"CSS3 Filters" |
"Hi there, my name is Danish. I am a Frontend Web Developer and Instructor.We will learn about CSS3 Filter.There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills & use these for your creative portfolio.In this course I supply exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.I will share every design trick I have learnt in the last 5 years of development. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to start making beautiful web pages and web based applications."
Price: 19.99

"Math For Grade 7" |
"Math For Grade 7 course is meant for children aged 11 to 12 years. It does not matter whether you are studying Math at school or if you are being Home Schooled, you become a MATH MASTER with this course.Math For Grade 7 course is designed such that students can pick up simple concepts in a fun and easy environment. video lectures with clear explanations, practice demonstrations, and Quizzes to help you remember what you have learnt.Math for Grade 7 is great for students who simply want to revise what they have already learnt and want to gain extra practice before a test or examination so that students can obtain higher grades :-)Topics Covered:1) What are Direct Proportions?2) How to solve Direct Proportions with Algebra3) What are Inverse Proportions?4) How to solve Inverse Proportions with Algebra3) What are Linear Graphs?4) Finding Gradients of a Straight Line5) Finding Gradients of a Horizontal Line & Vertical Lines6) What are Linear Equations?7) How to solve Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Elimination Method?8) How to solve Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Substitution Method?9) What are Quadratic Expressions?10) How to Solve Quadratic Expressions?11) Multiplication Expansion of Quadratic Expressions12) Factorization of Quadratic Expressions13) What are Algebraic Expressions?14) How to Solve Algebraic Expressions?15) Multiplication Expansion of Algebraic Expressions16) Factorization of Algebraic Expressions17) Multiplication Expansion of Algebraic Expressions (Using 3 Formulae)18) Factorization of Algebraic Expressions (Using 3 Formulae)19) Factorization of Algebraic Expressions (Grouping Method)20) What are Functions? 21) Finding the value of a Function 21) What is Congruence & Similarity?22) Scales For Mapping Graphs23) What are Sets?24) What are Universal Sets?25) What are Venn Diagrams?26) Creating Venn Diagrams?27) Intersection & Union of Sets28) Probability of Single EventsThis course is fun... Its easy!And If you have any problems you can feel free to contact me via the built in message serviceI look forward to hearing from you!Good LuckShakir"
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Media Encoder" |
"Adobe Media Encoder Premiere ProMedia EncoderH.264H.265QuickTimeMedia Encoder"
Price: 24000.00

