"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Latest Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"American Ginseng Growing Program" |
"This course is geared towards those who are interested in learning how to grow ginseng in the Appalachian mountains for family, community and business medicinal forest gardens and raised beds. The course will cover successful growing techniques for different situations based on your intention for medicinal use.The students will learn about forest soils, natural fungicides and medicinal tonics. Emphasis would be on value added products. This will be a hands on course and will require the students to have to north facing hardwood forests in the Appalachian mountains."
Price: 34.99

"Unreal Engine 4 - Kurs od Podstaw Tworzenie Gier i Aplikacji" |
"W tym kursie dowiesz si o moliwociach silnika Unreal Engine 4, jego funkcjach, zastosowaniach oraz moliwociach. Przeprowadz ci szczegowo przez cay interfejs i stworzymy wasny projekt gdzie dodamy mechanik za pomoc Blueprints. To nie koniec - dodamy wasny UI oraz zrobimy menu gwne, a na koniec zbudujemy nasz projekt, tak bymy go mogli przetestowa na swoim urzdzeniu. W kocowym etapie dokonam podsumowania oraz podam wszelkie zasoby edukacyjne, ktre rwnie po tym kursie pozwol ci bardziej rozwin swoj wiedz i by na bieco z nowociami."
Price: 69.99

"Ultimate Self Defense System mit allen Grundlagen" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien. Somit kannst du alleine oder mit Partner, sowie mit oder ohne Equipment trainieren. Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. So stoppst du einen Straenangriff in weniger als 5 Sekunden, selbst wenn du eine Frau bist, oder ber 50 Jahre alt bist, vielleicht nur 160 cm gro bist, ungebt, krperlich schwach und noch nie in einem Kampf gewesen bist.Das einzige deutschsprachige Selbstverteidigungsvideo mit 6 StufenEinfach und leicht zu lernenGemacht fr AnfngerVorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlichBewhrtFunktioniert hervorragend, auch bei greren AngreifernEntdecke die einfachste und effektivste Methode, mit der man einen jngeren und strkeren Angreifer neutralisieren kannDie perfekte Lsung fr alle, die sich und ihre Angehrigen schtzen mchten, aber keine Zeit haben, sich auf ein langfristiges Programm festzulegenDu erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!PS: Mit diesem Kurs hast du Trainingsprogramme und Trainingsmglichkeiten fr mindestens 1 Jahr Training und mehr!"
Price: 199.99

"Selbstverteidigung - Effektive Verteidigung am Boden" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien am Boden.Der bergriff beginnt immer im Stand. Doch sehr oft, und gerade wenn es mehrere Angreifer sind, wechselt die Situation sehr schnell auf den Boden. Nur leider ist hier der Kampf nicht vorbei. Genau diesen Moment nutzen die Angreifer aus, um nicht nur auf deinen Krper, sondern vor allem auf und gegen deinen Kopf zu treten.Hier entstehen die schwersten und gefhrlichsten krperlichen Verletzungen, die bis zum Tod fhren knnen.Lass das nicht du sein!Das Verteidigungssystem am Boden, was du auf dieser Seite jetzt mehr kennen lernen wirst, ist die beste Mglichkeit, dich zu verteidigen!Einfach und leicht zu lernenGemacht fr AnfngerVorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlichBewhrtDie perfekte Lsung fr alle, die sich und ihre Angehrigen schtzen mchten, aber keine Zeit haben, sich auf ein langfristiges Programm festzulegenDu erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!"
Price: 99.99

