"Crush your Comfort Zone, Focus and Grow: 5 step Challenge" |
"Action Guides included: a set of worksheets which you can use alongside the activities outlined in the course, so you can take action and get results.Step Out of your Comfort Zone, Get Focused and Grow: Your 5 Step challenge is a complete and comprehensive course about the Essential Techniques for improving Yourself, your Concentration and Focus as an Entrepreneurs or Small Business Owners and in your Personal Life, taught by Christophe Ternay, an entrepreneur, who graduated in Marketing and International Business in France.What Students say about my Online Courses:I am only 1/4 of the way through however, what I like about the instructor is his engaging online presence and his approach (Patricia Russel) It is really nice and easy to understand.(Melike Elif Glpnar)I enjoyed the course. The instructor is very positive and informative. The material is easily understood. I look forward to the next course available from this instructor.(Patricia Starnes)This course is really exactly what I needed. The instructor is extremely helpful, responds promptly [...] I highly recommend this course and any other course this instructor is teaching. (Sonia Staward)Very well explained, easy to grasp (Debbie Gabrielle) This dude is awesome for explaining things and make everything funny. (Jose Vidal) What the course also includes:This Course includes more than 140 Explainer Slides so your Brain can easily understand the lectures.This Course includes the complete Downloadable Audio Version to use it on the go.Worksheets to help you Take ActionHow can I improve my focus and concentration?How do I keep myself focused on my goals?What are the good ways to learn to stay focused and have a good Time Management?What habits drain focus?How can I train my brain to stay focused?How can I completely concentrate while working on my projects?How can I improve myself?I hate taking risks!I struggle creating Good HabitsI need to become a better Leader!I need to better understand My Brain...I want to change my life, how do I start?Why is it so difficult to leave your comfort zone?What are the habits that can improve my life?How do I inch out of my comfort zone every single day for the rest of my life?What are the first steps to get out of the comfort zone?How can I ensure Im constantly improving?Why do we gain big things outside the comfort zone?Why don't introverts get out of their comfort zone and be more social?How can I become the best version of myself?Do these Questions sound familiar to you ? If yes, read on...Focusing is an essential skill for everyone: entrepreneurs, small business owners and also in you family or in your personal life. Those who are able to cut out the noise and concentrate have the biggest success.But Focusing isnt something natural, thats why you need to step out of your Comfort zone.My names Chris and I am graduated in Marketing and International Business in France; I have been running various businesses online and offline since the past 6 years. And one of my biggest pains has been to get focused and concentrated in my business. I had more and more difficulty focusing on one thing at a time. And many times when I started to focus, inevitably something pulled me away.When I decided to step out of my comfort zone and get more focused my business quickly began to grow. Thats because when you know the essential techniques for improving your concentration you get more accomplished in less time.Through this course you get the opportunity to learn from my mistakes.I will walk you through the different steps of getting efficient, focused, concentrated and productive.By the end of this class you will be able to understand and evacuate the noise' that kills your ability to focus.In the first part of this course, you will learn how to step outside of your comfort zone and adopt the change mindset and in the second part you will Use Tips, Techniques and short daily exercises to Improve Your Focus and concentration at Work and at home, and create Your Own Action Plan.So if you want to stop wasting your time and efforts and dont know yet how to do it efficiently. Then this 4 Step challenge is for you.By the end of this class you will be able to:Understand and evacuate the noise' that kills your ability to focus and be more productive.You will Use Tips, Techniques and short daily exercises to Improve Your Focus and concentration at Work and at home and Create Your Own Action Plan.Use Essential Techniques for Improving Concentration and Productivity.Get more accomplished in Less Time, thanks to an efficient Time Management SystemImprove your Attention SpanFocus Easily on One Thing at a timeCut out the Noise surrounding youunderstand the problem with the Status QuoIdentify where you are stuck. What you can do to change.Confront those fears and Develop a mindset for change.Lead by exampleMake Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone a HabitSo if you want to stop wasting your time and efforts and dont know yet how to do it efficiently. Then this 5 Step challenge is for you.Here's what you'll learn in Step Out of your Comfort Zone, Get Focused and Grow:Part 1The Problem with the Status Quo. I'll discuss what's meant by the status quo' and why it hinders business growth. We will use the action steps to Identify where you are stuck in the status quo and What you can do to change.Develop a Mindset For Change: Why do we fear change and what are the specific fears holding us back? In Module 2, I'll provide a formula to identify the fears holding you back and How to confront those fears. I'll show you how to visualize and plan to overcome your fears so you can Develop a mindset for change.Embrace Change: Everyone is fearful of change. In Module 3, I'll show you how, once you have developed your mindset for change, you can Lead by example and facilitate a change mindset in those around you. You'll become a true advocate for growth.Make Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone a Habit: Practice, practice, practice! In Module 4, I'll give you strategies and action steps to Introduce change into your everyday life. This will enable you to not only accept, but actually seek out and welcome change!Part 2Focus and Concentration: Why attention spans and the ability to focus have decreased + The huge impact this has on success.Where is the Noise Coming From?: How distractions contribute to the noise' that kills your ability to focus and beeing productiveTips & Techniques to Improve Your Focus at Work: Identify how to improve focus and concentration, so that you can get far more done in less time.Exercises to Improve Your Focus and Concentration: Exercises that you can do regularly to improve your ability to concentrate. These are easy and can be practiced for just 5 or 10 minutes to see results.Create Your Focus and Concentration Action Plan: Based on everything learned so far, I will guide you through creating your own calendar and action plan for improving your focus and concentration and increasing your productivity.Conclusion and Next Steps: Finish up with a review of what was learned and more action planning, in which you will identify your next steps and deadlines.This Challenge comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let Udemy know and they will refund you 100%, every last penny, no questions asked.You literally cant lose.Ready to get started?Enroll now using the Enroll Now button on the right and get started on your way to a more Exiting You. Or take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside. (hurry, class is waiting!)CheersChris"
Price: 79.99

