"2 ve 4 Borulu Fan Coil Nedir ? Nasl Tasarlanr ?" |
"Herkese merhaba, Fan coil sistemlerinin nedir ? Nasl Tasarlanr ? 2 ve 4 Borulu fan coil nedir ? Bu kurs kapsamnda bu balklar irdelenmitir. 2 Borulu fan coil sistem tanm , hangi sistemlerin birletirilmesi ile yaplabilir avantaj ve dezavantajlar ilenmitir.4 Borulu fan coil sistem tanm , hangi sistemlerin birletirilmesi ile yaplabilir avantaj ve dezavantajlar ilenmitir.rnek projeler zerinden izimleri ve ak emalar yorumlanm ve kaynaklar blmnde paylalmtr. Son dersimizde ise ; rnek bir proje zerinden fan coil seimi , yerleimi ve aplandrlmas yaplmtr.Termostat yerleimleri ve balants yaplmtr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 59.99

"Einfhrungsworkshop Parkour nach TRuST" |
"Unser Einfhrungsworkshop ""Parkour nach TRuST"" ist genau die richtige Anlaufstelle, wenn du schon immer mal Parkour ausprobieren wolltest und nicht wusstest wie du anfangen sollst. In diesem Einfhrungsworkshop nach TRuST dreht sich alles um einen umfassenden ersten Eindruck unseres Trainingsablaufs. Gleichzeitig legen wir gemeinsam eine Basis, indem wir wichtige Grundbungen in allen Trainingsphasen besprechen und konkrete Aufgaben formulieren. Mit dem Online Kurs kommen wir zu dir und du kannst von berall aus teilnehmen. An selbst gewhlten Trainingsorten (Umgebung der Wohnung, Park, Garten, etc.) fhrst du das Training mit Hilfe der Erklrvideos selbststndig durch. Auch kannst du dir fr dein eigenes Training die Inhalte immer wieder ansehen und durchgehen."
Price: 24.99

"Aquecedores de gua a Gs - ABNT NBR13103" |
"Orientar os participantes sobre os procedimentos de segurana para realizar a instalao de equipamentos e aparelhos domsticos alimentados por gases combustveis, visando maximizar a segurana para a instalao.Termos e DefiniesTipos de Aparelhos a Gs e suas condies mediante ambiente de instalao e ventilaoEvacuao dos produtos de combustoDimensionamento do Duto de Exausto para Aquecedores de Exausto NaturalComentrio sobre a reviso da norma em consulta pblica"
Price: 69.99

"Watercolour painting" |
"In this course you will be able to learn 3 water colour drawings in which 1 drawing is of sunset and 2 drawings are couple drawingsPlease purchase this course and I assure you on be half of udemy that the cources will be available lifetime.Hope you will like the course and will give your best rating possibleAnd enjoy the landscape painting by Jay nale only on Udemy.In this course you will be able to learn a couple drawing in watercolour That will improve your water colour skills In this course you will be not finding anything which is not irrelevant of drawing with watercolour So dont worry go ahead and buy this course.As on behalf of udemy I promise you the 30 day buyback guarantee"
Price: 1600.00

"sunset drawing beginners watercolour painting for beginners" |
"In this course you will be able to learn 1 water colour drawings in which drawing is of sunset please purchase this course and I assure you on be half of udemy that the cources will be available lifetime.Hope you will like the course and will give your best rating possibleAnd enjoy the landscape painting by Jay nale only on Udemy.In this course you will be able to learn a couple drawing in watercolour That will improve your water colour skills In this course you will be not finding anything which is not irrelevant of drawing with watercolour So dont worry go ahead and buy this course.As on behalf of udemy I promise you the 30 day buyback guarantee"
Price: 1600.00

"Ingls bsico II - English business & e-commerce" |
"Habla ingls en 12 semanas con un mtodo innovador. Prctico. Sencillo. Sin gramtica. Esta es la segunda parte del curso que cuenta con:-6 unidades. Cada una con una temtica actual, de inters y estudiando los temas que ms se hablan cotidianamente. -6 Videoclases. En los videos podrs escuchar y seguir fcilmente el audio con tu handbook para que aprendas las expresiones y tomas notas. Adems, puedes ver las clases las veces que quieras. -Handbook. Extenso ebook dividido en temas y donde tambin encontrars las key answers.-Worksheets. Hojas de ejercicios para repasar y aplicar lo aprendido por escrito pero tambin oral en conversacin con el tutor. -Key answers. Hojas de soluciones a las worksheets.-Conversacin con tutor. Se agendarn sesiones de conversacin previo acuerdo estudiantes-tutor.-Evaluacin. Mediante worksheets, tests, conversaciones y prueba final. -Feedback. Correccin y seguimiento por parte del tutor. Se corregirn errores de pronunciacin y entonacin y se animar a mantener lo que se hace de forma correcta. El curso sigue una metodologa dinmica y muy prctica (de ah su nombre My Practical English Course)."
Price: 34.99

