"Da Zero a Programmatore in Python" |
"Programmare un'attivit artigianale. Come tale importante che l'allievo apprenda da qualcuno con esperienza che possa insegnare la materia. Questo corso ha questo scopo: mettere in contatto un professionista con esperienza con allievi che hanno voglia di imparare.Mettiti in gioco ed entra in questa bottega virtuale per imparare questo strepitoso mestiere!"
Price: 199.99

"E20-002 Cloud Infrastructure and Services Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) In which cloud deployment model would see an organization operating expenses grow in proportion to investments?a) On-premise private cloudb) Outside Private Cloudc) Public cloudd) hybrid cloudQ) What is the cloud service model offered by EMC Mozy?a) Software as a serviceb) Platform-as-a-Servicec) Infrastructure-as-a-Serviced) Virtualization-as-a-ServiceQ) As an organization uses more resources by cloud service providers, that would be expected of the organization expenses grow bigger?a) Power and energyb) Managementc) Infrastructured) operatingQ) What best describes the feature ""measured service"" cloud computing?a) Consumers are billed based on usage of resources.b) The services are allocated according to their requestc) Measuring services are created when required by the resource pool.d) metering service can scale up and down based on usage of resources.Q) Which Cloud service model allows the user to run any operating system and application?a) Platform-as-a-Serviceb) Infrastructure-as-a-Servicec) Software as a serviced) IT-as-a-Service"
Price: 154.99

"Network Function Virtualization for Telecom Engineers" |
"Network Functions Virtualization course starts with a discussion of the benefits and motivation of NFV and overview of NFV architecture, NVF components, NFV requirements and implementation challenges, and enablers provided by 5G, LTE and IMS network functions.You will also learn how Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies and NFV can be integrated. Network Functions Virtualization allows decoupling of critical network functions such as such as NAT, DHCP, DNS, firewall, IDS from proprietary hardware appliances. These critical functions are able to run in software only and simplifies networking components and leads to a fully virtualized infrastructure. This is applicable to data plane processing or control plane function in both wired and wireless network infrastructures."
Price: 1600.00

"Open RAN Introduction" |
"This course made for Telecom professional to understand about ORAN Concept and how it can implemented in latest and existing technology. Here we discuss about difference with virtualization and its openness which impact customer for deployments CAPEX/OPEX .Here it also describe about some vendors who provides services for all deployments."
Price: 1280.00

"Crochet desde Cero por Proyectos" |
"Este curso es para vos si:Tens ganas de aprender la tcnica de tejido al Crochet desde tu casa y a tus tiempos.Te gustan las manualidades y quers aprender una tcnica ms.Ests buscando adquirir una nueva habilidad que les permita acceder a un ingreso extra.Quers aprender a tejer cosas a tus seres queridos.O simplemente quers incorporar una labor manual para conectar con vos misme.Cules son mis objetivos para vos con este curso?Aprender la tcnica bsica del crochet mediante la creacin de distintos proyectos tejidos.Adquirir la capacidad de tejer para otros seres, amigos, familiares, animales de compaia, por qu no.Poder canalizar tu creatividad a travs de tejidos artesanales.Producir un stock de tejidos, que te puedan generar un ingreso mediante la venta de tus creaciones.Lograr un momento de desconexin con el afuera y conexin con vos mismx mediante la crocheterapia."
Price: 29.99

