"Projektmanagement fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs wird - einfach und verstndlich - das Wichtigste des Projektmanagements unterrichtet:Abschnitt 1 - Die 10 wichtigsten Begriffe:ProjektstrukturplanArbeitspaketMeilensteinGantt-DiagrammMagisches DreiekProjektlebenszyklusProjektauftragBusiness CaseSteuerkreis (Steering Committee / Lenkungsausschuss)UmfeldanalyseAbschnitt 2 - Die Grundlagen:EigenschaftenDefinitionAblauf Das magische DreieckAbschnitt 3 - Die 6 wichtigsten Methoden im Projektmanagement:ProjektstrukturplanArbeitspaketbeschreibungMeilensteinplanGantt-DiagrammRessourcenplanRisiko-TabelleAbschnitt 4 - Die 6 Qualitten eines guten ProjektleitersSie knnen Menschen fhrenSie wissen, wie man angebracht delegiertSie pflegen und analysieren hufig ihre PlanungsinstrumenteSie kommunizieren hufig und effektivSie sind ""Macher""Sie sind konstant am Lernen"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a Gerenciar Projetos do ZERO" |
"APRESENTAOO mundo est mudando em uma velocidade cada vez maior, novos projetos surgem a cada segundo e profissionais qualificados esto cada vez mais raros de serem achados.Estamos na era da experincia, onde o ser humano se relaciona de maneira totalmente diferente e inovadora.As empresas precisam de profissionais dinmicos e solucionadores de problemas, pessoas capazes de gerar valor nestes relacionamentos.Gerenciamento a palavra chave para o sucesso de qualquer projeto em pequenas, mdias e grandes corporaes. Nosso curso proporciona aos alunos conhecimento necessrio e capacitao na rea de Gerenciamento de Projetos em 24 horas, atravs de uma metodologia de experimentao, onde o aluno aprender a teoria e a prtica do gerenciamento de projetos, de acordo com o padro mundialmente aceito do Project Management Institute (PMI), difundido pela publicao Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). DISCIPLINAS- Fundamentos de Gerenciamento de Projetos- Gerenciamento de Escopo em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Tempo em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Custos em Projetos- Gerenciamento da Integrao em Projetos- Gerenciamento das Comunicaes e Stakeholders- Gerenciamento da Qualidade em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Aquisies em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Recursos em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Riscos em Projetos- Gerenciamento de Portflio e PMOA QUEM SE DESTINAA todos que querem desenvolver-se na carreira e lev-la ao prximo nvel, tornando-se um profissional de gesto de projetos segundo a metodologia do PMBoK.Profissionais que precisam aprender a gerenciar projetos e no tem tempo a perder. BENEFCIOS DE CADA INGRESSO - Vdeo de Abertura e Boas Vindas- Apostila com Contedo Inovador- Exerccios Prticos"
Price: 354.99

"Make and fit an internal Door Frame" |
"I start by showing you how a door frame is put together with two simple joints, we then look at the location and go through the set up of the frame in place, I explain the practicalities of each of the frame parts and how to fix them. The frame has to receive a door which is accurately made and so our frame will be fitted and fixed to match this."
Price: 19.99

"U.S. Immigration 101" |
"The goal here is to provide you a better understanding of the basics of U.S immigration. This course has been designed for:-1. immigration consultants,2. students who have a particular interest in learning U.S. immigration,3. students who are planning to pursue LLM from American universities,3. paralegals who would like to understand immigration rules & regulations,4. Indian lawyers planning to provide immigration services and,5. anyone who would like to gain knowledge on U.S. immigrationThere are no pre-requisites required for this course. Disclaimer- This course is to give you a basic understanding of American Immigration. There are several articles and books available on the internet on the U.S immigration and if you need any assistance in pursuing any kind of visa, please seek legal advice with an immigration attorney."
Price: 19.99

"Como Criar Slides com Qualidade" |
"Ensinar usando slides : mais dinmico;Prende a ateno;Melhora o aprendizado;Para no ficar ultrapassado.Precisa olhar o tamanho das fontes que sero usadas;Utilizar bem as imagens (ver se tem ou no direitos autorais);Utilizar as cores de forma correta, usando bem contrates, cores claras, letras escuras ou vice versa;Administrar o tempo em que vai ministrar a aula;Aulas compartilhadas com mais de um professor;Aulas interativas com momentos de interao entre alunosResumo de aulas, importante resumir a aula anterior para trazer a memria do aluno o que ele aprenedeue muito mais."
Price: 39.99

