Price: 49.99

"The Certification Course Of Machine Learning" |
"Machine learning relates to many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks. Machine learning is difficult to define in just a sentence or two. But essentially, machine learning is giving a computer the ability to write its own rules or algorithms and learn about new things, on its own. In this course, we'll explore some basic machine learning concepts and load data to make predictions"
Price: 174.99

"Creating Payload Guide For Ethical Hackers" |
"In this course, you will start as a beginner without any previous knowledge about the hacking, the course focuses on the practical side and the theoretical side to ensure that you understand the idea before you apply it.This course is intended for beginners and professionals, if you are a beginner you will start from zero until you become an expert level, and if you are a professional so this course will increase your knowledge about the hacking."
Price: 194.99

"Audio Production in Logic Pro X - Songwriting on the Fly!" |
"Hello there - my name is Charlie and thanks for joining me! In ""Songwriting on the Fly"" we'll go over things like fleshing out your original idea, creating rhythm for your track and finding the structure and arrangement. At the end of the course, you'll have your idea fleshed out and ready to share with the world!In this class, I show you my process of making music in Logic Pro X 10* This is a class for Logic Pro X 10.5 users and Logic Pro X is only available for Macs *"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Capacitao em Lean Manufacturing" |
"Este treinamento busca proporcionar o entendimento sobre os princpios do Lean Manufacturing (Manufatura Enxuta), suas principais ferramentas e metodologias utilizadas.Contedo:Lean Thinking7 Tipos de DesperdciosJust In Time / KanbanTakt Time / Cycle Time / Lead TimeFluxo Contnuo e Fluxo de uma PeaHeijunka - Nivelamento de ProduoCronometragem e CronoanliseJidoka5 SsTPM Manuteno Produtiva TotalSet Up RpidoOEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness"
Price: 249.99

"Curso de Asistente Jurdico" |
"Tendrs las herramientas necesarias para comprender los primeros tramites y gestiones que desarrollan los asistentes jurdicos, tanto profesionales del derecho como aquellos que se desarrollan en el rea legal. A su vez, conocer la forma de redactar bsica de documento jurdico y su respectivo trmite. El contenido es transmitido de forma sencilla y profesional."
Price: 29.99

"3C1D A Empresa uma Pessoa" |
"Neste curso o participante vai compreender os detalhes e desafios em torno dos 3C1D de cada empresa, ou seja, sobre: Cultura Organizacional, Comportamento Organizacional, Clima Organizacional e DO - Desenvolvimento Organizacional.Vai ter a plena cincia de como a empresa age como pessoa e como ele poder fazer uma parceria duradoura com esta Empresa Pessoa.Ao final do curso estar mais preparado e mais maduro para gerenciar sua carreira com estratgia e sucesso.Saber avaliar os detalhes que fazem qualquer empresa agir como uma pessoa e, assim, firmar as melhores parcerias e concretizar os melhores negcios em prol de seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal.O participante deste curso se tornar diferenciado de seus colegas de trabalho e demais profissionais, pois estar atento a questes que somente os especialistas conhecem."
Price: 69.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate" |
"1Z0-1072-20: The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate exam is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation knowledge in architecting infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This certification covers topics such as: Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute Instances, Instantiating a Load Balancer, Using Advanced Database features (Dataguard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATA), Advanced Networking Concepts, Architecting Best Practices for HA and Security, Identity and Access Management, Networking, Compute, and Storage. This certification validates deep understanding of OCI services to spin up infrastructure and provides a competitive edge in the industry."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical USB Hacking" |
"In the years, BadUSB an exploit hidden in a devices USB controller itself was released upon the world. It hides a backdoor inside the shell of a standard, off-the-shelf USB thumb device or even USB cable.In this course, the trainer ""Chris' will introduce some common BadUSB devices and teach you how to write the payload and deploy the payload, so that can raise the awareness the use of these devices.Disclaimer:Hardware Ninja is an official reseller of the ProxGrind products from Sneak Technology including USBNinja, USBNinja Professional and grants approval by RRG International Limited to delivery official training using their products. "
Price: 19.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Version 10 Practice Questions" |
"The Ethical Hacker practice questions training course is a general training course for security professionals. This training course provides practice questions that will enhance skills, tool, and techniques required to become a successful ethical hacker. The goal of this course is for candidates to master ethical hacking methodology that can be used during ethical hacking situations and penetration testing.Who This Course Is For:Cybersecurity AnalystsCloud EngineersNetwork Security EngineersSolution ArchitectsDevOps EngineersSystem AdministratorsAuditors"
Price: 19.99

