"Introduo ao Strategic Sourcing - Compras" |
"Curso de introduo ao Strategic Sourcing direcionado para pessoas que esto comeando em reas estratgicas de compras ou que gostariam de trabalhar nesta rea. (Bsico e Intermedirio). Este curso no indicado para pessoas que j dominam o Strategic Sourcing e querem buscar especializao e aprimoramento. Curso contm as principais fases do strategic sourcing."
Price: 114.99

"How to Get Started with Content Marketing + Content Writing" |
"B2B Content Marketing and Content Writing for Digital MarketingWelcome to the course for improving your digital marketing results with content marketing and content writing. This 4-part series gives you a digital marketing success story you can learn from. 4-Part Course with Guided WorksheetsEach video in this course includes active learning. You get a worksheet to immediately apply what you learn in each lesson. These tools will help you develop your own unique product marketing formula. 9-Step Process for Content Marketing + Content WritingYou'll learn a 9-step process for reaching your marketing and sales goals with content marketing and copywriting.TESTIMONIAL""We continue to be impressed with your research and methodical preparation. We're excited for the outcome. Please continue to provide your input and ideas.""- Wes Marsh, Marketing Director, eRep CPQ Software for Manufacturers and DistributorsWhy a Course on Content Marketing and Content Writing for Digital Marketing?A hard truth about B2B digital marketing marketing is you won't get far without great B2B copy and content. No one knows this better than me. Back in 2006 I was selling enterprise software the old way by phone. After overcoming all the exhaustion of cold calling, following up and finally getting meetings, Id run into the most frustrating objection of all, I want to think about it.The good news is that content marketing now helps prospects ""think about it,"" for you. It eliminates objections in advance so salespeople can focus on what they do best - create custom solutions and close sales. So, why do so many B2B firms still struggle to get sales? They have gaps in their sales process.The Hidden Problem B2B Digital Marketers FaceIt's the blinds spots that are the problem areas in your marketing. If you could eliminate them, you'd be able to increase your sales. This course shows you how. It reveals where your gaps are and how to fill them in. Once you've completed this course, you'll know where to get answers to the following questions:Who are my prospects?What do they want?Where are my gaps?How can I fill them?How can I improve my results?What Your Customers Really WantBefore the internet arrived, there were few ways to sell B2B products and services other than cold calling. Not only was cold calling a lot of work, you could easily waste time. Calling the wrong prospects or making the wrong offer was common. And at a huge cost.Content marketing and content writing can eliminate this problem. But some B2B marketers are now wasting even more time and money on content. And they're making the same mistakes. Content fails when its off target or too product-centric. Let's face it. Readers arent interested in your offer, at least not initially. They mostly care about solving their problem. Theres no point in creating product-focused content that gets ignored.What's Going on in Your Prospect's MindYour buyers have questions at each stage in their journey. The only reason they want to think about it, is because they don't have the answers. In fact, they may not even know the questions. You can create the right content when you know what your buyer's challenges are. Then your salespeople can use your content to help prospects buy.At the early-stage buyer's are unclear about their problem. Mid-stage they're worried about what could go wrong. And just before they buy they're trying to avoid making the wrong decision. The right content can expedite their journey.Early-stage Buyer QuestionsWhy should I care What happens if we do nothing?What are our competitors doing?Who needs to be involved?Can we fix it internally?Mid-stage Buyer QuestionsWhat else could go wrong?What else does it affect?What do I need to know?What are the best practices?What are my choices?Whats our total cost of ownership?Late Stage Buyer QuestionsWhat are the risks?How do we get everyone to agree?What trade-offs can we agree to?What will the future look like?What This Course Will Teach You to DoDefine Content Marketing SuccessYou'll never reach your digital marketing goals unless you can first define success. This course teaches you how to identify your content marketing goals and the mistakes to avoid so you can create more digital engagement. Plan Your Content Marketing + Content WritingMost content marketing or content writing is a guess. This course will teach you how to make an educated guess you can build on with audience insights, context for the piece and thoughts on how to articulate your expected results. Develop Effective Content Marketing + Content WritingThere are specific steps you can take to ensure you've created high-performance B2B copy or content. This course will walk you through each one.How to Influence Your Markets with Content MarketingYou need a steady flow of audience feedback to adjust your marketing materials so they have the right impact. This course will point you in the right direction for doing that."
Price: 34.99

"Curso Basico de Colocao de Tranas" |
"Sou Trancista a mais de 15 anos, e durante esse tempo eu tive muitas clientes, e aprendi vrias tcnicas e formas de como colocar uma trana, resultando em penteados lindos!E nesse curso eu separei as melhores e mais eficientes formas de colocar uma trana o que vai te dar mais versatilidade na hora da aplicao.O QUE VOU APRENDER?Principais formas de colocao de tranasIniciar no mercado como Trancista TRANSFORME SUA VIDA!Se voc esta desempregado ou quer uma renda extra essa uma oportunidade nica de adquirir uma nova habilidade que vai te possibilitar trabalhar imediatamente como uma trancista profissional. SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS 2 - TREINE O CONTEDO 3 - SEJA UMA TRANCISTA O QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IR RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO E VITALCIO A TODAS AS AULAS QUE IRO TE ENSINAR A TCNICAS DE COLOCAR UMA TRANA COM PERFEIO."
Price: 39.99