"LeBonBoss: Comment manager une quipe? Leadership Management" |
"Comment cultiver le bon tat d'esprit? Comment motiver, dlguer et mener un projet avec succs?__________________________________________________________Il y a des milliers de thories pour devenir un bon Leader.Il y a tant de questions qui font faire aux managers de longues nuits blanches, comme par exemple ""Va-t-on arriver terminer ce projet temps? Pourquoi lui se comporte-t-il de manire si peu constructive? Et si je faisais plutt a moi-mme?""LeBonBoss est un cours en ligne pour apprendre aux managers mener une quipe vers le succs, avec les mthodes propres notre sicle, base sur les dernires recherches scientifiques sur le lieu de travail.Pas de thories dsutes. Un cours pratique mettre en oeuvre immdiatement.> Apprenez parfaire votre communication, identifier et rsoudre les situations conflictuelles, dlguer et donner le pouvoir votre quipe, vers le succs. > Devenez un leader respect.__________________________________________________________""Pourquoi les gens se comportent-ils de cette manire!? "" Jonathan, 34 ans, chef d'quipe (Informatique).C'est vrai... pourquoi donc? Parfois, c'est difficile de comprendre la raction des membres de notre quipe, de certains employs notre socit.Mais vous tes-vous dja demand ce que vous pouviez avoir fait... ou ne pas avoir fait?Comment les causes-consquences fonctionnent-elles au sein d'une organisation et via son leadership?Savoir motiver, savoir dlguer, anticiper... les entrepreneurs, les leaders, les managers devraient tre partout et tout faire, tout savoir.Du moins, c'est l'image que s'est fait le commun des mortels au sujet du management.Mais c'est une erreur classique ! Cette conception du travail du ""chef"" pousse toujours les dirigeants vers le mme problme : le micro-management. La perte du cap.Le micro-management gnre une frustration dans votre entourage. La frustration gnre son tour davantage de micro-problmes rgler, qui gnrent de la frustration, qui... vous m'avez compris.Ce cercle vicieux ne s'arrte jamais. Jusqu' ce qu'ventuellement, le suppos patron, lui aussi, craque...Rentrer dans le tourbillon infernal du micro-management mne systmatiquement vers un pitre rsultat, voir pire, aucune rsultat : l'inachev. Ni dans les temps, ni dans le budget, ni dans la qualit.> La vrit est pourtant assez simple : personne ne devrait avoir besoin d'intervenir pour chaque petit problme ou tches... si l'important est fait en amont.__________________________________________________________Le Challenge des chefs ""Dois-je-tre-Sympa-ou-Autoritaire?""A peu prs tous les managers que je coach passent un moment ou un autre part la mme phase, se posant chacun la mme question :""Parfois c'est difficile, parce que je ne sais pas comment ragir avec un employ. Je me demande... genre... l maintenant, dois-je tre sympa ou bossy (autoritaire)?""Rassurez-vous, a arrive tout le monde. C'est exactement ce que je me demandais au dbut.Mais malheureusement, la vrit est la suivante : se demander comment vous devriez tre ou ragir montre quel point vous avez oubli.... Pourquoi faites-vous ce que vous faites?Je sais de ma propre experience combien cela peut tre frustrant et droutant.En plus, a n'est pas uniquement vous en tant que chef qui faites fausse route. La plupart du temps dans ces cas-l, vous recevez un feedback hypocrite de vos subordonns.> Ce cours va vous permettre de recadrer ces moment d'incertitudes dans son contexte - et donc vous donner un guide mental pour savoir... comment tre ou ragir.__________________________________________________________Arrtez de perdre votre temps et votre nergie ""mettre la pression""Vous pouvez essayer autant que vous voulez de mettre la pression sur vos collaborateurs.Vous n'aurez que des rsultats court-terme, frustrants et un faible ROI (retour sur investissement)Aujourd'hui plus que jamais : vos employs se feront la malle!__________________________________________________________Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est entirement connect : Tout le monde sait comment vous vous y prenez!Il y a quelques annes, seulement une poigne d'employs, discutant la machine caf, pouvaient remuer les problmes larvs au sein de votre quipe.Aujourd'hui, tout le monde est connect tout le monde, non-stop.Que cela soit par email, dans votre dos, sur un rseau social ou par WhatsApp : n'importe qui peut communiquer une large audience des information vritables ou fausses propos de votre travail. > Dans ce contexte, tenter d'isoler une quipe, des personnes ou crer des silos de communication, ne sera pas seulement un chec total; cela gnrera une terrible perte d'efficacit, de flexibilit et de motivation. Ce qui signifie : une diminution des profits.C'est un secret de polichinelle : chaque leader, dirigeant et organisation doit urgemment changer et adapter sa culture et son management la rvolution digitale actuelle.J'explique exactement comment s'y prendre dans ce cours.__________________________________________________________La vieille Chane de Commandement""Il y a deux coles de penses propos de comment l'information doit circuler dans les entreprises. La plus rpandue de loin est celle de la Chane de Commandement, qui signifie que l'on doit toujours faire passer l'information par son propre chef/manager. Le problme avec cette approche c'est qu'elle renforce le pouvoir du manager certes, mais qu'elle choue totalement servir l'entreprise. "" Elon Musk - CEO, Tesla__________________________________________________________Voici ce qui empche votre quipe de bien travaillerA cot du contexte dans lequel vous vous trouvez, voici certains des points les plus rcurrents qui empche les gens de livrer un bon travail au quotidien.Manque de reconnaissance.Faible communication, faible autonomie.Pas d'objectifs spcifiques, ni de dlais clairs.Changez votre manire de grer votre quipe.Soyez certains que chacun toutes les composantes sont constamment disponibles aux membres votre quipe ainsi qu'a votre organisation.Ce cours vous montre comment vous y prendre, pas--pas.__________________________________________________________85% des employs ne sont pas impliqus voir activement dsengags dans leur travail.D'aprs l'tude Gallup Report ""State of the Global Workplace"" 2018 Combattre l'absentisme. Contrairement aux entreprises o les gens ne sont pas motivs, les socits dans lequel l'engagement est bon ont 41% moins d'absentisme et 17% plus de productivit. Augmentez la satisfaction clientle. Toujours d'aprs la mme tude, les socit ""motives"" ont une meilleurs satisfaction clientle et +20% de vente.Meilleur Profit. Contrairement au organisations peu engages, les socits performantes ralisent +21% de rentabilit.