"Unigraphics NX from Basic to Professional (Crash Course)" |
"In this course you will be able to learn unigraphics application each workbenches in detail, After this course you will be able to design any kind of models and you can able to manage any kind of assembly components. Also you have complete surface modeling tutorials and very difficult practice examples.In Surface modeling i have shown how to model Bottles, USB light and Tennis Ball etc.."
Price: 29.99

"AE After Effects2" |
"After EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsCM"
Price: 24000.00

"After Effects 3" |
Price: 24000.00

"Superbrain Yoga" |
"""Superbrain Yoga""/""Brain Yoga"" are the terms representing one particular exercise in ancient Yogic practices. This exercise is famous for creating alertness of the brain, keeping it energetic and sharp. After a lot of research and practice with our team, we have come up with a set of Yogic practices like Asanas, some warm-ups, and breathing techniques which will also keep the nervous system healthy and brain energetic.This course has some simple exercises that can be done with the help of visual guidance that we have provided. These practices need to be done regularly for at least 30 days continuously to see excellent results. Up to an extent, these will help even in reducing the excess fat in the body.===NB: People with hypertension/heart issues please avoid doing these. If you are suffering from any medical conditions/underwent surgeries in past/under treatment for something, it is a must to consult your medical doctor for their opinion before practising the given exercises. Avoid the practice during menstruation/pregnancy/fever.===Q: Who can take this course?A: Anyone. It's simple, informative. Learning new things is always great!Q: How to learn the exercises? A: Watch the videos, listen to the instructions and try at the right time in the day.Q: What is the right time for practice?A: Ideally, early morning, after freshening up. Otherwise, after 3 hours time from your meal. Q: How is it helpful to me?A: It's going to be a lifetime knowledge. You know how it will be helpful! :)"
Price: 49.99

"Modelos Matemticos para Apuestas Deportivas con Excel" |
"Interesado en ganar dinero con apuestas deportivas? Interesado en aprender una manera cientifica de predecir eventos con un grado racional de exactitud?. Si te interesa una manera formal de realizar predicciones, este curso es para ti. En este curso aprenderas las bases para construir tus propios modelos matematicos y poder usarlos para realizar predicciones para apuestas deportivas. Interested in making money with sports betting? Interested in learning a scientific way to predict events with a rational degree of accuracy? If you are interested in a formal way of making predictions, this course is for you. In this course you will learn the basics to build your own mathematical models and be able to use them to make predictions for sports betting."
Price: 199.99

"Mster WhatsApp Business, Marketing, Publicidad y Monetizar" |
"Vas aprender lo necesario para promover tus productos y servicios para generar ms ingresos para tu empresa o negocio mediante whatsApp Business adems de como hacer para poder cobrarles a tus clientes mediante medios de pagos como PayPal.Conocer como tener WhatsApp Business en tu celular y en tu computador usando WhatsApp Web.Conocer que es marketing y publicidad para poder establecer las estrategias para las ventas.Vas a conocer como crear tu propia cuenta PayPal (tarjetas de crdito aplicadas) y como puedes usarla en WhatsApp para poder recibir los pagos de tus clientes mediante un enlace de cobros.A continuacin se detalla los principales contenido que vamos a ver en el curso:>Qu es WhatsApp Business, cmo usarlo y estrategias?>Configuracin del WhatsApp Business Ajustes Etiquetas Crear catlogo Crear difusin Enviar mensajes automticos Respuestas rpidas>Marketing y Publicidad>Cmo los colores influyen en las personas?>Calidad de imagen del producto para el catlogo>Cmo redactar mensajes?>WhatsApp Web>Horarios ideales para hacer los envos masivos>Enlace con redes sociales>Enlace de cobros para que tus clientes puedan pagar con PayPal>Recomendaciones para automatizar WhatsApp Business con ChatBot"
Price: 19.99

