"Business English: Professional e-mail writing" |
"Being able to write a polished, professional email is now a critical skill both in college and the workplace. In this course you will learn:How to create a professional like e-mail addressHow to write a formal e-mail and what to avoidThe key differences between informal and formal e-mailsCommon expressions to useWhat to do before sending your e-mailExamples and exercises are provided to help you understand better the concept of formal writing."
Price: 24.99

"Apprendre mditer en 5 tapes!" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez exprimenter 5 types de mditations diffrentes ainsi que la faon de les intgrer votre vie quotidienne, selon votre ralit et vos besoins actuels. Vous apprendrez galement plusieurs techniques de respirations, qui amnent des changements positifs, autant dans votre sant physique que mentale. Avec mon soutien psychologique, vous allez apprendre choisir vos penses pour vous mettre dans un tat de mental positif. Vous apprendrez aussi certaines pauses de yoga qui prdispose positivement votre sance de mditation.La mditation est pour tous. Mon objectif avec cette formation est de rendre cette pratique simple, agrable et accessible."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Planner Mejora la productividad en equipo" |
"Microsoft Planner de Microsoft Office 365 es una herramienta muy til para la organizacin de tareas de un Equipo de Trabajo, crear nuevos planes, nuevos grupos, administrar las tareas, agrupaciones.Este curso es ideal para empezar un BackLog de tareas dentro de tu organizacin ya sea pequea o grande.Aprenders a crear nuevos grupos de distintas formas, administrar las tareas , dar feedback a tu compaa , y realizar diferentes configuraciones."
Price: 29.99

"Dominando la Publicidad en Instagram" |
"Despus de pasearme por toda esta plataforma, creo que an no he visto un curso que te ofrezca tanto contenido de valor como el que he preparado hoy para ti.Te enseo una parte importante de lo que hago para las campaas publicitarias de mis clientes.Vas a aprender a crear campaas de publicidad efectivas tanto para Instagram como para Facebook. Y no solo para tu negocio, tambin puedes ofrecer este servicio para otros negocios con las frmulas que enseo aqu.Espero que lo disfrutes y comienza hoy a vender tus productos o servicios.Si te sientes perdid@ hazme todas las preguntas que desees.Te espero dentro!"
Price: 199.99

"TB0-114 TIBCO Active Matrix Business Works Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are three differences in the choice of TIBCO Rendezvous, TIBCO EMS rather than to transport when configuring a domain TIBCO? (Choose three.)a) The only deployment option is ""local.""b) There is no need to secondary servers.c) Data Domain should be stored in a database.d) domain data can be stored in a file system or databaseQ) What are the three manual steps may be involved in the creation of an EAR file TIBCO Administration? (Choose three.)a) select the destination machineb) configure global variablesc) create the application domaind) create the folder structure on the target computere) add the archive to process additional machinesQ) Which three tasks can be performed using the AppManage utility? (Choose three.)a) create an EAR fileb) undeploy a deployed applicationc) install and uninstall TIBCO productsstart an instance of an application serviced) create a deployment configuration of an existing applicationQ) What can be used to switch from one domain data repository based on files in a data repository databasebased domain?a) domainutilityb) TIBCO Administratorc) Utility MigrateFileStoraged) Utility MigrateDomainStoragee) vendor-specific database toolsQ) Having distributed the TIBCO BusinessWorks ActiveMatrix applications with TIBCO Rendezvous transport in a fault-tolerant configuration. Which statement is true if the engine master process fails and the secondary takes over?a) The state of the secondary engine is Stand-By.b) The administration server must be running for the secondary server to take over.c) The secondary motor continues to receive heartbeat messages from the master engine.d) The secondary engine will process starters and instances from the State of their last checkpoint."
Price: 159.99

"Application & OS Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course covers basic information related to Certified Ethical Hacker certification.This course includes lessons where you will learn what Ethical Hacking is, what the Certified Ethical Hacking Certification is and how to use these skills to become a paid security professional. This course is a starting point for you to chart your course to a well paying and satisfying Cyber Security career. This course will get you on the fast track to certification, and ultimately, relentlessly pursued by recruiters."
Price: 194.99