"Animating FIre in Stop Motion" |
"Ever wanted to animate fire in stop motion but never knew how? A glowing campfire, a flickering candle and an inferno - In this class you will learn different methods for animating fire & smoke effects in different mediums which are used by industry pros worldwide.This class is great for beginners as well as hobbyists or animators already working in stop motion. You will learn basic studio set up so you dont need any previous experience. This class will give you the skills to start creating your own stop motion effects straight away.In this class and youll learn:How to set up your studio for stop motion animationHow to animate using your smartphoneHow to make and animate three different fires using three different materialsHow to make and animate smokeWhy and when to shoot at different frame ratesHow to export and share your animationYou will create a fire animation using the techniques from this class to set fire to an inanimate object in your house.All you will need is a smartphone and a few household items - if you have Dragonframe then you can use that too.See you in class!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a tcnica Mandala em Vitral" |
"O que Mandala? A palavra mandala vem dos antigos indianos e significa crculo. ... Independente do local ou do significado da palavra, a mandala representa no somente uma forma geomtrica, mas est ligada harmonia, paz interior e estados que levem a meditao e tranquilidade. Neste curso irei te ensinar a confeccionar uma belssima mandala em vitral, iremos utilizar vidro, verniz vitral, cola dimensional e muita criatividade! O professor Leonardo Sousa, utiliza o recurso de multi cmeras para melhor aproveitamento do curso. O curso est divido em 5 vdeo aulas: 1 Aula - Preparando o Vidro2 Aula - Traando o Desenho 3 Aula - Pintando a Mandala 4 Aula - Decorando a Mandala 5 Aula - Finalizao Professor 100% disponvel para ajudar o aluno!"
Price: 54.99

"Effective Corporate Communications" |
"In this course, you'll discover tips that will help you effectively communicate on behalf of a business and more consistently reach your audience. You'll learn insider marketing copy techniques to help increase your sales or get customers and partners to take any desired action. Get authentic, research-proven methods for being a better corporate communicator and see staggering results in the public perception of your business."
Price: 19.99

"Design of piping systems: Stress calculations" |
"The main scope of this short course is to teach how to make stress calculations in piping systems. These calculations can be done in a predesign phase, for making budgets or to check existing installations. The methods described in this course can be used in all process industries. In the course you'll find numerous worked out examples.The topics in this course are:Stress in pipingBeam theoryPipe thickness calculationsSpan calculationsThermal expansion calculationAdditionally you'll find a excel calculation sheet that can help you with these calculations."
Price: 19.99

"AYT Fizik" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan niversite giri snavlar YKS 'de saysal alandan girecek renciler iin geerli tm Fizik ieriinin ilk 9 AYT konusunu bulacaksnz. Kursu, fizik retmeni Merve KURTAY anlatmaktadr.Bu ksmda toplam 9 video ders ile AYT snavnda en ok soru gelen ve rencilerin zorland 9 konuyu bulabilirsiniz.Kaynaklar ksmnda sizler iin hazrlanm pratik yaprak testleri ve zmleri bulacaksnz. Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"Closet Revolution" |
"IL PROGRAMMATutte quante abbiamo nel nostro armadio pi abiti di quanti ce ne possano servire, le statistiche dicono che per l80% del tempo indossiamo solo il 20% dei vestiti che abbiamo nel guardaroba eppure la sensazione quella di non avere mai abbastanza cose, vero?Questo perch larmadio non organizzato in modo funzionale e adatto alle nostre esigenze, ma il pi delle volte gli abiti sono ammassati uno sopra laltro, dimenticati dentro a qualche scatola, stipati nei cassetti o ancora appesi a casaccio in un mix di estate e inverno.Sempre pi conosciuta anche in Italia la figura del Professional Organizer racchiude diverse competenze, la principale quella di saper organizzare in modo funzionale e ottimizzare lo spazio a beneficio di chi lo vive nel quotidiano. Non si tratta di quanto un ambiente sia grande o piccolo, ma di saperlo sfruttare adeguatamente con soluzioni intelligenti e piccoli accorgimenti che pagano immediatamente locchio, dando una piacevole sensazione a chi lo vive."
Price: 109.99

