"Maquinas da Agricultura" |
"Nessa srie de aulas, voc aprender sobre conceitos de mquinas de trao (tratores de rodas), mquinas de aplicao (pulverizadores autopropelidos de barras), mquinas de colheita(colheitadeiras de gro) e mquinas de manejo(arado, grades, plantadoras) voltadas a mecanizao agrcola, bem como exemplos de tipos e tamanhos de equipamentos existentes. As aulas sero divididas em 5 mdulos para atender os itens mencionados acima."
Price: 39.99

"Android Certification : (AND-801) Exam Simulation [2020]" |
"So, what are you waiting for?Make up your mind for an Android AND 801 certification and move further in your career. Here are some things that you should know before you begin the preparation. this course contain 100 real update exercise questions and answer with explanation. This course requires no Professional programming or Professional Java experience just requires for Basic Java . Who this course is for:Anyone who would like to be an Android AND-801 certified of Android developer.This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience.Anyone with the desire to pass AND-801 Android Fundamental Certification. The practice test questions really help your prepare for the actual exam. The questions are very similar to the exam . The goal is for these questions to assess your understanding of the concepts that help you to pass AND-801 Android Fundamental Developer certification."
Price: 19.99

"Programmatic Interview Questions" |
"Interview Questions for Programmatic Analyst, Programmatic Account Strategist, Programmatic Account Manager, Campaign Manager, Account Coordinator, Inventory Manager and Programmatic Ad Sales. The quiz will help any Ad Ops Professional who is looking to grow up the ladder as a Programmatic Manager or into any leadership role into Ad Tech or similar role"
Price: 34.99

"Learn How to Build a Ladybug Mobile Robot from Scratch DoIT" |
"This course is a practical guide to understand the electronic, mechanical parts, and physical guide to building a LadyBug mobile robot. The course starts with a review and inventory of the materials, tools, and components needed to build the LadyBug mobile robots. Describes different functions of both electronic as well as mechanical components; including resistors, capacitors, transistors, infrared LED, phototransistors, ICs, gears, levers, transmission systems. The course takes the participant step-by-step to identify, install, solder, and test the robot. The course concludes explaining testing methods and procedures to diagnose and repair a LadyBug mobile robot. More importantly, the course provides the students the option to purchase a kit to build and test as well as running their own LadyBug Mobile robot in as little as 1 day."
Price: 19.99

"Functional Programming using JavaScript" |
"Functional programming is gaining momentum nowadays and many languages like F#, RUST, and GO are some of the popular languages which promote functional programming.Functional programming is the process of building software by composing pure functions, avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects. Functional programming is declarative rather than imperative, and the application state flows through pure functions. Contrast with object-oriented programming, where the application state is usually shared and colocated with methods in objects.Functional programming is a programming paradigm, meaning that it is a way of thinking about software construction based on some fundamental, defining principles (listed above). Other examples of programming paradigms include object-oriented programming and procedural programming.Functional code tends to be more concise, more predictable, and easier to test than imperative or object-oriented code but if youre unfamiliar with it and the common patterns associated with it, functional code can also seem a lot denser, and the related literature can be impenetrable to newcomers.In this course, we will be learning many libraries that give us access to functional programming using JavaScript.There are some which generate transpiled javascript code like Scala, ELM, ClojureScript, PureScriptWe will look into all these and many more libraries and learn how to do functional programming using JavaScript."
Price: 49.99

"How You Can Crush Video Marketing Quickly and Easily" |
"You know that video dominates online marketing. Marketers have put video as their number one priority. Why? Because video has a huge return on investment. But the top complaints from entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses of all kinds is:That video is hard to create, time consuming and technical. This was true until now!In this course you will learn How to create fantastic professional looking marketing videos for any business,Quickly and easily,Even if you do not have a camera,Within a tight budgetPlus powerful tips and tricks to boost your marketing.Videos for:Social media advertising, like Facebook, Instagram Stories, Pinterest and moreYouTubeYour blog articles transformed into video,Special occasions,Client testimonialsExplainer videosHow to videosand moreHow is this possible?I use an amazing application called Invideo and I am going to show you how this app will change your marketing forever. If you can use social media then you can use Invideo and create amazing videos no matter what business you run.Plus my tips and strategies for using video to grow your brand quickly and easily.Enroll now and learn how to use the power of video today."
Price: 29.99