__________________________________________________________Il est temps de diriger autrement que dans la douleurIl est temps pour tous les dirigeants, comme pour vous, de se comporter et de travailler comme un vrai leader.Etre un leader qui sait guider les gens et pas seulement grer les choses dans tous les sens.Qui sait encourager et atteindre ses objectifs sans intervenir partout tout le temps, dans la douleur.Oui, ca n'a pas t facile pour moi non plus au dbut en tant que responsable : je n'avais aucune ide de la manire dont on manage les gens. Malgr une habilit sociale acceptable, personne ne m'avait jamais appris comment guider et diriger une quipe. En cole de commerce, l'instruction est prioritairement axe sur la finance, le contrle de gestion, l'import export, le marketing (celui du bon vieux temps) mais la gestion des personnes? Pas au programme. Les employs versus les rgles. > Ne laisser pas votre organisation privilegier les rgles et Process avant l'initiative humaine> Ne vous laissez plus dpasser par votre propres heures supplmentaires> Ne laissez plus les dysfonctionnements routiniers mener tout doit la rsignation.Le Leadership (diriger) est un choix.Il arrive lorsque quelqu'un bouge et encourage un changement.Et cela peut tre vous!__________________________________________________________Exit la carotte, le bton et les thories old-school. LeBonBoss : Comment exceller dans la gestion d'quipe.Si vous en avez assez de dire, vendre et rpter votre quipe comment ils devraient travailler, combien de temps ils devraient travailler, de leur expliquer chaque dtail avec condescendance pour finir par tout faire vous mme : il est temps de changer.Il est temps de vous transformer d'un manager dpass un leader respct.Dans ce cours en ligne, vous verrez comment transformer votre tat d'esprit de chef dsempar vers une perspective de vrai Leader.__________________________________________________________Pourquoi prendre un cours de gestion d'quipe?Vous etes entrepreneur ou manager : qu'est-ce que cela peut-il vraiment vous apporter?1- voluer de Manager LeaderMalgr les opportunits manques des Business School le Leadership peut etre tudi!Vous apprendrez l'importance du sens que le travail pour les personnes de votre quipe; vous apprendrez mieux vous connaitre ainsi que vos propres valeurs.Vous apprendrez tre et agir tel un stratge, ax sur des objectifs clairs et lgitimes.Parce que vous saurez les inspirer et les motiver (au lieu d'ordonner, de vendre, ou de crier), les personnes vous suivrons comme jamais auparavant.2- Terminer le travail en temps et en heureVous apprendrez vous dbarrasser de mauvaises habitudes. Vous apprendrez aussi discerner les comportements et gadgets inutiles qui vous feront perdre du temps.Comme vous aurez appris mieux dlguer et responsabiliser, votre quipe sera ddie livrer votre projet (bien ou service) en temps et en heure, dans le budget.En gros, votre quipe pourra travailler et mener les choses bout sans que vous ayez les mains dans le cambouis. Donc plus de temps pour le reste.3- Que vous ayez 2 ans ou 20 ans de mtier... ca ne change pas grand chose.Que vous soyez responsable d'une quipe depuis des annes ou tout nouveau, peut importe, les bons Boss, efficaces et respects, ont tous un atout en commun: leur capacit d'apprendre.Les autre peuvent aussi parvenir faire des choses, mais la diffrence et qu'ils n'auront pas d'adhsion vritable et ne fidliserons personne sur le long-terme : ce sont les adeptes du ""one-off"". Avec leur vision gocentrique du management, ils ignorent tout de ce qui fait la diffrence : les autres.__________________________________________________________Les Solutions vos problmes de managementCombien de temps avez-vous lutt contre ca :1- Avoir le c*l entre deux chaises : client et employLa pression de nos clients (mais aussi de notre hirarchie) peut tous nous garder eveill la nuit. Cependant, en tant que chef, vous ne supportez pas uniquement cette pression venant de l'exterieur. En effet, vous devez aussi rgler un flux constant d'information et de problmes venant de votre quipe. Lequel des deux rsoudre en premier?LeBonBoss vous transmet un systme simple et applicable pour rgler ce dilemne et travailler pour tous.2- De la stupfaction la satisfactionPourquoi les gens se comportent-ils de telle manire au travail et quelle mthode peut etre utilise pour grer certaine situations?Il a en effet des approches concrtes en fonction des personnes, de leur experience et de leur comportement.Avec LeBonBoss, vous apprendrez grer les membres de votre quipe et organisation en fonction de leur profil, mais aussi l'intelligence motionnelle, conversationnelle, pour grer au mieux les situations complexes.3- Le bon vieux style de management la 1905Nous avons tous appris la mme chose, comment Ford et Taylor ont rvolutionns le monde du travail.... en 1905.Le problme, c'est que depuis cette poque et le fameux ""les travailleurs sont si stupides"" de Taylor, plus d'un sicle s'est coul. Pire, ne serait-ce que les 10 dernires annes, nous avons vcue la plus grosse rvolution dans la manire dont les personnes interagisse : la rvolution digitale!LeBonBoss vos donne un aperu des changements ncessaires dans le monde actuel afin d'arrter avec le management old-school - et la mthode qui va avec.4- Le cercle vicieux de la dception sans finVous avez essay encore et encore, mais revenez sans cesse votre rflexion ""Il n'y a pas moyen, ils ne comprennent juste pas! Je ne sais pas ce que je devrais faire pour les motiver et les pousser!"" Vous vous sentez isols. Vous tes frustrs que les choses n'avancent pas comme elles le devrait, aussi rapidement qu'elles le devraient. Et surtout sans rsistance!Dans LeBonBoss, vous dcouvrirez comment mener des personnes sans mme avoir besoin d'une autorit officielle (hirarchique). Un travail bien fait dans les temps require un bon systme et bien plus.> Etes-vous prt devenir un vrai Boss respect?C'est possible. Allons-y! Vous avez des problmes de management qui me brulent de vous aider rsoudre. Vous avez des objectifs pour cette anne que je veux vous aider atteindre!Au lieu d'tre simplement dpourvu sur des sujets pour lesquels il existe de solutions relles, rejoignez mon cours LeBonBoss. Prenez ce cours et embarquez pour un voyage qui va vous changer de l'tat submerg la srnit d'un vrai leader, d'un bon Boss.__________________________________________________________ATTENTION !Ce cours est fait pour...Comprendre le nouveau monde et l'impact au travailUtiliser et mettre en avant vos forces et valeursSe comporter et agir comme un vrai leaderAugmenter votre intelligence motionnelleDvelopper votre rflexion stratgique Amliorer votre prise de dcisionConstruire un esprit d'quipe fort et loyalQue les choses soient faites, sans votre interventionCe cours n'est pas...Une manire de s'enrichir rapidement financirementUn cours philosophique avec des principes vaguesUn cours passif dbordant de thorieUne manire d'implanter davantage de processUne vision hippie o tout le monde est identiqueUn cours de management du 19e la TaylorUn pot-pourris incomprhensible sans queue ni tte__________________________________________________________Personne ne leur a parl, alors ils ont quitt leur socit.""52%, c'est le chiffre qui montre quelle part des employs affirment que leur manager ou leur organisation aurait pu faire quelque chose pour empcher leur dpart.Mille milliard de dollars, c'est ce que les entreprises perdent chaque anne aux tats-unis cause des dparts volontaires (tude Gallup). Le plus effrayant est que ces dommages sont causs par les managers responsables au seins des entreprises!""Shane McFeely & Ben Wigert - Gallup__________________________________________________________Alors : tout de suite dans le cours LeBonBoss! Antoine"
Price: 89.99

