"Make your favorite Disney dishes at home" |
"We do step-by-step videos to show you how to create some delectable Disney food and drinks at home. For those times you're missing Disney but can't make it to the parks, we've got you covered. You'll be able to bring a taste of Disney home whenever you're craving some magic!"
Price: 19.99
"GDrive File Folder Manager with Google Apps Script Sheets" |
"Explore using Google Apps Script to connect to GDrive content, search drive and return results back to your custom popup modal. Select File and Folder contents, return results and use within Google Apps Script. Display images, email images inline and as attachments, add file information to your spreadsheet.JavaScript and Google Apps Script are prerequisites to this course - DO NOT TAKE this course without prior coding experience.Course covers using Google Script to search Drive contents, returning files and folder data. Create a modal popup that shows HTML page code, JavaScript on the client side to create interactive and dynamic popup appPerfect course to explore more about Google Apps Script and how it can be used to create powerful applications This is a starter project to illustrate how Google Apps Script can connect to Drive Search, Send emails with files by ID as attachments and inline images.Search and get data Update add to data to spreadsheet from the popup modalLink to drive imagesUse of Blobs in driveApp and file conversion.Source Code is included.Taught by an instructor with many years of web development experience. Google Developer Expert for G Suite. Ready to help you learn more about Google Apps Script. With fast and friendly support within the Q&A section.Are you ready to build you own version of the app, make it even better, do more.... What are you waiting for see what you can do with Google Apps Script! Join NOW."
Price: 199.99
"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 6 of 6" |
"Given the nature of construction, it is inevitable that conflict will happen and disputes will arise. In this final course in the series, we'll review the contractual steps you must take if a dispute can't be resolved on the jobsite. However, resolving the dispute at the project-level is the preferred path. We will discuss how to negotiate and handle conflict. Even better, the most preferred route would be to avoid disputes all together. We'll spend a lot of time discussing how to set expectations through clear and unambiguous contracts, how to properly document activities and decisions, proper jobsite records and the importance of communication. Ultimately, people build construction projects. This course discusses ways to interact in an effective way on a personal-level to improve the atmosphere and conditions on site. "
Price: 39.99
"Introduo a Constelao Familiar" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para quem deseja aprender uma forma fantstica de melhorar seus relacionamentos familiares e afetivos atravs da abordagem das constelaes sistmicas familiares. Este no um curso para formao de consteladores. um curso de informao terica sobre constelao familiar para toda e qualquer pessoa interessada em mergulhar em si mesma e descobrir uma nova e libertadora forma de conexo com a famlia e os relacionamentos afetivos. uma jornada teraputica que auxiliar na resoluo de conflitos atravs da tomada de conscincia e uma postura mais equilibrada diante da vida."
Price: 309.99
"MasterClass Para Uma Vida Planejada" |
"Se voc est buscando CLAREZA e DIRECIONAMENTO para a sua vida, esse programa para voc.Se voc cansou de se auto-sabotar, de viver os sonhos dos outros, e agora quer montar o seu projeto de vida, e viver o seu legado, voc vai encontrar aqui a resposta que estava buscando.Esse programa foi criado para gerar TRANSFORMAES na sua vida que vo ficar para sempre.Nele, ns vamos caminhar com voc o passo a passo para:Construir um PROJETO para algo que voc deseja alcanarMontar um SISTEMA que vai transformar seu projeto em ATIVIDADES DIRIASCriar PROTEES para que o seu projeto no seja ABORTADO no meio do caminhoAprender a aplicar esse processo para CONSTRUIR UM LEGADO e VIVER O SEU PROPSITO DE VIDANo final desse programa, voc vai ter criado um plano de vida coerente com os seus valores e objetivos, que ns vamos te ajudar a descobrir.Mas apenas ter um plano no suficiente, como voc j sabe. O mais importante descobrir como esse plano pode virar aes dirias, que sero realmente executadas, sem sabotagens.E por isso que vamos te mostrar EXATAMENTE o que precisa ser feito para juntos criarmos um SISTEMA que proteja a execuo do seu plano."
Price: 579.99
"Aprenda tudo sobre ((OTRS)) Community E. Fcil e atualizado!" |
"O ((OTRS)) Community Edition, um sistema de gesto de servios de cdigo aberto e totalmente gratuito, que pode ser usado para gerenciar a automao de fluxos de trabalho, notificaes e chamados alm de ser um sistema muito robusto, com muitas opes de parametrizaes o que o torna flexvel para atender diversos tipos de negcios, sendo usado por grande e pequenas empresas no Brasil e no mundo.Nesse curso, vamos aprender todos os principais tpicos que abordam esse sistema incrvel. Sempre com aulas prticas e atualizadas! Configurao e cadastramento de atendentes; Gesto de Helpdesk/ServiceDesk; Gerenciamento de pacotes (plugins); FAQ (Base de Conhecimento); Survey (Pesquisa de Satisfao) SLA; Configurao de relatrios/estatsticas; Integraes a sistemas como Zabbix, AD, Grafana; Gerenciamento de Servios de TI (ITSM IT Service Management); Boas prticas de segurana; E muito mais!E lembre-se que No curso palestra ou leitura de slides. aprendizado prtico!"
