"Bienvenidos a bordo de Bohemia ! !En este curso aprenders a pintar un hoja de helecho desde cero con acrlicos.Haremos texturas con relieve, crearemos los colores, lo firmaremos y por ultimo lo barnizaremos.No te preocupes si no tienes conocimientos de pintura ni de dibujo porque te voy a estar guiando paso a paso en la realizacin de este cuadro. Y si ya tienes conocimientos, entonces manos a la obra !! Lo mas divertido es que , la imperfeccin es la herramienta principal para que el cactus quede con ese toque personal y orgnico.La realizacin de este cuadro va a constar de 7 paso super fciles.paso 1 / Textura rugosa con papelpaso 2 / Pintado de fondo paso 3 / Boceto del helecho en un papel paso 4 / Pintado del helecho sobre el bastidorpaso 5 / Empaste con espatulapaso 6 / Delineado con negro + firma o sello personalpaso 7 / BarnizadoAnimate a descubrirte como artista y llena tu hogar de cuadros hechos por vos. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 19.99

"How to write a KILLER COMMUNICATION PLAN in seven easy steps" |
"I dont know about you but I never have enough time. There are not enough hours in the day to devote to all the things I would like, such as hobbies or spend more time with family and friends.Thats why I designed How to Write a KILLER COMMUNICATION PLAN in seven easy steps. In less than 45 minutes you will learn key concepts you can easily apply to make your project a success and your job a little bit simpler.This course highlights methods and tips to aid you in building a robust communication plan in seven easy steps. These concepts will help you build a framework to manage communication activities within your business which you can use again and again."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA A+ Core Series (220-1001 & 220-1002) Exam Bundle" |
"The CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) covering the following new content:* Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionals* Configure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) software* Troubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scripting* Support basic IT infrastructure and networking* Configure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardware* Implement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practices"
Price: 59.99

"Node-red, en la Industria 4.0 comunica el IoT." |
"En la Industria 4.0 requerimos que los equipos(hardware) y programas(software) se comuniquen entre si para mejorar procesos y que nos permitan una correcta toma de decisiones.Node-Red es la herramienta que nos permite ligarlos fcilmente y tener una productividad mayor.Este es el curso bsico de manejo de Node-Red, con el cul entenders sus conceptos bsicos y podrs desarrollar tus propios flujos.Muchas gracias por participar en mi curso."
Price: 570.00

"Trading - A start from scratch" |
"This course is a step by step guide to get started with your trading journey , All you need is to understand and practice the most basic tools and master them . If you are on your way to find out one holy grail strategy to be profitable and then stop and think if there would be then why is it hidden. Stop trailing behind it . Build your own rules and master it . I am here to help you learn those basic rules and be profitable"
Price: 29.99

"VCAD510 VMware Associate Data Center Virtualization Exam" |
"112 UNIQUE practice questions for VCAD510 VMware Associate Data Center Virtualization ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VCAD510 VMware Associate Data Center Virtualization ExamTotal Questions : 112Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (84 of 112)"
Price: 159.99

"HP2-E53 Selling HP Enterprise Solutions Practice Test" |
"184 UNIQUE practice questions for HP2-E53 Selling HP Enterprise Solutions Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP2-E53 Selling HP Enterprise Solutions Practice TestTotal Questions : 184Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (138 of 184)"
Price: 164.99

"CISM Information Security Program Management Practice Exam" |
"157 UNIQUE practice questions for CISM Information Security Program Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISM Information Security Program Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 164.99

"VCPVCD510 VMware Certified Professional Practice Exam" |
"155 UNIQUE practice questions for VCPVCD510 VMware Certified Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VCPVCD510 VMware Certified Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 155Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (116 of 155)"
Price: 164.99

"ST0-085 Symantec Information Manager Technical Exam" |
"200 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-085 Symantec Information Manager Technical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-085 Symantec Information Manager Technical ExamTotal Questions : 200Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (150 of 200)"
Price: 174.99