"Network and Operating System Ethical Hacking Course" |
"You've likely heard about hackingperhaps in movies or on the newsand you've certainly taken steps to protect your online identity from hackers. But what is hacking, who does it, and why? In this comprehensive course on the fundamentals of web hacking, answer these questions and more. Begin by reviewing the hacker methodology, types of hack attacks, and learn to configure test servers to hack yourself! Finally, review network mapping, and think through potential careers in cyber security."
Price: 179.99

"The Cyber Security Network Protocol Hacking Course" |
"This course is for the absolute beginner. Have you ever wanted to know, in very simple terms, the answers to the following questions:What are network protocols?How do computers communicate with each other?What is the OSI model?Why are protocols important in IT networking?If you answered yes, then this course is for you. Our goal with this course is to provide a simple, conceptual introduction to the fundamentals of IT networking and its protocols. There are no technical explanations or definitions to memorize - this course is visual, and strictly conceptual. When you are done with this course, you will have the foundation to move forward onto more advanced networking courses."
Price: 189.99

"Network Protocol Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course does not intend to cover all the objectives of the Certifications but is only meant to help you understand some protocols at a granular level which other courses may not provide as they tend to rush through.In this course you have a chance to learn and deep dive into some of the protocols which are most used in the networking world."
Price: 194.99

"Web Ethical Hacking Bug Bounty Course" |
"Welcome to my course.First you'll learn how to install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and then we'll start with websites basics, the different components that make a website, the technologies used, and then we'll dive into website hacking straight away.Before jumping into hacking, you'll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website, then the course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common web application vulnerability, for each vulnerability you will first learn the basic exploitation, then you will learn advanced techniques to bypass security, escalate your privileges, access the database, and even use the hacked websites to hack into other websites on the same server."
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Hacking Bug Bounty Course" |
"The primary goal of this course is to provide you with practical exposure to the world of bug hunting. After taking this course, you will have a better understanding of the approaches (reverse engineering, exploit development) that bug hunters use to find security vulnerabilities. You will learn how to exploit Buffer Overflows on Windows systems. This is an initial course and begins from the very basics of exploitation and is beginner-friendly."
Price: 194.99

"Character Rigging & Automating Walk Cycle in After Effects" |
"Character rigging and animation is an essential part of motion graphics, it brings a lot more fun when you have character animation in your explainer videos and add more life to your videos. However character rigging and walk cycle seems very complicated and hard to understand, a lot of motion designers when they first started are hesitant to try it out. Due to the updates of DUIK, the free character rigging plugin of After Effects, walk cycle is not as hard as it was before and it can also be automated without any keyframes. DUIK free download link can be found on the internet.Today, I will show you the easiest and most efficient way to rig a character and automate a walk cycle. Anyone with basics understanding of After Effects will be able to take this course and follow along.Complete professional workflow from storyboard to final render.( AI to AE workflow)How to prepare and build character in Illustrator before riggingCharacter riggingAutomating walk cycle without any keyframesExport gif fileThis is an introductory course of character rigging and animation, there are a lot of things that we need to cover in this course, so a basic understanding of After Effects will be recommended before taking this course. If you are a beginner and want to learnt After Effects fundamentals, I have other two courses that can help you grasp the basics of After Effects before taking this one.Thanks for taking this course and happy animating!Happy animating!"
Price: 94.99

"Reduction Formula Evaluation of Integrals: Integral Calculus" |
"You have noticed somewhere that any formula which connects the given integral with another integral in which the integrand is of the same type but is of lower degree is called a Reduction Formula. Repeated or continuous application of reduction formula helps us to evaluate the given integral. This method of integration is called integration by successive reduction. Reduction formula can be easily derived using integration by parts i.e., product rule of integration. In this whole course, assume n, m are to be integers unless, otherwise stated."
Price: 5120.00

