"Learn Figma: Construindo prottipos de alta fidelidade." |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender a utilizar a ferramenta Figma para edio e elaborao de prottipos de alta fidelidade, para que possam aplic-las nos prottipos que precisarem elaborar e construir, assim melhorando ainda mais sua experincia com o design de interfaces.Construiremos juntos um prottipo de alta fidelidade do zero!No h nenhum pr-requisito para a realizao do curso!"
Price: 84.99

"Bee Ecology: a Simple Guide for Bee Caring in your Backyard" |
"Do you know how many species of bees there are in the world? Have you ever thought about that? Together we'll discover the diversity of bees, their evolution, how they see the world, their intimate relationship with flowers, their important role in pollination, their different way of life, from solitary bees to eusocial. Well go for a bee safari, make seed bombs, plan a bee garden, and build a bee hotel together. You'll learn other actions you can take to save the bees.Come and join me, I'm really looking forward to share with you the extraordinary and diverse world of bees."
Price: 24.99

"The Three-Stage Confirmation FOREX TRADING STRATEGY - Part 1" |
"""Mistakes are the best teachers, one does not learn from the success"" I am very excited to see you here!My main motive behind publishing this course is to spread the confidence amongst retail traders who struggle to understand why trading business is so complex yet so simple. Perhaps Forex Markets are regarded as one of the most difficult markets to trade, the tendency of doing mistakes is, therefore, much higher than in other investment instruments. More than a mentor, I'm trying to become a trading companion to everyone who decides to invest in this course. What you will learn here will surprise you and at the same time, give you the assurance that markets are nothing but the aftermath of emotions of market participants. I am also confident that through this course, I'll be able to make your trading journey a huge success as the information you will learn is very dear to me and is a result of my years of hard work. You will be able to forecast future market direction on any currency or forex pair before the move begins using the truest and purest form of technical indicators. My choice of relying on these three leading indicators in my investment strategy has worked wonders in the past and once you reach the analysis section of the course, you'll know why. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced trader, I expect you to put in the effort using the methodologies you will learn in this course to turn your trading game into a long-term investment. Every trading decision you will make using this strategy will be validated by the combination of the following three powerful leading market indicators: ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS + VOLUMES + PRICE ACTIONIn the introductory section(Section 1), I introduce you to my course and why this course is different from any other courses you have studied in the past. I also provide a general introduction to Forex and also to my trading approach. I also share my trading journal of a 10k live account I opened while I started writing this course. In the later parts of this course, I will provide updates on my trading account and you will learn how I have been able to grow my trading account by more than 80% within my first 60 trading days. *Sections 2 and 3 explain why the majority of retail traders lose money while trading and its solution by answering the following key questions.How the trading industry is built for retail traders or small traders to fail?How professional traders control the emotions of retail traders through manipulation and dominance?How the differences in the trading mindset of a professional trader and retail trader decide winners and losers in the trading industry?How to beat the market at its own game by understanding underlying market sentiment?How to succeed as a retail trader in currency markets using the only three leading market indicators?*Moving on, we dig deep into first of the three leading technical indicators i.e. ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS(EWA) (Sections 4-8)*I explain to you the power of Elliott Wave Analysis(EWA) in revealing the prevailing market sentiment within major price moves.I introduce the importance of using different Fibonacci retracements and types and their invaluable aid in our EWA. You will learn how wave personalities of different waves explain the psychology of traders in bear and bull market phases. I discuss how EWA forecasts or correctly speculates the future market direction on any pair.You will learn how to perform EWA analysis on any trading instrument using my video analysis on EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDJPY, and USDCAD as we explore the trading opportunities on the above pairs in real-time. Unlike any other course, I will offer COMPLETELY FREE LIVE TRADES for you to make a trading income while you are learning. All in all, you will be AMAZED to see the future price forecasting strength of Elliott Wave Analysis when used correctly. *Finally, I complete the picture by introducing remaining two leading technical indicators i.e. VOLUMES and PRICE ACTION in the strategy (Sections 9-10)* A general introduction to two purest forms of technical analysis retail traders can have in their trading arsenal i.e. Volumes and Price Action.Once you have mastered the EWA, you will learn how price action and volumes act as the backbone of your EWA as a part of this trading strategy. I will teach you a perspective on using volumes and key price action patterns like never before.This concludes part 1 of the course and you will finally learn what to expect in part 2 or the final part of this course. By the time you finish studying the whole strategy over two parts of the course, I'm confident that this is all you need to think and trade like a smart trader for the rest of your trading career. I have decided to offer the complete trading strategy in TWO PARTS to guarantee that you understand the dynamics of the Forex industry, technicalities, and methodologies explained in part 1 of the course before you progress to part 2. Part 1 in itself offers a very strong trading strategy based entirely on ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS, but once combined with VOLUMES & PRICE ACTION, you will be able to filter high-risk Vs low-risk trading opportunities to trade profitably throughout your trading career. With that being said, I wish you a happy trading journey and see you on the inside!"
Price: 12480.00

