"Embedded RTOS: Hands on using an STM32 ARM Cortex-M4" |
"This course provides an overview of what an RTOS is and how it works. It is based on the CMSIS RTOS implementation of RTX5 in the STM32F29 Discovery 1 Development kit.In this course, we will cover several subjects including the definition of embedded real-time systems and the basic theory of operation of RTOSs in general.You will learn:What is an RTOSHow the CMSIS RTOS API worksThread Management & Pre-emptionMemory PoolsSemaphoresTimers & Thread ManagementSignals (Flags)This course will go in-depth, first examining the concepts of Real-Time Operating Systems from a theoretical point of view and then diving into practice, exploring how code is written in the Keil uVision environment and looking at the intricacies of such code.This type of in-depth analysis will provide you with a rigid foundation upon which you can build a solid understanding of the Real-Time Operating Systems. This rigid foundation, in turn, will ensure that you deeply understand how the hardware operates in the background you will be less likely to make mistakes when programming. A lot of additional support material is provided as part of the course, including all of the code that you see written on the screen and the slides presented.Throughout the course, extensive use of slides and graphics is being utilised to aid the understanding and memorability of complex concepts. All lessons come complete with coding exercises to help you practice the new concepts that are being discussed during the course and ensure that you have a thorough and practical understanding.With this course, you get access to our exclusive course forum where you can directly ask the instructor any questions you like and collaborate with other students!"
Price: 29.99

kak_stat_freelancer_etap_six_kak_freelanceru_poluchit_otzyv |
"- , , , ! - . , . - , . , , . - . , . ! !"
Price: 19.99

kak_stat_freelancer_etap_seven_birzhi_i_sayty_dlya_freelancer |
"- , , , , ! - . , . , , . - , , . - . , , . ! !"
Price: 19.99

"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en iyi tasarm uygulamas olan XD ile gerekletirebilirsiniz. En etkileyici mobil ve web tasarmlarnzn prototiplerini tasarlayabilir ve uygulama gelitiricilere tam olarak hayalinizdeki tasarm aktarabilirsiniz. UI ve UX tasarmclar ve gelitiriciler iin zaman en etkin ekilde kullanmanz salar, Hzlca Mock Up yapabilirsiniz. Dncenizi gerekletirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan tekey Adobe XD. Dnyann en gelimi Mock Up arac XD'yi renmeye hemen balayn."
Price: 409.99

"ADM201 Salesforce Certified Administrator Practice" |
"The Salesforce Certified Administrator program is designed for individuals who have experience as a Salesforce administrator. The program encompasses the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across the Sales, Service, and Collaboration Clouds. The first credential in the program is the Salesforce Certified Administrator. This credential focuses on the features and functionality used to maintain a Salesforce implementation. The second level in the program is the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce Certified Administrator who has mastered Salesforce configuration maintenance, can demonstrate an understanding of administration best practices, and is able to use the advanced features and functionality to solve a variety of business problemsThe Salesforce Certified Administrator exam has the following characteristics: Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes Passing score: 65% Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice"
Price: 19.99

"How can parents BOND beautifully well with their children?" |
"We stay in a super-competitive world. This world makes our child insecure. The way to handle insecurity is through great bonding In this session, watch how to nurture this bonding and create a brilliant IMPACT on your kids life. More so, watch how to bond in less than 15 minutes every day."
Price: 3200.00

"NEW MEDIAPRENEUR : COPYWRITER+VID Journalist+Media Relations" |
"How to become a professional and an independent worker: Copywriter (Ads), Contributor TV / Video Journalist, and Media Relations.Join our GLOBAL CITIZENS MEDIA SCHOOL, you will get all knowledge just by one course only.Whatever profession you like, at the Global Citizen Media School then do it followingWork in teams and do these four P formulations:PRAYING ( with all team)PASSIONPATIENCEPERFORMANCEThen you will Big P (reach PAID: Satisfaction feeling)Good LuckIndah Rezeki P.Miracelova & Miracelova Screen Institute"
Price: 89.99

