"The Ultimate Startup Quiz for Entrepreneurs" |
"A grand welcome to all entrepreneurs, CEO's and business owners. Do you think that you are an entrepreneurship buff?Get ready to put your entrepreneurship skills and talents to immediate test. We all know that entrepreneurship is important because it has the potential, not only for entrepreneurs, but also for related companies, to raise living standards and generate wealth. Entrepreneurs often contribute to innovation shift, where innovative and improved products enable new kinds of markets to be formed. Some say ""Entrepreneurship"" is the creation or extraction of value. I say that ""Entrepreneurship"" gives you a secret key to achieve hero status in our culture.As an entrepreneur, you may be taking risks in order to create new businesses or companies. You may strive to work hard in order remain to be the key players in capitalist societies, as you create wealth and job creation, identifying the market gaps - along the way. The question is that - are you actually good at the subject and practice of entrepreneurship activities? How much do you know about entrepreneurship, by the way? Time to find out now.This superb yet brilliant practical quiz course from Legend 'Srinidhi Ranganathan', the king of Digital Marketing and Mastermind 'Saranya Srinidhi' will feature questions about startups, generic questions on entrepreneurship skills, finance skills and much more. You can surely challenge yourself to the maximum, on this fascinating subject of 'startup business' by taking up this quiz-based course.Each quiz question in this course is made up of proven interesting researched concepts that test your awareness and grasp of the subject. Detailed feedback for the quiz answers are provided too.Why wait? Let's start rolling in some action.Time to register in the quiz course and find out! Lights ! Camera ! Action !"
Price: 1280.00

"Crisis Management - the Economic response to a pandemic" |
"This course - filmed in June 2020 - deals with two main themes:a, the Economics response to the COVID-19 pandemicb. How this response will be paid forWe look at responses from:USAIndiaUKBrazilJapanThe EUChinaSouth KoreaAustraliaCanada...and other countries.There are two very significant features of this course:1. It will be constantly updated through new lectures, workbooks, Educational Announcements and discussions2. On my other main Economics course there are 700+ discussions in the Q/A section. That is how this course will be up to date - input from students that enrol.The pace is slow - suitable for beginners - but the topics are very very serious.Death from the virusResponsesDeaths from the responsesImpact on governments, businesses - and citizens worldwide"
Price: 189.99

"Power Point Express" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a criar apresentaes em Power Point para utilizar na sua empresa, negcio, faculdade, escola ou em qualquer outro cenrio.Imagine sua evoluo com mais habilidade e sabendo exatamente como utilizar o power point...eu vou te ensinar do bsico e te ajudar a evoluir de uma forma muito leve.Voc vai conseguir trabalhar com power point de uma forma simples e vai aprender em um passo a passo.Te darei tambm muitas dicas valiosas para que voc apresente seu material de uma forma diferenciada.Vem comigo que eu te ajudo a descobrir esta ferramenta incrvel!"
Price: 69.99

"Replace Your Job with High-Ticket Easy1Up Sales Training" |
"Join close to 10,000 delighted students and experience the joy of making your first high-ticket sale with Easy1Up! And Ill show you how to this step-by-step in this course!All that is left standing between you and your dream of making thousands of dollars with high-ticket sales is the right advice and guidance to encourage you to take action!But I want to be upfront with you right now - Easy1Up is not for everyone.It is suited for people who want to be their own boss.The rewards for those willing to put in the work are:Total financial freedom!And a dream lifestyle where you have the freedom to work whenever you want.Our top consultants on Easy1Up are earning over $5,000 a week using this exact system.To give you just one example of someone I know personally:Eric made over $7,000 in one week after just 12 weeks working with this sales platform.And he only works 2-3 hours a day on Easy1Up!So if Eric (a college dropout) can make thousands of dollars per weekIf I can make thousands of dollars per weekIf thousands of other people just like you can make thousands of dollars per weekSo can you!We just have access to the right tools and training, and have seized the right opportunities.And now, so do you!***WARNING: THIS IS NOT A COURSE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO GET RICH QUICK ***If you're looking for ways to get rich quick, this course is not for you.But if youre willing to invest the time and money to learn and practice what I teach youThen this course is the vehicle to achieve financial freedom and secure the lifestyle youve been dreaming about!This course is here to prove to you that your dream of financial freedom is within your reach.It is TAILOR MADE for people who are DONE with working a traditional job.*** ABOUT EASY1UP ***Our founder has developed numerous online platforms with over 2 million members (and counting).Easy1Up (his new digital sales platform) was founded just over 3 years agoThe reason for its' unparalleled growth is that it operates on a simple yet incredibly powerful and overlooked principle:People are self-interested (understably so) and therefore his new platform leverages the self-interest of our top earners to the benefit of new members.This creates a positive feedback loop where their success is locked and dependent upon your success.Because of this, new salespeople are able to earn massive commissions in a very short amount of time.Our founder has helped countless salespeople go on to earn 6 & 7-figure incomes.He has been called the Uber of his industry - the home-based sales business model.He has also co-authored a book with Sir Richard Branson which has reached bestseller status.*** HOW EASY1UP WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ***Think about your current reality:Waking up and getting dressed to go to a job you hateWishing you were still in bed.And fighting the traffic like millions of other unhappy people.Do you really want to be in your current situation in five years time?If youre working in sales and trading your precious time for less than $100 per hour.You are totally undervaluing yourself.We both know you can (and should) earn far more than $100 per hour.And this is where my Easy1Up training comes into your life.This is a structured and practical course that will teach you a viable and easy-to-follow system to make life-changing high-ticket sales.Think about it...How would your life change if you were earning an extra $2,000 per week using this platform?Imagine never having to worry about money againThink of all the products on Amazon you could buyThink about the exotic places you would travel toThink about how you would spend all of your free timeYou can do whatever you want, eat at the most expensive restaurants...Because you can afford it.Youre not thinking about work or paying the bills.You feel liberated, and free to be yourselfConfidence flows through you with every step.You get home, wake up late, roll over and check your phoneAnd youve already made $2,000 in your sleep!You close your eyes again with a smile on your faceAfter you get up, you set your own schedule for the day.Maybe you remember the time when you had to report to a boss..Not anymore!This is what financial freedom feels likePure bliss.And you can have it...Its within your grasp, all you have to doIs have the courage to try something new.This is your chance.Easy1Up is your chance to achieve financial freedom...And live the lifestyle youve always dreamed of.*** HOW IS THIS COURSE STRUCTURED ***The course is divided in five modules:Introduction to Easy1Up - showing proof that Easy1Up works, and making sure this is the right high-ticket digital product for you.The Easy1Up Setup Process - guiding you set-by-set through the Easy1Up setup process.How Does Easy1Up Work - explaining the concepts and principles of Easy1Up and why it is such a revolutionary game-changer for salespeople who want to be their own boss.The Integration Process - Ill guide you every step of the way in creating your landing pages, showing you how to copy and paste my shared sales funnel so you can make high-ticket sales on autopilot, and integrating your email autoresponder with a payment gateway (so you can collect credit card purchases).Putting the Final Pieces Together - finally, you'll be guided step-by-step in testing that the systems you just set up work.*** WHAT YOU GET ***HD videos where I lead you through this whole process step-by-step.You'll learn about the Easy1Up sales process and how to leverage the system to make over $5,000 per week.How to setup your sales funnel to capture those high-ticket sales on autopilot.How to integrate Easy1Up with your email autoresponder and payment gateway - so you can get paid!How to spilt-test to maximize your chances of landing a sale from each lead.How to create your landing pages in under 5 minutes (Facebook compliant).These are the same techniques and processes that I teach in my $1,000 per hour consulting calls.Several landing page templates split-tested and proven to get sales on auto-pilot for multiple different traffic sources.Once you realise you will be able to easily earn high-ticket sales commissions every day with Easy1Up...Youll want to put aside 30-60 minutes per day to go through this course.This way you will complete the course in under one week.And once you have logged into our platform and put what you have learned into practice...Youll be able to look in the mirror and see a WINNER staring back.Youll be able to tell your friends and family:I made $2,000 before I woke up today.And when you see the astonishment and admiration in their eyesYoull know you made the right decision today.You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose."
Price: 59.99