"Citrix 1Y0-401 XenDesktop 7.6 Design Solutions Practice Exam" |
"256 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-401 XenDesktop 7.6 Design Solutions Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-401 XenDesktop 7.6 Design Solutions Practice ExamTotal Questions : 256Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (192 of 256)"
Price: 179.99

"Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2021 (or earlier)" |
"Learn how to open, review and navigate in a 3D model in Navisworks Freedom. This course is also suitable as an introduction to Navisworks for users of Navisworks Simulate or Navisworks Manage, but will not include the features specific to these versions (Clash Detection, Timeliner or Quantity Takeoff).You will also see how to do a Walkthrough, Sectioning and Playback Animations and Timeliner.Get started with Navisworks now!"
Price: 29.99

"Modelagem Plana Infantil - Curso 02" |
"Voc aprender tirar as medidas do corpo infantil feminino e masculino, montar uma tabela personalizada e desenhar base da manga, alm de aprender as modificaes necessrias na base de corpo para encaixar a manga confortavelmente.Com essas bases, voc ser capaz de criar modelos variados de blusas, casacos, camisas, vestidos e coletes. um curso para quem no quer depender de gabaritos prontos."
Price: 54.99

"Modelagem Plana Infantil- Curso 03" |
"Com esse curso, voc aprender tirar as medidas do corpo infantil feminino e masculino, montar uma tabela personalizada e desenhar bases de cala. Assim, o aluno ter liberdade para imaginar e criar qualquer modelo da parte inferior do corpo infantil.Com essas bases, voc ser capaz de criar modelos variados de shorts, calas e macaces. um curso para quem no quer depender de gabaritos prontos."
Price: 84.99

"Build your first Chatbot using RASA ( from ZERO to HERO )" |
"This course will teach you how to build, deploy your chatbots - with the help of the open source framework RASA and the power of AI.Why taking this course:This course is different from others by this structure:1) Learn to deploy your Chatbot in 20 mins into your website ( creating of your website is integrated in this course ) or to Facebook, Whasapp, Telegram2) Understand the concept of each step for being able to create your new Chatbot3) This course focus on the practical way to learn RASA ( with creating your own chatbot during your learning )What is special about this course: - Without any knowledge requires , you will be able to build a professional Chatbot using Python, Machine Learning, RASA - All these technologies and languages will be explain for the absolutes beginners without any experience of development"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft AZ 203 Practice Exam" |
"In this Microsoft AZ 203 Practice Exam course there are 2 Practice Test in total. There are over 66 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your Microsoft AZ 203 Practice examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 66 Questionsii.All Microsoft AZ 203 Practice Exam Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:i. Wanting to pass the Microsoft AZ 203 certification.ii. Wanting to find your weak areas for the Microsoft AZ 203 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"UiPath Advanced REFramework - Everything Explained" |
"Note: This course is for candidates having +6 months of working experience in developing RPA solutions.Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is the talk of the town in the business world these days and with a good reason. RPA is revolutionizing the way we work by removing the boring and repetitive work. This gives the employees time to be creative and do more interesting work.At the front of this revolution is UiPath, which is widely acknowledged as the leading RPA software vendor. People with UiPath skills are in high demand.In this course you will learn everything about the UiPath REFramework including ALL states, settings, and properties. The course is based on a case, which will be completely solved step-by-step. It will be possible (and recommended) to live code in UiPath alongside the instructor. The entire code is available for download.By the end of the course you will be able to:Implement all your business processes in the UiPath REFrameworkMaster all settings and properties in the UiPath REFrameworkSet up OrchestratorMake robots ready for enterpriseWork with all states in the UiPath REFramework in the optimal wayFully understand the purpose of the transitions between the statesHandle credentials in a secure wayDo extensive loggingHandle errors with Try/CatchExplain and use the Dispatcher/Performer ModelScale your robots to multiple machinesTake advantage of the additional tips and tricks of the courseGet access to our LinkedIn Group for UiPath Professionals, where we will answer all questions regarding the courseWhy should you take this course: This is the most extensive and advanced UiPath course on the market and it will dramatically improve your UiPath job chances in Europe.Join our LinkedIn group: Search for UiPath RPA Developers on LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentos CCNA: Curso Bsico de Redes" |
"En este curso, el estudiante obtendr una comprensin bsica del funcionamiento de las redes. Aprender sobre los componentes de la red y sus funciones, sobre cmo est estructurada una red y las arquitecturas utilizadas para crear redes, incluido Internet.El propsito es ms que aprender conceptos de redes. Al final de este curso, el estudiante sabr manejar el simulador de redes Cisco Packet Tracer donde podr crear su propia red, configurar ajustes bsicos de routers y switches, implementar el protocolos IP y el protocolo de enrutamiento necesario para que su red pueda comunicarse. Todos estos conocimientos sern la base tanto terica como prctica de toda la preparacin necesaria para poder optar por la certificacin CCNA de Cisco."
Price: 19.99