"Como Montar um Coworking" |
"Mostrar como entrar no promissor mercado de coworking, catalizador da economia compartilhada, desde o planejamento inicial, escolha do imvel, at a operao. Vocs aprendero os segredos de quem atua h anos no mercado e j montaram dezenas de coworkings em diversos lugares do Brasil e exterior.A ideia motivar o empreendedorismo e ajudar a planejar a concepo de espaos compartilhados. Conhecer os diferentes tipos de coworking e suas formas de monetizao.Tero uma viso macro do mercado e principais players, bem como pontos necessrios na operao do seu coworking.Comece agora mesmo!"
Price: 399.99

"Devenir un Entrepreneur Succs" |
"S'entraner pour Russir; Cela peut vous frustrer si quelqu'un vous dit que votre russite est juste une question de chance.De la chance ? Mais dans ce cas pourquoi s'entrainer alors, si la russite dpend de la chance ?C'est difficile d'entendre cela vu les annes, les heures de travail et d'entranement que vous avez d concentres pour russir. Laissez moi vous dire qu'il a raison. Bien sr il y a une part de chance dans tout ce que nous faisons. Mais le meilleur moyen de forcer la chance en notre faveur cest de sentraner et de travailler.La russite est aussi une question de chance. Parce que je crois en la chance, et plus je travaille, plus je m'entrane et plus j'ai de la chance de russir.Coach Cleste Lendo"
Price: 19.99

"ServiceNow ITSM Processes" |
"What makes this course stand out from the crowd? Thorough introduction:o ITSMo ServiceNow Complete course, covers the most important ITSM processes Carefully designed, each lecture is divided into 5 parts:o Definitiono Personaso Use case(s)o Process Diagramo Demonstration(s) Quizzes and assignments at the end of each section. Engaging instructor (that's me) ready to answer your questions.When to purchase this course?You are starting or want to boost your IT careerYou need a refreshment.You want to explore a new platformRainy outside?!Quarantined?!The numbers of customers who have migrated to the most used ITSM Tool -ServiceNow is exponentially growing. Take this chance to learn about ServiceNow and ITSM processes fast and dont be left behind."
Price: 149.99

"Zabbix para usurios Iniciantes" |
"Treinamento completo de Zabbix para usurios. Diferentemente de treinamentos tradicionais que ensinam como administrar a ferramenta e criar novos monitoramentos, este treinamento est direcionado para voc usurio da ferramenta, seja tcnico, analista, especialista de outras reas de TI ou gestores de tecnologia, que consomem as informaes monitoradas pelo Zabbix no seu dia a dia. Irei explicar desde o que o Zabbix, como surgiu, como ele funciona e at onde voc pode se beneficiar dos recursos deles no seu dia-a-dia. Voc ir aprender todo o potencial do Front-End do Zabbix. Quer aumentar sua produtividade e agilidade no consumo de informaes do Zabbix, e sobrar tempo para fazer o que realmente importa? Ento garanta j sua inscrio!"
Price: 399.99

"Cisco CCNA (200-301) Latest Exam Prep : New Updated 2020" |
"Cisco CCNA (200-301) Latest Exam Prep : New Updated 2020Cisco is a well-known vendor of networking devices and most companies use Cisco devices in their network. Passing CCNA exam puts you one step ahead of others. Cisco CCNA Certification proves that youve got what it takes to create and maintain a small scale network. I have prepared this course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CCNA (200-301) exam in near future .This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmabilityThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco any way."
Price: 39.99