"Der vollstndige Controlling Excel-Kurs! Diagramme & Tricks!" |
"ThemenbersichtExcel Grundlagenkurs1. Excel Download & Start2. Die wichtigsten Elemente einer Excel-Datei3. Formatieren, Zellausrichtung, Filtern in Excel4. Die ersten Formeln Summen und Aggregatfunktionen in Excel5. Grundlagen Visualisierungen in Excel6. Wenn-Funktionen in Excel7. Matrix-Funktionen (Sverweis & Index-Vergleich)8. Zeit und Datumsfunktionen in Excel9. Bonuskapitel - Excel-ShortcutsVisualisierungen im Controlling mit MS-Excel1. Verbund-Diagramme in Excel2. Ziel-Thermometer-Diagramm in Excel3. Balkenplan-Diagramm in Excel4. Tacho-Diagramm in Excel5. Tornado-Chart in Excel6. Wasserfall-Chart in Excel7. Punkt-XY-Diagramme in ExcelPlanungstools im Controlling mit MS-Excel1. Makro-Aufzeichnungen in Excel2. Konsolidierungen (Bereich-Verschieben) in Excel3. Korrelationsanalyse in Excel4. Regressionsanalyse in Excel5. Trendprognose in Excel6. Szenario-Manager in Excel7. Sparklines in Excel8. Portfolio-Analyse in Excel9. SQL-Grundlagen in ExcelGrundlagen Pivot-Tabellen1. Einfhrung Pivot-Tabellen in Excel2. Pivot-Datenschnitte in ExcelGrundlagen Power-Pivot1. Einfhrung Power-Pivot2. Beispiel 1 in Power-Pivot3. Beispiel 2 in Power-PivotGrundlagen Power-BI1. Einfhrung Power-BI2. Beispiel 1 in Power-BI3. Beispiel 2 in Power-BI---------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung der Themenkomplexe (PDF)Skript aller inhaltlichen Themen (PowerPoint)Berechnungen der bungen (Excel)Lsungen der Berechnungen (Excel)Bonus: bersicht aller Shortcuts in Excel (PDF)Bonus: bersicht zum Thema Pivot-Tabellen (PDF)"
Price: 199.99

"Master Enhanced E-Commerce Reports in Google Analytics" |
"Welcome to my course on Enhanced Ecommerce in Google Analytics. If you have one or more of the following questions in your mind, this course is for you:How do I analyze the enhanced e-commerce reports in Google Analytics?How do I use the Enhanced Ecommerce Reports wisely for my business?What are the possibilities with Enhanced Ecommerce? What type of e-commerce data can I collect?What should I know before starting an implementation project on Enhanced Ecommerce?As a Google Analytics implementation beginner, how should I get started with Enhanced e-commerce?By the way, just because the name says e-commerce, it doesnt mean that this course is only for e-commerce learners. Watch out the videos in the previews, to find out why.Now, let me explain how this course is structured:Initially, we talk about all the different reports available in Enhanced Ecommerce. We learn how the reports are structured, and how to analyze these reports. We talk about remarketing, funnels, product performance, marketing promotions, and more, of course from the enhanced e-commerce perspective, not in general.Then, we move our focus towards the behind the scene analysis of Enhanced Ecommerce in Google Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce is not available out-of-the-box. It needs an implementation effort.While most of you do need to know how different pieces of Enhanced Ecommerce fit together, understanding the software development nitty-gritty is more of a Javascript and PHP skill development in this case.Therefore, I have created a very very simple, stripped-down version of a working Enhanced Ecommerce setup. Using this setup we learn how Enhanced Ecommerce works with Ecommerce systems in general and how Google Analytics gets to capture the data from the user actions on the website. We focus on how to collect information specific to your e-commerce business. We scan through the functioning of all the moving parts in Enhanced Ecommerce - the cart, checkout, transaction, product pages, coupons, and e-commerce systems.Then, we learn how to set up a ready-to-use enhanced e-commerce plugin on a websiteI have gone the extra mile to open up this simple Enhanced Ecommerce implementation study for your hands-on practice as well. If you want to work along with me, you are welcome.I am Rudranil, I am a product marketer by profession. I have implemented and used Google Analytics many many times to achieve marketing objectives. In this course, I have made an attempt to structure and simplify a really complex topic i.e. Enhanced Ecommerce. I hope you gain a lot from this course. So, I will see you inside."
Price: 1280.00

"Penetration Testing Course 2020" |
"Thinking to Build a Career in ethical hacking . Join this Course now .The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of computer systems, networks and how devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks.This course will provide you information about all the basic concepts of ethical hacking ."
Price: 184.99

"Kali Linux Basics Course For Cyber Security" |
"You want to learn hacking with Kali Linux but you do not know where to start? Do you find the command line confusing and intimidating? If yes, this is the perfect course for you. In this Kali Linux tutorial, we start you off with the assumption that you know absolutely nothing about Linux! Starting from scratch you will build up your knowledge on how to use Kali Linux and before you know it you will become fluent with the basic tools and commands not just in Kali, but in most Linux systems."
Price: 179.99

