"Life Writing of Chinese Characters" |
"Life writing Chinese character is something different from school way. In school they will teach you a very formal writing which we don't follow much. We have our own way to write. So in this course i am going to show you how to write Chinese characters like a native."
Price: 19.99

"Create Windows Forms Applications With C# and Visual Studio" |
"Windows Forms is a Graphical User Interface(GUI) class library which is bundled in .Net Framework. Its main purpose is to provide an easier interface to develop the applications for desktop, tablet, PCs.Windows Forms are also referred to as WinForms applications can contain the different type of controls like labels, list boxes, tooltip etc.In Windows Forms, a form is a visual surface on which you display information to the user. You ordinarily build Windows Forms applications by adding controls to forms and developing responses to user actions, such as mouse clicks or key presses.What You can do with Windows Forms:Develop smart clients ( Smart clients are graphically rich applications that are easy to deploy and update)Build rich, interactive user interfacesRequest input from users, and communicate with remote computers over a network.Create powerful Windows-based applications.In this course we will build two windows forms project ( A calculator and volume converter) step by step from scratch using the C# programming language and visual studio integrated development environment ( IDE)"
Price: 69.99

"Calculus - Introduction to Derivative Integral and Limit" |
"In this course we will introduce the concepts of derivative and integral. That will serve as a good beginning point to start learning calculus. These two parts are complete in and of themselves. The course contains a third part that starts with limits. In this section, you'll learn the main concept of a limit and how to calculate it manually using a table of values or the graph of the function. There are some other parts related to limits like the laws of limits and the precise definition of limits that will be discussed in subsequent courses. We had to exclude those parts from this course otherwise the course would have become extremely large. This course can be used in conjunction with our subsequent courses related to calculus by those who wish to start calculus and learn it properly.About the prerequisites of this course (and all our courses related to calculus), you need to know functions, algebra and trigonometry before starting these courses. You can find some of those prerequisites in the list of courses offered by us. Due to the large number of courses we produce, we have to give them code numbers. This course has the code number 52. Please use this code in your correspondence with us in order to refer to this course. Thank you!"
Price: 19.99