"Physician and Entrepreneur Burnout" |
"This online course is put together as an all in one resource which will allow medical professionals and entrepreneurs to take the course and understand the problem, process the change and manage its positive effects on ones wellbeing.Key concepts covered include:What is Burnout ?Why are Physicians burnout?How to prevent Burnout?Key to a fulfilled and happy lifeThe Freedom formula course is to prevent burnout. If candidates are diagnosed with depression by a medical professionals, this course will still help to improve their understanding, but they are strongly advised to seek URGENT PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL AND/OR PSYCHOLOGICAL help.Mr. Moholkar who is a practicing orthopaedic surgeon provides knowledge and education on Burnout and related conditions and is not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. This course is designed to improve awareness and learn skills and not designed to DIAGNOSE OR TREAT any medical condition."
Price: 99.99

"The Psychology behind Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)" |
"This course involves understanding what Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is, how it develops, why PTSD symptoms are maintained, and how people can cope with these experiences in order to move towards recovery. We begin by discussing what is PTSD, the clinical symptoms that transpire, and the difference between people who develop PTSD and those who do not following an experience of a traumatic event. The psychological mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of PTSD along with an example is mapped out to help students conceptualise what might occur for someone following a difficult life event. Finally, we move onto thinking about how we can support and treat someone who experiences PTSD, including building resilience, one's capacity to manage difficult circumstances, reprocess traumatic memories, managing flashbacks, as well as developing compassion to manage symptoms."
Price: 44.99

"Creating WordPress Websites with Elementor: Beginner's Guide" |
"You will explore WordPress and Elementor and by the end of the course, you will be able to:- Acquire your personal domain and hosting account;- Build catchy video backgrounds;- Create Elementor headers, footers, and menus;- Embed live chats, contact forms and popups;- Find great colour combinations, fonts, and much more!Your instructor, Andriyas, will start from 0. This course culminates in a real-world personal website for an aspiring musician. A minimalistic look will be achieved with the use of padded sections, anchors that let you navigate from one part of the page to another as well as striking colours that attract the viewer's eyes. Then, you will learn how to make your website mobile-friendly.Complete with a unique project, this course lets you experiment with Elementor alongside instructor without buying a domain name and WordPress hosting. You will walk away with knowledge on how to visually build your own website that will be limited only by your imagination.Let's do it!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso COMPLETO de Google Ads (AdWords) e YouTube Ads" |
"Chegou a sua hora de dominar a plataforma de anncios mais utilizada do mundo!Nesse curso voc aprender todos os principais conceitos do Google Ads, que permite a criao de anncios nas duas maiores ferramentas de busca do mundo: o Google e o YouTube.Dividido em diversos mdulos, o curso segue uma sequncia lgica recomendada para quem no tem contato frequente com a plataforma, facilitando dessa forma o aprendizado.O Curso COMPLETO de Google Ads (AdWords) e YouTube Ads dividido da seguinte forma:Mdulo 1) Na primeira seo do curso, voc ser apresentado aos fundamentos do Trfego Pago e do Google Ads, finalizando com um passeio pela interface da plataforma.Mdulo 2) No segundo mdulo ensinada a criao de pblicos-alvos. importante que esse processo seja feito anteriormente criao de campanhas, pois importante que voc entenda quem necessrio atingir em cada tipo de campanha.Mdulo 3) Em nosso terceiro mdulo, chegamos finalmente ao processo de criao de campanha. Agora que voc j est familiarizado com as segmentaes existentes, vai ser capaz tambm de criar anncios de sucesso nos principais formatos: rede de pesquisa, rede de display e YouTube.Mdulo 4) A quarta seo do curso passa um panorama completo e aprofundado das palavras-chaves (keywords) do Google Ads, alm de ensinar estratgias de planejamento para definio das keywords de sua campanha.Mdulo 5) No quinto mdulo, o assunto o Pixel do Google Ads. Voc vai aprender a rastrear aes realizadas no seu site atravs das suas campanhas, utilizando cdigos e configuraes do prprio Google.Mdulo 6) O sexto mdulo trata do ps-campanha. Depois de rodar os anncios, importante seguir acompanhando os resultados e otimizando suas estratgias, analisando as mtricas mais importantes em relao ao seu objetivo.Mdulo FINAL) Por fim, voc ter um questionrio de 10 perguntas onde seu aprendizado ser avaliado. de extrema importncia que o teste seja realizado, dessa forma tudo que voc aprendeu ser fixado mais facilmente na sua memria.Seja muito bem-vindo ao curso, espero que aproveite todo o contedo disponibilizado e pratique muito!"
Price: 174.99

