"Trauma-Informed Skills for Dealing With Traumatized Youth" |
"For someone who has a history of trauma, toxic stress and adversity; counselors and medical offices, schools, neighborhoods, friendships, and workplaces can all be dangerous environments fraught with triggers and sensitives that make it hard to cope. Trauma-informed care is how we change how we interact and relate to others to improve their chances of success and functioning in these settings."
Price: 49.99
"Parenting The Traumatized Child" |
"Many children experience traumatic events, including abuse, neglect, household dysfunction and domestic violence. These traumatic events can affect a child long after he or she has experienced them. This course explores how parents can care for a child while being sensitive to his or her past traumatic experiences. The basic requirements to parent traumatized children effectively."
Price: 49.99
"Future Strategy Manager" |
"All organizations have objectives and goals which they need to reach to keep in the market, enter new markets and select future concentrations.When Steve Jobs rejoined Apple in 1997 he had several actions in the beginning:1. Partnership with Microsoft2. Cutting products3. Cutting employees4. Portfolio had four products.These might have been difficult to do, but in a crisis situation it's easier to get things done. Strategic manager is a person who helps companies to formulate and implement new strategies successfully and keep people involved and motivated, aim to win next battle. Not only strategy managers are responsible for the strategies. But they see the light at the end of the tunnel. Importance of insights and facts, methods to collect and share data, make analysis. This is important. In case future is not clear, several scenarios are needed.This course will teach you how to become a strategy manager. What kind of possibilities there are in the market. What kind of skills are needed. How you can follow your dream or plan. Enroll the course!It's not too difficult to decide about cutting, preserving and taking risks. This is strategic management. If you want to be one of the next strategy managers, develop these analytical and hard skills and don't forget soft skills as well. If you're working in a small or middle sized company, this course will help you to understand your organization's most important key performance indicators. If you work for consulting or within large organization your tools must include balanced scorecard. Follow the strategy! Setup priorities, analyze the portfolio time to time. Don't stop being creative and innovative. Encourage also others!The course will also include latest check for the open positions and job market. You will learn how to enhance your value in the competitive situation and how you can plan your steps. Enroll the course now! Start your career."
Price: 39.99
"ISO 45001:2018 -Safety Management System Requirements Course" |
" 45001 2018 .. 45001:2018 9001 :1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PDCA 7. 450018. 45001 : 2018 o 1: o 2: o 3: o 4: o 5: o 6: o 7: o 8: o 9: o10:"
Price: 99.99
""" (PMP)"" . (PMP) (PMI)"
Price: 49.99
primary_marketing |
Price: 24000.00
"Learn Teamwork Beginners Course" |
"The Teamwork Beginners Course is designed to quickly move users from being absolute beginners in the Teamwork project managament platform to being capable and proficient Teamwork users. This course is geared to give you the skills you need to set up your Teamwork account and workspace, and create and manage projects within it, utilising best practices to get the best results. When working with Project Management software you need to know what youre doing to avoid confusion and miscommunication, and that is what this course is all about.The course is comprised of a number of levels, each building upon the skills learned in the last as we guide users to project management success within the Teamwork environment."
Price: 19.99
"Learn Teamwork Advanced Course" |
"The Teamwork Advanced Course is tailored to propel you from being a competent Teamwork user, to being able to master the full set of Teamwork features. This course will impart technical skills, practical advice, and best practices when using the advanced features of Teamwork, and is particularly useful for account and project administrators, or team leaders who need to have oversight in projects.You will proceed from being able to get the job done, to being as efficient as possible within your Teamwork environment, through using shortcuts, and setting up templates and defaults for project spaces. You will be freed up to do the work instead of spending all of your time planning it out.The course is comprised of three sections, each building upon the skills learnt in the last as you set course for project management mastery."
Price: 19.99
"Learn Desk Comprehensive Course" |
"Learn to master the skills of interpreting team and client reports while creating greater levels of trust with clients through personalising responses. You will complete this courses as a true Client Services Master!This course imparts technical skills as well as practical advice for using the features of Desk, and bringing your agents onboard, allowing you to be in full control of your desk environment.You will be able to proceed beyond simply closing out tickets, to being able to identify areas for improvement, create tasks from your tickets, and ensuring that all of your agents understand what is expected of them in Desk"
Price: 24.99
"Learn Desk Quick Start Course" |
"Learn how to make Desk work best for your individual use case. Geared to help give you best practice across industries, this courses allows users to understand how Desk can be best utilised to create sustainable customer services success.With a practical step-by-step approach to using Desk in a live environment, beginning with setting up your company and agents all the way through to engaging with clients, and monitoring team performance, this course builds on the assumed basic technical knowledge of Desk (available in the comprehensive course) and guides you as you and your team start to work on customer tickets within your Desk environment."
