"Complete Childbirth Education Package" |
"Are you looking for prenatal classes but dont have time to spend an entire weekend taking an in-person class?Are you wanting evidence based information so that you can be informed of your choices when it comes to birth and parenting and make the right decisions regarding you and your baby?Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there and want to access all the essential information in one easy to find place?Well, weve got you covered!These online classes are based on our very popular Birth and Parenting with Confidence prenatal classes given by our team of Certified Doulas and Childbirth Educators. With over 5 hours of material that you can watch at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home, you will go away feeling more knowledgeable and ready for your big day.Whats included in these online classes:31 professional video lectures taught by an experienced Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, mom of three kids, and Owner and Founder of a thriving doula agency5.5 hours of engaging material that you can watch at your own pace snuggled up on your sofaLessons featuring real moms, dads and babies, as well as footage of our own clients during their birthsDozens of tips and tools to help you feel confident during your birth and when you bring baby homeA gorgeous manual to follow along and take notes inA 30-day Money back guaranteeWell answer all of your pressing questions, including:How do I know if Im in labour for real? Will my water break?When do we go to the hospital? And what should we bring?What happens if Im induced?Is it safe to eat while Im in labour?When is it too late to get an epidural if I really want one?Will I be able to breastfeed my baby?Should I wait to bathe my baby?When can I start exercising?When can we have sex again?And much more!Having assisted over 200 births, I strongly believe that you will have a more positive birth experience if you are well prepared. You will tell your birth story thousands of times lets make it an amazing story to tell.We look forward to learning more about you and helping you have the best birth possible!Sylvia"
Price: 174.99

"Anlise Fundamentalista de Fundos Imobilirios na Prtica" |
"Eu sei os pensamentos que tem na sua cabea agora...Voc quer investir, mas no sabe como.Tem o desejo de ir em busca da liberdade financeira, mas no sabe por onde comear.Voc quer dar um passo na sua vida e viver de forma tranquila.Mas Como? Onde? possvel fazer isso?Voc entra na internet e procura em diversos sites, mas tudo parece muito confuso.Deixe-me contar uma histria:No seu aniversrio de 18 anos um garoto recebeu, de presente dos seus pais, 5 mil reais e decidiu investir todo o seu dinheiro na bolsa de valores.Uma semana depois o seu investimento tinha evaporado. Ele perdeu tudo, acabou...Esse garoto se chama Thiago Nigro.Aps esse acontecimento ele foi em busca de conhecimento no mercado financeiro e hoje est cada vez mais perto da liberdade financeira.Conhecimento... que palavra interessante.Essa a chave para o mundo dos investimentos, e voc at deve saber disso.Mas no sabe onde conseguir esse conhecimento de forma simples e prtica.E o mais importante, como aplicar ele?Vamos ao ponto...Voc quer aprender a investir com segurana.E eu sei que voc no quer perder essa oportunidade de entrar nesse mundo agora junto com centenas de pessoas n?Sim... centenas de milhares.Segundo o Diretor da B3 (Bolsa de Valores de So Paulo), 223 mil investidores entraram no mundo da renda varivel em maro de 2020.Entre voc tambm agora e no perca essa chance indita.T, mas voc deve estar pensando: eu at queria, mas me falaram que ter muito dinheiro para investir.Isso no verdade, segundo o prprio diretor da B3 30% dos investidores fizeram investimentos menores que 500 reais.O ponto no ter dinheiro para comear a investir e buscar conhecimento.O ponto buscar conhecimento e investir para ter resultados.Ento, como fazer isso?Esse curso totalmente prtico, ou seja, voc vai fazer tudo junto comigo tudo.E essa a grande diferena desse curso para os demais, voc faz!Voc vai saber onde encontrar as informaes e realizar todos os passos que eu vou apresentar durante as aulas.A verdade que existem muitos sites na internet explicando teorias sobre investimento e isso bom...Mas nenhum deles aplica realmente para te mostrar como que faz na prtica.E isso que eu quero te mostrar nesse curso, que voc saia capaz de analisar Fundos Imobilirios com grande eficcia.Quando eu descobri todas essas ferramentas que voc vai aprender, decidi mostrar todo esse conhecimento para outras pessoas.O conhecimento que est fazendo diferena na minha vida.Ahhhh....Conhecimento.Ok, mas o que realmente esse curso me oferece?Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Como realizar uma anlise completa dos Fundos Imobilirios listados na bolsa de valores.Como analisar os 9 tipos diferentes de Fundos Imobilirios.Como analisar as demonstraes e relatrios dos Fundos.4 Plataformas na internet para buscar informaes totalmente gratuitas.Anlise completa de 3 Fundos Imobilirios da bolsa de valores.As peculiaridades de cada tipo de Fundo Imobilirio.Como montar sua carteira de investimentos.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.Mas o que Fundos Imobilirios? so investimentos de renda varivel com foco no mercado de imveis, so parecidos com aes com o foco totalmente para Fundos de investimentos.Aps esse curso voc vai conseguir realizar anlises tranquilamente de qualquer Fundo Imobilirio listada na bolsa de valores.Alm de finalmente ter aquela sensao de saber o que est fazendo.E no ficar totalmente perdido quando algum fala a palavra investimentos.Sim, esse curso excelente e oferece todos os benefcios citados nesse texto, mas ele no perfeito.Esse curso somente para pessoas que realmente querem aprender e vo aplicar todos os conceitos ensinados.Voc quer realmente aprender mais sobre investimentos?Adquira agora e aproveite as 27 aulas e os 7 mdulos inteiros do curso.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

