities and then you will learn how to answer questions correctly. We have also provided practice sessions so that you can evaluate yourself. First lectures is little long as we are going to give you the overview of everything and then from second lecture onward you will learn about the different tasks/activities in detail."
Price: 19.99

"Python Programming for Beginners : Hands-On (Online Lab)" |
"Python Programming is easy to learn! Spare some time and you will be well on your way to becoming an expert!There is a very high demand for Python programmers as it had gained popularity in various fields - Web/Application Development, Data Science, Infrastructure Automation, Internet of Things, Cloud, DevOps, Backend Development, etc. Don't wait, start learning Python Programming!Assignments/Projects at the end of each module will put your learning to test!"
Price: 99.99

"Doctrine ORM (with MySQL and SQLite)" |
"Doctrine ORM is a powerful database abstraction layer that allows you to focus on writing PHP, rather than SQL. Its used by Symfony and many other frameworks and is highly sought after by employers.In this course, well learn how to use Doctrine, from creating the base classes, having Doctrine create the database schema for us, retrieving and modifying data and managing relationships between different objects.Youll learn hands-on as we build a blog together. Fully working code is provided so you can check your work.You can use any database platform supported by Doctrine as it is platform agnostic. In the examples, I have used MySQL and SQLite.Hit the buy now button to get started immediately. I can't wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 49.99

"BLENDER 2.8x e 2.9x PER TUTTI - MODULO 2" |
"Questo secondo modulo del videocorso su Blender 2.8 e 2.9 in ben 52 lezioni, interamente in italiano, stato ideato, realizzato e diretto da Andrea Coppola, uno dei 6 Blender Foundation Certified Trainer italiani (BFCT) e uno dei 3 Blender Italia Association Certified Trainer (BIACT). Il docente intoltre formatiore ufficiale Reallusion e Direttore Didattico e docente del corso annuale 3D ART presso Viguamus Academy di Roma e Link Academy, l'Universit del Videogioco.OBIETTIVI DEL CORSOObiettivo del corso , che tu sia uno studente o che tu sia gi un esperto, quello di metterti nelle condizioni di imparare un software cos completo e vasto negli argomenti, seguendo un percorso lineare e chiaro. Sarai in grado di modellare gi dopo le prime lezioni e rimarrai sorpreso dei risultati che riuscirai a raggiungere.Il Modulo 1 propedeutico al presente Modulo 2.Tutti gli argomenti vengono trattati molto dettagliatamente, analizzando la maggior parte delle funzioni, anche avanzate, di questo vastissimo software.STRUTTURA DEL CORSOQuesto primo modulo del corso strutturato in 4 parti, in cui le lezioni si susseguono secondo uno schema ordinato e chiaro, con decine di esempi pratici.Al termine di questo modulo, sarai ingrato di modellare in modo efficace, creare materiali e rappresentare le tue scene 3D in modo fotorealistico.Vengono affrontati nel dettaglio i seguenti argomenti:- Fisica e Simulazioni- Sistemi Particellari- Compositing- Animazione- Motion Tracking- Rigging e Motion CaptureINDICE DELLE LEZIONI