Price: 19.99
"3D Studio Max Aprende a Representar Espacios Arquitectnicos" |
"3ds Max ""Aprende a Representar Espacios Arquitectnicos""Formacin integral en modelado y renderizado con 3dsMax impartido por Arquitecto. Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020El curso ms completo y actualizado sobre la representacin de espacios arquitectnicos con el software 3ds Max. Aprende paso a paso de forma totalmente prctica a desarrollar proyectos integrales de visualizacin arquitectnica como un profesional. Dirigido a:Principalmente son profesionales independientes (no son grandes empresas. Creativos, Freelance, Diseadores, Decoradores, Interioristas, Arquitectos, Paisajistas, Urbanistas.A cualquier persona que en su da a da tenga relacin con el espacio: Estudiantes de arquitectura, ingeniera o Bellas Artes. Tambin Arquitectos, interioristas, escengrafos o expertos en visualizacin 3D y, en general, personas que necesiten ampliar habilidades narrativas con cualquier tipo de espacio y su representacin. Y, por supuesto, es el curso perfecto para aficionados y profesionales de la fotografa a los que les atraiga la arquitectura. Tambin ser muy til a viajeros incansables que quieran mejorar sus reportajes cuando exploren nuevos escenarios.ndice del Curso:Metodologa Didctica:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Caractersticas de la Formacin:La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99
"How to build a fully Gamified Moodle Course" |
"This course has been specially designed to show learners how to create a fully gamified course called Planet Learn, using exsisting Moodle content!I'm going to begin the course by showing learner's how to create their own Moodle instance on their own computer. This will be used throughout the course so that you can test and try all of the things I teach you. I will explain what gamificaiton is, the concept of the course and how to effectively plan and map Moodle courses.The optional tools required section looks at installing all the Moodle Plugins you will require for the Planet Learn game, including the Stash Plugin, the Stash Availablity Plugin, the Course Completion Plugin, the Quizventure Plugin and the Sharing Cart.Next, I will show learners how to create a new course in Moodle, how to add animations and graphics and configure course topics to convert them to levels of the Planet Learn Game.Then the fun begins, with the three sections which look at creating the Planet Learn game itself.The Farm Introduction section is first, and in this section I wll show learners how to configure the Moodle topic with content, activity completion, restrict access criteria, Stash items, Stash trade items, animations and graphics, badges and even show learners how to test the game so far.The next two topics, the Ice Planet and the Fire Planet are setup in a similar way, showing learners all the tips and tricks they require to setup and configure the Planet Learn game and associated levels.The Final Thoughts section completes the course, where we shall look into extra levels, accessibility, uploading your own content, alternative level configurations and course completion.So, if you want to inspire your students and revolutionise their online learning, why not sign up today?"
Price: 19.99
"Project Baseline, Learn how to Conduct It? And Why" |
"#projectmanagement #projectbaseline #projectbaselinestudyA project baseline is a very important activity in the project cycle and it is no wonder why so much time and resources is devoted into conducting it. The project baseline study is so important that it cannot be overly emphasized. In this course the whole point is to give project management an understanding of why its important to conduct a Project Baseline. This course has been created from years of experience in monitoring and evaluation and project management. This course is rich in content because it actually shows you step by step how the project baseline study is conducted and what you should really be doing in order to fulfill the obligations of data collection, analysis and report writing. You will learn what a project baseline is, why a project baseline is important, the step by step methodology of conducting a project baseline and finally a good example that shows what a project baseline actually is. This online course is also related to the following;project baseline google, google project baseline,project baseline study,project baseline duke,baseline verily, baseline study google,verily baseline study,project baseline sign up"
Price: 24.99
"Javascript basics in 34 minutes" |
"In this course you will learn basics of javascript in 34 minutes. This course is best for students or IT professionals who want to build their own websites using javascript!Learn Javascript QuicklyWrite first program in jsConnect js to the pageLearn to use variablesUse mathematical operations with variablesCreate arraysLearn to write your commentsUse conditionalsUnderstand logic operatorsModify your page with jsFast course for a beginner developerI have been studying javascript for couple of years, but have never found a quick overview of basics of js, so I wanted to build this course. This course is special because it is straight to the point and saves you a lot of time. It's best for absolute beginners. The content is optimized for the latest version of js.By completing this course you will have basic understanding of javacript"