"MSTER Diseo Grfico, Editorial, Web, Vdeo, Foto y 3D" |
"Mster Integral Diseo Grfico, Editorial, Web, Vdeo, Foto y 3DEl Curso Ms Completo en Diseo Grfico de Udemy. Illustrator + InDesign + PhotoShop + Premiere + Wordpress + MailingInstructores: lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020En el Mster Integral Diseo Grfico, Editorial, Web, Vdeo, Foto y 3D aprenderemos todas las herramientas, funciones y tcnicas utilizadas, desde cero, hasta nivel profesional. La formacin integra herramientas de diseo grfico y audiovisual en un solo ecosistema, para comunicar y expresar tus ideas y entrenar tu creatividad. Este Mster nos servir para aplicar lo aprendido en la creacin y edicin de imgenes digitales, de ilustraciones profesionales y en la creacin y produccin de publicaciones digitales e impresas. El curso es perfecto para usuarios con cero o muy poco conocimiento de estos programas, as como para quienes quieren aprender ms o profundizar en lo que ya saben.Adobe Illustrator es el programa para el diseo grfico vectorial ms utilizado a nivel mundial. Adobe InDesign es la aplicacin nmero uno para el diseo y creacin editorial. Con ella podemos crear desde simples brochures, hasta publicaciones ms avanzadas como libros, revistas y peridicos. Adobe Photoshop es la herramienta por excelencia para el retoque y creacin fotogrficos. Adobe Premiere es el programa por excelencia en la edicin audiovisual. Wordpress es el programa referente en el desarrollo web. SketchUp es el ms extendido software de diseo 3D. Conocers en detalle los fundamentos del diseo grfico de forma fcil, adems te ensear tcnicas rpidas y sencillas para que puedas crear cualquier tipologa de diseo sin bloqueos, sin frustraciones y con resultados de calidad.Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida Mster Integral Diseo Grfico, Editorial, Web, Vdeo y Foto.Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasAdobe IllustratorAdobe InDesignAdobe PhotoShopAdobe Premiere ProWordpressMailChimpToma FotogrficaGrabacin de VdeoDiseo y Modelado 3DRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de BaosEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin ""Mster Integral Diseo Grfico, Editorial, Web, Vdeo y Foto""Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los diseadores lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 dasLa modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Crer un site E-Commerce sans coder grce WooCommerce" |
"Vous souhaitez crer une boutique en ligne pour vendre facilement vos produits sur internet ? Alors cette formation complte est faite pour vous ! Il s'agit du cours complet le plus rcent que vous pouvez trouver !Aucune comptence particulire n'est requise, n'importe qui peut suivre ce cours et tre rapidement oprationnel. En quelques heures vous serez en mesure de crer un site e-commerce complet et fonctionnel. Aprs avoir suivi cette formation vous pourrez gagner de l'argent sur internet grce votre boutique e-commerce !En plus d'tre trs facile prendre en main, les outils que nous allons utiliser sont totalement GRATUITS ! Wordpress ainsi que WooCommerce sont gratuits et ne ncessitent aucun investissement de votre part !Nous allons tout voir de A Z, de la cration de la boutique la gestion des ventes et des clients en passant par l'optimisation du rfrencement de votre site e-commerce pour tre visible sur les moteurs de recherche. Nous dcouvrirons chaque menu de l'administration de Wordpress afin de travailler avec toutes les fonctionnalits. Nous dcouvrirons particulirement :Comment installer WordpressComment crer des articlesComment crer des pagesComment crer un menuComment modifier l'apparence de notre siteComment installer des extensionsComment installer et configurer WooCommerceComment crer des produitsComment grer les commandes et les clientsComment crer des codes promoComment rgler notre boutique en ligneComment mettre en place de l'analytics pour rcolter et analyser des donnesComment personnaliser des pagesComment optimiser le SEO de notre site avec YoastComment amliorer la lisibilit de nos pagesComment grer les stocks, la TVA, les dclinaisons de produits...Et bien plus !Vous tes prts vous lancer dans la vente en ligne ? Alors n'attendez plus, rejoignez mon cours et apprenez avec un expert !Cette formation est la plus rcente que vous pouvez trouver en ligne, j'utilise les dernires versions des outils (mi 2020).Vignette du cours cre par upklyak (Freepik)"
Price: 29.99

"PPC Advertising - Black Belt Ninja" |
"Don't wait any more to get high quality leads that are begging you to do business with you.Increase you revenue and reduce your CPC.Learn the best practises of:keyword selectionad writing PPC Advertising Key Fundamentals negative keywords biddingquality scoread extensionsand more!My guarantee to you is, that if you do all the homework and document your result and you will apply what I teach, you will get minimum of 20 % improvement in:- revenue- CTR (click through rate)- traffic- reduction in Cost per actionor your money back.Let me briefly tell you my story...My ex-boss was a short, blood-sucking vampire. His cold eyes and a steely glare that could kill a fly on the spot.Many believed that he has been possessed by demons and attending demonic sessions.When he asked you a question, he would move his head to one side and ask weird questions and shout and scream.I would work my ass off to get clients not only for me but also for his business. He always wanted more and more clients and increased business revenue without wanting to spend any of his dimes on marketing and advertising. On top of it, the receptionist did everything she could to repel any good client and kept offering them her own services. She was grimacing on virtually all clients. Despite all of this, I kept working hard, did cold calling every day and invested my own money on getting the leads and draining my savings account. I couldn't sleep at night from all the mental abuse and physical exhaustion. Also, at that time I was interested in a guy who promised me collaboration and promotion of my business. Of course, it didn't happen and worse than that, he chose to help a prostitute get some work and promotion. I had nobody to turn to so I turned to alcohol for help to soothe the pain. I went through a mental breakdown and wanted to commit suicide many times. I had no hope and didn't know how to get out of the black magic spell.One morning when I woke up in pain and covered in blood and emotionally, spiritually and physically depleted with broken glass on the floor I knew something is gotta change NOW!I couldn't get up and passed out. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel when I saw the flashing light of the ambulance.Who did that? I DID.Who does that? YOU DO. Up to your eyeballs in debt. Just to have your name on the business door.The SS spiritual guru had a diamond ring.I called it a ""blood diamond"". Because I knew every bit of the blood, sweat, and tears it took to get new clients for the business.He would twist that ring around his finger the whole time he leered at me and talked down to you.I lived with my neck under the SS boss boot until the day I discovered and applied the secrets mentioned in my UDEMY courses.Spending thousands of pounds on the law of attraction training, courses and books did not work.Applying ancient knowledge from my courses, changing my beliefs, applying the right strategies and choosing my own preferred reality did work.In 6 weeks I went from 15-2- leads per week to 50-100 per week.And I went from chasing and begging the clients to actually clients chasing and begging me to get an appointment.Fast forward a coule of years... I own international businesses that are profitable, have enough quality leads, clients waiting list and my life is happy and peaceful.It's the ONE Decision I made that made it happen.I started investing in myself and studied reality creation secrets and Online Marketing.And from then my life has completely changed because now I have multiple thriving online businesses and have a partner who adores me, loves me and is very proud of me.I went from 0 to hero within a few months just applying the simple wisdom and techniques mentioned in my amazing courses.Your life can change too, it is just one decision away from you.Kick-Ass In Life and In Business!"
Price: 99.99