"La otra construccin" |
"Este curso est destinado y desarrollado para introducir a los estudiantes de Arquitectura y eventualmente a los Arquitectos y Constructores que nunca disearon y construyeron con madera, en el conocimiento de: Un sistema constructivo slido a despecho de su relativa liviandad. De gran velocidad de ejecucin que posibilita acortar los tiempos de construccin.De larga durabilidad y permanencia en el tiempo.De buena respuesta ante los sismos.De caractersticas sostenibles en su relacin con el medio ambiente, esto ltimo en la medida que los procesos de re-forestacin de la madera se mantengan."
Price: 34.99

"Business Networking for Success: Part 5 Influence" |
"Networking is both a Science and an Art. In this Networking Series, Im going to cover the science of networking including the different types of networking groups, the different type of networking formats, and what to look for in networking groups. Im also going to cover the Art of Networking so you can choose the right groups to spend your precious time at, build long-lasting relationships, and maximize your impact in your ever growing sphere of influence.This course is for you ifYou just got a job or started a business and need to expand your sphere of influence.Youre in a new position that requires you to meet new people in order to get new business.Youre tired of spending all your time going to networking events without getting any results or youre tired of dealing with people who just want to sell you things.You want to get better at building long-lasting, solid relationships and a long-lasting referral business.In Part 5, were going to cover additional things to look for in Networking Groups."
Price: 199.99

"Kundenakquise im Internet: Der Komplette A-Z Marketing Kurs" |
"Wrdest du gerne mehr Kunden im Internet akquirieren? Und suchst du nach praktischen Marketingstrategien sowie Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen fr dein Online Marketing, deine Kundenakquise und Funnelaufbau? Dann ist diese digitale Marketing Masterclass genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurs mchte ich mit dir ber Facebook Werbeanzeigen, Instagram, Google Ads, Linkedin Ads, Sales Funnels, E-Mail Marketing, YouTube, Quora und vieles mehr sprechen. Und keine Sorge, keine Vorkenntnisse sind bei diesen Themen vonnten. Jedes Kapitel enthlt Videos fr Beginner und Experten. Was genau wirst du jedoch im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen? Sales Funnels: Am Anfang vom Kurs wrde ich dir gerne zeigen, wie man einen Sales Funnel aufbaut. Wir werden diesbezglich vor allen Dingen ber den TOTF, MOTF und BOTF sprechen und ich erklre wie man diese Teile des Funnels strukturiert. Wir werden zudem ber KPIs, sogenannte Key Performance Indicators sprechen. Facebook Marketing: Wie schaltet man eine Werbeanzeige? Wie funktioniert der Facebook Pixel? Was ist eine Conversion? In diesem Teil des Kurses lernst du alles ber Werbeanzeigen, Gruppen, Seiten und vieles mehr. E-Mail Marketing & Copywriting: Nun werden wir uns damit beschftigen unseren eigenen E-Mail Newsletter mit Mailchimp aufzusetzen. Du erhltst Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen und wir schauen uns praktisch an, wie man eine Kampagne in Mailchimp plant, einrichtet, Audiences erstellt, Newsletter aufsetzt und vieles mehr. Funnelcockpit: In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir wie du einen Funnel in Funnelcockpit erstellen kannst. Wir lernen wie man Verkaufsseiten, Landing Pages und Squeeze Pages erstellt, ich zeige dir wie du Upsells und Downsells einstellst und mehrere Seiten miteinander verbindest und Ablufe automatisierst. Instagram: Wie schaltet man Werbeanzeigen auf Instagram und generiert dadurch neue Kunden? Wir lernen nun mehr ber Instagram Stories, Platzierungen, Video Content und vieles mehr. LinkedIn: In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir wie du schnell viele neue Kontakte ber LinkedIn generierst. Du wirst lernen wie man LinkedIn Werbeanzeigen schaltet, Zielgruppen definiert und unterschiedlichste Marketing Ziele auf LinkedIn realisiert. Google Ads: Wie schaltet man eine Werbeanzeige auf Google oder YouTube? In diesem Kapitel lernst du mehr ber verschiedenste Arten von Google Ads und erhltst einen kompletten berblick ber den Google Ads Manager und viele Werbeanzeigen Optionen. YouTube: Wir lernen nun wie man einen YouTube Kanal startet und ihn skaliert. Du lernst meine besten Tipps und Tricks kennen, die dir dabei helfen werden Kunden ber deine Videos zu akquirieren. Du erhltst zudem Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen, um deine YouTube Videos SEO technisch zu optimieren. Quora: Abschlieend beschftigen wir uns mit dem Thema Quora. Du lernst in diesem Kontext mehr ber das Thema Growth Hacking auf Quora und erhltst getestete Strategien, mit denen es dir leicht fallen wird neue potentielle Kunden ber Quora zu erreichen. Was genau wirst du knnen, wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast? Schalte Facebook Werbeanzeigen, Google Ads & LinkedIn WerbeanzeigenOptimiere dein Marketing Budget und arbeite mit KPIs (key performance indicators)Plane, erstelle und optimiere Sales Funnels & MarketingstrategienErstelle Verkaufsseiten, Squeeze Pages und Landing Pages mit FunnelcockpitErstelle deine eigenen Audiences, Newsletter und E-Mail Kampagnen mit MailchimpMeistere Copywriting und schreibe erfolgreich WerbetexteProgrammiere deinen eigenen professionellen Kunden Chat Bot Starte einen erfolgreichen YouTube Kanal und verstehe YouTube SEOStarte auf Instagram durch und baue dir eine groe Following auf Instagram aufWerde zu einem Top Contributor auf QuoraWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein. Wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video."
Price: 199.99