"PyTorch+ColabPyTorch -CNNRNNWeb-" |
"PyTorchPyTorchCNNRNNWebPyTorch: YouTubeLiveUdemyPyTorchGoogle ColabGPU PyTorchPyTorch PyTorchPyTorchTensorPyTorch PyTorch DataLoaderPyTorchCNN CNNCNNRNN RNNRNNRNN AI WebPythonPythonPyTorch"
Price: 9600.00

"Build a Connect Four Game with Vue.js" |
"If you have ever wanted to create a board game coupled with an A.I. you can play against. This is the course for you. I'll teach you how to bring the popular game of Connect Four to your browser. We will give the game a two-player mode so you can play with friends and also a very challenging A.I. so you can play on your own."
Price: 24.99

"How to Start & Grow a Podcast with Anchor" |
"Audio is here. It's taking over. And this is your opportunity to catch the audio wave while it's still small.The Audio Content Industry has grown exponentially over the past few years & it will grow even more over the next few. There is literally no better time to start a podcast.You can benefit from starting a podcast to grow your business, you can build a personal brand off the back of it & start working for yourself, or you can simply use it as a way to get more exposure for your company or your brand.There's many benefits to starting a podcast, but one thing is certainly true....The time of the podcast is here. More and more people all over the world are opting to get their information & entertainment from audio because it's convenient, free, & they see other people hopping on the trend too.Now, you might be saying, ""that's great, but I don't know anything about starting a Podcast or recording of any kind."" Introduce Anchor...Anchor solves all these problems for you & me (it's where I have my podcast hosted, as well). With Anchor you don't need any money or any experience to start. You don't need to know anything about starting a podcast either.Ultimately, the Anchor platform will simplify the process for you. It's completely free, provides you with all the creation tools you need to start & scale your podcast right from home, & will allow you to monetize today.It will also distribute your podcast to all the major podcasting platforms for you automatically. There's literally no better time to start...& no better platform to start on.Enroll in the How to Start & Grow a Podcast with Anchor Course today & leverage the next big trend while there's still a ridiculous opportunity for new audio creators."
Price: 199.99

"Raspberry Pi para principiantes Edicin 2020 (Mac+PC)" |
"En este curso de Raspberry Pi para principiantes aprenders todo explicado en detalle. Una gua paso a paso para un buen y fcil comienzo con el Raspberry Pi. Aprenders todo sobre los interfaces, los detalles tcnicos, la instalacin y la configuracin del sistema operativo y los pequeos proyectos basados en software y hardware. Todo est explicado de una manera que es fcil de entender para un principiante absoluto del Raspberry Pi.Qu es un Raspberry Pi?Qu proyectos interesantes de Raspberry Pi existen ya?Qu modelos de Raspberry Pi estn disponibles y cul es el adecuado para m?Dnde puedo comprar una Raspberry Pi + accesorios?Datos tcnicos e interfaces de la Raspberry PI 3B+Qu puedo hacer con una Raspberry Pi despus del primer inicio?Descargar el sistema operativo RaspbianInstalacin del sistema operativo en la tarjeta microSD (para PC)Instalacin del sistema operativo en la tarjeta microSD (para Mac)Instalar el sistema operativo con NOOBSConfigurar la Raspberry Pi con un monitorConfigurar la Raspberry Pi sin un monitor (instalacin en remoto)Copia de seguridad y recuperacin de la tarjeta microSDBorrado de la tarjeta microSD (Mac + PC)Qu proyectos de software estn disponibles?Proyecto de software: PI-Hole como bloqueador de publicidad para internetProyecto de software: Homebridge (Ejemplo: Control de lmpara)Proyecto de software: Webmin para la administracin del sistemaProyecto de software: RetroPi (consola de juegos) + Kodi (centro de multimedia)Qu sensores puedo conectar al Raspberry Pi?Qu proyectos fciles basados en hardware son posibles?Proyecto de hardware: Mdulo de cmaraProyecto de Hardware: Mdulo de humedad del sueloProyecto de Hardware: Mdulo de sensibilidad a la luzProyecto de Hardware: Mdulo de rayo lserProgramacin con ScratchProgramacin con Thonny (Python)"
Price: 19.99

"GDPR with SQL Server : How to be GDPR Compliant" |
"This course will outline from a SQL Server point of view how to be GDPR compliant and what tools there are within SQL Server to do this.It will show you how to audit system, how to protect systems and how to protect data.If you are SQL Server DBA, this course will be essential for GDPR Compliance"
Price: 19.99