"Basics Of Security In Ethical Hacking Course" |
"In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course.This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about Amassing Your War Chest,Human (In)Security,different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Containing the Airwaves."
Price: 199.99

"WiFi Hacking Cyber Security Guide" |
"Wireless networks are popping up everywhere.. It will be the most commonly used technology among computer networks in the near future. They provide a lot of freedom but not without cost: All too many home and corporate wireless networks are left wide open for attack.This course takes an in-depth look at the security challenges of many different wireless technologies, exposing you to wireless security threats through the eyes of an attacker. Using readily available and custom-developed tools, you will navigate your way through the techniques attackers use to exploit Wi-Fi networks, including attacks against WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS and other systems.Using assessment and analysis techniques, this course will show you how to identify the threats that expose wireless technology and build on this knowledge to implement defensive techniques that can be used to protect wireless systems."
Price: 194.99

"Digital Transformation - Masterclass" |
"A complete Digital Transformation course on Udemy! You'll learn access insights and knowledge that top digital transformation consultants use to create successful digital transformations: from understanding digital transformation to what makes digital transformations successful, from the digital transformation framework to digital transformation technologies, from design thinking to digital transformation future trends, from digital transformation career opportunities to successful case studies and interviews with technology and business leaders in digital transformation.Here's what students are saying about the course:""I've completed the ""Digital Transformation - Masterclass"" Course, it is an informative and inspiring course, I've learned a lot about Digital Transformation Fundamentals, Framework, Vision, Roadmap, Design Thinking, and selecting Technologies and data enablers for Digital Transformation.Mr. Rian Chapman, Thank you very much for the course content, explanations, great and motivational assignments, and also for your support during this course.""Mohammed Maree: Senior Project Manager- (Course Graduate: 27th June, 2020)In a matter of hours you'll master all you need, to do things like:Create digital transformation roadmapsLead digital transformation programsWork on digital transformations vision statementsCreate digital transformation strategiesIdentify the technology and data enablers required for a digital transformationUnderstand the thinking behind digital transformation from thought leadersI offer Q&A sessions with students, detailed lecture summaries, assignments to challenge you, and curated resources to help progress your knowledge.-----------------//-----------------Students accelerate their careers after understanding digital transformation!60% have started a new career after completing this specialization.11% have received a pay increase or promotion.Understanding and applying the concepts taught in this course can help you accelerate your career too.Right now, there are 100,000s of job listings worldwide that are looking for digital transformation professionals - across product, technology and management, that pay on average $120,000 + / year. Digital transformation consultants charge out at up to $10,000 /day.Demand for digital transformation professionals is hot - the IDC expects by 2023 that 52% of jobs in technology and experience jobs will be in digital and digital transformation. Organizations around the world are increasing their spend on digital and transformation with expectations that by 2023 - $2.3 trillion will be spent. But how exactly do you get into digital transformation? There are definitely no degrees in digital transformation or formal certifications, and courses online just scrape the surface. They don't provide real, practical and proven digital transformation techniques. Most folks working in digital transformation, like me, have built up their skills over many years of hard work in technology and management. Well that's where I can help you. You'll get up to date, practical and proven digital transformation skills and knowledge from a digital insider.The kind of skills and knowledge that can help you land a job in digital transformation or help you grow your current knowledge of digital. Students aren't required to know anything beforehand. All you need is enthusiasm and an inquisitive mind. I'l teach you the fundamentals and how to apply them, to help you master digital transformation"
Price: 124.99

"Functional Core Exercise" |
"In this course you will be given all of the essentials to learn how to train your core to protect your spine, enhance performance and drastically lower injury risk. This course implements the latest in sports performance research and spine biomechanics to create a Core Training Program that is second to none."
Price: 159.99

"The 4 secrets to getting an soccer scholarship" |
"This class introduces you to the 4 best-kept secrets in order to receive an soccer scholarship offer.This is based on my own experience as I received more than 15 soccer scholarship offers from various colleges (mainly NCAA division II).The method, based on the 4 pillars described, also enabled me to play in Singapore National Division 1 (semi-pro) and in Spanish 6th division.Everything is really easy to understand, easy to implement and can give you results in hours (like really, if you use all the resources available and follow all the described steps - and you are talented - you can get an offer from a coach within an hour after ending this class).Hope you will enjoy the class !"
Price: 24.99

