"Japanese Grammar Online Course (Beginner/JLPT N5 level)" |
"The Japanese Grammar Online Course (Beginner/JLPT N5 level) is Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N5 level. You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N5 level. Furthermore, in order to understand grammar deeply, you can practice translation from English to Japanese each grammar lesson. All of the narration contains English and romaji, so that those learning Japanese for the first time can freely study the materials. In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, all of the Japanese is written in roman letters from Lesson 1 to Lesson 14, and all of the lesson examples are shown in English, so that all learners can study effectively."
Price: 24.99

"Cake Business Basics" |
"Welcome to Cake Business BasicsIf you're a lover of cakes, desserts, and making other people happy, then chances are you're here because you want to know more about taking that sweet hobby and making more of it.For me, cakes became a successful medium to express my creativity, but the business side of it was a different story. I had to learn, make mistakes, and learn again, to take that creative passion and make it also a successful business.In this 6-section course, you will discover what I learnt, and how the lessons I experienced can help make your journey from hobby to business even easier.Cake Business Basics is designed for you to learn and be pro-active every step of the way. You'll only get out of it what you're willing to put in, so even if you're not sure, give it a try, and see what sweet magic you can create!"
Price: 99.99

"Unlock your English I -A1 beginner-A2 intermediate" |
"Qu incluye el curso?54 VDEO LECCIONES EN FULL HD54 EBOOKS EN PDF54 AUDIOLECCIONES EN MP4Llevars el ingls al mundo real! Mejorars tus habilidades de conversacin en ingls, para que pienses, hables y comprendas como un nativo .Ya no te frustrars a la hora de aprender Ingls, casi sin darte cuenta estars teniendo conversaciones de manera natural en Ingls.No te preocupars nunca ms por cometer errores al hablar o sentirte avergonzado. Rompers esa barrera y te sentirs ms seguro.Da igual la edad, el pas en el que vivas o el nivel de ingls del que partas, solo tienes que seguir un mtodo efectivo que te lleve al xito y a conseguir ese trabajo que tanto deseas.ESTRUCTURA DEL CURSO:INTRODUCCIN AL CURSOA1 BEGINNER-THE NUMBERS AND THE ALPHABET:The alphabetNumbers from 1 to 19Numbers from 20 to 1000000The yearsExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA1 BEGINNERS-VOCABULARYColoursGeometric figuresThe planetsBody partsTexturesExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA1 BEGINNERS-VERB TO BEPersonal pronounsThe familyVerb ""To be"" Ver ""To be"" Negative and interrogativeExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA1 BEGINNERS-GREETING & FAREWELLSGreetings & FarewellsCourtesy phrasesConversationsProfessions (Vocabulary)Exmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA1 BEGINNERS-PRESENT TENSE & PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSEUse of Present SimplePresent simple formsDays & monthsThe timeUse of present continuousPresent continuous formsExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA2 LOWER INTERMEDIATE-ADVERBS & PREPOSITIONSAdverbs of placeprepositions of placeQualifying adjectivesThis,That,These y ThoseExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA2 LOWER INTERMEDIATE-PAST TENSEVerb ""To be"" past tenseRegular verbsIrregular verbsSimple pastPast continuousExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA2 LOWER INTERMEDIATE-AUXILIARY VERBSDo & doesHave & hasEmotions (Vocabulary)Like & dislikeExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA2 LOWER INTERMEDIATE-""WH"" QUESTIONS""Wh"" QuestionsWhat y WhichUse of Who, Whom y WhoseAdverbs of frequencyFor & SinceExmenes para comprobar tus conocimientosA2 LOWER INTERMEDIATE-ADJETIVESComparative adjetivesSuperlative adjetivesAdjectives of quantityRestaurant (Vocabulary)Exmenes para comprobar tus conocimientos"
Price: 74.99

