"WordPress 2020 for Beginners - Design your Website from Zero" |
"In this course you will learn how to design your own WordPress site and Blog from ZERO level!Without requiring any previous knowledge of the program, in a few hours you will learn how to work with the WordPress interface to create your own Website and Blog, using amazing Themes and Plugins that we will see during the course.""The course is for all students who want to learn""In a very intuitive way you will learn how to work in WordPress. We have developed very simple and dynamic classes for you to learn in a very pleasant and entertaining way, from the installation of the program to the publication of your WEBSITE and BLOG online.We have also added an extra class where we recommend other research options within WordPress that you might be interested in at the end of the course to continue learning.At the end, besides receiving the Udemy Certificate, you will have acquired the key knowledge to develop more WEB sites!"
Price: 129.99

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de Contabilidad" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de ContabilidadSi deseas poder gestionar el Modulo de Contabilidad de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el Modulo de Contabilidad"
Price: 19.99

"Chess for beginners: Practical course (2020 edition)" |
"There is so much information about chess. Just watching videos is useful, but often is not enough. It's very important to at least have a system which contains some theory and a lot of PRACTICE. Recording this course I tried to solve this problem. This course contains everything you need for real progress. However, in this course, I just point you in the right direction and explain difficult moments. After that, I expect you to solve ""homework"". It must help you fully understand the information and your level is going to rise.This course is good for beginners (0-1600 ELO), but don't worry if you have little experience because it helps you revise everything, get a system and practice. Of course, if you are 2000+ ELO rating player, this course might be too easy for you. I tried to use a detailed explanation, If anything was still too hard for you, I am waiting for your questions.I want to give you some recommendations:After watching the video, try to solve and figure out all homework. Yes, it's hard but super useful.Try to play chess since module 3. Time control for you is Rapid (15 mins or more). Playing blitz(5 and less) for beginners is just for fun.Don't waste your time. If something easy for you or I am speaking too slowly, make video speed 1.25x or even 1.5x :)))Use subtitles I added to this series. Inside them, I tried to fix most of the mistakes I made during the explanation.I hope you take advantage of this course. I did my best for you. Good luck, and see you at the chess tournaments!"
Price: 19.99

"PHP dari Nol Hingga Gol!: Kupas Tuntas PHP Programming" |
"Jadilah programmer PHP dan pelajari salah satu bahasa pemrograman website yang paling dicari di seluruh dunia!Semua video disajikan dalam: BAHASA INDONESIA! Tanpa jargon teknis yang sulit dipahami sehingga cocok diikuti semua golongan usia dan latar belakang pendidikan.Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk bahasa pemrograman PHP di Udemy! Tidak peduli apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman apapun sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui berbagai macam sintaks dasar, atau ingin mempelajari fitur-fitur canggih PHP, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda pemrograman Python secara efektif dalam bahasa Indonesia!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan kuis, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda PHP secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan pemrograman lengkap dan latihan-latihan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan kode sederhana PHP. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menginstal PHP di komputer Anda. Kami membahas berbagai topik, termasuk:Dasar-Dasar PHPPHP dan Pengolahan NilaiFungsi Bawaan dan Buatan dengan PHPPerulangan pada PHPPercabangan pada PHPOlah Data dengan PHPAnda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!Video course ini dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari! Jika Anda tidak puas dengan cara penyampaian atau isi materi, Anda akan mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. UTUH! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Pelajari PHP dengan cara termudah yang akan meningkatkan karir dan menambah pengetahuan Anda, semuanya dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan praktis!"
Price: 280000.00

"Make a Scrolling Platformer in Scratch" |
"Welcome, my name is Sully, and I will be your instructor. Together, we will learn how to make an epic scrolling platformer in scratch. Scratch is a programming language for kids and adults developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a collaborative website with over 50 million users. This course is fun and easy to follow along.I hope to see you inside!-Sully"
Price: 19.99

"CSS web design made easy - MASTERY coding for all *10 hour*" |
"Welcome to this course on CSS web design made easy.This course is for Professionals, Entrepreneurs & students who would like tolearn how to design and build a website. You will not require any prior knowledge.To benefit from this course, it is recommended you complete it.After each lecture, you must practice all exercises in the Resource section andat the end of the course, you will build your own website."
Price: 49.99

/GoogleFB |
Price: 59.99

"VIM : Bootcamp" |
"Did you know that the most productive command line experts uses powerful features of the Vim text editor?The problem is that if you want to get really good with Vim it can take you an extremely long time if you're trying to learn it on your own.That's why the Vim : Bootcamp was created.This course gives you the absolute shortest path to learning the basics. It also provides you the fastest way to learn the most advanced features, too.By the time you finish the Vim : Bootcamp you'll know how to:Work with multiple files, including how to move data back and forth between different files, copying & pasting from one file to another, and quickly jumping to another file. You'll also learn how to view multiple files at the same time using Vim's windowing system.Use the must-know keyboard shortcuts and how to remember them easily. You'll actually learn how to ""think in Vim"" so you don't even have to memorize each and every command, saving you countless hours of work.Find and replace entire blocks of information within a file. That includes how to refactor your code by renaming all variables in a file or set of files, reliably. Of course, you'll learn simple find and replace techniques to replace a word in an entire file and much more.Cut, copy and paste. You'll find out how to make the most of Vim's built-in clipboard system, use Vim's clipboard history, and how to access your system's clipboard from within Vim.Visually select blocks of text and perform edits on those blocks like moving the block, deleting the block, indenting/shifting the block, and more. You'll understand Vim's text objects so you can quickly select single or multiple words, lines, paragraphs, HTML/XML tags, code blocks, and more.How to make vertical edits and use Vim's Visual Block Mode. (Some call this column editing mode or rectangle mode)Enable syntax highlighting for source code, configuration files, or any type of file you edit often. That includes how to customize the color scheme and color code text in Vim.Employ simple to advanced navigation techniques so you can go exactly to where you need in a file very fast.Tricks so you can work in a smarter wayAnd more...Enroll Now!"
Price: 1280.00

