"AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty AND be confident enough to pass your AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty exam on the very first go? Well, then CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Certificate in Ayurveda basics, Introductory course" |
"Course will teach you, Ayurveda basics is basic understanding of Ayurveda where it came from General Basic Principles Body tissue and its balance Mental Gunas Your Body Dosha Body Type and diet Body Fire and its balance Ayurvedic way of lifestyle Uses of Herbs in daily life Uses of Spices in daily life How to Detox your Body"
Price: 99.99

"Cinema 4D R21 Einsteiger" |
"Prsentieren Sie ihre Produkte auf einfache Art und Weise in 3D.Sie mchten 3D-Design und -Modellierung praxisnah anhand eines Beispiels erlernen?Dieser Kurs zeigt, wie man die vielen Werkzeuge von Cinema 4D durch ein zentrales Projekt verwendet.Wir werden eine Taschenlampe von Grund auf modellieren und ich zeige Tipps und Tricks wie sie effizient mit Cinema 4D arbeiten. Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Anfnger konzipiert, d.h. es sind keine Vorkenntnisse mit Cinema 4D oder 3D-Modellierung erforderlich.Sie lernen zunchst, das Navigieren in der Oberflche und wie Sie Symbolleisten, Fenster sowie die grundlegenden Zeichenwerkzeuge.Anschlieend lernen Sie das Konstruieren und Texturieren von 3D-Objekten.Die Taschenlampe wird von Grund auf mastabsgetreu erstellt und mit Texturen belegt. Ein gr0er Teil beschftigt sich mit der richtigen Ausleuchtung von Objekten und die richtigen Rendereinstellungen.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses sind Sie in der Lage, die in Cinema verfgbaren Werkzeuge zu verwenden, um Ihre eigenen 3D-Modelle zu erstellen."
Price: 29.99

"Implicit FE Analysis with Altair HyperMesh & OptiStruct" |
"Whether you are a candidate CAE engineer, or a professional one, or you are just interested in the field of FEA, this course will teach you the both the basics and the theory side of the matter with lots of examples, case studies and so on. We are going to use Altair portfolio of softwares through the course as Hypermesh, HyperView and Optistruct. Although most of the information that we will give will be solver independent, Optistruct provides a hands-on platform in which the learning process can be exploited. By the end of this course, you will be able to perform many different types of implicit analysis with confidence in Hypermesh environment with OptiStruct as your solver. Besides, you will also acquire tons of information that goes for different platforms such as ANSYS, Abaqus, Ls-Dyna and others. It is a very exciting process for us to publish the training materials, that we offer profesionally to OEMs for a long time now; in Udemy platform, and we hope that you like the content we provide as well. Hope to see you enrolled in the course !!"
Price: 159.99