"Watercolour painting of sunset" |
"If you were searching for a drawing course then this course is made for youIn this course you will be able to learn 1 water colour drawings in which drawing is of sunsetplease purchase this course and I assure you on be half of udemy that the cources will be available lifetime.Hope you will like the course and will give your best rating possibleAnd enjoy the landscape painting by Jay nale only on Udemy.In this course you will be able to learn a couple drawing in watercolourThat will improve your water colour skillsIn this course you will be not finding anything which is not irrelevant of drawing with watercolourSo dont worry go ahead and buy this course.As on behalf of udemy I promise you the 30 day buyback guarantee"
Price: 64.99

"Fertilization and irrigation - Become an expert" |
"Learn the best practices and theory of fertilizer management, fertigation, irrigation scheduling, soil test interpretation and more.The course Fertilization and irrigation Strategies and Best Practices consists of 8 online sessions, 1-1.5 hours each, in which you will learn the best fertilization and irrigation practices.Upon completing the course, you will master the fundamentals of fertilization and irrigation and will be capable of designing fertilization plans and irrigation schemes professionally."
Price: 199.99

"Crash Course to Learn Python coding from basic beginning" |
"Become a Python Programmer and learn one of the employer's most requested skills of 2020!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Python programming language on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course, we will teach you Python 3.With over 40+lectures and more than 3+ hours of video, this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned! This course includes quizzes, tests, and homework assignments as well as 3 major projects to create a Python project portfolio!This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes to a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, macOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Command Line BasicsInstalling PythonRunning Python CodeStringsListsDictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesPrint FormattingFunctionsScopeargsBuilt-in FunctionsDebugging and Error HandlingModulesExternal ModulesObject-Oriented ProgrammingInheritancePolymorphismFile I/OAdvanced Methodsand much more!You will get lifetime access to over 40+ lectures plus corresponding Slides and PPT for the lectures!This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep access to the Notebooks as a thank you for trying out the course! Also, Get ACCESS TO LIFETIME NEW UPDATE.So what are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 12800.00

2019-lso |
". , , : , , , . . . , : "" - / / .!"
Price: 19.99

"Associate in Project Management (CAPM) - Practice Tests" |
"Are you ready to pass the CAPM certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CAPM exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam."
Price: 24.99

"Pregnancy 101 - Nutrition" |
"Pregnancy 101 is a series of educational videos developed by a Health Professional and pregnant mom for other pregnant moms. One of the three most important pillars of a healthy pregnancy is Nutrition. In the Nutrition-Series of Pregnancy 101 you will learn everything about a healthy nutrition for you and for the development of your baby. You will not only learn what to eat but also how to make sure you get the right nutrients in the right amounts, what to avoid and how to combat upcoming issues like nausea or constipation. This program is not only full of solid information about nutrition but also about other struggles like heavy legs or the lack of energy that are very common during pregnancy. You will understand why this happens and what to do. Each video module comes with a downloadable pdf where you can find a recap from what you've learned, additional important nutrition values or recipes. On top of all of that there is a private Facebook group for additional support, to ask questions or to share experiences with other pregnant moms. This is the end of googling questions about nutrition at 4 o'clock in the morning. I did the work for you and put all the answers in this course."
Price: 39.99

"Ferramentas para Sistema de Gesto de Qualidade" |
"Na situao atual do mercado as empresas esto altamente competitivas e com isso, a busca por ferramentas de gesto interna so muito procuradas, pois estas facilitam e otimizam os recursos internos organizacionais. O curso voltado para pessoas que queiram aprender a utilizao das ferramentas de sistema de gesto da qualidade. Essas ferramentas auxiliam a organizao a manter um sistema de gesto bem estruturado. Veremos os conceitos, as normas, o perfil do responsvel pela gesto, as certificaes os tipos de auditorias encontradas."
Price: 129.99

"Technical analysis: Professional Cryptocurrency trading 2020" |
"Are you tired of losing your money trading Cryptocurrencies?If your answer is YES, then this course is for you!This course is NOT for absolute beginners. You need at least basic knowledge about trading with technical analysis!What are you going to learn in this course?-The 3 cycles in the Cryptocurrency market (Bitcoin cycle/ Altcoins cycle/ BTC and ALTS cycle)-3 strategies to identify the current cycle-How to make the best trading decisions based on what cycle we are currently in-Strategies and tricks to know when people are getting too greedy or fearful-How to spot where the losers are-Trading screeners for finding setupsWhat is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 169.99

"OutSystems Reactive for Beginners" |
"Learn what is OutSystems and how easy and fast you can create your first application using the most complete low-code platform on the market. With this course, you will create a simple application with OutSystems Reactive Web to manage your expenses and bank transactions, going from data model definition to application screens and also learning how you can debug and monitor your application using the platform tools."
Price: 99.99

"High-Growth Entrepreneurship: Unleashing Silicon Valley" |
"I feel honoured to state that I have crossed 12,000 students combined in all courses I offered in UDEMY and have been able to keep the rating beyond 4.0. For majority of the aspiring entrepreneurs, understanding the Silicon Valley and its entrepreneurial ecosystem has not yet been covered in existing courses. I take an angle to illustrate the 'how' part of entrepreneurship through my own experience and experience from others like highly revered professor Steve Blank, or Eric Rise to name a few. Some of you gave really positive feedback as following:""I love this course""""Well, this course was about one of those engaging topics of the modern era in the world of technology. The contents were amazingly presented and the instructor provided the detailed view on the strategy part regarding Nokia mainly and others too. Being a professional not in technology field though, this course certainly provided insights into strategy and I would really like to apply those techniques into my job and expect to come up with desired results. Hence, i highly recommend this course to my friends, colleagues and those personnels be it the job seekers or entrepreneurs"".While we base majority of the discussions around key author's contribution to entrepreneurial practice, we do not forget the traditional gurus like Geoffrey Moore through his 'crossing the chasm' concept. First, I introduce Customer Development Model practiced by many entrepreneurs in the Valley and around the world as suggested by Steve Bank. Then I trace the development of this model further in Lean Startup concept of Eric Ries and how it can be applied in practice. Second, I break these models into business model creation vs execution parts and illustrate it with concrete examples. Here we borrow from Alex Osterwalder to use his Business Model Canvas. Third, I request you to actually do the exercise of creating your own idea through business model canvas. We depart completely from business plan concept. Fourth, I conclude the course with my own experience from Nokia and Finnish startup ecosystem which is not becoming an entrepreneurial hot bed. I wait you inside! Please join the course now! "
Price: 24.99