"Certified Professional Ethical Hacker - Mock Test" |
"Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (GAQM CPEH-001) A Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) is usually employed by an organization who trusts him or her to attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems, using the same methods as a hacker, for the purpose of finding and fixing computer security vulnerabilities. Unauthorized hacking (i.e., gaining access to computer systems without prior authorization from the owner) is a crime in most countries, but penetration testing done by request of the owner of the targeted system(s) or network(s) is not.Topics are covered in CPEH;Enumeration & System HackingTrojans and Backdoors & SniffersDOS & Social EngineeringSession Hijacking & Web ServersWeb Applications & PasswordsSQL injection & WirelessHacking Wireless NetworksViruses & NovellLinux & EvasionBuffer Overflows & CryptologyWho this course is for:Information System OwnersSecurity OfficersEthical HackersInformation OwnersPenetration TestersSystem Owner and ManagersCyber Security EngineersAbout the examThe CPEH exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2. com account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. Further details about the exam are as follows:All exams are immediately loaded in your Mile2 user account once you have enrolledAll Mile2 exams are taken on-line and can be taken anywhere 24/7 providing you have access to an internet connection and PC or laptopAll exams run for 2 hours and comprise of 100 questions with a passing score of 70%There are NO prerequisites toward taking any Mile2 examOnce you have passed your exam, you will instantly receive a digital copy of your certificationTo prepare for the exam, we strongly advise you to attend the training courses, review the study material, and gain hands-on experience related to the topics covered in the exam.We tried our best to provide correct answer of questions in this course, however we strongly request you to do research for correct answer too instead of just blindly memorize the answers."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye Korece 2 kursuma hepiniz ho geldiniz. Bu kursta neden Korece renmeliyiz?Korece, Trke gibi, Ural-Altay Dilleri Teorisine gre, Ural- Altay Dil Ailesinin Altay Koluna mensup olan, sondan eklemeli bir dildir. Her iki dil de nl uyumu, sondan eklemelilik, cmlede zne-nesne-yklem sralamas ve dil bilgisel olarak cinsiyetsiz olmas gibi gl benzerlikler gstermektedir. Bu yzden Korece, Trkler iin renilmesi kolay ve dnyada hzla yaylan Gney Kore kltrn anlamaya yardmc olan bir aratr. ngilizce gibi dier Bat dillerini renememekten sklanlar kolaylkla Korece renmeye baladklar an dier dilleri renmeleri de hzlanacaktr.Trkiye'de Korece eitim veren kurs says ok az. Eer stanbul, zmir, Ankara gibi byk ehirlerde yaamyorsanz Korece kursu bulmanz da ok zor. Kald ki, byk ehirlerdeki Korece kurslarna ok talep olduundan snflar ok kalabalk ve dersler de verimsiz oluyor. te yandan kursa gittiinizde gidi dn zamanlar, mola sreleri hesaba katldnda bouna zaman ve para kaybetmi oluyorsunuz. Bunlarn dnda piyasada doru dzgn Korece kaynak bulunmuyor. Olanlar da ok yetersiz. Tm bu sebeplerden dolay Trkiye'de Korece renmeniz ok zorlamakta. nternette Koreli hocalarn Korece kurslarna denk gelmisinizdir. Bu kurslar Korece dinleme pratii yapmanz asndan yararl olacaktr ama Koreli hocalar Korece'yi genellikle ngilizce ile kyaslayarak ileme eiliminde olduklarndan kafanz kartrma ihtimalleri ok yksektir. nk ngilizce, Korece ile Trke arasnda bir engel oluturacaktr. Korece'yi Trke olarak anlatan bir Koreli hoca bulmu olsanz bile, o hoca Trke'ye yzde yz hakim olamad iin Korece retmekte yine yetersiz kalacaktr. Ancak bu kursla birlikte hem gzel bir Korece kaynak edineceksiniz, hem istediiniz yer ve istediiniz zamanda rahatlkla ders alp soru sorma imkannz olacak, hem de Korece'yi Trke ile kyaslamalar yaparak anlattmdan dolay Korece'yi ok daha abuk renme frsatn yakalayacaksnz. Korece'yi renmeye baladnz an dier dilleri renme cesaretine de kavuacaksnz.Nasl ilenir?Kurs boyunca her blmde, Korece diyaloglara ve metin almalarna yer vererek temel cmle kalplar, dil bilgisi kurallar ve Korece kelimeleri renmeye alacaz. Nasl allmal?1. Kursa balamadan nce kaynaklar ksmnda yer alan pdf eklindeki kitabn mutlaka ktsn alnz. 2. niteleri almaya en batan balaynz ve birini tam olarak renmeden dier niteye gemeyiniz.3. Kitaptaki her nitenin ilk sayfasnda metin ve kelimeler yer almakta. Metni en az 3 kez dinleyerek tekrar tekrar okuyunuz.4. Metnin altnda geen kelimeleri kelime defterinize not edip stlerini kapatarak ezberlemeye aln. sterseniz baka bir kada 5 kez yazabilirsiniz. Ayrca kelimeleri alrken yksek sesle sylemeniz kelimenin aklnza yerlemesine ve dilinizin almasna yardmc olacaktr.5. nitelerin 2. sayfasndan itibaren karnza dil bilgisi kurallar, kelime ve ifadeler blmleri kacak. Bunlar iin ayr bir defter tutun. Bu deftere nce kuraln baln ve aklamasn kendi anlayabileceiniz biimde yazp sonrasnda verilen rneklerden hounuza giden bir tanesini seip onu not ediniz. O cmleyi ezberlemeye aln. Bylece her kalpla ilgili aklnzda bir cmle kalm olacak.6. rendiklerinizi pekitirmek iin verilen altrmalar nce kendiniz tam olarak yapmaya alnz. Sonra videoyu tekrar ap yaptklarnz kontrol ediniz. Videodaki altrma ksmn atlamaynz. Bu ksmda da zaman zaman Korece kurallar hakknda bilgi verildii iin altrma ksmn da dikkatle izleyip gerekli yerleri not ediniz.7. Her dersten sonra kaynaklar ksmn inceleyip Kaynaklarda yer alan sayfalar da mutlaka ziyaret edip gerekli yerleri not ediniz.8. Her 4 nitede 1 altnz 4 niteyi en batan tekrar ediniz.9. Aklnza taklanlar mutlaka soru-cevap veya mesajlama ksmndan bana iletiniz.Kazanmlar Nelerdir?Kurstan sonra Korece'yi biliyorum diyebileceksiniz. Ayrca Korece yeterlilik snav olan TOPIK'e girip yksek puanlar alabileceiniz gibi CV'nize de Korece biliyorum yazabileceksiniz.Kurs boyunca bana her trl soru, gr ve nerilerinizi iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"RSA Netwitness Logs & Network Analysis" |
"This course helps the students to use the features and functions of RSA NetWitness Platform to to respond to and investigate incidents. This course is for Level 1 and Level 2 analysts relatively new to RSA NetWitness Platform, who wish to increase their familiarity with the tools features and functions within the context of incident response and analysis. Students should have familiarity with the basic processes of cybersecurity forensic analysis, including some knowledge of network architecture, the TCP/IP stack, networking protocols, and integrating log & network traffic to perform analysis on network-based security events. Students should have taken the Foundation course prior to this course. Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:Describe SOC roles and modelsDescribe the Investigative MethodologyIdentify types of incidentsDescribe the Incident Response processUse analysis tools and techniques to investigate an incidentDocument the incidentUse the incident response process and tools to investigate an incident using packetsUse the incident response process and tools to investigate an incident using logsUse the incident response process and tools to investigate an incident using packets and endpointUse the incident response process and tools to investigate an incident using logs, packets and endpoint"
Price: 19.99