"Python 3.x desde cero" |
"1. Introduccin (Incluye codigo de ejemplos)2. Instalacin de Python2.1 Instalacin de una versin adicional de Python (Windows)3. Editores para Python4. El intrprete de comando5. Sintaxis bsica de Python5.1 informacin del modulo6. Convencin de cdigo Python PEP87. Manejo de Comentarios8. Variables8.1 Nombres de variables8.2 Alcance de las Variables8.3 global (Palabra reservada que obliga una variable a ser global)9. Tipificado de datos10. Palabras Reservadas10.1 False10.2 None10.3 True10.4 And10.5 As10.6 Assert10.7 Break10.8 Class10.9 Continue10.10 def10.11 del10.12 elif10.13 else10.14 except10.15 finally10.16 for10.17 from10.18 global10.19 if10.20 import10.21 in10.22 is10.23 lambda10.24 nonlocal10.25 not10.26 or10.27 pass10.28 raise10.29 return10.30 try10.31 while10.32 with10.33 yield11. Cadena String11.1 string ord()11.2 string chr()11.3 string len()11.4 string capitalize()11.5 string casefold()11.6 string center()11.7 string count()11.8 string find()11.9 string upper()11.10 string lower()11.11 string replace()11.12 string join()11.13 string split()12. Funcin de entrada y salida12.1 Funcion input()12.2 Funcion print()13. Formateando string13.1 metodo .format()14. Operadores Aritmticos15. Operadores de comparacin16. Operadores Lgicos17. Operadores de asignacin18. Funciones Bsicas y Matemticas18.1 bin()18.2 sum()18.3 abs()18.4 round()18.5 min()18.6 max()18.7 floor()18.8 ceil()18.9 pow()18.10 enumerate()18.11 map()19. Condiciones if (if else / if elif )20. Ciclo (for)21. Ciclo (While )22. Funciones22.1 Funcin sin parmetros22.2 Funcin con Docstrings22.3 Funcin con Argumentos22.4 Funcin con Argumentos y valor definido22.5 Funcin con Argumentos variables22.6 Funcin con Retorno de Valor22.7 Funcin con Retorno de Valor como tupla22.8 Funcin pasar otra funcin con parmetro22.9 Funcin pasar otra funcin con parmetro y argumento23. Listas23.1 Listas con funciones incrustadas23.2 Len() en Lista23.3 append() en Lista23.4 insert() en Lista23.5 clear() en Lista23.6 extend() en Lista23.7 remove() en Lista23.8 count() en lista23.9 pop() en Lista23.10 index() en Lista23.11 sort() en Lista23.12 reverse() en Lista23.13 copy() en Lista24. Arreglos24.1 append() en arreglo24.2 insert() en arreglo24.3 extend() en arreglo24.4 remove() en arreglo24.5 pop() en arreglo24.6 index() en arreglo24.7 count() en arreglo24.8 tolist() en arreglo24.9 tounicode() en arreglo24.10 typecode en arreglo25. Tuplas26. Sets26.1 len() en set26.2 add() en set26.3 remove() en set26.4 pop() en set26.5 clear() en set26.6 union() en set26.7 update() en set26.8 set() constructor26.9 difference() en set26.10 intersection() en set27. Diccionarios27.1 Accediendo al contenido27.2 len() en dict27.3 item() en dict27.4 del en dict27.5 clear en dict27.6 popitem() en dict27.7 copy() en dict27.8 key() en dict27.9 values() en dict27.10 Asignar valores a una llave27.11 update() en dict28. Lambda29. Clases29.1 Palabras reservadas29.2 Mtodos Reservados29.3 Decoradores29.4 Crear una clase29.5 Mtodos Estticos29.6 Mtodos de Clase29.7 Mtodo Constructor de Clases29.8 Mtodo Destructor de Clases29.9 Clases con Descripcin30. Herencia30.1 Herencia simple30.2 Herencia Mltiple30.3 Sobreescribir mtodo en herencia30.4 Sobrecargar un mtodo de clase31. Expresiones Regulares (RegEx)31.1 Mtodo findall()31.2 Mtodo split()31.3 Mtodo sub()31.4 Mtodo search()31.5 Metacaracter ^31.6 Metacaracter $31.7 Metacaracter []31.8 Metacaracter .31.9 Ejemplo de Patrn.32. Fecha y Hora32.1 