"ASL Colors & Nouns + Q&A American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, students will learn step by step how to use ASL colors and nouns to create unique phrases, complete sentences, and useful mini-dialogues. Students will learn eighteen (18) color words, fourteen (14) common nouns, and possessive pronouns in ASL. Students will be tested to make sure they are able to sign correctly and understand what is signed to them.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.THE TARGET SIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE:Expanding ASL vocabulary skills with eighteen (18) color signs and fourteen (14) common nounsIncreasing ASL proficiency and confidence through hands-on, step by step creation of each signSigning, recognizing, and understanding phrases, sentences, and mini-dialogues in ASLEnrichment of practical ASL vocabulary and practical communication skillsIN THIS COURSE:Students will learn how to sign the following adjectives and colors: BRIGHT, DARK, LIGHT, COLOR(S), BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, GRAY, GREEN, ORANGE, PINK, PURPLE, RED, TAN, WHITE, YELLOW, GOLD, and SILVER.Students will learn how to sign the following nouns: BALL, BIRD, CAR, EYES, FLOWER, GUM, HAIR, HOUSE, PAPER, PENCIL, PURSE, SHIRT, TABLE, and WALL.Students will learn how to sign the possessive pronouns: MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR, THEIR, YOUR (plural).Students will learn how to use the adjectives, colors, nouns, and pronouns to create unique phrases, complete sentences, and useful mini-dialogues.Each individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure correct hand position and hand shape.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize the material taught in the course including vocabulary, phrases, full sentences, and mini-dialogues.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be confident using colors, nouns, and possessive pronouns in ASLStudents will be able to create sentences and dialogues using adjectives, colors, nouns, and pronounsStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of becoming proficient in ASLQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning step by step how to use ASL colors, adjectives, nouns, and pronouns to create unique phrases, complete sentences, and useful mini-dialogues.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught individually in the course with detailed instructions.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains many sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your signing and recognition skills in ASL.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Ethanol Production, Vinegar and Citric Acid MCQ (Bio Tech)" |
"Ethanol (also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, drinking alcohol, or simply alcohol) is a chemical compound, a simple alcohol with the chemical formula C2H6O. Its formula can be also written as CH3CH2OH or C2H5OH (an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group), and is often abbreviated as EtOH. Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight characteristic odor. It is a psychoactive substance and is the principal active ingredient found in alcoholic drinks.Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or via petrochemical processes, and is commonly consumed as a popular recreational drug. It also has medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant. The compound is widely used as a chemical solvent, either for scientific chemical testing or in synthesis of other organic compounds, and is a vital substance used across many different kinds of manufacturing industries. Ethanol is also used as an alternative fuel sourceVinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and trace chemicals that may include flavorings. Vinegar typically contains 58% acetic acid by volume. Usually the acetic acid is produced by the fermentation of ethanol or sugars by acetic acid bacteria. There are many types of vinegar, depending on source materials. Vinegar is now mainly used in the culinary arts: as a flavorful, acidic cooking ingredient, or in picklingAs the most easily manufactured mild acid, it has historically had a wide variety of industrial and domestic uses (such as its use as a household cleaner)Citric acid is a weak organic acid that has the chemical formula C6H8O7. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits. In biochemistry, it is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle, which occurs in the metabolism of all aerobic organismsMore than two million tons of citric acid are manufactured every year. It is used widely as an acidifier, as a flavoring and a chelating agentA citrate is a derivative of citric acid; that is, the salts, esters, and the polyatomic anion found in solution. An example of the former, a salt is trisodium citrate; an ester is triethyl citrate. When part of a salt, the formula of the citrate anion is written as C6H5O37 or C3H5O(COO)33These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Ethanol Production, Vinegar and Citric Acid.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 37 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Kurs Microsoft Office 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Szkolenie z Office 2016 dla kadego!W czci powiconej Microsoft Word 2016 zapoznasz si z podstawowymi moliwociami edycji tekstu takimi jak zmiana stylu, koloru, rozmiaru czcionki, ustawianie akapitw, dodawanie nagwka, stopki i wiele innych, jak rwnie opanujesz umiejtnoci zaawansowanego formatowania jak na przykad tworzenie wasnych szablonw, modyfikowanie stylw, dodawanie spisu treci. Ponadto, uczestniczc w szkoleniu, odkryjesz niezwykle ciekawe i przydatne opcje pozwalajce dodawa komentarze do dokumentu, porwnywa dwa dokumenty lub ledzi zmiany w tekcie naniesione przez innego uytkownika.Z kolei dziki szkoleniu z programu Excel, nauczysz si pracowa z komrkami danych. Bdziesz wiedzia, jak formatowa wprowadzone dane, a take jak je sortowa, grupowa i filtrowa. Dowiesz si rwnie, jak korzysta z formatowania warunkowego oraz zapoznasz si z clou programu, czyli rozmaitymi formuami finansowymi, logicznymi, tekstowymi, daty i godziny, matematycznymi.W szkoleniu z PowerPoint 2016 przekonasz si, e tworzenie prezentacji multimedialnych to naprawd prosta rzecz. Nauczysz si, jak rozpocz prac nad prezentacj i jak wyglda schemat jej dziaania. Zobaczysz, jak uczyni prezentacj bardziej efektown i dynamiczn, dodajc do niej animacje i przejcia midzy poszczeglnymi slajdami. W szkoleniu zobaczysz rwnie, jak dodawa do prezentacji tekst, obrazy, dwiki czy filmy.W lekcjach z Outlook 2016 poznasz zasady konfigurowania kont pocztowych, nauczysz si sprawnie porusza po interfejsie programu, a take bdziesz w peni gotowy do rozpoczcia pracy. Dowiesz si, jak zaimportowa poczt ze starego komputera oraz jak utworzy drugie konto pocztowe. Nauczysz si rwnie kategoryzowa i sortowa wiadomoci, stosowa rne reguy. Zobaczysz, jak si zabezpieczy przed niechcianymi wiadomociami, a take jak utworzy automatyczn odpowied.Natomiast biorc udzia w szkoleniu z OneNote 2016, przekonasz si, e to doskonae i bardzo rozbudowane narzdzie, ktre uatwi Ci zorganizowanie notatek i zarzdzanie danymi. To nieograniczona przestrze, w ktrej moesz zebra swoje zapiski, pomysy czy informacje. Poznasz narzdzia do rysowania i liczne funkcje, dziki ktrym bdziesz mg dodawa do swojego obszaru roboczego zaczniki plikw, arkusze Excel, obrazy, notatki audio i wideo.Wszystkie te funkcje Microsoft Office, moliwoci pracy zespoowej i integracja z dyskiem internetowym OneDrive czyni z tego pakietu niezastpiony zbir aplikacji.Dla kogo jest szkolenie?Szkolenie z Office 2016 skierowane jest do uytkownikw komputerw, ktrzy pragn udoskonali swoje umiejtnoci z obsugi biurowego pakietu Microsoft Office 2016. Pakiet Office 2016 jest na chwil obecn niezbdnym i niezastpionym narzdziem w kadej firmie, a take wrd modziey szkolnej i studentw. Nasze szkolenie odpowiada tym trendom i trafia w potrzeby zarwno firm, jak i osb prywatnych."
Price: 144.99