Price: 24.99
"Mantk Devreleri ( Digital Logic Design & Lojik Devreler )" |
"Bu seri lojik devre elemanlarn tantan bu elemanlarla tasarm yaparak ihtiyaca uygun devrelerin kurulmasna ve altrlmasna ynelik bilgi ve becerilerin verildii video serisidir.Neler reneceiz?Lojik Kaplar ( AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, NAND... )Say Sistemleri ( BNARY , DECMAL OCTAL ..)Denklemler ( SAYI DENKLEMLER VE BUNLARDAN DEVRE OLUTURMA, DENKLEM SADELETRME )Lojik Kap devreleri ( DJTAL KAPILARI KULLANARAK DEVRE OLUTURMA )"
Price: 19.99
"XD UX (Mobile UX design practice using XD)" |
"UX UX , , . UX , UX . Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator XD UX .XD Adobe Adobe UX . UX . IT , UX/UI , , , . UX, UI, , , MAX( ), ( ), ( 3), (UCC ) . () SK T, SDS , , UX .- SKT UX / UI / GUI - SDS / sGen Club - KT - , // - ICT, , - , , UX - IT UI/UX - UX / UI <>- < >- XD UX < 2020 >- MAX: - : miniPlayBall- : 3 - UCC: - 10 interesting mobile apps for UX designers ~ UXness"
Price: 79.99
"Make Better Decisions" |
"So, you want to make better decisions.How will you decide whether this course is for you?What score will you give this course description?What score will you give the promotional video?What about the preview videos?What score will you give the reviews of this course and others I have?This course takes what you are doing right now and formalises it.We first identify what makes a good decision.Next we look at how to decide how to decide.That is, we work out what factors are important to the decision.For example, we work through a decision of where to live, and identify weather, distance to high speed rail, and local business opportunities as some of the factors that bear on the decision.Then we look at how to express our preferences among the factors. In the example, is weather more important that connectivity? Or business opportunities more than weather?And what about the factors that make up weather?We want to live somewhere that is not too hot and not too cold, has many hours of sunshine, but is not too dry. How do we code these and combine them to give a weather score against business opportunities?I will show you how to do this and give you a spreadsheet so you can do it yourself.And, what is more, you can use the spreadsheet to support your own decisions, including the one I will set you as coursework.There is some theory in the course.The spreadsheet runs the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate the weights for the decision and warn you when they are inconsistent.I will explain the theory plain English and some mathematics.But you do not have to understand the mathematics fully or apply it yourself!The spreadsheet does that for you.One last thing.A decision is only a decision when you act on it.So enrol now to Make Better Decisions."
Price: 49.99
"Como falar para as cmeras do jeito certo Grave videoaulas" |
"Esse um rpido curso com informaes importantes para pessoas que esto iniciando nesse universo audiovisual. Hoje em dia, vdeos so fundamentais em qualquer estratgia. E criar cursos para compartilhar seu conhecimento e at mesmo obter uma renda extra algo muito importante e valioso!Porm, no s posicionar a cmera e comear a gravar! preciso se preparar. Alm de roteiro, cenrio, equipamentos e uma pesquisa prvia de contedo (para que no falte nada!), fundamental que o instrutor esteja preparado, pronto, vontade na frente das cmeras! importante que ele prepare sua voz, sua postura, saiba para onde olhar, entenda que o corpo fala e, portanto, consiga identificar as mensagens que quer transmitir com esses vdeos...No to fcil quanto parece! E fundamental saber dessas informaes antes de gravar seus cursos. A Udemy, inclusive, uma plataforma fantstica e pode te ajudar muito a fazer o seu contedo de valor chegar em milhares de pessoas!Sendo assim, o meu curso te ajuda a se preparar para ter um timo desempenho para as cmeras! Te ensina a gravar vdeos do jeito certo. Fiz com muito carinho e espero que voc goste desse material!Um abrao! Sucesso!!"
Price: 54.99
"Como falar bem em pblico e diante das cmeras" |
"Voc sente alguma dificuldade ao ter de falar em pblico? Ou ao enfrentar uma cmera para gravar um vdeo para suas redes sociais ou at mesmo para conceder uma entrevista? Ento, esse curso para voc!!Duas profissionais gabaritadas - Lara Mattos, educadora, coach e especialista em falar em pblico, e Camila Augusto, jornalista, reprter e apresentadora de TV - se reuniram e transformaram em curso online uma capacitao presencial que sucesso na Baixada Santista. Dessa forma, no ser mais preciso vir a Santos para aprender o que as duas tem de melhor para oferecer!Nesse curso esto reunidas apenas as tcnicas testadas e aprovadas por centenas de alunos. Aprendizado prtico, rpido, sem bl bl bl, porque voc no tem tempo a perder! Aprenda os segredos e tcnicas dos melhores palestrantes do mundo. E sinta-se confortvel diante das cmeras assim como os mais experientes comunicadores. Afinal, essas so habilidades fundamentais para qualquer profissional de sucesso!"