"Svelte 3 Project Course - Movie App with Svelte JS [2020]" |
"Do you want to improve your knowledge, value, and be a top candidate in recruitment processes? Learn Svelte and be a top contender for modern Front End developer jobs!Level: Beginner to intermediateYou need to have basic Javascript, HTML, and CSS knowledge before enrolling in this course.Want to learn one of the hottest things in Web Development in 2020? Do you want to learn and try out Svelte? Do you enjoy project-oriented and fast-paced courses? Do you want to learn quick and straight down to the point? Then this is the course for you!Guaranteed no ""foo"" and ""bar"" ... and no ""to-do-list"" app ;)My teaching style is learning by building small projects. My decades of experience in web development have taught me that this style lets you learn fast and efficiently. Stop wasting your time!What will we do in the course?We'll build a beautiful Movie App from scratch with Svelte.This is an introduction to Svelte that will teach you the basics and fundamentals of Svelte. It's enough to get you started and begin to explore Svelte even more for yourself after this course. That means that not all topics in Svelte are covered.My main goal with this course is to mix fun with teaching. There are many tutorials and courses out there that are great but too complex and focus on a lot at the same time. That's why this course isn't 20+ hours long.In this course you'll learn and use:- Svelte Fundamentals- Setup Svelte from scratch and configure VS Code for Svelte.- Fetch data from an external API in a Svelte Component- Reactive Declarations- Svelte Components and Syntax- Props and State in Svelte- Custom Event creation- Slots- And a lot more ..."
Price: 69.99

"Must Have Strategies to Create Better Business Presentations" |
"Business presentations are common in workplaces all across the globe. Yet, many people don't like standing up and speaking in front of others. While fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety, presenting as a non-native English speaker can feel even more intimidating.*A note about the course. While I am a Business English Coach for non-native speakers, this course is perfect for native speakers looking to shore up their presentation skills as well.*It's time to say goodbye to the fear and frustration of upcoming presentations! This course is designed to be used as a guide for all of your business presentations to help you present concisely, effectively and confidently.The best part is, you will learn these must-have techniques in under 1 hour, meaning you can create better business presentations immediately.This course covers must-have strategies that non-native English speakers can use to feel more confident. You'll learn techniques to plan, structure and deliver presentations that communicate your message clearly and inspire your audience to take action.BY THE END OF THIS COURSE, YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO:Grab your audiences's attention with a powerful introduction.Hold your audience's attention with simple ideas and techniques.Use strong verbs, adjectives and phrases to make your presentation more dynamic.Use visuals strategically to convey your message effectively.Use body language techniques to re-enforce your core messages.Deal with interruptions and questions calmly and professionally.Eliminate distractions, which helps your audience pay attention to the details that matter most.Reduce and control nerves to present with a calm, clear, confident manner.Cope with stress and anxiety productively.INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE:Downloadable videos and audio files. Tons of PDF worksheets and scripts to help you stay on topic and engage your audience.This course is self-paced and you can use it any time you want. So let's get started today!**WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING**""The presentation is engaging and well structured!"" -Murari D.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTORI'm Tannia of English Challenges. As a Business English Coach, entrepreneur and digital nomad I get to travel all over the world while building my virtual business and coaching amazing clients, helping them take their English and their career to the next level. Join over 100,000 students across platforms - and lets help you speak English naturally and confidently."
Price: 19.99

"How To Acquire A Business - Complete Guide & Secrets" |
"My name is Nasser Lukmani and I have been in business all my life. In this course, I will share with you my valuable secrets and nuggets which I have learnt over the years. I will force you to think and make important business decisions so you may succeed. I will explain the acquisition process, the pitfalls and what you need to know.The course will parallel a Case Study using an actual acquisition made by The Sardars memorialized in two interviews with them. One soon after the purchase and the second, a few months later to capture their lessons learned."
Price: 199.99