"PTSD Complete Treatment Plan - Post Traumatic Stress Plan" |
"A Powerful Approach to Begin Your RecoveryIf youve experienced a traumatic event, you may feel a wide range of emotions, such as anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. The truth is that there is no right or wrong way to react to trauma; but there are ways that you can heal from your experience, and uncover your own capacity for resilience, growth, and recovery.Overcoming Trauma and PTSD offers proven-effective treatments based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you overcome both the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This course will help you find relief from painful flashbacks, insomnia, or other symptoms you might be experiencing. Also included are worksheets, checklists, and exercises to help you start feeling better and begin your journey on the road to recovery.**The goal of this course is to offer you options for moving forward. Methods and techniques from all of these evidence-based approaches are brought together into one course as a way of allowing you to explore a variety of methods you might find helpful in your journey toward recovery.**This course will help you: manage your anxiety and stop avoiding certain situations cope with painful memories and nightmares determine if you need to see a therapist develop a support system to help you heal and move forwardOverview of the courseThis course is divided into three parts, each with several lectures. Part 1 will help you understand what traumatic events are, and will also give you an overview of common psychological and physical reactions to experiencing trauma. Part 2 goes into the specifics of how to manage the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You do not have to have all of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder to benefit from the exercises found here. This part of the course contains many exercises, which have been divided up by the type of symptoms you are experiencing. Your symptoms may include painful flashbacks and difficult memories about a traumatic event or events; a pattern of avoiding trauma-related situations and triggers; and a sense of being overwhelmed by or having difficulty with emotions and relationships. Part 3 discusses ways to get more professional help if you need it. It also explores ways to get more support and take care of your physical health, particularly after you have had some relief of your current symptoms.Personal Disclaimer: This course is not a substitute for professional help of medicine, certified therapist, or counselor nor is it a substitute for University approved courses. I am a Certified CBT & NLP Practitioner from Achology The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology. The worksheets provided in this course are taken from the same workbook. By enrolling and applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. The certificate of completion doesn't hold any value other than what this platform claims. The student agrees to purchase this course with full knowledge of the above facts."
Price: 199.99

"RUM - Essentials in cocktails & bartending" |
"Drinking Rum before 10:00am makes you a pirate, not an alcoholic -Earl Dibbles JRRum. Much can be stated for this spirit. Sugary tropical cocktails & vacation resorts may come to mind. Others may think that Rum is always sweet, cheap and not worthy of creating great cocktails with. This course is aimed at correcting all those misconceptions about this wonderful and versatile beverage.Whether enjoying this course personally for pure enjoyment, or in the hospitality industry and you need further understanding for career purposes; well explain all about Rum, clearly & concisely. No more guessing. This course will bring any novice to an expert, in an amazingly short amount of time. WARNING: THIS COURSE GETS TECHNICAL AT TIMES! I have tried to be as detailed as possible. Some reviews have stated the course is too technical at times, but I think better to give too much info than not enough.This course reviews:In-depth knowledge of all types of RumFlavors & Aromas Differences between styles of Rum & other Sugar based spiritsRhum AgricoleCachaaMartinique Rhum AOCAguardienteRum Buying GuideRum TastingPairing Rum with foodServing RumProductionAgingRegions & VariationsLegal StandardsAnd for full rounded education, the history of Rum* Bonus lecture - Proper Glassware selection for all Wine, Spirits & BeerRum truly is one of the finest things in the world, be it Rum, Rhum Agricole or some other sugarcane based spirit. So no matter who you are, sit back, relax and pour yourself a glass now. Class is in session. Drink Up!"
Price: 49.99

"Mastering art creation for games and VR with Blender" |
"Always wanted to know the secret of making game art? Maybe you have tried Blender or another 3D application before but got overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Fear not, help is here! My name is Ludwig and I have created this exciting course. I have helped game developers all over the world with their code and art with success. One of these games (Amico Ragnolo) even won an award! I have been a Blender user for over 10 years, like working with Unity, Unreal Engine and SketchFab. I would love to share my knowledge with you!Content of this courseYou will create a model in a stylized form like Fortnite, World of Warcraft or Dota2. You will only use Blender, so no Photoshop or other applications. You will not use any prefab textures but paint everything yourself. You will get your hands working as much as possible and most theory is woven into the hands-on practice so you will not be bored with long theoretic lectures. Each lecture you will learn more about how Blender works. You will not have to do the same over and over because every lecture you will learn new things. You will create materials and textures and learn how to apply them on your model. Then you will set up the lighting and learn how to render. In the end you will setup the model in a Sketchfab scene. Then you will setup VR in your SketchFab scene and you will be able to look around in your scene in VR*! It is also possible to view your scene with Augmented Reality** in SketchFab. This scene can be used to show friends, family and maybe more important be used in your portfolio!You will learnto keep control over your workflowcorrect 3D terminology like vertex, edge, face, etc.modelinguv unwrappingtexture painting and painting fundamentalsmake particlesset up lightwork with HDR backgroundsupload and recreate your scene in Sketchfaband a lot more!Come and join me on an adventure! Don't be afraid, it's great fun!*For VR in Sketchfab a cardboard or better VR device with a mobile phone is needed **For AR in Sketchfab a mobile phone or tablet with a gyroscope is needed (for specifications see sketchfab)"
Price: 99.99