Mostrar un Calendario32.2 Saber fecha actual now()32.3 Asignar una fecha datetime()32.4 Ajustar una fecha replace()32.5 Pausa tiempo en cdigo sleep()32.6 Diferencia entre dos fechas con horas32.7 Diferencia entre dos fechas sin horas32.8 Diferencia entre dos Horas solamente32.9 Sumar una fecha32.10 Sumar una Hora33. Json33.1 CONVERTIR DICT a JSON33.2 CONVERTIR JSON a Python33.3 GUARDAR un Archivo JSON33.4 LEER un Archivo JSON34. With35. Mdulos y Paquetes35.1 Mdulos35.1.1 Alias35.1.2 Creando mdulo35.1.3 Uso del from35.1.4 Informacin de contenido del modulo35.1.5 Cargar un mdulo como Script35.1.6 Recargar nuevamente un modulo35.2 Paquetes35.2.1 Creacin de un paquete35.2.2 Exportar paquete para instalar35.2.3 Configurar mbito para buscar mdulos con *36. Try Except37. Valores aleatorios38. Usando pip38.1 Ayuda38.2 Listar Paquetes38.3 Actualizar PIP38.4 Instalar Paquetes38.5 Mostrar informacin de Paquetes38.6 Buscar Paquetes38.7 Borrar Paquetes39. Manejo de archivos en texto plano39.1 Crear archivo para escritura39.2 Agregar ms tem al archivo39.3 Leer todo el archivo39.4 Leer por bloques el archivo39.5 Leer lnea por lnea el archivo39.6 Leer carcter por carcter el archivo40. Pasar Argumentos al programa (mdulo sys)41. Archivos y directorios41.1 Ver Ruta actual41.2 Renombrar archivo o directorio41.3 Listar contenido de directorio41.4 Informacin de archivos y directorios41.5 Crear directorio41.6 Cambiar ruta de directorio41.7 Borrar directorio41.8 Borrar Archivo41.9 Copiar Archivo44. Manejo de SQLite44.1 Introduccin a SQLite44.2 Creacin de tabla44.3 Insertar registro en tabla44.4 Consultar registro44.5 Editar registro en tabla44.6 Eliminar registro en tabla44.7 Ver registro en tabla44.8 Ejemplo CRUD optimizado43. Interface grafica (GUI) Tkinter. (Incluye Ejemplos)43.1 Prueba de funcionamiento tkinter y primero codigo43.2 Ventana43.3 Label widget43.4 Button widget43.5 Entry Widget43.6 Text widget43.7 Checkbutton widget43.8 Radiobutton widget43.9 Listbox widget43.10 Scale widget43.11 Spinbox widget"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02 Exam" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02"" exam offered by AWS has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02 is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by AWS and our material has about +200 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02The test was last updated on June 5th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""AWS"" le ofrece en el examen ""AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 72% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""AWS"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+200 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""05 de Junio de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"Program Evaluation for beginners" |
"Program Evaluation for beginners is one of the most practical courses in Udemy that will provide you tons of value to accelerate your career as a Program Manager or an Evaluation Consultant. The course is designed in a simple yet effective way that will serve the need of both beginners and veterans who are working both in public or private organisations and performing program or project management functions. Youll be exposed to both theory and practical aspects of program evaluation using range of examples. The course is studded with pro-tips, lessons, exercises all of which can help you to become an expert in Program Evaluation."
Price: 49.99