"Preparing for A-Level Maths" |
"This is a course for anyone thinking of doing A-Level maths. With 60+ videos and 40+ quizzes, we will go through all the GCSE topics that are needed most at A-Level, taking each a little further than you will have gone before and stepping into A-Level territory along the way.I created this course especially for all the students who had their GCSE's cancelled this year, as you guys missed out on so much education and might be feeling under-prepared for your A-Levels. This is the course that will get you where you need to be to begin the A-Level course with confidence.The topics covered are:Straight linesQuadraticsEquations and InequalitiesGraphsTrigonometryCalculator UseLogarithmsAlong with the 60+ video lectures and 40+ quizzes to check your understanding, there is also a section on calculator use and a chapter at the end where we explore logarithms - a brand new topic from the A-level."
Price: 19.99

"MuleSoft DataWeave 2.0 deep dive" |
"Course OverviewIn this course, you will learn DataWeave 2.0, MuleSofts expression language for advanced data transformation and data integration. The course has been designed with all target level learners in mind, so we will start with the basic constructs and write our first DataWeave program. We will then learn how to work with selectors to traverse through complex arrays and objects. With a practical application of DataWeave module functions like map, mapObject, filter, filterObject and reduce, we will now be ready to get in more advanced topics like writing our own mappings and modules, calling Java methods from DataWeave, handling exceptions and retrying on failures etc. We will also work between XML/JSON/CSV transformations so you will get a sense of various formats and functions available in DataWeave to handle these different formats.RequirementsBasic knowledge of any programming language and some exposure to AnyPoint Platform are a plus. But Just a ready to learn attitude will also be enough to get the most out of this course.Course Highlights1. Learn advanced DataWeave 2.0 skills for a successful enterprise data transformation and data integration career using AnyPoint Platform.2. Apply useful Core, String, Array, Object, and Runtime module functions.3. Map, MapObject for working effectively with complex array and object structures.4. Using recursion and tail recursion concepts for robust transformations.5. Write reusable custom mappings and custom modules.6. Import input metadata, create custom Java Output metadata model and perform input/output mapping via the UI.7. Read and parse XML/JSON content as a string, from a classpath resource file or http endpoint.8. Write reusable Java static and instance methods for advanced DataWeave transformations.9. Advanced exception handling including nested retry on exception and standardized error model to consumer.10. Advanced concepts with XML/JSON/CSV transformations."
Price: 24.99

"Gesto Financeira: gerencie seu dinheiro!" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender como se organizar financeiramente! Alm disso, e o principal diferencial desse curso, ns te ensinaremos a analisar o mercado e de que maneira diversos fatores influenciam, direta e/ou diretamente, nas suas finanas! Ainda te ensinaremos a criar uma planilha do ZERO para controle financeiro, caso no tenha interesse em contru-la tambm ter acesso a planilha pronta. Disponibilizaremos tambm diversos e-books sobre os temas dos variados captulos! Se inscreva agora e no perca a oportunidade de (re)construir sua vida com SADE FINANCEIRA."
Price: 84.99

"Wondershare Filmora 9 Masterclass 2020: Complete Filmora 9" |
"Videos do what every other thing fails to do. We cannot deny the fact that videos leave a longer impact on the minds of people than stock images and static graphics. And if you also want your videos to make an impact then you ought to edit your videos professionally.This course is a course of complete video editing with Wondershare Filmora. It will take you from the very beginning to Professional video editor. Open Wondershare Filmora video editing software and learn the various panel windows to edit clips together, creating titles, audio work, color correction advance video editing technique, exporting, and much more! I personally use Wondershare Filmora for my video editing because it is easy & fast with a user-friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro & Adobe After Effects software.In this course, I'm also going to share with you my resources and templates which I have been using for the last 3 years for my client's projects. You will get FREE FONTS, BACKGROUND MUSIC, SOUND EFFECTS, AND COLOR GRADING TEMPLATES.This is the only course you need to become a professional wondershare filmora 9 video editor. So what are you waiting for?Enroll This Course Right Now."
Price: 1280.00

"The Guitarist's Guide to Modes" |
"This course will you give you an understanding of modes, one of the most elusive but useful and rewarding tools every guitarist should have. Modes are tricky and often information is fragmented and omits essential background material. So this course was made to save you loads of time and give you the skills to play amazing guitar across the whole neck in any key."
Price: 24.99