"Caderneta de Vacinao Beb" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender todo o passo a passo dessa linda CADERNETA VACINAO com todo o processo do molde, como talhar a pea, colocar boto de presso, zper interno e como faz todo o bordado com a matriz, e durante o curso a professora vai sempre explicando e dando vrias dicas. Metdo de fcil entendimento."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Course" |
"Welcome to Complete Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Course.My Complete Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Course is for everyone! If you dont have any previous experience on a Ethical Hacking, not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and I will take you through each step with hands-on examples.And if you are a pro-Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones.The good news is: All applications and tools recommended are free. So you dont need to buy any tool or application.Before attending the course please read below the course requirements.This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. In this course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Ethical Hacking skills.When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work. I am coming from the field and I will be sharing my 20 years' experience with all of you. So you will also learn tips and tricks from me so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment. RequirementsCPU: 64-bit Intel i5/i7 (4th generation +) - x64 bit 2.0+ GHz processor or more recent processor is mandatory for this class (Important - Please Read: a 64-bit system processor is mandatory)Virtualization Technology: Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as Intel-VTx.RAM : 8 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (16 GB recommended)Modern Browsers:Google Chrome (latest)Mozilla Firefox (latest)Microsoft Edge (latest)Disk : 20 GB or more disk spaceHere is the list of what youll learn by the end of course, Setting Up The LaboratorySet Up Kali Linux from VMSet Up Kali Linux from ISO FileSet Up a Victim: Metasploitable LinuxSet Up a Victim: OWASP Broken Web ApplicationsSet Up a Victim: Windows SystemPenetration TestPenetration Test TypesSecurity AuditVulnerability ScanPenetration Test Approaches: Black Box to White BoxPenetration Test Phases: Reconnaissance to ReportingLegal Issues Testing StandardsNetwork ScanNetwork Scan TypesPassive Scan With WiresharkPassive Scan with ARP TablesActive Scan with HpingHping for Another Purpose: DDosNmap for Active Network ScanPing Scan to Enumerate Network HostsPort Scan with NmapSYN Scan, TCP Scan, UDP ScanVersion & Operating System DetectionInput & Output Management in NmapNmap Scripting EngineHow to Bypass Security Measures in Nmap ScansSome Other Types of Scans: XMAS, ACK, etc.Idle (Stealth) ScanVulnerability ScanIntroduction to Vulnerability ScanIntroduction to a Vulnerability Scanner: NessusNessus: Download, Install & SetupNessus: Creating a Custom PolicyNessus: First ScanAn Aggressive ScanNessus: Report FunctionExploitationExploitation TerminologiesExploit DatabasesManual ExploitationExploitation FrameworksMetasploit Framework (MSF)Introduction to MSF ConsoleMSF Console & How to Run an ExploitIntroduction to MeterpreterGaining a Meterpreter SessionMeterpreter BasicsPass the Hash: Hack Even There is No VulnerabilityPost-ExploitationPersistence: What is it?Persistence Module of MeterpreterRemoving a Persistence BackdoorNext Generation PersistenceMeterpreter for Post-Exploitation with Extensions: Core, Stdapi, Mimikatz...Post Modules of Metasploit Framework (MSF)Collecting Sensitive Data in Post-Exploitation PhasePassword CrackingPassword Hashes of Windows SystemsPassword Hashes of Linux SystemsClassification of Password CrackingPassword Cracking Tools in Action: Hydra, Cain and Abel, John the Ripper...OSINT (Open Source Intelligent) & Information Gathering Over the InternetIntroduction to Information GatheringUsing Search Engines to Gather InformationSearch Engine Tools: SiteDigger and SearchDiggityShodanGathering Information About the PeopleWeb ArchivesFOCA - Fingerprinting Organisations with Collected ArchivesFingerprinting Tools: The Harvester and Recon-NGMaltego - Visual Link Analysis ToolHacking Web ApplicationsTerms and Standards Intercepting HTTP & HTTPS Traffics with Burp SuiteAn Automated Tool: Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) in DetailsInformation Gathering and Configuration FlawsInput & Output ManipulationCross Site Scripting (XSS)Reflected XSS, Stored XSS and DOM-Based XSSBeEF - The Browser Exploitation FrameworkSQL InjectionAuthentication FlawsOnline Password CrackingAuthorisation FlawsPath Traversal AttackSession ManagementSession Fixation AttackCross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)Social Engineering & Phishing AttacksSocial Engineering Terminologies Creating Malware - TerminologiesMSF VenomVeil to Create Custom PayloadsTheFatRat - Installation and Creating a Custom MalwareEmbedding Malware in PDF FilesEmbedding Malware in Word DocumentsEmbedding Malware in Firefox Add-onsEmpire Project in ActionExploiting Java VulnerabilitiesSocial Engineering Toolkit (SET) for PhishingSending Fake Emails for PhishingVoice Phishing: VishingNetwork FundamentalsReference Models: OSI vs. TCP/IP Demonstration of OSI Layers Using WiresharkData Link Layer (Layer 2) Standards & ProtocolsLayer 2: Ethernet - Principles, Frames & HeadersLayer 2: ARP - Address Resolution ProtocolLayer 2: VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks)Layer 2: WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks)Introduction to Network Layer (Layer 3)Layer 3: IP (Internet Protocol)Layer 3: IPv4 Addressing SystemLayer 3: IPv4 SubnettingLayer 3: Private NetworksLayer 3: NAT (Network Address Translation)Layer 3: IPv6Layer 3: DHCP - How the Mechanism WorksLayer 3: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)Layer 3: TracerouteIntroduction to Transport Layer (Layer 4)Layer 4: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)Layer 4: UDP (User Datagram Protocol)Introduction to Application Layer (Layer 5 to 7)Layer 7: DNS (Domain Name System)Layer 7: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)Layer 7: HTTPSNetwork Layer & Layer-2 AttacksCreating Network with GNS3Network Sniffing: The Man in the Middle (MitM)Network Sniffing: TCPDumpNetwork Sniffing: WiresharkActive Network Devices: Router, Switch, HubMAC Flood Using MacofARP SpoofARP Cache Poisoning using EttercapDHCP Starvation & DHCP SpoofingVLAN Hopping: Switch Spoofing, Double TaggingReconnaissance on Network DevicesCracking the Passwords of the Services of Network DevicesCompromising SNMP: Finding Community Names Using NMAP ScriptsCompromising SNMP: Write Access Check Using SNMP-Check ToolCompromising SNMP: Grabbing SNMP Configuration Using MetasploitWeaknesses of the Network DevicesPassword Creation Methods of Cisco RoutersIdentity Management in the Network DevicesACLs (Access Control Lists) in Cisco Switches & RoutersSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) SecurityYou'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadEnroll now to become a professional Ethical Hacker!IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. "
Price: 199.99