"All Weather Investing Via Quantitative Modeling In Excel" |
"Do you think professional methods of investing are beyond your reach because it involves the state of the art infrastructure, rocket science, and a huge amount of money? Have you tried replicating someone else's trading style and method only to end up with drastically different or inconsistent results?Do you find it difficult to implement investment strategies that you learned because (a) you have no confidence about it, (b) you still don't know how to execute it, and/or (c) you have no time?THIS COURSE WILL CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION ABOUT THE APPROACH TO INVESTING.We will teach you in-depth an all-weather investing approach known as Risk Parity, from concept to implementation, whose principles are used among hedge fund professionals. Ray Dalio, the founder of the largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, is the first to launch a fund based on Risk Parity principles. This investing strategy is capable of creating robust portfolios that are much lower in risk. It remains resilient in harsh markets while yielding comparable or even higher returns than the broader stock market. After the course, you will be able to Do-It-Yourself. Risk Parity is a powerful quantitative investing strategy that is grounded in well-established theory and common sense. There are no chart reading, no thick annual reports, no constant monitoring of market news, and no forecasting. All investment decisions are driven by the model we will build in this course. The completed model requires less than 5 minutes of your time to update. With a good understanding of the strategy through hands-on learning, this will keep your discipline in check and prevent you from falling prey to emotions during times of market stress. The end result is consistency. We will build the model up in Excel using inbuilt Excel functions. No programming experience is required. Neither do we need expensive tools or data subscriptions. We will use only free resources.WHAT YOU WILL LEARNWhy investing purely in a portfolio of stocks is riskier than it looks.Why traditional means of diversification such as 50/50 or 60/40 is far from ideal.What is risk and why we should look at investments from the perspective of risk.What are the criteria to look at when choosing assets to construct a portfolio.What is the concept and rationale behind risk parity allocation.How to use critical Excel functions e.g. data lookup, logic operators, math and statistical functions, etc. What is the intuition and math behind key financial concepts, e.g. returns, volatility, correlation, marginal risk contribution, etc, and how to implement them on Excel.Where and how to get price data.How to model a buy and hold portfolio.What is rebalancing and how to model a portfolio with periodic rebalancing.How to perform portfolio weights optimization based on risk parity principle.How to incorporate transaction costs, borrowing costs, and leverage into the model.How to calculate key performance metrics and create a performance analytics worksheet for tracking model performance.How to create a dashboard to extract and display key information for making investment decisions.WHAT YOU WILL GETOver 8 hours of lectures developed with more than 15 years of experience in the asset management, hedge fund, and banking industry.Practice sheets on financial mathematics and excel functions with solutions.Guided step-by-step model building process complete with templates.Fully completed risk parity model file that you can use or improve on.Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk.VBA scripts to automate the data updating and weight optimization process. Unlimited lifetime access.Full 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.Online Q&A where you can pose your questions to us.An investment in the right education is one of the best investments one can make. The earlier you start, the better you will be in the future. So take action now and ENROLL IN THIS COURSE!"
Price: 209.99

"Clo3D for beginners" |
"3D garment creation is quickly becoming a necessary skill for patternmakers and fashion designers. With the growing demand for better productivity and smaller environmental footprint of the fashion industry, Clo3D has become a highly sought after skill. Add Clo3D to your CV with Clo3D for beginners course.The Clo3D for beginners course will teach you everything you need to start creating 3D garments - learn all the necessary basics in the shortest and the most efficient way possible, perfect for a busy professional whose time is valuable.You dont need any previous knowledge of 3D modelling software, because we will start from the very beginning - set up and navigation basics. This course will take you from having no knowledge of 3D software to developing your own designs, doing fittings, creating renders, animations, and much more. Because your time is valuable, the lectures are short and straight to the point, giving you maximum information quickly and efficiently. Go from complete beginner to a confident Clo3D user in less than 2.5 hours!By the end of the course you will also have developed a portfolio of several projects, which you will be able to add to your CV to showcase your new skills.I've added exercise files to this course, so you can follow along with me in the videos, and there are also some assignments for you to practice the skills you have learned.So if you have no time to waste, you have never used Clo3D before or you have but struggled with the basics, this course is for you."
Price: 104.99

"The Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp in Python" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to get started in data science. You don't need any prior knowledge in programming. We'll teach you the Python basics you need to get started. Here are the items we'll cover in this courseThe Data Science ProcessPython for Data ScienceNumPy for Numerical ComputationPandas for Data ManipulationMatplotlib for VisualizationSeaborn for Beautiful VisualsPlotly for Interactive VisualsIntroduction to Machine LearningDask for Big DataPower BI DesktopAssociation Rule Mining - AprioriDeep Learning & Next StepsFor the machine learning section here are some items we'll cover :How Algorithms WorkAdvantages & Disadvantages of Various AlgorithmsFeature ImportancesMetricsCross-ValidationFighting OverfittingHyperparameter TuningHandling Imbalanced DataTensorFlow & KerasAutomated Machine Learning(AutoML)Natural Language Processing"
Price: 199.99