"ASL Family & Adj + Q&A American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, our goal is to learn to sign mini-dialogues in American Sign Language (ASL) like YOU HANDSOME. SHE BEAUTIFUL. THEY WHO? SHE MY BEAUTIFUL AUNT. HE YOUR PARTNER. To achieve this, well learn family words, pronouns, adjectives for describing people, ASL grammar, and how to use the question word who. Well combine what weve learned to create phrases, complete sentences, questions, and mini-dialogues. Along the way, Ill frequently test you to see if youre able to sign correctly and understand what Im signing.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.THE TARGET SIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE:Expanding vocabulary skills with twenty-four (24) family signs in ASLSigning, recognizing, and understanding personal and possessive pronouns in ASLLearning to correctly sign and recognize ten (10) adjectives for describing peopleLearning correct ASL grammar and facial expressions for creating WHO questionsSigning and understanding phrases, sentences, questions, and dialogues in ASLIN THIS COURSE:Students will learn to sign twenty-four (24) family signs in ASL: FATHER, MOTHER, PARENTS, BROTHER, SISTER, DAUGHTER, SON, CHILDREN, KIDS, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, GRANDPARENTS, AUNT, UNCLE, FAMILY, GRANDSON, GRANDDAUGHTER, GRANDCHILDREN, HUSBAND, WIFE, PARTNER, COUSIN, NIECE, NEPHEW.Students will learn to sign personal pronouns in ASL: I, YOU, HE/SHE, WE, THEY, YOU (plural)Students will learn to sign possessive pronouns in ASL: MY, YOUR, HIS/HER, OUR, THEIR, YOUR (plural)Students will learn to sign ten (10) adjectives for describing people: BEAUTIFUL, FAT, HANDSOME, OLD, PREGNANT, SHORT, SKINNY, TALL, UGLY, YOUNGStudents will learn correct ASL grammar and facial expressions for asking questions with WHO.Students will learn to sign and understand phrases, sentences, questions, and dialogues.Each individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand position.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course including phrases, sentences, questions, and mini-dialogues.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be confident using family signs, pronouns, and adjectives in ASLStudents will be able to sign and understand phrases, sentences, WHO questions, and mini-dialoguesStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of ASL improvementQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning the necessary skills to sign and understand phrases, sentences, questions, and dialogues using family words, pronouns, descriptive adjectives, and the question word who in ASL.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Introduction" |
"Excel is one of the most used software packages used in business. Over the years I have seen more and more vocational areas using the spreadsheet, therefore it is something worth knowing how to use. This introduction course is ideal for both new and long term users who have had no formal training (often self-taught) and would like to make sure they are prepared for further levels. I take you through all the subjects and a nice gentle pace encouraging you to practice as you go. There are lots of useful time-saving tips."
Price: 149.99

"Dropshipping na Amazon da Europa sem pesquisar produtos" |
"Aprenda em uma nica aula, tudo sobre Dropshipping na prtica. Comece agora mesmo o seu negcio na Amazon da Europa. No precisas se preocupar em pesquisar produtos nem encontrar Fornecedores. Temos um Fornecedor da Europa que coloca em disposio o seu inteiro catlogo de produtos para voc vend-lo na Amazon. Nada de anlise de produtos, pesquisa de Fornecedores, demoras no envio, enfim essa parte chata que envolve o Dropshipping. Neste curso voc vai aprender como comear a vender hoje mesmo. Venda o inventrio inteiro do nosso Fornecedor na Amazon com um clique.O sistema automtico do nosso Fornecedor torna tudo muito fcil e voc pode comear a trabalhar em questo de minutos.Defina a margem mnima de lucro que voc deseja ganhar e deixe o sistema fazer o resto.O sistema adiciona automaticamente ao seu preo de venda as taxas da Amazon, para que voc sempre tenha lucro! O Sistema mantm automaticamente seu inventrio na Amazon.Novos produtos so adicionados e os indisponveis so removidos automaticamente.O nosso Fornecedor pode fazer download, processar e enviar automaticamente seus pedidos da Amazon de cada produto vendido e marc-los como enviados na sua conta da Amazon, uma vez despachados. O envio feito a partir da Europa para a Europa. O Cliente no tem que esperar muito tempo para receber o seu produto. No perca esta oportunidade de ouro, de comeares o seu negcio, sem investir em estoque. Inscreva-se no curso e comece hoje mesmo."
Price: 29.99

"Vagrant para Iniciantes" |
"Est cansado de criar Mquinas Virtuais manualmente, perdendo um grande tempo que poderia ser investido em outro lugar?Quer se livrar da famosa frase ""u, mas funciona na minha mquina?!""?Voc est no lugar certo.O Vagrant uma ferramenta de linha de comando desenvolvida pela Hashicorp, que agiliza a entrega de Mquinas Virtuais, e pode ser usado por:Administradores de SistemasDesenvolvedoresou at mesmo EstudantesEu projetei esse curso da maneira mais didtica possvel, com embasamento, didtica e muita prtica.Os mdulos esto organizados da seguinte forma:Introduo ao Vagrant: Neste mdulo eu vou dar uma introduo geral dos problemas que o Vagrant resolve e como ele pode te ajudar a ser mais produtivo no dia a dia, inclusive com figuras para voc entender de maneira rpida e j pensar onde e como usar.Configurao do Ambiente: Neste mdulo eu mostro na tela do meu computador, como voc faz para instalar a ltima verso do VirtualBox (o provider) e o Vagrant (o nosso heri).Vagrant Boxes: Tudo no ambiente Vagrant gira em torno de boxes, e vamos aprender a usar boxes remotas diretamente do servidor em Cloud da Hashicorp. Dessa forma, voc pode provisionar Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian ou qualquer outra distribuio que voc queira de forma muito fcil.Vagrantfile: O arquivo de programao (em Ruby) que descreve exatamente o que queremos (imagem, hardware, rede, quantidade, etc).Gerenciamento da VM: Os comandos bsicos para desligar, ligar, reiniciar, suspender, resumir e fazer upload de arquivos do host para l.Redes com Vagrant: Como configurar redes em Bridge e NAT.Mltiplas VMs: Sabe quando voc quer criar um cluster e precisar criar trs VMs iguais? Pois , aqui vamos aprender a fazer isso em uma linha de cdigo. De bnus voc ter acesso ao meu projeto que configura um Apache e um load balancer com IPVS.Provisionar VMs com Shell: Digamos que voc queira subir uma VM e j ter vrios pacotes instalados para no fazer manualmente. Vamos aprender a fazer isso executando comandos do Shell e tambm usando Shell Script (a linguagem de programao do Linux).Snapshots: Vamos aprender a criar imagens de back-up para as nossas VMs (e tambm restaurar).Criando a sua Box: E para finalizar, vamos criar a nossa prpria Box e adicionar na nossa lista de boxes.Lembrando que voc ter acesso a um PDF com um super resumo de todos os tpicos e exemplos de cdigo.A cada mdulo voc ter alguns links complementares de estudo para reforar ainda mais.Te espero do outro lado."
Price: 54.99

