"TRIGONOMETRA (La MEJOR decisin que puedes tomar)" |
"La TRIGONOMETRA es uno de mis temas favoritos y no te imaginas la cantidad de aplicaciones que tiene en la vida cotidiana y en la ingeniera.En este curso desarrollo todo el contenido garantizando en todo momento un aprendizaje verdadero y totalmente eficaz. La metodologa de psilon Akdemy permite que realmente entiendas la matemtica, engranando en todo momento los conceptos con la prctica, entendiendo ""para qu"" y el ""por qu"" de todo lo que hagas. Este curso cuenta con 23 videos conceptuales organizados en cuatro partes y un total de 30 ejercicios desarrollados estructurados en 6 bloques de 5 ejercicios cada uno. Sinceramente, ES EL MEJOR CURSO DE TRIGONOMETRA QUE PODRS ENCONTRAR.La matemtica NO es un truco y NO debes aprenderla como si fueran ""frmulas"". Va mucho ms all!... y aqu te lo muestro. El problema no es la materia sino la forma en que se ha enseado. psilon Akdemy, lo que aqu aprendes... NO lo olvidas!"
Price: 29.99

"Telecom Enterprise Systems Fundamentals" |
"Are you looking for Avaya Training?Avaya Certification is fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with corporate Enterprises. Most of the mayor banks and financial institutions rely on Avaya. This course is designed to help you pass the Avaya Exams. Even if you have never logged in to the Avaya platform before. No programming knowledge needed and no prior Avaya experience required. With this Avaya knowledge under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary providing Artificial Intelligence services for Enterprise Corporations.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Telecom platform, the history, the evolution and then deep dive into the individual elements of the Avaya platform. You will explore SIP PBX, Unified Communications, Contact Center, Omnichannel, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Contact Center Fundamentals" |
"Are you looking for Avaya Training?Avaya Certification is fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with corporate Enterprises. Most of the mayor banks and financial institutions rely on Avaya. This course is designed to help you pass the Avaya Exams. Even if you have never logged in to the Avaya platform before. No programming knowledge needed and no prior Avaya experience required. With this Avaya knowledge under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary providing Artificial Intelligence services for Enterprise Corporations.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Contact Center Telecom platform, the history, the evolution and then deep dive into the individual elements of the Avaya Contact Center platform. You will explore Customer Service, Cloud Contact Center, Architecture, Contact Center Features, Omnichannel Contact Center, Omnichannel Agents and Supervisor, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, etc.I am an Avaya Certified Expert, Developer and Systems Administrator living in the USA with over 20 years experience in IT. This course is cheaper than most other courses because I am not doing this as a full time job, rather because I love teaching Telecom and Contact Center. So join me in becoming A Telecom Expert today and get your Avaya qualification by completing our Avaya online course today!"
Price: 19.99

"Sales Fundamentals" |
"Sales is all about listening to people and prescribing a solution. In every job you'll come across sales moments, whether you're selling yourself in a job interview or selling products to customers - it's an essential skill in all career paths. This course is available now so you can start your sales career and your sales potential in just a few minutes - if you're already working in sales, or looking for a lucrative and enjoyable future career, this class is a valuable skill that you definitely need to master.Juan Sebastian Garcia is been teaching Sales skills to different companies and sales teams for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course covers everything you need to know about Sales Fundamentals: from preparing and planning, relationship building, objection handling techniques, and closing the deal at a brilliant price. This training is the first step to start developing your sales skills as a sales professional.Sales Fundamentals overview includes:What is Sales?What is Marketing?Planning your sales skillsBuilding a rapport and relationshipHandling objections Understand how to organizing your salesSimple tricks to start calling customersTime Management in Sales"
Price: 19.99