"Agiles und klassisches Projektmanagement" |
"Der Kurs umfasst als einer der wenigen Projektmanagement Kurse beide PM-Methoden und zeigt auch auf, wann welche Methode - klassisch oder agil - die Richtige ist und wie beide miteinander zusammenhngen. In einigen Anwendungsbereichen kommt die agile Organisation in Betracht, die aber ohne die notwendigen Grundlagen schnell ins Durcheinander abdriftet und in anderen fehlen die kulturellen Voraussetzungen fr den agilen Ansatz und nur klassisches PM hat Aussicht auf Erfolg.Der Aufbau des Kurses ist so, dass du zuerst selbstndig das Skript durcharbeiten sollst und dann in der eigentlichen Lektion ein zusammenfassendes Video ist. Damit hast du viel mehr Kontrolle ber die Geschwindigkeit, in der du den Kurs machst und musst dir keine langatmigen Videos ankucken. Es gibt also vor jeder Lektion eine vorbereitende Aufgabe, in der immer das jew. Skript ist und dann in der Lektion die Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Learnings. Ich hoffe, du kommst damit gut durch den Inhalt!Dieser Kurs baut auf mehr als 30 Jahren Projektmanagement-Erfahrung und vermittelt die Grundlagen und das notwendige Praxis-Wissen fr klassisches und agiles Projektmanagement nach Scrum. Und die Kompetenz, die du bentigst, um das zu entscheiden, welche Variante (agil oder klassisch) wann angebracht ist. Dieser Kurs wurde ber viele Jahre vor mehreren hunderten Teilnehmenden als Prsenzkurs gehalten und die damit gesammelten Unterrichts-Erfahrungen und die Feedbacks der Teilnehmenden flossen in die Umsetzung als Onlinekurs ein.Michael Ruhe ist seit 1989 im Projektgeschft und hat in mehr als 200 Projekten mitgewirkt und die meisten davon geleitet. Die Inhalte dieser Projekte waren im Bereich Marketing, Markenmanagement, Kommunikation, Online, Websites, IT, Softwareentwicklung, Organisation und Prozess- bzw. Changemanagement - also ein sehr breites Spektrum, aus dem die Erfahrungen in diesem Kurs gebndelt sind."
Price: 169.99

"Solidworks Course for Absolute Beginners (Step-by-Step)" |
"The goal of this course is to teach you how to proficiently use SolidWorks mechanical design software to build parametric 3D models of parts and assemblies and how to make simple 2D drawings, and animation of those parts and assemblies.What will students learn in your course?Create 3D models in SolidWorksCreate an assembly with multiple parts in SolidWorksCreate 2D drawings in SolidWorksCreate an animation in SolidWorksAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?You should have SolidWorks 2016 or later version installed on your computerWho are your target audience?Engineering students, Engineers, Industrial designers,Anyone who wants to learn SolidWorksAnyone who wants to learn how to create 3D models and assembly in SolidWorksAnyone who wants to learn Computer Aided Drafting Design (CAD)Anyone who wants to learn how to create 2D Drawings in SolidWorks"
Price: 19.99

"Writing in English for Fluency" |
"This is a course for English language learners who have a base but want to work on fluency. The course takes you through writing activities that will increase your vocabulary, practice sentence structure and refine some basic grammar usage and syntax. You will begin with character description, place description and move to dialogue. You will be using some creative writing techniques to have a well written story as your final project. "
Price: 19.99

"Detox your Subconscious Mind by Mr. Gopal Patel" |
"This course will help to overcome past painful memories, Depression, Low mood, Mood swing, Anxious about future, Anxious about child future, education, overcome anxiety, helps to understand triggers of anxiety, Tips to follow to be free from depression Stress headache, this course will help to mute inner critical voice, and help to install new empowering voice in their subconscious mind."
Price: 1280.00

"Blockchain Revolution" |
"This course looks into the various aspects of blockchain, its evolution, classifications, uses and architecture. Apart from this the course also discusses the latest technology IOTA-which is a combination of blockchain and IOT.The course also looks closely at supply chain management based on blockchain, as well as it addresses some of the major security issues involved in overcoming the challenges."
Price: 1280.00