Price: 249.99
"Disaster Recovery Engineer" |
"The core aspect of any company crucial its success is information technology. All systems in a modern enterprise depend on the IT infrastructure. The need to have a detailed DR strategy is therefore KEY.Being a Disaster Recovery Engineer (DRE) validates that you are prepared to work with businesses to create and implement disaster recovery and business continuity plans.Those who are certified will be working, as a professional, with a business to prepare processes, policies and procedures to follow in the event of a disruption. You are important to keep a business critical operations running, which today heavily relies on its IT infrastructure. SIGN UP NOW!"
Price: 159.99
"Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal MCQ (Bio Tech)" |
"Animal breeding is a branch of animal science that addresses the evaluation (using best linear unbiased prediction and other methods) of the genetic value (estimated breeding value, EBV) of livestock. Selecting for breeding animals with superior EBV in growth rate, egg, meat, milk, or wool production, or with other desirable traits has revolutionized livestock production throughout the entire world. The scientific theory of animal breeding incorporates population genetics, quantitative genetics, statistics, and recently molecular genetics and is based on the pioneering work of Sewall Wright, Jay Lush, and Charles HendersonTransgenic animals are animals (most commonly mice) that have had a foreign gene deliberately inserted into their genome. Such animals are most commonly created by the microinjection of DNA into the pronuclei of a fertilised egg which is subsequently implanted into the oviduct of a pseudopregnant surrogate mother. This results in the recipient animal giving birth to genetically modified offspring. The progeny are then bred with other transgenic offspring to establish a transgenic line. Transgenic animals can also be created by inserting DNA into embryonic stem cells which are then micro-injected into an embryo which has developed for five or six days after fertilisation, or infecting an embryo with viruses that carry a DNA of interest. This final method is commonly used to manipulate a single gene.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Animal Breeding and Transgenic Animal.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 41 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99
"the complete amazon kindle KDP publishing for beginners 2020" |
"in this A to Z course, you will learn how many books for kids and journals and notebooks and even coloring books are made on the amazon kindle direct publishing. however, you will learn how to make and calculate the right sizes and publish your books on this profitable platform without any issues on the sizes. moreover, in this course, I will walk you through all the problems beginners could make and how to fix them if you fall on the same problems !!! not only that, but also you will learn how to make and publish an ebook as a digital book on the amazon kindle platform.in general, you will learn how to:1 make and design and publish ebooks on kindle2 make and design a cover for ebooks3 design and make and publish coloring books for kids4 design and make a cover for coloring books5 design and make journals and notebooks and publish them on the kindle amazon6 design and make a cover book for notebooks.7 how to calculate the right sizes for your books and for you covers so you won't have any issues with KDP.all the websites shared with you in this course are for free, so you can start right after finishing watching this course with no cost or low cost."
Price: 19.99
"Adobe Photoshop cc for freelancers - beginners guide design" |
"it's a step by step journey towards becoming a professional on photoshop. that's why in this course I will first walk you through all the tools in adobe photoshop. however, we will see each tool why it exists and what's the purpose of it and how can it be useful for beginners.also, this course will teach you how to design some designs and sell them on the market as a freelancer.this course goes as the following;first, you will see what can you do with photoshop!!then, you will see from where to download photoshop.then in section 2, you will get used to the photoshop dashboard and why the sizes do matter and how to open a project with some specific sizes!!then in section 3, I explain the tools on photoshop with real examples in front of you for a better understanding!!! and in section 4, we will see what's a PNG and why sometimes it's important to know and make your design as a PNG form. and we will explore and have fun with some pictures and turn a colorful picture to a black N white pic!!!!in section 5, you will learn how to design some amazing design like a t-shirt design or cover for books, so you can sell them for money in the top freelancing websites!!!!in section 6 we will explore another free program and very easy to use for beginners, and how to use it and make designs on it for absolutely free and sell them on the market place ( this section is for those who don't want to use photoshop for any reason). so using this free and easy program which is an alternative to photoshop, you will learn how to use it to create a logo or a t-shirt design or a cover for books, and use these designs for commercial use and sell them.in general, you'll have fun and learn at the same time.so yeah let's get started now !!!!"