"Corso di inglese per principianti" |
"Il corso rivolto a tutti coloro che non conoscono ancora la lingua inglese e vogliono impararla per necessit o curiosit.Il corso si basa su slides che contengono brevi spiegazioni in italiano e svariati esempi in inglese. Ogni slide viene commentata e approfondita a voce dall'insegnante. L'uso di un dizionario (cartaceo oppure online) consigliato.Alla fine di ogni argomento vengono proposti quiz e compiti che permetteranno di applicare le conoscenze acquisite e di testare la comprensione delle lezioni.Allo studente viene data la possibilit di accedere a risorse scaricabili e a risorse esterne per approfondire alcuni argomenti."
Price: 24.99

"Drop Servicing Capital Boost- Using This Online Business" |
"While drop servicing business is life-changing, it requires capital. In this course, the quest is to use a profitable and never-before-heard-of FBA business strategy to boost your drop service agency (see how to set up a drop servicing agency in my step-by-step course here at Udemy). The model could also help you boost other online services or products that you could be having.For instance, to use a quality sales funnel building software to create your drop servicing storefront, you need about $200 or more per month for the subscription, advertisement, and website hosting. If you have other online products or services, you might need to do Amazon PPC advertising, Google ads, etc. In this course, we cover a unique low starter cost business model that you can start right away to help you build a source of funds to keep your drop services activities going until you can fully make the switch. The is beneficial because it is:- Of low starter cost (to buy a few products for initial sales)- all recommended tools to use are free- Beginner-friendly- easy to set up, no complicated software needed- Internationally available method- you can do it from wherever you live- Almost hands-off once initial research per product is done- No need to handle customer service- Amazon does that- No need to handle any shipping- only track your sourced product using a tracking number- Is scalable- can go full time on its ownThe disadvantage is:- Researching a viable product is a manual process (though can be automated by software).You have a 30-day money-back guarantee"
Price: 114.99

"Zoom 31 150" |
"Zoom42/ZoomZoom20Zoom150ZoomZoomZoomZoom1 ZoomNG2 Zoom3 Zoom4 Zoom5 ZoomZoom(1)11(2)2000UdemyUdemy2.9YouTube 52YouTubeUdemy"
Price: 6000.00

"Norma 035 Riesgos Psicosociales" |
"Este curso te permitir conocer y entender la norma de una manera general, pero de una forma clara y sencilla, lo cual te servir de base para tomar decisiones acordes a las caractersticas y necesidades de tu organizacin de acuerdo con los requerimientos de esta normatividad obligatoria para todas las organizaciones. Adems, contars con nuestro Diagnstico NOM035 para que conozcas el estatus de tu organizacin con respecto a estos nuevos requerimientos."
Price: 34.99

"Curso de Yoga para RELAJARSE - Calmar ANSIEDAD y ESTRS" |
"Este curso est diseado para relajar el cuerpo, aquietar la mente, equilibrar las emociones, calmar la ansiedad y disminuir el stress.A travs de determinadas posturas de yoga vamos ayudar a eliminar bloqueos energticos. Incorporamos algunos movimientos suaves y lentos de Tai-chi y Chi-Kung, artes milenarias desarrolladas en China, que nos aportan grandes beneficios.Coordinando los movimientos con la respiracin vamos a ir liberando tensiones, preocupaciones, soltando miedos, inseguridades, para luegos llenarnos de entusiasmo, confianza, vitalidad. Realizamos posturas sencillas sin ningn tipo de exigencia, escuchando nuestro cuerpo, respetando, encontrando en nuestro interior silencio, quietud, paz.Vamos activar centros de energas llamados Chakras para que la energa vital fluya y nos permita llevar un vida sana, equilibrada, relajada."
Price: 19.99