"Psychology: An Introduction to Freud and Jung" |
"This course looks at the work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. It examines their early work and areas of agreement, before they decided to go separate ways and view the subject from very different perspectives. They are both admired today as modern day founders of psychology and many therapists still practice using the theories they developed."
Price: 19.99

"Python Kaggle" |
"? . "" "" . """" . , . , . .NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn . + + Drive .() . ? ., ( , ^^) 20% + 80% . Q&A ??Q. ?A. , , . , !!Q. ?A. . , , , "" !"" . ( !)Q. ?A. "" "". , ."
Price: 33000.00

"Comment crer son premier site avec Laravel ?" |
"Bonjour toutes et tous,Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre utiliser Laravel 7 et vous allez pouvoir construire une application complte.Dans cette formation nous aborderons les notions essentielles pour que vous soyez l'aise avec Laravel. Nous aborderons notamment :L'installation de LaravelLe routageLes controllersLes modles L'ORM EloquentLe moteur de template BladeLes envois de mailsLa gestion des notificationsCette formation sera continuellement mise jour en fonction des volutions du framework Laravel.L'ensemble des sources du site dvelopp dans la cadre de cette formation est disponible dans la section Bonus.Je reste votre disposition pour toute question, suggestion et remarque concernant ce cours. N'hsitez pas !"
Price: 24.99

"Complete Trading for Beginners with Tekton Algo Trader" |
"Trading Forex is a complex but exciting and highly rewarding career, when done with the proper education and tools.It takes time and effort to trade like a PRO and I have created this course that aims to teach complete novices how to Trade the World's Financial markets.By the end of Complete Trading for Beginners you will be familiar with:Identifying your plan of action and trading career goalsTrading terminology. What a PIP is, WHAT a CFD means etcWhat is FOREX and how to study the chartsHow to identify trends and patterns in the marketsHow to trade and which currency pairs can be tradedWhat and Indicator is and why it is so importantWhat a Stochastic Indicator is and how to apply it and other Operators to monitor trendsWhat Support & Resistance means in trading termsWhy is a market BULLISH or BEARISHWhy your Trading Psychology is so importantWhy Algorithmic Trading is the answer to so many questions in tradingHow to use Tekton Algo Trader to make your manual strategies into superbly coded algorithms Navigate around Tekton Algo Trader and become a trading proLearn to test your strategies before you tradeLearn to amend and edit your strategies until you are happy to run them liveIf you are serious about learning how to trade the markets using a code-free software to do so, then this course is for you.Learn a skillset that will stay with you forever."
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda o Final Cut Pro do Zero" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender de forma rpida todas as principais ferramentas do Final Cut Pro. Como criar e organizar seus videos;Como importar mdias;Como encontrar seu material;Ferramentas para editar seus vdeos;Como trabalhar com udio;Como trabalhar com transies;Como trabalhar com efeitos;Como exportar seu vdeo.Esse curso percorre de forma simples e rpida todos os procedimentos usados em uma edio no Apple Final Cut Pro. Indicado para quem est comeando no mundo da edio e possui um mac para trabalhar. Blogueiros, criadores de vdeo aulas e contedos em geral."
Price: 84.99

"Byzantine Iconography Series 5: Drawing 3/4 Figures" |
"In this course, Series 5, we are going to be studying figures in various 3/4 poses. In Section 1 we will study the basic 3/4 figure in a deisis pose, by drawing the Theotokos.In Section 2, we will study and angel in a bowing 3/4 pose.Finally, in Section 3 we will study the figure of Archangel Gabriel from the Annunciation icon in a dynamic 3/4 pose.Required Materials: Pencil, paper and eraser."
Price: 39.99