"Basic Drilling Engineering (Arabic)" |
"Hello everyone. This is ""Basic Drilling Engineering"" course to every one who want to learn about DRILLING. You will learn about Petroleum Geology, Rig Types, Equipment & Personnel, BHA & Drill Bits, Casing, Cement Operations and Drilling Fluids.Hope you enjoy and benefit from it. "" "" () ."
Price: 149.99

"CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 300+ Unique Questions from CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certification Exam covering all the topics for the CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 300+ Unique Questions2. 6 Full-length mock tests with 50+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************Why is Cloud Essentials Different?CompTIA Cloud Essentials is the only internationally recognized, vendor-neutral certification utilizing key business principles and fundamental cloud concepts that validate data-driven cloud recommendations. It stands alone in this field by demonstrating that all necessary staff members not just the IT specialists understand how to increase efficiency, manage costs, and reduce security risks for organizations whenever tasked with making current cloud technology decisions.About the exam :Business analysts and IT pros alike are consistently called upon to assist their organization in determining which cloud service provider(s) to use, what to migrate to the cloud, and when to implement. Collecting and analyzing cloud products and services information is essential when making operational cloud business decisions. The financial and operational impacts covered by Cloud Essentials ensure an ability to develop and implement solid cloud strategies. CompTIA Cloud Essentials will show that successful candidates :Have the knowledge and understanding of the foundational business and technical components included in a cloud assessmentUnderstand specific security concerns and measuresComprehend new technology concepts, solutions, and benefits to an organizationOfficial Exam Details : Exam Codes : CLO-001Exam Description : CompTIA Cloud Essentials covers cloud services from a business perspective. The expertise validated includes the business value of cloud computing, cloud types, steps to a successful adoption of the cloud, impact and changes on IT service management, as well as risks and consequences.Number of Questions : 50 questionsType of Questions :Multiple choiceLength of Test : 60 MinutesPassing Score : 720 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended Experience : At least six months working in an environment that markets or relies on IT-related servicesLanguages : English, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and ThaiTesting Provider : Pearson VUERenewal : The CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification does not need to be renewed."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA CLO-002 Cloud Essentials+ Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 70+ Unique Questions from CLO-002 CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification Exam covering all the topics for the CLO-002 CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 70+ Unique Questions2. 2 Mock tests with 30+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is for both IT and non-technical professionals who require the essential business acumen needed to make informed cloud service decisionsWhy is Cloud Essentials+ Different?CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is the only internationally recognized, vendor-neutral certification utilizing key business principles and fundamental cloud concepts that validate data-driven cloud recommendations. It stands alone in this field by demonstrating that all necessary staff members not just the IT specialists understand how to increase efficiency, manage costs, and reduce security risks for organizations whenever tasked with making current cloud technology decisions.About the examBusiness analysts and IT pros alike are consistently called upon to assist their organization in determining which cloud service provider(s) to use, what to migrate to the cloud, and when to implement. Collecting and analyzing cloud products and services information is essential when making operational cloud business decisions. The financial and operational impacts covered by Cloud Essentials+ ensure an ability to develop and implement solid cloud strategies. CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ will show that successful candidates:Have the knowledge and understanding of the foundational business and technical components included in a cloud assessmentUnderstand specific security concerns and measuresComprehend new technology concepts, solutions, and benefits to an organizationCompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002: Whats in this versionThe updated exam empowers candidates to make data-driven cloud recommendations by using key skills to evaluate business use cases, financial impacts, cloud technologies, and deployment models. Earning Cloud Essentials+ demonstrates a readiness for management-level positions while ensuring an understanding of the fundamental approach to cloud computing, as well as the business impact of migrating and governing in the cloud.Official Exam Details :Exam Codes : CLO-002Launch Date : November 2019Exam Description : CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ validates the candidate has the knowledge and skills required to make clear and conscious decisions about cloud technologies and their business impact by evaluating business use cases, financial impacts, cloud technologies and deployment models with knowledge of cloud computing.Number of Questions : Maximum of 75 questionsType of Questions : Multiple choiceLength of Test : 60 MinutesPassing Score : 720 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended Experience : Between six months to a year of work experience as a business analyst in an IT environment with some exposure to cloud technologiesLanguages : EnglishTesting Provider : Pearson VUERetirement : Usually three years after launchPrice : $123 USD (See all pricing)"
Price: 19.99