"Automatizacin y Control en Refrigeracin" |
"En este curso aprenderemos como automatizar una instalacin frigorfica con los controladores de temperatura de Full Gauge, adems aprenderemos a utilizar el Sitrad PRO que es el nuevo software de Full Gauge Controls para administracin a distancia de las instalaciones de refrigeracin. Con el Sitrad PRO usted accede los ms diversos segmentos, desde redes de supermercados, frigorficos y restaurantes, hasta hoteles, hospitales, laboratorios, residencias, entre otros desde cualquier lugar del mundo.l evala, configura y almacena, continuamente, datos de temperatura, humedad, tiempo, presin y voltaje, permitiendo la modificacin de los parmetros de operacin de los instrumentos con total seguridad y precisin, de cualquier lugar del mundo, va Internet, a travs de la computadora o celular."
Price: 19.99

"Liferay for Beginners Create Your Website Without Coding" |
"This course is for absolute beginners of Liferay. In this course you will be learning below items:Creating your Webiste without the need to code anythingLiferay OverviewLiferay FeaturesUnderstanding Liferay ArchitectureUnderstanding Web Server (Tomcat)PrerequisitesLiferay Installation on WindowsLiferay Installation on LinuxUnderstanding Liferay Folder StructureUnderstanding LogsUnderstanding HousekeepingUnderstanding The Critical FoldersIntroduce PortletCreating a Web Page in LiferayUnderstanding Liferay CMSUnderstanding Liferay Content Creation and Management BasicsLiferay Menu Bar Creation and ManagementLiferay BlogsCreating Polls in LiferayLiferay ForumsLiferay Users and Group Management"
Price: 199.99

"American Accent - English Pronunciation Full Course [Vowels]" |
"In this course, you will focus on the most common pronunciation problems in English, the vowels (22 American English Vowels). This is a fun and focused course that uses a system of video lessons, extended practice through music, and online assessment tools (software/app) so that you can plan your studies, record your voice, and get instant feedback to measure your improvement.How will you know if this course is right for you? If you need to improve your English pronunciation quickly for IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, business communication, or simply because you love English, this could be the course for you. If your first language is Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, this course was designed for you!Whats special about the course? 1. The lessons use side-view drawings and front-view videos to help you see, hear, and understand how the vowel sounds are made 2. There is a color-coded system of symbols, in IPA (the International Phonetic Alphabet), to help you remember the different sounds that you will learn3. This is the only course that gives you a complete understanding between Spelling and Pronunciation (Spelling vs. Sound) for American English Vowels4. Advanced speech recognition software and an app are used to measure your speech, identify mistakes, and assist with developing clear and natural pronunciation Thank you for considering this course with 1enyu. :) -Elliot (Mr. E)"
Price: 119.99

"AS 9100D:2016 Clauses Awareness Training" |
"Aviation, Space and Defense industry has stringent quality requirements. This course will provide you guidelines for establishing system which will meet these requirements. ISO 9001:2015 is base standard and AS 9100 rev.D standard has been published by SAE in year 2016. Certification to AS 9100D:2016 when achieved will indicate your organization's ability to produce consistent quality products."
Price: 1920.00

"The Legal Support Specialist" |
"This course will walk you through the fascinating role Legal Assistants play in the day-to-day operations of a Legal Department, Legal Office or Legal Team.Legal support staff are placed in a strategic position within the legal team which enable them to gain exposure, knowledge, information and power that can be used to take that position to higher levels.Whether thinking on improving your legal support skills and/or moving to the lawyer side, this course will equip you with a wide range of resources to become an expert in your area and to showcase your value to faster and more efficiently pursue and achieve your goals.Implementing best practices, being up to date with new technologies and developments in the legal field and talking the same legal language will help you to master your role and take it to the next level."
Price: 29.99

"Gelitirme Faaliyetlerinin nemi" |
"Kk lekli firmalardan byk lekli firmalara herkesin uygulamada fayda grecei sistemlerin eitimine ynelik videolarn yer ald bu kursumuz da ama, firma ierisindeki tm kaynaklarn verimli bir ekilde kullanlmasn salamak ve maliyetleri azaltarak karlla katk salamaktr. Firmamzn daha dinamik ve gl olmasn salayacak bu sistemler ile gelecei iyi planlayarak rakiplerinize kar daha salam bir organizasyon yaps kurabileceksiniz. Kaizen, 5S, SWOT Analizi, PUK, Gelitirme Faaliyetleri, Canvas Modeli gibi nemli kavramlar gerek i yaam ile detaylandrlarak anlatlmaya allm olup sizlerinde i hayatnzda kolayca kullanabilmeniz hedeflenmitir. Bu eitim serisinde yukarda bahsi geen kavramlar zellikle seilmitir. Nedeni ise, bir i gelitirme sorumlusunun en bata bilmesi gereken kavramlar olduu iin balang olarak bu kavramlar seilmitir."
Price: 49.99