"Excel Basics [2020] + Advanced in Ms Excel 2019 & Office 365" |
"In this special Microsoft Excel [2020] Beginner course you can learn the most important features of Excel focusing on data visualization and productivity. I'm using the version Ms Excel 2019 which is similar to Office 365 Excel, but the course is 90-95% compatible with Ms Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 versions.In the first section you can learn Excel basics in 30 minutes if you're a beginner. Then I'm going to go through several data visualization techniques which you can use to create Excel charts that will impress your audience. We will also discover Excel's conditional formatting feature.I dedicated an entire section to Excel shortcut keys showing you over 100 Excel shortcuts. The more keyboard shortcuts you know the faster you can work in Excel and more productive you can be.I created a section for the most frequently used Excel functions. You will find lots of real-world examples in these lectures.In the last section we're getting into an advanced Excel topic. I explain how one of the most valuable Excel features works, the PivotTable. Many people are afraid to learn it, but I'll make it simple for you. We're going to build several reports, and create a PivotChart too. I will also talk about database design principles. We will create a Data Model, and I will show you how to use PivotTable with multiple tables.By taking this course you can really take your Excel skills to way above the average.Don't worry, if you're an absolute beginner. I'll explain everything step by step.If you're already familiar with Excel, I'm pretty sure I can show you new, interesting things.Please watch the Intro video to see what you can expect from this course. If you like it, enroll in quickly."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced self-confidence: sicurezza in se stessi e autostima" |
"Cos' advanced self-confidence? Il primo video corso motivazionale avanzato d'Italia sulla sicurezza in se stessi, per aumentare la tua fiducia, la tua autostima, gestire paure, preoccupazioni e sentirti bene con te stesso/a.Un corso che ha un solo obbiettivo:TRASFORMARVI IN PERSONE SICURE, MOTIVATE E DOTATE DI UNA FORTE AUTOSTIMA. stato ideato perch possa essere un faro per tutti coloro che vogliono non solo rivedere la luce, o superare problema, ma per elevare se stessi portando la propria vita al livello successivo.Creato perch dia motivazione, speranza, sostegno, forza, strumenti concreti e rispondere a tutti quei perch di cui troppi non vi parlano.Per farlo ho costruito un percorso preciso, semplice da comprendere, ricco ma conciso adatto a insegnare alle persone il metodo migliore per diventare sicuri di se stessi e costruire una robusta autostima che li possa sostenere sempre. adatto sia per chi sta cominciando, sia per chi gi pi esperto.Advanced Self-Confidence NON uno di quei corsi lunghi migliaia di ore.NON il tipo di corso dove ci si aggroviglia attorno a interpretazioni sul vostro passato e sul perch possano esservi successe certe cose. TUTTO CIO' NON MI INTERESSA! A me interessa che apprendiate come sentirvi sicuri di voi stessi per rendere la vostra esistenza il brillare pi grande indipendentemente da cosa eravate prima, generando questo cambiamento nel pi breve tempo possibile. composto da 15 lezioni, ha la stessa lunghezza di un film e pu cambiarvi la vita in meglio. Sono fermamente convinto che la nostra mente non sia progettata per imparare lentamente, anzi apprende in modo estremamente rapido, ecco il motivo per cui 15 lezioni. Proprio come un film: se fatto bene, non dura 6 ore, ma in poco pi di un ora in grado di cambiarti la vita e il tuo modo di vedere le cose per sempre.Al suo interno troverai aneddoti, motivazione, teoria, strategie, casi di studio, esercizi pratici.Per chi advanced self-confidence?- Per tutti coloro che vogliono sentirsi sicuri di se stessi e aumentare la propria autostima- Imprenditori, aziende, formatori e professionisti- Studenti e lavoratori- Artisti, sportivi e celebrity- Chiunque desideri portare le proprie abilit sociali e comunicative a un livello superiore.Questo corso mira al superare paure, preoccupazioni e limiti, incentivando la ricerca di soluzioni concrete e la gestione dei fattori stressogeni, motivando all'azione attraverso esercizi, aneddoti, casi di studio e psicologia applicata volta alla costruzione di una potente autostima e piena sicurezza in se stessi. Un condensato di pura energia e risposte concrete. un valido corso per figure che devo infondere e trasmettere sicurezza, portando in tal modo le persone verso un fine comune. Consigliato come integrazione alla formazione dei propri dipendenti e coloro che vogliono aumentare la propria motivazione e produttivit.Adatto per coloro che hanno bisogno di motivarsi, sentirsi pi sicuri nel gestire le varie situazioni che lo richiedono, aumentando cos la propria percezione di auto-efficacia e ottenendo in tal modo eccellenti risultati.Si presta a persone che hanno la necessit di aumentare e affinare la resa delle proprie performance, superare i propri limiti, motivare e/o alimentare la propria community con un tipo di comunicazione capace di generare stimolo, sicurezza e interesse.Un corso versatile, deciso e indirizzato a tutti coloro che desiderano il meglio dalla propria vita e dalle proprie relazioni sociali.Quali problemi risolve advanced self-confidence?- Sostituisce le carenze di base con fondamenta solide.- Colma la mancanza di strategie efficaci volte all'affrontare situazioni che richiedono sicurezza- Converte scarsa autostima e bassa produttivit in atteggiamenti pi funzionali.- sblocca e apre la mente delle persone favorendone il benessere e la salute.- Dissolve paure e preoccupazioni non fondate, portando la persona a riassumere il controlloCosa imparerai con advanced self-confidence?Imparerai tutto ci che doveroso sapere riguardo alla sicurezza in se stessi, il perch sia fondamentale sentirsi sicuri, avere una buona autostima e come raggiungere questo obbiettivo.Ti fornir di tutti gli strumenti che indispensabile padroneggiare per sviluppare tutto questo, compresi casi di studio, esperienze personali, esercizi e motivazione.Nello specifico analizzeremo un passo dopo l'altro i diversi step necessari per operare con metodo e ottenere risultati:Comprendere cosa davvero la sicurezza in se stessi e perch svilupparla utile.L'importanza del costruire le proprie abilit, la capacit di usare il proprio cervello e il proprio corpo per cambiare.L'aspetto motivazionale, le caratteristiche che portano alla sicurezza, come farle proprie e come poi utilizzarle.La disciplina, lo spingersi oltre i propri limiti, e gli aspetti in intralasciabili.MODULATORI PSICOLOGICI: cosa sono, perch sono indispensabili da padroneggiare, come funzionano e cosa fare nello specifico per integrarli nella propria vita, potendo finalmente sentirti sicuro/a di te stesso/a e avvolto in una sana e potente autostima."
Price: 189.99