"Devenez Dveloppeur Professionnel Android" |
"Cette formation est subdivise en dix modules aussi importants les uns que les autres.Matrisez le langage JAVA pour AndroidJAVA est est le premier langage officiel dsign par Google, pour le dveloppement des applications Android.Dans ce module, vous comprendrez la notion de programmation oriente objet et vous matriserez le ncessaire en JAVA pour programmer une application complte Android.Concevez des interfaces utilisateurs belles et convivialesQuelles couleurs devraient-je utiliser pour mon application ? Comment les utiliser convenablement ? Quelle serait la police idale ? Comment disposer les lments de mon application ? Comment construire une application qui rpond aux normes de Google en terme de design ? Ce sont les questions auxquelles nous rpondront dans ce module. Sans un bon design, les utilisateurs dsinstalleront trs vite vos applications.Faites vos premiers pas avec Android - Layouts et Composants UI de Base - Fondamentaux - Notions avances - AstucesDans ces cinq modules consacrs au dveloppement Android, vous allez dcouvrir le monde du dveloppement Android et vous apprendrez tout ce qu'il vous faut pour crer une application complte et performante, avec les mthodes d'un dveloppeur professionnel.Analyse - Conception des bases de donnesStocker des donnes dans une base de donnes, ncessite le choix du bon SGBD et une bonne analyse des donnes. Ensuite, il faudra dfinir une architecture pour vos donnes, les implmenter et effectuer des requtes rseaux pour rcuprer des informations depuis votre application. Vous n'y comprenez pas grand-chose ? Pas d'inquitudes. C'est justement le but de ce module.Dveloppement d'une application mobile de chat - Personal WhatsAppPour mettre en pratique toutes ces notions acquises, nous crerons dans ce module une application mobile complte de A Z en nous basant sur le design de l'application WhatsApp. Au travers de cette application des utilisateurs pourront s'authentifier, charger une photo de profil et discuter en temps rel.Publiez votre application sur Google Play StoreVous avez fini de dvelopper votre application ? Comment la mettre en ligne ? C'est juste en trois tapes, et c'est ce que nous verrons dans ce module."
Price: 199.99

"Agile QA Planning" |
"Agila QA Planning - Definies, papis, estratgias e planejamento de testes de alta performance.Com este curso voc ter um alicerce forte para entender a dinmica de equipes geis, como os papis se relacionam.Aprender sobre manifesto de testes e quadrante de testes.Com isso o aluno estar preparado para construir uma estratgia matadora independente do projeto que estar atuando."
Price: 39.99

2020-toefl |
Price: 600.00

"Interview for Success in 2020" |
"The Interview for Success course will give you a leading edge in your corporate job interview. Letting you in on the secrets to success and building superb answers, which will boost your confidence and have you enter any interview knowing how to make the best impact on your interviewers.Master the Interview Process and Boost your Confidence Learn the secrets to interview success and how to apply them yourself at your next interview Predict which questions are likely to arise Know how to structure your answers and sell yourself Become more confident and present yourself with styleThis Course Covers all the Main Corporate Interviewing Styles, so you wont get Caught Out.This course will enable you to be interview prepared for a multitude of interviewing styles including: Structured Interviews Behavioural Competency interviews Situational Interviews Technical Interviews Casual Interviews Video and Digital Interviews Internal and External Interviews Promotional InterviewsNo matter what interview style you face, you are coveredWorld leading corporations, companies, Small Medium Enterprises and Start-ups use a job interview style covered in this course.You may not know in advance what style of interview they will use. Knowing and understanding how to predict and answer the questions that can arise, in each style of interview, is going to dramatically boost your confidence. Through taking this course you will know you are ready for any interview coming your way.Section 1Well start the course with a section that introduces you to all the main interview styles, and what is involved, so you know what to expect.Section 2Then well do a deep dive into the most common of job interview, what we in HR call the Structured Interview, which is just called a standard job interview. We will break this down into question themes which includes: How to tell them about you in a way that will impress them from the get go Why you are motivated to work at their company in the job you are applying to You will know how to outline your biggest achievement to make them go Wow! You will give answers that convey great knowledge about them and the role, so you can show off your excellent research skills You will understand the diplomacy and tact in answering questions about who their competitors are or any challenges they are facing.Section 3Then we introduce the most challenging style of job interview, the 'Behavioural Competency Interview'. By the end of this section you will wonder what all the fuss is about because you will become expert at predicting behavioural competency questions and their follow up probing questions too. You will know exactly how to formulate and structure a Behavioural Competency Answer in the best way You will get to see great examples of the most common Behavioural Competency answers to help you shape your own unique answers You will be let in on the secret to why Negative Behavioural Competency questions are not to be feared and more importantly how to answer themSection 4Then its on to the more 'role specific' style of interview, the 'Situational' and 'Technical' Interviews. Which are often incorporated into a 'Structured Interview' but these can also be a standalone Interview, in their own right. You will get to know how to predict and anticipate Situational and Technical questions coming your way You will know by the end of this section how to answer these tricky questions You will get great tips on how to handle technical tests and how to prepare for themSection 5This section lets you know how to answer the challenging personal questions that can arise, such as explaining any gaps on your CV, answering those awkward questions on salary and how to best prepare for further rounds of interview, as most companies have second or more rounds. You will learn how to explain gaps caused by maternity or paternity leave You will understand what they are allowed to ask, legally, in relation to health issues and sick leave gaps If you were unfortunate enough to be made redundant, or fired, this section will enable you to explain why You will learn what to say to any questions about your current salary or salary expectations You will work out how to come up with some super questions for them at the end of the interview And you will learn how to prepare yourself for further interview rounds, and know how you can predict questions and ensure you are consistently impressive in each roundSection 6This is all about personal presentation. Delivering great answers will go a long way to impress the interviewer but to get offered the job, this section is crucial. And because we are confident that you will be in for a great chance of getting the job offer, there is super tips and advice on negotiating the contract and resigning. You will learn tips on body language, speech and tone What to wear to the interview How to follow up after the interview in the right way Handling yourself in contract negotiations professionallyThis is the most concise and straight forward course on how to interview for success. By the end of this course you will have grown in interview confidence and know how best to answer and conduct yourself in the job interview to give yourself a great chance of getting the job offer."
Price: 94.99