"CV0-002 CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 120+ Unique Questions from CV0-002 CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam covering topics from CV0-002 CertificationWhat do you get in this course?1. 120+ Unique Questions2. 2 Mock tests with 60+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002: Whats in this version?CV0-002 reflects an emphasis on incorporating and managing cloud technologies as part of broader systems operations. It assumes a candidate will weave together solutions that meet specific business needs and work in a variety of different industries.The new exam includes the new technologies to support the changing cloud market as many more organizations depend on cloud-based technologies to run mission critical systems, and hybrid and multi-cloud have become the norm.CompTIA Cloud+ validates the skills you need to maintain and optimize cloud infrastructure services.Cloud+ covers the increased diversity of knowledge, skills and abilities required of system administrators to validate what is necessary to perform effectively in data center jobs.CompTIA Cloud+ views cloud-based infrastructure services as an increasingly important piece of an organizations IT systems.It is the only vendor-neutral, performance-based certification covering more than a specific vendor or a single function such as security or networking to help you better realize the return on investment of cloud infrastructure services.Official Exam Details : Exam Codes : CV0-002Launch Date : February 9, 2018Exam Description : CompTIA Cloud+ (CV0-002) reflects an emphasis on incorporating and managing cloud technologies as part of broader systems operations. It assumes a candidate will weave together solutions that meet specific business needs and work in a variety of different industries.It includes new technologies to support the changing cloud market as more organizations depend on cloud-based technologies to run mission critical systems, now that hybrid and multi-cloud have become the norm.Number of Questions : Maximum of 90 questionsType of Questions : Performance-based and multiple-choice questions.Length of Test : 90 MinutesPassing Score : 750 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended Experience : 2-3 years in system administrationLanguages : English, JapaneseRetirement : Usually three years after launchTesting Provider : Pearson VUEPrice : $329 USD (See all pricing)Renewal : Keep your certification up to date with CompTIAs Continuing Education (CE) program. Its designed to be a continued validation of your expertise and a tool to expand your skillset. Its also the ace up your sleeve when youre ready to take the next step in your career.Good to have below skills to attempt CV0-002 CompTIA Cloud+ Certification :Prepare to deploy cloud solutionsDeploy and test a pilot projectDesign a secure network for cloud deploymentDetermine CPU, memory sizing, and storage requirements for cloud deploymentsPlan identity and access management for cloud deploymentsAnalyze workload characteristics to ensure successful migration to the cloudSecure systems to meet access requirementsMaintain cloud systemsImplement backup, restore, and business continuity measuresAnalyze cloud systems for required performance, anomalies, and growth forecastingTroubleshoot deployment, capacity, automation, and orchestration issuesTroubleshoot connectivity and security issues"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Functionality FC0-U11 Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 110+ Unique Questions from FC0-U11 CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Functionality Exam covering topics from FC0-U11 CompTIA Strata CertificationWhat do you get in this course?1. 110+ Unique Questions2. 2 Mock tests with 50+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************************************About Official FC0-U11 CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Functionality Exam : The CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals certificate program offers individuals a broad introduction to computing technology and serves as a critical stepping stone to advanced technical learning and IT skills.The CompTIA Strata exam measures an individual's knowledge of basic IT terminology and skills, such as setting up a basic PC work station, installing software, identifying compatibility issues and recognizing and preventing basic security risks as well as the explanation of technology and computer hardware basics, compatibility issues and common errors. The exam will also assess the candidate's knowledge of Green IT and preventative maintenance of computers.The CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals certification ensures a knowledge of PC components, functionality, compatibility and related technology topics.The CompTIA Strata - Fundamentals of PC Functionality FC0-U11 measures a candidate's knowledge of basic ICT vocabulary and PC components. The exam covers the basics of setting up a PC workstation, installing software and recognizing / preventing security threats. QCF/NQF - Level 1 Guided Learning Hours - Approx. 30 Number of questions - 35 Length of test - 60 minutes Passing score - 70% Languages - English Exam code - FC0-U11"
Price: 19.99

"FC0-U21 - CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Technology Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 240+ Unique Questions from FC0-U21 CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Technology Exam covering topics from FC0-U21 CompTIA Strata CertificationWhat do you get in this course?1. 240+ Unique Questions from FC0-U21 CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Technology Exam2. 6 Full-length mock tests with 40+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************************************About Official FC0-U21 CompTIA Strata Fundamentals of PC Technology Exam : The CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals certificate program offers individuals a broad introduction to computing technology and serves as a critical stepping stone to advanced technical learning and IT skills.The CompTIA Strata exam measures an individual's knowledge of basic IT terminology and skills, such as setting up a basic PC work station, installing software, identifying compatibility issues and recognizing and preventing basic security risks as well as the explanation of technology and computer hardware basics, compatibility issues and common errors. The exam will also assess the candidate's knowledge of Green IT and preventative maintenance of computers.The CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals certification ensures a knowledge of PC components, functionality, compatibility and related technology topics.The CompTIA Strata - Fundamentals of PC Technology FC0-U21 measures a candidate's ability to explain the characteristics of PC hardware and peripherals, as well as identify basic compatibility issues and operational problems. The exam also covers safety guidelines and preventative maintenance of computers. QCF/NQF - Level 1 Guided Learning Hours - Approx. 30 Number of questions - 35 Length of test - 60 minutes Passing score - 70% Languages - English Exam codes - FC0-U21"
Price: 19.99

"Ruby on Rails 6 - 2020. ." |
"Ruby on Rails 6. 2020 . . Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails. : - REST Full dev - TDD (Test Drive Development) - MVC (Model View Controller) - RUBY - RUBY on RAILS 6- Relations () - JavaScript - PostgreSQL- / - - Ajax - !!"
Price: 29.99

"Trading: operativa con velas japonesas" |
"Te explicaremos las diferentes entradas al mercado financiero con anlisis tcnico, basado en velas japonesas, para cualquier tipo de mercado burstil, con el mtodo de scalping, nuestras operaciones son fciles y sencillas de aplicar en cualquier ente o mercado financiero.Desde una breve perspectiva de lo que es una vela japonesa, hasta su visin tcnica en los mercado financieros, para lograr una operativa eficaz para nuestro beneficio en los mercados burstiles financieros."
Price: 34.99