"Gerenciando as referncias bibliogrficas com Zotero" |
"Ns que trabalhamos na rea acadmica sabemos o chato que bater cabea com os estilos das referncias bibliogrficas e citaes (ABNT, APA u outras). Porm sabemos tambm o importante que gerenciar nossa bibliografia de forma eficiente, sistematizada e rpida sem ter complicaes com os estilos e normas que esto em constante mudana por causa das atualizaes.Da mesma forma, j seja por exigncia da instituio ou revista, precisamos conhecer um software que seja gratuito e eficaz.Zotero um gerenciador bibliogrfico que nos ajudar no processo de elaborao da nossa pesquisa ou publicao independentemente da quantidade de documentos (artigos, livros, captulos, etc) a ser citados.Aprenda a manejar os quatro pilares do gerenciamento bibliogrfico com Zotero: recolher, organizar, citar, sincronizar e obter de forma automtica a lista de referncias bibliogrficas.Voc aprendera da forma mais fcil e bsica a gerenciar sua bibliografia, criar e organizar seu prprio banco de referncias, mudar os estilos em um click e gerar de forma automtica as referncias.Seja mais eficincia e inovador, matricule-se agora e aproveite os descontos e ofertas de lanamento..."
Price: 39.99

"Compondo mapas temticos: Introduo aos SIG" |
"As ferramentas geogrficas fazem parte do sistema computacional mais utilizado no mundo acadmico para modelagem da informao espacial, os Sistemas de Informao Geogrfica. Esta ferramenta utilizada em diversas reas, tais como cincias exatas e sociais, j que os estudos precisam serem representados e localizados de forma visual e didtica.Google Earth, QGIS e Maps no so as nicas ferramentas computacionais mas sim as mais utilizadas pelo seu acesso gratuito, e a eficincia se comparar com outros softwares pagos, alm de ter uma interface intuitiva.Neste curso abordaremos os conceitos tericos mais bsicos para a melhor compreenso e aproveitamento das aulas prticas de aplicativos android e softwares dos SIG.Lembrando que no requisito ter conhecimentos prvios sobre os SIG, j que este curso uma introduo terica e pratica ao aplicativo Maps e os softwares Google Earth e QGIS, que so ferramentas dos SIG que se complementam, com o intuito de compor mapas temticos, cientficos e infogrficos.Voc aprendera da forma mais didtica e bsica a compor seus prprios mapas, j que o curso tambm proporcionara uma guia de como baixar data como imagens raster e arquivos shapefile.Seja mais eficiente, matricule-se agora e aproveite os descontos e ofertas de lanamentoVeja nossos outros cursos relacionados..."
Price: 144.99

"Modern Vlogging" |
"Are You Ready To Run A Successful Video Blog For Profit?Its About Time For You To LearnModern Vlogging!YouTube and Facebook introduced live streaming video, simply because it is what people want.Some of the most successful channels on YouTube are vlogs.Once you start to get a following for your vlog the word will spread quickly and you will get a lot more subscribers.Dear Friend,Vlogging is becoming increasingly more popular and there has never been a better time to start a vlog.People really enjoy watching high quality vlogs and some vloggers have subscribers in the millions.But You Dont Need Millions Of Subscribers To Make Money From Vlogging.There are many vloggers that have a lot less subscribers that make a full time income and more from their vlogging activities.What could be better?Doing something that you love and recording it to share with the world and making money at the same time.This is more than a dream.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will discover what a vlog really is.You will learn some great and profitable ideas for starting a vlog.You will learn how to start your new vlog with maximum impact.You will learn how to promote your vlog so that you increase your subscriber numbers and your potential to make money.You will have answered all of the most common questions about vlogging and will provided you with a step by step plan to create a successful and profitable vlog.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCING Creating A Successful Video Blog For Profit!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...What is Vlogging?Ideas for Profitable VlogsStarting a Successful VlogCreating Great VideosOptimizing your YouTube VideosPromoting your VlogFree Tools for Growing your YouTube ChannelWays to Monetize your VlogVlogging Best PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start doing Modern Vlogging! Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to know exactly what is expected of you and the highs and lows of vlogging.You want to use the best way to share your talents, ideas and thoughts about a subject.You want to be natural and casual and really connect with the viewer.You want to build a following and find opportunities for you to market your skills.You want to demonstrate that you are really good at something and get requests from people interested in hiring you.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 164.99