Price: 19.99
rwvxzltg |
": ."
Price: 49.99
"Macro Excel - Des champs de saisie un tableau en 1 clic" |
"Dans ce cours, nous commencerons avec de la thorie en s'intressant aux fonctions principales des macros qui, d'aprs mon exprience, suffisent pour la quasi-totalit des besoins en entreprise. Ensuite, nous appliquerons ces mthodes pour crer un fichier de saisie. Le principe est de saisir les informations sur une feuille de calcul et d'automatiquement copier-coller les donnes dans un tableau rcapitulatif. Un exemple d'applications de cette mthode est la saisie des informations d'un nouveau client pour l'ajouter dans une base de donnes. Vous pourrez d'ailleurs tlcharger l'ensemble des fichiers et macros de ce cours pour les essayer et les adapter vos besoins. L'objectif est de vous quiper pour faire de vous des utilisateurs clairs - et non des experts de la programmation - en vous donnant les outils pour comprendre et crire vos macros ainsi qu'amliorer vos fichiers Excel. A la fin de ce cours, vous serez en mesure d'crire des macros et d'utiliser des fonctions telles que :Msgbox pour afficher un messageIF...Then....End If pour les conditionsFor......Next pour faire des boucles sur les lignes et/ou les colonnes d'un tableauApplication.Workbooks.Open pour ouvrir un fichier Excel.Save pour enregistrer le fichier ExcelEn termes de ressources, vous pourrez tlcharger les fichiers suivants :""Classeur 1"" - avec l'ensemble des fonctions prsentes dans la partie thorique8 fichiers correspondant aux diffrentes mthodes prsentes - ces fichiers seront donc utilisables en quelques minutes pour vos besoinsPour en savoir plus sur le contenu du cours, vous pouvez vous rfrer au sommaire ci-dessous.Pour un aperu du cours, vous pouvez regarder l'introduction et les vidos identifies."
Price: 39.99
city_survival |
Price: 19.99
"How To Start A Business With No Money" |
"We are told that the biggest hurdle in starting any business is money, which in my experience is not true, I found that the biggest challenge is unlearning what we know, and believing in something which no one else believes in. Believing in one own self, being able to KNOW that no matter what happens, you will not give up, as Master Shifu from Kungfu Panda says, A true Master never gives up. We bring fear, which means we evoke false emotions and we start to assume before taking any step.If you are an entrepreneur, you are an artist who is Inspired to see his idea coming to life. You are an inventor. As one of the greatest inventors of all times, Edison said, Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perception. So buckle up as the road ahead is full of fun, however it is a long journey. :)I would request you to follow the steps which I have described in this course with closed eyes and believe me, you will have your business & You will be successful. I believe that you will succeed by 80% by following these steps. This course of mine is the asset of experiences I gained in my life of an entrepreneur since the age of 8. If you found this course useful, do forward it to someone else who is struggling with taking actions. Please let me know if you liked what you have read, and what you liked more, and how it helped you, as your story is what will give life to my soul, and will push me to do even more in future :)"
Price: 19.99
"How To Solve Problems Using Internet" |
"Since the arrival of the internet, I have been using the internet since 1997 and email since 1993, and alot of things have changed in the world specially the post-Facebook, post-YouTube and post LinkedIn era, lot of techniques have changed and I believe that what I am going to teach in this course can be applied to solving world's biggest problems.They could be water problem, energy crisis, climate change, whatever you can think of.In this course, I will try to make you Greta Thunberg or Malala Yousufzai of that subject. You will become the key person of influence in that subject.This course is for anyone, who has the desire, the passion to solve problems around him or her. Maybe you can't see the problem completely solve in your lifetime however you will become able to create a snowball effect and create a large dent on that problem.So are you ready to jump in?"