"Entrenamiento de Base de Datos Microsoft SQL Server" |
"Entrenamiento de Base de Datos Microsoft SQL Server.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tu informacin de negocios y/o Empresa en un Servidor de Datos Externo - Microsoft SQL Server? .:.Con esta alternativa de entrenamiento de Base de Datos Microsoft SQL Server podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos. Base de Datos Microsoft SQL Server<<Aprenders:>>* Instalacin de la Base de datos.* Instalacin del IDE SQL Server Management Studio.* Creacin de Base de Datos, Tablas, Columnas de informacin, Tipos de datos.* Insertar, Actualizar, Eliminar y Consultar registros.* Manejo y Uso de la Sentencia SQL.* Funciones Strings, Numricas, Fechas y Avanzadas de SQL Server.* Creacin de tablas temporales* Creaciones de Vistas.* Consultas Estructuradas con SQL* Creaciones de Procedimientos Almacenados - Nivel Bsico.* Creaciones de Procedimientos Almacenados - Nivel Intermedio.* Creaciones de Procedimientos Almacenados - Nivel Avanzado."
Price: 54.99

"Web Design Foundation: HTML5 + CSS3 for Beginners" |
"Hey everyone, my name is Lamar Bryant. Im a web and graphic educator, with 10 years of experience working in the entertainment business for creating and maintaining websites and creating promotional online content. This course was made to break down key items to help you understand and create your very own website in mind as I guide you through the process.This course was made for beginners in mind to help people understand how HTML and CSS works so you can create and share your content with world to further develop your name or brand.By the end of this course, youll be able to create your own website to draw in more people to view your content no matter if its for creating your portfolio or if your just making changes to your own website."
Price: 59.99

"Creating Chords From a Major Scale" |
"This video is not an instrumental lesson it is not about technique? It is a way to think about melody and harmony that gives you the method and the tools, whatever instrument you play, or even if you dont play at all? To confidently be able to create your own music? Maybe you have an interest in music and you want to understand more? Maybe youre a D.J who wants to get a grip on creating and using chords and harmony? This video is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Medical Microbiology: Virology (part 1)" |
"Medical Virology as a study of viruses as it pertains to human pathology and disease.Students will learn the definition of virus, structure of virus, classification of virusesLearning aids like MCQs and Module tests help anchor the concepts and facts of virology. Virology is a very volatile and confusing subject and contains a lot of detail. Attention to detail is important for learning and mastering the subject. Otherwise, any student will be confused and will mistake one virus for another, all because they failed to give sufficient attention to detail. Learning virology in a modular format with break down of information into modules will help students learn with attention to detail and also retain information with every revision."
Price: 19.99

"Don't learn Korean twice" |
"There is a pronunciation process that you must do to learn Korean.I've organized pronunciation very easily and simply.I made it in 5 to 10 minutes per video.so that you could study in a coffee shop at any time in a short time.Let's learn the essentials, except unnecessary pronunciations.Save time, increase skills, and have fun 10 times"
Price: 99.99

"Marketing Automation : Power Packed- A-Z (Basic to Advanced)" |
"Learn A-Z of digital marketing automation in very practical way. This is the only course which goes above and beyond email marketing to explain Marketing Automation. Buyer persona, lead funnel, customer journey, triggers, workflows, multi channel marketing, content marketing and case studies, This is a power packed Marketing Automation training course for anyone who is seriously looking for a Marketing Automation specialist role or trying to improve their Marketing Automation skills.The course content is created by a real time Marketing Automation professional and lot of effort is being put to make the topics interesting and informative. There are worksheets inside for the students to study and gather further knowledge."
Price: 7360.00