"Internet Marketing For Complete Beginners" |
"""Discover How To Start and Build An Online Business, Even If Youre a Complete Beginner""Learn the Basics of SEO, Site Design, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media, and MoreFrom: [YOUR NAME]Sometimes it seems like everyone is an internet marketer these days.You dont need to go far online to find someone posting images of themselves on their private yachts, telling you that you too could be earning money while you sleep if you just listen to their long, rambling video.The problem of course, is that these people never actually offer any answers because they actually want you to pay for their $5,000 training course.So maybe you head off to do a bit of your own research. Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?Chances are youll have quickly discovered that this is an extremely complex, dense, and impenetrable subject matter for someone who is new to the world of marketing.Just the acronyms alone are enough to scare people off! SEO, PPC, CPC, CPA, CTR, SMO and no I didnt make any of those up!Its enough to make you wonder if internet marketing is just a big scam whether anyone is really earning money online from selling digital products or affiliate deals.And this is where the disheartened feelings kick in.Because of course, all of us love the idea of being able to work from home with the freedom to set our own hours.In fact, I dont think Im being hyperbolic when I say that life shouldnt be like this.Should you really be spending the majority of your youth working for someone else?Sitting in a dark room for 8 hours a day?Feeling stressed?Struggling to make ends meet?Being shouted at as though you were a child?For making minor mistakes on a project that you frankly dont care about?Shouldnt life be free? Shouldnt you be able to create something youre actually proud of?Well hold it just there!Before you get too disheartened, keep in mind that working online actually is a highly viable option for anyone. And internet marketing really can make you rich. In fact, it has made an awful lot of people VERY rich.And its fun. And its simple. And once youve set up your business model, it will generate cash while you sleep.These are valuable, in-demand skills that lots of employers want, and that will make you completely futureproof.This is the FUTURE of work. This is the answer.Here's The Solution...So thats where this guide comes in. This ebook is EVERYTHING you need to know about internet marketing. It is for COMPLETE beginners.If you dont know your SEOs from your social media marketing, then you are the right target for this book.Dont get it twisted. This is not a get-rich quick scheme. You DO need to put in hard work. And Im not making any promises.But what you WILL DEFINITELY LEARN is how to create and grow an online business.And how to use internet marketing strategies to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website and then SELL, SELL, SELL.Oh and youll have a ton of fun creating something youre proud of in the meantime. Sound good?I'd like to introduce you to...INTERNET MARKETING FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERSDiscover How To Start An Online Business, Even If Youre a Complete BeginnerSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 184.99

"Cultural Competency" |
"Providing the best possible care for clients in a country with an increasing immigrant population, requires dietitians to be able to understand the various cultures of their clients and what foods are important to them. Nutrition professionals must be open minded and also willing to treat each client as an individual, regardless of origin, gender, religion or race. Foods of immigrants may be different from what you are used to eating and therefore will impact the nutrition counselling that you provide. It is important for nutrition and health providers to understand different cultures and their diets in order to provide the most effective treatments."
Price: 29.99

"Accident Incident Investigation" |
"The ILO estimates that some 2.3 million women and men around the world succumb to work-related accidents or diseases every year; this corresponds to over 6000 deaths every single day. Worldwide, there are around 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses annually.This course gives you an opportunity to find out what went wrong. Learning the lessons and taking action may reduce, or even prevent, accidents in the future.As a step-by-step approach of investigating the incident, it will help you, particularly smaller businesses, to carry out your own health and safety investigations. Investigating accidents and incidents explains why you need to carry out investigations and takes you through each step of the process.What to expectMemorable case studiesSessions with clear examples.Summaries to reinforce key pointsMultiple choice quiz after each session.Successful completion of assignment awarded a certificate.(Soft-copy)Top 4 business benefitsMaking a safer workplaceImproving worker confidencePreventing future business losses from disruption , down-time and lost businessDeveloping useful skills and knowledge that can be applied throughout the organizationAfter the course there will be an assessment 20 multiple choice questions to assess your knowledge.Course content:1. INTRODUCTIONi. ILO statisticsii. Reasons of manage OSHiii. Responsibilities of employeriv. Why investigate?v. What Law says?2. DEFINITIONSi. Hazardii. Riskiii. Incidentiv. Accidentv. Near missvi. Dangerous occurrencevii. Days lostviii. First aid caseix. Lost Time Injury (LTI)x. Medical treatment case (MTC)xi. Risk control measuresxii. Immediate Causexiii. Underlying Causexiv. Root Causexv. Unsafe Actxvi. Unsafe Condition3. ACCIDENT THEORIESi. Accident Ratio Studyii. Domino Theoryiii. Multiple Causation Theoryiv. Cause & Effect Concept4. HUMAN FAILUREi. Human errorsii. Human violationsiii. Factors Affecting Human Behavior5. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROCEDUREi. Reasons for investigationii. Level of Investigationiii. Under Reportingiv. Written plan for investigationv. Incident investigation proceduresvi. When should it start?vii. What makes a good investigation?viii. Role of OHS policyix. Emergency responsex. Initial reportxi. Steps of Investigationxii. Step one : Gathering the informationxiii. Step two : Analyzing the informationxiv. Step three : Identifying risk control measuresxv. Step four : The action plan and its implementationAfter each section, there will be a session quiz.Finally there will be a report writing assignment which you have to submit within 7 days from course completion. This assignment will enable you to develop report writing skill and convince the management to take action."
Price: 39.99

