"UI and UX Design - UI/UX" |
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Price: 19.99

"Curso de Literatura" |
"Escola literria ou movimento literrio o conjunto de todos os acontecimentos histricos envolvendo a literatura desde a inveno da escrita at os dias atuais. Atualmente, atendemos uma gama muito grande de cursos, que podem ir desde uma aula particular a um acompanhamento com vrios profissionais, que tambm trabalham em conjunto com as famlias e escolas."
Price: 39.99

"Google Digital Marketing Certifications" |
"Digital marketing is one field that requires you to be updated with the latest trends always to survive in the evolving digital space. In order to keep up with the latest digital marketing trends and tools, it is essential for digital marketing professionals to consistently acquire new skills. With a myriad of wonderful opportunities, there is an increase in the number of people opting for the digital marketing career owing to its bright future and attractive salary packages. And obviously, every company is on the lookout for the best talent to take their digital marketing strategies to the next level. Certifications can certainly give you an edge over other candidates to employers looking for exceptional talent.By completing this course students will get certified in following courses such as:1.Google Ads Display certification2.Google Ads Video Certification3.Shopping Ads Certification4.Google Ads Search Certification5.Google Analytics Certification"
Price: 2240.00

"Borsa Yatrm iin strateji ve Teknik Analiz Eitimi" |
"Yatrm hesab amaktan bir strateji gelitirmeye kadar borsada kullanacanz temel bilgilere ulayor olacaksnz. Kurs boyunca rendiklerimizin hepsini harman ederek son blmdeki uygulamalarda pekitireceiz. Al veya sat butonuna basarken, yatrm miktarnz belirlerken ve fiyatlar aa yukar hareket ederken beyninizin yaratt baskyla nasl mcadele etmeniz gerekiyor yaanm tecrbelerden rnekleyeceiz. Dokuz yllk deneyimlerimde kullandm birok teknik analiz ynteminden eleyerek n plana kardm aralar detayl aklyorum. Ne kadar basit o kadar iyi yaklamyla istikrarl ve ykselen bir portfy ynetimi gerekten mmkn."
Price: 269.99

entrepreneurship1 |
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Price: 64.99

"How to Have a Natural Birth in Hospital or at Home" |
"Are you concerned about the negative impact of interventions in birth? Perhaps you dont like the idea of having drugs during birth. Maybe you would like to birth at home, which means less pain relief options. Perhaps you are wondering if you could cope without an epidural. Or maybe you didnt have a great experience last time around, with one intervention that led to another and you want to do things differently.This course will help you work out if a natural birth is right for you and whether home or hopsital is the right environment. If you decide, or have already decided, that natural birth is the way forward, this course will put you on the right track to optimise your chances of birthing naturally at home or in hospital/a birth centre as well as taking you through how to manage if things don't go to plan.The information is split into short, bite-size sections. Each video is around three minutes long. I have kept the price affordable as I know how expensive it can be preparing for your new baby.**Now with added section: ""Birth Under Covid-19""**'How to Have a Natural Birth in Hospital or at Home' is an educational product and property of BirthStrong LTD."
Price: 19.99