"Affinity Designer Dla Opornych" |
"Dobrzy graficy komputerowi s rozchwytywani i cho popyt na ten zawd wci ronie, to rk do pracy brakuje, bo zapotrzebowanie nie jest wspmierne do iloci wyksztaconych w tym kierunku specjalistw.Affinity Designer to Ogromna ilo narzdzi, ktre pozwol nam rozwin skrzyda wyobrani. W programie znajdziemy filtry, warstwy i maski, zaawansowane narzdzia typograficzne, czy moliwo definiowania sposobu wyrwnywania elementw wzgldem siebie. Warto pamita o funkcji odwzorowania skrtw klawiszowych znanych z Adobe Illustratora, co uatwi przesiadk dowiadczonym projektantom, ktrzy do tej pory pracowali na oprogramowaniu Adobe.Affinity Designer odpowiednik Illustratora dedykowany do grafiki wektorowej i rastrowej wita bardzo przyjaznym dla uytkownika interfejsem: wektorowy i graficzny, w zalenoci od tego czy potrzebujemy grafiki wektorowej, czy zamierzamy dokona drobnego retuszu zdj. Program obsuguje przestrzenie kolorystyczne RGB, CMYK, LAB, Pantone, a take ma wsparcie dla profili ICC. Radzi sobie z obsug takich formatw plikw jak PSD, SVG, EPS, PNG i PDF.Szybko dziaania, przejrzysto interfejsu, klarowno przyciskw. Affinity Designer, to znakomita alternatywa dla oprogramowania od Adobe. Jedn z wielkich zalet Affinity Photo jest model dystrybucji. Nie ma tu abonamentu. Program kupujemy raz i mamy doywotni licencj z darmowymi aktualizacjami.Poznaj wszystkie podstawowe narzdzia oraz funkcje interfejsu, co sprawi, e nauczysz si tworzy wasnych projekty wektorowe.Przekonaj si, e program oferuje naprawd due moliwoci i praca na krzywych czy warstwach wektorowych nie stanowi najmniejszego problemu.Poznaj psychologi i moc koloru w swoich projektach i naucz si go prawidowo uywa.Kolorystyka grafiki definiowanie kolorw. Charakterystyka Kolorw RGB CMYK/8Twrz zaawansowane ksztaty z wypenieniami i gradientami. Twrz swoje ksztaty dokadnie tak jak je sobie wyobraasz.Grafika wektorowa,rastrowa.Transformacje obiektw.Zasady typografii praca z tekstem. Twrz dokumenty do druku i stron internetowych. Zapisuj i eksportuj swoje projekty Affinity Designer do dowolnych celw.Naucz si projektowa wasne okadki ksiek. Kindle Direct Publishing.Portal dla wydawcw ksiek papierowych i eBookw, ktry oferuje 70 % tantiem dla wydawcw."
Price: 489.99

"YouTube SEO Marketing - How to get millions of views on YT!" |
"These are the exact methods you need to follow to get your videos to the top of search results & suggested by YouTube to generate millions of views... And that's without needing thousands of subscribers!Do any of the following statements resonate with you?Have you just started your YouTube channel and are feeling overwhelmed looking for the best way to get viewers to your channel?Maybe youve spent hours and hours of time watching videos, reading articles, going through eBooks, & listening to podcasts that contain conflicting and vague information that just doesnt get the job done.You know people talk about YouTube SEO, but you have no idea how to go about implementing it properly on your channel to actually get an impactful number of viewsOr maybe youve been trying this YouTuber thing for a while now but you still cant seem to generate any momentum and drive viewers to your channel.What if I told you that you couldGenerate HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of views for FREE, even with a new channel.Spend LESS time creating content that people are NEVER going to watch and more time creating awesome videos that get THOUSANDS of likes, comments & subscribers.Bring hundreds of customers to your website, blog, or business, every day for FREE.Become the face, brand, or personality synonymous with your niche in just a few short months.This is no joke This is the power of YouTube SEO.Before we move on to how youre going to dominate your niche with this incredible information, let me tell you a little bit about myself.My names David & Im the creator of this course as well as the owner of the digital marketing blog Out of the 925.Having lived in a country with an insanely slow and expensive internet connection for the majority of my life, I arrived quite late to the YouTube game.What this meant for me, and many new creators to YouTube as well, is that instead of riding the early YouTube train and then resting on my laurels, Ive had to find different ways to get views on YouTube.Lucky for me Im an analyst at heart and when I realized YouTube was as much a search engine as it was a social network, it was a GAME CHANGER.After countless hours of research, experimentation & constant re-evaluation, I discovered what you need to do in order to achieve YouTube SEO Success.In this YouTube Marketing course, you will learn everything to get started!Whether you run your own business, are helping someone else's businesses, or want to learn an in-demand skill that can help you get ahead, this is the perfect Youtube course for you!What will you learn in this YouTube course?How to set up your YouTube Channel for Success (In-Depth).Make videos that people WANT to click on.How to find the perfect keywords for your specific channel.How to upload videos that rank #1.The secrets to getting your videos to go viral.Track your progress & actually use that information to grow your channel.Use YouTube to drive traffic to your blog or business (or your Instagram or just to more of your videos! You do not need to be a business to take advantage of the power of YouTube SEO!)And so much more!Why this YouTube Marketing Course?My name is David Woutersen, and I own the digital marketing blog ""Out of the 925"", where I teach people just like you how to maximize their reach and get the right people to view their awesome content.I believe that great content deserves to be seen, and a lot of people give up far too soon because they do not see progress being made quickly enough.Im passionate about YouTube, growth, and helping others reach new heights they never even believed was achievable in the first place.Getting views on YouTube is not about your subscriber count or even the equipment you use. Ive driven hundreds of thousands of views to different small (less than 1000 subscribers) channels without running any ads or leveraging other popular channels, all through the power of YouTube SEO. And because these videos are optimized for search, the traffic doesnt just drop off immediately after publishing, these videos still drive thousands of views to these channels every month!Now dont get me wrong It takes a LOT of hard work, time, and dedication, but youll find that if youre working on something that you LOVE doing which impacts your life and others positively, its a lot more rewarding than wasting your time doing things that you hate.Who is this course for?This course is perfect if...You have a YouTube Channel, or have just started one, and want to grow your channel FAST with engaged viewers.Youve been creating and uploading videos but youre not getting the results you want.You want your brand or business to be discovered on YouTube.Youre willing to put in the work to make your YouTube channel successful. This course is not about magically making videos go viral with minimal effort. This is about building an engaged audience and driving targeted viewers to your videos and requires the effort to make it successful.Youre sick of not knowing what works and what doesnt and really want to get the ball rolling.This course isnt for you if...You want the secrets to becoming a millionaire YouTuber but dont intend on putting in any actual work. If you dont want to put in the time and effort, this is not for you.You are on YouTube recreationally and have no intention of making any money/taking YouTube seriously.You have no interest in making video content.You consider yourself an advanced user of YouTube, are jaded/disillusioned with YouTube, and/or have heard it all before."
Price: 99.99