"Start Oil painting cityscape, fort, sky, river & reflection" |
"This course is for beginner and Intermediate artist who want to learnTechniques and fundamentals of painting.Advantages of colour blocking.Differences in reflection in different perspectives.Paints, brushes and other materials used for oil painting.Painting sunset sunrisePainting cityscape of old forts, temples of Varanasi Ganga river.Painting boats and sailors.How to paint a river city.Creating waves in river.Painting reflections in still lake and wavy river.Painting difference for closer and distant river reflections."
Price: 1280.00

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Camtasia Studio le Video Montaj" |
"Yllardr kendi videolarmda dzenlediim Camtasia Studio video montaj programn bu eitim setinde sizlere saatler iinde tamamen retiyorum.Bu eitim seti sayesinde Camtasia Studio program ile videolarnz dakikalar iinde montajlayp kaydedebilirsiniz. Youtube ierik reticisi, Instagram'da videolar paylaan bir sayfa sahibi veya kendi projeleri iin videolarn dzenlemek isteyen biriyseniz bu program mutlaka renmeniz gerekmektedir.Camtasia program render ileminden sonra dk video boyutlarn bize sunmas nedeniyle Youtube gibi platformlara videolarmz kalite kayb yaamadan daha hzl yklememize de yarar. Bu yzden ierik reticilerinin ou bu program hem pratik hemde kaliteli olduundan dolay tercih ediyor.Bu eitim setini bitirdiinizde videolarnz hzlca istediiniz gibi dzenleyip sosyal medya'da paylama hazr hale getirebileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Youtube'dan Para Kazanma Hakknda HER EY!" |
"Merhaba, ben Kerim Demir. 2014 Ylndan beri Youtube ile ilgileniyorum. Eskiden Youtube'dan para kazanmak ok kolayd. Yeni bir kanal atnzda hemen o gn para kazanmaya balayabiliyordunuz. Ama gnmzde kitlenin bymesi ve 7'den 70'e herkesin bu platformu kullanmas baz kurallar deitirdi.Ben bu eitim setinde sizlere sade ve ksa videolar ile Youtube para kazanma hakknda bildiim her eyi anlatmaya alacam. Kendi +200.000 aboneye sahip kanalmda uyguladm teknikleri ve daha fazlasn bu eitim setinde bulabileceksiniz. Eitimlerde grmek zere, hoakaln. :)"
Price: 49.99