"I Passed My CPC! CPT Practice Tests" |
"CPT Practice Tests 1-2-3! A total of 215 multiple-choice questions with rationales. All questions are formatted to resemble the CPC examination. The practice tests allows you to master you medical coding skills, practice time management, build your medical coding confidence, improve your accuracy and speed.6 Timed multiple-choice tests:Evaluation & Management 40 QuestionsSurgery & Procedures 90 QuestionsRadiology 25 QuestionsPathology & Laboratory 20 QuestionsMedicine 20 QuestionsAnesthesia 20 Questions"
Price: 19.99

"ANS-C00 AWS Network Advanced Specialty Practice Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for ANS-C00 AWS Network Advanced Specialty Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ANS-C00 AWS Network Advanced Specialty Practice ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 169.99

"AWS BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialty Practice Test" |
"213 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialty Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialty Practice TestTotal Questions : 213Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 213)"
Price: 169.99

"ECCouncil CESS Security Certified Specialist Practice Test" |
"329 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil CESS Security Certified Specialist Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil CESS Security Certified Specialist Practice TestTotal Questions : 329Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :220 minsPassing Score : 75 (246 of 329)"
Price: 174.99

"Learn How to Write a Contract" |
"This course teaches students about contract drafting, contract law, and whether a written contract is recommended in specific situations. Completing this course can help your business to save money in the long-term while also keeping the business protected. Contract law varies from each State and Country. In turn, it is important to take this course to be well prepared for what you will face when doing business across the globe. Students will practice drafting contracts in this course and will be able to check their work in comparison to contracts I have drafted for similar situations. Nothing in this course creates an attorney client relationship and this information is intended to be educational and informational and does not constitute legal advice."
Price: 49.99

"Ready for Kindergarten- Reading Skills" |
"This course is for parents to learn what skills teachers are looking for in the very beginning of Kindergarten. Teach your child the skills before they enter school so they sky rocket through Kindergarten! You will learn about concepts of print, choosing books for your child, retelling, characters, caring for books and much more!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Economics from scratch, ECO02" |
"ENGLISHLearn Economics from the scratch, ECO02 is the second of a five course series in my Economics specialization.Have you ever wondered what Economics is all about? Maybe youre in high school or youre in college majoring in or taking it as borrowed course. Perhaps youre just an adult and you just want to refresh your memory on the subject. Youre in the right place.Economics is an age long activity, from credle man's activities have centered on how to satisfy his wants. While some economic historians believed that economics thought started with the classical school, others believe that economic reasoning dated back to the mercantilist. Only few maintained that physiocratic thought contained elements of economics.Be it as it may, economic activities started with man. As a hunter and food gatherer, the epic man was concerned about the future, which led him to domesticate animals and food crop. As a physiocrat, man wants to produce goods for future consumption and a mercantilist his trade centers on acquiring more wealth. Today, the world is an economic globalization, which makes the study of economics vital.FRENCHApprenez l'conomie partir de zro, ECO02 est le deuxieme d'une srie de cinq cours aboutissant la spcialisation de l'conomie. Vous tes-vous dj demand ce qu'est l'conomie? Peut-tre que vous tes au lyce ou que vous tes au collge, vous vous spcialisez ou vous le suivez comme cours emprunt. Vous n'tes peut-tre qu'un adulte et vous voulez simplement vous rafrachir la mmoire sur le sujet. Vous tes au bon endroit. L'conomie est une activit de longue date, les activits de l'homme crdule se sont concentres sur la faon de satisfaire ses besoins. Alors que certains historiens de l'conomie pensaient que la pense conomique avait commenc avec l'cole classique, d'autres estiment que le raisonnement conomique remontait au mercantiliste. Seuls quelques-uns soutiennent que la pense physiocratique contient des lments conomiques. Quoi qu'il en soit, les activits conomiques ont commenc avec l'homme. En tant que chasseur et cueilleur de nourriture, l'homme pique tait proccup par l'avenir, ce qui l'a amen domestiquer les animaux et les cultures vivrires. En tant que physiocrate, l'homme veut produire des biens pour la consommation future et un mercantiliste son commerce se concentre sur l'acquisition de plus de richesse. Aujourd'hui, le monde est une mondialisation conomique, qui rend l'tude de l'conomie vitale.SPANISHAprenda Economa desde cero, ECO02 es el dosieme de una serie de cinco cursos que culmina en la especializacin de Economa. Alguna vez te has preguntado de qu se trata la economa? Tal vez ests en la escuela secundaria o ests en la universidad, especializndote o tomndolo como un curso prestado. Quizs solo eres un adulto y solo quieres refrescar tu memoria sobre el tema. Ests en el lugar correcto. La economa es una actividad de toda la vida, desde el punto de vista econmico, las actividades del hombre se han centrado en cmo satisfacer sus deseos. Mientras que algunos historiadores de la economa crean que el pensamiento econmico comenz con la escuela clsica, otros creen que el razonamiento econmico se remonta a la mercantilista. Solo unos pocos sostuvieron que el pensamiento fisiocrtico contena elementos de la economa. Sea como fuere, las actividades econmicas comenzaron con el hombre. Como cazador y recolector de alimentos, el hombre pico estaba preocupado por el futuro, lo que lo llev a domesticar animales y cultivos alimenticios. Como fisicrata, el hombre quiere producir bienes para consumo futuro y un mercantilista que su comercio se centra en adquirir ms riqueza. Hoy, el mundo es una globalizacin econmica, lo que hace que el estudio de la economa sea vital."
Price: 19.99