Price: 19.99
"Photoshop CC 20 Ateliers Cras pour apprendre et maitriser" |
"+22 000 lves sur UDEMY 4,6 + de 7500 avisDesigner Graphique depuis plus de 12 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Au cours de cette formation sur Photoshop CC, nous allons apprendre a mettre en pratique les outils travers des Ateliers thmatiques et cratifs.Aussi bien des ateliers de cration graphique, de photomontage, de retouche photo, de la cration d'effets et de scripts et aussi la ralisation de template simple mettre a jour.Photoshop CC Atelier 1 - Votre Carte de ville personnalisePhotoshop CC Atelier 2 - Effet DUOTONEPhotoshop CC Atelier 3 - Carte des toiles PersonnalisePhotoshop CC Atelier 4 - Double couleurPhotoshop CC Atelier 5 - Changer la couleur d'un objetPhotoshop CC Atelier 6 - Splash...Photoshop CC Atelier 7 - Effet CartoonPhotoshop CC Atelier 8 - Composition Triangle NonPhotoshop CC Atelier 9 - Produit mis en scne - Le CostumePhotoshop CC Atelier 10 - Effet Glitch et cration de son Script/actionPhotoshop CC Atelier 11 - Crer un simple GIFPhotoshop CC Atelier 12 - Ajouter du volume aux formes - Style T-shirtPhotoshop CC Atelier 13 - Retouche PortraitPhotoshop CC Atelier 14 - Affiche effet PolyscapePhotoshop CC Atelier 15 - Crer un effet ParallaxPhotoshop CC Atelier 16 - Regard claboussuresPhotoshop CC Atelier 17 - Visage peintPhotoshop CC Atelier 18 - Portrait claboussuresPhotoshop CC Atelier 19 - JunglePhotoshop CC Atelier 20 - Masque InstagramN'hsitez pas a regarder les apercus gratuits pour vous faire une meilleure ide des ateliers et vous tes satisfait ou rembours sous 30j alors plus besoin d'hsiter.Bonne formation et si besoin je fais aussi des formations sur Photoshop Initiation et avanc.Romain Duclos Votre formateur"
Price: 179.99
"Learn to get started with blogging in 30 minutes" |
"In this beginners course you will learn how to get started with blogging and is great for those not sure how to get started.We will look at introducing you to what blogging is and what its purpose is, before moving on to chapters dedicated to naming your blog, how to get started, how to create your first post and some useful tips and websites along the way to making your blog can be successful."
Price: 19.99
"Ingls: Gramtica Essencial" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de gramtica inglesa essencial!Nesse curso iremos aprender o essencial para que voc possa:EntenderFalarLerEscreverEssa base essencial te ir possibilitar a estudar tpicos mais avanados com facilidade!Aqui iremos ver os seguintes assuntos:Singular e Plural dos SubstantivosSubstantivos Contveis e No-ContveisExpresses de QuantidadeTipos de ArtigosVerbos e suas conjugaesAdjetivos e suas conjugaes!Isso tudo e muito mais!Esse curso foi desenvolvido para te ensinar o que usado em 80% do tempo na comunicao atravs da lngua inglesa.Sem enrolao, Sem demora.E como suporte 7 dias por semana para tirar suas dvidas sobre as aulas do curso!Gostou do que ser capaz de fazer?Adquiria nosso curso e comece a entender ingls agora! (Garantia de 30 dias aps a compra)"
Price: 99.99
"Curso Unit Test Kotlin - Test Unitarios para Kotlin" |
"Las pruebas unitarias verifican que tu cdigo hace realmente lo que tiene que hacer. Por ello toda aplicacin debe desarrollarse con un sistema de Unit Test. Kotlin en es un leguaje que cada vez tiene ms demanda y las empresas del sector suelen pedir profesionales que saben como testar sus aplicaciones. Si deseas trabajar como Kotlin developer ya sea en la parte Backend como desarrollando aplicaciones Android tener un conocimiento de Unit Test es ms que necesario y el objetivo de este curso es alcanzar ese nivel de testeo. Cuando realizamos pruebas unitarias nuestro cdigo acaba teniendo estas mejoras:Ofrecemos un cdigo de calidadReduccin de bugsLos test documentan el cdigo, por lo tanto documentamos nuestra aplicacinOfrece garantas a las hora de refactorizar.A la larga es un cdigo ms econmicoRequisito fundamental a la hora de encontrar trabajo como developer.Este curso esta especialmente diseado para gente que tiene conocimientos de Kotlin y quiere ofrece un cdigo de ms calidad aadiendo pruebas unitarias a los mismos. Por lo tanto es requisito que ya conozca el leguaje de programacin Kotlin.A lo largo de este curso vers los dos frameworks ms utilizados a la hora de hacer pruebas unitarias en Kotlin.JUnit 5Aprenders a crear un proyecto con JUnit 5 para kotlin desde cero.AssertLas etiquetas ms utilizadas @Test, @BeforeAll, @AfterAll, @BeforeAll, @AfterAll y muchas msAprenders en definitiva a hacer pruebas unitarias.MockitoAprenders que es un Mock, Stub y SpyTestear mtodos que no devuelven nadaLas etiquetas ms utilizadas @Mock, @Spy, @Captor, @InjectMock y muchas msEscribirs test de una manera estndar para que todo tu equipo los entiendaNo lo dudes si quieres aprender a hacer test unitarios en tus aplicaciones Android o Backend con Kotlin este es tu curso. Nos vemos."