"Events Production" |
"If you always dreamed about producing spectacular events, working with artists, managing huge team of people, creating amazing shows and simply wanted to know how the event industry works from backstage - this course is for you! Event production industry is a serious thing. So if you want to become professional event producer, be respected in the industry, trusted by artists and your audience you need to educate yourself first and gain knowledge what to do step by step. You can learn here:- How to be a pro event producer and develop your career in this industry- How to manage risk at your event and avoid common mistakes- How to book artists for your event and make a successful deal- How to choose perfect venue, date and theme for your event- What your perfect contract should cover and what types of documents do you need at your production"
Price: 169.99

"Ignite Your Impact Companion Course" |
"Ready to feel in love with what you're doing and aligned with your Soul's desire? Ignite Your Impact is your PIVOT POINT from where you are to breakthrough.Sign up today to:Get clarity on and a map towards the impact and results you most want to haveDrop your limiting beliefs and dispel your brand of the ""I'M NOT ENOUGH"" lies we all tell ourselves.Guided homework to create your unique roadmapAlign your time with your priorities and preferences; breaking the habit of giving your time away to what doesn't inspire you"
Price: 39.99

"How to Grow and Earn Money as a Proffesional Model" |
"This course covers from the basics of what a person looking to pursue modelling needs to know and do and also for when one is already a model, on how to ensure you grow your brand value and earn money from it.It has also some practice sessions and quizzes to test if you have understood some of the key sections."
Price: 19.99

"Grade 7 Math / Math 7 / Mathematics7(Math/Mathematics Seven)" |
"I have made an introduction video in each chapter. I have made videos on different questions in each chapter with a few similar questions and answers. I have explained each topic thoroughly in my video lecture, given examples, and provided similar exercises to be done. This video tutorials are very effective in remembering because it is audio-visual. Each video is about 9 minutes long or less. You can access each video on your cell, computer or tv online. This course is a one-time purchase and provides life-time access to all of the course contents. You can watch the video and read the text written on the slides at the same time or you can stop the video and read the text and try to understand whichever is easier for you.You will learn the following topics in this course: Integers, fractions, decimals, percents, factors & multiples, square & square roots, exponents, angles, lines, congruent & similar figures, areas, volumes, coordinates, transformation, patterning, algebraic expressions, equations, mean, median, mode, data management, probability."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo crear reportes profesionales usando SAP Query" |
"No necesita saber programar en Abap ni mucho menos de un Consultor Abap para crear sus propios reportes.Aprenda a crear reportes de aspecto profesional con SAP Abap Queries de forma rpida y sencilla.Elabore grficos, de formato con colores, cree campos personalizados, ejecute transacciones desde su SAP Query con simplemente hacer doble clic sobre un registro.Visualice reportes con gran volumen de informacin sin impactar el performance del servidor, realizando los enlaces de tablas de la forma correcta.Aprenda a usar dos poderossimas herramientas de anlisis incluidas en sus reportes: las Estadsticas y los Ranking, ambas disponibles en la misma suite."
Price: 19.99

"Create Photorealistic Renders With Corona Renderer" |
"In this course, we are going to share the workflow we use to create realistic renders. Youll learn lighting, creating realistic materials, setting up striking compositions and even post-production. We are hoping that youll grow to enjoy this process as much as we do!We have used 3ds Max 2020 and Corona Renderer 5.0 through the course.We will be sharing the 3ds Max models so that you can follow along. The oldest 3ds Max Version you can use to follow this series is 3ds Max 2017.Throughout the course, we generally approached problems from the point of view of a 3D Artist. However in some cases we found it more practical to approach things like a photographer. This combination of approaches helps us understand and solve problems very effectively.About the InstructorGke Gn is a rare combination of an expert 3D artist & a seasoned teacher.As a 3D Artist, he is an expert with 10 years of experience in 3D Modeling, 3D Sculpting and 3D Rendering. He worked on creating various of graphical content including interior and exterior renders. His work was in ads for many major companies such as Ford, Algida and Coca Cola.As a teacher, he shared his passion and experiences to teach how to use 3ds Max, V-Ray and Corona Render in universities and private institutes. His experiences in solving many type of problems with tight deadlines allows him to impart a practical understanding of his craft.Currently he is the co-founder of Yakn Kamps; one of the largest online learning platforms in Turkey. Also he is the 3D Supervisor of Matte-Studio."
Price: 99.99