"Business Plan ( Learn How to Write a Plan in 1.5 hours)" |
"WHAT IS THIS COURSE ABOUTThis course will help the students write a phenomenal business plan, that they can not only present to the investors for pitching their idea, but they can also implement the practical strategies mention in it in their business, as they start to grow it .In this course we are going to discuss the 8 steps or components of writing a formal business plan document . You can here see 10 steps but I dont regard introduction , and refining the business plan as steps of business plan document writing , rather supplementary information that contain the tips and suggestions that will help you seamlessly develop your own business plan document. So I perceive these 2 sections very important ,because they shed light on the nitty and gritty of the actual writing process.In these 8 steps or components in this course, we shall see, what is a business plan and what is the formal structure of it, we will look at what is an executive summary and what is its, formal structure, your businesss products and services, we will look into industry and market research, your businesss operations plan, management plan, and finally will look into the marketing plan of your business and its financial plan.WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE UNIQUEWe will now look at what differentiates this course from others. As compared to others, this course provides comprehensive and complete methodology , or procedure to write a business plan document so the learners dont need any other resource.Secondly, the instructor will guide you step by step through the whole business plan writing process so it suits the beginners, as they dont need any pre-requisite knowledge for taking this course. It also suits the advanced learners, who have the basic knowledge, so they can just skip the basics and go onto the key concepts. It is very informative and covers all the needed information.Thirdly it provides a sample business plan document, checklist of tasks and 10 templates so that the learners have enough resources to start seamlessly rolling out their own business plan document right away.ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FROM THIS COURSEA comprehensive complete sample plan will be shared with you along with 10 business plan templates, that the instructor has himself utilized in the past, for writing more than 150 business plans. These templates will help you running up quickly, so that end result looks professional and eye-catching.A complete checklist will also be provided, so you may get to know if there is something that you are missing in your business plan document.Once you purchase this course, you will have a life time access to the information, related to all the essential information of writing a viable and professional business plan . This information will be updated ,every six months so that the course will remain up to date. Also this course comes with my personal 30 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.If you are the first time entrepreneur this is the ideal course for you, because in this course the instructor take you step by step from the basics of the business to the key concepts.SO GO AHEAD SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE !"
Price: 19.99

"Career counselling certification for coaches and job seekers" |
"With this course I strongly want to help you become an efficient career coach to help yourself and others that lost their job, want a new career, people that lost self confidence and cannot get a job, or people that cannot hold a job or that want a promotion.I have over a decade of work experience in roles as: organizational psychologist, Human Resources Manager, Headhunter/Recruiter and Career adviser specialist. I have recruited hundreds of people for their ideal job. I have successfully coached hundreds of people on their career path and I want to extend this help as my life mission is to help people in hard unemployment situations and people that doesnt find their career path. As a psychologist I have treated anxiety and depression in connection to losing a job and people that were unhappy with their career choices and wanted to make a change. My course is designed to be a transformational career tool that will help you understand psychological subconscious and conscious blocks and eliminate them on your way to career success. With this course I aim to help you become your own coach and avoid mistakes that put you in a wrong career path or can determine you to lose that dream job.You will get scientifically proven tools and methods to help you find your dream job.Below I am describing how I am planning to help you on your journey to success:In the first section you will go through your psychological preferences and become aware of ,,who you are ,,and what is stopping you to achieve your true potential. We go through solutions to overcome subconscious blockers so that you gain the power to move forward and find your career path.The second section is helping you find your values and motivation. Understand ,,what you want,, from your career. You will be able to discover that on the conscious level our motivation will always fluctuate and when is down will block you to achieve the best in your career path. Low motivation will generate low self confidence and low energy. I will provide you tools to overcome motivation and self control blocks so that you can follow your dream, not only when you search for a job but when you search for a better life, for well-being and as a result personal and professional fulfillment.The third section is designed to help you understand how your interests contributes to your potential and how to communicate your potential to a future employer, business partner or client. Here you will learn communication tools designed to help you boost your personal and professional brand. You will identify your career and vocational choice using practical and scientific based tools.In the fourth section you will learn how to build a selling CV and a targeted job application. We deliver CV and application templates to save you the time and put you ahead of competition. You will receive key qualifications templates and golden formulas so that you can show efficiently your contribution and motivation to a potential employer. You will learn traditional and non-traditional job search methods. All these will put your job application on top of the candidates short list and will determine recruiters, headhunters and employers to want to meet you.The fifth section is designed to train you in communication, how to present yourself best to outperform the competition and sell yourself in a interview. Here you will have a training and get prepared through role play on how to answer tough interview questions so that you can learn to be efficient and prepared to make a great impression. Are you aware that negative emotions stays your way? You will learn how to master emotions. We will focus to get you to the interview and find a job through network and Social media focus on LinkedIn. We will train you for interview pitch to land your ideal job. The sixth section. Finding your ideal job is as important as to keep your ideal job and is necessary that you know tools to help you be a star, become a key employee and get promoted faster. Here you will learn the golden formula to keep your dream job alive and it requires knowledge and preparation.Join me on this discovery journey and become a great coach for yourself and others!"
Price: 199.99