"Prfungsangst berwinden - Selbstzweifel & Angst besiegen" |
"Bekmpfe deine Prfungsangst!Lerne, wodurch Angst entsteht und wie du diese bewltigen kannst.Die gute Nachricht: Prfungsangst kann man besiegen!Die schlechte: Man braucht Geduld, Ausdauer und eine Portion Mut!20 Tipps, mit denen du selbstsicher die Prfung meisterst!Das gefrchtete BLACKOUT...Verstehe die Auslser deiner Angst, verndere die Situation positiv, stelle dich deiner Angst und erlebe, wie du angstfrei die Prfung meisterst.Ziele- die Entstehung von Prfungsangst un Blackout verstehen- Prfungsangst und Selbstzweifel berwinden- Selbstvertrauen und Gelassenheit gewinnen- Gedanken & Krper bewusst steuern- positiven Einfluss auf Prfungssituationen zu nehmen- kurz, prgnant, hilfreich -"
Price: 39.99

"Understanding Medium Voltage Switchgear Drawings/Schematics" |
"Hi,Medium Voltage drawing is basic drawing for start understanding Schematics. In this training I have covered the following topics.Symbols Used in drawingsComponent ListRelay & Metering Single Line DiagramAC Loop CircuitDC loop CircuitCurrent & Voltage TransformersConcept of Short time and continuous ratingsCT & VT Accuracy ClassCT & VT CapacityControl Voltage LoopTrip Coil 1 Circuit Control Coil CircuitTrip Coil 2 CircuitClose Block Lockout RelayDC Supervision Relay at End of LoopNormally Open & Close ContactConcept of AnticipatingOpening and closing coil saving featureSignalling circuitLocal & Remote Selection Tripping from Remote & LocalSpare contacts arrangementsUnder Voltage Trip Feature of the CB trolley Incoming Feeder DrawingOutgoing Feeder DrawingHeating & Lighting CircuitCircuit Breaker Operations from Local & RemoteBinary Input & OutputsWatch Dog ContactCT Polarity I hope that this will really increased your knowledge & improve your skills.Best Regards Muhammad Kashif"
Price: 59.99

"Mastering Video Conferencing" |
"Learn skills to use on any video conferencing platform. In this course, you will learn to: set the stage right by finding and creating the perfect conference area, select the right equipment without breaking the bank, and prepare yourself for the meeting. Learn how to avoid common mistakes related to preparing for the meeting, conference etiquette, and post-meeting steps to maximize the benefits of video-teleconferencing.This class is for non-technical people who join video teleconferences regularly."
Price: 24.99

"PMP Exam Simulator , PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition" |
"The Project Management Professional (PMP) is a PMI-accredited preparation course targeted for project managers who are willing to develop their knowledge and to become internationally certified as professionals in project management.PMP is one of the most desired as well as recognized project management certifications. Any PMP certified professional will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to both work on and direct projects within their organization.PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam Prep _ According to PMBOK v6This course includes 2 High-Quality Realistic PMP (Project Management Professional) Exams according to PMBOK v6. These exams are created just like the real PMP exam. The proportion of questions from each domain are the same as the real exam"
Price: 19.99

"Master the Art of Aromatherapy Blending" |
"Learn the art of blending essential oils successfully from qualified aromatherapist, with over 2 decades experience, and expert lecturer in the subject Wendy, who shared her love in the lecture halls of private Colleges for 10 years. In this Aromatherapy blending course, Wendy will bring you her love for Aromatherapy has been making her own natural essential oil products since 2016This course is a comprehensive guide for you on how to blend essential oils for your everyday life, for various specific ailments like muscle ache, different skin concerns as well as emotional upsets. Wendy will also take you through successful questioning of a client, so that you can practice your skill confidently with others.Learn how to blend synergies, carrier oils and aromatherapy blends to apply daily on your areas of concern. You will know and understand the correct ratio for blending for the face, the body, for when you are mixing just essential oils together, for when you are mixing just carrier oils together and when blending aromatherapy blends for the body.You will quickly be able to know which essential oils blend well together, and which carrier oils can compliment and enhance your essential blends, by watching the videos and doing your own essential oil self development and discovery at home.Learn the differences between different essential oil notes, making blending harmonious to your sense of smell.And while the synergies smell amazing you will also be able to know with confidence that your blends will be able to assist yourself, family and friends with their important health concerns like emotional upsets, health, various skin concerns and sleeplessness. And on a final note, you will learn to love essential oils, using them daily in your everyday life, helping you and your family to create healthy and natural choices.What can you do with this knowledge after? You may decide to create a blog, and share your journey into natural healing properties with essential oils and carrier oils. You may want to create natural perfumes, or blend bath oils. If you are ready to learn about essential oils, and how to blend them masterfully together, this is the right course for you!"
Price: 350.00