"Build an API with Python Django PostgreSQLREST Framework" |
"API stands for Application Programming Interface.An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you're requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.When we are building APIs, we want our models to provide four basic types of functionality. The model must be able to Create, Read, Update,and Delete resources. In this course, we are going to build an API using the following technology:Python Django Django Rest Framework PostgreSQLpsycopg2 django-cors-headers What You Will Learn :How to Create and activate a virtual environmentHow to install DjangoHow to install Django REST FrameworkHow to Create a new Django ProjectHow to Create a new Django AppHow to register applications with DjangoHow to setup PostgreSQL Database with Django How to create and run MigrationsHow to Create a Django ModelHow to define Data Models and migrate it to PostgreSQLHow to Create and apply a new migrationHow to Create a serializer classHow to Create viewsHow to Map views to URLsHow to Create Model ObjectsHow to test API with CRUD OperationsHow to use Django Rest Framework to process HTTP requestsHow to create CRUD operations interacting with API using Postman"
Price: 74.99

"Master Excel Power Query: Beginner to Advanced (including M)" |
"Excel Power Query has been a part of Excel since Excel 2016! It's in the Data tab under Get and Transform.Unfortunately many people haven't explored what it has to offer! They continue doing things the old ""manual"" way, Or the ""complex"" way with difficult formulas. Power Query is like an Instant Miracle Cure to your difficult data analysis problems:You can quickly combine and consolidate large data from different sources like Excel, text files, the web, online services, databases, even your Outlook! (Plus many more). You can convert downloads from your ERP system into information you can use. Replace complex Excel formulas with a click of a button.Turn complex data transformations that took forever to do (such as unpivoting data), to just a few clicks. And these are just a few examples of what it can do! On top, your actions are recorded so whenever you get new data, all you have to do is click Refresh! Guess what? You can apply ALL the knowledge you learn in this course to Power BI as well! You might be thinking...Does it apply to me? Can I really use this at work?If you have Excel 2016 or above, you have Power Query as a part of your Excel (Power Query is Not available for MAC). If you work with Power BI, you also have the latest version of Power Query. Plus learning Excel Power Query will be more fun and effortless than you think.Youll get the tools to make a big difference at your workplace.The course is split in 2 parts: Essentials and Advanced.Just from the Power Query Essentials youll be able to solve many problems and make a meaningful impact in your workIn the Excel Advanced Power Query section youll tackle more complex scenarios. The real world comes with messy data. You might need to write custom M functions to transform the data to the way you need. In this section you will also learn how Power Query M thinks and works.Here are some the things you'll accomplish:Import, transform and clean large data from different sources (Excel, csv, web, sharepoint etc.)Combine data from multiple Excel workbooks into a single Table (or Pivot Table)Consolidate data from all files in a folder (and make exceptions as you need)Understand and write your own Custom Power Query M functions to do tasks you can't easily do with the interfaceUse Excel's Data Model and Power Pivot to Create Relationships between your dataUnderstand when to use Excel Power Query and when to Load data to Excel's Data ModelCreate an interactive Excel Dashboard with Power Query, Data Model, Pivot Tables and slicersUse Power Query in Power BI and create a dashboard you share onlineYou'll get Instant Access to:16+ hours of video content,3 complete business projects (including 2 Interactive Dashboards)200+ workbooks (Solution files included)Downloadable course notesChallenges, and quizzesAnd something else you may not know ...Generally, when you learn something, the more effort you put in, the more you get out. But it's NOT the same with learning Power Query! If you just put in a little effort, you get SO much in return! This is the difference with learning Power Query to learning other skills like Excel VBA.This course will give you the tools to really make a difference at your workplace! Let's Explore this Power Dimension Together!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC 2020: Kurs Od Pocztkujcego Do Zawodowca" |
"Witaj! Jestem Sebastian. Znam Photoshopa od roku 1994, wic to ju ponad 25 lat (wier wieku!). Zaczynaem jako grafik w studiu poligraficznym, nastpnie w roku 2000 przeskoczyem na profesjonaln fotografi, a w 2014 dodaem do tego film. W kadym z tych obszarw Photoshop by nieocenionym narzdziem i dziki jego znajomoci z wielu perspektyw, moesz liczy na solidne wsparcie.W tym kursie nauczysz si praktycznego wykorzystania Photoshopa, poznasz wszystkie niezbdne narzdzia i techniki do tworzenia projektw graficznych, obrbki oraz retuszu zdj.Podajc za moimi wskazwkami i tworzc wasne projekty, bdziesz w stanie stworzy wasne portfolio, doda Photoshopa do swojego CV i zwikszy swoje szanse na rynku pracy. Po przejciu caego kursu otrzymasz certyfikat ukoczenia.Ten kurs jest dla pocztkujcych, co oznacza, e nie potrzebujesz adnego wczeniejszego dowiadczenia z Adobe Photoshop. Dziki zwizym, praktycznym wskazwkom opanujesz wszystkie niezbdne narzdzia i ustawienia tak, eby z poczuciem pewnoci stawi czoo najrniejszym wyzwaniom.Wewntrz kursu znajdziesz wszystkie materiay i zdjcia na ktrych demonstruj poszczeglne techniki pracy w Adobe Photoshop - moesz je pobra na swj komputer i wiczy na nich razem ze mn.Jeli nigdy jeszcze nie otworzye Photoshopa lub masz trudnoci z podstawami, podaj za moimi instrukcjami, a na pewno staniesz si fachowcem!W razie jakichkolwiek trudnoci - zawsze moesz mnie zapyta wewntrz kursu - bardzo chtnie pomog!"
Price: 609.99