"Bluegriffon Editor HTML, Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"BlueGriffon um software livre WYSIWYG destinado a edio HTML. Ele substitui Nvu, um programa anterior que tambm foi escrito por Daniel Glazman. baseado no Gecko, o motor de renderizao dentro do Firefox e usa Xulrunner, o ambiente de execuo para o Gecko. A verso estvel foi lanada publicamente e possvel efetuar a instalao em Mac OS X, Windows e Linux.O BlueGriffon usado por milhes de usurios em todo o mundo, incluindo universidades, governos e at o Parlamento Europeu. oficialmente recomendado pelo governo francs como ferramenta de autoria da Web para a administrao francesa em seu esforo de confiar e promover o Software Livre ( Socle Interministriel de Logiciels Libres ).BlueGriffon est em conformidade com os padres web estabelecidos pela W3C. Pode criar e editar pginas de acordo com HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, HTML 5 e XHTML 5. Ele suporta CSS 2.1 e todas as especificaes do CSS 3 j implementadas pelo Gecko. BlueGriffon tambm inclui editor SVG, um editor XUL baseado em SVG que era originalmente distribudo como um add-on para Firefox e foi adaptado para BlueGriffon."
Price: 249.99

"Selfpublishing der einfache Weg bei Amazon Geld zu verdienen" |
"Mehr als Sie in Ihrem Leben Erfolg haben wollen, sollten Sie sich die Frage stellen, wann Sie in Ihrem Leben Erfolg haben wollen!Wir leben in einer Welt voller Mglichkeiten.Warum also beschlagnahmen 95% der Menschen sie nicht?Viele Menschen denken, dass man ein groes Budget investieren muss, um Ergebnisse zu erzielen.Das ist nicht unbedingt die Wahrheit!Es gibt viele Geschftsmodelle. Affiliate-Marketing, Dropshipping, E-Commerce, Affiliate-Marketing, Amazon FBA... Sie haben wahrscheinlich schon alles und noch viel mehr gehrt. Die meisten dieser Geschftsmodelle gibt es seit mehr als 10 Jahren, und es ist wirklich schwierig geworden, viel Geld damit zu verdienen, besonders wenn man kein groes Kapital hat. Welche soll man also whlen?Sie mssen sich nicht fr einen von diesen entscheiden!Im Rahmen dieses Kurses werde ich Ihnen ein Geschftsmodell vorstellen, mit dem Sie auf einfachste Weise anfangen knnen, bei Amazon Geld zu verdienen. Eine Methode, die sich perfekt fr Menschen eignet, die wenig Geld zu investieren haben, aber einen groen Wunsch, es zu schaffen. Wir werden sehen, wie man eine groe Anzahl von Bchern auf Amazon verffentlichen kann, auch wenn man kein Schriftsteller ist, auf welche spezifischen Strategien man sich konzentrieren kann und wie man das Beste aus jeder dieser Strategien herausholen kann.Unter den Dingen, die ich Ihnen zeigen werde, werden Sie lernen:-wie man profitable Nischen und Schlsselwrter findet...-wie man verffentlicht, um den Umsatz zu maximieren-wie Sie Ihre Bcher auf der ersten Seite von Amazon platzieren-wie man maximale Sichtbarkeit erhlt-wie man Amazon-Benutzer am besten in Kunden verwandelt-wie wenn man ""fast"" alle 2 ein Buch umsonst bekommt-wie Sie den Amazon-Algorithmus zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen knnen-und... viel mehr!Und das alles, ohne ein einziges Wort schreiben zu mssen! Und egal, ob Sie keine Erfahrung im Online-Geschft haben, dieser Kurs nimmt Sie an die Hand und fhrt Sie durch jeden einzelnen Schritt.Denken Sie daran, dass es nicht leicht sein wird, aber wenn Sie bereit sind, sich zum Erfolg zu verpflichten, ist dieser Kurs fr Sie.Warten Sie also nicht, die Uhr tickt, klicken Sie auf ""Jetzt kaufen"" und beginnen Sie Ihre Reise in die finanzielle Freiheit!"
Price: 199.99