"Electrical Engineering - Understanding Alternating Current" |
"Hi there, my name is John Kelly. I am Lecturer in Electrical Engineering.Are you looking to gain an understanding of alternating current? Perhaps you are looking to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering, or your studying to become an Electrician. Whether your pursuing a career or strengthening your knowledge, this course is for you.This course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of Alternating Current. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step.There are exercise files available to download so that you can practice your newly acquired skills as you progress through the course.By the end of the course you will be confident working with values such as reactance and impedance. You will be able to recognise how power is used in AC circuits, the effects of power factor, and power factor correction.So join me on this course and together we will explore the fundamental knowledge that is vital in understanding how Electricity, and Electrical systems behave.This course will be useful if you are studying for an Electrical Science exam, or to be an Electrician, an Engineer, or wish to go on to study at a higher level."
Price: 29.99

"O Caminho da Iluminao (Parte 1/3)" |
"Este curso nasce de um puro e fraterno encontro. Ele nasce da vontade de compartilhar contigo o meu caminho de volta, o meu retorno Fonte de todas as coisas. E, felizmente, quem me trouxe essa possibilidade luminosa foi a obra do mestre Joel Solomon Goldsmith, que a base do que voc ver, ouvir e sentir do incio ao fim desse curso.Quem no deseja criar uma vida sem dificuldades financeiras, sem solido e sem doenas? Voc deseja?Talvez olhando para este mundo, assistindo aos acontecimentos e vivenciando seu dia a dia, voc nem acredite que isso seja possvel. Mas, e olhando para dentro de voc, para sua prpria vida?Olhe para as suas relaes interpessoais, para sua carreira e seus negcios? Voc construiu uma vida de felicidade, harmonia e equilbrio? Voc percebe que est crescimento contnua e sustentavelmente? Voc uma pessoa prspera?Pois bem, Ser tudo isso perfeitamente possvel e eu terei a alegria de te apresentar o caminho que eu mesmo percorri dentre infinitas possibilidades. E posso afirmar que ele pode transformar a sua realidade, como fez com a minha.Uma mudana deste nvel s se d quando voc escolhe reconstruir sua vida baseada da Realidade ltima, na Verdade Absoluta, iniciando a mudana que for necessria para se encaixar num patamar superior de conscincia que voc ir acessar, praticar e vivenciar. Essa a minha proposta: ajudar voc a se iluminar e a criar uma vida muito mais feliz e com propsito firme, vivendo a partir da sua conscincia espiritual.Se voc j percorreu algum caminho rumo sua iluminao espiritual, porm ainda no se sente unificado e preenchido pelo Amor Incondicional, este curso te ajudar a romper as ltimas, e mais fortes barreiras, que te mantm distanciado do Belo, do Pleno e do Prspero.De forma final, este curso tem o objetivo de revelar a natureza Divina do ser humano.Eu, verdadeiramente, espero que voc aprecie a viagem, pois Ele te espera, como sempre O fez!Forte abraoThiago Rico"
Price: 159.99

"SAP MM Certification Questions Mock Test [C_TSCM52_67]" |
"Dear Aspirants,This mock test consist of all the questions from the certification books (Procurement Academy I (Part I & II) and Procurement Academy II (Part I & II). The aim behind adding these questions is to allow you to test your bookish knowledge and to identify the weak areas, thus presenting you with an opportunity to work on it.Along with it we have added the latest certification mock questions that covers the most important and frequently occuring questions in the SAP MM Global Certification Exam. This will definitely allow you to gain the necessary confidence to appear for the exam.We will keep adding new questions as when we come across it. Hope you will like our efforts and we hope it benefits you greatly. Regards,Team Zenfotec."
Price: 1280.00