"WordPress Masterclass: Create website in AWS with Bitnami" |
"In this course we are going to show you, how will you be able to build up a professional WordPress site from the basics. During the course we will use the Amazon AWS Cloud service, so the most important to sign up for this service if you would not did it yet. The sign up is free of charge for the Amazon AWS, and a new user can take it for one year, keeping with certain limitations. The curriculum fully learnable from the online course and there are no hidden costs more.Please follow very carefully our settings during the selection of the EC2 server, otherwise you can have extra expenses.You can be sure that the end of the course made by our experts, you will have immediate, useful knowledge to build up a ready to use WordPress site from the basics. You can be an absolut beginner without any kind of experience on the area of the web development, so there is no reason to worry. You will make a good job of this course. The course was made in English. The subtitles were made by native-language translators.The timing of the subtitles are time-keeper - were not made by Google translator , or it is not an auto generated subtitle so with this professional plus service, we tried to help our students too.We tried to do the best during this course, but if you have any kind of perception or proposal in connection with school-work, feel free to tell us in mail or in comment. You will be welcome at all times. Thank you."
Price: 99.99

"Responsive Google Blogger Template Customizing for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the course about Google Blogger template and theme customizing course for news or magazine or blog website. In this course, you will learn about: Designing a Google blogger website for news or magazine platformSetup Google Blogger from beginning and download templatesInstalling the downloaded template and changing favicon and logo of BloggerChanging Social Media Profile and editing category pages of Google BloggerAdding 'Contact Us' and 'About Us' Pages on Google BloggerMaking a Featured Post on Google BloggerAdding Sitemap page on blogger website and user subscriber options tooSubmitting Google Blogger on Google and Bing Search Engine with XML Sitemap and more.This 'Google Blogger Template Customizing' course designed with everything details without any cropping, so anyone can make a Google Blogger website professionally after completing this course.And this course has a good side that you don't need any coding experience before. That's mean's you don't need any coding knowledge! After getting this course you will be a great Google Blogger designer, I think so.So, don't be late, grab this responsive google blogger template customizing course now and improve your skill as soon as possible."
Price: 19.99

"Sell Your Script - How to Pitch Your Screenplay to Investors" |
"This class will teach you how to independently find a producer and funding for your script. Whether it is a short film or feature length you would be surprised at some simple adjustments that you can do to increase the value of your script 10 fold. In selling there is only two options lower the price or increase the value. Brett teaches how to increase the value of your script so investors are more attracted and producers are excited to make your script come to life."
Price: 29.99