"How To Get MMA Fighters Self Confidence Mindset & Motivation" |
"My name is Gallo Roberto, MMA fighter and Founder of the Centurion Fight Championship, I was training around the world by the top fighters and trainers. I designed this course to show that no matter how difficult your goals are, you can reprogram your brain to succeed.Fears and doubts are separating us from the main reason for success. Your daily life can change if you change because YOU are the only reason why you dont get what you want... YOU are your own enemy.This course will get your self-confidence and self-esteem to a higher point than it was before. We will also talk about mindset, how important it is to have a driving force, make you realize and give the driving force you were searching for, and last but not least, how to get motivated and the motivation to finally achieve your goals!By enrolling, and taking part, in this course, you will learn:* Boost your Self Confidence* Get Motivation and Motivated in 1 hour!* Boost Your Self Esteem* Learn and get new Mindset* How To Persist And Build Yourself.* How To Follow The Right Path to Succeed.* Learn How To Motivate Yourself.* How To Find Your Why, The Main Purpose.* How To Have A Positive Mindset.* How To Avoid Excuses That Are Delaying Your Achievement.* How To Work With Yourself.When your brain tells you to stop is when you actually start.Enroll today and join me on a transformational journey that you won't regret to be part of."
Price: 19.99

"Programao na prtica para iniciantes" |
"Vamos aprender de forma prtica sem enrolao como desenvolver uma aplicao, criando uma interface grfica, cadastrando dados no banco, atualizando os dados, e depois excluindo esses dados do banco, voc no precisa saber nada de programao o intuito desse curso lhe mostrar de forma prtica o mundo da programao, para que voc possa ver se realmente gosta dessa rea, e caso goste ae sim ns recomendamos a especializao."
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce ADM-201 Essential Administration Practice Exam" |
"442 UNIQUE practice questions for Salesforce ADM-201 Essential Administration Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce ADM-201 Essential Administration Practice ExamTotal Questions : 442Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :300 minsPassing Score : 75 (331 of 442)"
Price: 184.99

"CISM Information Security Manager Review Practice Exam" |
"545 UNIQUE practice questions for CISM Information Security Manager Review Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISM Information Security Manager Review Practice ExamTotal Questions : 545Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :360 minsPassing Score : 75 (408 of 545)"
Price: 189.99

"310-090 Sun Certified Developer J2EE Component Practice Exam" |
"293 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-090 Sun Certified Developer J2EE Component Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-090 Sun Certified Developer J2EE Component Practice ExamTotal Questions : 293Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (219 of 293)"
Price: 169.99

"Experto en Divi 2020" |
"Con este curso aprenders a utilizar Divi de una forma creatividad y sin lmites. Con ejercicios prcticos construiremos un sitio web completo al mismo tiempo que descubrimos desde las opciones ms bsicas hasta nuevas y complejas funcionalidades de Divi. Este curso es para aquellas personas que quieran adquirir habilidades como diseadores web para poder crear y ofrecer servicios como diseadores profesionales."
Price: 64.99