"Zabbix Monitoring SW Implementation / Linux" |
"in this course will learn about one of the powerful monitor tools or software, will take around with ZABBIX.Zabbix is open source software with the main task to do is to monitor each part of your system using multiple types of monitoring strategy, by simple Zabbix, it's your supervisor for your system, by using it you will be able to detect where is your problem located.Zabbix free software helps you to find the best way to monitor your system, by using Zabbix you will create templates that have items that define triggers that manages your threshold that monitors your system.this course will take around about what is Zabbix and why to use it , with learning some definitions that will help you to figure out the Zabbix, you will learn how to install the Zabbix server and agent and what is the pre-requirements and the configuration for both of them.This course will be divided into 8 sections:Zabbix Introduction and Overview..Zabbix Appliance.Zabbix Processes.Zabbix InstallationZabbix Server Setup.Zabbix Agent Setup.Zabbix Configuration.Zabbix Administration.Eng. Tareq Nofal"
Price: 19.99

"Excel para quem no entende nada de computador" |
"Cansado de pedir ajuda para seus filhos? Seu cunhado faz aquela cara quando voc lhe pede ajuda? No quer mais utilizar calculadora, papel e caneta para controlar os gastos?Alm disso, tambm sente vergonha por no entender como funciona o computador, nem os programas mais bsicos?Ento, esse curso foi feito sob medida pra voc!Chegou a hora de perder o medo do Excel de uma vez por todas!Sou engenheiro, e usurio avanado do Excel h mais de 20 anos, tendo todas as condies de te ensinar aquilo que realmente necessrio."
Price: 114.99