"Siemens TIA Portal - PLC Programming Basics" |
"Are you excited to get into the world of TIA Portal but you don't know where to start? This course will allow you to add ""TIA PLC Programmer"" to your CV & start getting paid for your new skills.Hi there! My name is Hans and I'm a full-time automation and controls engineer. I am here to help you learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to create fully functional Step 7 PLC applications within the widely popular totally integrated automation solution, Siemens TIA Portal. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure and program TIA PLC applications using TIA specific tools and TIA best practices.Richard: ""After many hours of TIA Portal training this has by far been the best one in terms of structuring the program, use of UDTs, comments and watching/forcing functions. This course showed everything in good detail, easy to follow and kept a high level of interest. I look forward to the HMI course from this! Great work from Hans. Thank you!""Build a Strong Foundation in TIA PLC Programming with this Fully Featured CourseCreate a new TIA ProjectAdd a SIMATIC S7-1200/1500 PLC to the application and configure the hardwareStructure a PLC application using TIA specific toolsCreate function blocks and add logic to them using TIA best practicesBuild data blocks using user-defined data typesDownload the application and monitor code onlineTroubleshoot faulty application code onlinePowerful TIA Tools and Best Practices at Your FingertipsLearning the fundamentals of TIA programming puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. TIA Portal is one of the leading automation platforms used in the industry, offering automation solutions for manufacturing companies all over the world.Eric: ""This course is highly recommended to starter who would love to learn solid foundation of programming, hobbyist and also professionals who has no proper technique. I enrolled many PLC lectures in my account none of them impress me but this one is superb. I love the concept and technique that no one talk about. I would say the Instructor is very well experienced in the field.""Jobs in TIA development are plentiful. Learning the foundations of TIA programming will give you a running start in the market and a strong background to more easily pick up other automation solutions such as Rockwell, Beckhoff or B&R.This course is aimed at people who already have a basic understanding of PLCs and ladder logic. Throughout this course of 40 lectures and over 2.5 hours of content, we will go through all of TIA Portals fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concepts behind each step of creating a structured and well-written TIA PLC application.Abdelfattah: ""This is an amazing course, Very well structured, The instructor is very knowledgeable! For me I am more familiar with Allen Bradley PLC environment, TIA was a dark area for me, This course has helped me a lot to find my way in this different environment. The fast Pace of the course really helped a lot to save my time and keep me motivated without distraction.""Active ParticipationThroughout the course, Ill invite you to participate in programming exercises, putting your newly learned skills into practice immediately. If you choose to participate (which I highly recommend) and complete all the exercises, you will have programmed a fully functional TIA PLC application by the end of the course!Content and OverviewWe start the course with an overview of the sample application that well use throughout our lectures. Then we will create a new TIA project, set up the PLC and we will add input & output modules to the hardware configuration. Afterwards, we will go over the steps of structuring the application into smaller, logical modules, and building global data blocks using user-defined data types.With these basic skills mastered, we are going to create function blocks for the different modules of our sample application and we are going to add ladder logic to them. We will put a lot of importance on using TIA best practices while building function blocks and adding logic to them.Finally, with the application code complete, were going to download the application to a Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200/1500 PLC. I will walk you through the steps of editing logic online, monitoring/modifying code and data, and troubleshooting an application online using force tables, watch tables and data traces.At the end of this course, you will be able to create, structure, program and download your first Step 7 PLC application from scratch using a wide array of TIA specific skills and TIA best practices.Steve: ""I feel this course has great information to offer, not only to beginning programmers but also to experienced programmers that perhaps use a different controller. Please continue to offer courses as you do an excellent job of explaining the proper steps and structure to coding.""Complete with a Link to a 21-Day Free Trial Version of TIA Portal V15.1, downloadable TIA sample applications, checklists and other practical documents. These sample applications and supporting documents will be a great help as we work our way through each lecture and concept - together.Now its time to upgrade yourself and get started with TIA Portal!"
Price: 119.99

"Become expert in Relation Chapter" |
"This course is intended for the online learner who wants to understand the subject starting with basic real numbers Math background. Regardless of the reason you have to learn Relation and binary operation, this course provides easy and step-by-step explanations.Relations and Functions is one of the most important topics in algebra. Relations and functions these are the two different words having different meanings mathematically. You might get confused about their difference. Before we go deeper, lets understand the difference between both with a simple example.An ordered pair, represents as (INPUT, OUTPUT):Relation shows the relationship between INPUT and OUTPUT. WhereasA function is a relation that derives one OUTPUT for each given INPUT."
Price: 1280.00