"Own The Zoom Room: Online Workshop And Meetings Facilitation" |
"""What I found most valuable about this course was the integration of facilitation skills for use on Zoom or online platforms."" - Lorna ""I achieved the goal set for the training, and I am glad I attended. Thank you"" - Eluwumi ""Thank you Peter, for the precise, well informing and educative course very relevant after this pandemic."" - TapiwaThis course will teach you how to run an online workshop that will keep people engaged and achieve your objectives. Effective meeting discipline will ensure that you use peoples time wisely as you meet together virtually to share ideas and collaborate effectively.Why you should do this course:Learn how to become an expert online facilitatorLearn the tips and tricks of running meetings using Microsoft TeamsEarn valuable credibility by running effective meetings and respecting peoples timeCreate alignment and productivity in your teamsCourse Overview:IntroductionPrepareFacilitateActionIncluded in this course you will also receive a handy worksheet that you can use to apply all these new skills in your next workshop.I look forward to hearing about how you have transformed your online workshop facilitation skills!"
Price: 99.99

"Double Your Academic Writing Quality: Tips to get finished" |
"""wow, this is an amazing course, well planned and thought provoking"" - Sakyiwaa ""Practical course with simple implementable ideas. Highly recommend"" - Trevor ""Excellent"" - Adebare, ""Very good"" - Bashar, ""eye opener"" - DivineIn this course I will present a range of principles and practices to help you write better. The course content is applicable across all fields, faculties and types of writing projects. We look at the relationship between thinking and writing, when to start writing, the golden thread and useful principles such as how to think like a reader. Some of the practices will help you with better sentence construction. These include: old before new, concrete subjects, complexity last and ways to ensure that your writing deals directly with what you are trying to convey. This will help your reader and ensure your writing flows. The material was developed over 5 years of running workshops for students at Wits University in Johannesburg. Some feedback from students of those workshops:These workshops should be compulsoryWell-planned and informative workshopThe session has been an eye-opener and the lecturer has emphasized a lot on simplicity and owning the storyImprove my sentence constructionHelpful tips and tricks - actual practical examplesClear understanding and articulation of academic writing styleClear and meaningful academic writing is something I care deeply about, and I would love some feedback about this course so I can continue to make improvements and help other writers just like you. Feel free to work through the material at your own pace and aim to put your learnings into practice as soon as possible.I look forward to hearing about your success as a writer."
Price: 104.99

"The Rock Balancer's Guide" |
"Follow the guide that covers the practical techniques of rock balancing, while also explaining how to breathe into the moment, see opportunity, believe in your strength, and so much more.This Udemy course is based on the book Travis Ruskus published in 2019, which shares the 7 Principles of Enlightenment he created after teaching thousands of people from all over the world how to rock balance.No matter your age, race, religion, gender, or wealth, the stone treats us all the same. Something as simple as picking up a rock and balancing it can actually have powerfully transformative effects in other areas of your life. The rocks are just a metaphor for whatever vision you are trying to achieve. Start this course today!"
Price: 99.99

"Agilit l'chelle : Introduction" |
"Apprenez comment l'Agilit l'chelle et le framework SAFe peuvent vous aider dans votre organisation et au sein de vos quipes mtiers et techniques, pour dlivrer de la valeur, plus rapidement et de meilleure qualit.L'Agilit l'chelle & le framework SAFe peuvent vous permettre d'arriver l'Agilit Business afin de vous imposer sur votre march et dpasser vos concurrents."
Price: 19.99