"Dynamic floral illustration in watercolours and ink" |
"Flowers make everyone happy. the simple shapes of flowers and leaves are so easy to achieve that most of us enjoy painting them for fun. The therapeutic experience of painting these simple yet beautiful subject cannot be replaced!Learn to create vibrant and dynamic floral illustration that stands out with a characteristic line and wash technique! This technique uses well define lines and a watercolour wash. It is a great medium for journals and sketchbooks and has been used by artists and illustrators since long.I have also posted a detailed session on how to use a dip pen and Indian ink for your lines. Don't worry if you dont have a dip pen or ink, you can always use a gel pen or even a regular ball point pen for this purpose!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende excel bsico desde cero, solo principiantes" |
"Curso bsico para principiantes en el mbito de las hojas electrnicas de clculo, dirigido a los estudiantes, profesionales, negocios, amas de casa y personas en general que les guste el manejo de la ofimtica en particular el programa Microsoft excel y que por cuestiones de estudios, negocio u otro estn interesados en descubrir el manejo bsico de la hoja de clculo de excel."
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a Investir na Bolsa de Valores" |
"O curso sobre Bolsa de Valores mais procurado no pas. Com uma linguagem simples e objetiva, voc conhecer o essencial sobre o mercado de capitais e poder iniciar de forma segura seus investimentos na renda varivel.O curso ir mostrar os passos iniciais antes de iniciar no mercado financeiro, alm da viso geral sobre o mercado de capitais e o processo de compra e venda de ativos na Bolsa de Valores.Veja o passo a passo que voc vai encontrar no CURSO:Passo 1. Introduo ao CursoPasso 2. Planejamento e organizao financeira: entenda a importnciaPasso 3. O Que Mercado Financeiro?Passo 4. Renda VarivelPasso 5. Tipos de InvestimentosPasso 6. Fundos ImobiliriosPasso 7. Fundos Multimercado e AesPasso 8. AesPasso 9. Como investir na prtica"
Price: 39.99

"Google Drive Desde Cero" |
"Google Drive desde cero, es un curso que comprende desde el conocimiento de la plataforma hasta la creacin y modificacin de documentos tales como: Documentos de google, hojas de clculo, presentaciones y tambin formularios. Con lo que se quiere que T aproveches al mximo esta herramienta que estoy seguro que te ayudar mucho tanto en lo laboral, en lo educativo y como en la vida diaria.Porque tener un almacenamiento disponible las 24 horas y sin pensar que se puede perder es Sper!!!."
Price: 19.99