"(). Revit for beginners." |
"'. , , , . . ' . , . , ', , , .. , . - . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Alimentacion saludable en el siglo XXI." |
"Llevar hbitos alimentarios saludables y realizar ejercicio fisico hoy en da no es tarea fcil. Todo nuestro entorno se ha modificado rpidamente: nos movemos menos, estamos bombardeados por una gran oferta de alimentos procesados: ricos, coloridos saciantes y adictivos a la vez. Si a esto le sumamos que EL PLACER en nuestras vidas hoy es muy importante, veremos que la mejor eleccin (en la mayora de las veces) sobre qu llevarnos a la boca, cuando movernos y cmo, va a ser la ms rpida, la ms cmoda y la ms atractiva Sin embargo, claro que se puede mejorar.Este curso consta de 15 videos dinmicos y entretenidos en los cuales haremos un recorrido sobre la historia de la alimentacin, explicaremos la situacin de la salud mundial actual y los mecanismos fisiolgicos del cuerpo que contribuyeron a esta condicin. Por ltimo y lo ms importante, describiremos qu se considera hoy como la mejor propuesta de alimentacin y ejercicio fsico para mejorar la salud o mantenerla."
Price: 19.99

"Opa, Blz? Eu sou Marco Pelandra, sou colorista de Histrias em Quadrinhos e vou te contar uma coisa! Voc sabia que historicamente a colorizao nunca foi considerada muito importante, era sempre a parte mais apressada de todo processo da produo de uma HQ.Hoje voc podem comprovar que sem um bom colorista o apelo e impacto que aquela HQ causaria colocado em perigo.Em muitos casos as cores salvam o trabalho com baixa qualidade de trao, ambientando, dando dimenso, profundidade e trazendo uma narrativa... ahhh!! digo mais o contrrio tambm verdadeiro....e muito verdadeiro .Este CURSO pra voc que curte esse tipo de especialidade da Pintura Digital ou pra voc que nem sabia que essa parada existia. Aqui voc vai aprender os FUNDAMENTOS BSICOS da COLORIZAO/PINTURA DIGITAL a partir do PHOTOSHOP direcionado aos Quadrinhos, Webcomics, Mangs. Atravs de um processo simples , claro e bem objetivo que pode fazer com que voc tenha a Pintura/Colorizao Digital de Histrias em Quadrinhos, Webcomics e Mang um passatempo divertido,colorindo os seus prprios desenhos, um HOBBIE pra aliviar o stress, depois de um desgastante dia (como aconteceu comigo no inicio) , ou um trabalho de meio perodo e ainda vou mais alm , imagina voc trabalhando com isso em tempo INTEGRAL . Mas toda JORNADA tem um comeo."
Price: 99.99

"Wine Lover online course" |
"Want to know more about wine but getting bored with wine magazines and listening to sommeliers? You are at the right place. Being a fan of infographics and system-based approach I made this course as easy as possible. Structured, short and sweet. Extremely cool for beginners.This course is about wine basics, grape varieties and countries. Grape varieties80% of all wines in the world are made from 20 major grape varieties. It is enough to know the main ones to choose good wine. We study 6 main whites, 5 main reds, and 5 sparkling wines. You will have a profile for each variety: color, aromas, characteristics, regions and producers, food paring, similar varieties. CountriesWe will briefly discuss France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, USA, Argentina, and Chile.You will learn how to read the wine labels of these countries, get essential and structured information about regions and wines that you should definitely try. A list of producers is attached, of course. You will finally understand what is so particular in expensive French and Italian wines. And if there is any difference between Old and New Worlds. Welcome on board and let's begin. Cheers!"
Price: 74.99