"10 Nouveaux Ateliers Pratiques sur Adobe After Effects CC" |
"Bienvenue sur cette formation After Effects en vido qui va vous permettre de dcouvrir des techniques de plus en plus avances avec le logiciel d'animation et de trucage vido d'Adobe.Ddi aux dbutants, amateurs ou confirms, connaissant dj l'interface du logiciel, cette formation de 3,5 heures vous permettra d'explorer la richesse des possibilits propos par le logiciel pour la cration de Motion Design, d'Animation, d'talonnage ou des Effets Spciaux de Cinma.Pourquoi After Effects ? Le Motion Graphics et les effets visuels deviennent de plus en plus prcieux et important dans toute vido cre. Apprendre crer ces animations en utilisant Adobe After Effects est devenu essentiel. Les talents pour crer ce genre d'animations et d'effets sont de plus en plus demands dans diffrents domaines (cinma, vidos Youtube, socits d'animation...).Cette formation a t ralis pour vous permettre de progresser votre rythme, travers des vidos courtes pour explorer toute les possibilits offertes par le logiciel.Cette formation est compose de 10 Ateliers Pratiques:Crez un rendu liquide qui tombe sur une image.Animez la rflexion d'un texte ou d'une image de faon dynamique.Un texte qui sort d'un liquide en jouant avec les calques de forme.L'animation d'une transition entre deux textes, avec un effet de dcoupage anim des lettres.Une explosion d'nergie de type dessin anim.Crez une plante dans un environnement stellaire.Ralisez le logo de chargement du gnrique de Black Mirror.Back to the 80', crez un visuel anne 80 avec son rendu VHS.Rvlez le logo de Batman de faon pique (avec le plugin gratuit SABER).Dsintgrez un texte lettre par lettre en des milliers de particules (avec le plugin Particular).Et tout a n'est qu'une partie de tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir. Cette formation va vous permettre de dcouvrir, de vous familiariser et d'approfondir vos connaissances avec la pratique sur After Effects. Ici un seul objectif: Pas de thorie, que de la Pratique !!Ce cours vous offre la chance de comprendre, de pratiquer et de dvelopper vos comptences en tant qu'artiste des effets visuels, du temps et du mouvement.Donc je vous dis trs bientt pour cette formation."
Price: 79.99