Price: 19.99
"AWS Certified Advanced Networking practice questions" |
"I found difficult to pass the Advanced Networking test from AWS, I compiled a list of questions that help to cover most of the areas of the exam. This will not ensure that you pass the exam, but it can help you to get more confident and take the test better.I wish you the best of lucks"
Price: 199.99
"Acryltechnik: Rote Abend Sonne" |
"Hallo und willkommen bei meinem Acrylkurs!Dieses Mal malen wir nur ein Bild - ein expressives, farbintensives, emotionales ""Rotes Bild"". Sonnenuntergang einmal anders. Wir beginnen mit einer Skizze, dabei werden alle wichtigen Fragen abgeklrt: Horizont, Tonunterschiede, Komposition. Im Anschluss folgt Malerei mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Farbauftrag und Intensitt. Mehrere rote Schattierungen verleihen unserem Bild Exklusivitt und Ausdruck. Przise und sichere Pinselstriche werden gezeigt und umgesetzt. Auch Tipps und Tricks werden in diesem Kurs gezeigt und akzeptiert.Viel Erfolg und bis Bald.Inna"
Price: 69.99
"Virtual Summit Secrets" |
"ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs, speakers, product creators, and digital marketers!""Discover How To Start a Virtual Summit To Grow Your Audience, Authority, and Income Online""Finally! A Step-by-Step Guide To Starting and Launching Your Very Own Virtual Summit!There's no denying, more and more businesses are turning to the online world to reach a wider audience.The convenience and accessibility of the tools and platforms we have nowadays such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, allows anyone to host their own virtual meeting, conference, or in this case a summit.Zoom usage increased dramatically in March 2020 as the pandemic of COVID-19 forced many people to work remotely.In fact, according to Bernstein Research and Apptopia:""Daily downloads of the Zoom app have increased 30x year-over-year and the app has been the top free app for iPhones in the United States since March 18.Zoom said daily users spiked to 200 million in March, up from 10 million in December.""A change like this has indeed changed the whole landscape of the corporate work environment.With stats like this, you probably don't want to ignore the idea of starting your own virtual summit. 9 Reasons Why You Should Start a Virtual SummitWhether you want to build an audience, increase your authority, or grow your income, a virtual summit has many benefits.Here are 9 reasons why you should start a virtual summit:1. Build an audience faster as you will be attracting hundreds of attendees.2. Raise your personal profile and visibility.3. Establish strong relationships with experts and influencers.4. Develop and build your community.5. Free marketing. It wont only be you promoting the summit. Speakers will be sharing and advertising YOUR event to their followers, too.6. Freedom. Stream your virtual summit from anywhere in the world.7. Theres no limit to how many people can attend.8. Make money from different streams of the summit.9. Create a business model that you can clone and keep evergreen.So How Do You Start and Launch Your Very own Virtual Summit?With so much information out there and not knowing where to begin, it can be a challenge starting your virtual summit.You know you want to build your following.You know you want to make an impact to the world by putting together a life-changing summit.You know you want to build your income.Thankfully, I have the solution for you.I've put together a guide sharing the steps, tools, and strategies to starting and launching a virtual summit.Im proud to introduce to you...VIRTUAL SUMMIT SECRETSHow To Start a Virtual Summit To Grow Your Audience, Authority, and Income OnlineSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 104.99
"Breathe! And End Stress" |
"ATTENTION: Feeling Overworked and Stressed?""Discover a Simple Guide to Putting an End to Stress and Wasted Time""In This Course, You'll Find Out How To Manage Your Stress More Effectively And Live A Happier Life!Do you feel like the stress is building up?That you could over-flow at any moment?Each of us only has 24 hours in each day, but some of us enjoy those hours a lot more than others. It's not to do with money (although it helps), it's about how you make use of your time and how stressed or relaxed you are during those 24 hours.Wish You Could Enjoy Your Time?Most of us understand that stress is preventing us from enjoying our time, but we don't always know the best way to overcome our stress and continue enjoying our lives despite it.In fact, the majority of us just bottle up our stress until it slowly begins to take us over and prevent us from enjoying our daily lives. You might be spending time with your partner or your children, but you're not really there. You're actually in your head, thinking about work and other stressors.You never really relax.You never truly take a break.It's possible for you to enjoy your life more.What's The Solution?So how on Earth are you going to magically reduce your stress and learn how to live your life again?For the past few years I've been living a very productive, happy and stress free life. Just like you, I spent most of my time working and feeling bad about how I wasn't spending those hours with my family and friends.But it really is possible to 'hack' your life so that you can spend more of it enjoying the little time we have on this Earth.I've mastered this lifestyle and I want to share my experiences with you so that you can get out of the situation that you are in.There's a better way.This guide will tell you everything you need to start managing your stress better and therefore lead a happier lifestyle.Without further ado, let me introduce you to our brand new guide:Getting Back Time:How to Stay Calm, Confident and Collected In Even the Most Stressful SituationsSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 164.99
"Vegan Warrior" |