"Dvevni i Veernji makeup za 5 minuta" |
"Na ovom kursu nauicete kako se naminkati za dnevnu i veernju priliku. Videcete moje omiljene tehnike minkanja koje moete da uradite za pet minuta. Kurs je kreiran za poetnike.Proizvodi koje sam koristila za lice: Weleda skin food cream for dry skin, Mac Face and Body foundation, Aura Touch up pro extreme concealer, Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel, Aura Cheek Stick - Cocatail Peach, Mac Studio Fix Powder + Foundation, Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting powder, Catrice Sun Glow Matt bronzing powder, Mac Powder blush Spring PeachProizvodi koje sam koristila za obrve: Mac Lingering eyebrow pencilProizvodi koje sam koristila za usne: Aura Lip liner 13, Mac Lipstick Please Me Vetake trepavice : Linelashes Elle,Duo Eyelash Glue, Lancome Hypnose mascara"
Price: 19.99

"Learn PCB Design of Arduino Pro Mini In Altium Designer 20.0" |
"Motivation:Anyone who like to work in electronics or interested in designing the electronics product then learning a PCB design is essential for achieving this goal. By learning PCB design you can get a good earning job of Hardware design in different companies. Altium Designer:Selection of Tool for PCB design is very important. Altium Designer is a professional tool used in different companies to design all kind of boards, from very simple ones to motherboards or servers. It is a comprehensive and user friendly tool as compared to the other tools available in market. What is in this Course:In this course we will design a customize PCB of Arduino pro mini by following step by step videos. We will start from the reference schematic of Arduino pro mini. We will redraw the schematic and then we will follow all the steps to make our own customize PCB. If you are new in PCB designing the by repeating these step by step tutorials you will be able to design a PCB. At the end of this course you will be able to design any customize PCB in Altium Designer. This course is to the point.In Just 3 Hours you will learn how to:1) Draw new Schematic.2) Create new libraries.3) Create Schematic Symbols and Footpints.4) Placement of components in Design Area.5) Routing of PCB.6) Create Bill of Material (BOM).7) Generate PCB Fabrication files (Gerber Files).8) Generate PCB Production documentation (Assembly Drawings, Schematic in PDF format etc)9) Create 3D Model of PCB If you are interested, all the design documentation and Gerbers files produce in this course can be used to build your own PCB. You can source all the components from the DigiKey or Farnell and solder them by yourself.Enjoy the Course and Best of Luck........,Target Audience:Beginners to intermediate skilled Altium Designer usersEngineers migrating into Altium DesignerAspiring product entrepreneursStudents and researchers looking to design their custom PCBAnyone interested in designing PCB"
Price: 19.99

"Atendimento ao cliente - como encantar e fidelizar o cliente" |
"Aprenda nesse curso o essencial para o atendimento ao cliente. Vamos abordar conceitos que podem ser usados por profissionais que atendem clientes em diversos segmentos e situaes. Desenvolva suas habilidades no atendimento ao cliente atravs deste curso. Com uma linguagem clara e de fcil entendimento, tenho certeza que voc aprender muito com as dicas que vou apresentar."
Price: 39.99