e ARGOMENTI TRATTATI IN QUESTO PRIMO MODULO (* esempi pratici)Lezione 00 - Introduzione al Secondo ModuloLezione 01 - Introduzione alla fisica - Rigid Body (*)Lezione 02 - Baking di una simulazione e Rigid Body Bug Fix (*)Lezione 03 - Rigid Body Bug Fix (*)Lezione 04_ Due Oggetti in Collisione - Il Biliardo (*)Lezione 05 - Force FieldsLezione 06 - Soft BodyLezione 07 - Cloth (*)Lezione 08 - Interagire con la Fisica - Cloth + Rigid Body (*)Lezione 09 - Fluid (*)Lezione 10 - Fluid Effector - Una Pallina che Cade in Acqua (*)Lezione 11 - Smoke (*)Lezione 12 - Simulazioni Explode e Ocean (*)Lezione 13 - Dynamic Paint (*)Lezione 14 - Introduzione ai Sistemi Particellari (Particle System)Lezione 15 - Particle System Emitter - Prima ParteLezione 16 - Particle System Emitter e Dynamic Paint (Rain Drops) - Seconda Parte (*)Lezione 17 - Particle System Hair - Prima ParteLezione 18 - Particle System Hair - Seconda Parte (*)Lezione 19 - Intelligenza Artificiale Boid (*)Lezione 20 - Weight PaintLezione 21 - Introduzione al Compositing - PassesLezione 22 - Filtri, Blur e Color CorrectionLezione 23 - Mist (*)Lezione 24 - Filtri Glare e Sun BeamsLezione 25 - Maschere, Distorsioni e VignettaturaLezione 26 - Alpha OverLezione 27 - Chroma Key (*)Lezione 28 - Cryptomatte (*)Lezione 29 - View Layers (*)Lezione 30 - Introduzione all'Animazione e KeyframesLezione 31 - Animare un Oggetto Lungo un Percorso con i Vincoli Follow Path e Track To (*)Lezione 32 - Montagne Russe (*)Lezione 33 - Graph Editor e Dope SheetLezione 34 - Actions e NLA (*)Lezione 35 - Drivers (*)Lezione 36 - Shape Keys (*)Lezione 37 - Introduzione al Motion TrackingLezione 38 - Camera Tracking di una Sequenza (*)Lezione 39 - Camera Tracking di due Immagini (*)Lezione 40 - Tracking a Camera Fissa (*)Lezione 41 - Introduzione al RiggingLezione 42 - Rigging e Cinematica Inversa di un Braccio Meccanico che Scava (*)Lezione 43 - Rigging di un Character (*)Lezione 44 - Tris To QuadLezione 45 - Rigging Eyes (*)Lezione 46 - Walking Cycle (*)Lezione 47 - Introduzione al Motion Capture - BVH, Vincoli e RetargetingLezione 48 - Motion Capture con BrekelLezione 49 - Motion Capture con i Software ReallusionLezione 50 - Ottimizzazione del Progetto - Cenni sul LowPoly, sui Lody e sulla RetopologyLezione 51 - Cenni sul Grease Pencil e ConclusioniASSETSTutti i file di supporto al corso, immagini, video e altri file, si trovano zippati dalla quarta all'ottava lezione della prima parte del corso (Fisica e Simulazioni).N.B. 1: Si rimanda a eventuali corsi avanzati futuri sul Motion Capture, Sculpting e sul Grease Pencil.N.B. 2: Questo corso valido sia per la versione 2.8x sia per la 2.9x.F.A.Q.A chi dedicato questo corso?A tutti quanti coloro sono attratti dalla computer grafica. Dal principiante al professionista.Devo essere un esperto del computer?Assolutamente no. Basta avere un minimo di esperienza in ambiente Windows, Mac o Unix.Devo essere saper programmare?Assolutamente no!Quanto costa Blender?Blender open source e completamente gratuito, scaricabile dal sito ufficiale di Blender.Quanto impiegher a diventare bravo?Dipende esclusivamente da te e da quanto ti eserciterai giornalmente.Questo corso valido anche per la versione 2.9x?S, non ci sono grosse differenze."