"Flutter Web: Create A Responsive Sleek Developer Portfolio" |
"Have you discovered Flutter and enjoyed the experience creating fast and beautiful apps? However, you want to create a website but do not want to learn another web framework or language? Well, this course Create A Beautiful Developer Portfolio, is for you!Flutter is not only great at creating fast and beautiful apps, it is now venturing into websites and desktops. Therefore, Flutter would be an excellent framework where you code once and build anywhere. The course includes 7+ hours of HD video tutorials and build your programming knowledge while making a sleek looking portfolio website for prospective recruiters and employers.By the end of this course, you will be ready to build your own fantastic looking Flutter Web websites and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.Sign up today, and look forward to:Over 7 hours of HD video content, everything you will ever need to create a clean looking portfolioBuilding a website that use Firebase Hosting, FutureBuilder, Cards, Responsive Design, your own RSS Feed and so many moreAll the knowledge you need to start building any website you wantLevel up to be A Flutter Web Developer with This CourseSo by the end of the course, you'll understand:Fundamental concepts in Flutter e.g. Widget tree, state management, animations, theme data and many moreFundamental programming concept in Dart e.g variables, constants, finals, lists, maps, futures and many moreResponsive Design: How to make use of MediaQuery and Responsive builders to build for screens as big as 1080p to as small as an iPhone SE screenRSS Feed: you are able to update your blog sections using RSS feed and Medium as a blog sourceDon't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:""First of all, hands off to the Instructor for making the course so lively and understandable. As a beginner, I didn't expect to understand the concept so well. Also, the assignments given have helped a lot to self-evaluate myself. Overall...a great experience!"" - Ash""Haris is covering stuff that you won't find in other Flutter courses. He does so in a funny, engaging way. Pretty advanced stuff but easy to understand. Amazing how much he knows about Flutter and how well he delivers it."" - Willard Jansen""I thought the course was great."" - JW Truver""Yes, the way you present the class is great. The examples that you use to compare real life situations with programming is the one which I found the most engaging. As a beginner, I was able to understand about programming concepts better than I imagined. Thank you for that!"" - Aiswarya Deepak""He's fast, funny, and straight to the point."" - Jeffrey Heisler"
Price: 54.99

"Organic Chemistry Simplified (Part-2)" |
"Dear student,This is second part of ""ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SIMPLIFIED"" course which covers everything about Isomerism.This course is made to make Isomerism very simple for you through detailed coverage of concepts with various examples and provides numerous problems with their solution.You can totally rely on this course for answering questions asked from Isomerism in any exam.My aim is to help you focus on understanding basics and concepts of organic chemistry rather than memorizing and remove the fear of organic chemistry from your mind. I hope that this course will helps you develop the necessary skills to bridge the gap between knowledge and the confidence to do well in your exams (in case you are a student) or in your professional career.What makes me qualified to teach you :I hold Masters degree in Organic Chemistry from ""DDU Gorakhpur University"" one of the top tier Universities in India. I also qualified NET-JRF,which is one of the tough exams held in India. I have been mentoring students for various competitive exams like IIT-JEE, NEET, AIIMS,Olympiads, NTSE, etc.since 15 years.My Promise to You :I am an active online teacher and I will be here to help you in all possible ways. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post your questions or send me a private message. It will be my pleasure to provide assistance and answer your questions.What I expect from you :1. If you have any suggestion to help improve the quality of this material, then please let me know. I will do my best to take it into account.2. If the course meets your expectation, then I would kindly ask you to leave a honest review in line with what you have experienced.3. If you are interested in other topics of Organic Chemistry, then please let me know.Finally, I can ensure you with confidence that this course is by far the best and most complete course on Isomerism available online."
Price: 29.99

"Learn about CEOs & Boards' Health & Safety Responsibilities" |
"Effective safety and health performance come from the top. CEOs and members of the board have both collective and individual responsibility for health and safety, and hence need to act. They need to examine their behaviours, both individually and collectively, against the guidance given in this course to become more effective leaders in health and safety.The author does not doubt that several companies have made considerable improvements in occupational safety and health (OSH) over the past decades. Such management acknowledged that an active leadership role in health and safety is not only important for legal or ethical reasons but also sound business ones. This course is part of the campaign for health and safety leadership excellence. It is aimed at CEOs, directors, and board members who wish to show leadership in safety and health. The overall campaign focusses on how companies, CEOs, directors, board members, workers, representatives, and stakeholders can work together to improve health and safety. The course highlights the ongoing need to improve safety and health, and the role managers should play if they want to be in the vanguard.Proper management of health and safety in the workplace is an essential element for the quality production of goods and provision of services which leads to a thriving business community which is key to creating wealth and jobs. Calculated risks are mitigated through prevention. Through risk evaluation and the taking of appropriate prevention measures, it allows a company to limit uncertainties. By so doing, companies can improve their productivity and, therefore, also their profit margins.This course provides information for chief executives, directors, board members, etc under health and safety legislation. Protecting the safety and health of employees or stakeholders who may be affected by a companys activities is an important part of risk management that must be board led. Failure to include safety and health as a critical business risk in board decisions can have catastrophic results as evidenced by several high-profile safety cases over the years that had been rooted in leadership failures. CEOs, directors, board members and employees can be personally liable when duties placed on organizations by the health and safety law are breached. This course covers the following topics:Lesson 1: Why health and safety is importantLesson 2: Benefits of good safety and healthLesson 3: Legal environmentLesson 4: PenaltiesLesson 5: Civil liabilitiesLesson 6: Safety responsibilitiesLesson 7: A management approach to occupational safety and health (OSH)Lesson 8: OSH leadership self-assessmentLesson 9: MonitoringLesson 10: Safety cultureLesson 11: Management system thinkingLesson 12: Decision makingLesson 13: Different leadership stylesA list of activities is provided when all lessons have been completed to help reinforce learning and understanding.This course contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence (OGL) v3.0. The author wishes to thank the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for approving the use of videos under OGL."
Price: 79.99