"Discover Effective Strategies On How To Kickstart Your Vegan Fitness Plan!I'll Personally Show You Simple Ways To Stay Healthy And Get The Kind Of Body You're Proud Of When You Go Vegan...GET INSTANT ACCESS TODAY!Dear friend,Here's something interesting.Once mocked as a cult-like fad trend, veganism has started becoming more popular and mainstream in the United States.Today's vegans come from all walks of life including working mums, college students, teenagers, even professional athletes.Vegans have since come a long way and the good news? - Vegans don't have to stick to just plain old steamed vegetables and brown rice anymore.In fact, there are now more diversity in terms of cooking and choosing the right kind of ingredients for your vegan diet. And more vegan dishes available with restaurants promoting their plant-only menu.Now Take A Look At These Numbers...In 2009, only one percent of the US population are vegetarian or vegan.Now, as of June 2017, six percent of Americans are vegan.And of all these vegans, the majority are women.But that's not all... Because soon after that, men started following this lifestyle .At 2012, overall meat consumption decreased by 12.2% from 2007.Google even found a three-fold increase in vegan searches from 2007 to 2014.As you can see by now, the vegan lifestyle garnered the attention of many health enthusiasts worldwide.Famous Athletes Play A Role In Promoting The Vegan LifestyleHave you ever wondered why many prominent athletes opt for plant-based protein instead of animal protein?That's because research by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that plant-protein diets is the better choice for building muscles.Let me explain.Plant-based protein is packed with antioxidants and fibers which can enhance body recovery. Less inflammation in the body would mean that athletes only need minimal amount of time to heal from muscle aches and pains.Also, did you know that you don't need meat, dairy, egg whites or proteins like chicken or fish to build muscles for you?That's right, you don't.In fact, the kind of plant-based foods that can help you build muscle mass are alkaline. They increase your body's pH levels to combat inflammation, which is common when you consume large amount of animal protein.Superfoods like tempeh, quinoa, pumpkin seeds and almond butter are great sources of plant protein.And there's no better time than now to start turning the tables in your favourIts Time To Look Good and Feel Better Like Never Before!You're About To Discover Amazing Ways ToImprove Your Life By Going VeganToday's your lucky day because I'm giving you FULL ACCESS to...My entire collection of how to begin your vegan journey and reap the full benefits of being one!And for the first time ever, they've been compiled into one incredible blueprint...Workout plans for vegansTestimonials of vegan athletesDietary outlineTips for transitioning into VeganismDebunking common myths... and MANY more!Just know that I've spent hundreds and thousands of dollars into developing these proven strategies to give you the best experience out of your vegan lifestyle.And here's your golden opportunity to learn my secrets to getting the kind of lean and healthy body you want when you eat vegan.I'm granting you the permission to follow my method and apply it into your new transformational lifestyle.It's Your Chance Now To Unleash Your Inner Vegan And Go Beyond Your Boundaries!With Your Permission, Allow Me To Introduce You To...Vegan WarriorA Life-Changing Blueprint On How You Can Kickstart Your Vegan Diet Today!SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 119.99
"Bitcoin Breakthrough" |
"Are You Ready To Start Profiting With Bitcoin?Its About Time For You To Follow The Right Strategies To Profit With Bitcoin!Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which is another term that you need to be familiar with.Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any central powers not yet at least.Every Bitcoin is just a computer file stored in whats called a digital wallet.Dear Friend,Now is a very good time to take an interest in Bitcoin and invest in it.It has been going strong for 10 years and its popularity has soared.In order to make the best returns on Bitcoin investments you need to understand what it really is and how it works.Many people think that Bitcoin is a scam, but it certainly isnt.However there have been some scams in the cryptocurrency world.You just need to know the best way to obtain Bitcoins and the most trusted investment strategies.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will learn how to avoid scams in cryptocurrency.You will learn how work the blockchain technology.You will be able to keep your bitcoins safe in the best wallets.You will know the best way to obtain bitcoins and the best investment strategies.You will learn the advice you need to follow to make a good return on your investment.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGBitcoin BreakthroughHow To Find Your WHY And Communicate Your Purpose To The WorldNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...What Is Bitcoin?The Lowdown On Bitcoin InvestingHow Bitcoin Really WorksHow You Can Acquire BitcoinsChoosing the right Bitcoin WalletGetting Ready For Bitcoin TradingReal Life Bitcoin Investment StrategiesAvoid Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency ScamsBitcoin Investing Best PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually Bitcoin Breakthrough!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to learn how to avoid scams in cryptocurrency.You want to know how to work the blockchain technology.You want to keep your bitcoins safe in the best wallets.You want to know the best way to obtain bitcoins and the best investment strategies.You want to invest in cryptocurrencies and make a good return on your investment.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 184.99
"Limitless Energy" |