"SY0-401 CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"159 UNIQUE practice questions for SY0-401 CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SY0-401 CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 159Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (119 of 159)"
Price: 159.99

"Email Marketing: List Building and Lead Magnets in Mailchimp" |
"Email Marketing is still surprisingly underrated. People tend to focus on building a large following on Instagram, or high volume of traffic to their blog.The thing is, when you build an audience on another platform, you dont actually own them. Instagram could change their algorithm anytime, so that your followers dont see your content.And a high volume of website visitors is also not worth much if they don't eventually turn into paying customers.You want to and freely communicate with your audience. Sharing valuable content and any future offers, at any time you wish. Hopefully turning them into fans and potentially customers.This class is a practical step-by-step guide to grow your email list of highly engaged audience members."
Price: 124.99

"Curso Definitivo de Meditao - Aprenda a Meditar" |
"Nesse curso To especial vamos desmitificar alguns TABUS com a meditao e mostrar que existem milhares de formas de meditar e que todas so CORRETAS, ilustraremos bastante isso no decorrer do curso. Iremos fazer uma introduo bem completa sobre meditao, com exerccios prticos e, tambm, mostrar diversas formas de meditar e de chegar a um novo nvel de Auto-conhecimento. Vamos explicar, tambm, um pouco do nosso programa de Meditao onde abordaremos desde as tcnicas milenares de respirao at modernas tcnicas de Regresso e PNL para tornar o programa uma experincia nica e imperdvel. Com a meditao voc vai aprender a reconhecer quem voc na sua essncia. Conhecer o poder que voc tem de fazer escolhas, seja na sua vida, no seu dia-a-dia ou em qualquer situao que estiver presente. Vai, tambm, melhorar muito a sua percepo e entender o por qu de algumas insatisfaes e at frustraes na sua vida. Com isso, voc se permite desapegar daquilo que te prende no passado e te puxa para trs, aprendendo a se libertar das emoes txicas e canalizando emoes positivas. E no ficar PRocupando a sua mente com situaes e acontecimentos que ainda no aconteceram.Ensinaremos nesse programa como colocar ateno no momento presente construindo bons hbitos e se libertando de antigos padres que j no faro mais sentido. Voc aprender diversas tcnicas e portais para entrar no AGORA e diversas formas de fazer isso. Seja com, respiraes, mantras, afirmaes, meditaes guiadas ou ouvindo o maravilhoso som do universo.Voc vai se permitir desapegar daquilo que te prende no passado e te puxa para trs aprendendo a se libertar das emoes txicas e canalizando emoes positivas.Vamos juntos nessa jornada?"
Price: 294.99

"English Speaking Fluency Course - with Weekly Live Meeting" |
"***English speaking course, Weekly Live Meeting, action word, and English Story Conversation will help you to speak English Powerfully ***Recent Update:Hooray, Captions are Fixed Now!All meeting recorded are uploaded on section 2The Weekly Meeting Day Has Changed to Sunday at 5:00 PM of IST time - Indian Standard Time (Change-able)Real Class Stories are uploaded!Hi. I'm JM, Lifelong learner and WP theme designer and developer!If your goal is to become fluent in English, speak without hesitation, and start to talk in live meetings, this is the course to take. I've learned these methods for 5 years and taught lots of students over NGOs, and have seen them help many students master the key skills they need to really understand how to speak English powerfully!Speak English powerfully in this unique English speaking course, which is ideal for students at a pre-intermediate to advanced level of English. You will improve your English Speaking, English Listening, English Grammar, English Vocabulary and English Pronunciation skills using action words, story conversation and weekly live meeting.This Course Gives You: Action words in each section plus audio downloadable resources Story Conversation to make your fluent in English, speak without hesitation in each section plus audio downloadable resources Success Lectures which helps to be motivated in learning Story quizzes in each section *** Weekly live meeting *** through Google Meet or Zoom Subtitles of each in every section Google Classroom where you can post and interact with your classmates Audio assignments on each section in your Google classroom Whatsapp, Telegram, and Skype Community where you can find your partner to speak and practice English Email support, if you needed any help over your English AND a Course Facebook Group where you can share your thoughtsFREE ADVICE ON HOW YOU CAN USE THE COURSE QUICKLYWatch the action word, story conversation, success lecture of one section at least for 3 days or moreListen to me at the sections and answer out loud to learn deeply and remove hesitationDo a listening activity of each sectionJoin the weekly meeting to really experience real EnglishTake an assignment on your Google ClassroomBy working through the system we have, you will master the English speaking, speak confidently about. You will also learn English Grammar and English Vocabulary in a natural way.Hey! thanks for reading until here, I want you to really decide now and hit the enroll button now! Let's bring ""A"" game to your English skills!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP ERP 6.0 EhP6 BPI C_TERP10_66 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP ERP 6.0 EhP6 BPI C_TERP10_66 PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP ERP 6.0 EhP6 BPI C_TERP10_66 PracticeExam Code: C_TERP10_66Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80questionsPassing Score :51%Total Questions to check your knowledge:200"
Price: 69.99

"SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 C_EWM_95 Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 C_EWM_95 PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 C_EWM_95 Practice ExamExam Code: C_EWM_95Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80 questionsPassing Score :65%Total Questions to check your knowledge:80"
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Cloud JN0-211 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Juniper Networks Cloud JN0-211 Certification PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Juniper Networks Cloud JN0-211 Certification PracticeExam Code: JN0-211Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minutesNumber of Questions : 65 questionsPassing Score :Variable (60-70% Approx.)Total Questions to check your knowledge: 110 "
Price: 79.99