"Bootstrap 4 for Beginners" |
"Bootstrap 4 for BeginnersThe Complete Course of Bootstrap can help you design your smart mobile-friendly Website according to your requirements in this course of bootstrap you about to learn all steps how to use jumbotron in bootstrap what is tooltip in bootstrap how can use colours and group colours bootstrap and smart way to learn website in bootstrap and some good BootstrapBootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build you require apps with the responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components and powerfully built on JQueryBootstraphow can use the container in bootstrap the main role of the bootstrap the best dropdown and utilities and bootstrap navbar how can use and manage the bootstrap 4 navabarBootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins and Bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs BootstrapBootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins and Bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs"
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Product Management" |
"This course is designed to give introductory knowledge to people who want to break into product management. The course will go over:What a Product Manager IsUXStorytellingPersonal BrandingBalancing StakeholdersAnd much more. If you are interested in getting into more detail on any subject, message me, so that I can add it to the course."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass" |
"This course is specially prepared for anyone interested in the field of design and creativity. Whatever yours level beginner or professional .At the end of this course, you will be able to convert any idea into a successful design, and you will learn many skills, secrets, and abbreviations and will have an opportunity to enter the designers work market."
Price: 199.99

"Keyshot 9: Faster render with new version" |
"KeyShot 9 brings you unbound creative capability to help you realize your ideas faster. Built as the hub for all your visualization needs, KeyShot delivers unmatched ease, simplicity, and accessibility to give you complete creative freedom and a level of visual agility that allows you to explore your design at the speed of thought.Int this course all new KeyShot 9 Features will be described:RealCloth is a patent-pending technology from Luxion driving a powerful, new material type which allows the creation and visualization of realistic woven materials.Denoise -Smooth, fast, beautiful renderings with the click of a button. Denoise works in both CPU and GPU mode to eliminate noise in the Real-Time View and render output. It turns that time crunch into a time-saver.GPU Mode KeyShot 9 introduces the ability to harness the full GPU-accelerated ray tracing power of NVIDIA RTX with OptiX. Available for both real-time rendering and local render output, KeyShots GPU Mode allows GPU resources to be accessed with one-click to take advantage of multi-GPU performance scaling and the dedicated ray tracing acceleration hardware in NVIDIA RTX-capable GPUs.3D Model Library KeyShot 9 brings you a new Model Library filled with the highest-quality, specially curated 3D models to complement the products in your scene. All 3D models come complete with materials and textures, and are easily searched, filtered, and added to any scene with a simple drag-and-drop from KeyShot Cloud.Fuzz Material For that warm, fuzzy feeling. That warm, fuzzy feeling flooding over you isnt in your head, its a new material geometry shader that brings a whole new level of realism to your products. Just open up the KeyShot Material Graph and add any amount of fuzz you need on the surface of any material. Control length, randomness, density and more for that perfectly, fuzzy look.Contour TextureThe edge you need. Imagine putting an edge on any material. With contour as a texture, you now have more control and flexibility while creating custom materials. You can use it to add an illustration-like effect on top of real-world materials such as metal or plastic.Animation Curve Control Ease it in. Spin it out. Controlling your animation has never been so easy. Customize the motion or appearance of an animation or a material color, bump, opacity or other property. Add controls quickly along the curve and adjust it all in real-time to create incredible part and material animations.Generic (BRDF) MaterialUltimate material possibilities. Its only generic in name. The flexibility it adds is anything but. Adjust properties for sheen, clearcoat, metallic, anisotropic and more. Its a new material that provides endless possibilities to create incredible material finishes.and MORE.All of this new features will be cover in this course !Good luck"
Price: 29.99

"Social worker and Counselling" |
"Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups, and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being. Social functioning is the way in which people perform their social roles, and the structural institutions that are provided to sustain them. Social work applies social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law, and economics, to engage with client systems, conduct assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and to bring about social change. Social work practice is often divided into micro-work, which involves working directly with individuals or small groups; and macro-work, which involves working with communities, and - within social policy - fostering change on a larger scale."
Price: 189.99

"Cranio-Cervical Stability Testing For Manual Clinicians" |
"Cranio-Cervical Stability Testing for Manual Clinicians: The Definitive GuideAs a manual clinician, have you ever worried that a patient may have specific damage to the cervical spine including the craniovertebral joints? Car accident, a fall, or maybe an infection is at fault? How do you deal with this patient?I have reasons for spending hours of my time, developing and producing this course. It all relates to a serious car accident I had a few years ago. I initially didn't present with any issues but steadily I physically declined and eventually had fusion surgery to restrain an unstable C7 T1 which was producing spinal cord signs. I knew what was happening to me but will a patient understand the symptoms? It is imperative if you treat patients with trauma, infection, or congenital issues, to learn what to do with these patients.Learn the signs and symptoms of serious pathology in the cervical spine.Learn the differential diagnoses and causes of instability in the region.Learn to test the neurological system and know what to look for in your examination.Learn to stress test the ligaments of the craniovertebral joints and the cervical spine.Discover the latest studies on this topic.I'm hoping you will find this course an adjunct to your practice. As a manual clinician, a Physiotherapist, a Chiropractor, a manipulator, you may stress ligaments of peripheral joints all the time but it is a rarity to stress test spinal joints. A manual clinician must be able to discern an unstable or hypermobile segment in a spine. This will give the clinician an advantage in the management of the patient. It is important for the safety of the joint and is very important for the safety of your patients.My objectives for you:After this course, participants will be able to understand the principals and practical application of the following:1. Describe five diseases that may compromise the stability of the cervical region and how.2. Demonstrate three stability tests of the cervical region and interpret the results.3. Apply a neurological scan to clear spinal cord and neurological dysfunction in the cervical spine.4. Adopt a vigorous mandatory scan for all patients to rule out serious pathology of the cervical spine and the neurological system.Come with me and learn.Please Note:This course is designed for medical professionals, not for the general public. The medical information in this course is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is intended for medical education, and does not create any doctor-patient relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. By purchasing this course you agree to the foregoing terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the foregoing terms and conditions, you should not purchase."
Price: 24.99