"Desarrolla una aplicacin Android y tu propia RESTful API" |
"Quieres crear un proyecto Android+Backend de forma totalmente independiente?Eres desarrollador Android y te gustara aprender de verdad sobre RESTful API?En este curso aprenders desde cero y sin la necesidad de conocimientos previos de Javascript, a crear tu propio backend. Para ello utilizars las ltimas tecnologas: NodeJS; ExpressJS, MongoDB y otros, para construir tu RESTful API. Como seguramente sabes, cualquier aplicacin Android profesional necesita conectarse a un servidor para leer o almacenar datos. Es por ello, que un desarrollador Android conoce bien el hacer peticiones a un servidor pero desconoce lo que ocurre detrs, y tiene que depender totalmente de otros programadores backend, o plataformas como Firebase que a la larga se traduce en altos costes.Pues bien, te adelanto que al finalizar este curso sers capaz de disear, crear y desarrollar cada una de las capas involucradas desde que el usuario, por ejemplo, pulsa el botn de guardar en un formulario de tu Android app, hasta que se almacena en la base de datos del servidor.Adems, desarrollars de manera profesional una aplicacin Android en Kotlin y usando lo ms novedoso como Android Jetpack y Coroutines, siempre usando las mejores prcticas, de la mano de un desarrollador Senior Android con ms de 9 aos de experiencia profesional."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Google Site 2020" |
"Step by Step1. Create Google Site Page.2. Select Theme, Header, Layouts.3. Add Content like Images, Text.4. Domain Registration.5. Contact Form page using Google Form.6. Add logo, Favicon, and Footer.7. Site Permission For Editing.8. Site Backup.9. Site Publish and Unpublish.10. Google Analytics.Once Completed this Course, Anyone can Easily Create website for their Business, Buy Domain Name from HCLhost you can also get Technical support on Domain Name."
Price: 19.99

"Tudo sobre OKR - (Objetivos e Resultados-Chave)" |
"Tudo sobre OKR (Objective and Key Results ou Objetivos e Resultados Chave) o modelo de gesto de desempenho utilizado pelo Google, que pode transformar o seu negcio.O que voc aprender:Problemas e desafios que as transformao digital traz para profissionais e empresas, e como o OKR, um modelo de gesto gil de desempenho, pode contribuir para lidar com as incertezas e imprevisibilidades do mercado.Histria do modelo, e principais conceitos da metodologia. Como construir OKRs, com exemplos prticos, a diferena entre Objetivos, Resultados Chave e tarefas, e como manter o foco em resultados que importam.Como realizar a gesto dos OKRs ao longos dos ciclos de um empresa. Como fazer a gesto dos times e processos de governana do modelo.Impacto do modelo OKR na gesto de empresas e pessoas, o antes e depois do modelo e a diferena com modelos tradicionais de gesto. E ver um Case real, com resultados concretos e percepes reais."
Price: 399.99

"Selbstverteidigung - 3 Monate Basic Training - Trainingsplan" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien. Somit kannst du alleine oder mit Partner, sowie mit oder ohne Equipment trainieren. Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. So stoppst du einen Straenangriff in weniger als 5 Sekunden, selbst wenn du eine Frau bist, oder ber 50 Jahre alt bist, vielleicht nur 160 cm gro bist, ungebt, krperlich schwach und noch nie in einem Kampf gewesen bist.Das einzige deutschsprachige Selbstverteidigungsprogramm, wo du Woche fr Woche mit speziellen Trainingsplnen und Tipps versorgt wirst.ber 11 Stunden TrainingsmaterialEinfach und leicht zu lernenGemacht fr Anfnger und FortgeschritteneVorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlichBewhrt durch jahrelanges Training in der SchuleFunktioniert hervorragend, auch bei greren AngreifernEntdecke die einfachste und effektivste Methode, mit der man einen jngeren und strkeren Angreifer neutralisieren kannDie perfekte Lsung fr alle, die sich und ihre Angehrigen schtzen mchten, aber keine Zeit haben, sich auf ein langfristiges Programm festzulegenDu erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr 12 Wochen, die du aber immer laufend weiter trainieren kannst.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!"
Price: 149.99