"Beginner Lessons For Classical and Fingerstyle Guitar" |
"Do you wish to learn how to play the guitar in a fun, progressive, methodically crafted from years of experience teaching?Would you like to send videos to get detailed feedback on your playing and ask questions so you know if you are doing correctly?Wait not more and sign up for a class!Here you will learn:The very basic from how to sit with the guitar Ways to pluck a note on the guitarLearn the notes on the guitarApply them to excerpt of tunes like:Ode to JoyHappy BirthdayCounting StarsStar Wars Themeand many more! You will get access to feedback on your playing when you submit your videos for review so you will know if you are doing things correctly!Do not wait and sign up now! Happy learning! Seth"
Price: 39.99

"Holistic Resilience: Breakthrough in Body, Soul & Spirit" |
"We live in a world that is intense, constantly changing, and unforgiving. Especially now as we walk through the coronavirus, Covid19 crisis, some of us give up along the way while some of us choose to relentlessly survive. But what we can change is who we choose to be, and what we can become in the future.Resilience is not only about surviving, it is about thriving - constantly thriving in your life, career, and relationships, as well as during a crisis.How is this course different from other courses out there?Resilience is inapplicable if we only focus on our mind or emotions. This course debunks such notion and reveals how resilience really works in our personal and career life - through our minds, emotions, body, and spirit combined. This course focuses on the harmony of our minds, emotions, body, and spirit that releases the real you, the resilient you.You will learn how the combined strength of your minds, emotions, body, and spirit will allow you to build ""resources"" that will last during challenging times in life and career, especially during coronavirus Covid19.True resilience is about achieving breakthroughs, coping, adapting, and constantly building on these 4 blocks of resilience.Resilience can certainly bring us success in life and career, but only if we pay attention to the holistic process behind resilience, which we will learn in this course.What this course offers you:This course is complete with deeply engaging, deeply probing, holistic, high-quality content that helps you to put your insights on resilience into action.FREE eBook on resilience & leadership, authored by the very own instructor.Free lifetime access with additional community support.Free upgrade of all future extra lectures and resources.Certification by Udemy at the completion of this course.HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7.Full Impact Coaching & Consulting has trained clients and organisations using the same holistic framework for many years to release individuals, leaders, and teams into their fullness. It has not only improved their personal development, career development and heightened their professional performance, but also brought them meaning, purpose, and a lasting success."
Price: 34.99

"Easily cooking your favorite Thai food in immediately." |
"Hi there, Our names are Namtarn and Mod. We are close friends who are passionate about Thai food and we love to cook. For this reason bring us to create this course.And do you love eating Thai food like us?If you say yes!Our course will help you to make simple, easy to cook meals that delicious. They are the really tasty meals that will become regulars at your family table. Besides, these recipes are the meals that we eat at home every day in Thailand and some of the dishes are famous street food that the locals eat every day.The food menu that we will teach is as follows>>1. Pad thai2. Creamy Tom Yum Kung3. Pa-nang curry with beef4. Stir fried minced pork with holy basil (Pad ka phrao)5. Thai Green curry with chicken6. Spicy glass noodle salad (Yom wun sen)7. Stir fried crab with curry powder (Poo Padpongkaree)8. Wonton soup with pork fillingEach recipe in my course is provided with step by step clear instructions with subtitles.Every menu that we made is a delicious menu and very popular in Thailand.If you've ever eaten and liked these menus, This is a good opportunity to learn and try to cook at home often.But if you have never eaten This course has precise component assignments to help you follow it by yourself. And deliciously authentic.Hope to see you in the kitchen."
Price: 24.99

"Sun 310-091 Certified Component Developer Java Practice Exam" |
"214 UNIQUE practice questions for Sun 310-091 Certified Component Developer Java Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Sun 310-091 Certified Component Developer Java Practice ExamTotal Questions : 214Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (160 of 214)"
Price: 159.99

"1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice Exam" |
"224 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice ExamTotal Questions : 224Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 224)"
Price: 164.99