"Marketing Strategies for Startups and Entrepreneurs" |
". ."
Price: 24.99

"Maitriser Facebook afin de trouver DE NOUVEAUX CLIENTS" |
"Quel que soit votre type de business,ou la taille de votre compte en banque..Apprenez maitriser Facebook afin de trouverDE NOUVEAUX CLIENTS*et conomisez des annes de travail , et votre temps, avec des formations trop thoriquesJ'investis 37 euros pour trouver mes clients sur FacebookApprenez concrtement communiquer sur Facebook et trouver des clients qui achteront vos produits/services.Grce a ma METHODE , dveloppez la croissance de votre entreprise (ou celle de vos clients), sans passer par une agence de publicit.VOUS SOUHAITEZ ENFIN :Maitriser Facebook car c'est une comptence que tout marketeur/entrepreneur se doit de matriserOptimiser et grer votre page entreprise de manire professionnelleConnaitre la RECETTE des contenus qui marchentSavoir quoi publier pour attirer des dizaines de clientsFaire connaitre sa page sans avoir besoin de publicit payanteQUEST-CE QUE FACEBOOK MASTER ?C'est une formations en ligne, vritable condens de mon exprience et de mes connaissances acquises aprs 8 annes de pratique intensive du marketing digital et de la publicit Facebook."
Price: 39.99