"Geld verdienen im Internet - Schnellstart fr Anfnger" |
"In meinem Videokurs zeige ich dir, wie du einfach, automatisiert und passiv ber die Plattformen Digistore24 und MailerLite online, ohne Risiko und Investition eigene oder fremde Produkte vertreiben und Provisionen verdienst kannst.Die Zauberwrter fr meinen und deinen zuknftigen finanziellen Erfolg heissen hier Affiliate und E-Mail Marketing!Zu den Videolektionen erhltst du natrlich auch PDF Anleitungen zum Download.Ich wnsche dir viel Spass und Erfolg mit meinem Videokurs zum online Geld verdienen!"
Price: 49.99

"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen die mit E-Mail Marketing aus echten Interessenten Kunden generieren wollen.Dieser Kurs bietet ihr eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, welche es dir mglich macht, ein System zu kreieren...bei dem du ohne einen Euro Investment Interessenten generieren kannst.Du hast am Ende des Kurses ein fix und fertiges System an der Hand!Grundvoraussetzung dafr ist:Das du die Aufgaben umsetzt!Du lernst alle ntigen Schritte und bekommst die ntigen Skills an die Hand."
Price: 29.99

"Learning and Perfecting the Power Clean" |
"The power clean is used by athletes at the highest level of sport and fitness. Why don't you use it? You should. But before you do know that it requires a level of understanding and technique. This course will help you with that so you can utilize one of the most effective movements in your training."
Price: 19.99

"New Cisco CCNA (200-301) Volume 2: The Complete Course" |
"This CCNA Volume 2 course is for those that want to take their time in understanding all chapters of the Volume 2 book from Cisco Press for the new (200-301) certification exam.This is a way I've found that doesn't overwhelm the student with tons of information and one in which they can absorb the knowledge acquired in an easy & relaxed manner."
Price: 199.99

"Affinity Designer: Od Zera do Superbohatera" |
"Chcesz zosta grafikiem komputerowym, ale nie wiesz od czego zacz?A moe szukasz alternatywy dla zbyt drogiego Illustratora?Poznaj program Affinity Designer, ktry z programem Adobe walczy jak rwny z rwnym, a do tego nie wymaga wykupywania adnego abonamentu.Dziki kursowi Podstawy Affinity Designera: Od Zera do Bohatera nauczysz si jak:Tworzy dokumenty i w prosty sposb nimi zarzdzaTworzy i edytowa obszary roboczeRysowa i edytowa obiektyUywa takich narzdzi jak Piro, Pdzle, Wypenienie czy KadrowaniePracowa z tekstemKorzysta z paneli takich jak Warstwy, Obrys czy HistoriaTen kurs pomoe ci rozpocz samodzieln prac z Afinity Designerem krok po kroku.Bez skrtw, ale te bez zbdnego zamiecania sobie gowy rzeczami, ktre na pocztku mog tylko blokowa, a nie przyspiesza nauk.Jeli zatem czekae na sensown alternatyw dla Illustratora, warto zainteresowa si Affinity Designerem,Zwaszcza teraz, kiedy program zyska MNSTWO nowych funkcji i usprawnie.Zapisz si na kurs i zacznij swoj przygod z prawdziw grafik komputerow ju dzi!"
Price: 194.99

"Clean Sensor Data with Filters" |
"Read any Noisy Sensor Data and use different types of filters to reduce the noise and convert RAW data to useable dataSensors and microcontrollers allow us to turn real-life phenomena into simple numerical signals that we can learn from. However, the raw output from the sensor may not be sufficient to extract desired information from. Real hardware is subject to interference and noise from the environment.Filtering is a simple technique that you can use to smooth out the signal, removing noise and making it easier to learn from the sensor output. This course introduces the concept of filters in different types and how to incorporate them into your design.Measurements from the real world often contain noise. Loosely speaking, noise is just the part of the signal you didnt want. Maybe it comes from electrical noise: the random variations you see when calling analogRead on a sensor that should be stable. Noise also arises from real effects on the sensor. Vibration from the engine adds noise .. etcFiltering is a method to remove some of the unwanted signals to leave a smoother result.You Will Learn:Why we need to clean noise dataWhat are FiltersHow to implement Filters using Microcontrollers like ArduinoMoving Average FilterAveraging filterRunning average filterExponential filterTurning Filtering equations into actual codeCompare results before and after filteringYou will learn as you practice with real-world examples in this course"
Price: 199.99