"Easy Learn and teach English grammar for beginners" |
"You will know how to build sentences correctly in an easy and interesting way. You will practice to build affirmative , negative and interrogative sentences and special questions in Present, Past and Future tenses using your imagination and hands. Method has been tested in international schools and students have proven its effectiveness."
Price: 19.99

"Professione Data Entry" |
"L'ACQUISTO DEL CORSO COMPRENDE LA LICENZA DI UTILIZZO DEI TRE SOFTWARE DOVE STAI LAVORANDO O DOVE ANDRAI A LAVORARE. POTRANNO ESSERE UTILIZZATI NON SOLO DA TE MA DA TUTTA L'AZIENDA.Il corso si propone lo scopo di far apprendere quelli che sono i concetti base comuni a tutti i software di gestione dati.Una volta fatti propri, sar infatti facile approcciarsi a qualsiasi gestionale si trovi nell'azienda in cui si lavora o si andr a lavorare.Navigheremo tra i pannelli comandi del software Prisma, esplorando gli ambienti di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati ed imparandone il corretto uso.DESCRIZIONE OGGETTI DEI SOFTWARE Per ciascuno dettagliati ambienti di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati su cui potrai fare pratica.1. CLIENTI: anagrafica, fatture attive, nostro listino prezzi, contatti commerciali, indagini customer satisfaction, ordini da cliente Preventivo a cliente;2. FORNITORI: anagrafica, fatture passive, prodotti e prezzi, sistema di valutazione, nostri ordini, richieste di preventivo;3. CONTROLLO DI GESTIONE: Costi fissi - Costi variabili - Generazione break even point - Programmazione fasi lavoro - VERSIONI DISPONIBILI - Cantiere, linea produzione manifattura, commessa;4. MAGAZZINO - Movimenti - Valore residuo - Stoccaggi - Scarti; 5. PERSONALE - Scheda dipendente - Scadenze - Composizione retribuzione oraria - Presenze e retribuzione mensile - Gestione formazione;6. GESTIONE SISTEMA QUALIT' CERTIFICATO ISO 9001 - Indicatori performance - Piani qualit - Gestione registrazioni - Verifiche ispettive - Progetti di miglioramento - Azioni preventive - Riesame della direzione - Gestione non conformit - Analisi di contesto - Controlli standard - Taratura strumenti - Grafici interazione statistica oggetti punto 6."
Price: 199.99

"Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)" |
"Best for who are seeking Basic computer course with Certificate . Now Just watch the Videos and Learn easily . All the Main Videos are Step By Step Guide for your better understanding . Microsoft Office 365 (Word , Excel , Powe Point). You will be able to work creatively in your Office . Waiting for Job ? This course will help you 100% . It contains How to manage Social Presence & Interview Skills ."
Price: 9600.00

"Stress Shifter Skills to Be Calm, Centered, & Creative" |
"Dealing with Stress in a world that is very stressful?When stressed the body is more tense, painful, has more inflammation and less energy. The brain is less capable of cognitive thinking, memory retention, or open to learning new things. Now more than ever it is important to reduce stress and inflammation which can strengthen our immune systems to keep us more safe and healthy. Stress Shifting is a skill that you will be able to use for the rest of your life anytime, anywhere. By learning to use mindfulness based tools in the powerful four-step stress shifting process, you will be able to apply them to any stressor that you face. These skills will help bring you into a more calm, centered, and creative experience where you can see new possibilities of how to respond more effectively when you encounter stressful situations.Each of the four modules has 3 lessons. Each lesson may have several videos. You can go through the modules at your own pace. There will be support materials to help guide you and expand on the content in each class."
Price: 129.99