Price: 99.99

"BB King Guitar Licks: 1947-1953" |
" BB King is perhaps the best-known of all the great electric blues guitarists. His career spanned 8 decades during which he recorded hundreds of songs. This first course (part of a planned 3-course series) focuses on his earliest recordings - those made between about 1947 and 1953. In this course, I will explain and demonstrate the overall ""style"" and ""methods"" BB used on these early recordings and then teach you 75 specific licks and ideas taken note-for-note from the original recordings. I will teach you a variety of licks featuring single string runs, bends, double stops, fills, and even a few chord licks. This course includes: - 5 Lessons explaining, demonstrating, and teaching the Basic BB King Style: chords, playing positions, tuning, and fundamental licks.- 75 individual lessons covering specific licks and ideas heard on his early recordings (TAB for each). Each lick and idea is explained in detail and demonstrated clearly - with suggestions for how/when to use in your own playing. - More than 4 hours of instruction! BONUSYou also get TABS for:(1) 7 Intros from BB King songs (1947-1953)(2) 5 End Tags These can be found with the resources for Lecture #80! If you want to learn to play like BB King or just adapt some of his licks to your own playing, this is the course for you! Planned Courses in This Series- BB King Guitar Licks: Volume II - The Middle Years (1955-1964)- BB KIng Guitar Licks: Volume III - The Later Years (1965- )"
Price: 199.99

iOSSwiftUIiPhoneTodo |
"SwiftUISwiftUITodoSwiftUITodoSwfitUI79iOSSwiftUITodoSwiftUISwiftUISwifUISwiftSwiftSwiftUISwiftUIiOSObjective-CSwiftApple3SwiftUIswiftUIswiftSwiftUISwiftUI 30100%SwiftUI! MacmacOS CatalinaOSMacXcodeSwiftXib"
Price: 12600.00

"Product Marketing Analytics for a Product Marketing Manager" |
"This course is an easy, practical guide to marketing analytics for products. I will teach you how to analyze data so that you can make better marketing decisions.Marketing analytics education tends to be quite academic, with an emphasis on precision and statistical significance that are rarely ever achievable in the corporate world. Having worked in marketing for companies of all sizes, I realize the sharp divide between how analytics are taught and how they are used. Decisionseven in very large companiesare usually made quickly with very imperfect data. This course teaches you how to analyze data in ways that can be immediately applied in the work world.Other resources on marketing analytics are often hyper-focused on perfecting one narrow area of marketing such as Google advertising. This book, in contrast, gives you a more comprehensive, MBA-level overview of quantitative marketing.Ill discuss analytics that will help you make strategic decisions such as who your target customers should be, how to segment your audiences, and what your value proposition is. Ill also teach you tactical analytics such as A/B testing and how to measure KPIs such as brand awareness and purchase intent. Ill outline other KPIs including ARPU (average revenue per user) and customer lifetime value. Ill show you some very simple calculations and also advanced statistical methods. Ill talk about digital and traditional media.This course will not go deep into software training, although I will teach you a few tricks in Excel and discuss other programs such as Optimizely, SPSS, Stata, and others. The focus here is on marketing metrics and decision-making that are suitable for B2B and B2C and large companies and small companies.These teachings are based on my experience working for such companies as Sony and the Google-backed software company Rocket Lawyer. Ill also rely on my training at the #1 ranked marketing school in the US, the Kellogg School of Management. Note that my expertise is NOT analytics: I am teaching you how to APPLY analytics as a manager or entrepreneur.This course is intended for marketers, managers, and entrepreneurs of various experience levels who want a comprehensive overview of quantitative marketing. The content may also be helpful for those prepping for interviews and for analysts who lack marketing expertise. This content is NOT for those seeking a specialized position in statistics or business intelligence.Key marketing topics...Marketing AnalyticsDigital Marketing AnalyticsAnalytics MarketingData Driven MarketingMarketing DataMarket AnalyticsQuantitative MarketingProduct Marketing and Digital Product MarketingProduct Management Marketing PlanStartup MarketingSaaS MarketingMarketing Strategy Product Marketing Manager"
Price: 124.99

"How To Create a Digital Download & Serial Key Store With Wix" |
"What Is Included In This Course? Learn how to make a digital download store with Wix Learn how to sell serial keys online with Wix Be trained by a serial entrepreneur who does this for a living!---What my past students say about me and my other courses:""Lee ably shares a step-by-step means of becoming a profitable book publisher using Amazon KDP""""Very helpful course, thanks Lee! Will be looking out for any follow-up courses Lee puts out to help us publishers become more profitable.""""Found it very useful as someone with almost no idea about how Kindle publishing works. The instructor is quite straightforward with not just information but also his own experiences and expertise""""Straightforward, action-based and no BS (something hard to find in ""make money online"" courses these days lol)""--- Get a fantastic look for your website that will impress! 2020 course!. no outdated content! Get a demonstration of how to create a beautiful websiteThis lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your Wix website from scratch as a beginner."