"Curso de Cerveza Artesanal Casera" |
"Curso de Cerveza Artesanal Casera. Todo el proceso paso a paso en video para que puedas aprender a hacer cerveza en tu casa.Hacer cerveza rica y de calidad en casa es posible.Cinco aos capacitando futuros cerveceros caseros de manera presencial. En este curso te ofrecemos las distintas partes que forman parte del proceso de elaboracin de cerveza en casa en videos de alta calidad. Vas a encontrar la explicacin y la demostracin, as podrs replicarlo con facilidad en tu casa.Todo en lenguaje sencillo y no tcnico. El objetivo de este curso es que te sientas confiad@ y te animes a hacer cerveza en tu casa."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA Pentest+ Latest Exam" |
"The CompTIA Pentest+ certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just CompTIA Pentest+, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the CompTIA Pentest+ AND be confident enough to pass your CompTIA Pentest+ exam on the very first go? Well, then CompTIA Pentest+ Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this CompTIA Pentest+ Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Latest Exam" |
"The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) AND be confident enough to pass your Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam on the very first go? Well, then Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Latest Exam" |
"The CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) AND be confident enough to pass your CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exam on the very first go? Well, then CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Learn How to Make A Blueberry Branch: Step by Step Tutorial" |
"Hello, my name is Georgiana Tamas from Cake My Day Bristol and on this tutorial what Im gonna be showing you is how to make a blueberry branch. This means blueberry fruits and leaves and how to assemble them together in a branch.You can use them as fillers to decorate cakes or in a bigger hand-made flower bouquet.I hope youre going to be enjoying the video and Ill see you again next time. For any questions pop your comments below and Ill be able to answer."
Price: 39.99

sport_for_kids |
", , , , . , ! ! , , , . ! , :)"
Price: 49.99

"AEVOrbereitet Ultimative AEVO-Prfungsvorbereitung (AdA)" |
"Es ist soweit die AEVO-Prfung steht vor der Tr! Lassen Sie sich in diesem Kurs zielgerichtet auf die schriftliche und praktische AEVO-Prfung vorbereiten. Sehen sich sich allgemeine ntzliche Tipps und Tricks an. ben Sie die schriftliche Prfung an einer realittsnahen AEVO-Prfung mit 72 Fragen und Lsungsschablone. Erhalten Sie meinen ultimativen Leitfaden fr die praktische Prfung und ben Sie mit mir das anschlieende Fachgesprch. Lassen Sie uns zur optimalen Vorbereitung noch die Inhalte eines guten Konzepts besprechen!Los gehts!"
Price: 39.99

"Tudo que precisas aprender em 100 min sobre Coaching e PNL" |
"Aula ministrada em uma Business School de Portugal, em 100 min voc ser capaz de dar uma aula sobre Coaching e PNL, assim como dar o prximo passo em seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. Aprenda de verdade, sem enrolao ou perda de tempo, todas as bases dessas metodologias com quem atua em grandes empresas e com executivos internacionais. Ao final desta aula, os participantes estaro aptos a:Reconhecer a diferena entre o Coaching e as principais metodologias do mercado, como Mentoring, Consultoria. Formao etc...Compreender as bases do Coaching e as suas premissasEntender o que PNL e a sua aplicao no CoachingCompreender um dos modelos de mudana comportamental da PNL de Tony RobbinsIdentificar os tipos de Coaching e as oportunidades de cada um dos nichosEntender por que os maiores e melhores executivos utilizam Coaching em sua atuao profissionalIdentificar as distores que so espalhadas na internet sobre Coaching, separar a atuao sria dos ""gurus da autoajuda""Respostas de dvidas gerais de executivos, alunos e profissionais sobre o tema.Uma ferramenta de Coaching, com orientao de aplicao para voc experimentar e comear a praticarNo necessrio nenhum pr-requisito ou conhecimento prvio. Qualquer pessoa ser capaz de compreender e experimentar a ferramenta."
Price: 39.99

"Home Workout Martial Arts and Fitness" |
"Over 60+ hours of training/practice. For the fitness portion, ensure to move on to the next block of instruction as you see fit. Give your body the necessary time to recoup to hit the physical training the next day. You have well over 35+ hours of physical training.Practice REAL martial arts techniques from the comfort of your own home. Effective punches, kicks, motivational training videos, fighting drills and exercise routines. Access a workout system that will work for your needs. Anyone looking to get in shape & shed some pounds. Improve Stamina and mental health."
Price: 99.99