"Updated: Complete fast-track Amazon FBA beginner course 2020" |
"Most recently updated on the 25th August 2020.If you enroll directly through the FBA TO Z website you get an added bonus of personal coaching from me via email. Links are not permitted here so just search for 'fbatozguide' in Google and it should be the first result. Finally quit your day job and launch into a life of freedom with this easy, straight-to-the-point, step-by-step Amazon FBA course, where I will personally coach and support you all the way on your success journey.What you'll get:Entire FBA TO Z course (50+ videos & tutorials)Profit calculatorList of 20 profitable perfect beginner products30% discount to JungleScoutSupplier email templatesFBA TO Z PDF guideAll in in under 5 hours!WHAT'S DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS FBA COURSE?A fool-proof step-by-step process under 4 hours that's super easy to follow, so you know exactly what to do without wasting time.Compared to more expensive FBA courses this course is affordable and teaches a low-risk strategy, so you can be confident that you make your money back!Because of my own FBA experience I understand the concerns you have as a beginner so I'll help you avoid and solve common beginner mistakes.THE FBA TO Z COURSE COMPILES THE MOST POWERFUL LESSONS & STRATEGIES I'VE LEARNED INTO AN AFFORDABLE, FOOL-PROOF, RISK-FREE, STEP-BY-STEP STRATEGY THAT WILL TURN YOUR STRUGGLE INTO SUCCESS.Is this course for you? Yes, if......you're looking for an highly rewarding online business that doesn't require much time or financial risk, so you can focus on your true passions, your family, or travelling. Whatever you feel like really!...you're struggling financially, dying to get out of your current job to replace your income, or if you're just looking for some extra money to pay bills, pay off debt or for more activities in your spare time....if you don't have much time or money to spend on an expensive course that takes days or weeks to complete and you just want the actionable and practical information in an easy, step-by-step format (in under 4 hours!).Until now, high quality FBA courses have been limited to those who can afford to pay over $1,000-$10,000 on a course, and I think that's sad.The problem is that the people who really need this training (YOU!) are those just getting started or struggling financially and finds it difficult to pay that kind of dough in order to get all the secrets and needle-moving systems that top FBA sellers used when they got started (and also struggled!).And it's time someone priced an FBA course waaay lower than all the others to allow the people just getting started to join in!That's what I wanted to offer with my course, because I believe that the world would be a much better place if as many people as possible were financially free and had the freedom to live on their own terms.In the FBA TO Z complete beginner course I'm showing you the 7-step strategy used by top FBA sellers, compiled with the best information I know works and have used myself.I believe FBA is a fool-proof money making strategy IF you do it right and follow an easy, risk-free process. I'm going to show you how to do this so that you too can fire your boss and have more freedom and time to spend on the things that make you happy.The FBA TO Z course is the only source you need to truly achieve your goals, grow your income and sell your first successful FBA product. Let's do this!In the course you'll learn how to find a profitable product and how to start selling on Amazon risk-free and quickly. And unlike other more expensive FBA courses, you can actually contact me to ask any questions you might have about the process, at any time throughout the course.On top of that, because I know you have a busy life, the course takes less than 4 hours to complete and is jam packed with every single thing you need to know about selling on Amazon.AS A STUDENT OF FBA TO Z YOU'RE GOING TO:FIND A PROFITABLE PRODUCTAVOID COSTLY BEGINNER MISTAKESGET YOUR FIRST SALES & GROWEARN MONEY IN YOUR SLEEPLet's take a look at what you'll learn in each of the 7 modules:MODULE 1: AMAZON FBA OVERVIEW & THE LOW RISK STRATEGYKnow the ins and outs of FBA, how the low risk strategy works, how much time you can expect to spend building your FBA business, and a breakdown of all the costs and fees involved.MODULE 2: HOW TO REGISTER AND USE SELLER CENTRALAvoid timely, costly and common beginner mistakes with Seller Central account verification so you can start selling as quickly as possible. Also learn about marketplace and global selling.MODULE 3: FIND A PROFITABLE PRODUCTChoose the right product that you KNOW will sell and has high demand and low competition! Know how to do product research with and without a tool.MODULE 4: PRODUCT & SUPPLIER SOURCINGSource your product, negotiate the cheapest price and save by finding the right supplier for the best price and service.MODULE 5: LIST YOUR PRODUCT & GET YOUR BARCODESCreate an attractive product listing that ranks high and increases your sales while avoiding mistakes and solving issues quickly. Also, everything about barcodes!MODULE 6: DEEP DIVE INTO PRODUCT ORDERING & DELIVERYAvoid costly importing mistakes by choosing the right delivery method for your product and save time by knowing exactly how to go about ordering your product from your manufacturer.MODULE 7: GET READY FOR LAUNCH!Covers all your bases so you can start selling with confidence and know how to make the most out of your product to increase sales.OH, BONUSES? Yeah, you'll get plenty! (6 bonuses worth over $1,000, if you're keeping count.)Let's take a look at all the bonuses you'll get when you enroll shall we:BONUS 1: PROFIT CALCULATOR TOOL ($125 value)Are you concerned about the financial risk of investing your hard earned money into a product that MIGHT sell? Well now you don't have to be! With this profit calculator you will know exactly how much profit you can make from a product BEFORE you've invested any money into it. This tool will take into account all the costs and fees (e.g. competitor sales, Amazon fees, taxes, manufacturing cost, delivery etc.) and spit out the profit you could make from that product, so you can meet your financial goals without the risks and worries.BONUS 2: LIST OF 20 HIGH DEMAND/LOW COMPETITION PRODUCTS ($150 value)As if it wasn't enough to learn about how to research products and use tools yourself, you also get a list of 20 high demand and low competition products that I think are great opportunities for your first FBA product. You still need to research them yourself but this will help you get ideas and inspiration for what types of products you could test and eventually sell.BONUS 3: 30% DISCOUNT TO PRODUCT RESEARCH TOOLS ($232 value)Product research tools are really a knight in shining armour when it comes to finding profitable products to sell on Amazon. They will shave off hours or even days spent doing your product research, automatically telling you if a product is worth investing in or not. As a student of the FBA TO Z course you'll get 30% off your subscription to the top product research tool (and personal favourite of mine), JungleScout. Trust me, you won't regret it!BONUS 4: COPY-AND-PASTE SUPPLIER EMAIL TEMPLATES ($37 value)If you're worried about contacting suppliers and think 'what do i even say?!' you can stop now! To remove all concern around contacting product manufacturers/suppliers I have created ready-to-go email copy you can use when contacting your supplier for the first time. Just change a few details and hit send!BONUS 5: PDF FBA TO Z GUIDE ($55 value)The whole course in written format with product examples and detailed information about the FBA process. A life saver when you can't watch the course videos or prefer written content to learn.AFTER USING THIS EASY, LOW RISK STRATEGY I'M NOW A SUCCESSFUL FBA SELLERBut it wasn't easy...When I first started my FBA journey in early 2019 I experienced months of stress and frustration because I couldn't afford to pay for an FBA course (I couldn't believe how expensive some FBA courses were!) so instead I had to piece together free information from various sources. However, I found myself more and more confused as the advice was sometimes contradicting, too generic and just ended up wasting my time - it was difficult to filter out the bad advice from the good. Information overload lead to analysis paralysis and it took me around 9 months before I started selling anything! Not ideal when you are desperate to get out of your 9 to 5...I also ran into unexpected issues that was never mentioned in any of the FBA courses I had come across. I couldn't reach anyone to answer them. Most of the time I couldn't even find the answers on Google either. Eventually, after many weeks and months of panic and scratching my head in confusion I managed to solve it myself. But I would've paid BIG money (that I didn't have) for anyone who presented me with a quick solution. I was desperate to start selling and make money!So, that's why I created this complete, low-risk, easy step-by-step Amazon FBA to Z course, designed to make the beginner journey frictionless, without much financial risk and cut months of your learning so you can start selling and reach your life of financial freedom as quickly as possible.Karin Jonsson, FBA TO Z teacher"
Price: 49.99