pfnfxghd |
". """" . . - : , , , . . , ."
Price: 69.99

"Oracle Fusion Technical - BI,OTBI,BICC,FRS, SmartView & More" |
"What's this course about?Learn Oracle Fusion Technical - BI, OTBI, BICC, FRS, SmartView and dive deeper into it. Understand the Reporting tools and solutions of Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud. To be precise the reporting capabilities being provided by Oracle in Fusion Cloud SaaS.What do you expect end of this course?By the end of the course, you will be equipped with all the knowledge of Reporting tools and solutions of Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud e.g. BI Publisher, OTBI, BICC, FRS, Smart View ! And you will be ready for your next assignment! :-)A detailed list with the course content can be found below.Who's teaching you in this course?My name is Raja Dutta and I have my partner Leena, We are both Fusion Cloud, PaaS and Fusion Middlware Consultant and we are passionate about helping more people to learn Fusion Cloud Technologies. After huge postive feedbacks we are here at Udemy with our second course of Oracle Fusion Technical - BI, OTBI, BICC, FRS, SmartView and we had lot of fun in preparing this course! Hope you too will have fun learning this course!It's our goal to get you started with Oracle Fusion Technical - BI, OTBI, BICC, FRS, SmartView as soon as possible and ensure your success. I want everyone to get benefited out of this course and to us, helping others is the best way of learning. So Let's Learn together!Is this course for you?This course is for you if ..... you want to upskill with Reports and Analytics in Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud.. you want to pursue your career with Oracle Fusion BI & Analytics.. you have idea on ERP and Package solutionsWhat's inside the course?BI Publisher - BI Roles & Configuration - Develop First BI Report - BIP Report with Parameters - Export BIP Report Output - BI Report Migration - Master Details BI Report - BIP Bursting & Delivery Channel - Secure BI ReportBI - Yeh Dil Maange More - BI Report using Excel Template - Print Barcode in BI Report Output - Secure your PDF Report Output - Static Method - Secure your PDF Report Output - Dynamic Method - SubTemplates in Fusion BI - Explore different features of RTF Template - Fixed Position flat file using BI Report - Generate BI Report Output in Multi-Languages - Part1 - Generate BI Report Output in Multi-Languages - Part2 - Customize Standard BI ReportBI ESS Jobs - Getting Started with Enterprise Scheduler Services (ESS) Jobs - Creating first ESS Job on BI Report - Lookups in Fusion - Use in ESS Jobs Parameter - ValueSets in Fusion - Use in ESS Jobs Parameter - Secure your BI ESS JobBI Outbound Integration Tool - All about Report Service - Fetch Data from Fusion using BI & Java - Fetch Data from Fusion using BI & SOAOracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) - Getting Started with OTBI - OTBI Analysis - Tabular Representation - OTBI Analysis - Graphical Representation - Create Dashboard using OTBI - Create Drill Down Report using OTBI - Create BI Report using OTBI Analysis - All about OTBI Report Security - Create Infolet using OTBI AnalysisBI Cloud Connector (BICC) - BICC What is this?? - Get Ready with BICC - Create your first BICC Extract(Full) - Run for Incremental Extracts - Secure your BICC ExtractFinancial Reporting Studio (FRS) - Getting started with FRS - Build Report using FRSSmart View - Getting started with Smart View - Build Report using Smart View"
Price: 99.99

"Instagram para tu Negocio - Aprend a vender por Instagram" |
"Este curso est dirigido a:Emprendedores, influencers, profesionales y Pymes que necesitan aprender secretos no explicados de esta poderossima herramienta de promocin y venta.Te ensearemos una estructura de trabajo diaria para poder organizarte y manejar tus cuentas o las de otros de forma profesional. Teniendo las claves para identificar los indicadores de xito o fracaso de cada accin realizada.No se requieren conocimientos previos.TEMARIO:Vas a aprender a:- Armado y plan de contenidos.Un plan Sencillo en 5 pasos para saber cmo organizar tu feed y que tengas ideas para generar nuevos contenidos.- Cmo personalizar tu cuenta.Mejorar la visibilidad de la marca, personalizar tu biografa.- Links personalizados de consultas directas a WhatsApp.- Reputacin Online.Mejorar el posicionamiento en los buscadores. Hace que te conozcan.- Uso de hashtags.Las mejoras tcnicas para aumentar seguidores.- Aumentar la interaccin con las publicaciones.- Historias de Instagram.Todas las herramientas de las historias, tips y muchas ideas para hacer las historias ms lindas y divertidas.- Cmo aumentar tus seguidores.Claves para lograrlo.- Historias Destacadas. Cmo hacerlas y cmo personalizar las portadas para darle una esttica personal.- Aplicaciones de diseo de imgenes y video. Para que hagas los mejores contenidos, ms creativos, ms entrentenidos y que generen ventas e interaccin con tu perfil.? Cmo lograr un servicio personalizado al cliente.Marca la diferencia. Humaniza.- Qu hacer con comentarios negativos.Qu hacer a la hora de responder.- Implementacin de objetivos.Diferentes contenidos para saber cmo aumentar tu pblico.- Embudo de Ventas.Pasos para lograr concretar una venta.- IGTV.Qu es, cmo usarlo y cmo personalizar portadas?- Google Trends.Herramientas claves de bsqueda."
Price: 19.99

"Finanzcontrolling mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinIm Finanz- und Rechnungswesen bentigen wir diverse Controlling-Tools, um zum Beispiel die BWA/GuV der Abteilungen zu analysieren.Dabei sollte immer bercksichtigt werden, dass nicht alle anderen Abteilungsleiter, zum Beispiel aus dem Einkauf, Vertrieb, Marketing, etc., vertraut mit einer BWA sind bzw. ihre Strken in anderen Bereichen haben.Damit Sie anwendungsfreundliche BWA bzw. GuV erstellen knnen, lernen Sie in diesem Kurs viele Tipps und Tricks inkl. fertiger Excel-Lsungen.InhaltAufbau der BWAAbweichungen in der BWA inkl. VorzeichenAbweichungen in der BWA hervorhebenBWA als Wasserfall-DiagrammExcel Tipps und TricksHinweis: Die Dateien in den Videos wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen allerdings auch mit einer vorigen Version umgesetzt werden. Die Anwendungen sind sehr hnlich bzw. identisch."
Price: 99.99