"DBT Distress Tolerance Skills Basic to Advance" |
"DBT Distress Tolerance Skills Basic to Advance Learn 25 Essential Dialectical Behavior Therapy [DBT] Skills for Emotion Regulation & Distress ToleranceDialectical behavior therapy, developed by Marsha Linehan, is extraordinarily effective at helping people manage overwhelming emotions. Research shows that dialectical behavior therapy strengthens a persons ability to handle distress without losing control or acting destructively.In this course you will learn:8 Basic Distress Tolerance SkillsHow to create your own distraction plan5 Self Soothing SkillsHow to create your own self-soothing planUsing Radical Self Acceptance5 Advance Distress Tolerance SkillsHow to create your own emergency distress coping plan7 Basic Mindfulness Guided MeditationsDisclaimer: My courses are not a substitute for professional help of medicine, certified therapist, or counselor nor is it a substitute for University approved courses. I am a Certified NLP & CBT Practitioner learned from Achology The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology. By enrolling and applying my advices you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. The certificate of completion doesn't hold any value other than what this platform claims. My courses do not hold any academic value and are void of warranty. All my courses are mere self improvement advice gain from personal learning and experience. Student agrees to purchase this course with full knowledge of above facts."
Price: 199.99

"18 Guided Meditations of Tantra, Mindfulness and Vipassana" |
"18 Guided Meditations for Awakening, Wisdom and RelaxationGuided Meditations of Tantra, Mindfulness and Vipassana to improve quality of life, cultivate equanimity & attain higher consciousnessThis courses is a bundle of guided meditations from Vigyana Bhairava Tantra, Buddhist Vipassana Meditations and DBT Mindfulness Variations.This course is for you if:You want to learn MeditationYou want variety of MeditationsYou seek higher consciousnessYou seek to develop wisdomYou seek to gain insight into the nature of mind and realityYou seek to realise GodYou want to manage stressYou want to improve focus and concentrationYou want to end sufferingYou want to overcome distress, trauma, emotional dysfunction, and depressionYou want to have peaceful and equanimous lifeYou want to develop spiritually"
Price: 99.99

"Criando Grficos incrveis R GGPLOT2 e Impor/Export dados R" |
"A construo de grficos com qualidade, vai depender muito do seu conhecimento na gerao de scripts que garantam dados corretos, entretanto, aps voc ter a garantia que estes dados estaro corretos, voc precisar de um ferramental que transforme as suas necessidades em produtos para o seu gestor ou quem dirige a empresa que trabalha. Pensando nisso, constru um curso sob medida para todos aqueles que desejam conhecer a construo de grficos no R em sua plenitude, o uso do R GGPLOT2, que permite utilizar a biblioteca com mais contedos grficos do R.Alinhada a esta necessidade de gerao de grficos, foi unido um ferramental de importao e extrao de dados no R, conjuntado em um curso para leitura de arquivos dentro da linguagem R em diversos formatados, DOC TXT, JSON, dentre outros. Podendo tambm ser exportados para os formatos mais conhecidos dos estatsticos e de quem operacionaliza o R: SAS, EPI-INFO, SPSS, etc.Pensando nisso, foi criado este treinamento que conjuga duas das mais importantes tarefas da linguagem R. Sou profissional da rea de dados h mais de 15 anos, e tenho trabalhado durante este tempo com dados emprofundidade.Venha e conhea, aproveite para ficar preparado para o marcado.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 174.99

"Data Science ORANGE e Scripts de import e export no R" |
"O ORANGE conhecido como uma das principais ferramentas que existem no mercado para construo de projetos de dados, nele que conseguimos gerar os principais insights que uma soluo de dados pode prover quando trabalhamos com algoritmos de previso e preparao de dados para conhecer o que eles podem traduzir. no ORANGE que construirmos os nossos modelos matemticos e estatsticos, preparamos as nossas anlises com os mais diversos algoritmos e criamos as sadas de dados que podem ser lidas no R, por exemplo. A sada destes dados podem ser gerados em arquivos texto , que podem ser importados para o R e trabalhados com mais uma gama enorme de algoritmos. Este o nosso segundo curso importao e exportao de dados no R, que permitir voc conhecer tudo sobre como podemos importar das mais diversas formas e preparar o formato adequado para nossas anlises. Voc aprender a exportar para formatos consagrados como SPSS, EPI_INFO, dentre outros, tudo isso com scripts preparados e ensinados passo a passo.J eu estarei aqui para retirar todas as suas dvidas e preparar ajud-lo a estudar com um curso que tem uma tima qualidade. Tenho mais de 15 anos trabalhando com dados e preparando material para que voc possa aprender.Ento venha, conhea a ementa e comece hoje mesmo."
Price: 189.99