Price: 49.99
"Peak Productivity Hacks Triple Your Productivity" |
"In this Peak Productivity course you will learn how the pros teach people how to maximize productivity. Get more done with the same hours you have and create more time and freedom for things that matter most!Do you sometimes spend hours or even the entire day at your work desk, but cant seem to get much done? Do you wish to be more productive for your time? Heres the GOOD NEWS There is a simple FORMULA to put an end to procrastination and get more done in less time And we will share it with you in this course!Have you ever wanted to be ultra-productive but have no idea how to get into the flow state?Do you struggle so hard to focus but it seems almost impossible to youBut did you know that successful people get to accomplish anything in life because of just a small handful of simple life hacks?They follow a set of strategies and tactics to flip the switch and remain productive whenever they want ... on demand.Want to learn the Secrets of how to flip that switch?If you answered yes This is The Course For You!START The Course Now!LEARNING OUTCOMES :By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover how productivity can improve every area of your life2) See how productivity can boost your career & get you that promotion or raise3) Discover productivity can boost profits several ways4) Learn how create the right environment for productivity This is key!5) Discover productivity can reduce stress and improve mental health & sleep6) Find out how to eliminate distractors & interruptions7) Learn the secret tools & methods of the worlds most productive people8) Learn how to develop a Productivity Mindset & beat procrastination9) Discover the best tools, supplies & resources to help you boost your productivity10) Learn time management strategies that can give you back several hours a day!11) You will learn simple routines & secrets very productive people use for maximum results12) You will also get an added training on how to increase productivity at home. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!NO RISK .. FULL 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee!!! START The Course Now! :)"
Price: 149.99
"Master Modern Security and Cryptography by Coding in Python" |
"Security and cryptography is a premise in any application on the internet today. For obvious reasons:You need to protect data that you don't want anyone else to have access to.The internet by itself is open and anyone can eavesdrop your personal information....and you need to protect yourself against the possibility of simple breaches.Why learn Security and Cryptography by programming in Python?Cryptography is understood easiest by trying the mistakes yourself - no complex theory needed.No high-level mathematical skill are needed with this easy approach to learn it.Learn the security principles by programming examples to fully appreciate it.You get to try fun stuff like breaking wrong use of ciphers and cracking your own password from a laptop.How will you benefit from this course?You will understand security and the principle of cryptography and cryptographic algorithms.Avoid making security mistakes commonly with cryptographic algorithms.Understand the full TLS/SSL stack.Implemented and used One Time Pads, Stream Ciphers, Block Ciphers, Key Exchange, Public Key Encryption, Hash functions, Digital Signatures, HMAC, Shadow files and more.Know how to use crypto-libraries properly without making mistakes.Tried all bigger mistakes in cryptography and security.Crack passwords from Shadow FilesIf you want to become a comfortable about encryption and security you need to have some basic understanding of the underlying security concepts. Understanding the main mistakes will enable you to implement and cryptographic algorithms in a correct manner.In this course we will cover all concepts and security concepts in cryptography to understand the full TLS/SSL protocol stack, how password validation is done and more. You will be learning along the way and implement the encryption and authentication algorithms along the way, making some mistakes to fully appreciate and understand the security flaws.This course covers the following.The biggest lesson in cryptography is best learned from the ancient Caesar Cipher - a lesson which is counterintuitive and needs a deep understanding to appreciate.Why a large key-space itself does not ensure security is best understood by breaking the Substitution Cipher.The ideal encryption of One Time Pad, the limitations of it, and why it is not ideal in real-life.Stream Ciphers the real life of One Time Pads, why they are used, how easy it is to make mistakes, and how modern day algorithms (e.g. A5/1) did not follow the biggest lesson in cryptography.Block Ciphers like DES, AES, and GOST with different modes of operations.Show by example why Double DES does not add security but we need Triple DES.Understand the challenge of Key Exchange Algorithms (to share a secret key without physical contact) and implement and understand the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.Public Key encryption with RSA. Implement and understand the security of RSA. How wrong usage of RSA breaks it.Hash functions. How to use them for Digital signatures. Password validation in the login process.Understand and implement examples with HMAC.Review that we fully understand TLS/SSL protocols and more.The course is structures in an easy understandable wayIt is built to step-by-step from the biggest learnings in classical encryptions.How it was improved but still vulnerable.Understand why ideal encryption systems are not useful and what compromises to takeLearn the modern algorithm types in the modern TLS/SSL stackYou code along - you only learn by trying yourself - 40+ coding exercisesAt each step you make the implementation along with me.You implement it on all stages to increase your understanding of securityBasically, we learn along the way with more than 40+ coding exercises.What is needed to fully understand this course?You have basic understand of Python (see prerequisite for full requirements)Understand basic math from elementary school level.Who is this course for?You want to learn and understand protocols like TLS/SSL used for secure connections on the internetWant to understand what security is and how systems are vulnerableThose who want to try it with programming examples to fully understand the depth of each lessonThe course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."