"20 Gewrze fr die Fettverbrennung und den Stoffwechsel" |
"Abnehmen kann sehr schwer sein das wei jeder, der schon einmal eine Dit gemacht hat. Da der Mensch ein Gewohnheitstier ist und bei einer Ernhrungsumstellung vor der Herausforderung steht, wichtige Teile seines Lebens umzustrukturieren, ist der Gewichtsverlust oftmals keine leichte Aufgabe.So manch einer ist stets auf der Suche nach kleinen Helferlein, die das Abnehmen voranbringen und die helfen knnen, langfristig eine schlanke Figur zu halten. Gewrze knnen sehr gute Helfer fr einen gesunden Gewichtsverlust und eine dauerhafte schlanke Linie sein.Dieser Kurs bietet auf strukturierte Weise und in fr den Laien verstndlichen Worten einen Einblick in die Welt der Gewrze. Viele Werke umfassen eine sehr groe Anzahl an Gewrzen und knnen gegebenenfalls berfordern, da der Laie am Ende nicht wei, was er denn nun nehmen und nutzen sollte.Daher werden in diesem Kurs zwanzig Gewrze auf verstndliche Weise vorgestellt, sodass die Auswahl an geeigneten Gewrzen vorselektiert ist und der Kursteilnehmer ausprobieren kann, welche er/sie prferiert. Nicht jeder mag Koriander oder Zimt, und dies ist vollkommen in Ordnung, denn es gibt fr jede Person die richtigen Gewrze. Idealerweise sollen diese Gewrze den Kursteilnehmer ein Leben lang begleiten und die Lebensqualitt verbessern da muss es schlielich Spa machen und schmecken!Dieser Kurs wurde von einer Gesundheits- und Ernhrungsberaterin (Health Advisor & Nutrition Coach) mit jahrelanger Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Gewrze, auch am eigenen Krper, erstellt. Demnach flieen viele persnliche Erfahrungswerte in diesen Kurs mit ein.Viel Spa und gutes Gelingen!Alina Daria ist Gesundheitsberaterin mit einem international akkreditierten Diploma in Gesundheit und Wellness. Darber hinaus ist sie zertifizierte Ernhrungsberaterin fr pflanzenbasierte Ernhrung. Ernhrung und Gesundheit sind ihre Leidenschaft."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Expert - 2020" |
"Note : This course just like Microsoft Azure DevOps is a continuously evolving . It will cover all the Topics you must know to clear AZ-400 Azure DevOps Certification and to be released AZ-404 (will be available generally later on this year). It will be updated through out this and next year. (Check RoadMap in Section 1). This Course is a one stop solution for everything you need to Prepare for Certification and Gain Confidence in working on Azure DevOps Platform. You don't have to go anywhere else your search has ended.Looking for Azure DevOps Training?Azure DevOps professionals combine people, process, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives. It is fast becoming the must have certification for any IT Professional working on Cloud and DevOps Platform. Before this, even if you have never logged in Azure Platform by the end of this course you will able to take Certification Exam. A little programming and workstation setup experience is required for this.Most of the Lectures in this course are between 1-4 minutes and demonstration are between 3-7 minutes.I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer having more than 10+ years of experience as Instructor and Cloud Expert Consultant. This course is fairly priced and its cheap than most of the courses available in market. I am not doing any full time job and work as a Freelance., because I love teaching so much. In last couple of years most of my students where asking me to prepare a Digital course for Many Azure , AWS and Gitlab Courses. So here I am releasing my Azure DevOps Expert Course. Hope you Like and Best of Luck !!Don't forget I am here at your service, if any question, suggestion reach me out and I assure I will definitely help you out.Version 1.0 : Basics on Getting Started with Azure DevOps and Build your competencyCourse Updated for Version 2.0June 30th 2020Artifact ManagementRelease Strategy Blue-Green Deployment , Ring Based DeploymentIntegration with Microsoft TeamsAll Modules Assignment Quiz to Prep you for Exam (Urgent Basis, will be released before dates)"
Price: 64.99