"Encuentra tu Yoga - Yoga para Todos en Espaol" |
"He diseado este curso para todo aquel que quiera saber ms acerca del yoga y sus numerosos estilos. Al final del curso conocers siete tipos de yoga diferentes y sers capaz de elegir cual es el que mas se adapta a tus necesidades.Durante una semana, da a da iremos aprendiendo acerca de un tipo de yoga diferente. Esta metodologa funciona muy bien ya que poco a poco iremos adquiriendo una versin mas clara acerca del yoga y sus diferentes estilos. No solo tendrs la oportunidad de conocer los diferentes tipos de yoga, si no tambin practicar sus secuencias. As, llegaras a comprender sus estructuras y experimentaras sus beneficios en tu propio cuerpo y mente. Juntos iremos paso a paso desarrollando cual es tu tipo ideal de yoga."
Price: 199.99

"Preveno de incndio em residncias" |
"Curso de capacitao em tcnicas de preveno a incndios, a fim de dar base terica para que pessoas saibam como atuar em caso de um princpio de incndio.Voltado para donas de casa, pais de famlia, caseiros, porteiros, zeladores e toda e qualquer pessoa que deseje obter conhecimento sobre como prevenir um princpio de incndio!"
Price: 39.99

"Gangguan perekonomian global yang disebabkan oleh Pandemi Covid-19 dapat meningkatkan prevalensi risiko kesalahan penyajian material pada asersi-asersi manajemen dalam laporan keuangan. Pekatnya atmosfer ketidakpastian dalam tingkatan ekonomi makro dan mikro dapat menyebabkan perubahan signifikan atas pertimbangan awal risiko kesalahan penyajian material yang diidentifikasi. Sebagai respons terhadap kondisi tersebut, manajemen dan jika relevan, pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola diharuskan untuk menyusun dan menyajikan laporan keuangan beserta pengungkapan lainnya yang relevan berdasarkan pertimbangan dan analisis terbaik atas fakta-fakta terkini dan peristiwa setelah tanggal pelaporan yang dapat diprediksi. Pada pelatihan ini akan dibahas dibahas penerapan beberapa PSAK yang terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 serta panduan globalnya. Manajemen Perusahaan, Akuntan, Akuntan Publik, dan staf Auditor di Indonesia, diharapkan meng-update kompetensi dan pemahamannya, sehingga kualitas pelaporan keuangan dan auditnya semakin meningkat, serta dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna jasa dan mengemban kepercayaan publik."
Price: 980000.00

"SCRUM MASTER ONE - Practice Tests - 2020" |
Price: 19.99

"The A-Z FINANCIAL Bootcamp 2020 (A-Z >Financials+TallyERP9)" |
"A-Z ------> (Book-Keeping, Accounting , Tally.ERP9, Preparing>Analyzing>Auditing Financial Statements, Manipulating Profits/Loss/Tax)Dissecting the Spider Web of Accounting by A-Z Practical Learning.To operate any accounting software in the worldAlphabets of Accounting to creating our very Own legally recognised Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Other Financials essential for every Business. (As per Generally accepted accounting princiles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)Budget Making And Variance Analysis (graphs)What in the World is Depreciation, Provision and Reserves, Why it even exists and How it saves our taxes.Creating our own Spider Web of ""Books of Accounts"".Loopholes in the Accounting LawsSophisticated Manipulating Profit/LossHow to analyze red flags in financial Statements of Companies. (Understanding Frauds and Window Dressing)Quick Learning of How Not For Profit Organizations (NGO's) prepare their Financial Statements.Manage your loans and Credits with no chance of any error.Analysing Finanacials with the help of Ratios.Auditing the Accounts after analysisUnderstanding the Basics of Money Laundering & FraudsInstead of those ""bullshit Bouncer theories of Accounting"" we will learn Implementation of Daily use Transactions of the worlds Most Popular accounting software (140+ Countries) : TALLY ERP9 (Rather than focusing on the Fuzzy Accounting Theories and definition)Understanding Debits and Credits Golden Rules followed in Every Financial Ledger.Practically Preparing : Journal Entries, Ledger, Cash Book, Income & Expenses Accounts & almost every account we will ever need.Invoicing our own Sales and Purchases Vouchers.Analysing your bank statements further Reconciliation with self prepared Bank Statement."
Price: 12800.00