"Design 3D Printed Enclosure for Arduino Boards Fusion 360" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create 3D Printed Enclosure for any Custom Microcontroller or electronic Board like Arduino UNO and Mega.Welcome to this course.This course will take you from zero experience in 2D Sketching and 3D Modeling to a professional who can build Professional 3D Enclosure, and turn them into production-ready products.You will learn by practice: You will follow my steps to create 3D Enclosure for Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega! This is a state of the art software that provides you with a complete experience to draw your 2d Sketches and control every single detail on each part, it allows you to check your design for errors before moving forward to the manufacturing. Plus a time back feature to fix any issue that you made without having to re-do everything.Youll also get a 3D visualization of your design that you can easily use in creating a 3D case for your PC.Stop using old school software that limits your possibility and start using one of the most trending software out there provided by Autodesk company, kickstart your freelancing career in 3D design, simulation, and manufacturing.This software provides you with CAD/CAM and simulation capabilities to help you achieve your full potential and test your design before moving to the permanent prototype.Fusion 360 workspace expands the capabilities of Fusion 360 to create PROFESSIONAL 3D designs.What You Will Learn:Download and Install FREE Fusion 360User Interface ExplainedCreate Your Frame using specific dimensionsUse Extrude, chamfer, split and other techniquesTime back feature to fix mistakesCheck your design for errorsImport 3D Models to use them as referenceCreate cut-outs and shape cutsAdd your name and artworkCreate a 3D Motion Video for your project"
Price: 199.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Interview, Resume & Certification Preparation" |
"SAP S/4HANA is the next-generation business suite designed to Run Simple in a digital economy. Built for the revolutionary SAP S/4 HANA in-memory computing platform, it fundamentally redefines how enterprise software creates value across industries with instant insight.Prepare for Interview & prepare Resume for Job. Get Guidance for Certification with this course"
Price: 19.99