"SQL para Gestores e Analistas - Analytics e B.I" |
"Este curso destinado a gestores, analistas, graduandos em negcios e a quaisquer interessados em SQL.O objetivo do curso tornar o aluno mais fluente em dados e, principalmente, em manipulao de dados com SQL, para que assim possa transformar dados em inteligncia de negcio.O curso dividido em 5 mdulos, sendo os dois primeiros destinados a aulas conceituais sobre dados e bancos de dados e tambm a simular um banco de dados de uma empresa no computador do aluno. Os ltimos 3 mdulos so aulas prticas em SQL para que o aluno aprenda fazendo, atravs de uma metodologia de ensino focada na resoluo de problemas reais de dados e gesto.Mdulo 1: Introduo a Dados e Bancos de DadosMdulo 2: Simulando um Banco de Dados de uma empresa em seu PC.Mdulo 3: Consultas bsicas - Select e Where.Mdulo 4: Consultas Intermedirias - JOINS e Funes de agrerar + Projeto de fim de mdulo.Mdulo 5: Consultas avanadas: Operadores de data, operadores de strings e clusulas condicionais + Projetos de fim de mdulo.No h pr-requisitos ao curso! Utilizaremos apenas noes bsicas de matemtica. Assuntos mais profundos sero bem explicados ao longo do curso** Msicas do curso por: bensound** Imagem por: iqlect"
Price: 159.99

"How to create a budget Plan based on realistic Goals?" |
"This course is designed for individuals with little to no knowledge about financial planning, the main purpose of this course is to help you assess, plan, and forecast your finances using Financial statement. Each lecture length range from 3-4 minutes of interactive videos, we will also provide you with written resources that get into more details. The videos might be fast-paced for some of you so feel free to stop the video from time to time and read carefully what's written. We are using Doodly tools to provide you with interactive and insightful learning. The lectures of this course are:* Financial wealth*Financial statements*Business cycle * Goals Vs dreams* Assessing Income statement and Balance sheet*Maslow's Hierarchy of needs* Assessing balance sheet* Forecast Financial Statements"
Price: 19.99

"Guitar Fundamentals: Guitar for complete beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn guitar but are not sure where exactly to start? Whether your wanting to change the world with your music, play in a local band, or just jam at home, this course is a great first step in your musical journey. It doesn't matter if you have ever played a guitar or not, Guitar Fundamentals will teach you all that you need to know."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to read Tarot: A guide to build a new stream of income" |
"The tarot is a storybook about life, about the greatness of human accomplishment, and also the ugliness we are each capable of. Benebell Wen.My name is Lavina Tilwani and I am a Professional Tarot Reader and a professor. I have been reading tarot cards and teaching how to read them for 11 years now. I started with Tarot by Lavinaa and I've had the pleasure of reading tarot for people all over the world. I also practise Reiki, Pranic Healing, Crystal therapy, Pendulum dousing, etc.The aim of this course is to make learning the tarot an extremely enjoyable process and easy at the same time. This course is designed for beginners but the veterans in the tarot field also have a lot to take away from this course, as I will be teaching many tricks, techniques and tips how to read your cards, how to connect with the client on a spiritual level and how to maintain your cards with the utmost positive energy.I will start with teaching you the meanings and specifications of all cards in the tarot deck, then I will go ahead with some of the basic tarot spreads, which will help you give better answers to your clients during a reading.The kind of questions you will be able to answer are:1. Questions related to love life.2. Questions related to career.3. Questions related to education/study abroad4. Questions related to marriage/divorce.5. Questions related to court cases, etc and many more.Enroll in this course and send a screenshot of the confirmation to @tarot_by_lavina on Instagram or Lavina Tilwani on facebook to get a free tarot card reading session with Lavina Tilwani herself !So, welcome to Tarot by Lavinaa,Thank you for enrolling; I assure you this journey with me will be absolutely amazing and enthralling!"
Price: 2240.00