"Talend Data Integration ETL Course" |
"Those who want to develop their etl skills using talend it will help to reach your goals. Now it is taking more time days tools are becoming boom in IT. Because it makes work faster. Coding takes time so more IT professional are interested in tools like talend which make work simpler and faster."
Price: 1280.00

"Certification in Personal Image Consulting - Part 1" |
"Tap into a multi-million dollar industry TODAY!As a profession, brand and image consulting is one of the fastest growing industry that offers unlimited opportunities. And having the knowledge and certification as a BrandImage Consultant will give you the extra boost to propel your business and career to greater success!You dont need years of experience to succeed. All you need is the desire and the right training with BrandImage International Institute (BII). BIIs intense training will take your passion and turn it into a rewarding profession! Our trainings will help you to:Enhance your business success.Empower you with valuable skills and knowledgeMove way ahead of competitionEnhance your professionalismHelp men and women feel good about themselvesBroaden your career scopeThis is PART 1 of a 2-Part CertificationYou are fully certified when you gain certificates from both parts"
Price: 194.99

"Learn Hacking and use your Android as a Hacking Machine" |
"In this Course you'll learn about Hacking and different types of hacking and learn to hack right from your Android Devices (No Laptop Required) and also this course teaches you on hacking social media and Instagram accounts. And also this course teaches you to do programming in your mobile, some of the languages are shown like C, C++ and Python. There are limitless possibilities with this course. This can also bring better changes in your career, So ENROLL it now to get full access of this content."
Price: 19.99

"Manual de prticas para uma clnica psicopedaggica" |
"Se voc tem o objetivo de se estabelecer no mercado como psicopedagogo, este curso foi feito para voc.Contando com mais de 20 anos de experincia em atendimento psicopedaggico - clnico e institucional - voltado para questes escolares, este curso tem como base norteadora a vivncia na Clnica DMA Psicopedagogia, com sede na cidade de So Vicente - SP.No curso voc poder evidenciar alguns procedimentos que favorecem uma prtica clnica bem sucedida. No ofereo receitas prontas, mas mostro um recorte terico que norteia a prtica profissional referenciada e desenvolvida na Clnica DMA Psicopedagogia, que valoriza sempre as boas prticas de mercado, atuando com tica, transparncia e responsabilidade para melhor atender a cada cliente.Com a finalidade de alcanar os objetivos propostos como profissionais que atendem s demandas relacionadas aprendizagem escolar e sua complexidade - escola, famlia e cliente ou aluno, discorro a respeito das diferentes possibilidades e alternativas de aperfeioamento de nossa prtica clnica."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam- Actual Practice Tests" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01) validates an examinee's ability to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure.Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles.Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition.Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics).Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.Define the billing, account management, and pricing models.Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud."
Price: 19.99

"Sefirot: Mysterious Powers of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life" |
"In this course, we will explore together the ten sefirot the mysterious powers that form the basis of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. We will investigate the origins of the sefirot and the Tree of Life , study their purpose and structure and learn how to harness their energies in our daily lives."
Price: 24.99

"Oneness Now" |
"In times of global uncertainty and chaos, we need to find some peace within; some way to settle the storms that endlessly swirl. Designed by a renowned psychiatrist, writer and meditation teacher, this course brings together both science and spirituality to help you realise your deepest nature and thus find an inner peace that is always yours; the peace of knowing that, at our most profound level, we are one. Oneness Now helps you, not just to understand this reality, but to connect to and genuinely feel it. Through a series of lessons and techniques, honed over the years, you will be shown how to realise your true nature and consequently find calm and contentment wherever you are."
Price: 59.99