"Masterclass de Costura, Patronaje y Diseo - Parte 1 -" |
"La Masterclass de Costura, patronaje y diseo para prinicipiantes es una clase maestra sumamente completa donde aprenders todos los conocimientos y tcnicas que necesitas saber para adentrarte al mundo de la costura por todo lo alto. Al inicio de las grabaciones de esta Masterclass, se planific trabajarla como un solo producto, sin embargo, es un proyecto TAN completo, que nos vimos en la obligacin de dividirla en tres cursos.Ests frente al primer curso de esa Masterclass. Este primer curso abarca TODO sobre el mundo del patronaje. El patronaje es la base de todo trabajo de costura porque todo lo que cosas de ahora en adelante va a salir de un patrn. En esta primera parte del curso haremos una introduccin muy completa sobre las telas, porque es la primera base para entender todo patrn. Esta Masterclass ha sido el resultado del estudio de distintos programas presenciales y online sobre costura, patronaje y diseo, recopilando lo mejor de estos programas junto con conocimiento de los mejores libros sobre el tema, adems de la experiencia adquirida con el paso del tiempo. Esto quiere decir que ests frente a una Masterclass muy completa, que abarca mucho ms de lo que encontrars en cualquier otra clase o tutorial disponibles en la web. Es una Masterclass ambiciosa que est pensado para darle la mejor base posible a todos los que quieren aprender a coser, pero tambin est pensado para ampliar los conocimientos de todos los que ya saben coser. Al finalizar este primer curso de la Masterclass, conocers todo lo que necesitas saber sobre: Tipos de telas, tipos de fibras, gramaje de las telas, toma de medidas en tu cuerpo y el cuerpo de terceras personas, cuadros de medidas industriales, grados de ajuste, anatoma de patrones, etc. Ademas, aprenders a leer con claridad el sobre de los patrones comerciales, las hojas de instrucciones, los smbolos y sealizaciones dentro de las hojas del patrn, aprenders tambin los smbolos de patronaje ms comunes y su significado. Tambin aprenders acerca de patrones en PDF, su ensamblado, cmo trabajar con ellos y cmo realizar transformaciones. Finalizars esta parte del curso aprendiendo sobre trazado de patrones personalizados y como bonus de este primer curso te llevars una clase sobre fichas tcnicas.Esta Masterclass esta construida para fomentar el aprendizaje por proyectos, eso quiere decir que desde este primer curso sentaremos las bases para que conozcas todo sobre el mundo de la costura a travs de proyectos concretos, y estos proyectos saldrn a partir de estos tres tipos de patrones de los que hablamos. Al final de este curso habrs aprendido todo sobre la costura a travs de la construccin de las tres prendas que veremos en la seccin de patronaje: 1. Top a partir de patrn comercial, 2. Vestido a partir de transformacin de patrn en PDF, 3. Falda a partir de tu propio trazado y transformacin de patrn.La segunda parte de esta Masterclass es nuestro segundo curso, y es un curso muy completo sobre corte y costura, donde iniciaremos por la costura a mano, aprendiendo ms de quince tipos de puntadas a mano muy necesarias para hacer buenos trabajos de costura. En esta seccin aprenders tambin todo lo que debes saber sobre la mquina de coser, sus partes, accesorios y cmo usarla. Aprenders de forma prctica a dar tus primeras puntadas y sabrs reconocer los problemas que se presentan comnmente y como solucionarlos. En esta parte conocers tambin los prensatelas ms tiles y cmo utilizarlos: prensatelas de tefln, de rodillo, de alforzas, para jersey, para ojales, para botones, para cierres comunes, para cierres invisibles, para cintas al bies, para dobladillo y para apliques. Esto quiere decir que al finalizar este curso sabrs cmo coser botones, ojales, cierres, aplicaciones, cintas al bies, dobladillos, etc. En este segundo curso de la Masterclass es donde vamos a coser los proyectos que habremos hecho en el primer curso de patronaje, hablaremos sobre cmo cortar y coser los patrones que hemos trabajado, empezando por prototipos y finalizando con las prendas finales (un top, un vestido y una falda). Y aqu volveremos a hablar sobre las telas, pero ahora s en profundidad, incluyendo procesos de preencogimiento, formas de planchado y te compartir un cuadro MAGNFICO con ms de 40 tipos de telas y las sugerencias de hilo, aguja, prensatela y acabados recomendados. Conocers todo sobre los hilos, agujas y alfileres, y cmo utilizar accesorios de costura como mquina para cintas al bies, rodillos de marcado, brazo de sastre, ganchos para voltear tela, etc. Tambin aprenders todos los secretos y tips para hacer acabados de costura profesionales. Cerraremos esta Masterclass con un tercer curso, la seccin de diseo, donde aprenders por qu es til conocer el mundo de la moda cuando empezamos a coser. Aprenders sobre tendencias, sobre diseo y sobre cmo encontrar tu propio estilo para empezar a coser tus propias ideas. El bonus de este tercer curso es una clase sobre cmo establecer los costos para tus creaciones. Esta Masterclass est llena de distintos recursos y tareas para que puedas poner en prctica todo lo que aprendes. Encontrars en los descargables todos los cuadros con los que trabajaremos: cuadros de medidas, cuadros de ajuste de prenda, cuadro con listado de prensatelas y usos, infografas sobre los tipos de agujas, tipos de hilos, etc. Con el paso del tiempo y los estudios que he llevado, me he dado cuenta de que resulta necesario recurrir a distintas fuentes para poder empezar a coser, porque lo cierto es que ninguna te da toda la informacin que necesitas. Cuando empec a coser me encontr en muchas oportunidades perdiendo tiempo buscando toda la informacin e instrucciones que necesitaba para coser un solo proyecto porque nunca encontraba todo lo necesario en un solo lugar. Esta Masterclass busca solucionar ese problema para los que se adentran al mundo de la costura. Es una clase maestra que busca ser la biblia sobre costura, patronaje y diseo para principiantes. Queremos dejar en claro que este curso solo incluye la primera parte de la Masterclass, es decir, TODO sobre el patronaje. La segunda parte de esta Masterclass ser lanzada la semana del 9 de Agosto del 2020, y la tercera parte ser lanzada la tercera semana de Agosto. En total, esta Masterclass, con sus tres partes o cursos, abarcar ms de 15 horas de clase y muchsimos recursos descargables, a los que tendrs acceso de por vida!! Adems, estar disponible para responder todas tus preguntas durante tu proceso de aprendizaje e incluso despus de que hayas terminado el curso, ya que, por la compra del curso, podrs acceder al grupo de Facebook exclusivo para los estudiantes de esta Masterclass. Es importante que sepas tambin que esta Masterclass est pensada para construccin de prendas para mujeres, ms adelante publicaremos nuevos cursos sobre patronaje y costura para bebs, nios y hombres. Sin duda de ningn tipo, no encontrars ninguna clase de costura, patronaje y diseo tan completa como esta. Adems, esta Masterclass y sus cursos estn cubiertos por la garanta de Udemy de 30 das, por lo que podrs recuperar tu dinero si no satisface tus expectativas. No tienes nada que perder! Nos vemos en el curso!!"
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 - Uma abordagem prtica e fcil" |
"Aprenda as ferramentas essenciais do Illustrator de forma prtica e rpidaAprenda a criar ilustraesAprenda a criar smbolos e logotiposAprenda a criar artes para impressoAprenda a criar artes para social mediaO Adobe Illustrator um software grfico focado na edio de imagens vetoriais. Essa ferramenta faz parte do pacote Adobe e pode ser utilizada para a criao de ilustraes, logotipos, tipografias e muito mais! O Adobe Illustrator um software da Adobe cuja principal funo trabalhar ilustraes vetoriais."
Price: 39.99