"Crie jogos tradicionais usando Construct 3" |
"Desenvolva os seguintes jogos: Jogo das sequncias (Simon Game) Jogo da Velha (Tic Tac Toe) Forca (Hangman Game) Racha cuca (8-puzzle) Jogo da cobrinha (Snake) Jogo da memria (Memory game)A engine Construct, da Scirra, vem ganhando adeptos em todas as partes do mundo por ser extremamente simples para aqueles que desejam comear a desenvolver os seus primeiros games.Aps a criao do nosso primeiro curso de Introduo ao Construct 3, tambm disponvel nesta plataforma, deu-se a criao deste novo curso denominado Crie jogos tradicionais usando Construct 3.A ideia primordial que ele seja um segundo passo no seu aprendizado de desenvolvimento de games usando a ferramenta. Nele voc aprender mecnicas, que foram todas pensadas no sentido de se usar abordagens didticas e simples, assim voc aprender a desenvolver os jogos acima mencionados!Observao: Alm destes 6 mdulos, outros NOVOS devero ser adicionados futuramente, aumentando ainda mais o seu contedo!"
Price: 249.99

"Planejamento Financeira Pessoal e Familiar" |
"Descrio do curso:O curso ir ensinar o indivduo a planejar, organizar e controlar as suas finanas pessoaisou familiar. Para isso ser utilizado uma planilha que servir como uma ferramenta de apoioe tomada de deciso quanto a vida financeira a curto e longo prazo. O curso alm dereeducar o indivduo o ajudar a planejar o seu futuro seja a curto ou longo prazo, trazendotcnicas e dicas de investimento.Objetivo:O curso tem como objetivo desenvolver a pratica do controle das finanas pessoais oufamiliar ensinando o indivduo a manusear uma planilha que lhe dar todas as informaesnecessrias sobre a sua vida financeira."
Price: 114.99

"Despliegue de Proyecto de Node.js en AWS - 2020" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) es una de las principales plataformas de servicios de computacin en la nube a nivel mundial, y Node.js es uno de los principales entornos para la capa del servidor que ha tomado gran popularidad en los ltimos aos. Una combinacin de estas tecnologas, nos permite poder ofrecer una aplicacin web o API muy potente, con tecnologa de vanguardia, seguridad, confiabilidad, y escalabilidad.En este curso, veremos todo el proceso para el despliegue (deploy) de un proyecto de Node.js en AWS, especficamente en Amazon Lightsail, un poderoso servicio para la ejecucin de VPS con un excelente rendimiento y bajo costo.Comenzaremos desde la creacin de un proyecto de ejemplo bsico para implementar correctamente la configuracin del servidor, veremos el proceso de configuracin de la instancia de Lightsail, la configuracin de DNS e IP esttica, la configuracin de la distribucin de Linux, el administrador de procesos, y la obtencin de certificado SSL/TLS.Al finalizar el curso, tendrs todo el conocimiento necesario para implementar proyectos de Node.js en AWS en pocos minutos, de una manera muy fcil, prctica y sin complicaciones."
Price: 59.99

"Yaln Deer Ak Haritalama Eitimi" |
" Gnmzde irketlerdeki sorunlarn neler olduu, bu durumdan nasl kurtularak rekabetilii srdrlebilir hale getirebilirler, yaln dncenin yaps ve dousu nasl olmutur, bu bak asnn retim ve ynetim olarak irketlerdeki ileyii temel olarak nasldr bu konulardan balayarak bir iletmenin yaln dnm srecinde olmazsa olmaz blm olan deer ak haritalama konusu tm detaylar ve rnek vaka almasyla birlikte sizlere aktaryor olacaz. "
Price: 49.99

"Pre Universitario - Pre ICFES" |
"El Pre Universitario - Pre ICFES es un curso preparatorio para presentar las pruebas de admisin a universidades publicas y pruebas de estado. Este curso, pretende proporcionar a la comunidad de estudiantes una herramienta didctica que le facilite la adquisicin de los conocimientos necesarios para presentar cualquier prueba, donde la pregunta problema, este estructurada mediante seleccin mltiple. Por otro lado, este curso facilita la adquisicin de conocimientos ya que contamos no solo con clases en formato de video, sino tambin, con talleres en formato PDF, simulacros preparatorios y un aula virtual externa donde se realizar la prueba definitiva con la cual los estudiantes tendrn acceso a un certificado de participacin si logran una nota igual o superior al 70% de la calificacin. "
Price: 19.99