"DIY: Energy Healing Skin Care Range" |
"With around 4 and a half hours of video and multiple resources to supplement the course, this is the ultimate all in one course which teaches: Basics of Energy Bodies, Chakras and Energy HealingBasics of Colored Energies and their applicationsEssential Oils and their Energetic PropertiesOther Ingredients and their Energetic PropertiesCharging of Essential Oils and other ingredients to increase their efficacy many foldsMaking skin care products from scratch and adding the right energies for healing to heal not just physical body but also energy bodyIf you are an energy healer, interested in energy healing as a way of life rather than just couple of sessions a weekIf you are someone, who is taking regular healing sessions and want to make these healings continous and more effectiveIf you are a skincare product enthusiast and like making your own products but you are confused about which essential oil to use for which product. Of course there are so many with beautiful propertiesIf you are just keen to experiment with energies but don't know where to startYou have come to the right place...This course has answers to all the above questions with a potential to carve a niche and earn money. When energy healing becomes part of your daily life, it no more remains a task to be done separately. In our busy lives, it is difficult as it is to find time for healing or meditations, so why not use some shortcuts and adopt practices that we can actually follow. Examples of such practices are: Using Soaps or Scrubs that not only cleanses physical body, but also our energy bodyUsing Aura spray, to clean our energy body and remove all dirty and stressful energiesUsing Creams and Serums, which moisturize our face, remove stress and calm our mindUsing Face mist, which not only balances the PH of our face but also normalizes facial chakrasand the list goes on... Below is the list of skin care products, that we will be making in this course. Actual product pictures are included in the introduction section.Aura and Chakra Cleansing SpraySalt Water BathSoap - Melt and PourSoap - Cold Process Basic Cream BaseBasic Gel BaseFace Wash Body Salt ScrubCleansing Oil BlendFace ScrubBody Gel Scrub - CoffeeFacial CreamsBody LotionFace PackFace SerumFace Mist / TonerGel CreamHair Gel CreamUnder Eye GelPlease note: Not all skin care products made here are completely natural but I have kept the use of other ingredients to bare minimum and mostly used food grade or skin friendly products. I have also provided, the natural alternative wherever possible."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Adalo - Build an Instagram Clone" |
"In this course, youll build an Instagram clone with photos upload, profile pages, commenting, messaging, notifications, and search features! The best way to learn Adalo is to pick an app that already exists and try to make a copy of it. Let's get you making your own apps! The principles you learn in this course will give you a framework for building almost any app you can imagine within Adalo. You don't need any coding experience and if you can use a computer, you can make an app!"
Price: 24.99

"Quanto Tempo tem o Tempo?" |
"A vida moderna por vezes nos sufoca com tantos papis que precisamos desempenhar! Tudo corre velocidade da luz e muitos sentem-se atropelados pelo acmulo de tarefas a executar sem saber por onde comear.O tempo tem se tornado um recurso cada vez mais escasso e precioso e saber administr-lo fundamental se quisermos levar uma vida mais leve!O que voc vai encontrar aqui uma metodologia prtica, simples, para ser aplicada ao dia-a-dia em todas as reas de sua vida, em todos os papis que desempenha: pai/me, marido/esposa, empreendedor(a), profissional, amigo(a), filho(a), cristo e por a vai!Mas, no se engane! Isso no uma frmula mgica! Apesar de simples, um convite a refletir seu modo vida e suas prioridades! E eu estou aqui para direcion-lo nesse processo!"
Price: 174.99

"Curso de Resilincia Crist - Como desenvolver e treinar" |
"Este um curso organizado por vdeoaulas e e-books com exerccios voltados para o desenvolvimento da Resiliencia, so 11 vdeos, desenvolvidos com muito dinamismo para facilitar o aprendizado.O Elias Apeles presidente do instituto ""ACT NOW"", com uma experiencia de mais de 20 anos trabalhando no desenvolvimento de lideres Bacharel em teologia, Coach Ministerial, Escritor, Pastor e fundador de uma linda igreja que est em ascenso na cidade de Jandira com mais de 300 membros.Neste curso, voc aprender os componentes da resilincia pessoal e, tambm as definies apartir da palavra, sua evoluo e aplicao nas cincias humanas. Como o termo resilincia uma matria da fsica foi se adaptando ao tema do desenvolvimento pessoal, falaremos tambm da resilincia na perspectiva Bblica, como a f e a resilincia se completam e como podem juntas colaborar para o sucesso nas adversidades.No so poucas as pessoas que tem literalmente quebrado em todas as reas, familiar, financeira, profissional, ministerial, emocional, sentimental.... Enfim o mundo precisa de pessoas que aceite se deixar treinar a sua resilincia para diante dos intempries da vida, aprender a seguir em frente."
Price: 54.99