"Sculpt 3D Printable Rogues with Zbrush and Autodesk Maya" |
"Created with the absolute first timer in mind, this course will teach you to become proficient in many of Autodesk Maya and Zbrush's more complex features - some of which are unknown to more advanced users. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create professional-quality 3D models fit for 3D printing and sales. This course builds on our previous course: ""Sculpting Male Characters in Zbrush"", but it is not necessary to have taken that class before this one. This course is completely approachable to a first time beginner using Zbrush and Autodesk Maya. Join our lead 3D Modeler Josh O'hala as he recreates the exact same Rogue models that we sell to customers as well as unique models created just for this course. You will be guided through our professional production pipeline:You will learn how to become comfortable navigating Zbrush.You will learn how to add simple geometry to your project which will be used later. Learn to create many weapons and Armors Learn to create various accessories to bring your Rogues to lifeYou will learn how to use many commonly used brushes as well as specialized brushes to create beautiful and accurate sculpts. The lessons learned will be reinforced as Josh guides you through creating many Rogue models. You will learn how to pose your Rogues to create many variations of models. You will learn how to optimize your models for 3D printing.You will learn the process of making your model 3D printable.and much more! visit us on youtube (runeforge studios) for examples of our models and tutorials. "
Price: 59.99

"The Phrase Trainer" |
"Learn how to create and record perfectly timed percussion, guide tracks for each loop performance and advanced phrasing concepts for hook driven lead guitar solos and feels.Next, watch the Preview Video on this page to learn more about this course and if it's right for you.Scroll down and preview a few of the videos inside the course for free and get a sneak peek at the content within this course."
Price: 59.99

"Sun 310-090 Certified Business Component Developer J2EE Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Method can be called a container to move the bean instance from the unit to the combined readiness of the state?a) ejb Removeb) ejb Createc) ejb Activated) unset Entity Contexte) NoneQ) Which statement is true regarding the implementation ejb Select methods?a) The container calls appropriate methods ejb Find bean class.b) The deployment descriptor EJB QL container implementation.c) EJB Object shell comprise methods that methods ejb Select call.d) Bean Provider ensures the implementation ejb Select methods.e) NoneQ) What role is responsible for the home business methods for entity beans CMP 2.0?a) Deployerb) Bean Providerc) container Providerd) Appendix Assemblere) NoneQ) Javax.ejb.EJB Context which method returns an object that makes the supplier Bean demarcate transaction?a) Start ()b) get Auto Commit ()c) get Transaction ()d) get User Transaction ()e) None"
Price: 169.99

"[Youtube] React Hooks + Django RestFramework API Web" |
"Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Uber, PaypalReactYoutubeInstagramPythonWebDjangoRestFrameworkYoutube[Youtube Clone]Django+ReactJWT(JSON Web Token)""Django REST API""""React Hooks + Django REST Framework API Web()""[]React HooksMaterial UIReact CookiesReact Player ()SPA (Single Page Application)axios (async/await)[]DRF (Django RestFramework)JWT (Token )(mp4) + API Endpoint"
Price: 19800.00

"Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms using C Programming" |
"Data Structures is the basic course for any computer science student. This course discusses every topic from very basics and reach maximum depth possible. End of the course you will be able to understand real applications of each data structures. Here, you will learn arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees , graphs, sorting, searching."
Price: 12160.00