Price: 199.99

"Master statistics & machine learning: intuition, math, code" |
"Statistics and probability control your life. I don't just mean What YouTube's algorithm recommends you to watch next, and I don't just mean the chance of meeting your future significant other in class or at a bar. Human behavior, single-cell organisms, Earthquakes, the stock market, whether it will snow in the first week of December, and countless other phenomena are probabilistic and statistical. Even the very nature of the most fundamental deep structure of the universe is governed by probability and statistics.You need to understand statistics.Nearly all areas of human civilization are incorporating code and numerical computations. This means that many jobs and areas of study are based on applications of statistical and machine-learning techniques in programming languages like Python and MATLAB. This is often called 'data science' and is an increasingly important topic.If you want to make yourself a future-proof employee, employer, data scientist, or researcher in any technical field -- ranging from data scientist to engineering to research scientist to deep learning modeler -- you'll need to know statistics and machine-learning. And you'll need to know how to implement concepts like probability theory and confidence intervals, k-means clustering and PCA, Spearman correlation and logistic regression, in computer languages like Python or MATLAB.There are six reasons why you should take this course:This course covers everything you need to understand the fundamentals of statistics, machine learning, and data science, from bar plots to ANOVAs, regression to k-means, t-test to non-parametric permutation testing.After completing this course, you will be able to understand a wide range of statistical and machine-learning analyses, even specific advanced methods that aren't taught here. That's because you will learn the foundations upon which advanced methods are build.This course balances mathematical rigor with intuitive explanations, and hands-on explorations in code.Enrolling in the course gives you access to the Q&A, in which I actively participate every day.I've been studying, developing, and teaching statistics for 20 years, and I'm, like, really great at math.What you need to know before taking this course:High-school level maths. This is an applications-oriented course, so I don't go into a lot of detail about proofs, derivations, or calculus.Basic coding skills in Python or MATLAB. This is necessary only if you want to follow along with the code. You can successfully complete this course without writing a single line of code! But participating in the coding exercises will help you learn the material. The MATLAB code relies on the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox (you can use Octave if you don't have MATLAB or the statistics toolbox). Python code is written in Jupyter notebooks.I recommend taking my free course called ""Statistics literacy for non-statisticians"". It's 90 minutes long and will give you a bird's-eye-view of the main topics in statistics that I go into much much much more detail about here in this course. Note that the free short course is not required for this course, but complements this course nicely. And you can get through the whole thing in less than an hour if you watch if on 1.5x speed!You do not need any previous experience with statistics, machine learning, deep learning, or data science. That's why you're here!Is this course up to date?Yes, I maintain all of my courses regularly. I add new lectures to keep the course ""alive,"" and I add new lectures (or sometimes re-film existing lectures) to explain maths concepts better if students find a topic confusing or if I made a mistake in the lecture (rare, but it happens!). You can check the ""Last updated"" text at the top of this page to see when I last worked on improving this course!What if you have questions about the material?This course has a Q&A (question and answer) section where you can post your questions about the course material (about the maths, statistics, coding, or machine learning aspects). I try to answer all questions within a day. You can also see all other questions and answers, which really improves how much you can learn! And you can contribute to the Q&A by posting to ongoing discussions. And, you can also post your code for feedback or just to show off -- I love it when students actually write better code than mine! (Ahem, doesn't happen so often.)What should you do now?First of all, congrats on reading this far; that means you are seriously interested in learning statistics and machine learning. Watch the preview videos, check out the reviews, and, when you're ready, invest in your brain by learning from this course!"