"Electronics - Basics of AC Circuits" |
"The course used as an individual module will provide you with the following: The course starts with introducing all the important parameters of an AC wave like different voltages, period and frequency, practical measurements on an oscilloscope included.Next, we'll show you how you can use an oscilloscope and signal generator practically. Next, we'll learn the practical and important concepts and behavior of resistors, capacitors and inductors in AC circuits, along with the corresponding calculations and practical live circuits. We'll also introduce the concept of resonance along with the corresponding calculations. In the end you'll be provided with some exercises including the solutions. The course used in conjunction with all the accompanying courses in the series coming before and after it (see the series on greatitcourses website) will enable you to have a solid and practical understanding of AC and DC electronics and to be able to design fairly advanced electronics circuits consisting of transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, having AC or DC power sources. Those circuits could be amplifiers, filters, power supply systems, etc. You would also be able to do all the necessary calculations related to such circuits yourself. One important characteristic of this course is that it allows you to avoid the unnecessary theory that would never be used practically in electronics while including all the practical important theory, thereby saving you a lot of time in the process. The main characteristics of this series are as follows: The series omits all the theory that you are not going to use in your work anyway, assuming that you don't want to do anything very complicated in electronics, for example design a full-fledged frequency counter, but you still want to be able to design and build fairly complicated circuits like amplifiers, filters, etc.You will be able to do all the necessary calculations related to your own designs. You will have all the practical skills to work with different pieces of test equipment like oscilloscopes, signal generators, etc. You will be provided with useful end of course exercises that will solidify your learning. In short, the series will teach you the tricks of the trade. It will teach you practical electronics in a relatively short amount of time. To course code for this course is ""21"". You can use the code to refer to this course in your communication with us."
Price: 19.99