"Die EinserFabrik" |
"2 Jahren dauerte die Entwickelung der EinserFabrik, ein Meisterkurs fr bessere Noten mit weniger Lernstress. Sie ist speziell fr dich, wenn du studierst oder zur Schule gehst. Der Meisterkurs besteht aus 19 aufeinander aufbauenden Mini-Kursen, in denen ich dir alles beibringen, was ntig ist, um konstant immer bessere Noten zu bekommen, um schneller zu lernen und das mit mehr Leichtigkeit.Vorteil 1: Bessere NotenAls Schler oder Student ist dein primres Ziel, mglichst gute Note zu bekommen. Manche Leute akzeptieren diese simple Wahrheit nie und leiden daher fr den Rest ihres Lebens darunter: schlechterer Job, wenig Geld und dadurch viel weniger Freiheit. In der EinserFabrik erhltst du ein bewhrte Systeme, die auch dir Bestnoten einbringen werden.Vorteil 2: Mehr FreizeitStell dir vor, du wendest all das Wissen aus der EinserFabrik an. Was wrde passieren? Du httest weniger Stress und mehr Freizeit, weil Du in krzerer Zeit viel mehr gelernt bekommen wrdest. Am Ende des Tages hast du nicht nur bessere Noten, sondern auch noch freie Zeit fr Spiele, Spa, Hobbys und Freunde.Vorteil 3: Mehr SelbstvertrauenWas zerstrt dein Selbstvertrauen mehr als alles andere? Wahrscheinlich das Gefhl zu versagen, whrend andere es locker schaffen. Was passiert, wenn du pltzlich mit deinen Noten glnzt? Richtig! Du fhlst dich wie ein Champion und dein neugewonnenes Selbstvertrauen bertrgt sich auf alle Bereiche deines Lebens.Modul 1 - Das Fundament 1. Starke Motivation aufbauenWirklich alles ist umsonst, wenn du dich nicht zum Lernen motivieren kannst. Aus diesem Grund fangen wir in der EinserFabrik mit Motivation an. Du lernst hier u.a. die Formel der Motivation. Sie ist ein bewhrtes System fr das Erzeugen von Motivation. Ein Auto ohne Gaspedal wre ziemlich sinnlos. In diesem Themengebiet lernst du, wie du dir dein eigenes inneres Gaspedal wieder anschraubst und dich willentlich fr alles motivierst, was du mchtest! 2. Zeitmanagement meisternIn diesem Themengebiet erfhrst du, wie du anhand 6 mchtiger Werkzeuge deine Zeit noch besser nutzen kannst. Du lernst Konzepte, Techniken und Mechanismen, damit Zeitmanagement fr Schler und Studenten wirklich funktioniert. Das bringt dir (mit etwas bung) viel extra Zeit! Du gewinnst Klarheit ber dich und deine Aufgaben. Und du gewinnst an Selbstbestimmung, weil du nun deine Zeit bewusst managen kannst. 3. Laserscharfe KonzentrationKonzentration wird hufig unterschtzt. Dabei liegt das wahre Geheimnis der Besten im verlsslichen Herstellen von laserscharfer Konzentration. Sie macht einfach alles viel besser! Du hast die Wahl: 10 Stunden mit uerst schwacher Konzentration bringen dir genauso viel, wie eine Stunde mit extrem hoher Konzentration. In diesem Teil der EinserFabrik lernst du u.a. die Formel der Konzentration kennen. Mit ihrer Hilfe wirst du in der Lage sein Dich verlsslich und dauerhaft extrem hoch zu konzentrieren.Modul 2 - Optimales Lernen 4. Die optimale LernumgebungErfahre, welche Eigenschaften deine Lernumgebung unbedingt haben muss, und welche zustzlich sehr ntzlich sind. Du lernst hier eine Vorgehensweise, wie du deine Erinnerungsleistung allein durch die Vernderung deiner Lernumgebung steigern kannst. Du gewinnst so die Sicherheit, dass du dich nicht mit einer suboptimalen Lernumgebung selbst schadest. Du lernst so schneller und besser, ohne Extraaufwand. 5. Lernstoff VerstehenBeherrscht du nun die fundamentalen Fhigkeiten aus Modul 1 kmmern wir uns jetzt um das optimale Lernen. Lernen sollte nie mit dem Merken, sondern immer mit dem Verstehen beginnen, daher beschftigen wir uns hier mit dem Lernstoff Verstehen. Es geht um die Fhigkeit jeden Lernstoff schnellstmglich und vollstndig zu durchdringen. Manchmal geht das ganz schnell (z.B. bei Vokabeln) und du kannst gleich mit dem Merken weiter machen. Manchmal geht es jedoch einzig und allein um Verstndnis (z.B. bei Rechnungen). Ganz egal was es bei dir ist... hier lernst du, wie du deinen Lernstoff schnellstmglich verstehst. 6. Lernstoff MerkenIn den meisten Prfungen musst du gemerkte Informationen wiedergeben. Die Fhigkeit schnell und sicher Informationen einzuspeichern ist daher essentiell, wenn du Bestnoten ohne unntigen Stress haben mchtest. In jeder Vorbereitungsphase hast du einen groen Vorteil, wenn du dir schnell Lernstoff Merken kannst. Dieses Themengebiet bringt dir alles bei, damit du zu einer Merk-Maschine wirst. Du wirst in der Lage sein dir jede Information (die du verstanden hast) schnell und sicher einzuprgen. 7. Lernschwierigkeiten berwindenWie gehst du optimal vor, wenn du etwas nicht verstehst oder, wenn du dir etwas nicht merken kannst? Die Antwort liefert dieses Themengebiet. Ich zeige dir den Hauptgrund von Lernschwierigkeiten und, wie du ihn ein fr alle Mal eliminierst. Und wie du unter Zeitdruck am Besten handelst. Du gewinnst so die Gewissheit, gut vorbereitet zu sein. Du gewinnst auch an Gelassenheit beim Lernen, weil du immer mindestens 3 Tricks im rmel hast. Du hast keine Angst mehr vor komplizierten Themen oder Massen an Lernstoff. Nach dem Themengebiet hast du keine Ausreden mehr.Modul 3 - Klausuren und mndliche Prfungen 8. Die optimale VorbereitungsstrategieDieser Kurs startet mit 5 grundlegenden Fakten zum Thema Vorbereitung und geht weiter mit fortgeschrittenen Lerntechniken, sowie dem optimalen zeitlichen Ablauf deiner Vorbereitung. Durch den Kurs wird dir klar, wie du die Zeit vor einer Prfung am Besten nutzt. Durch die noch bessere Vorbereitung, werden Bestnoten noch sicherer. Die optimale Vorbereitungsstrategie ist ein zentrales Puzzlestck fr deinen Notenerfolg. 9. Die optimale TagesformDie optimale Tagesform bedeutet optimale Leistungsfhigkeit. Wie Du das beim Lernen und vor allem bei Prfungen erreichst, darum geht es im Detail in diesem Kurs. Du wirst hier lernen aus welchen 7 Elementen sich die optimale Tagesform zusammensetzt und wie du dich in diesen 7 Elementen verlsslich verbesserst. Nur so kannst du dein volles Potenzial in Prfungen abrufen. Nur so zahlt sich deine Vorbereitung wirklich aus. Die optimale Tagesform ist ein groer Bonus fr dich und das nicht nur in Prfungen, sondern im ganzen Leben. 