"How to Prepare for Interviews and Group Discussions" |
"This course will help in gaining valuable insights on:Fundamentals of Interviews Ways to be confident while facing interviewsPoints to remember while facing InterviewsConcept of Group DiscussionTypes of Group DiscussionHow to prepare for Group Discussion Guidelines to make a meaningful impact on Group DiscussionDo's and Dont's of Group Discussions & Points to remember in Group Discussion"
Price: 1600.00

"Este Taller contiene informacin y herramientas que servirn para recordar tu verdadera esencia, reconocer el ego en tu vida, a entender el proceso de desarrollo de los nios y vivir ms presente en la vida propia y de nuestros nios y as crear un ambiente mas saludable para educar desde el SER."
Price: 119.99

learningplatform |
"! 2019 . , . 2020 ( ) , , ."
Price: 34.99

Bounceback |
"After suffering serious trauma and loss, it can be difficult to bounce back from the loss or setback. This class will teach on how to find your resilience and purpose again. The courses include 1. The Bounceback; 2. Self-Care (strengthening your physical, emotional and spiritual planes) 3. Forgiveness 4. Finding your calling (you are worth it)- Pt 1; and 5. Finding your calling strategy Pt 2."
Price: 99.99

"Your First Backend API and Database with NodeJS and AWS" |
"Who is this course for?If you're a front-end or junior developer who wants to take the next step in your career then this is the course for you. By the end of this course you will have:Set up your AWS AccountCreated your own project with ServerlessDeployed two API endpointsDeployed a Database to store your dataWith this you'll be well on you way to becoming a full stack developer.RequirementsBasic writing JavaScriptNodeJS installed on your computer"
Price: 29.99

"ClickBank Millionaire Affiliate with Free Traffic & No Site" |
"I consider myself a new Clickbank affiliate but in my short time as a ClickBank affiliate, I have done some amazing numbers with completely free traffic. I share a lot of proof on my success on my Youtube Channel [onlinehustletv]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::This course will be the only one you need to either start on ClickBank or scale your ClickBank business. The methods can also be applied to other affiliate marketing businesses online.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::This course will make your dream of becoming a ClickBank millionaire a REALITY!"
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda a Fazer Cermica - AZULEJO PORTUGUS" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a Tcnica tradicional do Azulejo Portugus de pintura mo livre.Como reproduzir azulejos pintados mo, como vidrar/esmaltar, retocar e preparar a peaSaber quais os materiais utilizados e a forma como se faz tradicionalmente em Portugal Seo de dicas com videos demonstrando como preparar o pincel, saco de carvo, os pigmentos e a forma de segurar a peaVai visualizar a entrada e a sada do forno com instrues de como fazer a queima para um resultado bem artesanal e com aspecto antigoVeja tambm a seo de download dos desenhos e a de exemplos de fachadas de azulejos em Lisboa"
Price: 144.99

"Formao de Auditores Internos" |
"Formar auditores internos de sistemas de gesto de qualidade, com base nas diretrizes da ISO 19011:2018.Contedo programtico:- Introduo a Qualidade segundo a ISO 9001.- Gerenciamento de Processos.- O porque da auditoria.- Objetivos da auditoria.- Competncia dos auditores.- Apresentao da Norma ISO 19011:2018.-Exerccios prticos e estudos de caso para fixar os conceitos apresentados."
Price: 19.99

"Spiele-Apps - Programmieren lernen fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Kurs bringe ich euch bei wie man Spiele-Apps programmiert. Dabei ist es egal ob ihr schon mal etwas programmiert habt oder nicht. Wir beginnen bei den Basics und erarbeiten uns mit einer vorgefertigten 2D-Grafikengine einen Weg in die Welt der Programmierung und App-Entwicklung.Das Ziel ist dabei, das wir gemeinsam eine vorzeigbare App fr Androidgerte entwickeln und ber den Google Playstore verffentlichen knnen. Dabei verwenden wir die kostenfreie Corona-Engine. Natrlich knnt ihre eure Apps mit diesem Kurs auch fr iOS-Gerte und Windowsumgebungen entwickeln, allerdings befasst sich der Abschnitt Verffentlichung nur mit Androidsystemen und dem Google Playstore.Smtliche in diesem Kurs vorgestellten Zusatzprogramme, die fr das Programmieren notwendig sind, sind kostenfrei als Download erhltlich. Lediglich fr die Verffentlichung im Playstore verlangt Google eine einmalige Bearbeitungsgebhr von 25, um sich als Entwickler anzumelden.Aktualisierung:Demnchst wird die, in diesem Kurs verwendete, Corona-Engine sich aus verstndlichen Grnden umbenennen und zuknftig als Solar2D zu finden sein. Dementsprechend werden auch nach und nach die Links umbenannt. Um die Engine zu finden, einfach bei Google ""Solar 2D Engine"" suchen."
Price: 39.99