"Instagram Komplettkurs Starte jetzt auf Instagram durch" |
"Instagram ist eine der Social Media Plattformen, die immer mehr an Beliebtheit gewinnt und rasant wchst. Hier liegt groes Potential fr dich als Person oder dein Unternehmen denn auf keiner anderen Plattform sind die User so geneigt sich mit Marken und Menschen auszutauschen, wie auf Instagram. Unser Komplettkurs bietet dir einen praxisbezogenen, umfassenden und dennoch kompakten Einblick in die Mglichkeiten, die dir Instagram bietet.Ein kompakt aufbereiteter Kurs rund um Instagram, der darauf ausgelegt ist, dass du das Erlernte direkt praktisch anwenden kannst. Weniger reden, schneller starten."
Price: 149.99

"Pro tools bsico" |
"En este curso el estudiante aprender el manejo bsico del daw Pro Tools obteniendo las competencias requeridas por la industria musical en temas como, la creacin de una sesin, diferentes tipos de canales, configuracin del daw, grabacin de una seal de audio, exportaciones e importaciones de audio y configuraciones generales."
Price: 29.99

"Energy saving in fan and ventilation" |
"Benefits of the course Difference between Fan, Blower and CompressorTypes of fan Selection criteria of fan Centrifugal fans and their types ( Forward curve, backward curve, radial and airofoil fans) Axial fan and their types (Propeller, Tube axial and Van axial fan)Fan efficiencyFan Curves Fan controlsFan LawsPower consumption of fanEnergy saving in Fan ( Selection of correct size, Maintenance of fan, leakage rectification, efficient fan control, Variable Frequency drive (VFD) for fan)l Fan Laws / Power consumption of fan / Energy saving in Fan ( Selection of correct size, Maintenance of fan, leakage rectification, efficient fan control, Variable Frequency drive (VFD) for fan)"
Price: 99.99

"SQL PostgreSQL" |
"PostgreSQL. . . , , MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle. . SQL ."
Price: 34.99

net_from_zero |
""" : . . ."" , : IP , DNS, NAT, , , . , IT - , , . , IT! - "" "" - .: , - Udemy, 100% , . - , IT - , . . ! - !"
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Linux Home Server Course" |
"Learn to use the Linux operating system and build a server in your own home.Building a home server is an excellent way to learn how to use the Linux operating system. It also allows you to reuse any old laptop or desktop computer you have lying around at home for something everyone in your home can use.Building your own server will take you behind the scenes on how an operating system really works. Using software which is 100% free, you will learn:- How to install, maintain and secure a working Linux server- What are the differences between the various Linux versions- How to use your server as a personal secure web server and file server, and where to get ideas for other uses for it- Key linux command line skills and how to put them to practical use- How to troubleshoot common problems as they happenUsing skills which are directly relevant to the workplace, you will learn how to monitor, secure and backup your own private server. The downloadable guides also provide a wealth of information for you to take away and study at your own pace."
Price: 19.99