10. Einser in KlausurenWillkommen zum bergeordneten Thema Prfungskompetenz. Es reicht nmlich nicht (!) einfach nur gut vorbereitet zu sein. Du musst auch genau wissen, wie du optimal vorgehst, whrend du in der Prfung bist. Die fr dich wahrscheinlich wichtigste Prfungsform ist die Klausur. Und, um die Frage, wie du Einser in Klausuren bekommst (abgesehen von einer guten Vorbereitung), dreht sich alles in diesem Themengebiet. Unter anderem lernst du, wie die optimale Vorgehensweise innerhalb Klausuren aussieht. Du lernst auch Tricks und Strategien, um noch schneller in Klausuren zu werden, wie du keine unntigen Fehler machst und vieles mehr. 11. Einser in mndlichen PrfungenWie gut du in mndlichen Prfungen bist beeinflusst die Note, die du bekommst, stark. Wer wenig Prfungskompetenz in dieser Prfungsform hat, wird trotz reichlich Vorbereitung hufig enttuscht von seiner Note sein. Umgekehrt kannst du mit weniger Lernen eine bessere Note bekommen, wenn du gut in dieser Prfungsform bist. Dieses Themengebiet ist daher essenziell fr alle, die mndliche Prfungen vor sich haben. Fhigkeiten wie sich gut zu prsentieren, das Gesprch indirekt zu lenken und dein Gegenber zu durchschauen, sind aber auch in noch ganz anderen Bereichen deines Lebens uerst wertvoll.Modul 4 - Prsentationen und Studienarbeiten 12. Einser in PrsentationenPrsentationen werden immer wichtiger, nicht nur in Schule und Studium, sondern auch spter im Beruf. Aus diesem Grund haben Prfer immer hhere Ansprche an dich, wenn du Prsentationen hltst. Wie du keine unntigen Fehler machst, sondern im Gegenteil, mit deiner Prsentation weit ber das Mittelma hinausschiet, und damit Einser in Prsentationen bekommst, darum geht es in diesem Kurs. 13. Herausragend VortragenDie mit Abstand wichtigste Fhigkeit bei Prsentationen ist das Vortragen. Deswegen lernst du hier, wie du allein durch dein Vortragen dein Publikum in den Bann ziehst und den Prfer letztlich von dir begeisterst. Das ist ein grandios Vorteil in jeder Prsentation, zumal dieser Kurs stark dazu beitrgt Lampenfieber beim Prsentieren, ein fr alle mal zu zerstren. 14. Einser in StudienarbeitenStudienarbeiten! Viele Studenten und Studentinnen hassen sie und selbst, die wo kein Problem mit ihnen haben knnen sich noch deutlich in ihnen verbessern. Am Anfang deines Studiums wird dir nmlich nicht beigebracht, wie du sie so schnell wie mglich schreibst und gleichzeitig eine sehr gute Note bekommst. Das fhrt zu vielen frustrienden (und unntigen) Stunden in der Bibliothek. Die Konsequenz ist meistens, dass erst ein paar Tage (hufig auch Stunden) vor Abgabe mit dem Schreiben richtig begonnen wird. Das fhrt immer zu viel Stress und oft auch zu schlechten Noten. All das muss aber nicht sein, wenn du weit, wie du das Thema ""wissenschaftliches Arbeiten"" richtig angehst. Wie du etwa schnell gute Quellen findest und verarbeitest, worauf es wirklich bei der Bewertung ankommt und vieles mehr, darum geht es in diesem Themengebiet. 15. 15 Schritte zu einer groartigen StudienarbeitHier bekommst du ein bewhrtes System zur Erstellung von Studienarbeiten und wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten aller Art (Seminararbeit, Bachelorarbeit, Masterarbeit). Du kannst die 15 Schritte wie ein Kochrezept verwenden und gleichzeitig sicher sein, dass du schnellstmglich eine ausgezeichnete Studienarbeit schreibst. Du lernst unkonventionelle, aber effektive Techniken zur Themenfindung, zur Recherche, zum Schreiben und zum Korrigieren. Du wirst so viele Fehler vermeiden knnen, die Studenten typischerweise machen. Diese Fehler fhren zu viel Mehraufwand oder schlechteren Noten. Das Gefhl der berwltigung oder berforderung geht verloren. Du weit stets, was du zu tun hast.Modul 5 - Der Einser-Trubo 16. Effizienter in EinzelarbeitIn diesem Themengebiet lernst du eine Reihe von Effizienz-Hacks, die dir helfen, alles noch viel schneller hinzubekommen. Dadurch kannst du dich entweder ber extra Lernzeit oder extra Freizeit freuen. Du lernst typische Fehler, die zu Langsamkeit und Trdeleien fhren, zu vermeiden. Wendest du alles an, wirst du viel mehr in weniger Zeit schaffen knnen. All das ist natrlich auch uerst wertvoll fr den Rest deines Lebens. 17. Effizienter in GruppenarbeitHier lernst du, wie du Gruppenarbeiten schneller, angenehmer und erfolgreicher machst. Du bekommst ntzliche Werkzeuge, Strategien und Techniken speziell fr Gruppenarbeiten. Du lernst, wie du zum Anfhrer der Gruppe wirst, falls du das sein mchtest. Du lernst auch, wie du andere motivierst und, wie du am besten mit faulen Gruppenmitgliedern umgehst und vieles mehr. 18. Einen klasse Eindruck aufbauenIn diesem Themengebiet verrate ich dir, wie du einen klasse Eindruck bei deinem Prfer aufbaust; was ein netter Bonus bei jeder Bewertung ist. Denkt ein Professor gut von dir, dann macht das alles so viel leichter und du kommst deinem Ziel von Bestnoten ohne Lernstress wieder ein Stck nher. In dem Kurs lernst du die 10 besten Mglichkeiten zur Verbesserung deines Eindrucks. Du lernst auch, wie du im Vier-Augen-Gesprch mit dem Prfer glnzt, wie du einen schlechten Eindruck in einen klasse Eindruck umwandelst und vieles mehr. Zustzlich gewinnst du hier auch an Selbstvertrauen, weil du danach besser einschtzen kannst, wie du auf andere Menschen wirkst. 19. Die Einser-MentalittHier lernst du die Geheimnisse der optimalen Vorbereitungs- und optimalen Prfungsmentalitt. Auerdem bekommst du eine Reihe von Techniken, die einen mchtigen mentalen und emotionalen Zustand bei dir erzeugen, der dich untersttzt, indem er dir Selbstvertrauen, Zuversicht, Energie, Einfallsreichtum, Erinnerungsfhigkeit und Entschlossenheit gibt. Dieser Zustand hilft dir auerdem dabei, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Durch dieses Themengebiet kannst du Prfungsangst drastisch reduzieren. Nur durch eine groartige Mentalitt kannst du dein Potenzial beim Lernen, bei Prfungen und in allen anderen Bereichen deines Lebens voll entfalten."
Price: 199.99