"Profi-Hochbeet Videokurs" |
"Ein Hochbeet ist eine der einfachsten Arten des Grtnerns. Es verbindet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen und sorgt damit fr gute Ergebnisse bei relativ wenig Aufwand. Das Beet kann sehr individuell angelegt werden und passt so in jeden Garten: von der kleinen Terrasse bis hin zum groen Nutzgarten.Ob Familien mit Kindern, die auf einfache Art und Weise den Spa am Grtnern entdecken oder ltere Menschen, die rckenschonend ihr eigenes Gemse ernten mchten: ein Hochbeet ist fr jeden geeignet, der mit weniger Arbeit erfolgreich Grtnern will.Dieser Kurs basiert auf eigenen Erfahrungen, die ich in ber 15 Jahren gemacht habe und heute mit Dir teilen mchte. Neben einer ausfhrlichen Erklrung der Besonderheiten und der Funktionsweise eines Hochbeets, enthlt dieser Kurs eine detaillierte Bauanleitung sowie eine Erklrung zur richtigen Befllung und Bepflanzung des Hochbeets. In zwei Bonus-Lektionen werden auerdem eine Vielzahl an ntzlichen, praktischen Tipps und Tricks fr das erfolgreiche Grtnern mit einem Hochbeet gezeigt. Mit dem Wissen dieses Kurses kann jeder erfolgreich grtnern und so schon bald selbst die ersten Ernten einholen.Viel Erfolg und Spa beim Grtnern!"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre programmer les automates Twido de schneider elec" |
"Maitriser le matriels twido de schneider electric, cblage des entres sorties, apprendre manipuler avec le logiciel de programmation Twido Suite, faire une bonne configuration matrielle, savoir l'adressage des entres sorties et programmation en LADDER en faisant des manipulations avec les diffrents objets de programmation en ladder qui existent dans twido suite."
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Certification Question (C_TSCM52_67)" |
"To Plan your SAP MM Certification Exam (C_TSCM52_67) preparation easy, our experts team has designed an Online SAP MM Certification Practice Exam. Our experts have carefully design exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score same as actual SAP Material Management Certification Exam. Our SAP MM Certification practice exams contain practical case study based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of Trainers, experts of domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates. These questions and answers are verified by our experts which are frequently updating.In this exam you will getupdated 80+ Scenario Based Practice Exam Questions and Answers similar to actual SAP MM Certification Exam questions.Lifetime Unlimited Access to Online SAP MM Certification Practice Exam.Multiple Choice Questions with Correct Answers for assessment.Free Question Updates from latest SAP MM Certification Exam.Personalized Result Book to track your progress.Result History with attended questions and answers.The SAP MM certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who are from SAP ERP & business consulting background and wants to build their career as a SAP MM consultant. The SAP MM Certification Exam verifies that the candidate possesses fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of SAP Material Management. This exam validates that the candidate has a good and overall understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant.Define Procurement Processes> 12%Define Organization Levels and the Master Data8% - 12%Define Valuation and Account Determination8% - 12%Describe configuration using Procurement8% - 12%Define Inventory Management8% - 12%Define Purchasing Optimization8% - 12%Describe configuration using Organization Levels and Master Data8% - 12%Describe configuration using Inventory Management< 8%Define Material Requirements Planning< 8%Define Logistics Invoice Verification< 8%Define Physical Inventory< 8%Official Exam Details:Name of Exam : SAP Certified Application Associate - Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7Certification Code : C_TSCM52_67Certification Level : AssociateDuration : 180 MinsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 60% ApproxTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 80 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Telefonakquise: strukturiert & erfolgreich" |
"Hier lernst Du erfolgreiche Vertriebs-Telefonate zu fhren und Kunden wirklich zu gewinnenIch lade Dich auf eine Reise meines Telefonvertriebs ein. Ein Werkzeugkoffer aus ber 10 Jahren Vertrieb, die Essenz aus vielen Kursen gefiltert durch echte Praxis am Telefon - von mir und meinen Vertriebs-Teams.neue Techniken erfahrenSicherheit am Telefon bekommenerfolgreich abschlieenDabei bekommst Du einen berblick ber den Ablauf und Details zu Methoden:von den Grundannahmen und dem Menschenbild fr erfolgreiche Anrufe,die Vorbereitung und Einstimmung Deiner selbst,hin zum Aufbau einer positiven Beziehung innerhalb von Sekunden,wie Du Ausflchte, Einwnde oder ein klares NEIN als Quelle fr den nchsten Schritt nutzt,und der Kunde seine Befindlichkeiten ganz allein ausrumt.Wir lernen unterbewusste Wnsche unserer Gesprchspartner zu hren und zu erfllen,entwickeln Antennen fr Kaufsignaleund besprechen Techniken fr einen finalen Abschluss.Wie Du siehst eine grosse Vielfalt mit klarer StrukturOb Ihr noch etwas dazu lernen wollt, wisst ihr am besten selbst.Wer sich jetzt fragt: Wer ist dieser Heico berhaupt?ber den Kursleiter: Dr. Heico KochAls Grnder von 10 Unternehmen bin ich schnell und automatisch zum Verkufer geworden. Nach anfnglich massiven Hrden am Telefon zu verkaufen, habe ich mir viele Methoden angeschaut, Kurse belegt, Coaches gebucht und dafr auch tausende Euros ausgegeben. Am Ende bleibt mir heute ein Werkzeugkasten, der fr mich und viele meiner Vertriebler funktioniert. Heute helfe ich Unternehmen - von Startups bis hin zu Konzernen - Wachstum zu gestalten und teile meine Erfahrungen in Trainings, Coachings und Beratungen. Nun kannst Du:erstmal eine ganze Menge ber mich in der Presse lesenoder jetzt gleich anfangen >>____________________________________________________FAQWarum sollte der Kurs etwas fr mich sein? Ich habe eine breite Palette an Methoden, Techniken und Strukturen zusammengestellt, welche mit Sicherheit auch etwas fr jeden Profi bereit hlt. Wenn Du hinterher nur einen einzigen Kunden mehr gewinnst, war dieses Investment schon lohnend.Wie kann ich das in die Praxis bernehmen was ich in Videos sehe? Du bekommst Unterlagen zum Download, Tipps wie alles in der Praxis zu ben ist und ein Kapitel, wie sich die Methoden in ein echtes Telefonat zusammenfgen knnen.Was ist, wenn ich Fragen habe? Ich beantworte alle Fragen gerne. Betreuung ist im Kurstarif enthalten und wird stets geliefert. Daran lasse ich mich messen. Zustzlich gibt es die Mglichkeit sich mit anderen Teilnehmern auszutauschen: Erfahrungen, Fragen, Learnings.Am Ende hat es mir vielleicht nicht gefallen - und dann? Ganz einfach: Du bekommst Dein Geld zurck. Innerhalb von 30 Tagen ist das kein Problem. Auf jeden Fall wrde ich mich ber Feedback freuen."
Price: 49.99

"Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Investing Master Course 2020" |
"BITCOIN. It's that word that has been surrounded by controversy and mystery since it's inception and at this point is practically a household name. Even then... most people have no idea what a bitcoin even is.Do you? Do you understand how blockchain works? Do you know what altcoins are? Do you know where to store your cryptocurrencies? Do you know how to take advantage of coin offerings? Do you know how to stay secure on the internet and not become victim to a scammer or hacker? Do you know how to how to thoroughly do analysis on a cryptocurrency or blockchain company before investing? Do you know the basics of long term investing strategies?If you feel like an outsider and you're interested in learning passive investing techniques in one of the hottest industries in the world right now then this content is for you. The learning curve for this technology and industry can seem overwhelming but in this easy to follow course with simple to understand terminology and video walk-thrus I show you how to master the game and become a successful cryptocurrency investor just like I have.In this course you will learn how the cryptocurrency market works and how to implement longer-term investing strategies to be successful in managing your own money in this relatively new industry that has yet to still fully boom.I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours in this space (I am a crypto day-trader by profession) and have taken the knowledge I have learned and compiled it into these course(s) so that you too can learn the basics of how crypto and blockchain works, how to buy/sell/invest long term plus trading techniques, how to read charts, how to find small market cap gems with high growth potential, how to do thorough fundamental and technical analysis on cryptocurrencies and blockchain companies, how to build a portfolio based upon your risk level, how to assess your own personal risk level and make sure it is inline with your goals, how to store your cryptocurrencies and stay secure on the internet, how to master a successful and abundant mindset, and so much more...This course is your gateway to understanding risk:reward and becoming a successful cryptocurrency investor (which can be applied to other markets as well). If you implement the knowledge found within this course and don't just gamble your money away by ""investing"" in something you don't fully understand or by coming in late after CNBC tells you to do so then the nominal amount you pay for this course will be forgotten about as your returns will be plentiful in the years to come.Consider the amount you pay for this course an investment in YOURSELF. Invest in yourself because YOU ARE worth it. Time is money. The largest transfer of wealth in history is coming. The time to start learning is now. It pays to pay attention."
Price: 19.99

"Projelerle A-Z Python ve MySQL ile Veri Bilimi" |
"Bu kursta Yapay zekann en nemli yap ta olan Veri Bilimi, Veri Analizi, verinin toplanmas, ilenmesi ve kullanlmasn Dnyada en ok kullanlan programla dili olan Python ve gnmzde en ok kullanlan veri tabanlarndan MySQL ile pratik rneklerle, bol devlerle ve 3 tane proje ile anlatyoruz.PYTHON programlama dilini sfrdan uzmanlk seviyesine renmek istiyorsanzNUMPY ile matematiksel ilemler yapp veriseti oluturup ynetmek istiyorsanzPANDAS ile veri analizini yapmak istiyorsanzMATPLOTLIB ve SEABORN ile ileri seviyede grselletirme yapmak istiyorsanzTitanic verisini bandan sonuna analiz etmek istiyorsanzDnyadaki intiharlarn sebebini Veri Bilimi Projesiyle anlamak istiyorsanzDnyann grd en byk salgnlardan biri olan Corona virsn Veri Bilimi Projesiyle anlamak istiyorsanzSQL sorgularn detayl renip Python ile veritaban balants kurmak istiyorsanzVeri Bilimi mlakat sorularna aina olup bak anz geniletmek istiyorsanzYapmanz gereken tek ey kursumuza katlmaktr!"
Price: 199.99

"Queue Optimization" |
"Queuing system deals with uncertainty in arrival and service pattern. Mathematical models help in understanding some critical aspects of real system which otherwise may be difficult. This course discusses the concepts in quite intuitive way. Optimization is one of the most important aspect of operations management. Good understanding of these algorithms can be a prerequisite for building powerful algorithms for Machine Learning too.The course builds the queuing model in systematic way and creates some interesting decision situations. It also brings insight into handling mutually conflicting interests."
Price: 99.99