Price: 199.99
"Java 8 New Features" |
"Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 is a major feature release. and we have covered all features of Java8 in very details with lot of example. I am sure once you finish this course you will have very sound knowledge of java8 featuresThese are the topics are included in this tutorial.1. Lambda Expressions2. Functional Interfaces3. Default methods in Interface4. Static Methods in Interfaces.5. Predicate6. Function7. Consumer8. Supplier9. Method Reference & Constructor Reference by Double Colon(::) Operator.10. Stream API11.CompletableFuture12. Date & Time API"
Price: 29.99
"Gesto de Projetos Logsticos" |
"Ol Alun@!!!O Curso Gesto de Projetos Logsticos apresenta um conjunto de boas prticas advindas do Project Management Institute (PMI) para a conduo de inovaes, melhorias e implantao de novas operaes em sistemas logsticos das empresas para atendimento do mercado de maneira eficiente.Com a alta competitividade, desafios complexos e as constantes mudanas no mercado, essencial para as organizaes colaborarem dentro de seus projetos compartilhando informaes e objetivos para atender as necessidades de clientes cada vez mais exigentes.Para atender a estas novas exigncia deve-se compreender a complexidade presente no ambiente de projetos para envolver os seus principais fornecedores de matria prima, os varejistas que comercializam o produto, os distribuidores chave e os transportadores que realizam a entrega para o cliente final.A partir desta compreenso faz-se necessrio identificar os fatores chave e os obstculos presentes no desenvolvimento de novas operaes logsticas ao longo de toda a cadeia de suprimentos com o objetivo de tornar a empresa mais eficiente e alinhada ao planejamento estratgico organizacional.A anlise das atividades de projetos logsticos considerando os seus princpios, funcionalidades e os papis dos profissionais das equipes impactam no alcance dos objetivos, premissas e metas do produto final do projeto. Quando bem compreendido o projeto logstico das operaes no atendimento do cliente, melhor ser a eficincia da empresa no atendimento do mercado.O Curso Gesto de Projetos Logsticos est alinhado estas novas exigncias de mercado abordando um programa que ir analisar as os projetos e inovaes em diferentes ngulos, compartilhando informaes, casos e ferramentas que auxiliaro vocs a se destacar em sua carreira profissional.O curso tambm aborda que, para gerenciar projetos logsticos eficientes, tornar-se essencial a coordenao e compartilhamento de informaes, treinamento e desenvolvimento de pessoas, o clima de trabalho e avaliao de desempenho atravs de indicadores.O mdulo de aplicao do MS Project tem por objetivo ensinar o aluno a utilizar a ferramenta para a gesto de um projeto logstico e as principais funcionalidades que auxiliam na tomada de deciso. importante ressaltar que no se pretende esgotar o assunto, mas convidar voc, caro aluno, a pesquisar ainda mais sobre as metodologias, tecnologias e abordagens na gesto de projetos logsticos na cadeia de suprimentos.Desejo voc um excelente curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 39.99
"Wants to become a professional YouTube teacher and wants to start your own online coaching classes then this course will help you for setup. What is software requirement, hardware requirement, what equipment do you need and how to set up them, how to setup software for recording, how to produce video, what are essential settings you required, how setup PowerPoint and how to use it for making the video for your online platform?"
Price: 1280.00
"Aprender Melhor e Mais Rpido com a PRTICA DELIBERADA" |
"Aprender Melhor e Mais Rpido com a PRTICA DELIBERADA um curso completo onde vou te ensinar a como aprender uma nova habilidade, ou conhecimento.Algo fsico como, andar de bicicleta, ou natao.Ou habilidades intelectuais como matemtica, fsica, qumica, e outras matriasO Aprendizado Acelerado ocorre sempre como resultado de um mtodo de aprendizadoUm dos mtodos mais estudados em laboratrio hoje em dia a Prtica deliberadaUma forma Ativa de desenvolver qualquer competnciaImagine como seria a sua vida se finalmente vc Aprendesse a tocar violo, ou Conseguisse se preparar para aquela prova de concursosPerdesse o medo de falar com pessoasSo tantos benefcios que vc ganha ao utilizar a Pratica Deliberada.Nesse curso, vou te ensinar as 4 Etapas do Desenvolvimento Acelerado de CompetnciasSe vc vir comigo nessa jornada de aprendizado voc vai descobrir um novo potencial dentro de vocQuando finalmente entender uma srie em ingls porque vc treinou com a prtica deliberada;Aps fazer aquele super movimento de dana que estava querendo muito dominarQuando conseguir uma nota mxima na sua prova da matria que vc menos gostaEsse o potencial dessa tcnicaA Prtica deliberada A tcnica que os grandes atletas usam para aprenderem cada mais, para ficarem cada vez mais rpido, e entregarem uma super performance.No vou te prometer que vc chegar a um nvel de super atleta, mas voc pode ficar muito melhor do que vc hoje.As 4 Etapas da Prtica DeliberadaPlanejamento e criao de objetivos;Gerando foco e concentrao durante o aprendizado;O poder do Feedback na hora dos estudos;Identificao e sada da zona de conforto.Estudante! Voc pode aprender muito mais rapidamente do que voc est aprendendo agora, e o desenvolvimento de competncia comea com o mtodo que vc vai utilizar para aprender melhorEnto venha comigo e bons estudos!"