"Feng Shui Level 1" |
"Feng Shui is an ancient art and science that was created over 2000 years ago in China. Its a complex body of knowledge that teaches you how to balance and attune yourself to energy patterns you encounter in your home, workplace, and everywhere in between including malls, theatres, and gardens. Feng Shui means Wind and Water. These are two natural elements that flow, move, and circulate everywhere on Earth. They are the most basic elements for life, they are direct carriers of chi or life force. Feng Shui is a design tool in interior design and staging that creates beauty, balance, and harmony in one's living space. Are you ready to change the look and feel of your home that has a healthy and balanced environment? Are you interested in learning the inner workings of Feng Shui?You have come to the right place.You will learn the fundamentals and principles of Feng Shui5 elements theoryIntroduction to the compass and the Bagua3 Types of luckYin and Yang principlesMain areas of Health & Wealth and so much moreThis Introductory course draws inspiration from various cultural and social influences from art, film, and fashion weaved together with Feng Shui to teach you the process of redesigning the home of your dreams that expresses your own uniqueness."
Price: 39.99

"Siasat Presentasi untuk Segala Situasi, Pasti Bisa!" |
"Andakah orang yang paling ragu dan malu saat harus disuruh melakukan presentasi di kantor, kampus, atau ruang kelas? Setelah mengikuti video course ini, jawaban seharusnya adalah: BUKAN!Tak peduli kalau Anda minder di depan kelas, rapat kantor, atau belum pernah berbicara di depan umum. Tidak penting juga apakah orang selalu mengkritik gaya presentasi Anda, sebab ilmu presentasi di dalam video course ini jelas UNTUK ANDA.Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk berlatih presentasi dalam bahasa Indonesia di Udemy! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda membuat dan menyampaikan presentasi SAMPAI JAGOAN!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, tugas-tugas, dan kuis, kami akan menyampaikan ilmu presentasi dalam bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan membumi. Yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah tekad untuk berani berbicara di depan umum. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda mengenal presentasi secara praktis dengan setiap section dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan langkah-langkah, tip dan trik, dan pemanfaatan quiz, lengkap dengan petunjuk visual yang inspiratif! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pengenalan jenis-jenis presentasi. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menemukan kiat-kiat melakukan presentasi dengan baik. Anda akan kami ajak menyelami berbagai topik, termasuk:- Mengenal jenis-jenis presentasi yang bisa Anda coba- Membawakan presentasi yang sesuai dengan style diri Anda- Membuat presentasi dengan formula C.I.D.E.R- Membangun emosi yang positif antara Anda dan audience- Menggunakan Anaphora untuk membangun presentasi yang keren- Memakai teknik Rule of Three- Memanfaatkan Majas untuk menyusun presentasi- Mengenal aneka macam tool presentasiAnda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!Video course ini dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari! Jika Anda tidak puas dengan cara penyampaian atau isi materi, Anda akan mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. UTUH! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Pelajari ilmu presentasi dengan cara termudah yang akan meningkatkan karir dan menambah pengetahuan Anda, semuanya dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan praktis!"
Price: 280000.00

"IELTS Speaking: Go from 5 to 7.5" |
"- What is a complex sentence? What is paraphrasing? What are informal contractions? What do you say if you don't understand the examiner's question?****If even ONE of these questions is difficult for you, you CAN'T score a 7.5 in your IELTS Speaking test. In fact, your IELTS Speaking score will probably be a 5.****But don't worry- all of these questions, and many more, will be answered in this course- IELTS Speaking- Going from 5 to 7.5.- Do you have an IELTS exam coming soon? Are you worried about the IELTS Speaking test, or confused about how to prepare?- Have you taken the IELTS Speaking test before, and been disappointed by your score?- Are you concerned about spending lots of time and money taking the IELTS exam again and again and again?- Do you need a high score very soon, and don't have much time to prepare for the IELTS exam?If any of these are true, you are in the right place. This course will help you get a 7 or 8 in your IELTS Speaking test, and SAVE you lots of money and time in your preparation for the IELTS exam.I am a former IELTS Examiner, and I've been helping students to score 7 or 8 in their IELTS exam for the past 10 years.As a qualified IELTS Examiner, I have a deep understanding of the requirements of the IELTS test, and so I know the areas where IELTS students usually LOSE MARKS.Most IELTS students fail in the following areas:- They leave long pauses/gaps when they speak (Fluency)- They don't use complex sentences (Grammar)- They make too many grammar mistakes (Grammar)- They use the same few words again and again (Vocabulary)- They don't use natural English idioms (Vocabulary)- They don't use paraphrasing (Vocabulary)- They make common mistakes when saying words (Pronunciation)- They don't use natural English intonation and informal contractions (Pronunciation)This IELTS course explains all of these common mistakes, and helps you avoid them completely.By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following in your IELTS test:- Answer IELTS questions fluently without leaving long pauses- Use complex sentences confidently- Speak in grammatically correct sentences- Use a wide range of words- Use common English idioms to answer any IELTS question- Paraphrase effectively- Say words correctly- Use tone and contractions in a natural way to impress the IELTS ExaminerThis course is divided into 6 parts:1) Introduction to the IELTS Speaking test2) What to do before, during and after the IELTS Speaking test3) IELTS Key Skill 1: Fluency4) IELTS Key Skill 2: Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)5) IELTS Key Skill 3: Grammatical Range & Accuracy6) IELTS Key Skill 4: PronunciationYou'll learn:- HOW the IELTS Speaking Examiners decide your score- WHAT areas of your English to focus on to get a high IELTS score- LOTS of great material to use in your IELTS Speaking test:- New words- New grammar structures- Phrases for speaking fluently- Tricks to achieve natural pronunciationI'm also always available to answer your questions! Feel free to send me a message any time!Your preparation for the IELTS exam begins here. Let's get started! Credits: Music from bensound"
Price: 39.99

"Armona clsica para la composicin musical en Musescore" |
"El curso est diseado para todos aquellos que desean aprender formalmente la armona musical clsica. He diseado este curso basado en los libros de Armona de Arnold Schnberg y Joaqun Zamacois. Con lecciones completas del modo menor, notas de adorno y contrapunto que sern incluidas sin costo adicional, este curso ser una gua completa de la armona clsica para compositores. Adems todas las clases estn aplicadas en Musescore, con explicaciones de su empleo."
Price: 1395.00