"ATTENTION: Anyone who wishes they had more energy!""Discover How To Finally Work More Productively, Have More Energy And Feel Refreshed!""Find Out Why You Don't Have As Much Energy AsYou Did Before, And How You Can Change That!Feeling stressed and overwhelmed?Are you tired and struggling to find the energy to do tasks that you know need to be done?Believe it or not, you had far more energy in the past. Don't believe me?Remeber your childhood?When you were young you had a perfect schedule, you slept much better that's for sure!As we've grown older we've become more stressed. We've let it effect our energy levels.Now even some of the simplest tasks seem to be tiring. Right?But it doesn't have to be that way. With the right steps you'll be able to discover how to reclaim your energy.Can You Imagine A Life With More Energy?A lot of us say things like ""there's not enough time in the day"". Well, there's actually plenty of time each day. Otherwise you wouldn't have time to be watching TV! The problem is that you don't have enough energy and motivation to try and accomplish the tasks you need to.You need to find more energyDiscover how to work more productivelyHow to change your lifestyle so that you feel more energeticLive a better life!Why Do You Need More Energy?Think about it. Sit down for a little moment and imagine what you would do if you had more energy.Maybe you would work more on your business and make more money? Would you go play with your children some more? Or maybe you'd take your wife out for the day?Everything takes energy! Even the simplest tasks.That's why it's no wonder that we are short of it and feeling tired.Modern day life has a lot of things to keep track of!The good news is, you can overcome this. You are stronger than you think! This is simply a stage in your life, a tough one, but one that can be overcome.By taking the right steps towards a more energetic life you'll be able to fully appreciate the things that you're doing. You'll be able to work more efficiently towards your dreams.Live a better life.Allow me to introduce you to...Limitless Energy"
Price: 199.99
"Spanish for Absolute Beginners(Step by Step)" |
"This course is prepared for students who do not speak any Spanish or who know a certain level of Spanish. If you do not have any knowledge of Spanish before, you can start from the beginnig but if you have ,you can start the chapter what you want The purpose of this course is not only to have superficial knowledge about the subjects; To speak Spanish and learn grammar, vocabulary, grammar, examples, examples of dialogue, text samples and Spanish by understanding and digesting. For this reason, I prepared the lessons as thoroughly and with examples as I could.Reasons to start learning Spanish1. Spanish is one of the most commonly spoken languages2. Opportunities for discovery while on vacation3. Spanish is spoken by 450 million people4.You could work or study abroad5.Learning a second language improves your brain6. In the US, Spanish is spoken by 16% of the population7. Earn more money"
Price: 19.99
"Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques." |
"In this course, I am going to illustrate further on how to read and understand Candlestick Chart and the types of Candlestick formations. This is a follow up course to the Beginners Guide to Forex Trading. Its important that you go through that course before proceeding to this course.By learning how to read and understand Candlestick, we eliminate the false concept which is perceived by many Candlestick Teachers or Traders that every candle needs to fit into a certain criteria. This is just simply not true and has many traders learning Candlesticks to believe that without seeing the perfect Candlestick that they cannot trade.Instead I break it down into three main driving forces of the market shown by the candles and what they represent to us as traders.Firstly, who has control more so than the other, whether bulls or bears and asking yourself this question in each and every candle.Secondly, we focus on that control up to an indecision point that aligns with Major Structure or Supply & Demand Zones.And thirdly we need to clarify which direction to take when at a major structure based on the candlestick, whether market will break below or break above the major structure?Now, I urge all traders to learn this process in detail as it is the fundamental key to all trading when looking at Candles.What are the Candles saying?Are we at an Indecision point in Trend or Major Structure?Are the Candles suggesting a change in Trend?And, what is the potential profit?So, if you want to take your candlestick trading to another level, just click take this course now and lets get started learning about Japanese Candlesticks.Best of luck with your trading and learning."
Price: 39.99
"How to write an excellent research thesis" |
"Overwhelmed by research writing? Would you like a thesis writing blueprint that is effective and painless? Would you like to produce a satisfying research thesis and to graduate on time (or earlier)? In this course, you will learn how to produce and deliver a research thesis that will captivate and exceed your examiners' expectations. The principles and approaches that I am sharing in this course have helped me to complete my PhD thesis in linguistics in a year and a half at La Trobe University, Australia, and my Master of Criminal Justice research report in 3 months. I have taught the contents in this course to over 700 students (face-to-face) from various disciplines in my research methodology classes and thesis writing workshops. From experience, I know that students would rather not spend too much time learning a subject. Instead, they would prefer to maximise their learning in doing things. Because of this, the video lectures are designed to be short and straight to the point. By orienting you to these principles, you would be able to put the lessons to immediate use. You will find plenty of supplementary resources in this course to further advance your understanding."