"Professionell Gitarre spielen/Liedbegleitung fr Einsteiger" |
"... hol die Gitarre aus der Ecke! Dieser Kurs bietet dir ein 15 Jahre erprobtes Konzept von einem professionellen, studierten Musiklehrer. Du lernst mit einem ausgeklgelten, praxis-erprobten Lernsystem Gitarre. Alle Grundlagen und Basics inklusive!Du bentigst kein musikalisches Vorwissen! Der Kurst ist nmlich so aufgebaut, dass du ohne viel theoretisches Geschreibsel und Gerede sofort ""Musik selbst erlebst"" und dadurch das Spiel auf der Gitarre kennenlernst. Du wirst auerdem in der Lage sein, das Gelernte auf andere Songs bertragen zu knnen.Der Videokurs wird zudem durch 40 Seiten puren Download-Content in Form von Arbeitsblttern zu den jeweiligen Videos untersttzt. Das ermglicht dir auch ohne dich einzuloggen immer wieder nachsehen zu knnen wie etwas funktioniert. Die Arbeitsbltter sind so aufgebaut, dass im Anschluss dein eigenes kleines Buch beisammen hast. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch eine ausfhrliche Akkordtabelle mit 36 brauchbaren Akkorden.Zuerst lernst du natrlich die Basics (Akkorde, Rhyhtmus und Timing), dann geht es an einfache Songs. Anschlieend werden die Basics in verschiedenen Songs und Musikstilen vertieft. Zu jedem Video, der einen Song erklrt ist ein Part zum Mitspielen dabei.Du kannst in den Kurs mit jeglicher Art von Gitarre starten! Es ist egal ob du eine Akustik-, Western, Konzert-, oder E-Gitarre hast. Die Gitarrenarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Basics nicht. Erst wenn du dich spezialisieren willst, verndern sich die Techniken. In diesem Kurs kannst du nichts verkehrt machen! Wenn du dir unsicher bist, dann kannst du mich jederzeit anschreiben und explizite Fragen zu der jeweiligen Lektion stellen!Wenn du Lust hast, professionell Gitarre von Anfang an zu lernen, dann freue ich mich auf dich!Dein Michaelstaatl. geprfter Musiklehrer Musikschul-Inhaber von Musikstudio BarthP.S.: Wenn du gerne mehr ber mich, ber das ""Musikstudio Barth"" erfahren mchtest, dann findest du ber diverse Suchmaschinen natrlich jede Menge passende Infos ;-)"
Price: 49.99

"Blogging for Beginners: How to Start a Successful Blog" |
"Are you a newbie to the entrepreneurial world and want to start an online business?Or are you looking to build a blog but don't know where to begin?We get it! We had the same struggles back in the day. After years of research and trials and tribulations, we figured out how to build successful blogs. The passive income streams from our online businesses enabled us to travel the world as digital nomads (all while GROWING our nest eggs). We've since expanded and now teach people how to build the businesses we did.Here is an intro to your instructors!Sharon - Founder of Digital Nomad Quest. Ive been blogging for 5 years and have been working in online marketing professionally for 8 years at various companies including Google. Ive been able to make multiple sources of passive income that allowed me to quit the 9-5, travel the world for 2 years, and even save money in the process.Jason - Founder of Frugal For Less. I originally started my blog as a hobby and built it up into a full-time business, currently getting more than 200,000 visitors per month. The income from my blog has allowed me to travel continuously for the past 3 years around the world. We have both used our blogs as a means to create location and financial independence for ourselves, making a full-time living off our income streams.We created this course so that you don't have to struggle like how we did to learn the blogging world!Here is what you'll get from the course:- Choosing your blog niche and name that your audience will love.- Launching your blog with your domain, hosting, and Wordpress- Designing your blog- Keyword research, writing content, and driving traffic to your blog- Making money with your blog with real methods that actually work (5 ways)The strategies we introduce in this course are ones we've personally had success with.You'll also get:- Lifetime Access to The Course- Support in the Q&A Section- 30-Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back GuaranteeWe're all about giving you non-fluff, actionable information so that you can start building your blog today and understanding the foundations of blogging. This course is about results, so if you don't gain anything from this course, you have 30-days to get your money back.Thanks for reading, and we're excited to see you in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Master in TDS on Salary" |
"Theoretical understanding of the Income Tax Law with Practical examples in-respect of TDS on Salary.Calculation of Taxable / Exempt Salary.Various Taxable / Exempt Allowance & Perquisites.Income Tax Rules regarding- Valuation of perquisites.Deductions available to an Employee.Calculation of TDS in payroll processing.Documentation & Procedures to be followed under Income Tax Act.Preparation of quarterly TDS return.SOPs to be followed in TDS process."
Price: 3520.00