"Software Engineering Interview Practice Questions" |
"Coding interviews are a challenging test of knowledge. As a software developer, interviewer expect you to have a good understanding of data structures, databases, algorithms, object oriented programming principles, apis and concurrency.With this test, you will have a chance to practice with real interview questions. It will help to identify weakness in your knowledge, reduce your stress and give you an advantage over the competition.This test contains 38 real interview question about data structures, algorithms, object oriented programming principles, apis and concurrency."
Price: 19.99

"Certification Google Ads (Adwords) version 2020" |
"Devenez certifi Google Adwords en 1 jour!NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Google Marketing Tools 2020. Certification Google Adwords (version 2020)Etre certifi est une garantie de vos comptences et de votre parfaite connaissance des produits de Google. Devenez certifi Google Adwords pour faire avancer votre carrire, attirer des clients et amliorer votre marketing.Le cours ""Certification Google Adwords"" montre aux nouveaux utilisateurs comment crer une compagne Google Adwords. Devenez spcialiste Google Ads agr dans le domaine de la publicit sur le Rseau de Recherche, le Rseau Display, les annonces vido et Shopping, ainsi que dans les outils de mesure. L'obtention du statut de spcialiste Google Ads agr vous permet de mettre en avant votre expertise dans votre secteur ou simplement d'avoir confiance en votre capacit exploiter pleinement les annonces Google pour promouvoir votre entreprise en ligne. A la fin de cours vous allez tre assister pour obtenir le certificat de Certification Google Adwords.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Alors profitez de cette toute nouvelle formation pour maitriser et tirer parti des avantages que peut apporter Google Adwords au dveloppement de votre activit. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99

"YDS-YDT-YKDL gibi snavlara hazrlanyorsunuz; ve bu snavlarn can damar olan gramer konularn snav mantnda gereksiz detaylardan uzak renip ayrca soru zm tekniklerini kavramak istiyorsunuz; ite o zaman bu kurs tam size gre. Snav gramer konular tek tek renecek soru zm tekniklerini kavrayarak artk snavlarda kendinize ok daha fazla gveneceksiniz. zellikle snavlar yaklarken genel tekrar yapmak iin bu kurs ok faydal olacaktr.Bu kursumuz ydsenglishtv sitemiz videolarndan sizin iin derlenmitir. Tm udemy kurslarmzda ortak konulu olan baz videolar dier kurslarmzda da kullanlabilmektedir."
Price: 149.99

"Azure DevOps AZ-400 latest Practice Questions" |
"Promotion Sale referralCode=D2A79201BDCF197E8DBCThis Course is Designed to prepare AZ-400 Exam , In this exam try to cover all the areas type of questions like drag drop , positioning arrangement ,Case study etc , please go thru exam and share the feedback.Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise working with people, processes, and technologies to continuously deliver business value.Responsibilities for this role include designing and implementing strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure, source control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback.A candidate for this exam must be familiar with both Azure administration and development and must be expert in at least one of these areas.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: develop an instrumentation strategy; develop a Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) strategy; develop a security and compliance plan; manage source control; facilitate communication and collaboration; define and implement continuous integration; and define and implement a continuous delivery and release management strategy.Audience Profile Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise working with people, processes, and technologies to continuously deliver business value. Responsibilities for this role include designing and implementing strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure, source control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback. A candidate for this exam must be familiar with both Azure administration and development and must be expert in at least one of these areas. Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on June 15, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.Develop an instrumentation strategy (5-10%)Develop a Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) strategy (5-10%)Develop a security and compliance plan (10-15%)Manage source control (10-15%)Facilitate communication and collaboration (10-15%)Define and implement continuous integration (20-25%)Define and implement a continuous delivery and release management strategy (10-15%)"
Price: 19.99

"Car Design: How to Render the Interior of a Car with Markers" |
"This course has been created to help one comprehend the process of rendering a car interior. The course has been specifically laid out so one can follow it with ease. Don't worry, you don't have to draw the interior from scratch, the interior line work will be provided so you can focus on rendering.If you've never rendered a car interior before don't worry. I will talk you through the process, taking it step by step so that you can render along without feeling left behind.The course hasn't been over complicated, we'll render a simple car interior to enable you to have fun and gain an understanding of how to render a car interior."
Price: 99.99

"Become a Professional Football (Soccer) Coach" |
"This is the Complete Step-by-Step Guide for Non-Professionals on how to become a Professional Football (Soccer) Coach.The first part of the course includes all of the following:FIFA StructureCoach Salaries at different tiersUEFA Coaching LicensesSports Degree: Sports Management vs Sports ScienceOverview of Football-Specific Performance ComponentsIn the second part, we will go into details and cover the following topics:Football Coaching MethodologiesTactical Peridiodization and its PrinciplesLeadership and CommunicationReferences for further readingThe course is considered to be short, clear, and concise. There is no prior sport and football-specific knowledge required as the information is processed and presented in an easily understandable way."
Price: 19.99