"DevOps na Prtica: Criando uma Pipeline do Zero" |
"Seja muito bem vindo(a) ao curso DevOps na Prtica: Criando uma Pipeline do Zero.Aqui voc vai conhecer de forma prtica a Cultura que esta transformando todo mercado de TI. Trouxe este curso para o estudante ou profissional que deseja aumentar o seu conhecimento e busca novas oportunidades e melhores salrios.Com esse curso voc dar os primeiros passos em uma carreira promissora, que une grandes reas da computao: Desenvolvimento e Infraestrutura.O principal objetivo da cultura DevOps a unio e harmonia dos times de TI, visando uma entrega mais rpida dos servios e aumento significativo na qualidade dos processos.Podemos definir DevOps como uma cultura, filosofia...Dessa forma, iremos aprender alguns conceitos, caractersticas, benefcios e ferramentas que fazem do DevOps uma arma to poderosa. No por acaso que empresas do mundo todo esto cada vez mais aderindo essas prticas e preceitos.Entusiastas tambm so muito bem vindos, tudo vai depender da sua proatividade e vontade de aprender.Infraestrutura como cdigo, CI/CD, Provisionamento, Teste unitrios, Deploy, so alguns dos conceitos que vamos conhecer e usar durante a nossa jornada.Por fim, voc far uma laboratrio. Ser desenvolvida uma Pipeline do zero, usando uma aplicao Node Js. Ao final, voc estar apto para falar com segurana sobre o assunto, alm de poder implementar solues simples passando por Pipelines totalmente atualizadas."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a usar as Ferramentas Google para Sala de Aula" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso completo Google For Education.Um curso totalmente prtico, porm bem detalhado, com tudo que voc precisa saber para realizar aulas ao vivo, criar e gerenciar atividades e avaliaes no Google Classroom (Google Sala de aula).Nesse curso conheceremos as ferramentas do Google e como us-las, com o objetivo de aperfeioar o ensino e envolver ainda mais os estudantes, principalmente, crianas e adolescentes. Ajudando voc, professor, a fazer ainda melhor o que j faz muito bem: mediar a aprendizagem de seus estudantes.A tecnologia do Google for Education possibilita aos educadores manter o aprendizado personalizado, garantindo melhor desempenho de suas turmas. J os alunos se beneficiam com a facilidade da plataforma e ganham mais tempo para aprendizagem.Conheceremos o Google Classroom ou Google Sala de Aula, Google Formulrio (criando avaliaes com autocorreo), Google Meet (para aulas ao vivo), Google Sites (para disponibilizar recursos para os estudantes), Google Planilhas, Google Apresentaes, Google Documentos, Google Drive (armazenar suas pastas e arquivos online), Google Agenda (para agendar suas aulas e tarefas), Google Tarefas e o Gmail."
Price: 204.99

"Novo Liderrpido" |
"Curso rpido para formao de lderes. Curso para despertamento e treinamento de lderes evanglicos. Esse curso j foi ministrado presencialmente para mais de 70000 pessoas por todo Brasil e em diversos pases ao redor do mundo. Muitas pessoas j foram tocadas pela mensagem do curso Liderrpido e se tornaram pastores, mestres, apstolos, diconos, etc"
Price: 39.99