"Interviewing Tips and Tricks for Remote Engineers" |
"In this course you'll learn the skills needed to land your dream remote engineering job.This course will teach you the soft-skills you need and what hiring managers are looking for when they interview people to join their team. Learn actionable tips that will improve your success rateAvoid common red flags that hurt your chances of landing that dream remote job.Learn the soft-skills and persuade people you are the right fit for the job.Concise, step by step instructions that I've used in my 12 year career as a full-time remote engineer."
Price: 94.99

"Bachata A to Z - Dance Lessons For The Absolute Beginner" |
"The Academic Network of Dance proudly presents their 2nd series of progressive dance lessons aimed to help you learn the beautiful dance of Dominican Republic BACHATA. Learning to dance for the first time can be a bit scary when learning in a traditional studio class setting. Now you can learn, however directly from the comfort of your own home! What better way to start than from the ground up? Fundamentals are everything! World-renowned instructors Alex and Desiree breakdown the ABCs of dancing Bachata for the absolute beginner. Don't just learn how to move your feet, but also learn how to move the way authentic Dominican dancers are moving outside of dance studios. Begin here to learn proper body movement, basic floor patterns, and understand the principles of partnering and connection. The instruction in these lessons are delivered in both English and Espaol.El Academic Network of Dance les presenta con orgullo su segunda serie de clases de baile progresivo diseadas para ayudarlo a aprender el hermoso baile de Repblica Dominicana - BACHATA. Aprender a bailar por primera vez puede ser un poco aterrador cuando se aprende en una clase en estudio. Ahora puede aprender, sin embargo, directamente desde la comodidad de su hogar! Qu mejor manera de comenzar que desde cero? Los fundamentos lo son todo! Los instructores Alex y Desiree explican con detalles para el principiante absoluto. No solo aprenda a mover los pies, sino que tambin aprenda a moverse de la misma manera que los autnticos bailarines dominicanos se mueven fuera de los estudios de baile. Comience aqu para aprender el movimiento corporal adecuado, los patrones bsicos y comprender los detalles de asociacin y conexin. La instruccin en estas lecciones se entrega tanto en ingls como en espaol."
Price: 29.99