"Ultimate course on Digital Painting" |
"Digital painting, comic and cartoon series creations, personal caricature have become trending type of art now a days. In this course you will learn how to get started and how to become proficient in Digital paintings, also this course will give you broader view towards applications of digital paintings. Editing images in procreate is also included in this course."
Price: 4160.00

"CCIE - 350-401 ENCORE - EIGRP Implementation with Labs" |
"In this course the author will explain the facts of eigrp, the feature of eigrp, the terminology used for eigrp. The author will show the difference in applying the eigrp under classic format and named format. The author will explain the formula used under both formats. The author shows why named eigrp will be used in high speed networks. The course has 4 important labs that cover the injection of default route, summarization, redistribution and stub. The author will configure the labs step by step so the student will learn how to implement the labs.Join the course and master eigrp ."
Price: 104.99

"Math For Grade 8" |
"Math For Grade 8 course is meant for children aged 12 to 13 years. It does not matter whether you are studying Math at school or if you are being Home Schooled, you become a MATH MASTER with this course.Math For Grade 8 course is designed such that students can pick up simple concepts in a fun and easy environment. video lectures with clear explanations, practice demonstrations, and Quizzes to help you remember what you have learnt.Math for Grade 8 is great for students who simply want to revise what they have already learnt and want to gain extra practice before a test or examination so that students can obtain higher grades :-)Topics Covered:1) Quadratic Equations & Graphs. 2) How to solve quadratic equations? 3) How to draw graphs of quadratic equations?4) Algebraic Fractions & Formulae3) How to Simplify Algebraic Fractions?4) Multiplication & Division of Algebraic Fractions5) Addition & Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions6) Manipulation of Algebraic Formulae7) What are Geometric Transformation?8) How to do Geometric Transformation with Reflection?9) How to do Geometric Transformation with Rotation?10) How to do Geometric Transformation with Translation?11) What is the Pythagoras Theorem?12) How to use Pythagoras Theorem?13) Word problems on Pythagoras Theorem?14) What are Trigonometric Ratios?15) Understanding Trigonometric Ratios. What is Sin A, Cos A, Tan A?16) Calculating Trigonometric Ratios using a Calculator?17) Calculating Size of Angles Using Trigonometric Ratios?18) Statistical Averages19) Calculating the Mean20) Calculating the Median21) Calculating the ModeThis course is fun... Its easy!And If you have any problems you can feel free to contact me via the built in message serviceI look forward to hearing from you!Good LuckShakir"
Price: 99.99

"Crystal Grid Boot Camp" |
"Lets deep dive into the realm of crystal grids. Exploring Programing Crystals, Setting intentions for Rising Vibration and Healing. Understand the ritual and process to creating grids to transform your life and space. We will be looking at sacred geometry and 3d grids for homes and large out door spaces along with mini grids for meditation and self-improvement.Workshops Outline:Part 1: Crystal Mindfulness and Crystal Grid PreparationPart 2: History of Crystal GridsPart 3: Sacred GeometryPart 4: Selecting and Programing your Generator center stonePart 5 Directing energy with crystal points & wandsPart 6: Affecting Energy! Internal/External/CosmicPart 7: Crystal grids for HealingPart 8: Crystal grids for intentionsPart 9: Crystal grids for your homePart 9: Homework AssignmentsCreating A grid For Self HealingCreating a grid to Change the Energy in your life set to an intention.Part 10: Pulling it all together!This is an intensive intermediate Level Course! Must Understand Energy and crystal Basics"
Price: 199.99