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Shapes" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Shapes.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Blend Modes" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Blend Modes.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Gradients" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Gradients.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Box Model and Backgrounds" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Box Model and Backgrounds.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Fundamentals" |
"Here you will be learning all CSS3 fundamentals like:Styling ModuleIn this part, you're going to explore options for styling guide, youll create a new page component and style that page component using a CSS styles. You will learn to use when, where and how to use these styles.Color ModuleThis part contains color format, opacity and transparency.Text ModuleIn this section you will get to know more about writing mode , directions , orientation, shadows, letter spacing , word spacing and many more.Fonts ModuleThis includes how to import google forms. Along with this you will learn about font family, size, weight , custom font loading.Values & UnitsThis section covers distance units, quantities, functional notations.List StylesIn detail explains you about how to style a list using style position, style image, style type.Tables ModuleExplains in detail about how to border collapse/separate, border spacing, caption side, empty cells, table layout."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Positioning" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Positioning.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Selectors and Pseudo classes" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Selectors, Pseudo Classes, Generated Contents and Specificity.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"Deno: The Complete Guide Zero to Mastery" |
"Just released with all the latest Deno features for you to become a complete Deno developer! Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by industry experts that have actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto. Using the latest release of Deno, this course is focused on efficiency. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore. Graduates of Andreis courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies. We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on Deno. This project based course will introduce you to all of the modern toolchain of a Deno developer in 2020 and 2021. Along the way, we will build a strong foundation learning the pitfalls of Node.js, how Deno is different, and some of the ways we can still maintain the power we had with Node.js.The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of releasing a professional Deno project all the way into production. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Deno basics and then going into advanced topics so you can make good decisions on architecture and tools on any of your future Deno projects. All code is going to be provided step by step and even if you dont like to code along, you will get access to the the full master project code so anyone signed up for the course will have their own project to put on their portfolio right away.The topics covered in this course are:- Deno Fundamentals- Deno vs NodeJS- Scripting with Deno- Modules and Dependency Management with Deno- Testing, Building, Debugging Deno Apps- Error Handling- Deno Developer Environment- Deploying Deno Apps to production (AWS + Docker)- Securing your Backend applications- File Processing with Deno- Web Development with Deno- Working with and building RESTful APIs with Deno- TypeScript- How JavaScript works internally- Deno architecture and runtime- Performance and scalability when it comes to server side programming+moreThats right. This brand new course will not only teach you the basics of Deno, but it will also teach you the latest features, advanced features, ecosystem, and tools, as well as show you how to build professional scale apps using Deno that most tutorials shy away from.We believe that Deno is the future and the early investment now by those who are early adopters, will pay off greatly in the future. Imagine learning Node JS or React when they first came out. Imagine the advantage you would have had. We are excited about Deno and you should be too because it will change the Javascript world over the next couple of years.Let me tell you 3 reasons why this course is unlike anything out there:1. You will build the biggest project you will find out there using Deno. We will be using best practices where we take performance, scalability and security in mind to build production ready space launch system app . Lets just say we dont shy away from the advanced topics.2. This course is taught by 2 instructors that have actually worked for some of the biggest tech firms in the world. Adam has been working as a tech lead for backend systems for top companies with revenues exceeding $50 billion, including on projects like Tesla Power Wall and Blackberry. He is also an official Deno contributor. Im Andrei. Ive worked for large IPOed tech firms in Silicon Valley as well as Toronto and some of my past students work at places like Google and Amazon. By having both of us teach, you get to see different perspective and learn from 2 senior developers as if we are working at a company together.3. This course will be constantly evolving and updating as the landscape changes. Just as the Deno ecosystem evolves, we want this course to be constantly updated with lectures and resource for you to come back to, in order to find the latest Deno best practices.So will Deno replace Node? Nobody can predict the future...but we are willing to bet that those who invest their time into Deno will reap the benefits in the coming years.Click ENROLL NOW and see you inside the course!Taught By:Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Development courses on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Tesla, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.-------Adam is one of the instructors at Zero To Mastery, one of the highest rated and fastest growing software development academies on Udemy. He has been working as a senior software developer for many years and has worked for some of the top companies in the world with revenues exceeding $50 billion. Now, Adam aims to instil his students with his love for learning and development, while helping them achieve real world success that extends far beyond the completion of his courses.Adam walks the walk when it comes to building applications that are secure, scalable, and performant and he is going to share his expertise with you to show you how real world systems are built. He understands what its like to go from hello world to large scale production deployments and promises to take you on that very same journey. Courses should teach practical skills that are current and should lay a foundation for a future in this incredible and exciting industry. And, having started as a self-taught developer, Adam knows the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to begin, and the importance of learning from the best available sources.Drawing from his deep experience, Adams courses will show you that you dont need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to take your flourishing skills into the real world and make a difference."