Price: 69.99
"Learn to Create Minimal typography and logo opener in Adobe" |
"Are you ready to learn a simple way to grab viewers within the first nanoseconds of your introduction for a video, presentation, or promotional tool? In this course, you can learn step-by-step with one of the best on-line animations instructor to create a Minimal Typography and Logo Opener in Adobe After EffectsShubham Ganer is a Motion Graphics Designer with over 5 years of experience. He has a simple approach to teach proven techniques for generating higher visibility and greater engagements with a range of options. This course walks users through the step by step approach in learning to create Minimal Typography and Logo with the help of Adobe After Effects that will impress your audience .You will learn everything from scratch to create a Professionally animated logo opener with the help of Adobe After Effects The course is divided in 5 lessons which teach you to create a text and logo based animation in Adobe After Effects so even if you never used Adobe After Effects you will be able to follow along with the help of simple instructions and be able to create the Final Product which is shown in the promo The main aim of this course is :1. To ensure students are able to create a Minimal style typography and logo opener2. To make sure that students explore the functionality of the software and understand it's working3. The students are able to create the final animation taught in the courseProject file of the animation is also included in last lecture so you can open and reveal it in case if you want it for referenceWhile aimed at intermediate, this course is also valuable for beginners animators , to add to your current skill set and gain insights that will enhance your animation and design skill set and will help you as an emerging artist"
Price: 24.99
"N11'de Sat Yapma ve E-Ticaret Eitimi - (12 + SAAT )" |
"N11 platformu Trkiye E-Ticaret Pazar Yerleri arasnda 85 Milyon aylk ziyareti ile en byk platform. N11 de sat yaparak rnlerinizi btn Trkiye'ye satabilirsiniz. Kendi rnleriniz veya maazanz varsa iinizi E-Ticaret'e tayn. Eer kendi rnleriniz yoksada Tedarikiler bularak rnler alp satabilirsiniz. Bu sayede kendi iinizi kurabilir ve bir Giriimci olabilirsiniz.Bu kursta sizlere adm adm N11 de nasl sat yapabileceinizi anlatyor olacam.u ana kadar 60.000 den fazla kiiye Udemy'de online eitim verdim. Sizlere en iyi ekilde bildiklerimi anlatacamdan pheniz olmasn.Trkiyede E-TCARET sektr 2018 ylnda bymesini hz kesmeden srdrerek yzde 42 orannda artla 59,9 milyar TLlik bykle ulat.E-TCARET & GELENEKSEL TCARET- E-ticarette Balang maliyeti az- Fiziki maazann kiras maliyeti var- Fiziki maaza i gc maliyeti var- Fiziki maazada rnlerin toplu alnmas- E-ticarette zaman kst yok- E-ticarette mekan kst yok- Fiziki maazann almas lazm, e-ticarette maazanz hep ak- Gece uyurken bile sat yapabilirsiniz- E-ticarette btn Trkiye, hatta btn dnyaya ulaabilirsiniz- Fiziki maaza sadece bulunduunuz ileye rnlerinizi satabilirsiniz- E-ticaret Pazar pay gittike artyor ve artacak- nsanlar rnlerin evine gelmesini istiyor- nsanlar internetten alverie alyor- E-ticarette milyonlarca kii rnnz grebilir- Amazon 2.1 milyar aylk ziyareti- N11 Hepsiburada 80-85 milyon aylk ziyareti- Eer bir fiziki maazanz varsa hemen e-ticarete balayn- Satlarnz Trkiye de en az 3 kat artacak- Amazonda 10 kat artacakE-TCARETN en gzel yan ;- Kendi iinizi kurmann en kolay yolu- Kendi iinizin patronu olun. Bakalarna para kazandracanza kendinize kazandrnWEB STES & PAZAR YERLER- Pazar yerleri daha gvenilir mteri gznde- Pazar yerinin trafii var- Kendi sitenize trafik ekmek ok zor- Kendi Sitenize Mteri ekmek maliyetli- Pazar yerlerinde komisyon var- Dnm oran Pazar yerlerinde daha yksek- Web sitenizde dnm oranlar %2-3- adelerden dolay Pazar yeri daha gvenilir- Pazar yerinde ge gnderme yok- Pazar Yerlerinde Kredi kart gveni var- Pazar yeri reklam kendi yapyor- Pazar yerleri promosyonlar yapyorlar (Kara Cuma ...)- Pazar yerinde kontrol sizde deil- Pazar yerlerinde yksek komisyonlar var- Pazar Yerlerinde demeler ge- Mterileri tekrar hedeflemek Pazar yerinde zor- Pazar Yerlerinde Mesajlara izin verilmiyor"
Price: 409.99