"Bachata A to Z - Dance Lessons For The Advanced Dancer" |
"The Academic Network of Dance proudly presents their 2nd series of progressive dance lessons aimed to help you learn the beautiful dance of Dominican Republic BACHATA. Learning to dance for the first time can be a bit scary when learning in a traditional studio class setting. Now you can learn, however directly from the comfort of your own home! What better way to start than from the ground up? Fundamentals are everything! World-renowned instructors Alex and Desiree breakdown the ABCs of dancing Bachata from the absolute beginner to the advanced dancers. Don't just learn how to move your feet, but also learn how to move the way authentic Dominican dancers are moving outside of dance studios. These lessons are for Advanced dancers with solid Bachata understanding and ready for the next level. These lessons will challenge you with new variations to different weight transfers, adding stylish ways for you to create more dimensions with your body movement. They also include more complex partner work and cleaver ways to connect and create with your partner. The instruction in these lessons are delivered in both English and Espaol.EspaolEl Academic Network of Dance les presenta con orgullo su segunda serie de clases de baile progresivo diseadas para ayudarlo a aprender el hermoso baile de Repblica Dominicana - BACHATA. Aprender a bailar por primera vez puede ser un poco aterrador cuando se aprende en una clase en estudio. Ahora puede aprender, sin embargo, directamente desde la comodidad de su hogar! Qu mejor manera de comenzar que desde cero? Los fundamentos lo son todo! Los instructores Alex y Desiree explican con detalles desde el principiante absoluto al ms avanzado. No solo aprenda a mover los pies, sino que tambin aprenda a moverse de la misma manera que los autnticos bailarines dominicanos se mueven fuera de los estudios de baile. Estas lecciones son para bailarines avanzados con una slida comprensin de Bachata y listos para el siguiente nivel. Contiene nuevas variaciones para diferentes transferencias de peso, agregando formas elegantes para que pueda crear ms dimensiones con el movimiento de su cuerpo. Tambin incluye combinaciones de pareja ms complicadas para conectar y crear con su pareja. La instruccin en estas lecciones se entrega tanto en ingls como en espaol."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a leer y escribir partituras" |
"Este curso est orientado tanto a msicos profesionales como no profesionales que deseen complementar sus conocimientos musicales con la lectura y escritura de partituras. La teora musical y la lectura de partituras no son requisitos para poder hacer msica, cmo ya sabemos. Pero s son una herramienta muy valiosa y til, ya que nos abren muchas puertas tanto en cantidad y calidad de repertorio como en nuestra vida profesional en general. Ya seas instrumentista o compositor, el saber leer y escribir en partituras sin dudas te facilitar tu trabajo y te acercar nuevas oportunidades. Del mismo modo, si no tiene experiencia como msico pero te interesa ahondar en la lectura y escritura de partituras, este curso puede brindarte todas las herramientas necesarias para empezar. Abordaremos la teora de la lectoescritura desde un punto de vista didctico y paso a paso, entendiendo los por qu y abordando las maneras ms sencillas de dar respuesta a tus necesidades. Al finalizar cada unidad, podrs poner a prueba tus conocimientos mediante ejercicios prcticos y preguntas tericas."
Price: 19.99

"Deep Meditation - 21 Day Meditation Course Qualification" |
"The structure of the course:Phase 1 THE SETUP (7 DAYS)Youll be starting your meditation practice from Day 1. In this first phase consisting of the first 7 days, youll learn how to prepare for your meditation and discover your stillness sound. The theory behind the stillness sound and how it works is interesting as youll see here. Youll also learn what to do if you feel sleepy during your meditation and how to fit your meditation into your life.Phase 2 THE DEEPENING (7 DAYS)Phase 2 starts with Tom sharing the best ways to deepen your experience. Youll learn the best time and place to meditate, how many of Toms students got the best results and what poses you work best for you in different situations. Here, youll also learn the distinct ways in which the morning and evening meditation works and what to do to achieve moksha with the power of stillness. During the deepening phase, youll also experience a flood of new inspiration and creativity during your meditation, and Tom will guide you on how to deal with that.Phase 3 THE SHIFT (7 DAYS)In this powerful phase, youll learn advanced techniques to help you welcome and cope with the pure consciousness or Turiya that transcends the normal states of consciousness. Youll learn ways to get in touch with your cosmic consciousness and how to extend your practice beyond this initial 21 days into a lifelong habit using the 72/20 method.What youll achieve:Youll see positive changes in your life.Youll see yourself calmer in those tough situations.Youll see yourself experiencing more joy and peace each day.Youll see yourself shedding years of anxiety, removing layers of stress and becoming a better version of youFaster Deeper Bliss includes:LIFE Access to all 21 videos that are accessible across phone, tablet and computerLIFE Access to a companion guide that is to complement your meditation sessions.A meditation technique for life that will help you feel more calm, grounded and at peace as you go about your day to day life."
Price: 29.99

"Complete 3D product modeling course Blender 2.8 from A to Z" |
"you will learn about useful free addons in blender , and modelling techniques that will allow you to model a realistic headset , then texture it . we will then have a look at lighting and rendering . and add some post production effect to add that final touch that makes the final image stand out and take it to a better level . and the best part is that we will do all of the stated above , going from nothing to the final image ready to use only using the free software Blender 2.8 so all you need to follow the course is your computer.what you will learn : High poly subd modelling techniquessculpting deatails on the modelcreating materials from scratchmasking materials to add logos and bump detailslighting techniquesrendering the modelpost processing in Blender 2.8"
Price: 79.99