"Curso Completo do Desenho Realista" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender de forma simples e didtica como desenhar tudo o que quiser atravs da observao, da criatividade e utilizando as tcnicas do desenho tais como: Composio, Proporo, Linhas de Eixo, Concepo de Espaos, Luz e Sombra, Perspectiva Tonal, Perspectiva Linear, Proporo do Rosto de Frente, Luz e Sombra no Rosto e Teoria da Cor.Cada aula lhe ensinar como ativar a habilidade do desenho, de forma simplificada e utilizando a prtica. So aulas de contedo terico e contedo prtico onde ns lhe explicaremos o passo a passo de como chegar ao desenho realista.Voc comear o curso sem saber nada sobre desenho e terminar ele sabendo desenhar um rosto humano!A metodologia que desenvolvemos, aps anos de experincia, provou que qualquer pessoa consegue ter resultados rpidos e incrveis utilizando os conhecimentos que ensinamos. Voc poder utilizar o seu prprio estilo, criatividade e observao, aprendendo a desenhar sem frustraes!Esse curso completo e tem a proposta de ensinar a todas as pessoas como se tornarem grandes desenhistas e artistas, consolidando a base dos conhecimentos do desenho e estimulando a autonomia para criao e evoluo de cada aluno.Juntos vamos desenvolver um excelente trabalho, vem com a gente!"
Price: 204.99

"Flutter Indonesia [2020] - Membuat Aplikasi Itu Mudah" |
"Halo teman-teman, Selamat datang di course saya. Dalam course ini saya telah menyelesaiakan beberapa jam tutorial sampai upload ke playstore. Selain itu juga saya masih sering update video di dalam course ini, berikut beberapa third party atau topik yang dibahas dalam course saya : DDD Clean CodeBloc ManagementAnother State Management GetX (powerful dependecy) Video Call Voice CallConference Call FreezedJson SerializableAPI RequestDIOAnother Awesome DependencyTeman-teman bisa bertanya kepada saya di halaman feedback, dan saya sangat membutuhkan feedback dari teman-teman semuanya. terimakaish banyak."
Price: 2800000.00

"COMO SO AS AULAS DIRIAS DENTRO DO CLUBE DAS TECLAS #01?Assuma o controle das suas Mos e seus DedosVoc vai aprender Coordenao e Tcnica, que vo te ajudar a ter mais controle em ambas as mos, nivelando a velocidade de todos os dedos. Isso vai facilitar muito a hora que voc for tocar escalas, solos e improviso.Deixe a sua criatividade assumir o ControleVou te ensinar Ritmo e Criatividade, e voc vai aumentar a sua capacidade de criao com ritmos, melhorando a cada dia suas opes de acompanhamento, tornando suas msicas muito mais interessantes e divertidas.Solos e Improvisos sem graa? Nunca Mais!Vamos aprender Escala e Improviso e voc vai finalmente saber como crias solos e improvisos dentro de qualquer msica, aprendendo esse processo em um passo a passo que vai fazer voc improvisar de forma totalmente profissional.Perdido com os Acordes e Harmonia em suas Msicas?Temos as aulas de Acordes e Harmonia. Estas aulas sero muito importantes para voc porque vo fazer voc ter aquela certeza na hora de tocar um determinado acorde, treinando para fazer a mudana de um acorde para o outro. Dessa forma, tocar harmonia vai ser moleza pra voc.Que tal fazer um Upgrade no seu Repertrio?E finalmente temos as aulas de Msica e Composio. Assim voc vai ficar afiado em aumentar o seu repertrio e vai colocar em prtica tudo que aprendeu durante a semana no aprendizado de uma msica nova a cada Sexta-feira.3 RAZES PRINCIPAISEle vai manter a sua AtenoCom a combinao da metodologia e a qualidade das aulas voc vai conseguir manter o foco e os resultados viro rapidamente.No vai parecer uma ObrigaoA forma como este mtodo organizado, ser como se voc fosse assistir a sua srie ou novela favorita e assim sentir vontade de seguir aprendendo todos os dias.30 anos de experincia como ProfessorO tempo de experincia como professor traz a este mtodo toda a garantia de resultados garantidos para voc.O QUE DIZEM NOSSOS ALUNOSO curso Msica sem Limites a tecnologia no aprendizado que facilita para podermos treinar e assistir as aulas na hora que quisermos.Israel Rosa, AlunoDepois que conheci o Msica Sem Limites, posso afirmar que o mtodo proposto realmente um sucesso, prtico, didtico e eficiente, que proporciona resultados muito rpidoJoelson Gomes, AlunoImpressionante como o curso fez algo to inalcanvel (para mim) tornar-se to simples e agradvel.Edmo Magalhes, AlunoO curso realmente muito bom e de fcil acesso, j estou evoluindo bem. Indico pra quem quer tocar em pouco tempo, est no lugar certo.Luiz Rudimar, AlunoNunca pensei que eu poderia. Com o seu mtodo de ensino, qualquer um pode aprender a tocar teclado. Parabns Maestro Helio Moreira.Walace Ligeirinho, AlunoEstou gostando muito do curso, aulas bem explicativas, fcil de entender. Estou aprendendo mais a cada mdulo. Parabns pelas aulas.Maurcio Aparecido, AlunoQUEM HLIO MOREIRA?Hlio Moreira o criador da plataforma de ensino Msica Sem Limites e do Clube das Teclas.Msico, professor de msica e j foi dono de estdio.Produziu mais de 700 artistas de msicas Gospel e Popular no Rio de Janeiro, onde morava.Nomes reconhecidos, como Carlinhos Felix, Shirley Carvalhaes, Conrado, Andria Sorveto, Valdecy Aguiar, Fernanda Brum, Catedral, Signal de Alerta, Pmela, Joran, Nill, Adriana Marques, dentre outros.Possui vrias formaes direcionadas a msica e j tocou com algumas das melhores orquestras e bandas do mundo.Professor a mais de 30 anos, deu aulas no Brasil, em Portugal e em Londres.Atualmente mora em Zrich, na Sua onde foi diretor e produtor em um grande estdio de gravao e professor em uma das maiores escolas privadas de Msica da Europa."
Price: 54.99