"Customer Service: How to sell more without advertising" |
"Most businesses concentrate all their marking effort on attracting new customers, but smart businesses focus on providing a customer experience so fantastic that they're able not only to retain their existing customers but they also attract new ones through word of mouth.In this course you'll learn how to develop a customer-centric strategy and put in place the people, processes and systems to create the wow factor and transform your customer experience, following in the footsteps of the world's favourite brands.With over an hour's worth of carefully structured videos using real world examples, plus interactive quizzes I'll give you the tools to understand what makes customers tick, to shape your business around the customer experience and create a cycle of activity which leads to constant improvement, gets your employees on board and has your customers doing your advertising for free.This course offers owners and managers of small to medium sized enterprises the opportunity to grow their profits organically, without spending a fortune on marketing."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMP)" |
"The Project Management Professional Certification Course (PMI-PMP*) includes a number of 28 sections that ensure you a minimum of 40 PDU's, from video lectures, quizzes, exercises and projects, for your Project Management Institute (PMI) Certification Exams covering the most relevant information in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).*Project Management Professional (PMP) is is the gold standard of project management certification. Recognized and demanded by organizations worldwide, the PMP validates your competence to perform in the role of a project manager, leading and directing projects and teams.1. Project Initiation and Planning. Projects are complex undertakings that require a high degree of coordination from start to finish. A lot goes into planning, getting the work done, monitoring progress, and finally, closing the project. In this course, you'll learn what project integration management involves and why it's important. Once you have an understanding of what's needed to manage project integration, you'll learn about the first two processes. These are what you use to create a project charter and develop a project management plan.2. Managing Project Work. Most projects aren't lucky enough to enjoy smooth sailing from beginning to end. Unforeseen events and difficulties usually crop up somewhere along the line. And these can steer a project off course. But don't worry, in this course, you'll learn how to direct and manage the work of a project. In addition, this course will show you how to monitor and control project work, to ensure work performance is in line with requirements. And how to leverage knowledge throughout the life cycle of the project.3. Project Changes and Closing. It happens every time. Your customer or team members come up with great ideas during a project of how the product could be so much better if. But that can be a sure recipe for disaster. This course teaches you how to apply the perform integrated change control process. It also explains the closed project or phase process. Guiding you how to ensure product acceptance, tie up loose ends, and assess the project's success.4. Capturing, Analyzing, and Using Project Lessons Learned. Every project comes with its own unique challenges. There is valuable learning that takes place as project team members solve problems and persevere through challenges to meet their objectives. Lessons learned can serve a dual purpose. In this course, you'll learn about the basic steps involved in collecting, analyzing, and passing on lessons learned, so that organizations are able to grow and experience superior performance.5. Strategically Focused Project Management. As a project manager, your role is to ensure that each project starts out and remains in line with the company's strategic goals and delivers expected value. In this course, you'll learn about how to achieve that on your project from the creation of a project charter through closing the project. We'll also discuss how to manage stakeholder relationships, with the goal of keeping their expectations in line with strategic goals.6. Plan and Define Project Scope. So your project is all approved, and you're ready to get started. What's the first step? You need to figure out exactly what the end result is going to look like based on the customer's needs. In this course, you'll learn how to plan scope management for your project, use the collect requirements process to gather and refine stakeholders' requirements. And then how to turn those into your scope statement with the defined scope process.7. Create Work Breakdown Structure. This course focuses on a single process, the Create Work Breakdown Structure Process, or create WBS, as it's called in the PMBOK Guide. We're going to talk about the role the WBS plays in planning, and how it's used in control and reporting. You'll learn about the important activities involved in decomposition to break down project requirements and deliverables in order to create a WBS. You'll also learn about an important output of the Create WBS process, the scope baseline.8. Validate and Control Scope. There are three priorities you'll have as project manager. To make sure your projects meets stakeholder expectations and to make sure the project comes in on time and on budget. In this course you'll learn about two processes that help you meet those obligations, validate scope and control scope. In validate scope, you formalize acceptance of the scope by all parties. And in control scope you manage changes to the scope baseline. Both of these processes are critical to project success.9. Define and Sequence Activities. Okay, it's time to talk schedule. After all, what project can run without a proper schedule, right? This course covers two key activities that you need to do when creating a schedule. The first is to identify the activities that will need to take place during the project. And the second is putting all those activities into a logical sequence that helps you create a schedule network diagram, which is the foundation of your schedule.10. Develop the Project Schedule. In order to plan a schedule for anything, from a birthday party to a mission to Mars, you need to make an educated guess of how long the work is going to take, and then figure out the overall schedule. A huge part of your job as a project manager is to see that all the work happens at the right time. If it doesn't, delays in one area can cause a domino effect that cascades through the remainder of the project. In this course, you're going to learn how to estimate activity durations for your project, and how to develop the project schedule using those estimates.11. Control the Project Schedule. It's essential in successful project management to be able to monitor activities to discover and correct any schedule variances, evaluate the effective schedule changes on all project activities, and make adjustments as required to minimize risk on your project schedule. In this course, you're going to learn how to apply useful techniques to control the project schedule to keep your project on track.12. Creating a Project Budget. Let's face it, at the end of the day, projects are really all about profit, no matter what kind of company you work for. Even if you work for a charitable organization or government, nobody wants to see a project lose money. That's why developing a realistic budget and then managing it well is such a critical part of project management. In this course, you'll learn what goes into a cost management plan, how to estimate costs, and how to establish a realistic cost baseline for your project.13. Keeping Your Project on Budget. Establishing the budget for a project is a vital process in project management. Yet, it means nothing if the budget is not adhered to. Controlling project cost is critical to meeting a project's budgeted targets. And monitoring cost performance can mean the difference between the success and failure of a project. In this course, you'll learn about the control cost process. Including helpful techniques you can use to keep your project on budget.14. Planning Quality Management. In today's competitive world, customer satisfaction is paramount. It's so important that meeting customer expectations is how we define quality. So the quality of a product isn't about being 100% defect free or whether you think it's perfect. It's about whether the customer will be happy with it as it is. In this course, you'll learn about the project quality management knowledge area and the plan quality management process.15. Manage and Control Quality. A critical aspect of managing any project is managing the quality of processes and deliverables. Ultimately, a project will fail if it doesn't meet quality requirements. In this course, you'll learn how the manage quality process and the control quality process work together to help ensure that a project achieves the best possible levels of quality. Both in how work as carried out and in the end result.16. Quality Methodologies and Standards for Project Management. Consistently providing high-quality products and services requires use of continuous process improvement initiatives and adherence to applicable industry standards. This course explains some of the most popular quality methodologies and standards that