"Matemtica Bsica I ( nmeros )" |
"Vamos trabalhar a contedo dos anos iniciais da Matemtica, dando base para o aluno chegar a tpicos mais aprofundados da Matemtica. Este o primeiro de 3 cursos sobre a Matemtica Bsica. No segundo vamos falar da lgebra e no terceiro de Grandezas e medidas. Fechando assim um material muito rico para todos que precisam aprender Matemtica."
Price: 99.99

"Licitao - Como Vender para o Governo." |
"Este curso se destina a ensinar aos fornecedores ou aqueles que querem vender para o governo, de forma prtica, objetiva e sem enrolao (deixando para trs todos aqueles conceitos desnecessrios), todos os macetes de como vender e ganhar uma licitao. O curso utiliza linguagem de fcil compreenso com o objetivo de atender a todos os pblicos."
Price: 54.99

"Wealth vibrational Coded Frequencies (sounds that activate your brain wealth receptors)Hypnotic Suggestions (millionaires and billionaires best-kept secret)Guided Visualization Exercise (using the laws of attraction to manifest health and wealth)Belief TransformationNeuro-Linguistic ProgrammingPowerful Sleep Subliminal Audios (program your brain for millions while you sleep like a baby)Negative Thought De-Programing (say goodbye to all negative thoughts)Unconscious Manipulation to boost the instant change in your finance"
Price: 99.99

"First Macedonian Ethical Hacking Course 2" |
", . 10 . ."
Price: 19.99

"Transformada de Laplace" |
"Necesitas aprender la transformada de Laplace para resolver problemas en tu rea de estudio?Conoces las diferentes propiedades de la transformada de Laplace y cmo puedes aplicarlas?Conoces la transformada de Laplace de las funciones elementales?En este curso se explica en detalle todo lo relacionado con la transformada de Laplace: su definicin y la demostracin de sus propiedades para su posterior utilizacin. Adems se estudia la transformada de las funciones elementales (polinmicas, exponenciales, trigonomtricas e hiperblicas) y se incluye un grupo de ejercicios resueltos y otros propuestos para complementar su aprendizaje."
Price: 29.99

"NBA Trade Simulator" |
"Welcome to R&D Tutorials, where we bring the world of coding to our favorite pieces of entertainment and fun. We'll use Create React App as a foundation to build an NBA Trade Simulator that you can immediately add to your portfolio. This course will walk you through displaying teams and rosters, as well as handling click events to facilitate trades between teams!"
Price: 19.99

"Relacionamento amoroso e conjugal saudvel e feliz." |
"Atravs desse curso voc vai aprender os aspectos que permeiam um relacionamento conjugal e amoroso, suas dificuldades e possibilidades , os comportamentos possveis de mudanas, o papel de cada um na relao, os aspectos sociais e culturais que dificultam a relao e aprender com tcnicas e dicas comportamentais como viver uma relao saudvel, feliz e duradoura, enfatizando as emoes positivas que alimentam as relaes e compreendendo que o relacionamento uma jornada que se constri a cada dia. Aprendendo a fortalecer a relao com romantismo e conscincia."
Price: 39.99

"Explorando QGIS" |
"No treinamento Explorando QGIS eu reuni todo o meu conhecimento prtico sobre criao de mapas e organizei de uma maneira que fosse de fcil entendimento, para que voc consiga realmente comear a criar mapas, sem muita dificuldade. Mas por que criar mapas? Mapas no so apenas um simples desenho ou imagem, so representaes da realidade, so uma forma de comunicao visual muito eficiente, e podem ser utilizados em muitos nichos de mercado, principalmente na rea de construo civil, meio ambiente, agricultura, geomarketing, estatsticas no geral ou em qualquer outro negcio fsico. Atravs deste curso voc vai aprender a dominar habilidades para produzir variados mapas temticos, sem precisar ter alguma experincia ou conhecimento em mapas. Tudo na prtica e totalmente direto ao ponto, para agilizar o processo de aprendizagem, porque eu sei que voc no tempo a perder. Voc vai aprender operar o sistema Qgis com quem realmente sabe a teoria e a prtica, pois vivencio isso no dia a dia. Alm de aprender sobre o sistema Qgis, vou ensinar tambm uma forma de como baixar dados vetoriais e matriciais de forma totalmente gratuita na internet. Ainda incluso no treinamento, uma aula dedicada exclusivamente produo de mapas para licenciamento. E para ficar ainda melhor, quem adquirir o treinamento tambm ter acesso ao grupo de alunos no facebook, onde ser possvel tirar dvidas e trocar conhecimentos sobre a criao de mapas."
Price: 159.99