"Come Guarire le 5 Ferite Emotive" |
"L'obiettivo del corso prendere coscienza che, spesso, siamo sotto incantesimi emotivi che guidano i nostri comportamenti e le nostre parole. Riconoscere e dare un nome all'incantesimo ( ferita), capire quale maschera indossiamo per proteggerci e non soffrire pi, per giungere infine a sciogliere le nostre maschere e ritrovare vitalit ed energia nella nostra vita."
Price: 24.99

"GEM CP Practice test" |
"This course includes 60 sample questions covering all the principles in GEM Rating system. The sample test will be very useful for all the candidates who are planning to take GEM CP exam. The course will be frequently updated with new questions. Please contact us if you have any query related to this course on support@designparameter.com"
Price: 1280.00

"7Understanding TypeScript - 2020" |
"7Maximilian SchwarzmllerUnderstanding TypeScript - 2020 Edition TypeScriptJavaScriptTypeScriptTypeScriptJavaScriptTypeScriptJavaScriptTypeScriptReactExpressTypeScriptMicrosoftAngular 2+GoogleTypeScriptTypeScript TypeScriptTypeScriptES5JavaScriptES6TypeScriptTypeScriptTypeScriptWebpackJavaScript / TypeScriptTypeScriptReact TypeScriptTypeScriptES6TypeScriptJavaScriptTypeScriptWebpackTypeScriptTypeScriptReactTypeScriptNode/ ExpressTypeScriptTypeScript"
Price: 24000.00

"Ingls Desde Cero" |
"Valora tu TIEMPO y tu DINERO APRENDE YA!8 aos capacitando a personal de empresas extranjeras con excelentes resultados me da la confianza para GARANTIZARTE este curso Certificado de Graduacin Acceso gratuito a nuestros 2 PODCASTS Practica tu pronunciacin en cada leccin 1 libro de Ingls Para Negocios de Regalo Acceso ilimitado las 24 horas a la plataforma Ms de 300 alumnos inscritos en todo Latinoamrica Horas de contenido de alta calidad en 3 formatos distintos Nuestro curso de Inteligencia Emocional Certificado de regalo Crea una red profesional con la comunidad de alumnos inscritos Preguntas supervisadas por nuestro equipo profesional de Teachers"
Price: 945.00

"Appium and Selenium with Python From Basics to Framework." |
"All the topics of Appium (Android , IOS and Hybrid App) , Selenium , BDD , Jenkins and Basic Python we have explained in this courseAll the coding files whatever we have explained in the video, We have uploaded to udemy. So that you download and go through all those things.Below are the Appium(Android and IOS) Topics discussed in the course.Appium ArchitectureAppium InspectorLaunch App in (Android , IOS both in emulator and real device)Locators (id,text,content-des,index,classname , XPath , findElements etc)WaitsMethods to find Current activity , context , orientation , is device locked or notPerform Action using Android key codesElement Properties such as (is displayed , is enabled , is selected , size of element , location of the element on the screen)Element Actions Such as (Click , Send text, get text , get content description etc)Gestures such as ( Scroll , LongClick , Tap , Drag and Drop , Swipe from [Left to Right , Right to Left , Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top])Hybrid App Automation on (Android and IOS devices)Pytest concepts (Fixtures , Run order , Conftest, Methods hierarchy)Python Logging conceptsAllure Reporting ToolAppium Test Automation Framework (From Scratch to Advanced including Allure Reporting Tool)Below are the Selenium Topics discussed in the course.Selenium ArchitectureElement Inspecting toolsLaunch Webpage using (Chrome , FireFox and Safari)Locators (id,name,className,tag,LinkText,Partiallinktext,CSS, XPath and FindElements etc)Waits (Explicit and Implicit)Gestures using Actions Chains Class ( Scroll,Double Click , Right Click operation etc)Navigation Methods such as (Forward , BackWard , Refresh WebPages etc)Elements Properties such as (is displayed , is enabled , is selected , Size of a element , Location of a element etc)Performing Actions on Radio buttons , Check Boxes , DropDowns , Multi Select operations , Iframes , Windows etcAlert buttonsPytest concepts (Fixtures , Run order , Conftest, Methods hierarchy)Python Logging conceptsAllure Reporting ToolSelenium Test Automation Framework (From Scratch to Advanced including Allure Reporting Tool)Below are the Basic Python Topics discussed in the course.VariablesDataTypesOperatorsType CastingString Data TypeListTupleDictionarySets ConceptsConditional Statements ( if , if else , if elif else etc)Loops (For Loop , While Loop)Loop Statements ( Break , Continue )Different types of FunctionsLambda ExpressionsPackages and ModulesOOPS ( Classes and Objects , Inheritance , Super keyword , Data Hiding)Python DecoratorsBelow are the Python BDD(behave) Topics discussed in the course.(We will update with more concepts)Configuration of BDDStructure of BDDCreating Feature and Step Definition filesExecution of BDDBelow are the Jenkins Topics discussed in the course.Introduction and drawbacks of JenkinsInstallation and Configuring JenkinsConfiguration of Job in JenkinsSchedule the Job according to the required time"
Price: 19.99