"How To Paint Realistic Animals in Watercolour - Red Squirrel" |
"Learn how to paint this delightful Red Squirrel in watercolour by following my relaxed way of teaching. I will show you step by step from the drawing out stage through to the final brush strokes, guiding you through various techniques along the way.The techniques and processWe will be using transfer paper, wet in wet technique, creating a vignette edging, applying masking fluid, mixing the correct paint consistencies, painting a mottled background, forming a realistic eye, building up washes for the body foundation layers, painting detailed fur and finally painting textured wood.So you have a lot to learn with this video and great for trying out various techniques along the way.Enjoy this painting, I know I did!Paul :-)"
Price: 19.99

"How To Paint a Realistic Raccoon in Watercolor Paint Fur!" |
"This Raccoon is an excellent project if you really want to learn how to paint long fur! There is certainly plenty of it. It is also a good project for really capturing the life within the eyes as the lovely raccoon is looking straight at us.We will go through various watercolour techniques such as a wet in wet blurry background and working with varied colour washes. We will also work on painting those realistic eyes. I will give you a full explanation on how to paint fur. You will need to use directional brush strokes to create the shape and form. Finally, we will be using watercolour white and painting the detailed bark!With this video there is a lot to go through and a lot I can help you learn. Fast track yourself to knowing how to paint wildlife in watercolour. Let me help you avoid all the mistakes I have made over my 40 years of painting!Paul :-)"
Price: 19.99

"PMP + Primavera and MS Project" |
"HiIf you are looking at passing your PMP examination in one sitting, then this is the Course for you.With over 95% success rate, we can guarantee you success in your PMP Exams.The PMP course empowers you to gain knowledge and develop skills to be proficient in Project Management and enables you to clear to your PMP exam in the first attempt.The PMP is the worlds most popular Project Management certification. This certification will help you build expertise in the 10 knowledge areas defined in PMBOK 6 namely: Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management, Project Schedule Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management, Project Procurement Management, Project Stakeholders Management.The course also introduces you to the use of MS Project and Primavera P6."
Price: 149.99

"Experto en AutoCAD 2020" |
"Experto en AutoCAD 2020 es un Curso integral de dibujo 2D que te permitir utilizar AutoCAD 2D como todo un profesional. La metodologa de enseanza progresiva y aplicada garantizar el desarrollo de tu destreza al usar AutoCAD. El Camino hacia el dominio de AutoCAD es un proceso de Aprendizaje efectivo en donde t te comprometes a culminar todo lo que inicias. Debes dar los pasos necesarios, seguir las recomendaciones y completar los ejercicios; practicar, practicar y practicar.Puedes aprender a tu ritmo y, en menos de 7 das, podrs dominar AutoCAD porque cada seccin corresponde a cada da y en las primeras 6 unidades ya sabrs usar AutoCAD, el resto es practicar todo lo aprendido y aplicarlo a tus futuros proyectos de dibujo con AutoCAD. Debes reconocer esta verdad: ""Nadie es ms inteligente, nadie es mejor que t, simplemente sabe ms de AutoCAD que t"".Qu aprenders? Muchos aprendemos AutoCAD de manera superficial y siempre quedan huecos lleno de temores por el simple hecho de no saber cmo se crean o editan los objetos usando AutoCAD. Aprenders lo necesario para dibujar con Autocad 2D 2020; podrs crear, editar, y reutilizar elementos, bloques y archivos de manera limpia, libre y ordenada. No ms prueba y error para aprender AutoCAD! En ste Curso de AutoCAD obtendrs una minuciosa y detallada explicacin en cada vdeo.El Curso Experto en AutoCAD 2D 2020 fue desarrollado con la versin de AutoCAD 2020 en INGLS, funciona tambin para las versiones 2019 y 2021."
Price: 99.99

"Advance Strategy to stop worry, anxiety and embrace success" |
"Are you living the full potential of your ability or are you remain worried most of the time about many irrelevant things. If you are one of the persons who is suffering from stress, anxiety, overthinking and worried about the future event. then it is important to know why we become stressful or why anxiety takes us in its grip. Most of the time, we do not understand the root cause of stress and anxiety and suffer unnecessary. In this course, main focus has been placed on the root cause of any event which triggers stress or anxiety and once we understand the event background, we will not get stress and even if that comes, we would be able to handle it smoothly."
Price: 34.99