"Alles zum Thema Zeichnen - Schnell & einfach Zeichnen lernen" |
"Ich bin fest davon berzeugt, dass jede/ jeder mit wenigen Tricks und Hilfen Zeichnen lernen kann. Du wolltest schon immer tolle Motive auf dem Papier erschaffen? Oder vielleicht nach langer Zeit dieses Hobby neu entdecken?Dann bist du hier an der richtigen Adresse. Ich zeige dir in diesem Kurs alle Grundlagen rund um das Zeichnen, sodass du am Ende in der Lage sein wirst wundervolle Portraits, Landschaften und Stillleben zeichnen zu knnen. Die tolle Nachricht dabei ist: Du brauchst keinerlei Vorkenntnisse - Wir beginnen ganz von vorn. Der Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit das Zeichnen mit allem Drum und Dran zu erlernen. Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Ich zeige dir unterschiedliche Materialien und ihre Anwendung, ohne dich zu berfordernDu erfhrst, wie du dich in die richtige Zeichenstimmung bringst und dich von Blockaden lst, denn Spa und Freude stehen bei mir an erster StelleDu lernst einfache Formen zu zeichnen, welche die Grundlage fr komplexe Motive bildenDu lernst die unterschiedlichen Schraffurtechniken kennen Lerne, wie du mit unterschiedlichen Linienfhrungen deiner Zeichnung einen individuellen Charakater verleihstIch zeige dir nachvollziehbar, Grundregeln der Portrait, Stilleben und Landschaftszeichnung ohne den Anfnger zu berfordern. Verstehe wie Licht und Schatten funktionieren und in deiner Zeichnung einzusetzen Praxisbeispiele: Wie zeichne ich ein realistisches Auge?Wo befinden sich Augen, Nase und Mund im Portrait?Wie kann ich ein Portrait von der Seite zeichnen?Wie zeichne ich einen naturgetreuen Apfel?Wie kann ich einen See oder einen Fluss in einer Landschaft zeichnen?und vieles mehr...Mein Ziel ist, dass du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine Vorstellungen und Gedanken im knstlerischen Stil auf Papier bringen kannst. Ich mchte in dir das Feuer fr die Kunst entfachen, welches mich nun schon Jahre lang antreibt zu zeichnen und es anderen weiter zu geben. Ich mchte gerne auf ein Zitat von Joseph Beuys aufmerksam machen:""Jeder ist ein Knstler!""Ich freue mich schon darauf Dich in den nchsten Lektionen wieder zu sehen :)"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Photoshop" |
"Photoshop, ? , ? , . , . , , , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Google Classroom Training Google Forms and Slides Tutorial" |
"In this course, youll learn step-by-step how to:Create meaningful activities in Google Slides, Google Docs, and Google Drawings that are centered around your curriculum and enhance your current instructionCreate a Google Classroom to assign, view, and grade student activities as well as give feedbackHave your students collaborate in their Google Drive to learn from each other, facilitate discussions, and create in-person connectionsUse Google Forms so you can easily create exit tickets, assessments, and activities for substitutes that are self-gradingCreate collaborative folders with the teachers you work closely with to collect, create, and share activities and materials without having to be in the same room or make paper copiesUse your Google Drive to communicate and share student work more efficiently with parentsThroughout these videos, youll get 70+ different ideas for how you can use Google Apps with your students."
Price: 29.99

"Juniper (JNCIP-SEC) Exam Preparation Exam tests 2020" |
"Juniper (JNCIP-SEC) Exam Preparation Exam tests 2020Juniper Networks Certification Program Security certification allows participants to demonstrate competence with Juniper Networks technology. Juniper exam designed for experienced networking and security professionals with advanced knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX Series devices, this exam test your knowledge about advanced security technologies and related platform troubleshooting and configuration skills.This practice exam prepare for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCIP-SEC exam in near future.JNCIP-SEC Official Juniper Exam Details Exam code: JN0-635Exam length: 120 minutesExam type: 65 multiple choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyAdministered by Pearson VUEThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Wish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"DEV-501 Sales Force Advanced Developer Practice Exam" |
"182 UNIQUE practice questions for DEV-501 Sales Force Advanced Developer Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : DEV-501 Sales Force Advanced Developer Practice ExamTotal Questions : 182Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (136 of 182)"
Price: 159.99