"Fundamentals of PowerPoint" |
"Learn everything you need to know to PowerPoint. With your new PowerPoint skills youll be able to make some seriously sophisticated and beautiful slides for your next presentation!Build a presentations from scratch. Learn how to add and edit text, images, graphs, video, and animation; format slides for consistency; and add speaker notes and transitions to ensure a smooth delivery.Essential KnowledgeBy the end of the course, youll know how to use the PowerPoint tools to draw attention to your message and deliver a presentation that shines.Ditch the guess gamesSlide-by-slide process of designing your own presentation. Follow along and create your own masterpiece just like the one in the preview.Mastering workflowLearn tips and tricks on how to speed up your presentation production, Save a lot of wasted time.Turning content into visualsDitch the bullet points, learn how to communicate your content effectively visually to engage your audienceDesign principlesEverything there is to do and to avoid.No previous experience is requiredThe Course starts from beginner level, therefore there are no special entry requirements.FAQWhat do I need to start this course?All you need is a working PowerPoint for Windows, comfortable chair and a cup of some good coffee (or any hot drink if your choice).I'm a total beginner in PowerPoint, is this course right for me?Yes, this course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools. By the end of this course you will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to build an impressive and good looking presentation, delivering your ideas seamlessly. Not only that but youll also have knowledge of design principles and a lot of hidden tricks that speeds up your workflowWhat does the course contain?ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE We go through all the tools that PowerPoint provides, to get an in-depth idea what you can do with the software.SLIDE DESIGN Learn the slide-by-slide process of how to design your own presentation. Each lesson is devoted to tackling one slide at a time. Follow along and create your own masterpiece just like the one in the preview.Revamping Content Change the way you look at content and start turning boring paragraphs and bullet-points into visuals that are easy to understand and visually impressiveTips & Tricks Learn from high-quality lessons that teach you important PowerPoint tricks such as locking presentations, exporting handouts and more.I'm still not sure if I want to invest into this course. I don't know if I want to focus on design or on animationThe course will cover both design and animation using PowerPoint. The two should work together to emphasize certain points and support the content that youd like to use."
Price: 19.99

"Formao em Coaching Social" |
"O coaching utilizado em diversas reas do desenvolvimento humano, no entanto ainda muito desconhecido, nossa proposta formar Coachs capazes de interagir junto a sociedade oferecendo um servio social qualificado para ajudar no desenvolvimento pessoal das pessoas. Com conhecimentos na rea de fsica quntica e PNL o curso proporciona capacitao para atuar em vrias reas de crescimento pessoal. O conhecimento em Neurocincia tem oferecido ajuda para muitas pessoas por meio de tcnicas simples e eficientes para desenvolver estilos de vida mais saudveis e prsperos."
Price: 69.99

"Diseo de mobiliario I" |
"Curso dirigido a personas con intereses en el interiorismo, arquitectura y mobiliario.Diseo y fabricacin de mobiliario.Tomando como ejercicio una mesa de comedor, este curso ensea el proceso del diseo de mobiliario utilizando herramientas digitales como rhinceros (modelacin 3d) y keyshot (renders). Empezando desde el dibujo 2D, a travs de la modelacin 3D y resultando en planos de fabricacin y renders, el alumno terminar el curso con las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para poder disear y fabricar cualquier pieza de mobiliario; a dems de haber terminado renders y planos de fabricacin de una mesa de comedor que, de ser la decisin del alumno, podrn fabricar."
Price: 270.00

"NOT: Kursumuz bu hali ile platformdaki en kapsaml kurs olmasna ramen gelimeye devam edecektir. retme ve paylama istei baskn ktndan kursumuzu dayanamayp yaymladm.Kursumuzda proje temelli olarak Robotik Kodlama konusuna en bandan balayarak adm adm yeni ve zor projeleri renerek kendi zgn projelerimizi yapmak iin fikir sahibi olacaksnz.Robotik Kodlama denildiinde ilk kullanlan ara olan Arduino ile ok heyecanl bir yola kacak ve bu yolda kapsaml projeler ile kodlama konusunda kafanza taklan sorulara tekrar tekrar cevap bulabileceksiniz.Konular rendikten sonra havada kalmayacak rendiimiz her eyi tekrar tekrar uygulama frsat bulacaz. Ayrca kafanza taklanlar hemen sorarak eksik bilgilerinizi de tamamlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Factura electrnica en Colombia" |
"Desarrolle este completo curso donde aprenders todo lo necesario para emitir, expedir, recibir, tramitar, archivar y conservar facturas electrnicas de acuerdo con la normativa actual. Desde la validez que tiene la factura electrnica, pasando por sus componentes y caractersticas hasta su funcionamiento en la vida real. Espero con este curso hacer parte de tu proceso educativo y laboral."
Price: 44.99