"How to Draw an Orc - Drawing Lesson" |
"Love Fantasy Art? This is a step by step drawing lesson on drawing an Orc. The Orc is a mystical creature that is across many movies, videogames, and books. They all have some very similar features across the board. I go through the whole process with you.Here is what in the course:- Supplies to Use- Orc Proportions- General Drawing Structure- Pencil Line Art- Ink Line Art- Shadows and Details- Final AdviceYou can Draw an Orc right now! Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"GO CANADA - Canadian Business English" |
"This is Business English with a Canadian accent. The course is given by Anna Grancharoff, a highly qualified teacher with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and a Master's degree in Education (TESL). In this unique course you will learn the phrases, structures, techniques, and special expressions that will allow you to communicate in English with greater fluency and confidence.The course begins with a review of selected grammar structures. This is followed by lessons designed to build your business vocabulary with specific words and phrases that you will use in real-life business situations. Next you will learn how to write professional business letters and e-mails with correct formatting and punctuation. Finally, we focus on spoken communication with the terminology, vocabulary and techniques that will help you participate in meetings, give presentations and communicate on the telephone. Learn how to use active listening techniques; how to plan meetings and presentations using Signposting Language and how to use the main features of English speech.Throughout the course you will hear English spoken with a clear, neutral Canadian accent.Here is what students are saying about Canadian Business English:""What an incredible English course! This course is well-structured, the teacher explains everything clearly, moreover I learned new words, expressions and how to behave in a business environment. To sum up, this course was not what I expecting but it was what I needed.""Luiz Felipe Pereira Rocha""I really appreciate this English course. I had opportunity to practice many grammar exercises and improve my English skill level. Anna is a good teacher and knows how to explain different English topics. Certainly, I would like purchase other courses.""Magdiel Cardoso Vilar""This course is A Must-Have for English learners! Professor Anna has a very clear and easy to understand approach to the topics. The course is also well structured and covers many fundamental steps that a lone learner like me could have missed in self-study. I was just looking for something like this...""Hebert Douglas A. Nogueira"
Price: 54.99

"Curso Profesional de Git & Github" |
"En este curso aprenders de forma rpida y sencilla como manejar git & guthub a nivel profesional, adoptando las mismas acciones que realizan los trabajadores en informtica, tendrs el conocimiento que se requiere para un puesto de trabajo. Espero que ests tan emocionado como yo de comenzar este curso de Git & Github."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos previos al Diseo de PCB" |
"En el siguiente curso aprenders desde cero, diferentes conocimientos de electrnica que te permitirn disear tus propias tarjetas electrnicas para tus propios productos, proyectos personales o lo que quieras realizar.Para lograrlo te invito a desarrollar el curso como etapa inicial al camino del desarrollo de hardware (diseo de tarjetas electrnicas).Los contenidos principales que aprenders son:- Qu es una PCB y los microcontroladores ms usados actualmente.- Tecnologas utilizadas en el montaje y Dispositivos electrnicos principales en una PCB- Equipos y Herramientas necesarias para la construccin de una PCB incluyendo tipos de soldadura.- Softwares de para el diseo de PCB incluyendo sus caractersticas y modo de uso general.Te invitamos a dar el primer paso!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Firebase Advanced- Real Time Chat App in Android Studio 2020" |
"You are an android developer and you have not developed any android chat application yet? Then you are missing the real fun in development. Another aspect of chat apps is real time messaging, which is the core of any real time application.You might have used and observed many other android chat apps and would have wished to have your own. Right ?So why are you waiting? Get dive into my course of building impressive full-stack android chat app Gup-Shup Android Studio with Firebase.This course is a complete guide for you in developing a feature-rich android chat app!Here's what we will cover:Creating a complete chat application with Android Studio and Firebase from scratchSending and receiving messages instantly with the real-time Firebase DatabaseUploading and displaying image messages using Firebase StorageUploading and displaying video messages using Firebase StorageNotifications to display new message/friend request arrival using FCMSending Direct Messages to other users in our chatTracking / showing when users are online / offline and typingUser authentication with FirebaseForm validation for our Login and Register formsAnd more!What will you be learning in making Gupshup?Throughout this course of making Gup Shup app (chit-chat app), we'll be building a live chat app, where users will be able to create user, modify his/her profile, send friend request to others on Gupshup, to send messages to other users, send media files, see when other users are typing and get notifications about new messages.By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:IntentCustomized User Interface DesignWorking with Dependencies in Android GradleAnimationsCustom Progress BarCustom Action BarAndroid Recycler View Adapters Model ClassesFragmentsCustomized DrawablesMenusGoogle FirebaseFirebase AuthenticationsFirebase User ProfileFirebase DatabaseFirebase StorageFirebase Cloud Messagingand Many More....Wouldnt that be a great learning and enriching experience in Android development?Do join me. I am excited to share my experience"
Price: 12480.00