"Hair Cutting 101" |
"Whether you are beginer or experienced stylist, there are things you can learn or refresh from watching this class.Paul Goes over the fundamentals of cutting hair and shows the proper technique for various types of hair cuts. This class is a great place to start if you want to cut friends or family hair, or if you want to become a stylist."
Price: 29.99

"Conquer COVID-19 Understanding Personal Protection Equipment" |
"Welcome to your introductory course on infection control and the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for the community and healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. This course is for healthcare workers and the wider community interested in understanding the effective use of PPE.What we will be learning:How you can help protect yourself against contracting and spreading COVID-19What is COVID-19 and how it is transmitted Understanding what types of PPE are most relevant for youHow to wear and dispose of PPE correctly to ensure effectivenessHow to check that the PPE you are purchasing is certified and approved for use by regulatory authoritiesWe will be sharing both the latest recommendations by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and US Centre for Disease Control (CDC), as well as earlier WHO advice during previous epidemics when it comes to use of PPE in the community."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing/ Work From Home in Hindi" |
"Hello GuysLearn Digital Marketing and Work from Home Techniques in easy Hindi Language.After doing this course you may get a good job and it can help you to grow your business.If you are already doing a job then it can also help you to make a second source of income with good earning.Upgrade your skills and CV with this course."
Price: 1280.00

"RFID in Business" |
"Do you want to know more about this remarkable technology and how it can help any business run their operations faster and more efficiently than ever before? Then this course will guide you into understanding the major principles regarding RFID Technology and also discuss business applications. Applications that create multiple opportunities. Enroll now, to find out more about the architecture of RFID, the solution design basics, the applications, the industry verticals that implement RFID solutions and also the role of RFID in future technologies like Blockchain, IoT - Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence and more. In the last part you will also find out how RFID can be an important tool for Risk Management."
Price: 99.99

"Lease Accounting - ASC 842" |
"This course is all about the standard ASC 842 (US GAAP). In this course we covered about the basic understanding of lease, classification of lease, accounting of lease with practical examples in excel in the books of lessee, Transition from ASC 840 to ASC 842 along with example in excel and finally we covered the major differences from ASC 840 to ASC 842."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-330 Fusion Labor Claims Cloud Practice Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-330 Fusion Labor Claims Cloud Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-330 Fusion Labor Claims Cloud Practice ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 159.99

"Oracle 1Z0-409 Linux Basics Certified Practice Exam" |
"197 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-409 Linux Basics Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-409 Linux Basics Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 197Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (147 of 197)"
Price: 169.99

"1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials Practice Exam" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials Practice ExamTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 174.99

"Presentation Skills public speaking for Kids/teens" |
"The course is for kids & teens to make them better at communicating at School, social gatherings. The course also helps students fight the stage fright. The course also prepares students for different and specific situations like class room, restaurants.The course also touches on the problem faced by shy kids when doing presentations or interacting . Each section of the course also has tips for parents."
Price: 69.99

"Autodesk BIM 360 - Docs" |
"Learn how to setup a Project on Autodesk BIM 360 Docs and how to share Plans like PDFs and 3D data like Navisworks or Revit files.You will also see how to review files, track issues in the project, and how to setup Approval workflows for the team.Start to use the Document Management of Autodesk BIM 360 now!"
Price: 49.99

"Resultado Esperado - Especificao do um objetivo." |
"Aqui voc conseguir fazer e elaborar o seu objetivo.Com tcnicas de coaching e objetividade, um passo a passo para voc ter clareza.Ter claro o que voc deseja e o que tem motiva para ir em busca do seu Objetivo.Porque importante ter um Objetivo?O que precisa para ser um Objetivo?SEM OBJETIVO SEM REALIZAOQuem no formula objetivos, no consegue realizar.No consegue direcionar suas aes de maneira assertiva."
Price: 54.99

"Introduction to Forensic Medicine" |
"This short course is introduction to Forensic Medicine. This course is based on college level course, aimed all interested students who study or work in related field or just interested students. I will explain the scientific aspects and principles of Forensic Medicine in a scientific way, a way from media misconceptions about forensics."
Price: 19.99