"Instagram Ads Success" |
"Its About Time For You To Advertise On Instagram The Right Way! With a billion active users, businesses of all kinds are seeing excellent results from setting up a profile and advertising with Instagram. Instagram Ads are not the most expensive way to promote your business and brand, but it is not a cheap option either. So, you really need to get it right to see the highest returns.Many online marketers know about the power of Instagram and that it can be used to reach their target audience. But they dont go about this in the right way and then end up claiming that advertising on Instagram doesnt work. It does work - you just need to know what you are doing.Not only does the course include 11 premium quality course videos, but you will also receive the following resources:Instagram Ads Success Training Guide to accompany the videosInstagram Ads Success Cheatsheet - This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started. It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of everything covered inside right at your fingertips.Instagram Ads Success Mind Map - Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. The mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it!Instagram Ads Success Resource Guide - The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the guide. This makes it easy to plug-in and stick with what youre looking for."
Price: 39.99

palpation-medium |
"1. 2. 3. 4."
Price: 19.99

"Complete ASP.NET MVC Course with Real World Practices" |
"Hello there,Welcome to Complete ASP.NET MVC Course with Real-World Practices course.Do you want to learn ASP.NET but have no experience at all. Our ASP.NET MVC course is the perfect place for you to start. In this course, we designed the ASP.NET MVC course to give you everything you need to become productive with MVC.In this course, you will learn MVC so you will need basic C# knowledge to get the most efficient from this training. But of course, I will explain all codes in detail. In this MVC course, you will start learning MVC from scratch and you will examine all concepts one by one with real-world projects. Then together we will make a dynamic web project with 4 tier architecture page by page.In this MVC course, you will also learn to use ready-made templates with our project. When you finished the project, you will be learning how to use GitHub with Visual Studio and how to publish a project on the web. Besides that, you will learn how to make an Android App from a web site with a web view.Do not forget that great products are often built on multi-tier architecture or n-tier architecture, as its often called. So during this MVC course, you will be learning the benefits of using n-tier architecture. Upon completion of this MVC course, you will be a mid- pro web developer and you can make any professional web project with all necessary pages like log or comment pages. In each part, you will learn each operation with all details.Code with .NET today!Enroll and master fundamentals of MVC and programming with .NET framework, because you'll have lots of options waiting in front of you. If you are thinking about a job transition or want to improve your skills, this course is definitely recommended.What you will learn?How to apply each subject on real projectsUnderstand the MVC architectural patternUsing of MVC Concepts with all detailsUsing of Partial, Begin Form, JsonUsing of Data Transfer Objects as ViewBag, ViewData, TempDataUsing of ready-made templatesCreate real-world projects using Asp .Net MVC and Entity FrameworkUnderstand how to use the database-first approach with using Entity FrameworkUse Entity Framework to SQL OperationsN- tier ArchitectureHow to Separate projects partsHow to Create Dynamic web project algorithmHow to make a professional web project with 4 tier architecture and Entity FrameworkHow to Change your Projects Front Pages EasilyUsing of basic SQL commandsUsing TriggersMake Log OperationsHow to Handled errors and exceptions in your appsHow to use coding techniques to make efficient developmentHow to Make SEO Operations for googleHow to Get feedback like message or commentHave a basic understanding of working with GitHubHow to Publish a web ProjectHow to Make an Android APK from a web siteBy the end of this course, you will be in a position to build any professional web application with all details using MVC and Entity FrameworkWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. This course starts with the basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the ASP .NET language and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now to our Complete ASP.NET MVC Course with Real World Practices courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"niversite, Blm, Meslek ve Kariyer Tercihi Eitimi" |
"Doru tercih yapmak ve kariyerinize yn verebilmek iin gerekenler nelerdir? Tercihlerinizi ailenizin, akrabalarnzn, arkadalarnzn ve retmenlerinizin etkisiyle (dsal motivasyon kaynaklarna gre) deil, onlardan rendiklerinizi sorgulayarak kendinize (isel motivasyonlarnza) gre oluturmann ve hayatnz ekillendirmenin yollar nelerdir? Yaamak istediiniz hayata ulatracak tercihleri nasl yapabilirsiniz?niversite, blm, meslek seimi srelerinin, lkemize zg faktrler gz nne alnarak en doru ekilde yaplmasnn yollarn bu eitimde bulabileceksiniz. Eitim ierii gerekli hallerde, yeni veriler ve aklamalar dorultusunda srekli gncellenecektir."
Price: 59.99

"Basic Algebra" |
"This is a course in elementary and intermediate topics such as solving linear equations, quadratic equations., graphing parabolas, graphing lines, solving equations by Cramers Rule, solving quadratic, linear and absolute value inequalities. The course contains 27 videos and 120 practice problems with solutions ( some of which are detalied). It also has 2 equations and 2 unknowns to solve as well as 3 equations and 3 unknowns to solve."
Price: 19.99