Price: 164.99

"Software Defined Radio and Signal Processing with GNU Radio" |
"Hi everyone, welcome to 'Mastering Software Defined Radio with GNU Radio Companion' !Software Defined Radio (SDR) is obviously an uncommon, less-discussed subject in the worlds of Technology and Engineering. This is nothing but simply learning how to program an embedded system to perform radio communications. Doing radio communications by yourself sitting in front of your computer ?! How cool is that? Developing SDR programs require knowledge in Radio Communications, Digital Signal Processing, Signal Security and Graphical Block Programming. Are you a beginner in these mentioned fields? Don't worry, this lecture series will start from from scratch and take you through a step by step guide to master the 'Software Defined Radio' skill! This comprehensive course is comprised of 5 sections to cover all the aspects of 'Software Defined Radio' environment aiming to make you an expert on this topic. Prior to these sections, a complete guide on installing the required software for this course is included. From below, you will find a brief explanation to each of these sections of the course.Section I : Introduction to the world of 'Software Defined Radio (SDR)Covers theoretical background on working principles of Software Defined Radio (SDR) process, radio communications , Digital Signal Processing (DSP), signals modulation, frequency allocations, complete hardware analysis of SDR Hardware devices and includes a full guide on using HackRF hardware and configuring it on Windows OS. Section II: Graphical Block-Based Programming in GNU Radio CompanionCreate basic Software Defined Radio programs in GNU radio programs using graphical radio flow-graphs as a preparation for the advanced SDR program development in the next chapters of the course.Section III: Software Defined Radio Development : FM Radio Receiver CommunicationCreate SDR programs to implement single and multi FM radio receiver communications on SDR hardware. This will automatically enable you to gain the full confidence of creating your own advanced SDR program for a full operating 'Radio Station' in the GNU radio companion environment.Section IV : Signal Tracking and Transmission (Playback) in Software Defined RadioYou will learn how to track, record and playback a signal coming out of a wireless remote key in this section. This is a crucial part for Signal Security and Ethical Hacking related to wireless signal systems. (Wireless key signal hacking, Drone signal hacking) This covers the signal security background for you to become aware of the potential threats and signal hacking to any of the radio communications involved in your day to day tasks. Section V : HDSDR Software Defined Radio EnvironmentLearn to perform Software Defined Radio functions in the HDSDR software environment and understand the performance variation under different environmental conditions."
Price: 49.99

"Interchange - Energy Immersion A4.4" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of recognizing the energetic-platform of all the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on exchange and interchange the frequencies of the spiritual universe. This is the place to start in the series for the most benefit.The entire course-seres consists of these seven courses: Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.***Course Key: Everything is energy representing the consciousness of everything. Much like many different energy-focused modalities, these courses will teach you how to become aware of what your energy is, how it works and what it is about, how to move it around, remove blocks and hindrances, raise your vibration, channel knowledge and talents as well as become aware of the transparency and residence of the spiritual universe.The videos explain more than this text, watch the previews, and dive in!"
Price: 169.99

"Maneuver - Energy Immersion A4.3" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of moving the energetic-platform of all the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on recognizing the decision-maker which can move the energy of your experiences of the frequencies of the spiritual universe. Please start this series back on the first ""Awareness"" course in the series for the most benefit.The entire course-seres consists of these seven courses: Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.***Course Key: Everything is energy representing the consciousness of everything. Much like many different energy-focused modalities, these courses will teach you how to become aware of what your energy is, how it works and what it is about, how to move it around, remove blocks and hindrances, raise your vibration, channel knowledge and talents as well as become aware of the transparency and residence of the spiritual universe.The videos explain more than this text, watch the previews, and dive in!"