"Kapsaml Solidworks 2020 Egitimi (Seviye-1-2-3)" |
"Kurs, meslek hayatna atlmak zere olan veya meslek hayatna atlm - kendine deer katmak isteyen rencilere yneliktir. Bu konuda teorik ve pratik alt yap ile, birlikte, mhendislik uygulamalar gerekletireceiz. Kurs, onlarca kaynak ve kiisel tecrbelerimin birleimi eklinde ortaya kmtr ve bu kurs srekli gncellenecektir.Kursumuzda offline eitim alabildiiniz gibi online olarak da eitim alabileceksiniz. Her hafta Cumartesi gnleri dzenlediim online toplantlar sayesinde sorularnz yneltebileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99

"Interface of Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property" |
"The course is divided into 7 lectures and 6 chapters. The first chapter introduces the course by giving basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its popularisation in the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolution. It gives an overview of the types of AI i.e. weak AI & deep learning and what stage it interacts with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Chapters two to four discuss the scope of protection of AI technology under the Patent Law, Copyright Law & Trade Secret law. It also covers ownership and authorship of AI for AI related inventions or work. Moving forward, chapter five examines different aspects of infringement by AI & liability for losses caused by AI related technology, including autonomous vehicles. It also dwells upon the principles of limitation of liability by companies dealing in software and technology and the principle of creative commons. Lastly chapter six discusses the way forward in terms of utility provided by AI & dangers posed by AI.The entire course interprets intellectual property law on a comparative basis and analysis the jurisdictions of the United States, European Union, United Kingdom & India.Some interesting takeaways from the course are digital gaming and copyright protection to gaming software and self-driving vehicles and protection under trade secret law. Some new topics that have been touched upon are Patent trolling, open source license and copyleft licenses."
Price: 29.99

"Healing Driving Anxiety with Driving Anxiety Meditations" |
"Take control of the wheel.Have you ever had intense driving anxiety? Or maybe just the idea of driving gets you nervous because you worry youre not a good driver.You end up avoiding outings and trips when you have to drive. Whether its because its at night, to an unfamiliar town, during bad weather, or going through a busy expressway, you avoid it simply because youre afraid.You are not alone! Vehophobia (Driving Anxiety) is extremely common. In fact, about half of all drivers report having a fear of something going wrong while driving.My Driving Anxiety Meditation program will help you conquer your driving fears, serving as a guide while you keep your hands firmly but surely on the steering wheel.The best way to get over driving anxiety is to drive as often as you can with support!Shift your confidence back into gear with this course.There are adventures to have. Stuff to do. People to be with. Lives to change! (Most of all: yours!)With the program, youll receive 6 downloadable mp3s for the road that willExplain anxiety, why you have it, and what to do.Tell you how to refocus your mind from the negative anxious thoughts to be present and in control.Tether you to reality and feeling a part of life.Stop you from negative self-judgment that makes it all worse.It gives you the best tips to stop deriving anxiety and all other anxieties, too.Instead of feeling trapped and terrified imagine:You have more fun in your life, gain back your freedom, and go wherever you want!"
Price: 29.99

"Seismic Design of R/C buildings" |
"This Course built for undergraduate and master civil and structural engineer students. The aim of this course is to pass accurate and deep information on the design of seismic R/C buildings. Especially, this course offers (knowledge of ):1) Modeling via Sap20002) How Ec8 used3) How Estimated the Behavior Factor (q), the structural type of the system 4) Mention on the 4 types of analysis5) How Calculated the Shear-Torsion center of the building 6) Seismic Detailing Desing of Beams, Columns, Shear Wall, Slab and Foundation (Longitudinal and Shear reinforcement)7) Crushing of columns 4) Punching shear check of slabs6) Dynamic linear analysis"
Price: 44.99