"Astrology Professional Quick-Starter Complete - Part 1" |
"This is your basic starter package to professional classic Astrology. Without lengthy introductions, straight to the point. Plain, easy explanation, outlines and templates to start your own analysis. The course deliberately saves on lengthy explanations and expects you to also research for yourself, read up more in-depth on things that interest you more than is covered. So if you want to learn quick and also invest in looking up things for yourself ourside of this course in the offered sources and elsewhere: this is for you. You'll find some content here that you might not find anywhere else as your instructor has studied and worked all over Europe, all over the Americas North and South, as well as in Asia and South Africa. Her teachers were from Europe (Austria, Germany, Hungary), North America (USA/New York, Canada), Mexico, Brazil, India, Tibet, China, Japan and South Africa. Nevertheless, despite doing a course, please expect that much practice, reading, researching and exchange is required. This is best done outside the course. You'll find a link to a Facebook Group inside the course for the Alumni of this course as well as suggestions and useful resources for further learning. Please feel free to ask questions here in the Q&A section or join the Facebook group where posting charts and asking for input is encouraged (unlike in other Astrology groups).Due to its complex nature, Astrology is mostly learned by practical experience. This is why I want to make your start as clear and structured as possible. Here is all you need is to get started with a generic and clear knowledge base. From there you need to train with real life examples. Then you train more ... and more ... and then you get interested in the next course upgrades for special in-depth analysis methods. After this course you can immediately dive into Parts 2 and 3 (they will be finished shortly within the next couple of weeks). After that some practie time will be needed for you to digest and apply for a while. This also gives me time to prepare the Special Courses for all those who still wish to know more. Please share your preferences for future courses, so that I can prepare first what is most needed.My recommendation is also that you look at other Astrology courses and absorb as much as possible to build the unique experience you can only construct within yourself. I created for you a wealth of desk references that will help you get into your practice quickly, until you know it all by heart (yes, you will!).The clear-cut basics of this course will give you a good sense of what is quality and what is gibberish in the realm of Astrology all over the world. The structured courses you find here are a good way to start your journey. Also, if you feel that there must be something more to Astrology than you read up so far: odds are you are going to find it here.If you are looking for a systematic and structured quicker starter guide: this is for you."
Price: 149.99

"Helping Kids and Teens Overcome Anxiety" |
"Eady To Free Your Child From The Cage Of Anxiety?Watching Kids with Anxiety Breaks My Heart.Dearest determined, loving parents grandparents and caregivers of kids with anxiety.Thank you for caring so much about your little love to help him or her get anxiety out of your lives!Do you wish you could STOP anxiety, worries, irrational fears and nervousness in their tracks?Do you wish for no more tears, no more upset stomachs, no more conflict?Do you wish your kids no longer dug their heels in when they need to go somewhere?Do you wish to see your child smile again?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are feeling a bit out of control right now. Keep reading because Ive got your back. Im going to tell you how to get your family back in control. You and I both know that watching your kids with anxiety suffer while you sit by helplessly is heartbreaking for you. Ive been there so I know how you feel. You wonder if you are doing the right things to help them, you wonder if you have to get help for them, whether you ought to be exploring medicine, and you wonder if you are making things worse.Parenting is such a guessing game at the best times. But when your child is suffering, you dont want to guess. You want a sure thing that can help them the fastest and least intrusive way possible.Danny (age 10) had crippling anxiety that seemed to come out of the blue. His parents, Jen and Mike, consulted his teacher and the school counselor and his primary care doctor for advice. They said try deep breathing, decrease his stress, and take this medicine. Jen and Mike were willing to try anything but these seemed almost too obvious and generic. And they tried to make his life as easy as they could, wracking their brain trying to understand why this happened, and beating themselves up because it may have been their fault.After a few weeks, it seemed like the problem wasnt going away. In fact, it was getting worse. Danny stopped being interested in activities that he used to love. He wanted to quit soccer, boy scouts and even refused to go skiing with his family. They were desperate and exhausted when they finally came to me.I explained to them what anxiety was, and why it comes. And then, I told them exactly, precisely how to get rid of it, by de-powering anxiety and drawing out Dannys skills and abilities. I gave them the particular steps to take and why they help. I told them what to expect and how to handle each step along the path sure to come.I met with Danny and Jen a week later and he had a huge smile on his face. And a BIG smile on Jens face. Anxiety was gone and they were so happy!I know that is exactly the results you want.Forget the things have to get worse before they get better ideology. I dont work that way. You want a painless approach and I have it.Its time to leverage your PARENTING POWER! 1) Know when to push and when to go easy,2) understand the key to keeping calm3) provide support, ??validate and ?teach essential life skills."
Price: 34.99