"Directing the Actor: A USC course with Nina Foch" |
"Produced by George Lucas and Randal Kleiser, this series of lectures are excerpts from Nina Fochs directing class conducted at the University of Southern California in 2002. The lectures, organized into sections, cover script analysis, casting, directing, and acting. Spend some time watching Nina, learn from her and implement her ideas into your own work. Youll be amazed how far she can take you.Who can benefit from Nina Fochs course? Directors? Absolutely. Actors? Yes. But, its equally valuable for writers, editors, producers, and anyone with more than a passing interest in the art and craft of filmmaking. This material can be used for an entire course, as part of a course, or a rich reference source to immerse yourself in your craft."
Price: 24.99

"This fun course takes students through the daily process of painting a client's commission of three flowers with acrylic paint on canvas. New York city-based artist Cristian S. Aluas provides easy instructions throughout the two day process. Materials are listed. They are basic and easy to get. You can paint in your living room. Just put down some tarp and open the windows. The art studio process takes you through to completion and even shows you a couple of hanging options. Additionally, helpful tips are given to make use of leftover paint, including an inspiring bonus video of Cristian painting a gorilla within a few minutes."
Price: 19.99

"Solar2D Composer Scene Management for Cool Games & Apps" |
" Composer is the official scene (screen) creation and management library in Solar2D (formerly known as Corona SDK). The Composer library provides an easy way to create and transition between individual scenes, such as going from a main menu scene to one where the player chooses a level, etc. This multi-video course will show you how to use the Composer API to move from scene to scene in your game or business app. While this course shows how to use Composer in your apps, it doesn't teach Solar2D itself. You should have at least a beginner-level understanding of working with Solar2D (Corona SDK) before taking this course. You can create your own scene management utility, but why spend all that time coding and testing when you can use the scene manager that's built in to Solar2D?. Composer is the most full-featured scene manager available for Solar2D developers and with this video course the learning curve will be a tiny speed-bump and not a mountain. "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Nonverbal Communication Course - Body Language" |
"The Complete Nonverbal Communication Course - Body LanguageNonverbal Communication for Business, Public Speaking and Life - Display Confidence and High Self EsteemNonverbal communication can be the most memorable and most powerful way of communicating with other human beings. Whether you are meeting one-on-one with a friend, sitting in a business meeting, or giving a presentation, you need to know ho to use nonverbal communication to yuor benefit."
Price: 199.99

"Escultura de beb realista miniatura (reborn)" |
"En este curso aprenders a modelar un nio o nia (beb) de un ao de edad o menos.Usaremos referencias fotogrficas de nios reales y graficos para que identifiques las proporciones correctas, y puedas crear un cuerpito armonioso en todas sus partes y detalles.Una parte del curso es dedicado al uso de la plastilina polimerica, que es un producto horneble que endurece con el calor, y veremos tips y sugerencias para obtener los mejores resultados.Veremos:- uso de la plastilina- proporciones- estructura- volumenes- detalles de curtpo- detalles de manos y pies- detalles de rostro (nariz, boca, ojos y orejas- coccin de la plastilina- pintura de la piezaAcompame en este curso!"
Price: 74.99

"Medical Anatomy" |
"MedicalAnatomy is a dynamic online course which provides a low-cost and comprehensive exploration of the human body and all of its parts. This course is taught with audiovisual powerpointrecordings, virtual dissections, andclinical lectures. The course is a perfect compliment to review books and classical textbooks which are currently taught in North American medical schools. This course is organized into six major sections, each with multiple lectures and quizzes included. Students can begin and end the sections in any order, as well as repeat sections, making this ideal for learners of any level. Once students complete all the course materials, they are awarded a certificate of completion! Please note that at this time, Medical Anatomy cannot be used as credit for degree grantinguniversity lectures.The six major sections of the course include: Introduction and Anatomical TerminologyThe BackThe Upper LimbsThe Thorax and Abdomen The Lower LimbsThe Central Nervous System A comprehensive anatomy course like this has hardly ever been taught online. I'm excited to be one of the first instructors, and I hope you'll join me in exploring the wonders of anatomy. -Pinak"
Price: 19.99