"SeviceNow CSA - Certified System Administrator" |
"If you have decided to take on the Certified System Administrator exam you should consider going through the course materials as it will significantly increase your chances to pass the exam.This course is composed out of:60 Multiple Choice Questions and Answer with detailed explanation for each answer.These questions consists of all easy, medium and hard level.The nature of the questions is based on the ServiceNow real exam blueprint.If you are in a dilemma of cracking the csa certification, take this mock test and if you pass put your heads up and if not read the explanation for each answer and you can take second attempt and boost yourself up.What youll learnQuestions and Answers for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator exam with detailed explanation.The questions found in the document are similar to the ones you will find in the exam classroom but are not guaranteed to be the same. What is guaranteed? That the practice tests will help you to achieve your ServiceNow Administration certificate.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?A pre-reading of the ServiceNow Administration module would be preferred.Basic experience in working with the ServiceNow tool.Who this course is for:New ServiceNow usersExisting ServiceNow usersStudents"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Advanced Civil and transportation Engineering with test and tutorials made with the help of team of EduTech consultants working under our leadership of Design consultants...to provide best educational content to the students appearing for any of the engineering and technology examinations in their academic career. Hence we request you all to subscribe our contents and encourage us with your support."
Price: 19.99

"Mac Power User and Productivity Tips with Setapp" |
"*June 2020- Added 3 new videos with downloadable PDFs.In this course, we will dive into the Setapp service and see how to become a power user of your Mac using the apps that come with a Setapp subscription. Anyone looking to be more productive on their Mac and be introduced to the best Mac Apps available will enjoy this series. Also, check back often because we will add to this course as new apps are added to the service."
Price: 19.99

"Meditation Art of Mandala Painting for Beginners" |
"I am busy every dayI feel stressI want my own timeDo you think that way?Mandala represents a circular world that extends from eh center. By repeating the same works, it leads to relaxation of the tired body and head with its comfortable rhythm.You can achieve your own mandala by using your favorite shape and color. Youll feel as if youve become an artist.Hi my name is Michiko. Ive been teaching decorative painting for more than 20 years. From several years ago, I started to teach Wagara Decorative Painting which combines Western decorative painting and Japanese wagera.In Mandala Painting I teach in this course, I eliminate difficult techniques of decorative painting and complete with only the stencils and strokes. You can achieve Mandala Painting with only those easy techniques. The point is press and draw with your round brush.Section 1 Teacher profile and about mandalaSection 2 About mandala artSection 3 Tools and paintsSection 4 6 basic techniquesSection 5 Lets make a mandala coasterThe narration is in Japanese. The subtitle is English.I like yoga and meditation. Concentrating, dealing with colors and expressing of decorative painting I feel that those characteristics of decorative painting has a great influence on peoples spirit.The mandala painting taught in this lesson is beautiful and lightening your stress and giving a healing to your heart.I hope you enjoy this easy and beautiful mandala painting."
Price: 39.99