Price: 169.99

"Master The Get-Up" |
"Allow me to teach you some of the best and functional movements patterns to get up from the ground and enjoy the benefits of increased:StrengthFlexibilityMobilityStabilityEnduranceAnd so much more with a strong focus on proper form to avoid injury for those at home, in the gym, and even trainers.In this course I will break down some of the popular exercises like the Turkish Get-Up, starting with bodyweight and drilling each part of the movement, slowly building up to the full movement, and then add weight.Turkish Get-Up Lunge StyleTurkish Get-Up Squat StyleShin Box Get-UpGladiator Get-UpSquat Get-UpHindu Get-UpAnd moreYou will be able to learn these movements and program them for strength, muscular endurance, stability, and so much more.The most detailed and longest explanation in this course is for the Turkish Get-up as that is the most popular get-up variation and it also lays some of the foundations for the variations of the get-up. I also provide a summary of the TGU so that people who do have some experience with the TGU can skip the long explanation and step-by-step progressions.Editorial ReviewThe warmup flow is excellent, I will be using that for more than just kettlebell workouts. Prior to seeing this warmup example, I would warm up simply by briskly walking and maybe doing some jumping jacks. Your video has caused me to look at warmups also from a mobility perspective. The entire class now makes me pay more attention to form and pay attention to my mobility.I appreciate the extra detail that was spent during the kettlebell TGU video regarding hand/wrist position. I will pay more attention to wrist position, especially during more complex moves.The Knee sweep during the pull under step is excellent advice and has helped me to overcome probably the biggest problem I had in learning to smoothly perform the Lunge Style Turkish Get Up.I also appreciated all of the additional bonuses such as completing a chest press during section 3 video to help get additional work in.The concept of combos is one I never have heard of before and may not have thought of on my own. It makes excellent sense to incorporate something like the snatch to start and then complete a get-up. That kind of creativity in designing a workout is unbelievably valuableOne of the most appealing things regarding kettlebell training is how efficient and effective the exercises are. The combo examples you made further reinforces my appreciation of this form of exerciseThe attention to detail regarding proper form and avoiding poor form mistakes is excellent. I am glad that the explanations are thorough in how to do the exercise using proper form, but I'm even more pleased that examples are made of things to avoid. Especially poor form that comes from poor conditioning or lack of mobility that can lead to injury. (such as the example of the regression of getting up with a racked kettlebell to avoid injury)The points you make regarding mobility and proper form is exactly the type of advice that I appreciate and was looking for. The different styles of the get-ups along with beginner to advanced progressions demonstrates the commitment to safety and ensuring that we get the most out of the exercise. I will be progressing to the racked version of the get up using a kettlebell as my neck and upper body mobility needs more work.The attention spent on proper form and avoiding injury is very appreciated. I have a lower back issue and appreciate the attention spent on proper form and only progressing to more advanced exercise once the basics have been masteredI do not think Ive ever seen a video where someone sets expectations the way you do. By explaining that this exercise is not effective for cardio is an excellent point. Providing examples of how to increase cardio elements during this exercise is another great bonus as I really appreciate the efficiency of a kettlebell workout.One of the biggest reasons that lead to my confusion regarding watching youtube demonstrations by other people is they referred to the Turkish Get Up as only that. I did not know there were so many variations. I would see the squat style and lunge and wonder who was right? I decided not to risk hurting myself due to the conflicting instructions I would see in many different places. Your videos are excellent as there is clear instruction, everything is defined very well so that I know exactly what Im trying to replicate and why. Furthermore, starting out the progressions with bodyweight only then progressively increasing the level of difficulty by adding weight or a different variation is an excellent method that you used.Elvin Kubicki""I really appreciate the time and effort that has clearly gone into this course. As a coach myself, I found Taco to be very effective at emphasizing all the necessary pointers to master the get-up and as a result I have picked up a number of cues that will improve my own training and the clients I coach. Lastly, I am grateful for all the additional content including the fun no hands get up variations and the kettlebell get up variations I had yet to see before this course. Thank you Taco, nicely done."" Randy Williams"
Price: 84.99