"Climate Change and Green Infrastructure" |
"Welcome to ""Climate Change and Green Infrastructure""!Climate change is affecting everyone. This course will help you develop a good understanding of what climate change is and what we can do to mitigate and adapt to climate change. While there are many ways to fight climate change, this course focuses on green infrastructure, which uses nature as an infrastructural system to manage climate change and help people prepare for it. In this course, you will learn the practices of some large-scale green infrastructure projects, as well as those of smaller projects at a local level. By the end of the course, I hope you will not only have learned more about climate change and green infrastructure, but also take a step forward and support the adoption of green infrastructure. This course includes 12 lectures in an animated format. In addition to the lectures, the course also includes quizzes, fun assignments, and science project suggestions that will help you understand the course material in depth.What youll learn specifically:What climate change is and what causes climate changeWhat green infrastructure is and how it helps manage climate changeSpecific examples of green infrastructure and the climate issues they addressBenefits and risks of green infrastructureSome recent events, efforts and legislation to slow down climate changeOpportunities for you to help solve climate change problemsCourse requirements:Age 11 and up30 minutes a week for 5 weeksHaving an excitement to learn about climate change and green infrastructure!"
Price: 19.99

"Mtaphores Hypnotiques Pour Influencer Et Atteindre Objectif" |
"-Les techniques et secrets expliqus dans ce programme vous aideront Matriser Mtaphores Hypnotiques Pour Influencer,persuader honntement et pour mieux atteindre divers objectifs Je tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi atteindre des objectifs... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur,votre russite..."
Price: 199.99

"Matriser Copywriting Pour Attirer Russite Vente Etc" |
"-Les techniques et secrets expliqus dans ce programme vous aideront Apprendre Techniques De Copywriting Pour Attirer Russite,Ventes,Persuasion,etcJe tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur,votre russite..."
Price: 199.99

"Introduo Computao Quntica - Quantum Computing" |
"Aprendam nesse curso o que est revolucionando o mundo e ser o futuro da computao! A Computao Quntica veio para mudar tudo o que podemos entender sobre computao!Para termos um compreendimento maior sobre a Computao Quntica, foi introduzido ao curso aulas explicativas sobre A Mecnica Quntica dentro da computao Quntica e a Matemtica para entendermos os Binrios e as pequenas medidas utilizadas na escala quntica!Aqui veremos assuntos como:Na IntroduoO Contedo programticoNa Computao QunticaComputadores qunticos O limite dos computadores eletrnicosPara que serve um computador QunticoQuais as limitaes do computador QunticoO computador Quntico D-WaveNa Supremacia QunticaO que a Supremacia QunticaAs Empresas Tradicionais em Busca da Supremacia As Startups em Busca da SupremaciaNa Mecnica QunticaIntroduo Fsica QunticaSuperposio QunticaGato de SchrdingerDualidade onda-partculaMedidas QunticasEmaranhamento qunticoNa Matemtica bsica para entendermos a Computao QunticaNmeros BinriosConverso de Nmeros BinriosUnidades de Medidas na Computao Quntica"
Price: 39.99

"COMPLETE BRIDAL MAKEUP COURSE 2020 - Beginners & Pros!" |
"*sips cup of tea*Are you a bride on a budget and looking for a course to enhance your makeup skills and guide you down the bridal makeup path? Are you a makeup artist, looking to specialise in bridal makeup? *gives you a virtual hug* (Congratulations you discovered the jackpot! Bridal makeup makes up to 80% of Makeup Artist's income!)Im here for you 24/7 along your bridal makeup journey. It can be daunting and stressful, but i've created an EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW bridal makeup course that condenses information to make it easy to digest whatever level of skill your at! Learn up to 3 gorgeous soft glam makeup looks that flatter every eye shape and learn what preparation is needed before the big day! Also if your a makeup artist i will be giving you life changing tips along the way to make sure that your clients are beyond happy with your service and will recommend you to friends and book you again! *hands you a cosy blanket & some biscuits*So, grab a notepad and pen or grab your makeup kit and lets get creative!"
Price: 19.99