"Peaceful Chaos" |
"ATTENTION: Are you experiencing anxiety? Having difficulty managing your emotions?""Discover How to Master Your Emotions and Eliminate Anxiety""Finally! A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Become the Best Version of YourselfDo you perceive your life to be chaotic?Did you know that anxiety is on the rise in our society, and its not going away?That doesnt mean that it has to be your reality.What if I told you that you could do something about it and find a place where you can be at peace and master your emotions. Embrace Your Emotional Body and Say Goodbye to Stress!Learn about your emotional body, how your mind impacts it, and how you can live more at peace.When you are emotionally aware and understand the root cause of emotions, you become better equipped to grow and rise above emotional reactivity.When you deepen your understanding of your emotional body and seek to understand why you react in a certain way, you become emotionally intelligent.Emotional intelligence is one way to steer away from stress and anxiety.Here's The SolutionAs a wise man once said, the only constant in life changes.Even if you know you will experience change and transformation in your life, you might not feel prepared for the chaos that often comes with those changes.Since growth is born of chaos, there is a need to find a state of peace and calm while you move through stages of life. When you perceive that your life is chaotic or when you apprehend possible change, it often impacts your emotions. One of the worst states you can experience during a transition is anxiety since it will make you feel like you are losing control.Anxiety can be a normal feeling of worry felt by all human beings, but it can also become disabling if you dont learn to manage it.Even if anxiety can be considered a chronic disease, it doesnt have to be that your way; you dont have to experience it. There are ways you can learn to master your emotions and reduce or even eliminate anxiety. Im proud to introduce to you...PEACEFUL CHAOSLearn To Master Your Emotions and Eliminate AnxietySEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 174.99

Negociaz_cu_Succes |
"Totul n jurul nostru este negociere, suntem nevoii s negociem de cteva zeci de ori n fiecare zi. Unele sunt negocieri mai mrunte, altele sunt foarte importante pentru noi. Cursul prezint cel mai bun set de tehnici, strategii i stiluri de negociere, care te vor ajuta s obii din ce n ce mai mult din negocierile viitoare."
Price: 199.99

"Meistere die asynchrone Programmierung mit .Net und C#" |
"Hast du dich schon einmal ber asynchrone Bugs gewundert? Arbeitest du mit unresponsive UI Applikationen oder werden die System Ressourcen einfach nicht vollstndig ausgenutzt fr eine angemessene Performance?Falls dir eines von diesen, oder hnlichen Problemen mit der asynchronen Programmierung bekannt ist, dann wird dir dieser Kurs dabei helfen, diese zu berwinden.Kurz gesagt lernst du in diesem Kurs mit Concurrentem (nebenlufigem) Code in .Net zu arbeiten.Du wirst nicht nur lernen, was asynchrone Programmierung eigentlich ausmacht, sondern auch wie die Mechanismen der asynchronen Programmierung aussehen.An das alles wirst du langsam herangefhrt, in dem du die Grundzge von Threads erlernst. Also was ist ein Thread, wie funktioniert dieser usw.Das Ganze wird anhand der Thread API dargestellt, die dazu nutzt die restlichen Konzepte des Kurses zu verstehen.Nach der Thread API, schauen wir uns an wie man mit .Net Thread Safe programmieren kann und was das eigentlich ist.Weiterhin lernst du die TPL (Task Parallel Library) kennen und nutzt Tasks und die async & await keywords fr eine Task basierte asynchrone Programmierung.Auerdem schauen wir noch Mglichkeiten und Wege fr die parallele Programmierung an und wie sich das im Verhltnis zur asynchronen Programmierung darstellt.Die Themen in der bersicht: Asynchrone Programmierung verstehen (Warum, Was, Wie)Die .Net Thread APITPL mit Tasks und den async await keywordsThread Safety mit Locking, Signaling und Concurrent Collections Alles darber wie concurrency funktioniertZgere nicht weiter, schreib dich ein und geniee:das Fortschreiten deiner Karriereund meistere einen der wichtigsten Skills als EntwicklerSollte dich das nicht berzeugen, hast du immer noch die 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie."
Price: 49.99