"ADM-211 Sales Force Management Essential Management Exam" |
"291 UNIQUE practice questions for ADM-211 Sales Force Management Essential Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ADM-211 Sales Force Management Essential Management ExamTotal Questions : 291Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (218 of 291)"
Price: 174.99

"Opencart Eticaret Sitelerinden Go3 ve Tiger3'e Veri Aktarm" |
"Opencart Tabanl Eticaret Sitelerinden Logo Go3, Tiger3 ve Wings Programlarna Veri Aktarm Program ile: Logo Go3, Tiger3 Programlarnda ki Stoklar Opencart Tabanl Eticaret Sitesine gnderilip miktarlar gncellenebilir. Opencart Tabanl Eticaret Sitesinde alan mteriler Logo Go3 ve Tiger3 programlarna cari hesap kart olarak aktarlr. Sanal Maaza (Eticaret) sitelerinde ki satlar Logo Go3 ve Tiger3 Pro"
Price: 409.99

"AZ-400 Azure DevOps: Implementing Infrastructure as Code" |
"DevOps has become increasingly critical to a teams success these days. In order to help developers ship software faster and with higher quality, Microsoft provides their own tool, Azure DevOps. Its one of the most complete offering in public cloud, which work great for any type of application regardless of the framework or platform. Objective of this course is to learn how we can implement Azure infrastructure deployment using Azure DevOps.Contents:1. Introduction - Course Introduction2. Setup Azure and Azure DevOps - Understand the fundamentals of Azure DevOps and its basic setup3. ARM Templates - Understand about Infrastructure As Code and ARM templates4. Azure Repos - Understand about version control capabilities of Azure DevOps5. Azure Pipelines - Understand how to use Azure DevOps for Azure Resource provisioning6. Pipeline customization - Understand how to bring in management and control within Azure Pipelines6. Production deployments - Understand how production deployment scenarios can be addressed7. YAML pipelines (To be uploaded) - Understand the new YAML pipelines"
Price: 1600.00

"The Go-Getters Guide To Team Hiring" |
"When it comes to business, getting the best team possible is a must, you have to meet their needs, some of your employees are going to leave, No doubt, you must go through a careful study of how you are going to implement the hiring process, Team hiring is crucial for any business small or big, failing this process is not just THEIR fault (employees), business owners share a big responsibility when it comes to team hiring, a lot of work should be done from the business point of view, by the end of this course, you'll have a global idea about how the process works, what to consider, scaling, and many practical tips.This course is ideal for both online business, and physical business."
Price: 19.99

"Practice Test : PCI DSS Internal Security Assessor Exam" |
"By completing this course ( practice test) you will be able to test your knowledge before appearing for actual exam. PCI DSS ISA exam and QSA exams require full knowledge of many aspects. I struggled a lot to find test exams when I was preparing for my PCI DSS ISA exam . During the preparation I jot down many points and questions . Same are presented here for your success. I wanted this course to be free, however Udemy platform probably doesn't allow test course as free subscription. Actual PCI DSS exam has only 75 questions , however this course is for preparation hence there are 25 extra questions! Good Luck for your PCI DSS certification."
Price: 24.99

"SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) desde 0 hasta Experto" |
"Si quieres aprender a dominar las tendencias del Mercado y realizar Analtica de Datos utilizando Modelos Multi-Dimensionales y Modelos Tabulares utilizando la herramienta de SQL Server Analysis Services pues djame decirte que has llegado al lugar indicado.En este curso podrs aprender a realizar Modelos Multi-Dimensionales y Modelos Tabulares a travs del Software SQL Server Data Tools, tambin aprenders a adentrarte en el mundo del Business Intelligence o tambin llamado Inteligencia de Negocios (BI por sus siglas en Ingles).Tambin decirte que este curso es muy divertido, y te divertirs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de la Analtica de datos utilizando la herramienta de SQL Server Analisis Services."
Price: 19.99