project management professionals use today. We'll look at lean and six sigma, as well as some of the specific lean tools that are used for quality management and continuous improvement. We'll also look at four different classes of quality standards, including the ISO standard.17. Plan and Acquire Resources. Unless you plan to do all the work on your project yourself, you're going to need to put a team together. That's not as easy as it sounds. You have to have people with the right mix of skills and expertise to make up a high- performing team. You'll also need to be able to identify and acquire all the resources you'll need for project success. In this course, you'll learn how to develop a resource management plan. In this course, you'll learn how to develop a resource management plan. You'll also learn best practices for estimating and acquiring necessary resources, developing and managing the project team, and optimizing resources throughout the project.18. Develop and Manage Resources. Ask anyone who has worked in a project environment and they will tell you that team dynamics can make or break a project. A positive, constructive atmosphere can keep team members motivated and productive, while a negative atmosphere can have the opposite effect. Developing and managing effective teams is one of the primary responsibilities of a project manager. And controlling resources throughout the project lifecycle ensures that everything stays on track. In this course, we'll explore the develop team, manage team, and control resources project management processes.19. Plan and Manage Communications. Regardless of the nature of your project, you're a bridge builder. That's your job as a project manager. To build bridges between all of the stakeholders, both inside and outside your company. And communication is how you do it. It's what you'll use to keep everyone informed, engaged, and all pulling in the same direction. In this course, you'll learn how to create a communications management plan. And then how to manage the flow of information in accordance with the plan.20. Monitor Project Communications. Sometimes on projects, things don't go according to the communications management plan. Stakeholders' information needs might change or your team members find a better way to use technology to communicate with each other. Or maybe someone drops the ball and keeps forgetting to send you important status updates. It's your job to monitor the flow of information and determine whether the plan needs to change or whether people's actions need to change, so they comply with the planned approach for project communications.21. Planning Risk Management. We face many risks during our lifetimes. Some people try to avoid risk by avoiding risky situations. For example, people who don't fly because they're scared the plane will crash. Most of us realize that if we dare to act wisely and take calculated risks, the rewards can outweigh the chance of negative consequences. Sure, airline accidents do rarely happen. But that beach in the Caribbean sure is nice in February. This is the first course in the series of courses on the project risk management knowledge area. We're going to learn about how to plan for risks on a project to make sure that when negative things do happen, we're ready for them.22. Identifying Risk. When it comes to risk management, knowing what the risks are is half the battle. Once you know what is likely to go wrong, you can prepare yourself and protect your project from the effects of adverse events. That's what the identify risks process is all about. In this course, you're going to learn what inputs you need to look at in order to identify risks. And how to use several techniques, such as Data Analysis methods, like SWOT Analysis, and Assumption, and Constraint Analysis, to help you develop an effective risk register.23. Analyzing Risk. All projects face a number of risks. There are uncertainties. You can't know whether certain events will actually occur or exactly what impact they'll have on the project. However, you can analyze project risks in terms of their possible impacts and probabilities. In this course, we'll examine the two risk analysis processes of the project risk management knowledge area, namely, perform qualitative risk analysis and perform quantitative risk analysis.24. Responding to Risk. Any project, big or small, faces risks. The way you manage these can determine whether the project makes or loses money. Successful risk management involves anticipating risks, preventing them where possible and planning how to deal with risks you can't prevent. This course covers the final three processes in the project risk management knowledge area. Plan risk responses, implement risk responses and monitor risks. You'll learn about some common risk response strategies and how to monitor and control risks as they occur.25. Procurement Planning. Procurement management may not be the most flashy of all the project management knowledge areas, but it's still pretty important. Procurement is all about obtaining the goods and services that you'll need for your project. From purchasing raw materials, to contracting out specialties services you need to make sure the goods you buy are good quality. That they arrive when you need them. And that you maintain good relationships with your suppliers. In this course, we're going to look at the plan procurement management process.26. Procurement Management. Project success doesn't depend just on how well the project team performs, it also depends on the reliable delivery of required materials, products and services from external sources. This is where the procurement management processes come in. In this course, you will learn all aspects of managing the procurement of contracted goods and services. From choosing suitable vendors and managing relationships with sellers, to monitoring procurement activities, and making changes and corrections when necessary.27. Planning Stakeholder Engagement. You'll likely manage many different types of projects during your career as a project manager, small ones, big ones, simple or complex. Regardless of the project, this one truth remains constant. Project success largely depends on a good working relationship between you and all the other stakeholders. This is the first course covering the processes in the project stakeholder management knowledge area. In this course, you're going to learn how to determine who your stakeholders are, and everything you need to know about them. We'll also talk about how to plan effective stakeholder engagement approaches for your project.28. Managing Stakeholder Engagement. There are few project managers who aren't familiar with the concept of financial value. In fact, the main purpose of business is the accumulation of value in the form of money, goods, or other tangible assets. But some project managers aren't as familiar with the intangible value of relationships. Knowledge, access to information, connections, and goodwill. The process of developing and maintaining effective stakeholder relationships is called engagement. In this course, we cover manage stakeholder engagement and monitor stakeholder engagement, which are the third and fourth processes in the project stakeholder management knowledge area.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Keeping Your Project on Budget (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Keeping Your Project on Budget (PMI - PMP) is course 13 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Establishing the budget for a project is a vital process in project management. Yet, it means nothing if the budget is not adhered to. Controlling project cost is critical to meeting a project's budgeted targets. And monitoring cost performance can mean the difference between the success and failure of a project. In this course, you'll learn about the control cost process. Including helpful techniques you can use to keep your project on budget.1. Inputs to Control Costs2. Tools and Techniques to Control Costs3. Earned Value and Cost Performance4. Forecasting Using the EAC5. To-complete Performance Index (TCPI)6. Outputs of Control Costs7. Calculating the Planned Value and Earned Value8. Comparing Schedule Performance against the Plan9. Comparing Cost Performance against the Plan10. Determining Project Performance11. Determining Project Performance12. Determining Estimate at Completion13. Determining Estimate at Completion14. Exercise: Controlling Project CostsThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Wellbeing, Stress Management, & Emotional Resilience PART 1" |
"The comprehensive beginners guide to improving wellbeing, preventing or managing stress levels, and reducing mild anxiety.This course is PACT full of tips and techniques that top achievers use to remain full of energy, motivation and reduce stress.It gives you proven, easy to use (and in some cases FUN) ways of taking back control of your thinking, feelings... and LIFE in general !In my research interviews with highly effective top achievers from all walks of life they have given me these tips that have helped thousands of delegates over the last twenty years to take control of their thoughts, feelings and reactions.It includes;laughterrelaxation exercisesthe 21 day rulegratitudeskilling upthe 1/3 of 1% ruleanchoring positive states of mindmeditation and prayerhaving a power hourdeep breathingpower naps... and SO MUCH MORE BESIDES"
Price: 19.99