"Java Interview Questions" |
"This course helps you prepare for Java Interviews. Here are the highlights of the course:Covers all Java Language topics and important librariesEach question tests your knowledge of a particular concept or API and provides answer with explanation Suitable for anyone preparing for either written test or oral interview or Java Certification ExamCovers questions on topics up to Java 14Helps you identify areas of improvement "
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft Excel Intermediate" |
"This course is designed for users who wish to increase their skills and knowledge of spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel. This level will help the delegate to produce more productive spreadsheets using formulas and function techniques. It includes Logic, Lookup, Date and the new Array Functions e.g. XLOOKUP, SORT, and UNIQUE."
Price: 149.99

Excel |
"ExcelINDEXExcel ()Excel ()Excel ()Excel ()INDEXExcel ()"
Price: 600.00

"Software development in Python: A practical approach" |
"NB: CERTAIN VIDEOS MAY HAVE BAD SOUNDThe reason I got into python, I wanted to be a software engineer, I had just built a chat app in PHP and JQuery and a girl asked me if it could run on phone. I responded yes, but I knew that would only be possible using help using non-native means. I wanted native builds, not some complex framework which will only allow me to make a web app whiles I could use the time to study a full fledge programming language. There were others like making a web view app, I didn't like the Idea because there would definetely be setbacks. And I also wanted to be a software engineer or developer, I had built two almost identical CMSs with PHP and I felt I was ready to move into the software development space. So I made up my mind to go straight into software development, what language should I use? I turned to Google, and Google made it clear that I should turn to python.The exact thing they did was, they mentioned two things:1. It is easier to learn and,2. Some modern applications are built with it. What application? Blender3d. I knew blender, it is a beautiful 3d software.So I got into python because I wanted to build softwares with it.Today most python programmers actually want to build web apps, python has been so popular, its power is been used to almost overthrow PHP. Personally I don't like it for two reasons: 1. I love PHP, it made me feel like a programmer, more than JavaScript ever did.2. Python is capable of a lot more, that is not its preserve. Its domain is in the software development world.The many python developers should be building softwares with it, not web apps. Web apps has many alternatives, but in the software developement space python is almost alone when it comes to learnability, readability and availability. Even on Android we are leaking there soon we will be so there.I hope you take my humble advice and study software development with python. It is awesome. This course is focused on that. Enjoy lets go."
Price: 134.99

"Certifications en Marketing Digital [+ 20 certifs gratuites]" |
"Rejoignez-nous cette formation qui va vous prsentez une vingtaine de certifications internationnales dlivres par les gants du web comme Facebook, Google, SEMRush et autres inscrivez-vous vite pour dcouvrir les certifications les plus convoites en Marketing Digital comme: 1- Facebook Certified Digital Marketing Associate2 - Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional3 - Facebook Certified Media Planning Professional4 - Social Media Marketing Certification 5 - Inbound Marketing Certification6 - Content Marketing Certificationet plein d'autres encore FORMATEUR : Directeur d'une agence digitale, certifi Google, Facebook, Email Marketing, Inbound Marketing et Social Media....Rejoignez-nous ce parcours qui va vous donner les connaissances dont vous aurez besoin pour acqurir ces certifications internationalesNous sommes toujours disponible en cas de besoin, nous serons heureux rpondre vos commentaires et vos question et vous accompagner la russite de votre parcours.Obtenez un certificat d'achvement lorsque vous avez termin le cours!Avec notre garantie satisfait ou rembours de 30 Jours, vous n'avez pas hsiter!!INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT!"
Price: 99.99

"Develop RESTful Web Services using NestJS and MongoDB" |
"Nest (NestJS) is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).Under the hood, Nest makes use of robust HTTP Server frameworks like Express (the default) and optionally can be configured to use Fastify as well!Nest provides a level of abstraction above these common Node.js frameworks (Express/Fastify), but also exposes their APIs directly to the developer. This allows developers the freedom to use the myriad of third-party modules which are available for the underlying platform.In recent years, thanks to Node.js, JavaScript has become the lingua franca of the web for both front and backend applications. This has given rise to awesome projects like Angular, React and Vue, which improve developer productivity and enable the creation of fast, testable, and extensible frontend applications. However, while plenty of superb libraries, helpers, and tools exist for Node (and server-side JavaScript), none of them effectively solve the main problem of - Architecture.Nest provides an out-of-the-box application architecture which allows developers and teams to create highly testable, scalable, loosely coupled, and easily maintainable applications. The architecture is heavily inspired by Angular.In this course I am going to guide you through the process of planning, developing and deploying a fully-featured RESTful web service using TypeScript+NestJS on Node platform."
Price: 12800.00