"Jak oszczdza pienidze i zacz si bogaci?" |
"Tym razem porozmawiajmy o finansach - Twoich finansach.W tym kursie odpowiem Ci na pytania:dlaczego powiniene oszczdza pienidze?czy oszczdzanie ma sens w czasach kryzysu?Ile oszczdnoci maj Polacy?Jak skutecznie zacz oszczdza na swoj emerytur?Naucz Ci:sposobw na regularne i dugotrwae oszczdzanie pienidzy, ktre bdzie przynosi zyski.Dowiesz si:jakich bdw nie powiniene popenia podczas planowania swoich finansw osobistych.Zagwarantuj Ci:dawk wiedzy o finansach i ekonomii, ktrej nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej w bardzo przystpnej formie i prostym jzyku.moliwo bezpatnych konsultacji finansowych."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Maestro de lgebra Lineal: Aprende desde Cero" |
"Convirtete en un experto de lgebra Lineal y aprende una de las habilidades ms solicitadas en 2020!Este es el curso ms completo, aunque sencillo, para el lgebra Lineal en Udemy! Tanto si no has visto nunca nada de lgebra Lineal antes, si eres principiante o si quieres aumentar considerablemente tu nivel... Este es tu curso!En este curso te formars como un experto en la teora del lgebra Lineal. Conocers las leyes de la naturaleza que mueven nuestro mundo y aprenders conceptos avanzados de una forma sencilla y amena. Luego de acabar, sers un experto del lgebra Lineal y podrs resolver mltiples ejercicios y problemas de manera muy sencilla. Algunos de los conceptos que estudiaremos son:MatricesTransformaciones ElementalesRangoTriangulacinDeterminantesSistemas de Ecuaciones LinealesMtodo de Gauss Espacios VectorialesSubespacios VectorialesBase VectorialCambios de BaseAplicaciones LinealesDiagonalizacinIndependencia LinealEn este intrpido viaje pondrs a prueba tu capacidad lgica y abstracta as como entrenars tus habilidades en las ciencias matemticas. Recorrers temas diversos como Matrices, Espacios Vectoriales, Aplicaciones Lineales y mucho ms.Obtendrs acceso de por vida a todas las conferencias!Entonces, Qu esperas? Aprenda lgebra Lineal de una manera que avance en su carrera y aumente su conocimiento, todo de una manera divertida y prctica!"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft AzurePaaS" |
"AzurePaaSWebAppServiceSQLPaaSChapter1.Chapter2.AppServiceChapter3.SSLChapter4.Chapter5.SQLChapter6.WebChapter7.TrafficManagerSSLChapter8.AzureCLI20208App ServiceApp Service Azure DNSTraffic ManagerSQLAzure Cloud ShellKey VaultAzure CLIHTMLWebSSLHTTPSSQLToDo"
Price: 4800.00

"Essentials for Adobe Lightroom for Beginners" |
"This course delves into the fundamentals of Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, along with some of its more advanced features such as HDR and Panorama. Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will be challenged by exploring the process of photo-editing and manipulation using the tools present inside the software such as the graduated filter, and the adjustment layer. In just over an hour, students will also be introduced to tone, curves, hue, saturation, luminance, masks, and the other features present in Lightroom. They will also have gained a solid grasp of the formal devices discussed in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Reprograme seu Crebro para Abundncia" |
"Reprograme seu Crebro para Abundncia e uma forma de coloc-lo na vanguarda do pensamento deste novo tempo que estamos entrando, de exponencialidade e abundncia ...A mentalidade da escassez PODE Ser Muito dolorosa para o individuo, Alm de CRIAR Muito medo desnecessrio, Ansiedade e Desespero. Uma mentalidade de abundncia , por outro lado, diz que sempre existem novas chances e oportunidades e que h mais do que suficiente para todos os que tm uma vida plena e prspera.Grande parte da sociedade parece se basear em uma mentalidade de escassez. O paradigma da escassez afirma que no existe ou suficiente para todo o mundo. Esse pensamento d origem ao medo e a disputa por dinheiro e bens materiais.Muitos conflitos e guerras surgem por causa dessa crena de que no existe o suficiente. Sendo assim, como as pessoas acreditam que podem lutar contra outros por um pouco de conforto, a partir dessa batalha aumentada a concorrncia desleal e todo o tipo de desonestidade, onde cada indivduo quer garantir o seu.Esse um medo que habita ou inconsciente coletivo e leva como pessoas a agir de forma negativa, um medo sutil, geralmente no tem conscincia da idade com base nele. Apesar de til, o seu efeito muito poderoso.Outra consequncia do paradigma da escassez a culpa em dinheiro.Talvez voc sinta isso ou conhece algum que sente esse peso. Esse sentimento aumenta porque uma pessoa, consciente ou inconsciente, acha que ela tem dinheiro, outras pessoas perdidas - e vem esta espcie de culpa. So pensamento do tipo: ""Como eu posso ter tudo isso enquanto outras pessoas passam por necessidades"". A culpa por sua vez leva a processos de autossabotagem. A pessoa d um jeito de no ser bem sucedido. Tambm pode dar um jeito de perder ou ganhar um tiro de culpa. Pode ainda conquistar ou obter sucesso, mas sentir-se profundamente infeliz por que o erro fica sempre rodando conscincia.Uma mentalidade de escassez pode ser muito dolorosa para o indivduo, alm de criar muito medo desnecessrio, ansiedade e desespero. Uma mentalidade de abundncia pode usar-lo para melhorar o seu desempenho, j que ao adotar-lo, voc pode criar muito menos presso e ansiedade dentro de sua prpria mente.Neste curso, o objetivo criar uma mentalidade de ampliao de recursos, tcnicas e ferramentas comparadas pela neurocincia. Importante: O diferencial desta formao alm da tecnologia de vanguarda, todo o contedo exibido filmado e fruto de mais de duas dcadas de atividades para pessoas e empresas, e aplicado na sala de aula com pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No trata apenas de teorias que no resistem realidade das dificuldades de contextos profissionais ou pessoais, mas de tcnicas que voc mostra em tempo real, se mostram efetivas nos resolvedores de bloqueios e aplicaes, e aumentam rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas pessoas que ali esto."
Price: 579.99