Price: 174.99
"IT Project Budget & Cost Management" |
"With over 5 hours of content, this is the most comprehensive course on how to manage a million-dollar software project budget. Please note that this course is not about construction budget management.Gain hands-on knowledge in all the areas of managing a large project budget - from business case creation through financially closing out your project.Information gathered is from specific past job experience - this is not a theory course but a course to teach you specific step-by-step procedures to manage your project budget.Gain real-world knowledge of project budget management as we work through a sample project with real implications. The sample project deals with leveraging a software development vendor to build our organization's new application on the web.Your project management toolkit is not complete without detailed knowledge of how to manage project finances. This online training course will give you the background to complete your toolkit.Bonuses - Sections end with a ""resources"" area so that you can download bonus materials and templates based on the content of that section.How long will it take?With over 40 lectures and 5 hours of content, if you budget just 30 minutes a day, you can complete this course in approximately 3 weeks. Is it for me?This course is for you if you want to learn step-by-step on how to manage a million-dollar budget for a software project. Remember, this is not a ""theory"" course but a course to mimic as if you were managing a real-world project. The skills you learn here can be applied to real-world projects. What if I don't understand a topic?As you move through the course, I will provide prompts where you can reach out to me on my website with questions or feedback. I will PERSONALLY get back to you to answer any questions you may have. I understand that Financial topics are sometimes tricky to understand because I was there also when I first began as a project manager.What youll learnHow projects are initiated financially and how these finances play a major role in the project eventually being approved by executive management for execution.Step-by-step estimation skills to prepare your budget for project expenses such as internal resources, contractors, hardware, software, and business travel. Step-by-step instructions on how to set up your initial project budget based on estimated expenses.An examination as to how actuals are realized against your project budget. You will also learn step-by-step how to analyze these actuals to determine if incorrect charges are appearing on your project.How to use Finance performance metrics such as Earned Value (EV). Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI). Remember, this will be based on a real-world scenario and not based on theory. Step by step procedures to do your monthly and quarterly re-forecasting for your project budget.Understand the change control process so that you may make changes to your project budget whether you're over or under budget. Also, learn step-by-step how to re-forecast once your change control is approved.How to financially close out your project and give any unused funds back to the organization so that it may leverage this to fund other projects.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to transition from their current job role to a career in project / program management.Senior Managers who are new to managing project budgets. PMO Analysts who want to understand the financial performance of projects.Executive steering committee's to understand how an execution project budget works after business case approval.Anyone band new to project management to understand how managing costs and budgets work. The ""accidental"" project or program manager."
Price: 199.99
deutscha2 |
"2 , , -. 25- , , , . , , . , . / : 2 : / / man es / / wissen kennen / hier,da,dort / / von aus / / (n-Deklination) / / lassen / / Dativ Akkusativ / : / / / / :A1 - ( Au-Pair, FSJ)A2 - ( Au-Pair, FSJ)B1 - B2 - C1 - C2 -"
Price: 19.99
"Ansys Statik Analiz" |
"Basit bir Kiriin Uzuvlarnda Oluan Kuvvetlerin Bulunmas zerine yaptm analizde mesnetlere gelen kuvvetlerin miktarn Ansys paket programnda buldum.Basit bir Kiriin Uzuvlarnda Oluan Kuvvetlerin Bulunmas zerine yaptm analizde mesnetlere gelen kuvvetlerin miktarn Ansys paket programnda buldum.Basit bir Kiriin Uzuvlarnda Oluan Kuvvetlerin Bulunmas zerine yaptm analizde mesnetlere gelen kuvvetlerin miktarn Ansys paket programnda buldum.Basit bir Kiriin Uzuvlarnda Oluan Kuvvetlerin Bulunmas zerine yaptm analizde mesnetlere gelen kuvvetlerin miktarn Ansys paket programnda buldum."
Price: 19.99
"Ansys 19.0' Da Dinamik Analiz" |
"Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz.Ansys 19.0' Da Rigid Dinamik analiz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz."