"Master in Procure to Pay -Complete Guide to Accounts Payable" |
"In this course we will understand the entire accounts payable function from all the dimensions ie controlling compliance accounting and reporting.So this course is divided in 4 models-First we will understand the entire framework of procure to and various checks and balances which is generally known as internal control systems.Next we will understand the important legal compliances applicable to procure to pay function-First under GST provisions regarding input tax creditAnd second under income Tax act provisions regarding tax deduction at sourceSo we will discuss these provisions in detail during our course.In Next module, we will have a detail and hands on practical training on accounting aspects. We will use tally ERP to record various transactions to understand the entire accounting process.And last but not the least MIS reporting.We will understand various MIS reports which are frequently used by the management and how they are to be generatedAnd in the end we will learn to generate MIS dashboard. Which is a snapshot of important MIS reports.So friends latest begin our journey of becoming master in procure to pay."
Price: 5440.00

"Organizacin de Equipos de Trabajo Remoto" |
"Decir que las empresas y los profesionistas estn apostando cada vez ms por los equipos de trabajo remotos no es una opinin, es un hecho.Debemos prepararnos con herramientas y conocimientos para Liderar equipos de trabajo en homeworking. Conocer las herramientas motivacionales para trabajar en un ambiente de crecimiento y con los elementos tecnicos que requiere esta nueva forma de trabajo que llego para quedarse. Reclutar, seleccionar, capacitar y evaluar al personal remoto es un nuevo desafio. Esta capacitacion te permitira abordar y profundizar todos y cada una de las preocupaciones y acciones que tenemos a la vista, en este nuevo mundo laboral"
Price: 24.99

"Master Facial Recognition (A~Z) in C# using Azure Face API" |
"Inspired by the success of my previous research ""Human Identification Using Ear Biometric Features, I decided to turn some of the contents of Machine Learning into video lessons but this time using face images instead of ear images.You will learn to leverage Azure Web Services to build an intelligent Machine Learning-based application. Right away we will get our hands dirty and we will start with a challenge where we will build together a simple application and you will know how to make your Machine Learning-based application using Azure Face API.If you have taken any of my courses, you are familiar with my agile approach of teaching, I teach theory through practice, instead of the common ""practice after theory"". This is an ultimate course that will give you all the tools you need to progress. This course is perfect for curious developers and or entrepreneurs who want to give life to their business or simply improve their customer service agility.Now, let us start our journey!"
Price: 114.99

"360 Degree Photography to Create 3D 360 Virtual Viewings" |
"This course is designed to be used with either the Xiaomi Mi Sphere 360 camera or the MADV Madventure 360 camera (they are basically the same camera). We have created a downloadable course that will get you up and running creating professional 3D 360 Virtual Viewings very quickly.The Xiaomi Mi Sphere 360 camera is a great camera that is excellent value for money. The one thing that let's it down is the lack of a comprehensive manual to help you get started. That is why we created this course.Once you have captured the 360 photos, there is still work to be done to create a virtual viewing and to get it on the web. This course takes you from taking the camera out of the box, all the way through to uploading your first Virtual Viewing. This course shows you how to use WP VR Pro and iPanorama which are both Wordpress Plugins to create the virtual viewing. We also discuss some other options for creating the virtual tour if you don't have your own website. The course includes:IntroductionOther EquipmentOpening the CameraCharging the CameraInstall the micro SD cardUpdating FirmwareInstalling the Camera App on PhoneCamera App SettingsPhoto ResolutionRemoving BlackholesCapturing the 360 ImagesWhere to place the CameraTransfer the photos to your PhoneTransfer Photos to ComputerCreate WP VR Virtual TourCreate Ipanorama Virtual TourPutting Virtual Tour on the WebBuy the course now to start creating great 3D 360 Virtual Viewings."
Price: 34.99