"DigitalOcean Cloud Platform Fundamentals" |
"DigitalOcean makes it simple to launch in the cloud and scale up as you grow with an intuitive control panel, predictable pricing, team accounts, and more.This is a great course to get you started with DigitalOcean. In this course, we'll cover everything about DO and how you can get started using it by making a lot of the most common things used familiar to you:DigitalOcean DropletsDigitalOcean SpacesDeploying VPCCloud FirewallSnapshotsNetworkingCommunication b/w instancesPricing of most servicesCloud is the future. And DigitalOcean allows you to cheaply get started with it and learn it. It's like the baby steps for more advanced cloud platforms like AWS or GCP. Learning DO is a must if you're an indie developer wanting to get into Cloud and DevOps. Hurry up and get yourself equipped with the most in-demand tech!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Data Visualization Course 2020" |
"Do you want to learn how to create a rich variety of graphs and charts?Do you wish you had superior data interpretation skills?Does your workplace require data visualization proficiency?Yes, yes, and most likely yes.The Complete Data Visualization Course is here for you with TEMPLATES for all the common types of charts and graphs in Excel, Tableau, Python, and R!These are 4 different data visualization courses in 1 course!Whether your preferred environment is Excel, Tableau, Python, or R, this course will enable you to start creating beautiful data visualizations in no time!You will not only learn how to create charts, but also how to label them, style them, and interpret them. Moreover, you will receive immediate access to all templates we work with in the lessons. Simply download the course files, replace the dataset, and amaze your audience!Graphs and charts included in The Complete Data Visualization Course:Bar chartPie chartStacked area chartLine chartHistogramScatter plotScatter plot with a trendline (regression plot)We live in the age of data. And being able to gather good data, preprocess it, and model it is crucial.However, there is nothing more important than being able to interpret that data. And data visualization allows us to achieve just that.Data visualization is the face of data. Many people look at the data and see nothing. The reason for that is that they are not creating good visualizations. Or even worse they are creating nice graphs but cannot interpret them accurately.This course will tackle both of these problems. We will make sure you can confidently create any chart that you need to provide a meaningful visualization of the data you are working with. Not only that you will be able to label and style data visualizations to achieve a ready-for-presentation graph. Furthermore, through this course, you will learn how to interpret different types of charts and when to use them. We will provide examples of great charts as well as terrible charts. We will spare no effort in transforming you into the key person for data visualizations in any team.We are confident that by the time you complete this course, creating and understanding data visualizations will be a piece of cake for you!What makes this course different from the rest of the Data Visualization courses out there?4 different data visualization courses in 1 course we cover Excel, Tableau, Python and RReady-to-use templates for all charts included in the courseHigh-quality production Full HD and HD video and animations crafted professionally by our experienced team of visual artistsKnowledgeable instructor team with experience in teaching on UdemyComplete training we will cover all common graphs and charts you need to become an invaluable member of your data science teamExcellent support - if you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1 business dayDynamic - we dont want to waste your time! The instructor sets a very good pace throughout the whole courseWhy do you need these skills?Salary/Income careers in the field of data science are some of the most popular in the corporate world today. Literally every company nowadays needs to visualize their data, therefore the data viz position is very well paidPromotions being the person who creates the data visualizations makes you the bridge between the data and the decision-makers; all stakeholders in the company will value your input, ensuring your spot on the strategy teamSecure future being able to understand data in todays world is the most important skill to possess and it is only developed by seeing, visualizing and interpreting many datasetsPlease bear in mind that the course comes with Udemys 30-day money-back guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee? We are certain this course will provide a ton of value for you.Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 199.99

"Professional Email Writing: Communicating Clearly Online" |
"Our culture has adopted a relaxed, conversational way of communicating that is often punctuated with acronyms and slang. While this laid back style certainly has a time and place, the ability to communicate professionally is a skill everyone should work to master. Most people spend HOURS of time each week writing and reading emails; this course will teach you how to:Write professional-sounding emails quickly and efficientlyGive your readers a clear action step so you increase your email response rateAvoid common phrases and grammar issues that take away from your email's effectivenessAnd so much more!This course is perfect for anyone that: Works in a client-facing position Is an employee responsible for communicating with team members Is a freelancer that needs to interface with clients and vendors Owns a business Provides services or products to customers Is actively seeking employmentProfessional email writing is a skill that anyone can learn. While there are many moving parts involved in writing a compelling, grammatically correct email, this course covers the basics you need to get started writing text that is detailed, professional, error-free, slang-free, and engaging.Student Reviews: See What Jennah's Students Have To Say About Her Courses:- Loved the course. I watched it in one day, so that says enough - Nouchka Depotter- Great stuff, learning a lot - Sam Joseph - This course is put together really professionally. There are so many usefully and practical projects, tips, tricks, material and more - Gerrmaine Richards- Great course and lots of useful information! Love your energy! Thank you! - Veronika Velkova- Lots of helpful and well-presented info, delivered straight to the point and in chunks that are easy to follow and digest, in a short amount of time. - I highly recommend this course to anyone who's looking for easier client management and workflow. - Miriam R."
Price: 49.99