"Create Awesome Fantasy Website Using Wordpress Elementor" |
"Do you want to Explore the Fantasy World of Web Design with Animated SVG , Animated Blobs ?Do you want to create Awesome Fantasy Uniquely Outstanding Website with Wordpress Elementor ?Do you want to Add Premium Features to your Wordpress Website for FREE ?If your answer to Any of the above Questions is YES, then This Course is for You.Welcome to This Course - Create Awesome Fantasy Website Using Wordpress ElementorFeatures of this Course are as follows -1 Hour Elementor Crash Course Explore the Fantasy World of Web Design with Animated SVG , Animated BlobsLearn how to Create Awesome Fantasy Website Using Wordpress Elementor with our Main Web Design Project - YOLOLearn Adding Premium Features to Your Websites for FREELearn adding Custom CSS and Javascript to your wordpress website in easy way No Paid Plugins are used hereFeatures of our Main Web Design Project - YOLOAwesome Unique Hero Area with Animated SVG Image, Particle Animation , Animated BlobsProcess Timeline Filterable PortfolioPresentation Video BackgroundPricing Table Testimonial Promo AreaGoogle MapWorking Contact FormResponsive MenuIn our First section , you will be acquainted with Elementor , where you will Learn Elementor Basics like Creating and Editing a page , adding sections, inner sections , editing / duplicating columns , adding and editing content etc.Next, in our Prep Work Section , we will Install a Fresh Theme , install some Free Plugins which will help in providing Premium Features to our Website. Here in this section , we will also explore a really Interesting concept of creating Gradient text . Here , we will populate reset css file and will explore some more which you can consider for your future Projects Prep Work.In our Next section, we explore the most interesting part of Web Design - SVG AnimationAnd then , in our final section we will do our Main Web Design Project - YoloEach and everything is explained step by step in detail and if you have any issue understanding some concept or anything always feel free to let me knowI am really excited to share all of these with you !!!So, Are you ready to start this journey with me exploring the Fantasy World of Web Design and create your own Unique Fantasy Awesome Looking Website ?Enroll now and take your first step !!"
Price: 199.99

"IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A CINEMAGRAPH OR PARALLAX EFFECT IS, OR IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE ONE, IF YOU WANT TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL GIF ANIMATIONS AND VIDEOS USING ONLY YOUR BELOVED SOFTWARE WHICH IS PHOTOSHOP, THEN WAIT NO MORE AND ENROLL IN THIS COURSEHello everybody and welcome to the course where you will master the art of animation in photoshop.You will learn basic tools that will quickly get you up and running creating your first animations with just photoshop and no plugins or additional softwares.than we will move on to create three different cinemagraphs using four (4) different methods that will suite any situation you can encounter in your daily life.than we will move on to create parallax effects from still images that will give your photos a boost in creativity.We will wrap up with a bonus video that will show you how to turn a boring photo of a city into a beautiful day to night animation using the tools and techniques we already learned before."
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Rum-Cocktail Course" |
"On the back of the huge popularity of my original course, Mix World-Class Cocktails: Secrets of a Champion Mixologist, I have now produced a series of 5 brand new cocktail courses titled The Ultimate Cocktail Course, with each one focusing on a specific spirit base. This one is about RUM COCKTAILSIn this course, The Ultimate Rum-Cocktail Course, I am excited to share with you the same standard of knowledge and training that I have delivered to more than 40,000 of the world's mixologists & bartenders in more than 30 countries across the globe.I'll be introducing you to 20 of the world's most popular and influential rum-based cocktails. I'll give you the background and history and most importantly will share and demonstrate the techniques that will enable you to mix truly world-class versions of each one.We'll be covering:The ClassicsContemporary FavouritesTop Rum Cocktail VariationsThe Tiki GiantsAmazing 'Lost' CocktailsWhether you are a passionate home enthusiast or a professional bartender/mixologist, this course will take your mixing skills to a new level. You'll learn the key factors that differentiate the best cocktails from all the rest, putting your drinks in the very top echelon of cocktails.It has always been my belief that anyone can become highly skilled at mixing cocktails. As long as the tuition is accessible, easy-to-follow and entertaining, then anything can be achieved.So, if you want to take your rum-cocktail skills to a highly impressive level and produce rum-cocktails that will leave a lasting impression on your friends, guests or customers, then enrol on The Ultimate Rum-Cocktail Course right now.Still not sure?Why not take a sneak preview at the course by watching one of my FREE PREVIEW lectures?I'm confident that this course will help you to achieve your cocktail mixing goals and beyond. And remember, you have 30 days to change your mind as you are covered by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee!So, what are you waiting for? ENROL NOW... and start producing some amazing, world-class RUM COCKTAILS.Look forward to seeing you on the course.Paul"
Price: 59.99