"Happiness, Connection and Love: The Map To Whole Peace" |
"Let me show you freedom. As a family therapist for over 20 years, I understand people and I understand emotional suffering. Where it comes from, how it sustains itself, what it does to your mind, heart, and body. In this course, you will learn the seven practical steps to identifying your pain and problem and deconstructing them so they have no more power over you. We look particularly at fear and guilt, which is the source of all of our problems. You'll learn how they are cultural problems and you'll understand why they are so engaging. (Then, you'll be able to stop engaging!) Then, you will learn who you really are and what this life is all about. Yes, this course is spiritual, but it is not religious. You can have any spiritual beliefs and benefit from understanding your mind's connection to the field around you. One of our worse problems is that we feel alone and different. In this course, we will solve that one. Are you ready? Are you ready to receive the WHOLE PEACE that you deserve? This is what WHOLE PEACE looks like:You'll be more relaxed and open and close in your relationships.You'll finally be able to move on from troubled past experiences.You'll recognize and dismiss self-judgment.You'll step back from situations and get a general understanding of them.You'll stop blaming.You'll have more compassion for yourself & for others.You'll no longer let fears keep you from adventures.And most importantly, you'll plant a seed to self-love."
Price: 19.99

"Clear Your Mind at Night: Anti-Anxiety Sleep Meditations" |
"Do you have trouble getting to sleep because of anxiety? Jodi Aman, family therapist, YouTuber and author of You 1, Anxiety 0 and Anxiety...I'm So Done with You! created this course to help you quiet your mind at night, especially when you have anxiety. You will learn the biology of anxiety, the connection of anxiety and sleep problems, get guided meditations to listen to at bedtime to help you sleep and stay asleep. There is also a video about why meditation is so helpful for you to incorporate into your life."
Price: 24.99

"1Z0-997-20 : OCI 2020 Architect Professional Practice Test" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including Professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-997-20 exam.Exam Topics:Implement and operate solutions in OCIImplement solutions to meet business and technical requirementsOperate and troubleshoot solutions on OCI(NEW for 2020) Conduct Monitoring, observability and alerting in OCI(NEW for 2020) Manage infrastructure using OCI CLI, APIs and SDKsDesign for hybrid cloud architectureDesign and implement hybrid network architectures to meet high availability, bandwidth and latency requirementsEvaluate multi-cloud solution architecturesDesign for Security and ComplianceDesign, implement and operate solutions for security and governanceDesign, implement and operate solutions to meet compliance requirementsPlan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Plan and design solutions to meet business and technical requirementsCreate architecture patterns including N-tier applications, microservices, and serverless architecturesDesign scalable and elastic solutions for high availability and disaster recoveryDesign, implement and operate databases in OCIEvaluate and implement databasesOperate and troubleshoot databasesMigrate on-premises workloads to OCIDesign strategy for migrating on-premises workloads to OCIImplement and troubleshoot database migrationsWhat youll learnThis Exam simulation will help you in preparing and passing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional 1Z0-997-20 and earn Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional CertificationAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Prerequisites. but hands-on experience / practice in Oracle OCI is highly recommendedWho this course is for:Professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services"
Price: 29.99

"Top 5 Geheimtipps zum Abnehmen!" |
"Fr jedes Ziel gibt es einen Weg zum Erfolg. Und jeder Weg beginnt mit einem ersten Schritt. Oftmals sind es nur einfache und kleine Tipps und Gedankengnge, die einen Schalter im Kopf umlegen und dich den ersten Schritt gehen lassen. Nutze meine Tipps und mache den ersten Schritt! Bist du dabei?In diesem Kurs findest du sehr effektive und praktische Tipps, die dir auf dem Weg zu deinem Zielgewicht und Traumkrper helfen. Dabei unterscheiden sich diese Tipps stark von den klassischen 08/15-Tipps. Hier erhlst du klare ""Handlungsaufforderungen"" mit denen du direkt starten kannst und sollst.Erkennst du dich in folgenden Selbstzweifeln wieder?Ich habe nicht gengend Disziplin.Ich wei einfach nicht was ich essen soll. Abnehmen ist so kompliziert!Selbst wenn ich abnehme, kommt der Jojo-Effekt und alles war umsonst.Ich schaffe das einfach nicht (alleine).Im Kurs erhlst du die Antworten darauf, wie du diese Stze nie wieder sagen musst."
Price: 39.99