comm_unlimitedpwr_business |
Price: 24000.00

"Mindset para Emprendedores: Todo comienza en tu mente" |
"Si no eres capaz de conocerte a ti mismo, es imposible que seas capaz de llevar un negocio adelante.A m me cost mucho entender que el primer paso para montar cualquier tipo de empresa, es conocerme a m mismo.Tienes que saber quin eres, quin quieres ser y quin vas a ser.Si no eres capaz de trazar los pasos para convertirte en la persona que necesitas ser es imposible que llegues nunca a tener un negocio que valga la pena.Y es que tienes que entender qu tal y como eres ahora, no sers capaz de cumplir tus objetivos. Si fueses capaz de hacerlo, ya lo habras hecho.Tienes que sufrir una transformacin, tienes que transcender, y tienes que convertirte en la persona que s que ser capaz de llevar todos sus sueos a otro nivel.Adems tienes que empezar a desarrollarte siempre en base a cual es tu pasin y tu propsito en la vida.Pero tranquilo, vamos a trabajar todo esto y muchsimo ms en este curso.Eso s, te advierto que trabajar con tu mente requiere un esfuerzo y fuerza de voluntad.Si no ests dispuesto a salir de tu zona de confort, ya te digo que no compres este curso porque no es para ti."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo empezar en Youtube: La gua completa paso a paso" |
"Si has buscado informacin sobre cmo ganar dinero con Youtube o como hacer crecer tu canal seguro que te has encontrado con cientos de personas que te dicen que hagas cosas muy dispares como ""Se constante, sube un vdeo al da, aplica estas super tcnicas SEO, haz miniaturas que hagan no se que, y por supuesto adopta un gato porque un Youtuber sin gato no puede ganarse la vida"".Seguro que ya has descubierto la verdad detrs de todo esto, simplemente, NO FUNCIONA. Todas estas tcnicas que te proponen son solo eso, tcnicas, que estn muy bien cuando ya tienes un canal funcionando y que pueden hacer que optimices un poco tus resultados, pero a ti eso no te interesa.Yo tambin me encontr en esa situacin hace un tiempo y te ser sincero, me plante tirar la toalla ms de una vez...Fue entonces cuando comprend que la nica manera de ganarte la vida con Youtube es tratando tu canal como si fuese un negocio y da la casualidad que yo soy experto en negocios digitales, soy empresario desde hace ms de 7 aos y he llegado al punto de generar ms de 20.000 euros de beneficio cada mes con mis negocios.Cuando empec a aplicar estas tcnicas a mis canales de Youtube la cosa empez a cambiar y todo eso, es lo que voy a explicarte en este curso. Hablaremos de los siguientes temas:Qu busca la gente en Youtube?Cmo funciona Youtube?Qu valora el algoritmo de Youtube?Qu contenido debemos crear?Ventajas de tener un nichoOlvida las pldoras mgicasTendencias VS EvergreenDe qu va a ser tu canal?Hablemos de monetizacin.Estudia a tu avatar.Habla con tu avatar.Los 3 puntos de transformacin.El nombre de tu canal.Qu equipo necesito para grabar?El set de fondo de tu canal.Creando el branding de tu canal.Crea 1.000 ideas de contenido efectivo en 1 hora.Calendario editorial con Notion.Copywriting bsico para guionizar tus vdeos.La mejor estrategia para conseguir subs.Ahora tienes 2 opciones, puedes seguir mirando vdeos sobre pldoras mgicas que solo te quitan tu tiempo y te ofrecen frustracin gratuita, o puedes comprar este curso y empezar a tomar accin.Los verdaderos triunfadores son los que estn dispuestos a tomar caminos diferentes."
Price: 19.99