"Step by Step API Contract Testing with Pact for Beginners" |
"Learn how to write a full End to End API Contract Test with Pact and setup the Pact Broker in Docker!Working in a microservices architecture? Tired of problems in your integration environments, the long process of waiting for API changes to be deployed to integration for testing.Things you will learn:Consumer contract testing using Pact-JSProvider contract testing using PactNetPact Broker Setup with DockerPublish Pact Contracts using Postman and Pact-JSCan I Deploy using Pact Broker ClientIntroduce contract testing to your test suite, for these benefits and much more: Open communication between microservicesFaster feedbackLess integration issuesVisualise consumersVersioning made easy"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Como Dominar o Medo, o Estresse e a Ansiedade" |
"Quantas vezes voc permitiu que o medo, o estresse e a ansiedade comprometessem o seu equilbrio? O quanto j custou perder o controle sob presso ou desistir dos seus projetos por no saber como lidar com os problemas que surgiram?Voc fica preso opinio e ao julgamento das outras pessoas e isso te impede de ser quem voc de verdade?A maneira com que voc lida com seu mundo interior determina todas as suas escolhas na vida.O Mtodo Agility um mergulho essencial no autoconhecimento para despertar para uma vida de propsito!COMO SERIA A SUA VIDA HOJE SE VOC CONQUISTASSE TUDO ISSO?AUTOCONTROLEAprenda a manter o controle em qualquer situao, mesmo quando os problemas surgirem, em discusses ou quando as coisas no sarem como esperado.AUTOCONFIANAAceite-se, viva a sua verdade e tome boas decises com segurana no dia a dia, nos relacionamentos e na carreira. Nunca mais fique preso ao julgamento das pessoas ou dependa de elogios e validao.AUTOCONHECIMENTOO ponto de partida para sua transformao! Descubra porque voc sente o medo, o estresse, a ansiedade e como assumir o controle sobre as suas emoes.AUTOCONSCINCIAO ambiente e as pessoas ao seu redor influenciam a sua vida muito mais do que voc imagina. Aprenda a se libertar disso e fazer escolhas conscientes conectadas aos seus valores.PROTAGONISMOAumente seu poder pessoal como as pessoas de sucesso, comece a gerar resultados nas reas importantes da sua vida, torne-se a pessoa que voc sonha em se tornar e viva de propsito.ENERGIA NO RELACIONAMENTOAcabe com as discusses e com a falta de conexo, conquiste inteligncia emocional, esteja presente e comece a viver um relacionamento magnfico.O QUE EST INCLUSO NO MTODO?So 6 mdulos com tcnicas e ferramentas comprovadas para voc se libertar da priso mental, aprender a dominar o medo, o estresse, a ansiedade e assumir o controle sobre sua vida.No final desse mtodo, ao desenvolver Inteligncia Emocional, voc perceber IMEDIATAMENTE mudanas na forma com que voc ama, se relaciona, lidera, vive e lida com cada situao, boa ou ruim, em cada momento importante, para assumir as rdeas sobre a sua histria e conquistar o sucesso!Mdulo 1O ponto de partida entender em qual momento voc est nas reas mais importantes da sua vida: Sade, Carreira, Finanas, Relacionamentos e Espiritualidade.Ns faremos uma anlise profunda aqui!Mdulo 2Aqui onde voc para de reagir e comea a agir. Como sair do piloto automtico e despertar para as escolhas e possibilidades que sempre estiveram ao seu redor, e como desenvolver um mindset de crescimento.Voc aprender a diferena entre mundo interior e mundo exterior, o que est ou no no seu controle, como parar de perder tempo, energia e se tornar protagonista da sua histria!Mdulo 3O que so emoes, de onde e quando elas vm, e por que o corpo reage? Medo, Raiva, Ansiedade, Estresse, Tristeza, tudo explicado aqui.Voc ir aprender os padres de comportamentos: o que acontece quando voc reprime seus sentimentos ou quando voc perde energia ruminando histrias e como mudar isso.Mdulo 4 neste mdulo que voc assume o controle sobre suas emoes.Voc aprender a dominar qualquer medo com uma ferramenta que a Nasa aplica com os astronautas e tambm a mudar o foco nas situaes mais difceis da sua vida. Vamos mergulhar em uma jornada de encontro aos seus valores e ao seu propsito de vida para que voc possa fazer escolhas conscientes, tomar boas decises com segurana, e muito mais!Mdulo 5Os 3 alicerces fundamentais para instalar novos hbitos e realizar qualquer mudana duradoura na sua vida.Voc aprender como desenvolver novas habilidades, parar de procrastinar e a no desistir quando os problemas surgem.Mdulo 6Expresse Suas Emoes: Voc ter acesso a uma tcnica expressiva muito utilizada na psicologia para lidar com a ansiedade, a depresso e sentimentos negativos.Como Conquistar Qualquer Meta: Uma poderosa ferramenta (que eu aplico h anos!) para voc parar de procrastinar e alcanar qualquer meta que desejar na sua vida. Voc aprender como definir objetivos, criar essas metas, traar estratgias e colocar um plano em ao que realmente funciona, com rotinas para conquistar o sucesso.Como Dominar a Ansiedade: Durante muitos anos eu lutei contra a ansiedade, at entender que esse no era o caminho. Nesta aula eu ensino a forma ideal para dominar esse estado emocional e ferramentas prticas para equilibrar sua energia e manter a mente focada.Inscreva-se agora e descubra uma nova maneira de viver. Assuma o controle sobre suas emoes e viva de propsito como centenas de alunos j fizeram com o Mtodo Agility 2.0!"
Price: 54.99