"Cum s scapi de stres" |
"Acest program psihoterapeutic de reducere a stresului este un cumul de tehnici: inducii hipnotice de relaxare ericksoniene, afirmaii pozitive , desensibilizarea sisitematic, imagerie ghidat, vizualizare, reformularea gndurilor, ntrirea eului.Aceste tehnici psihoterapeutice te ajut s te relaxezi, iar prin starea obinut s poi insera afirmaii pozitive prin limbajul hipnotic la nivel subcontient i incontient astfel nct s construieti tipare cognitive constructive menite s te ajute s-i dobndeti starea de echilibru interior.Ascultnd zilnic acest program i va permite s-i controlezi mintea i s i canalizezi energia ctre dobndirea strii de bine, ctre ndeplinirea propriilor obiective prin resursele tale interioare."
Price: 19.99

"Data Analytics Fundamentals with Tableau" |
"When it comes to making a difference in the world, data analytics has taken over as the defacto method for businesses and organizations throughout the world. Harnessing data to find insights and help your customers make better decisions is how the world moves forward. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of Data Analysis and finish it off with a hands-on project using Tableau (the worlds most popular data analytics software). You don't need any experience to get started but if you're familiar with any spreadsheet program it will help. Additionally, by signing up you'll be joining a community of learners that share insights and lessons in a private Slack community. Learning how to harness the power of data is a journey that will bear fruit for your entire career regardless of industry or vertical. I hope to see you inside!Ben"
Price: 24.99

"Covered call strategy : Smart way to increase passive income" |
"This course will help you understand right from basics of covered call strategy all the way to adjustments that are required, specially designed by us.1. We will learn the how to execute the strategy2. Understand the practicalities of this strategy by understanding a real life example3. This course will help you with ways to generate consistent income over long term"
Price: 19.99

"Informtica para Professores" |
"Aprender a utilizar o Pacote Office de maneira simples e eficiente para resolver questes do cotidiano dos Professores, como:ProvasTrabalhosControle de NotasApresentaes diriasApresentaes de metasEste curso foi desenvolvido para voc que j tentou de alguma forma aprender informtica e no aplicou no seu dia-a-dia, mas que sempre precisou de ajuda de colegas para formatar e imprimir sua avaliaes.Este um curso repleto de exemplos prticos, Ministrado por Professor com anos de experincia na rea."
Price: 19.99

"Hack Your Career: Get The Job You Want" |
"Whether youre a working professional in search of a career change, or a recent graduate just entering the workforce, you want to make the right choices from the beginning. No matter where you are in your journey, this course will expertly coach you through the process of designing and securing a career you will love. With that being said, discovering the career you love and actually stepping into it are two separate tasks. I have worked as a Recruiter and also as a Hiring Manager. Over the course of my career I have aided over 700 people in getting the job they want. This course will provide you with insider tips and little known strategies, which will cause you to stand out from the rest of the job applicant pool. It compresses all of the knowledge that I have obtained throughout my career working with job-seekers into 1 hour! You will:Learn how to set a clear career goal, which is in alignment with your passion, skills, strengthsFind out how to step into your dream career much faster than you ever thought possibleDiscover simple ways to draw attention from recruiters, and to impress hiring managersEstablish yourself as an expert in your line of workReceive job search and job market hacks which will separate you from the pack Who this course is for:Recent college graduates who are looking to step into a purposeful and enjoyable careerMid career professionals who are seeking to make a career changeThose who have recently been laid off and need to get back to work quickly Anyone who is seeking to better develop themselves as a professional Anyone seeking inspiration and motivation as it relates to their career"
Price: 29.99

"BPO Financeiro Consultivo: Agregando valores. Mdulo 3" |
"BPO Financeiro um dos servios relacionados Contabilidade Consultiva, uma modalidade crescente e cada vez mais buscada no mercado, capaz de incluir a empresa em um processo mais profundo do que somente os servios da conformidade legal, aproximando-a da gesto do negcio dos clientes.O objetivo do curso resume-se a implementao de um BPO, onde envolve uma anlise profunda de todos os processos da empresa, sua infraestrutura e procedimentos internos, desenvolvendo uma remodelao completa da estrutura organizacional. Quando tratamos de BPO financeiro, estamos abordando a integrao de todos os processos das atividades financeiras visando aumentar a eficincia operacional da empresa."
Price: 54.99