"Jornada do Heri - Desenvolvimento de Narrativas para Jogos" |
"A Jornada do Heri (monomito) um conceito de jornada cclica presente em mitos, de acordo com o antroplogo Joseph Campbell. Como conceito de narratologia, o termo aparece pela primeira vez em 1949, no livro de Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (""O Heri de Mil Faces"").Campbell e outros acadmicos, tais como Erich Neumann, descrevem as narrativas de Gautama Buddha, Moiss e Cristo em termos do monomito e Campbell afirma que mitos clssicos de muitas culturas seguem esse padro bsico. O padro do monomito foi adotado tambm por George Lucas para a criao da saga Star Wars, tanto na trilogia original quanto suas ""prequncias"", assim como diversos outros autores de livros, filmes, seriados e jogos.A ideia de monomito em Campbell explica sua ubiquidade por meio de uma mescla entre o conceito junguiano de arqutipos, foras inconscientes da concepo freudiana, e a estruturao dos ritos de passagem.Os Estgios da Aventura do Heri - ""O Heri de Mil Faces"" (Joseph Campbell):Mundo ComumO Chamado para a aventuraRecusa do ChamadoEncontro com o MentorTravessia do LimiarTestes e AntagonismosA Grande provaoA RecompensaViagem de voltaLimiar do retornoRessurreioRetorno ao mundo comumNeste curso apresentaremos como utilizar esse conjunto de idias para construir ou roteiro ou linha narrativa para jogos."
Price: 189.99

"Python: La Formation Complte - de Dbutant Avanc" |
"Apprenez la programmation Python de manire pratique en 2020!Cette formation est l'une des formations la plus labore sur Udemy qui va vous permettre d'apprendre le Python 3 trs facilement! Que vous soyez dbutant en programmation et n'avez jamais programm auparavant, ou que vous souhaitez vous perfectionner en Python, vous allez apprendre pas pas le language Python des bases jusqu'aux concepts avancs et modernes de Python 3.8.Nous allons commencer apprendre les concepts de base qui vont vous permettre de bien dbuter avec la programmation Python.Vous serez capable de crer vos propres projets et tout au long de la formation apprendre des concepts plus avancs.La meilleure manire d'apprendre est par la pratique! Vous allez trouver dans cette formation plusieurs exercices pratiques de programmation pour complmenter votre apprentissage.Avec cette formation, vous aurez accs 80+ vidos sur la programmation Python, 40+ code sources sur chaque concept courvert et 3 Projets qui vont vous permettre de matriser la programmation Python.Nous allons couvrir des concepts comme:L'installation de PythonLes bases de l'invit de commande PythonLes diteur de codeLes nombresLes chanes de caractresLes listesLes dictionnairesLes ensemblesLes fonctionsLes classeset bien d'autresCes concepts vous seront prsents de manire simple et concise. Vous aurez des bases solides pour par la suite vous perfectionner dans les domaines du dveloppement d'applications, dveloppement web, machine learning ou datascience.Inscrivez-vous aujourdhui et dcouvrez les merveilles du Python en dveloppant des comptences solides de manire pratique et amusante."
Price: 199.99