"La estrategia Linkedin para conseguir el trabajo que deseas" |
"El mundo est cambiando a pasos agigantados, los puestos de trabajo donde comenzabas sin experiencia y 30 aos ms tarde te acababas convirtiendo en el director de la empresa se fueron con la generacin de nuestros abuelos. La gente suea con los contratos indefinidos y cada da la competencia aumenta brutalmente.Esto no es una historia de ficcin, es algo que estamos viviendo actualmente y que mucha gente no llega a comprender. Debemos estudiar el pasado para entender lo que nos depara el futuro y empezar a actuar en consecuencia para adaptarnos a un mercado laboral que cada da parece ms incomprensible.Creme que yo tambin estuve desesperado en un momento de mi vida. Llegu incluso a plantearme lo que todo el mundo en esta situacin se plantea, ""Cario, voy a estudiar una oposicin para conseguir un trabajo fijo como funcionario."".Por suerte decid no darme por vencido y empec a adentrarme en el mundo empresarial de lleno para tratar de comprender que es lo que hace que algunas personas triunfen y consigan puestos de ensueo con unos salarios increbles y que sin embargo, otras acaben trabajando en un McDonalds con 1 carrera y 3 masters a sus espaldas.Con el tiempo no solamente llegu a entender que es lo que estaba sucediendo si no que consegu crear una estrategia que se encarga de persuadir a las empresas en las que yo quera trabajar para que me contratasen incluso cuando no tenan ninguna vacante disponible. Todo gracias a la magia de internet y LinkedIn.En este curso voy a ensearte que es lo que nos depara el futuro empresarial y cmo puedes aplicar tu tambin esta estrategia para que t tambin puedas llegar a tener ese puesto de trabajo que siempre has soado y no quedarte estancado en empresas en las que acabas topndote con techos de cristal que no te permiten avanzar.Pero te lo advierto, no es un camino sencillo, vas a tener que trabajar duro... estas preparado?Ahora tienes 2 opciones, puedes seguir amargado rezndole al azar para que un da tu jefe se levante con el pie derecho y te ofrezca un aumento de sueldo que va a atarte a ms horas de trabajo y ms responsabilidades que te acabars llevando a casa... o puedes tomar una decisin que va a cambiar el rumbo de tu vida completamente y aplicar lo que voy a ensearte aqu.La decisin querido amigo, solo depende de ti."
Price: 19.99

Photoshop+Lightroom |
"PhotoshopLightroomDiorEstee Lauder9 Photosohop"
Price: 59.99

"Building iOS Object Detection App with Resnet ML model" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build iSO application for object detection engine using Resnet v2 deep learning algorithm. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in video and images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any video or image.Object detection is part of computer vision field. Computer Vision market is estimated to grow to $48 Billion by 2022. Its huge opportunity for budding Machine Learning developers to grow their careers.In this course we are going to use pretrained Resnet V2 model. Resnet v2 is fast , lightweight machine learning model for object detection and specially designed to run on mobile devices.In this course you will be learning about using Resnet v2 model on iPhone to detect objects inside image. The object detection happens on device and does not require transmission of your images to remote service. Therefore it is highly privacy and security compliant. You could be on remote island with no cellular or wifi connectivity and can still run this app to do object detection.Build a strong foundation in object detection mobile app with this tutorial for mobile app developers.Understanding fundamentals of Object DetectionUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Use cases for object detectionBenefits of running object detection on device Build a real life object detection mobile app using Resnet v2 CoreML, Swift and iOSA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Swift, CoreML has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in object detection area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Object Detection is state of art technology that can quickly help you achieve your goal. Learning object detection with Resnet v2 will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build iPhone app for object detection using swift, coreML and Resnet v2 model . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersDownload a pretrained modelCapture image using cameraUse coreml and vision app to on device object detectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn fundamentals of deep learning, coreML and build object detection mobile app from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection mobile appSuitable for intermediate programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Java Certification SE11 1Z0-815 Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 400+ UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 Certification Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.5 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Oracle Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR ORACLE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 400+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 400+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official Oracle Certified Professional - Java SE 11 - 1Z0-815 Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"Hands on ASP.NET Core 3.1 production grade API Development" |
"ASP.NET core 3.1 is a fantastic framework to developed rest API. but most of the course teach you only basic part, when they enter practical life or job life when they see various technology needed to developed a production grade application . Then they frustrated to think that what they teach.In this course I try my best to teach my student a production grade application and developed their basement . All the latest technology i try to implement this course.After completing this course every developer make them ninja in software development.I always told people programming is nothing cause every problem you solved using condition , loop using variable. but main theme part of a good programmer is understand the architecture and life cycle of software. Scaling, single responsibility when u understand then you can easily develop production grade application"
Price: 199.99

"Accounting: From Beginner level to Advanced Accounting" |
"In this course, you will learn each and everything that is related to manage a company account such as, Shareholders, debentures, company final accounts, Ratios analysis, Departmental accounts, Branch accounts, and many more. There are different types of ratios, such as current account ratio, liquid ratio, absolute liquid ratio, gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, expense ratio, operating profit ratio, operating ratio, working capital ratio, debt-equity ratio, and solvency ratios."
Price: 19.99