"Ingls en el trabajo - English in the workplace" |
"Hola y bienvenidos a este curso de Ingls en el trabajo.Hello and welcome to this course for English in the workplace.Con ms de 25 ejercicios y ms de 150 preguntas, en este curso aprenders ingls relacionado al entorno del trabajo, mientras sigues a Alex desde su primer da en la oficina. Es un curso prctico donde participars en varios mbitos de trabajo en la oficina, con teora, vocabulario, ejercicios de reading (lectura) y de listening (comprensin oral). En este curso empezars como un nuevo empleado en una empresa de tecnologa de habla inglesa.Dominar el idioma ingls es esencial para la mayora de trabajos de hoy en da. Es el lenguaje ms internacional y ms utilizado por la mayora de empresas.En este curso conocers a compaeros nuevos, aprenders trminos comunes para la oficina en empresas modernas, aprenders a escribir correos electrnicos de forma correcta, aprenders sobre la tecnologa en las empresas modernas, aprenders cmo dar presentaciones efectivas, cmo escribir tu currculum y cartas motivacionales y cmo preparar una entrevista de trabajo, todo en ingls.Este curso est diseado para cualquier persona con un nivel bsico de ingls que quiera aprender este idioma en un contexto de la oficina moderna y de la tecnologa, para sentirse ms cmodo en el trabajo.Mi nombre es Sebastian y tanto mi madre como mi padre son profesores de ingls. He trabajado durante muchos aos en diferentes empresas tecnolgicas en ingls y en espaol y con diferentes enfoques de trabajo. Tengo mucha experiencia en empresas tecnolgicas en ambos idiomas.Mi nombre es Carlos y soy bilinge. Estudi en un colegio Britnico y obtuve un grado en derecho bilinge en la universidad. Durante mis prcticas universitarias trabaj como traductor de textos legales. Despus trabaj como jurista en un despacho internacional, adems de como asesor de finanzas personales con clientes de habla inglesa.Y juntos hemos creado este curso de ingls para el trabajo.Te invitamos a que veas la presentacin completa del curso y las lecciones gratuitas.Cualquier duda que tengas nos puedes contactar por mensaje privado dentro de la plataforma.Te esperamos en el curso, un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 99.99

"SciFi Crate Design in Blender" |
"IntroductionThis course will focus on the hard-surface modeling workflow in Blender. This is a very important and fundamental tool that every artist should add to their 3D skill set. If you struggle with 3D modeling, the boolean workflow, or just don't know where to start, hard-surface modeling is a perfect topic to focus on for all skill levels.What will the course cover?You will learn proper modeling techniques and master 3D modeling and hard surface workflow in this comprehensive and fun course. As a general topic, the course will cover hard-surface modeling with a fun and practical focus on SciFi design. You'll also learn about the non-destructive workflow, another big strategy in 3D modeling. Here's a brief list capturing the main elements of the course:Hard Surface ModelingPractical 3D modeling techniques and workflowsNon-Destructive ModelingRealistic and natural lightingCorrect and appealing compositionRenderingMaterialsCycles Rendering EngineSciFi designOverviewWe'll start by blocking out the basic shape in Blender, discussing some of Blender's fundamental modeling tools and hotkeys. You'll understand all aspects of 3D modeling and the hard surface workflow, and will be able to work confidently with booleans, bevels, and fix common modeling issues that most people encounter.Next, we'll start learning how to use cutters, booleans, and modifiers to start making the model come to life. After getting most of the model created, we'll bring in the bevels to achieve accurate lighting on the corners and learn how to fix common issues such as artifacts, vertex overshooting, and modifier issues.Perhaps the best part of this course is understanding how to fix mesh issues that most people encounter, but don't know how to properly fix. Bevel modifiers can cause all sorts of issues, such as artifacting and shading issues. It's actually super easy to fix, but most don't know how or don't care enough to do so. This course will not skip out on these problems, and you'll come out of it a better and more confident 3D artist.At the end of the course, you'll learn proper lighting and composition, and will achieve a beautiful final render to share with your friends and art portfolio.You'll also be protected by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk in enrolling.-How is this course Different?Undoubtedly, you've been working on a model and ran into one of these issues: shading, artifacts, broken bevels, crazy mesh distortions, lag, and things like that. At least one of these problems will be encountered during this course, and you'll also learn the correct way to fix these issues so that if you ever encounter them again, you'll know exactly what to do.Also, hard surface modeling is a very powerful subject in Blender and 3D in general. There are so many different elements, destructive workflows, non-destructive workflows, and probably crazy terminology you've never heard of to begin with. After this course, everything will be crystal clear and your understanding of 3D modeling in general will be revolutionized.So in addition to learning proper modeling techniques and fixes, you'll also learn how to create a beautiful SciFi crate design in the process. You'll learn various tricks to achieve that hard surface SciFi look, as well as how to get a perfect lighting setup and render.Most outlets don't cover these subjects all-in-one, so having a comprehensive list of videos and a fun learning environment is what makes this course awesome.-ConclusionWhether you're a seasoned Blender user or 3D artist, or a beginner trying to get the hang of things within Blender, this course is focused on you. I believe courses that are geared too much towards one skill level tend to not reach their goals as easily. Instead, making it readily accessible to all skill levels, whether by teaching a beginner the fundamentals of modeling or showing more in-depth tricks for the experienced user, is super important. The course will make you a more confident 3D artist and you'll probably never be bored of 3D after it."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Accredited Past Life Regression Trainer Course" |
"Study with confidence with Dr Karen E Wells - Online Tutor with Over 100,000 students worldwide.Professional Accredited Past Life Regression Trainer CourseFully Accredited Course Taking You From Student To Teacher Of Past Lives! Easy & Simple Steps To Success.This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association. Dr Karen E Wells has been training others in Hypnotherapy for the last 15 years and has worked around the world in many different countries teaching these skills on what makes an effective Hypnotherapy tutor. Welcome to this Professional Past Life Regression Teacher course. This in depth course provides information on setting up, promoting and training others within the Past Life Regression industry amongst many other things to do with training students in the field of Past Lives. This course assumes you are qualified in Hypnosis & Past Lives or studying to be.If you are ready to make the step from student to tutor, this course is for you! Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to your Professional Past Life Regression Teacher CourseYour Professional Past Life Regression Teacher Course training manual PDF The Training ProcessCreating the Foundations For SuccessFiguring It All OutMoving From Student To TutorPast Life Regression Student Group SizesWhat Students Come For - To Learn Or Their Own IssuesTeaching The Fundamental Processes of Past Life RegressionSuccessful Practical Sessions with StudentsDealing with Difficult StudentsContra-indications with studentsHandling Abreactions & Emotional Releases With Groups of StudentsTeaching Students To Be Successful Regression Specialists AccreditationAnd much more!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