"Linear Equations: Complete Course" |
"By the end of this complete linear equation course, you will able to: Use concept of inverse operation to solve equationsTo solve one step linear equationsTo solve two steps linear equationsTo solve equations with variable on both sidesTo solve equations with bracketsTo plot linear graphsunderstand gradient and intercept of a line"
Price: 19.99

"Datas e Nomes na Psicogenealogia" |
"Esse curso foi feito exclusivamente para voc compreender as influncias das repeties de datas na sua rvore genealgica e entender o que a escolha do seu nome fala da sua histria familiar. As datas e os nomes fazem parte do estudo da Psicogenealogia. Ao iniciar a construo do genossociograma (rvore genealgica comentada e ampliada), as datas permitem identificar os vnculos existentes entre os familiares; da mesma forma, os nomes do indicao do contexto que vivia a famlia no perodo em que a pessoa foi gerada.Objetivo: Conduzir voc a fazer a conexo de datas e de nomes na histria da sua famlia e compreender que influncias elas podem trazer para sua vida."
Price: 114.99

"Treinamento para entrevistas de emprego, currculo e mais..." |
"Curso completo para pessoas que querem conquistar o primeiro emprego, recolocao ou mudar para um emprego melhor. Apresenta todas as etapas do processo de seleo: definio de objetivos, elaborao do currculo, participao em entrevistas, dinmicas de grupo, testes, marketing pessoal e imagem, networking, estratgias de busca pelo emprego e o segredo de alcanar um emprego mais rpido do que a maioria das pessoas. E mais, materiais complementares que vo potencializar a sua conquista do emprego."
Price: 39.99

"Speeding Up Your Guitar Scales" |
"I thought my speed was limited by my genes or age, but all that changed after a few discoveries in how to practice scales...Here's what' below...The frustrations that held my guitar playing back for so long.Where I found the answers I was seeking.A couple of general discoveries that changed my direction.If you've ever struggled to play faster scales or pieces, if you've bought a number of guitar books, tried a number of different ""methods"" from free online videos, if you've added more hours and repetition to your practice, even if you've studied privately with another teacher and you still haven't seen the speed you desire; then you're about to read about some of the information you've been looking to achieve that goal. Here's why...The Problem Of Guitarists Focusing On Pieces OnlyWhen I first began playing the guitar, I was entirely focused on learning pieces to perform. I knew that scales where a part of playing but I never saw a scale in a piece, especially at the beginning, so I figured why practice them? But with every piece I played, it seemed that I was always chasing the ""accepted"" speed rather than focusing on the music. This became my first frustration and continued through my undergraduate and graduate degrees in performance. I seemed to always be trying to catch the speed rather than knowing I could play the speed already and focus entirely on making music.Misinformation Is Everywhere (Especially In The Guitar World)My second frustration came from all the misinformation from various instruction over that time. I knew that practicing scales was supposed to be the key. Even the famous Andres Segovia suggested if you only do one thing a day, practice scales for 2 hours. I tried that and how I was doing it didn't help at all. It seemed that most people offered the same advice of moving the metronome up a click over a long period of time and you'd eventually find the speed you were looking to achieve. This did not work.My Confidence Was Destroyed My third frustration came from not feeling confident to perform the pieces I really wanted to play. I knew that if I could not reach the speed in scales, then I'd never be able to play the pieces I so desired to perform. I resigned myself to playing easier and, by their nature, slower pieces in my concerts. This made me want to give up performing and sometimes playing altogether.For Guitarists, There Is Another WayFortunately, that wasn't the end of the story. Along the way, I met some amazing people and teachers. Some of them come from the present, and others from the past (I'm talking about the great instrumental teachers of the 19th century). Through their insights, I was able to begin a new path to practicing scales that included better right hand finger technique, refined approaches to left hand fingering, which types of repetition actually work, and many more. This changed my playing life and I am sure it will change yours too!If you've ever been down the path I followed, then I know how you've struggled. I and my students are proof that it works. It may take an adjustment in your playing and practicing, but by using the tools the results will speak for themselves.My simple methods will speed up your scales more in 3 months than most do in a year.You'll discover why your tip joint affects the entire speed of your playing.Rhythmic variation practice that works for scales and challenging repertoire.Plus the way our brain needs to be trained when speeds rise above our ability to think quickly enough for speed.Why should you listen to what I have to say? Yes, I have the degrees to ""prove"" that I am trained to play and teach guitar at a high level (those degrees are a Bachelor and Master Degrees in Guitar Performance). Yes, I have studied and still study with some great teachers (Aaron Shearer, Tom Kikta, Ken Karsh, Tim Bedner, and Christopher Berg). But most of all, I have seen the change in my own playing and the playing of my students. Some have gone on to study music in university settings and others are making a career in performing. The students are the true driving force in my teaching an playing.This course of video lessons and supplemental materials will guide you step-by-step on how you can change your technique and practice exercises to move your scales beyond where you thought possible. With almost 2 decades of teaching success, these videos extend that success to attempt to answer many of your questions on the subject and give you the tools and techniques to exceed your scale speed expectations. Join the many who trust, and have trusted, this material to unlock their ability to play scales at their desired speed!"
Price: 34.99