"HACKING THIQUE Le Hacker de Facebook" |
"Pour battre un hacker, il faut penser comme un hacker.Je suis Dr. Firas, docteur en systme d'information et Professeur d'Universit spcialis dans l'usages de l'intelligence artificielle sur les Rseaux Sociaux, jai cr exclusivement ce cours pour tous les utilisateurs de Facebook, pour ceux qui sont si curieux de connatre le fonctionnement de la piraterie des comptes Facebook, des comptes e-mail... Comment leur compte peut tre compromis par des pirates et des spammeurs. Ce cours vous apprend galement comment protger sa vie priv sur internet (nom dutilisateur, mot de passe, numro de tlphone, carte de crdit, vie prive). Il contient aussi des partages d'crans de qualits qui vous permettront mieux apprhender certaines techniques de piraterie que les pirates et les spammeurs utilisent lors de leurs attaques. Il est indispensable pour les nul, et ceux qui nont aucune exprience sur lutilisation de linternet; ce cours vous apprendra mieux protger votre vie prive et vos donnes sensibles sur le black net.De quelle manire les pirates informatiques piratent-ils les comptes personnel ? Un pirate informatique intelligent connait les tenants et les aboutissants d'un site web et trouve des failles de scurit, vous pouvez utiliser une faille de scurit suppose pour en trouver dautres, pour les exploiter et pour vous introduire dans les serveurs et les bases de donnes lesquels stockent les informations des utilisateurs telles que le nom dutilisateur, l'adresse e-mail, le mot de passe et davantage de prcieuses informations. Si vous tes en qute dinformations concernant la faon de protger votre compte Facebook et comprendre les mthodes utilises par les Hackers dont le but de scuriser votre systme d'information personnel ou professionnel, alors vous tes dans la bonne formation. Sil y a un moment pour se mettre au hacking thique, cest maintenant. Vous tes prt vous y mettre ? Voici une formation pour dbutant o vous pouvez acqurir les connaissances et certifications ncessaires pour commencer votre carrire de hacker thique.1 Analyse de paquets Un analyseur de paquets est un programme qui peut intercepter, analyser et dcrypter les changes d'informations entre l'utilisateur et le serveur. Si nous avons de la chance, l'adresse IP cible sera intercepte en transmettant des paquets de donnes aux serveurs et ceux-ci tombent en panne.2 HameonnageLhameonnage est une technique utilise par des fraudeurs pour obtenir des renseignements personnels dans le but de perptrer une usurpation d'identit. La technique consiste faire croire la victime qu'elle s'adresse un tiers de confiance comme FACEBOOK.3 Attaque de l'homme du milieuParfois appele attaque de l'intercepteur, est une attaque qui a pour but d'intercepter les communications entre deux parties, sans que ni l'une ni l'autre ne puisse se douter que le canal de communication entre elles a t compromis. Le canal le plus courant est une connexion Internet de l'internaute lambda..4 Piratage psychologiqueLes pratiques du piratage psychologique exploitent les faiblesses psychologiques, sociales et plus largement organisationnelles des individus ou organisations pour obtenir quelque chose frauduleusement (un bien, un service, un virement bancaire, un accs physique ou informatique, la divulgation dinformations confidentielles, etc.).5 Les perspectives dvolution dun hacker thiqueAux tats-Unis, il n'est pas rare que des hackers autodidactes estampills white hat et rsolvant des bugs via des plateformes de bug bounty soient par la suite embauchs par les entreprises victimes de ces bugs (Google, Facebook...). En France, les hackers thiques sont souvent, la base, des experts en systmes d'information ou des experts scurit et rseaux, forms par la suite en cybercriminalit. Il s'agit plus d'une volution de poste que d'un vritable changement de fonction. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Facebook Business Manager version 3.0"
Price: 199.99

"IELTS Masterclass: Achieve 7+ in Reading Question Types" |
"Want to achieve band 7+ in IELTS Reading? If yes, then you have come to the right place.IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading Question Types (Part 2) is a content heavy course that provides you with all the question types that can be asked in International English Language Testing System.IELTS is divided in 4 sections - Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Reading is the second skill tested in IELTS. There are 3 sub-sections in IELTS Reading. These sub-sections have 14 different question types with different rigor. In this course, you will be taught to identify, understand the basic fundamentals, the tips and tricks to solve each type. There are 25+ questions provided to you with a few of the most workable strategies to practice and bag the extra score. In a nutshell, this course provides the best of the following features. You will learn to identify the question type within any sections of IELTS Reading.You will learn basic fundamentals to reduce the rigor of the question types.You will learn some handy tips and tricks to solve each question type. You will learn the best workable strategies to read between the lines and save time to get to the final answer.You will get 14 solved questions with explanation plus 14 more solved questions as resources.You will know the most essential notes to refer to before starting with the IELTS Reading test.Each question type has its own predefined difficulty level. You will not have to worry about anything after enrolling to this course, IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading Question Types (Part 2). It is believed that questions that fall under Section 3 are the toughest. Nevertheless, the strategies explained here will take care of that too."
Price: 199.99

"Flutter Android & iOS Telegram Clone App with Firebase 2020" |
"In this course you will learn how to make your own Android and iOS Chat Application just like telegram and WhatsApp using flutter , firebase Firestore with Android Studio.In this app an online user can signin with google, user can change his/her profile information which includes updating profile picture, updating username and updating profile bio from account settings page. Moreover user can search for other users and friends. An online user can send text message to other users, user can also send emojis (gifs) in a message , user can send image files in a message also to other people. And much more.We will develop this app using Flutter (Dart Programming Language) with Firebase Firestore as backend. At the end of this course you will be able to make your own fully functional backend flutter applications with Firebase Firestore."
Price: 34.99

"Google Ads do Bsico ao Avanado + Livro EXCLUSIVO!" |
"Google Ads do Bsico ao Avanado + Remarketing + Youtube Ads + Livro EXCLUSIVO!Neste curso voc ir aprender sobre Google Ads, a verso mais atualizada desta ferramenta! O sucesso das suas campanhas vo muito alm de criar uma conta e sair adicionado palavras e criando anncios. Por trs de toda campanha de sucesso existe planejamento e tcnica.Vamos navegar entre o nvel bsico at o avanado a criar campanhas de alta performance, para a Rede de Pesquisa, Rede de Display , Anncios de vdeos no Youtube e Campanhas de Remarketing. Esse dar a voc conhecimentos para fazer suas prprias campanhas no Google Ads completamente do zero e a posicionar o site da sua empresa na primeira pgina de pesquisa do Google.Neste curso voc vai aprender:Criar e Configurar Campanhas na Rede de Pesquisa do Google;Criar e Configurar Campanhas na Rede de Display do Google;Planejar Campanhas no Google Ads;Criar e Configurar Campanhas no Youtube Ads;Criar e Configurar Campanhas de Remarketing no Google Ads;Analisar Relatrios de Performance.So 6h de contedos entre vdeos, templates, artigos e PDFs detalhados e prticos sobre o Google Ads. Voc ir aprender a configurar, gerenciar, analisar e otimizar todos os aspectos das suas campanhas.Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria com o Google Ads, s clicar no boto! :)Mal posso esperar para para te encontrar ao decorrer do curso e trocar experincias com voc.Um grande abraoEduardo Campelo"
Price: 39.99