Price: 49.99

"Domina ACTIVECAMPAIGN Desde Cero Y AUTOMATIZA Tu Negocio" |
"AUTOMATIZA TU NEGOCIO POR INTERNET E INCREMENTA TUS VENTAS INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Ests aqu porque quieres hacer crecer las ventas de tu negocio, mejorar la relacin con tus contactos y clientes, liberarte de actividades manuales y repetitivas que consumen tu tiempo, y lograr llevar tu negocio a otro nivel.LA AUTOMATIZACIN DE MARKETING Y PROCESOS DE TU NEGOCIO ES LA FORMA DE LOGRARLO!Y ActiveCampaign es la mejor herramienta para emprendedores y empresarios con la que puedes empezar.Cree ste curso porque, a pesar de que existen algunas herramientas gratuitas en el mercado hasta para cierto nmero de contactos (Autorespondedores), la realidad es que ninguna cuenta con todas las funcionalidades que tiene ActiveCampaign (Automatizacion Avanzada).Automatizar los procesos de tu negocio, en especial los de marketing y ventas, es la forma adecuada de crear una experiencia de usuario de gran calidad, prestar un servicio personalizado y oportuno, e incrementar tus ventas, ofreciendo tus productos y servicio a miles de personas del mundo simultneamente.Porque de eso se trata todo esto verdad? De lograr convertir a miles de interesados en clientes, luego en clientes recurrentes y posteriormente en Fans de tu negocio, que te van a recomendar y a traer ms clientes.Este curso es el siguiente paso que debes tomar para aprender a manejar ActiveCampaign y empezar a automatizar tu negocio.No importa si no tienes experiencia previa, si an no tienes una cuenta de ActiveCampaign, si apenas estas empezando y no tienes mucho presupuesto... en este curso te voy a llevar paso a paso desde la creacin de tu cuenta de prueba gratuita de 14 das de ActiveCampaign hasta la creacin e implementacin de estrategias de automatizacin avanzadas para tu negocio. Que puedes hacer con Active Campaign? Puedes hacer ms que automatizar los correos electrnicos: crea una experiencia del cliente completamente activaActiveCampaign Master te brinda las herramientas de email marketing, automatizacin de marketing y CRM que necesitas para crear una experiencia increble para tus clientes.Reconocimiento e intencinFormularios de InscripconMonitoreo del sitio webPblicos Personalizados de FacebookCultivar y educarEnvos PredictivosContenido DinmicoSegmentacin de listas para emailConvertir y concretarContacto & Puntuacin de leadsProbabilidad de GanarAtribucinAsistencia y crecimientoMarketing conversacionalSMSEcommerceEMAIL MARKETING PERSONALIZADOEnva exactamente lo que quieren tus contactosUn hermoso email marketing es solo el comienzo. Enva boletines y mensajes orientados a los intereses de cada contacto. Haz que cada una de las campaas que envas se sienta personal.PRINCIPALES CARACTERSTICASEmail MarketingSegmentacinContenido DinmicoMensajeraPODEROSA AUTOMATIZACIN DE MARKETINGLa automatizacin recupera tu tiempoFacilita la gestin de marketing. Configura una serie de bienvenida con automatizacin de correo electrnico, segmenta tus contactos o usa flujos de trabajo simples para automatizar las acciones de marketing que nadie tiene tiempo de hacer.PRINCIPALES CARACTERSTICASAutomatizacinSegmentacinGestin de