"Learn Basic telugu spoken with hindi language Hindi" |
"Hindi is the most common language spoken in both India and other popular foreign countries. So I have introduced a basic version of Telugu language course by Hindi. If the basic gets good response then i will upload the second part soon. Till then have a basic intro with this complex but amazing language.Hindi Bharat aur kai saare desho me bole jaana wala ek mashoor basha hai. Tho isliye maine Telugu Basha ko Hindi me sikhaane ki koshish ki hai. Agar yeh chotasa course aapko pasand aaya to me aage aur bhi course upload karunga telugu ke upar."
Price: 24.99

"Introducing Aspen Plus V11 : Chemical engineering simulation" |
"Welcome to this online introductory course to Aspen Plus.Aspen Plus is a powerful engineering simulation software that you can use to model a wide range of chemical processes.It is widely used in engineering universities and in the industry, in research, development, modeling and design.Aspen Plus serves as the engineering platform for modeling processes from Upstream through Gas Processing to Petroleum Refining, Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical processes.This online course is designed for chemical and process engineers new to Aspen Plus and who need basic training to get started.The course will introduce you to the basic structure of the software and leads you through a hands-on introduction to the various features of Aspen Plus, designed to facilitate the set up of simple problems.Features such as the material balance, access to Aspen Plus documentation, the Next button, menu navigation, Properties and simulation environments, and the report function are introduced.So in just about 3 hours, this online course will :Show you the benefits of process simulation using Aspen PlusFamiliarize you with Aspen Plus graphical user interface and organizational structureProvide you with the basic concepts necessary for creating simulations in Aspen Plus such as :How to enter necessary elements to define a Fluid PackageHow to select the appropriate property method for your applicationHow to define material streams and connect unit operations to build a flowsheetHow to run the simulatorHow to use the Report Manager to create custom unit operation and stream reports to view and analyze the results of your simulationFinally, this course will also show you the basic steps to use Aspen Plus in thermodynamic instruction for property analysis of pure components and mixturesThe knowledge gained in this course will prepare you to take our Aspen Plus Masterclass and Aspen Plus Dynamics courses in order to become an Aspen Plus advanced user if that is what you like and persist to be.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Hope to see you thereWR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge------------------------------SOFTWARE & HARDWARE :The Aspen Plus software, like most other software, is being developed on a continuous basis and new versions are released frequently. This online course covers Aspen Plus version 11, which is the most recent version at the moment we recorded this video. Please keep in mind that this online course covers the fundamental features of Aspen Plus which do not change from version to version. The course covers the use of Aspen Plus on computers that use the Windows operating system. We assume that Aspen Plus is installed on your computer and that you have basic knowledge of operating the computer. If you are new to Aspen Plus and have little or no experience in chemical engineering simulation, then you have come to the right place."
Price: 49.99

kyokaninfo |
Price: 44.99

"Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro (2019)" |
"What if you could edit your video with Adobe Premiere Pro? This course will teach students how to edit videos using Adobe Premiere Pro (2019). The course provides an overview of the video editing workspace, importing files, editing tools and exporting the final video. The course is for beginners and covers basic video editing skills and shortcuts that are useful when using Premiere Pro."
Price: 119.99