"IT Support Training: Master IT Support with Active Directory" |
"This course gives the necessary skills to administer active directory in any corporate environment. Together we exhaust all possible scenarios you may be presented within an IT support, helpdesk and desktop support role. I created this course to be easy to follow taking you through each scenario step by step making it easy to grasp the knowledge. Upon completion, you understand the concepts we tackle and be equipped with the expert practical know how to succeed in a help desk environment."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Office 365 Administration IT Support" |
"This course gives the necessary skills to administer Office 365 in any corporate environment. Together we exhaust all possible scenarios you may be presented within an IT support, helpdesk and desktop support roles. I created this course to be easy to follow taking you through each scenario step by step making it easy to grasp the knowledge. Upon completion, you understand the concepts we tackle and be equipped with the expert practical know how to succeed in a help desk environment.I have outlined the necessary foundation that you will be built upon in administrating, troubleshooting Office 365 services and most common tasks in IT Support environment."
Price: 19.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Voronoi Dome Wireframe Structure." |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Wireframe Structure System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification Practice Exam" |
"These SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification Practice Exams provide you with the latest test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback to help you pass the exam with confidence.In my tests and after you finish each one you will get an explanation as to why the right answer is the right answer, and why the incorrect ones are incorrect, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further !!Included in this SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification Practice Exam course:240 questions SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification practice test, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification domains, as you will see on the real exam.- 4 practice tests- More practice for studying- Practice like the real SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification exam- Targeted studying, don't waste time studying for topics you already know- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectSHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 120 min for 80 questionsPassing Score : 80If you dont have Necessary experience, You can take and pass the SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP Certification exam to earn an SHRM designation.30-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Arcore & Vuforia make 5 games Augmented Reality in Unity3D" |
"This course focus on Vuforia Image Target & arcore Anchor.We will use Vuforia Image Target to make 5 game AR and one AR multiplayer at the same time using photon.this package is divided to 2 main Videos: for each game, a common tasks which is Vuforia configuration, and the best part, to make the game Augmented Reality.in the final game we will make it Multiplayer either.Some games will have a video for fixing errors appeared after making it AR.This package will give you the needed experience to manipulate and Master Vuforia SDK on Unity3D game Engine.This course will teach you a lot according to the time passed in,The cause is : we are Engineers and knows the shortest path with better results.Learn the Engineers thinking way.Learn to code clear and simple code with huge effect.Learn to decompose a project by ""Modules"".Learn to create a diagram for each game or big module to develop.learn the Reverse Engineering method.So, a new gaming experience has arrived! It is Multiplayer AR Games Using Vuforia Engine. There are already very successful Multiplayer Games out there such as Pokemon GO, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Mini Guns - Omega Wars...If you are a game developer, there can't be a better time to develop and publish your Own multiplayer game to the stores(AppStore or PlayStore And more ...Because there are really a few games and the potential is huge! That's why I created this unique online course on Multiplayer Augmented Reality to help game developers publish their own Multiplayer AR Games.In this course, you will learn the basics of Multiplayer Augmented Reality game development.Once we completed the single-player mode, we will implement Multiplayer using Photon Unity Networking 2 package as the multiplayer engine.For the Multiplayer side of the game, you will learn:Connecting to Photon serversJoining random roomsPlayer SelectionAutomatic Player Spawning After DeathWriting your own Synchronization script to synchronize player movement also Health Bar And Animations.Killing and re-spawning mechanism.Then, we will implement Augmented Reality into the multiplayer game we've built. We will use the top AR SDKs which are Vuforia. And with Unity's AR Foundation, we will develop only once and deploy the game to both Android and IOS devices. That will definitely save you some development time...For the Augmented Reality side of the game, you will learn:Test The Multiplayer And AR Game With Different Solutions.Implementing AR to a Unity SceneImplementing Vuforia to the Project with AR FoundationDetecting image Target and Put Map On it Placing the Game Arena to Flat SurfacesHealth Bar for All Players synchronizationMovement Synchronization in Augmented RealitySupport for Unity 2019.3!Come and join me if you want to be part of this new, awesome Gaming platform which is Multiplayer Augmented Reality.Let's build together!Who this course is for:Unity developers who want to build Multiplayer Augmented Reality ( AR ) gamesUnity developers who want to learn building AR GamesUnity developers who want to Learn how to make a game from Single Player To Multiplayer"
Price: 199.99

"Meaningful Productivity Create Sustainable Habits" |
"This class is part of the Meaningful Productivity series and will help you to develop any habit you want and makes it stick so you can be more productive. Before you start this course, please think about a habit you want to establish and why it is that you want to create it. I'd love to hear what you are working on so share it in the comments and start the process of creating sustainable habits.At first, I'll explain what the course is about and why am I teaching you thisI'll show you the steps of creating a new habit based on James Clear's approachCue Make it obviousCraving Make it attractiveResponse Make it easyReward Make it satisfyingLastly, I'll share some experiences I had with creating habits and give you the opportunity to dive deeper into the meaningful aspect of productivityAt the end of this class, you will master the creation of habits but more importantly don't lose the connection to your goal or your true meaning so it is not the ultimate failure like Tony Robbins said.Important Content:""Atomic Habit"" written by James Clear"
Price: 19.99