"CFA Level 2 - Derivatives (2020 - 2021)" |
"With the CFA exams postponed to December 2020, you now have more time to study!Prepare for the CFA Level 2 exam in 2020 and 2021 with 100% confidence! The course covers the Derivatives syllabus in detail so you will have a complete understanding when tackling this section in the exam.AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS COURSE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STUDY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ANYMORE (OR ANY OTHER SOURCE)!Exam Weight: 5% - 10%Syllabus:Pricing and Valuation of Forward CommitmentsValuation of Contingent ClaimsWhat you will get by buying this course is:detailed coverage of the syllabus, taught by our seasoned instructors of the CFA Program.support in the Q&A forum (course-related questions) from our instructors.the confidence to nail this topic in the exam!"
Price: 129.99

"Apprendre C# et le dveloppement de logiciels avec WPF" |
"Cette formation complte vous permettra d'apprendre dvelopper des logiciels avec C# et WPF, le nouvel outil de conception d'applications qui remplace Windows Forms.Ce cours est dcoup en deux parties, la premire partie concerne les notions fondamentales de C# et de la programmation oriente objet (POO).La seconde partie de cette formation est consacre au dveloppement d'un logiciel complet avec C# et WPF. Cela nous permettra de continuer notre apprentissage par la pratique et de dvelopper un projet complet, concret et fonctionnel que vous pourrez ajouter votre portfolio. Nous irons jusqu' la cration d'un installeur pour votre logiciel afin que vous puissiez le mettre en vente en ligne. A l'issue de ce cours vous aurez toutes les bases pour dvelopper des outils avec C#. Vous serez galement en mesure d'utiliser WPF, l'outil de conception d'interfaces afin de dvelopper n'importe quel type de logiciel par la suite.Nous verrons toutes les bases :Les outilsComprendre C#Les variablesLes fonctionsLes conditionsLes bouclesLes tableauxLes classesL'utilisation des fichiersAinsi que tout ce qui vous permettra de crer et de coder des interfaces (logiciels) :Cration d'un projet WPF .Net CoreDesign de l'interfaceProgrammation des vnements Programmation des fonctionnalitsCommunication avec un serveur webPersistance des donnesCration d'un installeur professionnelCe cours est le point de dpart idal pour se lancer. Je vous assure qu'aprs avoir suivi ma formation vous serez capable de dvelopper vos propres logiciels, c'est garanti satisfait ou rembours. Si ma formation ne tient pas ses promesses, je vous rembourse intgralement !===================================*** MISE JOUR : 3 HEURES DE BONUS ***===================================Vous souhaitez aller plus loin dans la conception de logiciels avec C# sous Visual studio ? Vous avez envie de vous perfectionner avec WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) ? Vous aimeriez mettre en place Material design pour concevoir des interfaces modernes ? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous.Cette formation s'adresse ceux qui ont quelques notions avec C# et WPF. Pour cela, je vous invite regarder ma formation pour dbutants ""Apprendre C# et le dveloppement de logiciels"". L'objectif de ce cours est de vous accompagner pour aller plus loin avec WPF et la cration d'applications. Nous allons dcouvrir comment positionner des lments l'cran grce aux diffrents panels de WPF puis nous verrons comment raliser de beaux designs l'aide de Material Design pour WPF et XAML. Nous dcouvrirons :Le StackPanelLe DockPanelLa grille (Grid)Comment imbriquer plusieurs panelsComment concevoir des formulairesComment importer les outils pour travailler avec Material DesignPuis une fois que ces outils seront matriss, nous allons apprendre par la pratique en dveloppant plusieurs petits projets :Design d'une calculatriceCration d'un navigateur webNaviguer entre des pages et fentresCrer une liste de recettesCrer une page dtails de la recetteCrer un outil de rservation (Htel, Camping, Resto...)Crer un systme de commande (Type cran tactile comme au fast food)A l'issu de ce cours, vous aurez de solides connaissances sur WPF et ses composants, sur les panels et grilles permettant d'organiser les pages et sur l'utilisation de Material Design pour XAML afin de concevoir des interfaces modernes et claires."
Price: 79.99

Pressearbeit |
"Egal ob Sportverein oder Unternehmen, wer erfolgreiche Pressearbeit macht erreicht mehr Menschen und kann auf eigene Produkte und Angebote hinweisen. Im Kurs erfahren Sie klassische Fehler und wie Sie es besser machen. Themen, die im Kurs behandelt werden:- Warum Sie unbedingt Pressearbeit machen sollten- Wie Sie in Kontakt mit Journalisten kommen- 5 klassische Fehler bei der Pressearbeit- Die Pressemitteilung- Erste Schritte fr Ihre PR Strategie"
Price: 24.99