"Complete drawing course for beginners" |
"This course is aimed at anybody who wants to initiate in fine arts at home.Professional artist and tutor Ala Doros guides you through 16 exercises. The first seven exercises will help you to initiate in watercolors, you will learn from supplies, to colors, we will talk about techniques, shadows and shapes, following with practical lessons. Ala works through each exercise step by step using easy to understand methods.Other six lessons are about initiating in graphic design. You will learn more about perspective, building ellipses, use of blending tools, following with practical lessons. At the end of this chapter you will be able to work alone on creating beautiful sketches and naturmorts.And the last three lessons I will talk about color pencils, how to use those correctly to get beautiful works, and we will practice examples of fruits with color pencils.Materials required for this course have been kept to a minimum in order for the beginner to get started without spending a fortune. Each chapter starts with a list of supplies required to complete the exercises proposed in the chapter.The total length of this course is around 3 hours 52 minutes.Enrol now and learn these easy to follow techniques at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. "
Price: 44.99

"Data Analysis and Visualization using Python in Hindi" |
"In this course, you'll get very well knowledge of Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib with a project. You will learn all the essential things which are needed in data science and data analysis. By the end of this course you will learn:1.NUMPYWhat is Numpy and how to use it?You'll learn how to download install Anaconda.Learn about 1D, 2D, 3D arrays, how to create them, accessing them, changing them.Learn how Numpy array is better than a simple List with code.Learn axis in 2D array and 3D array which is too confusing to understand.Learn various Mathematical operations that you can perform on Numpy arrays like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Power, sin, cos, tan, Natural log, log base2, log base 10, etc.Learn Various Numpy functions like vertical stacking, horizontal stacking, mean, sum, variance, standard deviation.Learn Indexing and Slicing.We'll do an exercise in which we learn to solve different Numpy related questions.2. PandasWhat is Pandas and how it is useful in data analysis?Learn about the Series Data Structure, create them with a tuple, list, and dictionary.Querying a SeriesLearn Indexing and Slicing using loc and iloc in 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays.Learn the DataFrame Data Structure, create them, analyze them, accessing them, etcLearn Reading data from files.Learn Indexing DataFrames.Learn to handle Missing Values3. MatplotlibLearn what is Matplotlib, why, and how to use it.Learn the Line plot and all operation on that plot like adding and changing the style of markers, legend, shape, face color, etc.Setting x and y-axis and use your data on the x and y-axis.Learn Subplots.Learn Pie Plot.Learn the Scatter Plot.Learn Bar plot4. Data Analysis ProjectIn this project, you'll be able to learn:how to handle new data.how to read datasets.how to merge two datasets.Removing unnecessary rows and columns.Arrange dataset according to your need.Plot the datasets.Barplot with subplots.Barplot with multiple plots in a single diagram.ETC.With Python code notebooks, you will be excellently prepared for a future in data science."
Price: 1280.00

"Street Photography" |
"Delivered by street photographer and experienced teacher, Caroline Jaine, this courses will help you to understand what street photography is and examine the work of other street photographers; it shows you how to take, edit and share the best photographs; more about the ethical issues around street photography as well as copyright issues; and what camera, kit and equipment you might need. By the end of this course you will be able to take great photographs and be able to talk with knowledge about street photography and why you make the images you make."
Price: 19.99

"3D Modeling and texturing for games" |
"Learn how to create 3D Models and Assets for games & texture it using Autodesk 3dsmax & substance painter , one of the industry leading tools in 3d modeling & texturing ,We start super simple so you'll be ok with no previous experience.The course is project-based , so you will applying your new skills immediately to real 3D models.what we will do inside 3dsmax ? first we will dive into 3dsmax and explore basic 3d modeling tricks , once you feel comfortable with the softwarewe will move to create a game ready asset ( medieval shield ) from a couple of 2d references .once we are done with the base shape , we will start adding small details to our shield .and finally before exporting our 3d file to substance we will apply and understand UV unwrapping .what we will do inside Substance Painter ? first , we will understand how substance painter works & get used to some basic functionalities,then we will import our 3d medieval shield & start texturing it and make good use of very good techniques that will allow us to add interesting details using the normal map channel.once we are happy with the result we will export our PBR textures.what we will do inside Marmoset Toolbag ? first we will import all our previous work , add some interesting lightning & render both a video and screenshots that you can add to your portfolio This course is perfect for anybody seriously wishing to pursue a career in the game industry as a 3d artist It's suitable for beginners to Intermediate levels. The more advanced artists may find some very good new tricks in the texturing part specially.Over time, the course will get regular updates so we can build more stuff and shape your new skills to the next level ."
Price: 24.99

"Bachata A to Z - Dance Lessons For Intermediate Dancers" |
"The Academic Network of Dance proudly presents their 2nd series of progressive dance lessons aimed to help you learn the beautiful dance of Dominican Republic BACHATA. Learning to dance for the first time can be a bit scary when learning in a traditional studio class setting. Now you can learn, however directly from the comfort of your own home! What better way to start than from the ground up? Fundamentals are everything! World-renowned instructors Alex and Desiree breakdown the ABCs of dancing Bachata from the absolute beginner to the advanced dancers. Don't just learn how to move your feet, but also learn how to move the way authentic Dominican dancers are moving outside of dance studios. These lessons are for Intermediate dancers who already understand Bachata basics and fundamentals. Expanding on the principles in the Beginner level lessons, here you will learn variations to the basic step, syncopations, hip rolls, quick turns, compounding steps that youve already learned into easy to follow along combinations that will be sure to elevate your dance. The instruction in these lessons are delivered in both English and Espaol.El Academic Network of Dance les presenta con orgullo su segunda serie de clases de baile progresivo diseadas para ayudarlo a aprender el hermoso baile de Repblica Dominicana - BACHATA. Aprender a bailar por primera vez puede ser un poco aterrador cuando se aprende en una clase en estudio. Ahora puede aprender, sin embargo, directamente desde la comodidad de su hogar! Qu mejor manera de comenzar que desde cero? Los fundamentos lo son todo! Los instructores Alex y Desiree explican con detalles desde el principiante absoluto al ms avanzado. No solo aprenda a mover los pies, sino que tambin aprenda a moverse de la misma manera que los autnticos bailarines dominicanos se mueven fuera de los estudios de baile. Estas lecciones son para bailarines intermedios que ya entienden los fundamentos y fundamentos de Bachata. Ampliando los principios en las lecciones de nivel principiante, aqu aprender variaciones de los principios bsicos pasos, sncopas, movimientos de cadera, giros rpidos, pasos compuestos que ya has aprendido en combinaciones fciles de seguir que seguramente elevarn tu baile. La instruccin en estas lecciones se entrega tanto en ingls como en espaol."
Price: 29.99