"Costura e Modelagem Vestido Luxo Infantil" |
"Ol nesse curso voc ir aprender a tirar as medidas da criana, modelar o vestido completo, costura completa da roupinha, alm de aulas bnus com informaes importantissimas, como tipos de tecidos, modealgem e costura de blusa gola boneca, e como fazer o saiote ou armao para o vestido. Aguardamos voc para fazer esse curso elaborado com muito carinho pelas professoras Denise e Marli Ado do Ateli da D"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Excel: Learn Excel from Scratch with Formulas" |
"Hello there,Welcome to my Microsoft Excel: Learn Excel from Scratch with FormulasIn this course, you will learn Excel 365, Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. If you are new on Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, If you know a little about Microsoft Excel and want to take a comprehensive look at it or If you also want to learn online spreadsheets, then this course is a great fit for you!In this course, you will learn Microsoft Excel, Excel Online and Google Sheets and find useful daily life examples that will make you feel comfortable about implementing the course topics in real life.That`s why you are at a great place to start with Excel 365.What you will learn?Downloading Office 365Fundamentals of ExcelFormat Cells ButtonData Types and Data EntryFont, Border, and Color of the CellsCopy of Cell Format ( Format Painter )Supermarket Example (Some Important Features)Creating Formula or Use of Automatic FunctionsPercentage CalculationQuick Analysis Feature of Excel 365Insert IllustrationsOnline and Offline PictureChange Format of Inserted PictureThree Dimensional ModelsScreenshotsPage LayoutPage SetupAdding Background and more...Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy's seasoned instructors' expertise. This course starts with very basics. You will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of Excel 365 and hungry to learn more.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadAre you ready to dive in now to my Microsoft Excel: Learn Excel from Scratch with FormulasWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 109.99

"How To Write a Resume That Gets You a Corporate Job?" |
"How to write a resume that will LAND YOU AN INTERVIEW EVERY SINGLE TIME?Think of a resume as a bridge to your new job. Before you actually speak to a recruiter on during a job interview you need to establish a reliable communication channel and that might be a challenge. You need to play according to rules and best-practices of people whose job is to recruit new employees and that's where ""How To Write a Resume That Gets You a Corporate Job"" course gives you hand! And more!The new normal is there are tens or sometimes even hundreds of applications for a job position, how can you stand out and shine instead of disqualifying yourself with the application documents that don't make it through the initial pre-screening?Wrong phone number or unprofessional personal picture can undermine your application in a minute. Learn about personal details important for any resume.Did you know Uniqueness sells? Let me explain...What are your inner diamonds? Have you discovered your born talents and strength, yet?Don't worry, I got you covered. :-)The course will teach you how to introduce your personality, talents, strengths, skills and competences as the right ""personality mix"" to any recruiter. Learn how to create and use your unique personality to persuade recruiters you are the best fit for a job position.The key to successfully landing a corporate interview every single time is making your documents RELEVANT and that's why I created this course.Are you wondering what's the best way to approach the questions below?Which personal details are critical information for a potential employer? What do recruiters listen to? How to tailor your resume to the role you are applying for?What to write if we have little/no work experience?How to quantify success from previous jobs? How to apply for a job that is less relevant to your current job position?How to build your personal brand through a resume?Are you unsure of the uncompleted study? What is more important education or job experience? How to deal with certificates in your resume?How to reorder PC skills based on the role you are applying for? Which to list first, second and third? Level of knowledge and it's importance. Java and Photoshop are different.How to ""sell"" your skills in an interview? How to prepare a success story for specific competencies that matter?How to measure the level of your language skill in a unified way? What other skills and achievements are worth mentioning?How to be brief and relevant so you are invited for an interview? How to go creative in your resume?Did you publish some research or academic work? Are you a blogger or have you created some webpage? How to enter this info in your resume?What kind of personal brand do you want to build through hobbies? How to show your personality matches the job requirements perfectly?How to use the visual format of the resume to increase readability and success rate?and more...Let me help you with that today, be the star on the interview and get the job! Great resume = entrance ticket to success.It's absolutely possible and it all starts with RELEVANT APPLICATION DOCUMENTS.Learn how to prepare catchy application documents every single time now and be ready for the development of your professional career."
Price: 19.99

"Final Cut Pro X Temel Eitim Seti" |
"Bu eitim seti temel video editleme iermektedir. Videonun programa alnmas, kurgulanmas ve kaydedilmesi srecinin yannda renk ayarlar blmleri anlatcaktr.8 yl akn sredir rendiim bilgileri sizlere aktaryorum. Videonuzu Final Cut Pro X ile profesyonelce dzenlemeye balayn!Eer bir fotorafysanz ve videolarnz dzenlemenize yardmc olacak bir video dzenleme uygulamas, program aryorsanz Final Cut Pro X en iyi yanttr. Final Cut Pro X, dnya apnda profesyoneller tarafndan, i ve pazarlama, reklam videolarndan, mzik kliplerinden, belgesel videolarna, uzun metrajl filmlere kadar her tr retim iin kullanlmaktadr. Fotoraflara zel bu kurs, video dzenleme, montaj konusunda balamak iin en iyi yoldur.Videolar hayal ettiiniz ekilde yapn!renirken pratik yapn. Bu ders pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece videoyuz izlerken takip edebilir ve yaparak renebilirsiniz.Size szmBen tam zamanl bir video editr ve evrimii retmenim. Yolun her admnda sizin iin burada olacam. Kurs ierii veya bu konuyla ilgili herhangi bir konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, kursa her zaman soru gnderebilirsiniz.Bu Fotoraflara zel Video Dzenleme kursunun amac nedir?Fotoraflarn bir ou kendi video reklamlarn oluturmakta zorlandklarn biliyorum. Bir ok arkadama ahsen yardmc oldum. Tabi karlnda scak aylarn itim. Udemy ile tannca video konusunda olan bilgimi buraya aktardm. Herkesin memnun kalmas iin fiyat ok dk tuttum. Umarm fiyattan memnun kalmsnzdr. Eitim setinin sresini ksa tuttum. Fotoraflar iin nemli olan konular anlattm sadece. Bylece bir ka saat iinde kaliteli video montaj, video dzenleme yapabilceksiniz. Size sz veriyorum eitimi bitirdikten sonra 10 dakikadan ksa srede muhteem montajlar yapabileceksiniz.Bu kurs, video dzenlemeyi balatmak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr.Video dzenleme balang rehberiVideo montaj ve birletirme teknikleriDn mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaYenidoan mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaDoum hikayesi mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaocuk video klipleriVideolara gei efektleri eklemeVideolara logo eklemeLogoya hareket vermeKorsana kar videolara filigran eklemeProjelerinize grsel efektler eklemekGelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!Bu kursun sonunda, bir fotoraf olarak video dzenleme konusunda gveniniz artacaktr. Video montaj eitimini aldktan sonra Fotoraflar kendi reklamlarn, mzik kliplerini yapabileceklerHemen bu eitimi satn alp kariyerinizi bir adm ne tayn. Yapacanz video montaj, dzenleme ile mterilerinizi memnun edin. stelik deneyip memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde paranz geri alabilirsiniz. Eitimlerde grmek dileimle.Sevgiler,BERKAY EFEBu kurs kimler iin uygun:Dn fotoraflar iin uygundurYenidoan fotoraflar iin uygundurInstagram, Facebook reklam videosu hazrlamak isteyenler iin uygundurVideo dzenleme konusunda bilgisi olmayan fotoraflar iin uygundurHzl video klip oluturmak isteyenler iin uygundurDn video klip oluturmak isteyenler iin uygundurVideo montaj yapmak isteyenler iin uygundurzel gnler iin video hazrlamak isteyenler iin uygundur"
Price: 409.99