Price: 4800.00

"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - Hands on Training" |
"About this course: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 10 in a Windows Server domain environment. These skills include understanding Windows 10 features, how they can be used in an Active Directory environment, and how to troubleshoot them.This course is targeted for Enterprise Desktop Support Technicians, who provide Tier 2 support to users running Windows 10 on personal computers within a Windows domain environment in small to medium size organizations.This course is also highly recommended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows 10 desktops, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. These professionals typically work with networks that are configured as Windows Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and cloud services.If you can set up your virtual lab environment, you will not have an issue with completing the remainder of the course. Please do not enroll until you have completed either section 2 or section 3 of the course. This course teaches you the basic skills of Installation, Configuration, and maintaining the windows 10 Pro operating system.This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Microsoft Windows10 and is designed for those needing to be able to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for maintaining a Microsoft Windows 10 machine. This course is structured using short tutorial videos and some hands-on labs as needed. Students watch a short video tutorial, review the hands-on lab, and then complete the lab. Why I should take this course? A solid hands-on training course with lab practice A complete guide for how to install, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows 10 Pro You will learn to install Microsoft Windows 10 Professional or better You will also learn Microsoft networking and adding Windows 10 to a domain environment 30-day satisfaction guaranteed You have 30 days money-back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money-back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click on the Enroll Now button! See you in the course!!! "
Price: 19.99

"Practical Tricks to Create your Custom Odoo Docker Image" |
"So, you have reached at a point to implement Odoo not in the default standard way.. Where your Odoo implementation has required many instances running in parallel and can't be handled with a single or two servers anymore.. And the decision is to utilize Docker, as it can be scaled and managed easily as the client request increased dramatically.Then, this course is for you..Docker will reduce the complexity of implementing a software system that requires many supporting subsystems, libraries, external program, where sometimes a small difference of minor version or setting can cause the whole system failed to work.Docker will solve the it works in my laptop problem we commonly face while working with developers.I will teach you how to start creating your custom Odoo Docker Image, begins with running the official one that we got from Odoo, then tweak it to suit your needs and start generating your custom image. Direct to the point, not that much theory.Then I will also teach you how to integrate your custom image to a Github repository (Gitlab works as well), so that every commit to the repository will automatically create a new image version..Or, when you need to pull the repository on every docker container restart..Or, when you need to clone the repository on every docker container restart..I will teach you all of those practical things step by step, no need for any prior knowledge of Docker, just a little bit of Linux standard commands.Please also check my other course on how to manage the docker containers in Kubernetes environment to achieve the autoscaling and zero downtime for our Odoo instances.Hope you find this course useful for you daily jobs.See you soon on the class!"
Price: 114.99

"Monitoring and Evaluation written Test questions and answers" |
"After studying the monitoring and evaluation course, whether online or at a physical place, you must be obviously preparing for your examinations. This practice test gives access to 57 monitoring and evaluation written test questions and answers for beginners. These are very important questions because they will kick start you into becoming very effective in your line of work. Monitoring and Evaluation is not just a profession but it is more than that and is all about continuous learning and improvement. Whether you do well or not in the test, the whole point is to train you how to become a monitoring and evaluation professional that will contribute positively to change. You can seek guidance to any question from me at any time."
Price: 24.99

"Unreal Engine 4 Dominando a Programao de Blueprint 2020" |
"Comece aprender os principais conceitos sobre blueprints e lgica de programao na Unreal Engine. Conforme o curso avana voc vai aprendendo conceitos primordiais para criar cdigos de jogos na UE4 sem medo. Voc vai avanar comigo desde a criao da conta, instalao e criao de lgicas bsicas, intermedirias e algumas avanadas, passo a passo voc ir conhecendo o alfabeto da Unreal chamado blueprint. Neste curso voc no ir aprender como desenvolver jogos e sim o conceito primordial em como programar jogos usando os famosos Blueprints ou seja grficos criando conexes e dando vida para seus jogos de uma maneira descomplicada e fortemente detalhada."
Price: 39.99

"AutoCAD 2021 for Electrical and Electronics" |
"At the end of this course you will be able to create any type of Electrical and Electronics Circuit drawings.You will start with learning some simple essential tools of AutoCAD, next you will learn how to create Electronics and Electrical symbols using the AutoCAD tools. Further you will learn how to create Circuit drawings by using very simple tools. This course contains many Examples of Symbol drawings and Circuit drawings. We are constantly updating our courses; So the course is going to be better day by day."
Price: 199.99

"Data Science kompakt" |
"Der Kurs ist ein Einsteiger-Kurs in die Welt der Daten und deren maschinelle Verarbeitung. Es werden datentechnische Grundbegriffe vorgestellt und hufig verwendete Algorithmen wie Clustering, lineare und logistische Regression, Graphentheorie, Entscheidungsbume sowie knstliche neuronale Netze an einfachen, anschaulichen Beispielen erlutert. Es ist KEIN Programmierkurs und es werden auch keine Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt."
Price: 149.99

"Project Management Professional" |
"This course presents the foundations for project, people and business management and project implementation.Certified PMPs in Project Management is becoming a highly sought after industry recognition. As a profession, project management is also experiencing phenomenal growth. A consequence of this growth is increased reliance upon project management and the need to professionally recognized project management ability. As more companies adopt project management into their businesses, the demand for knowledgeable practitioners increases globally.The PMP online program provides the necessary exam and certification preparations required in order to obtain the globally recognized PMP (Certified Associate in Project Management) Certification from the PMI (Project Management Institute)"
Price: 59.99

"CSS3 Clipping and Masking" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Clipping and Masking.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99