"Integrate Zoom Live Streaming API In PHP CodeIgniter" |
"Live streamed video means viewers can participate and watch in real-time. Live stream is the future of video and presents a world of opportunity for school communications and distance learning. It is not only a great way to capture and share events when they occur, but a way to automatically build a video library of all your important school communications and engaging school stories.Once these live stream videos are created, they can be stored and repurposed for your future content needs. With a little planning and research, live streaming can become a core element in your district communications content strategy.Live streaming is coming to a school near you soon.With school closures come a huge need for school districts to get up to speed fast on using live streaming for school communications and remote learning. Whether it's urgent news about a pandemic, ongoing, regular opportunities to reach your school community, or a foundational element to your distance learning, live streaming video needs to be part of your communications strategy.What makes a good school live video?There are endless sources of raw material for live streaming content:Online classroomsSchool board and PTA meetingsSuperintendents/principal messagesIn-service and other meetingsSporting and special eventsPep rallies/assembliesGraduation and other ceremoniesPlays and concertsFrom Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on elsewhere.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. The course is practical oriented and it is a not waste time course as we learn by practical.Dont waste your timeDont waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos. Or instructors who you cant understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Building complete and standard school management system.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantChallenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.Join us NOW as we successfully integrate zoom live streaming to our existing codeigniter projects !"
Price: 19.99

"V-Ray ile her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde 3ds Max ve V-Ray ile K Sahnesi nasl yaplr? Tm aamalar anlatlyor.Mimar Cihan zkan anlatmyla k sahnesi tekniklerini reneceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"V-Ray for 3ds Max, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde 3ds Max, V-Ray, Premiere Pro ve After Effects Programlar ile Mimari Animasyon Teknikleri ile alakal birok noktaya deineceiz.Mimar Cihan zkan anlatmyla v-ray i mekan render tekniklerini reneceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH 10) A to Z Course" |
"Certified Ethical Hackers use the knowledge and tools of malicious attackers to uncover vulnerabilities in an organization's computer systems. The Complete Ethical Hacker Certification Exam Prep Course gives you a solid foundation in all the topics you need to master to pass the Ethical Hacker Certification Exam. Dive into hands-on projects, and defend yourself from would-be-attackers. This course offers you a clear and structured approach to getting certified; as an ethical hacker, youll know the ins and outs of cyber-security, overcome security vulnerabilities, and even develop your own protection solutions for networks around the globe."
Price: 19.99

"Supply Chain Concepts & Performance Management" |
"This Course has been designed for Supply chain professionals and Management students who are willing to make their career in related Supply chain area. This course has outlined entire concepts of Supply chain that clears basics and more focus has been given on technical and functional understanding of supply chain. Course Outlines- Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Basics- Materials Management - Production Planning and Control with different types of planning methods + Static vs. Dynamic Planning- Master Production Schedule - Outlines Brief of how MPS works in detail, Concepts like Available to Promise and Time fences are well explained. - Sales and Operations Planning - Basics, S&OP Process, Guidelines on How to setup S&OP... - Material Requirement Planning & Distribution Resource Planning - Brief details on How MRP runs with inputs and outputs, DRP Functions and Difference between MRP and DRP- Inventory Management - Inventory Management methods, Selective inventory control techniques, Multiple replenishment planning methods like VMI, Kanban, Safety stock, Min Max... Concepts like inventory turns, Days of sales, EOQ Model, E&O, Inventory cost types, - Purchasing & Procurement - Purchasing and Procurement in detail and their difference, Purchasing cycle, RFX's- Logistics Management, Transportation, Warehousing and Packaging - Incoterms- Role of IT in SCM.After understanding all these concepts one must be able to integrate and understand metrices to measure supply chain. This course outlines 15+ Key metrices that are globally known and used with their calculation , examples and measurement benefits.All these concepts are well designed by our SCM experts and made available as a handout for reference."
Price: 1600.00

"360 Marketing Strategy: How Unknown Brands Gain Loyal Fans" |
"How do you get visible, gain loyalty and grow your brand, or even stand out in career?The first step is to understand that you or your company have a brand; and you are part of its brand journey at all times. Companies like Apple or individuals like Steve Jobs stand out because they focus on building Brand Equity rather than focussing on Marketing, Sales, or Customer Success separately. They have achieved a stage of resonance that exists beyond simply acquiring and retaining customers. It is a stage where your audience starts to become your fan. To achieve this you need to master all three, Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success - from a brand perspective.A brand perspective is important because it shifts your focus from ""what you do"" in Marketing, Sales and Customer Success, to ""what customers want"" from you or your company. So, instead of focussing on only one area for Brand Management, this course will train you in all three functions so that you can: - Achieve the core objective of gaining fans by building a brand that your audience/customer loves. - Appreciate how digital marketing or sales are only one part of a larger ecosystem.- Learn how great brands maximize the effectiveness of every initiative they undertake by timing them right- Gain frameworks and steps to guide you in practical execution"
Price: 19.99

"HPE6-A68 Aruba Certified ClearPass Professional (ACCP) V6.7" |
"Special Offer: get 1 Practice exam and pick 1 for free from our Practice setsWelcome To The HPE6-A68 [ACCP] Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1: All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Exam details;Exam ID : HPE6-A68Exam type : Pearson VUE Testing Center Exam duration : 1 hour 10 minutes Exam length : 62 questionsPassing score : 75%Related certificationsAruba Certified ClearPass Professional (ACCP)Percentage of ExamSections5% Intro to ClearPass 25% ClearPass for AAA6% External Authentication23% Guest17% Onboard6% Endpoint Analysis8% Posture5% Operations and Admin Users5% Clustering and Redundancy"
Price: 19.99