"Como vender no Mercado Livre na Prtica" |
"Curso prtico e intuitivo para voc aprender como vender no mercado livre. Dicas e tcnicas de venda. Aprenda a criar anncio vencedores. Neste curso voc vai ver de maneira simples, como se destacar no Mercado Livre. As aulas so divididas em blocos para que voc consiga ir aplicando o conhecimento junto comigo."
Price: 39.99

"Corso di Meteorologia per Piloti di APR - Modulo A" |
"Corso di Meteorologia per Piloti di APR inerente al syllabus di formazione previsto da Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile per l'ottenimento di Attestato Critico per Volo a Vista (VLOS) fino a 25 kg.Il corso pertanto rivolto sia ad utenti interessati alla materia che ad utenti interessati all'ottenimento di tale qualifica.Contattare il Centro di Addestramento ENAC.CA.APR.043 per ulteriori dettagli."
Price: 19.99

"Sosyal Fobi ve Utangalk : Kendi Kendine Psikoterapi" |
"Yaplan almalara gre her yl yetikin nfusun %7.1 'i sosyal kayg bozukluu ile mcadele ediyor. Yetikinlerin yaklak% 12,1'i yaamlarnn bir dneminde sosyal anksiyete bozukluu yaamaktadr. (National Comorbidity Survey Replication)Bu veriler nda baknca Trkiye' de yaklak 6 milyon kii uan sosyal fobi ile yaamaya alyor. Yaklak 10 milyon kii de hayatlarnn bir dneminde sosyal fobi yaayacaklar. Peki bu konuda ne yapabiliriz ? lalar yetersiz kalabiliyor. Psikoterapi cretleri ise herkesin karlayabilecei miktarda deil. Bunun haricinde sosyal kayg bozukluu olan insanlarn bir ksm ise psikologa gitmekten de kayg duyuyor. Bu nedenle, byle bir eitim oluturma karar aldm. Psikoterapilerde kullandmz tm teknikleri anlattm. Umuyorum ki bu teknikleri kullanarak, sosyal fobinin tuzandan kabilirsiniz.Eitimde anlattm bilgiler Bilisel-Davran Terapiler ile Kabul ve Kararllk Terapisi yntemlerine dayanmaktadr. Ancak bu yntemleri kendi tarzmda kullanmaktaym. Eitim 10 videodan olumaktadr. lk drt videoyu pe pee izleyebilirsiniz. Geri kalanlar, her hafta bir video olacak ekilde izlemenizi tavsiye ediyorum. Ancak haftada iki video da izleyebilirsiniz. Bu eitim uygulamal bir eitimdir. Fayda grmek istiyorsanz ltfen sizden istediim formlar doldurun ve gerekli admlar takip edin.Bu Eitim Kimler in ? - Sosyal kayg bozukluu veya utangalk yaayan insanlar- Psikoloji rencileri - Bilisel-Davran Terapiye ilgi duyan dier psikolojik salk renci ve alanlar (psikologlar, psikiyatristler, sosyal hizmet uzmanlar, aile danmanlar, ocuk geliim uzmanlar, pratisyen hekimler..."
Price: 89.99

"Find the Root Causes of your Stress & Emerge in Peace" |
"Don't just treat the symptoms. Find the causes of the symptoms and release them. When pulling weeds from a garden, we remove the root so it doesn't grow back. So we must go after the roots of our unhappiness to heal and live more in a state of peace and happiness. You will build awareness of your stress, anxiety, fears, and limiting beliefs. You will learn meditations, awareness techniques, breath-work, and questions to ask yourself to uncover and transcend the fears and limiting beliefs that run on auto-pilot in your subconscious. You will learn to re-wire your brain to operate within the powers of peace."
Price: 99.99