bjminjsw |
Price: 10800.00

ilbayhsl |
"*** 150 ... ! *** . . . ."
Price: 99.99

"Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest...Que se passera-t-il si demain ils dcident qu'il n'est plus possible de faire du marketing SANS payer ?C'est SIMPLE :Des milliers d'entrepreneurs devront arrter leurs activits.Et vous savez quoi? C'est dj ce qui est en train de se passer.Si vous ne payez pas, Mark Zuckerberg vous donnera de moins en moins de visibilit.La porte de Youtube s'effrite et Instagram n'est que l'ombre de ce qu'il tait il y a deux ans.Alors comment dvelopper son entreprise et encaisser de GROS revenus grce internet dans ce contexte ?Si vous tes ici, c'est que j'ai un message de la plus haute importance vous faire passer.Alors non, je ne vais pas vous inviter dpenser des milliers d'euros en publicit comme ces fameux entrepreneurs facebook.Je ne vais pas non plus vous proposer des investissements bizarres en bourse ou dans le forex.Je vais plutt vous dmontrer que NOUS avons la MEILLEURE solution contre les GAFAS.(Google, Amazon,Facebook, Apple)Mon message est le suivant : il existe une arme anti GAFA pour vendre la demande sans rendre de compte aux plus grosses plateformes...Ils ne pourront RIEN contre vous.La solution tient en un seul mot : MAILAujourd'hui 100% des gens sur internet ont un email.Et vous savez quoi? Votre base mail vous sauvera en TOUTES circonstances sur internet.Elle vous permettra galement de gnrer de GROS revenus SANSi facebook vous bloque, instagram vous bannit et Youtube vous dmontise, vous pourrez toujours touchez vos clients en envoyant un email.Cette base mail, nous allons la construire ensemble.Vous allez apprendre tape par tape crer un portefeuille client ultra rentable et joignable volont.Prt russir?"
Price: 99.99

"Des experts dans leur domaineVous avez accs l'expertise de 2 experts et tous leurs scripts de ventesUn groupe Facebook et Telegram2 groupes. Le premier vous permettra d'changer et de vous motiver avec les autres membres du programme. Le second est un canal sur lequel je vous partagerai rgulirement mes analyses (valeur 197/an)Vous pouvez revendre tous les lments de cette formation au prix que vous voulez.De nombreux bonusSupport VIPNotre support VIP rpond tous vos messages 7j/7"
Price: 19.99

"Building Big Data Pipelines with SparkR & Tableau & MongoDB" |
"Welcome to the Building Big Data Pipelines with SparkR & Tableau & MongoDB course. In this course we will be creating a big data analytics solution using big data technologies for R.In our use case we will be working with raw earthquake data and we will be applying big data processing techniques to extract transform and load the data into usable datasets. Once we have processed and cleaned the data, we will use it as a data source for building predictive analytics and visualizations.Tableau Desktop is a powerful data visualization tool, used for big data analysis and visualization. It allows for data blending, real-time analysis and collaboration of data. No programming is needed for Tableau Desktop, which makes it a very easy and powerful tool to create dashboards apps and reports.SparkR is an R package that provides a light-weight frontend to use Apache Spark from R. SparkR provides a distributed data frame implementation that supports operations like selection, filtering, aggregation etc. (similar to R data frames, dplyr) but on large datasets. SparkR also supports distributed machine learning using MLlib.MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, used for high volume data storage. It stores data in JSON like format called documents, and does not use row/column tables. The document model maps to the objects in your application code, making the data easy to work with.You will learn how to create big data processing pipelines using R and MongoDBYou will learn machine learning with geospatial data using the SparkR and the MLlib libraryYou will learn data analysis using SparkR, R and TableauYou will learn how to manipulate, clean and transform data using Spark dataframesYou will learn how to create Geo Maps in Tableau DesktopYou will also learn how to create dashboards in Tableau Desktop"
Price: 600.00

"Dell EMC Unity Fundamentals, Concepts & Features" |
"The course covers the following topics related to Dell EMC Unity.Dell EMC UnityXT models and UnityVSA are native unified storage platform that offers NAS & SAN infrastructure. It offers All Flash & Hybrid Storage as well as Virtual Appliance UnityVSA Overview of EMC Unity ComponentsBasic Architecture of EMC UnityConcepts and Features such as Data Protection, Efficiency, Deduplication, Compression and ReplicationManagement Interfaces (Unisphere, CLI, REST API)Best Practices"
Price: 104.99