"Probabilidad y Estadstica" |
"Entre razones, proporciones, tendencias y dispersiones, este curso de probabilidad y estadstica est hecho para comprender cada aspecto de las matemticas que estudian los eventos y buscan patrones en los datos. A travs de la probabilidad y la estadstica es posible analizar datos de un conjunto de elementos para establecer sus tendencias y tomar decisiones apoyadas en hechos."
Price: 199.99

plavaemvvanne |
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Price: 1799.00

"Yoga For Beginners" |
"Have you been told you should try yoga but don't have any idea where to start? Starting Yoga can be intimidating. What mat do you get? Where do you take classes? A yoga studio? A Gym? At home on tv? Youtube? It is really overwhelming.Hi. My name is Jessica Coyne. Founder of Yoga For Beginners. I teach real yoga for regular people. This yoga is made for people that are all shapes and sizes, ages and easy to learn at any fitness level. Even couch potatoes! I take you through the basics step by step. I'll explain everything thoroughly and completely so that you actually understand what you're doing. You'll learn everything from what equipment to by and where to buy it, to the background of yoga to a detailed explanation and demonstration of each pose. Literally nothing is left out!In this course you'll recieve:Intro videoBackground of Yoga video that explains its methodologyA different video for each group of basic poses:Standing PosesSeated PosesBalancing PosesBackbending PosesHands On The Ground Poses30 minute practice video45 minute practice videoI have been teaching beginner yoga for nearly 10 years. I owned a yoga studio for 6 years and I realized the need for proper beginner yoga classes that are effective, enjoyable, and safe. I've taught thousands of clients with my Beginner Yoga method so I know you're going to love it!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Connect with Confidence and Build a Quality Network" |
"It is said that your Network = your Networth. Do you want to know how to connect with the right people in this DIGITAL WORLD we live in, so that you can be profitable in your business or be successful in your career?The Connect with Confidence Program will help you do that over 9 Sessions!During the program you will master the following topics:Preparing Yourself MentallyMaking a Positive First ImpressionMastering the Art of ConversationUsing the Science of Body LanguageUsing Humour to Best EffectBroadening your HorizonsTaking Acquaintances to the Next LevelBoundaries and Bottom LinesLook no further! This is the ultimate course that will set you up for success through a new level of confidence and greatly enhanced set of people skills.Imagine how it would feel to be so confident that you can connect with anyone easily.If you've ever felt lost and hopeless I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you.In just 9 sessions you will be able to:Break the ice whenever you meet someone new.Never run out of things to say at a networking or other event.Become the kind of person that other people want to be around.Transition from being a casual acquaintance to being a trusted connection.Establish a winner's mindset that will keep you feeling positive and confident."
Price: 159.99

"How To Turn Your Hobby Or Passion Into Increase And Income" |
"Do you want to turn your hobby or passion into a new stream of income? Have you always wanted to start a new business? Do you want to create a side hustle so you can make more money and take ownership of your life and time? If so, this is the right class for you!In this course, entrepreneur award-winning producer and entrepreneur, Evolyn Brooks walks you through how to choose the idea that is best suited for your goals and lifestyle. She provides you with a set of tools that will help you determine your market, identify your potential customer and develop an initial concept for your product offering."
Price: 34.99

"Manejo pr-abate e controle de qualidade agroindustrial" |
"PRINCIPAIS TPICOS ABORDADOS NO CURSO de Manejo pr-abate e controle de qualidade agroindustrialVinte aulas divididas em tpicos relacionados abaixo, com atividades complementares e material terico.Suporte do professor por e-mail.Bem-estar Animal e Abate Humanitrio Manejo pr-abate de animais de produo: Bovinos, Sunos e Frangos de corteAbates Religiosos: Halal (Mulumano) e Kosher (Judeu)Controle de Qualidade AgroindustrialProgramas de Auto ControleBoas Prticas de FabricaoDeteriorao e conservao dos alimentosMicroorganismos de importncia alimentarSegurana Alimentar"
Price: 84.99

"3D modeling & 3D printing with SELFCAD" |
"This training course teaches you how to model from scratch using SELFCAD. This tutorial is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior experience with SelfCAD or 3D modeling is required.SELFCAD software works on your Computer or Laptop Browser without any need to download any software offline.You will require to have a SELFCAD account. More details about the software can be found on their official website.You will start by learning the basic tools followed by more advanced modeling techniques. On completion of this computer-based training course, you will be comfortable and confident in using many of the basic and complex tools in SelfCAD. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the tutor throughout the lessons.The last set of files will be uploaded soon."
Price: 24.99