Price: 19.99
"Vlogging: Complete Beginner to Advance Guide. 6 courses in 1" |
"Everything you need to become a Successful VloggerIn this complete beginner to advance guide to Vlogging, you will not only learn everything about Vlogging but also learn how to become an influencer and how to become an influential blogger. You will learn about Video Marketing and how to become a Youtube Authority. Furthermore, You will learn how to create awesome videos with Camtasia. You will also get access to an extensive library of stock video, audio, and images that you can use for your Vlogging videos. 6 COURSES + EXTENSIVE STOCK VIDEO, AUDIO AND IMAGE LIBRARIESModern Vlogging courseHow To Become An Influencer CourseInfluential Blogging CourseVideo Marketing Profit Kit CourseYouTube Authority CourseCreate Video With Camtasia 9 Course Stock Video, Audio, and Image Library (More than 2000 files)1. Modern VloggingYouTube and Facebook introduced live streaming video, simply because it is what people want.Some of the most successful channels on YouTube are vlogs.Once you start to get a following for your vlog the word will spread quickly and you will get a lot more subscribers.In this course, you will learn:What is vlogging?Ideas For Profitable VlogsStarting a Successful VlogCreating Great VideosOptimizing Your YouTube VideosPromoting Your VlogFree Tools For Growing Your YouTube ChannelWays To Monetize Your VlogVlogging Best Practices2. How To Become An Influencer Course""Discover The Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming An Influencer In Your Industry So You Can Get Recognized, Build Your Tribe, And Get Paid For Endorsements""This Step-By-Step Guide Shows You How To Build Your Personal Brand, Choose a Niche, Select A Platform, Create Amazon Content, and More!5 Personal Branding Tips to Help You Stand Out as an Influencer5 Ways to Build Your Followers and Increase Your InfluencerHow to Choose Your Niche as an InfluencerHow to Find Great Topics to Blog and Post About as an InfluencerHow to Get Brand Deals as an InfluencerHow to Work With the Top Influencers in Your NicheMonetization Tips for InfluencersThe Secret to Becoming an Influencer is by Delivering ValueUnderstanding the 3 CWhich Social Media Platforms Should You Build Your Influence On3. Influential Blogging CourseDo You Want To Become Learn More About Becoming More Influential When Blogging?A Beginners Guide To Your Path To Becoming a Better Blogger For More Influence and Success...Beginners Guide To BloggingBoosting Your Business With BloggingThe Importance Of Blog DesignBlogging for Profit Begins With a Long Term PlanBlog Content BrainstormingMonetizing Your BlogGetting Started With VideobloggingAnd a Whole Lot More4. Video Marketing Profit Kit CourseThis is the one-stop resource you need to use if you are serious about video marketing. This blueprint delivers the following crucial informationFiguring out winning topics for your videosHow to pick the right type of video to createHow to save money on video creationHow to turbocharge the persuasive power of your marketing videosHow to make money from your videosHow to promote your videos the right wayHow to optimize your videos for greater success... and a LOT MORE!""10 Detailed and Comprehensive Over the Shoulder Tutorial Videos!""Why should you reverse engineer your competitors videos?One key trick that boosts your videosToo many marketers fail to do this and they end up failingHow to use the KLT sales method using videos?How to use the cheapest marketing video type most profitably?3 key marketing video types you need to know about3 key considerations to think about when using whiteboard videos for marketing3 key Fiverr services that will turbocharge your video marketing businessDo you have the best looking videos to make money in your niche?Why is elemental video optimization so important to your profitability?5. YouTube Authority CourseHeres what youll discover in this guide:Learn what it takes to get started on YouTube, including the equipment and software youll need to produce your own videos.Youll learn how to choose your niche and determine what kinds of videos youre going to produce.Discover how to properly optimize your YouTube channel so that you can be successful on the platform.Find out what you need to do to develop your content strategy and get started producing the videos your audience wants to see.Learn some different strategies for building your audience on YouTube and gaining more views and subscribers.Discover the strategies for increasing your customer engagement with your videos and YouTube channel.Learn some of the different ways that you can monetize your YouTube channel and start making passive income.Learn the mistakes to avoid making on your YouTube channel if you want to be successful.10-Part YouTube Training Series:3 Steps for Being More Successful on YouTube4 Strategies for Creating a Branded YouTube Channel4 Ways to Create a Popular YouTube Channel for Your Business5 Tactics to Get More Subscribers on YouTube5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a YouTube Chanel for Business6 Secrets for Growing Your YouTube Channel6 Tips to Help You Grow Your Brand's YouTube ChannelImprove Your YouTube Search Rankings with