"CCNP Enterprise Core 350-401 ENCOR(Exam questions)" |
"Practice test for CCNP Enterprise Core exam (350-401 ENCOR)The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise networks.This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architectureVirtualizationInfrastructureNetwork assuranceSecurityAutomationThe core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure and CCIE Enterprise Wireless certifications. Passing this exam helps toward earning any or all of these certifications.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions ."
Price: 24.99

"Remote Selling" |
"Yes, remote selling is now a must, even you are selling to people just across the street, for we cannot meet people. Even after the lockdown period, people are still cautious. Who wants to risk falling sick just to meet a salesperson? That's why they say we cannot go back to the good old days of selling meeting people physically.This is the world's first and only video course Training on Remote Selling. All the sales training in the world caters to face-to-face selling. In remote selling, you don't meet people physically at all. You communicate with them via email, text messages, group chats, video conference, FB messages, FB Live, Tik Tok comments, LinkedIn messages and just mere voice calls.We know that remote selling has advantages over physical face-to-face selling. You can now reach out to the world with no time and distance restrictions. With technology, you can have one-to-many selling without getting more salespeople. But remote selling is different in many ways.Your presence is reduced to a tiny image in the corner of a computer or phone screenYou're competing for attention with a highly distracting screen environment of both yourself and your audienceYour sales presentation slides become the focusits no longer the backdrop for an in-person conversation. Adults have problems to keep in focus for more than 15 minutes on the screenResearch shows that your audience will only remember 10% of what you show them after 48 hours. How can you cut through the noise and deliver a sales presentation that engages your audience, helps them remember your message, and persuades them to buy, even when you're not in-person?To close sales, you have to do the right things. Whether you are new or experienced in sales, you must master remote selling if you too want to do sales. For in the new world, we may not be able to go out to meet people at all. Power-packed contents not covered elsewhere include:What is Remote Selling and how does it differ from the physical sales meetingTop 10 Benefits of Remote Selling: chief being the world becomes your market 24/7Remote Selling Success in 5 Ways: Equipment Set-Up, Target Right, Present Attractively, Follow-Up with HEART and Close with Irresistible OfferThe 7 Ways to Do Remote Selling: Video Conference, Group Chats, Emails, Voice Calls, Zoom or Skype, Social Media Selling and Website SellingHow to Build Trust and Rapport and Keep People Engaged throughout your Remote PresentationWays to make people Remember What You Said after 48 hoursHow to Make your Zoom Meetings Fun and MemorableSocial Media Marketing and SellingOvercoming sales objections in a Remote WorldGetting Passionate and Involvement RemotelyThe use of Videos effectivelyThe Ultimate of Remote Selling: Create a Better WorldBonus: Top 15 Strategies to Close Every Sale Remotely"
Price: 29.99

"Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coach (ACCREDITED)" |
"Personal Transformation Breakthrough CoachingIn this Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching Course you'll discover how to help someone make a shift in their lives quickly and effectively by breaking through from where they currently are and getting on their Personal Transformation journey. This is a unique skillset and, ideally, you should have some Coaching knowledge before starting out in this course!""You must find the place inside of you where nothing is impossible"" - Deepak ChopraPlease note: The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider and this Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching Certification is also Fully Accredited - both through the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association - Accreditation Membership Number 10662322.Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching usually happens in one, longer than usual session and is designed to get your client over that first hurdle. It is designed to get you client to Breakthrough the old stories and patterns and move forwards on their Personal Transformation journey.Incorporating a simple to use, yet effective 5 Step Framework, this Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching course will show you how to work with your clients, open up their blocks and move forward within them so that they are ready to move forwards with their life. In a two to three hour session you can be the inspiration for their breakthrough shift, you can take them through the 5 Step Framework and open them up to the rest of their lives.How much impact do you want to have on the world?""Personal Transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one"" - Marianne WilliamsonWith this Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching Course you have the opportunity to take you skills and impact levels to a new height. You can use the framework in a one off, longer than normal session or incorporate it into your regular coaching sessions. The framework is flexible and simple to use in any situation.Whether you want to help others Breakthrough and start their journey of Personal Transformation or you want to Breakthrough to your own Personal Transformation Journey...... or maybe a bit of both...... this course gives you the framework and information to do just that. So.... all you have to do now is make the decision to hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and join me in the course.""It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is formed"" - Tony RobbinsQuestion....... Will you allow me to take you through this simple to use, effective 5 Step Framework that this Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching Course provides? Go on...... hit that ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and let's go on this exciting journey together.I look forward to seeing you in the course.My Best Regards,GrahamPersonal Transformation Coaching Life Coaching Breakthrough"
Price: 149.99

"Ratios, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - the easy way" |
"Learn how to apply mental math to quickly & easily calculate Ratios, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.This course is perfect for students, teachers/lecturers, scientists/researchers, statisticians, engineers and any other fields where the math covered in this course is generally used.All skill levels welcome.The author of this course has a PhD in Space Physics and has over many years developed quick & easy ways to mentally calculate ratios, fractions, decimals, and percentages.All this very useful & practical knowledge has now been turned into a great course which will serve as an invaluable resource for anyone who can benefit from quick mental calculations.The course is guaranteed to boost your understanding of ratios, fractions, decimals and percentages."
Price: 19.99

"Crez vos propres packages avec Flutter et Dart" |
"Vous connaissez les base de Dart et de la programmation orient objet?Vous avez dj dvelopp des applications avec Flutter pour iOS et Android?Vous avez dj utilis des packages?Et si vous criez vos propres packages?Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre pas pas dvelopper vos propre packages. Nous allons voirComment crer un package?Comment ajouter un exemple dans un package?Grer les licensesAjouter un readmeDocumenter le packageMettre en ligne le packageAmliorer le packageMettre jourVous tes prts? Je vous attends nombreux sur le cours."
Price: 199.99

"Pug/jade - HTML" |
"Pug (jade), . , , JavaScript, Pug -. Pug - , . , Pug ."
Price: 19.99

"Teora narrativa" |
"En este curso aprenders teora narrativa, conceptos bsicos y fundamentales para todo escritor, dede el proceso creativo hasta el formato profesional. Este curso explora de manera profunda los temas necesarios para escribir y practicar de manera eficiente para mejorar de manera veloz.Temas: Proceso creativo, Bloqueo creativo, fundamentos narrativos, elementos narrativos, formato profesional, software.Al final del curso podrs escribir un cineminuto en formato profesional. El propsito de escribir un cineminuto es poder escribir historias cortas, que el escritor pueda terminar, revisar, corregir para poder mejorar cada vez que lo haga."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Network Forensics Examiner : CNFE (Part1 of Part2)" |
"This course was originally designed only for the U.S. Agency for Government Intelligence. The CNFE certification program is designed to prepare students to master true advanced networking forensics strategies through the use of open source laboratories in an exclusive cyber-range.The CNFE takes digital and network forensic skills to the next level by navigating through over twenty network forensic theme modules.The CNFE provides practical training through our laboratory simulations that replicate real-world situations that include the inspection and recovery of network data, Physical Surveillance, Information Collection, Analysis, Wireless Attacks and SNORT.The course focuses on the centralization and analysis of monitoring mechanisms and networking devices. SIGN UP NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Network Forensics Examiner : CNFE (Part2 of Part2)" |
"This course in 2 parts. This is Part 2 of 2.This course was originally designed only for the U.S. Agency for Government Intelligence. The CNFE certification program is designed to prepare students to master true advanced networking forensics strategies through the use of open source laboratories in an exclusive cyber-range.The CNFE takes digital and network forensic skills to the next level by navigating through over twenty network forensic theme modules.The CNFE provides practical training through our laboratory simulations that replicate real-world situations that include the inspection and recovery of network data, Physical Surveillance, Information Collection, Analysis, Wireless Attacks and SNORT.The course focuses on the centralization and analysis of monitoring mechanisms and networking devices. SIGN UP NOW!** This course is in 2 parts. Please purchase Part 1 as well for complete course.**"
Price: 19.99