"Estatstica Sem Segredo" |
"A Estatstica a rea do conhecimento do momento alm de ter aplicao em quase todas as cincias e nos ltimos anos as empresas esto voltando sua gesto para Anlise de Dados cobrando competncias como: Estatstica, Matemtica, Excel, Escrita, Apresentao e Capacidade Analtica. Neste sentido, criamos um curso intensivo totalmente preparado para voc se destacar com os seguintes temas: Conceitos Fundamentais, Observaes e Variveis, Distribuio de Variveis, Representao Grfica, Medidas de Variao, Medidas de Posio e um Bnus. O professor Edson Rodrigues formado em matemtica pela Universidade de So Paulo - USP, com ps-graduao em Ensino e Aprendizagem, Especialista em Estatstica Aplicada e MBA em Anlise de Dados. Possui mais de quinze anos de experincia na educao, setor financeiro e de tecnologia. Espero contribuir com a aprendizagem deste contedo bem como convidar para os prximos mdulos de acordo com o seu nvel de aprendizagem. Excelente Curso."
Price: 114.99

"Black Studies" |
"I Developed This Course To Provide Some Information Necessary For Others To Know The Condition Of Black Americans And How We Arrived At This Condition. I Also Wanted To Introduce People To Important Works Of Literature Like, The Mis-Education of the Negro, Harriet Tubman: Bound For The Promised Land, The Selected Works of Ida B Wells Barnett, Policing The Black Man And The Black Panthers Speak. These Works Will Lead To A Deeper Understanding Of The United States. My Course Notes Can Also Be Used To Help You Write Academic Papers. I Am Excited About This Course And Hope That It Benefits You In Some Way."
Price: 19.99

"Institutions administratives [Droit public]" |
"Dans cette formation, Le Petit Justicier va vous enseigner le cours d'institutions administratives, pan fondamental du droit public. Pour les tudiants en droit cela correspond la matire de premire anne ""droit des institutions administratives"" ou simplement ""institutions administratives"" selon les universits. Ce cours est accessible tous et constitue une base solide pour commencer une formation en droit mais peut galement servir tous les curieux souhaitant tendre leur connaissances de nouveaux domaines."
Price: 19.99

"Ansible for Network Engineers - IOS, Junos, Arista" |
"A complete course with 31 videos, covers full installation using GNS3 for Cisco, Juniper, Arista. Has about 20 example playbooks written & executed live while recording. You will go through so many examples that writing Ansible playbooks will become a second nature to you.The purpose of this course is to not only get you started but make you an expert in network automation using Ansible. You will go through enough theory that you will understand how Ansible works and then we will start writing Ansible code to communicate with your network devices. The course is divided into following major parts:Setup topologies: We will setup topologies in GNS3 for Cisco IOS, Juniper OS, and Arista EOSAnsible Essentials: A discussion around common management tools and Ansible architectureAd hoc commands: You will learn how you can use ad hoc commands to pull quick device information and for troubleshootingPlaybooks for Cisco: 8 Playbooks, covering device backups, setting banner, static routing & route re-distribution, OSPF, BGP, and access control.Playbooks for Junos: 5 Playbooks, covering device backups, setting up static routing, enable system services, setup loggingAdvance Ansible Concepts: Ansible loops, Variable scopes, Use of include statementPlaybooks for Arista: 4 Playbooks, covering device info collection, create vlans & SVIs, static routing, and layer 2 port configurationsSelect this course, IFYou are a network engineer and want to start working on automation - DevNetYou want to become more productive by doing repetitive tasks using automationYou are looking for a course that covers more than Cisco IOS - you will get exposure to Cisco, Juniper and Arista devices.If you have time for only 1 course and you want to be confident in your Ansible skills then chose this one, I am sure you will not regret!"
Price: 149.99

"Contract Management : Specific Contract Clause Study" |
"Every contract contains a set of standard clauses commonly called ""boiler-plate"" clauses. These are tucked away towards the end of any properly drafted English contract. Have you looked at these last couple of clauses & wondered what they mean?They are often considered the less important clauses. As such, ""boiler-plate"" clauses are often overlooked or not negotiated. Some of them are straightforward, however, some, like the Force Majeure clause, cover important matters and can present issues if not negotiated appropriately."
Price: 59.99