"Mastering Technical Analysis: Start Trading Better Today" |
"Mastering Technical Analysis to ....Create an important secondary income trading the markets (Stock Trading, Forex Trading etc..)Empower you to reach financial freedomFinancial benefits with no large commitment of time and resourcesDo you want to learn to profitably trade Forex, the Stock Market, Commodities, Bitcoin, Funds etc using Technical Analysis?Do you want a step by step rule based guide on how to trade my most profitable chart patterns using Technical Analysis?Hi there, my name is Giuseppe Schiorlin but you can call me Pep. I am a Certified Technical Analyst and have been trading and investing using Technical Analysis for over 8 years with a track record of verified results.In this course you will learn Technical Analysis to help you to become a profitable trader even if you have never traded before. Trading using Technical Analysis in this course will enable you to read the markets with simplicity and analyse/trade reversal & continuation pattern (the key strategies I teach in the course).Dave: ""Amazing course, this is the best of best forex course and where. I am nearly 60 and I find the course doable because every lesson is short and to the point, with actionable price action methods. Unlike other courses need-to-know concepts no complex theory. Pep is fantastic teacher, I had a few questions about how to? Pep came back with an answer straight away with the answers to my questions. I would highly recommend this course to any students of the market new or experience trader. As far as I am concern this is the only course one needed to succeed in the market if one is willing to put time and hard work to practice what is been taught.""In this course I will teach you everything you need to know to get started trading using Technical Analysis. You'll learn to use Technical Analysis to help you predict the right time to enter and exit trades, identify market trends and learn in depth my chart pattern strategies. I will also give you the tools and knowledge to help you create your own trading strategy using Technical Analysis.This course is great for beginners and current traders struggling with consistent results. You do not need any previous knowledge of Technical Analysis or any other type of trading experience. We will start at the very beginning and work our way towards trading my strategy step by step.You will learn the foundations of Technical Analysis which is such an important task to master when trading. This skill set will not only teach you how to trade the strategies in the course but also give you the tool set to apply this knowledge to any other market or trading strategy.Eugenio: ""If possible I would give this course up to 10 stars. The teacher is marvellous, serious, clear and precise in his lessons. And it is clear from the beginning that he deeply knows - definitely from experience - what he says! The topics are well sorted and organized and follow a logical structure that will guide from the basics to advanced applications. The course added definitely a lot of value to my knowledge!""There are files available to download, you can reference back to these when diving into the charts/lectures to help you accelerate your learning on your path to trading the markets.If you have never traded using Technical Analysis before or you are currently trading and are not seeing positive results then follow me and together we will learn Technical Analysis to help you become a successful trader.This course includes instant access to:Technical Analysis strategies that workOver 6 Hours of premium trading video lecturesLifetime course updatesPremium instructor supportDedicated trading Facebook Group Downloadable GuidesAll of this will help you master the markets using Technical Analysis easier, quicker and more comprehensively than any other Technical Analysis course or trading book. Why learn Technical Analysis from Giuseppe?This course has been tailored by Giuseppe using Technical Analysis strategies he has mastered and profited from for over the last 9 years. Giuseppe believes learning Technical Analysis is a great life skill which can open many doors. This course can help free up more of your time or improve your lifestyle even if you have no prior Technical Analysis experience. Giuseppe is a top rated instructor had has taught thousands of students worldwide, and can't wait to show you all he knows. He promises to help you learn how to master Technical Analysis no matter what it takes. If you ever feel lost or confused please post a question to the Q&A section and Giuseppe will be there to help you.High level course overview:What will you learn in this Technical Analysis course?An introduction to Technical AnalysisLearn & understand what Technical Analysis is.Learn the advantages of using Technical AnalysisLearn and understand chart patternsCharting & Market movementA tour of TradingView (the charting platform I personally use)Learn how to read candlesticks/price actionLearn how to identify market direction using Technical AnalysisRisk ManagementOne of the most important concepts to learn when trading any market is managing your riskLearn how to hold on to your capital (it will be very difficult to trade without it)Learn how to calculate risk reward ratios and win ratesIdentify areas of valueLearn how the markets behave using supply and demandLearn how to read market structureLearn how to plot areas of value (this is where we will be trading from)- Support and Resistance- Trendlines- ChannelsCandlestick patternsLearn how to master the candlestick pattern techniques I use to enter tradesDoji, Pin Bars and break out patternsLearn how to trade Technical Analysis patternsHead & shoulder patternsDouble top & bottom patternsRising & falling wedgesTriangle PatternsFlag PatternsPennant PatternsLearn how to trade my chart pattern strategies step by stepIn this section we will put everything together we have learnt throughout the course.You will learn a rule based strategy and I will guide and teach you step by step on how to implement this.Backtesting & Log BookYou will learn how to backtest your own strategy using Technical Analysis.Learn how to log all your tradesI will be providing you with a back testing and log book spreadsheet.Live AnalysisWatch over my shoulder as I analyse the markets in a live environment. This will help you understand everything you have learnt throughout the course.I hope this sounds great to you?I'm so excited that you have landed here reading the course description. Once you have enrolled I can assure you won't regret it.Hit the enrol button today and start your journey to mastering Technical Analysis!I look forward to seeing you inside the course."
Price: 199.99