"Vietnamese Vocabulary Course 2 (Nothern Dialect)" |
Price: 19.99

"Vietnamese Vocabulary Course 3 (Nothern Dialect)" |
Price: 19.99

"Herbalism & Natural Medicine: The Best Teas For Your Health" |
"The Best Teas For Optimal HealthLearn how to use the healthiest teas for your health, metabolism, weight loss, concentration, relaxation, sleep, fitness and more!T is th wrld mt ulr drnk (ftr water), with but 70,000 u drunk vr nd. But Do you know the about the health benefits of teas?You might suffer from pain, illness and feeling uncomfortable, sometimes chronically. You might have tried a lot - including regular practitioners. But you are in search for a natural cure that is most likely free from side effects?If that is the case - this is the right course for you! In this course you will learn how you can use natures gift of teas to support your personal health practically.The author, Kevin Kockot (M.A. Prevention & Health Promotion) is a online content creator for years in the field of health, healing and relaxation. He teaches thousands of students on several platforms, including Udemy, Insight Timer and more.Do you want to learn about the ""The Best Herbal Teas For Optimal Health""? Enroll now! I am happy to meet you!"
Price: 199.99

"Cybersecurity: Implement Security Measures to Prevent Attack" |
"We can give this course another name Cybersecurity for Everyone. Although it targets the organizational cybersecurity behaviours, everyone can benefit from its content. Cybersecurity is the ability to protect your personal or your organizational information systems from impairment or even theft. This is essential to you or to your organization success. Applying effective security measures not only offers liability protection; it also increases efficiency and productivity.This course is designed differently as:Youll find its concise; explanation is right to the point.It has professional instructional videos with expressive graphics and animationsIts rich with understanding check quizzes and feedback;and the animation case studies will help you practice what youve learnt in real life situations.By the end of this course from Lincademy, you willUnderstanding cyber security fundamentalsDifferentiating between types of malwareProtecting yourself from breachesUnderstanding types of cyberattacks to look out forProtecting your mobile phonesApplying techniques of social networks securityProtecting organizations against critical cyberthreatsDeveloping effective prevention methods"
Price: 99.99

"Essential Vue.js, Vuex and Vue Router JavaScript Framework" |
"Vue.js is a light web framework to build a front-end web application. This bootcamp introduces how to get started with Vue.js programming. No prior knowledge to follow this bootcamp. All materials are delivered with step-by-step approach.We review HTML5, CSS and JavaScript materials for anyone who does not has knowledge in web development. Main focuses of the bootcamp to speed up your skill in a front-end web application. The following is a list of highlight topic in the bootcamp.Essential basic Vue.js programming. Introducing how to get started with Vue application development.Developing Vue.js Programs with Vue CLI. To get experiences how to create and maintain Vue project and get understanding of Vue project structure.Building Vue applications with Vue project templates. All Vue features are explored in order to get practices in Vue application development.Data Binding, Populating and Validating Data. You will learn how to bind data to HTML DOM and populate JSON data on HTML table. You also learn how to validate user inputs.Vue.js Routing and Vuex State Management. Creating routings on Vue application and manage state in order to share data inside Vue application.Interacting with Back-End Server. Making interaction with back-end server such as getting and posting data. We also cover about uploading a file to back-end server.Vue.js Security: Register, Login, Logout, and Auth Guard. Securing your Vue application. We build SPA application with Vue.js, Node.js, Express and MySQL. We create registration, login, logout, and my profile page with applying auth guard security.You will obtain more experiences how to build Vue application in this bootcamp."
Price: 39.99

"Practical Guide to Business Etiquette for Beginners" |
"New to Job Market? Looking for your First Job? It is vital to learn Professional Etiquette to climb the professional ladder and grow in your careerPresenting yourself in this competitive world in the best possible manner is theneed of the hour. Professional Etiquette helps one create an impactful image aboutthemselves in the professional as well as the personal world. It makes one create alasting positive first impression thereby giving a competitive edge over peers.This course teaches you from the basics of choosing the right attire for interviewsto create impactful images on social media platforms. It also helps you become aninfluencing communicator by learning and inculcating within self the mostdesirable traits of communication and first impressions in meetings as well asmails."
Price: 19.99