ContactosEmail MarketingLa automatizacin de ventas te ayuda a vender msUn CRM con automatizacin de ventas y correo electrnico mantiene organizados todos los datos de los clientes en una misma plataforma. Gestiona tus embudos, actualiza las oportunidades de venta y haz los seguimientos siempre en el momento perfecto.PRINCIPALES CARACTERSTICASCRMPuntuacin de contactos calificadosProbabilidad de ganarAutomatizacinMENSAJERA EN EL SITIO WEBEnva mensajes a tus contactos en el momento ms pertinenteEstablece vnculos significativos con tus clientes. Responde preguntas, recomienda productos, ofrece rebajas o solicita sus comentarios en el momento exacto en el que estn ms interesados.PRINCIPALES CARACTERSTICASMensajera en el sitio webSeguimiento del nivel de interaccinSMSSegmentacinEsto no se termina con email marketingPerfeccionamos nuestro producto constantemente. Agregamos nuevas funciones. Trabajamos para ayudarte a hacer crecer tu negocio.Informes avanzadosDescubre qu funciona y qu no. Analiza a fondo tus datos para encontrar oportunidades de crecimiento.Revisa los resultadosFormularios integradosCrea formularios personalizados para obtener direcciones de correo electrnico, ganar ms clientes y comenzar con tus automatizaciones.Realiza formulariosSeguimiento del sitioObserva lo que la gente hace en tu sitio web. Usa esa informacin para convertirlos en clientes.Da seguimiento al comportamientoCapacitacin y asistenciaRecibe capacitacin y asistencia de manera rpida e individual. Accede a nuestra biblioteca de tutoriales en video y guas de ayuda.Recibe asistenciaServicios de migracinTe ayudamos a migrar todo desde tu software actual de forma gratuita. S, gratis.Migra gratisExtensin para GmailTrabaja desde tu cuenta de Gmail y gestiona tus contactos desde cualquier lugar en lnea.Usa GmailSegmentacin de correo electrnicoAgrupa tus contactos por ubicacin, edad y prcticamente cualquier otro comportamiento con herramientas de segmentacin avanzadas.Segmenta los contactosObjetivos de automatizacinCrea objetivos personalizables y automatizados para medir tus acciones de marketing.Mide las acciones de marketingApp de CRM para iOSAccede a tus contactos, enva correos electrnicos, revisa las tareas y actualiza las oportunidades de venta ests donde ests.Usa la tecnologa mvilComprubalo t mismo con Active Campaign MasterForma un equipo con tus apps favoritas.ActiveCampaign se adapta bien a los servicios que probablemente ya uses. Con ms de 280 integraciones disponibles, puedes crear la combinacin de tecnologas de marketing perfecta para ti.Ayudamos con Active Campaign a ms de 100000 empresas a hacer crecer su negocio.Un abrazo,Daniel Ciommiento"
Price: 164.99

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Price: 39.99

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Price: 199.99

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Price: 69.99

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Price: 199.99

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Price: 34.99

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Price: 44.99

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Price: 44.99

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Price: 44.99