These 5 TipsThe Do's and Don'ts of Starting a YouTube Channel for Your BrandThe Top Ways to Get More Traffic To Your YouTube Channel6. Create Video With Camtasia 9 Course ""Take Your Video Marketing to the Next Level with This Powerful Over the Shoulder Training""In this Course, Youll Find Out How To Use Every Aspect of Camtasia 9 To Make Your Video SizzleWhat you'll discover in this Video Course:Purchase And InstallationBasic Screen Recording Controls and Capture MenuTools and Menu OptionsRecorded InputsTracking Your ProgressTimeline ElementsUsing MarkersQuizzes and SurveysLibrary ElementsTransitionsAnimationsCursor EffectsAudio EffectsQuizzing and Surveys ExpandedProject SettingsConnecting Your Mobile DeviceBatch ProductionCustom Production SettingsScreen CaptureRecording PowerPointAnnotationsBehaviorsInteractive Hotspots.....And Much Much More7. Stock Video, Audio, and Image LibraryMore than 2000 files with Stock Video, Audio, and Image files with usage rights for your Vlog. Use it to create awesome videos with background music, mix with images, and stock video clips matching your theme. High-quality stock video in HD (1080) or 4K UHD with beauty, business, nature, sports, tech, science, flying, vacation, emotions, food, factory, snow, background, Christmas, animals, urban, earth, cool timelapse, drinks, boats, cars, music, workout, fitness, traffic, space, beach, people, computer, smoke, sun, fireworks, slow motion, birds, rain, cats, animation, aerial...Stock audio sound clips with water, vehicle, trucks, trains, tools, storm, recreation, sci-fi, quotes, people, office, nautical, nature, musical, medical, jungle, industry, horror, household, farm, emergency, electronics, comic, cartoon, cars, bells, trance, battle, animals, aircraft, classic music, jazz, beats, ballad, atmosphere, reggae, marches, keyboard, acoustic, relax, experimental, easy listening, chill, techno, stock market... High-quality stock images in HD with reptiles, birds, houses, churches, dogs, bridges, bedroom, business, mothers day, money, workspace, outdoor, animal wildlife, food, humans, places, mountains, rivers, lakes, culture, tools, machinery, transport, urban, dating, sports, farming, plants, flowers, bridges, abstract, panorama, fishing, hospital, economy, baby, communication, shopping, fitness, marketing, writing, exercise, architecture, texture, people, beach, sunset, Halloween, abstract, landscape, fruit, travel, city lights, gif, icon, s and a lot of miscellaneous stock images."
Price: 39.99
"Curso de Excel nivel bsico" |
"Este es un curso de iniciacin en el programa Excel de Microsoft Office.Se explica paso a paso la funcionalidad de las hojas electrnicas.Unidad 1: CONCEPTOS BSICOSConceptualizacin de los trminos bsicos para iniciar el curso.Captulo 2:Iniciamos con la creacin de un libro, como se guarda y recupera, afianzando los conocimientos de manejo de archivos.Captulo 3Describiremos las diferentes pestaas y de que constan, como tambin, el manejo y configuracin de la cinta de opciones.PRACTICA 1Unidad 2: MANEJO DE DATOSEmpezar a trabajar con Excel introduciendo Informacin en la hoja de clculo y describiendo cada una de las funciones de los mens dentro de las pestaas del programa.Captulo 4Descripcin de la ficha o men archivo.Captulo 5: Ficha o men inicio A partir de este punto describiremos los contenidos de la ficha inicio y cada uno de los grupos de herramientas.Grupo de herramientas Portapales:Captulo 6Grupo de herramientas Fuente:Captulo 7Grupo de herramientas Alineacin:PRACTICA 2Captulo 8Explicacin de la forma en cmo podemos pre configurar las celdas para recibir informacin numrica en formatos preestablecidos de acuerdo a las necesidades del usuario.Captulo 8 parte 1: Grupo de herramientas Nmero: Captulo 8 parte 2: Grupo de herramientas Nmero: Captulo 9Aqu veremos la forma de insertar filas, columnas y hojas igualmente en como darle formato a cada una de estas.Grupo de herramientas Celdas:Captulo 10En este capitulo conoceremos el manejo de funciones como suma, promedio, valor alto, bajo y como podemos elaborar series de nmeros de tipo numrico o cronolgico.Captulo 10 parte 1: Grupo de herramientas EdicinCaptulo 10 parte 2: Grupo de herramientas EdicinPRACTICA 3Unidad 3: MANEJO DE IMGENES Y GRFICOSSe explicarn los comandos de la ficha insertar y los comandos de grupos de herramientas, igualmente, explicacin del manejo de los diferentes tipos de grficos con que cuenta el programa, igualmente como se pueden personalizar de acuerdo a las opciones facilitadas por el software.Captulo 11:Captulo 11 parte 1: Grupo de herramientas tabla y ilustracionesCaptulo 11 parte 2: Grupo de herramientas Grficos y minis grficosUnidad 4: PREPARACIN PGINAS PARA IMPRESIN Y PRESENTACIN.Captulo 12Veremos en este captulo todo lo concerniente a la preparacin de los archivos para imprimir y a la personalizacin de la presentacin de las hojas de clculo en la ficha disposicin de pgina.Captulo 12 parte 1 Grupo de herramientas temas y configurar pginaCaptulo 12 parte 2 Grupo de herramientas configurar pginaPRACTICA 4Captulo 13En este captulo veremos la revisin ortogrfica con cuentan las aplicaciones de office y como insertar comentarios en el grupo de herramientas Revisar y Vista:PROYECTO FINAL"
Price: 19.99