"Coaching Esportivo" |
"Cabea o que faz a diferena entre um campeo e outros. Arthur Zanetti - ginasta - medalha de ouro nas Olimpadas de Londres 2012O esporte exige muito de parte dos atletas de fsica, uma busca por resultados positivos, quebra de registros e vitrias o seu objetivo, uso ou equipe, testes arduamente dia a dia, para estarem preparados, prontos para enfrentar os desafios que so to e encantadora carreira fornece. Entretanto, apenas os treinamentos fsicos no so adequados para subir at o ponto mais alto do pdio, pois as batalhas so travadas no primeiro lugar na mente do atleta, ou seja, preciso vencer seus medos e crenas limitantes antes de vencer.Atuar como personal trainer uma opo para muitos profissionais habilitados no curso de Educao Fsica. Alm da maior autonomia, uma remunerao no final do ms pode ser melhor para quem trabalha como funcionrio da academia. Nesse mercado altamente competitivo para atingir o sucesso necessrio inovar em novas qualificaes e diferenciais. Apesar do ensino fsico ter conhecimentos sobre fisiologia e mecnica dos exerccios, uma ttica para entender o perfil dos seus alunos e trabalhar de forma estratgica com foco nos resultados desejados, foi um diferencial para os profissionais da rea. preciso compreender que a estrutura determina a funo, e para vencer preciso estar emocionalmente e fisicamente alinhado com a vitria. Por essa razo, o potencial infinito de atletas e profissionais de esportes uma misso do instrutor Luis Lindner, que criou uma metodologia exclusiva e pioneira do Coaching Esportivo .Normalmente, os atletas iniciam uma carreira muito cedo, a maioria quando ainda so apenas crianas, crescem dentro de clubes e atividades esportivas, ficam afastados da famlia e dos amigos para cumprir uma agenda repleta de treinamentos e competies. Visando ou desafiando o dia no dia dos profissionais envolvidos no mundo do esporte, que precisa, alm de preparar os atletas fisicamente, tem uma misso de desenvolver como os cidados.Benefcios do programaAo realizar a Formao em Coaching Esportivo, o atleta e os dirigentes trabalharo ainda mais suas habilidades e habilidades naturais, alm de desenvolver outras como: Automotivao, Autoconhecimento, Feedback automtico, Gerenciamento de status emocional, Inteligncia Emocional, Final de objetivos e desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento de planos de ao para alcance de objetivos, Maior desempenho nos treinamentos e competies, Maior e melhor dedicao s atividades do dia, Objetivos definidos a longo prazo (ps-trmino da carreira como atleta).Importante: O diferencial desta formao alm da tecnologia de vanguarda, todo o contedo exibido filmado e fruto de mais de duas dcadas de atividades para pessoas e empresas, e aplicado na sala de aula com pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No trata apenas de teorias que no resistem realidade das dificuldades de contextos profissionais ou pessoais, mas de tcnicas que voc mostra em tempo real, se mostram efetivas nos resolvedores de bloqueios e aplicaes, e aumentam rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas que ali esto."
Price: 579.99

"Tableau Training: Master Tableau For Data Science" |
"Do you want to have hands-on knowledge in Tableau?Do you want to add to your skill?Tableau is the new tool that most of the companies use today to solve their problem of dealing with big data.This course will help you in becoming proficient in using Tableau. Tableau is a data visualization software in the market that is fun to learn, very easy to grasp as you do not need to be a programmer to learn Tableau as it uses a drag and drop interface. The course will help in learn the skill that will help you in understanding Tableau and in building a solid foundation in it.The three stages of the Course:Stage 1: BasicThis part of the course will make you aware of the fundamentals of the Tableau and will make you learn to handle all the data.Stage 2: IntermediaryThe second stage of the course helps you in gaining the skill in handling data visualization and leveraging of the dataStage 3: AdvancedThis stage will provide you with all the advance knowledge of dashboard with the help of the compilation of all your knowledge.You will gain the knowledge of the fundamentals of data visualization and data discovery with Tableau which will constitute:Sort, filter, and group your dataCreate tables, bar charts, line chartsUse geographic maps to show locationsUsing calculations create new fieldsCombine all the data using joins, blends, and unionsThe course will further add to your technical skills that will include actions like adding filter, and highlighting, Navigating between dashboards via actions, the fundamentals of Parameters, switching between measures, use parameters as a global filter, dashboard design to make it look good and function well, reviewing and publishing and understand to create storyboards and dashboards to enable to tell a story. The course will also cover all types of charts, maps, hierarchies, groups and sets. You will also learn to enhance the charts with reference lines and bands, and using trends and forecasting for data analysis.The course is designed in a way that its efficient both for a beginner as well as a person who wants to go for an advance level. By the time the course will finish you will learn all the skill and tools to be a proficient tableau user. This will help you in analyzing and visualizing complex data with ease and extract knowledge from the data for any purpose.This course is: Easy to grasp Practical Full of examples from real world Videos to make it more engagingThe course will fill you with: complete Knowledge and the usage of the software Feel more confident about yourself and your skillsThe outcomes of this course: Master the latest Tableau software for the use in business Learn the skills to be a tableau developer Get aware of the Tableau products suite Learn to download & install Tableau desktop 10 Understand to connect Tableau to Excel and CSV files Gain an understanding of sorting data in data source tab and worksheet tab Acquire the knowledge of filtering data in Tableau Get the understanding of creating charts like pie chart, Bar chart, Funnel chart, Maps and many more Learn to become used to advanced features, like Calculated Fields, Parameters and Hierarchies Create dynamic dashboards by using multiple worksheets and their usage Get the understanding of showing an overview using dashboards and share them to end users Acquire the knowledge of combining multiple data sources using joins and blends Gain a broad understanding of creating storyline and its usage in Tableau Comprehend to export Tableau results to PDF, Excel, Power point, and Image data base Learn to create data extracts and adding Filters Get the understanding of working with time-series data Cover all the analytical functions like forecasting, Trend lines and ClusteringThe course is packed with: Industry- driven curriculum that goes parallel to the real world Real-time examples for better and practical understanding Practical examples and simple language that makes the course easy to grasp Exercises and quizzes to examine yourself and your knowledge Videos that makes the course more engaging and hold the attention of the studentsAdding another skill to your set of skills:This course will help you in adding to your skills and helps you move ahead with times in your professional journey.Salary or Growth in income: This course also helps you in getting a hike in your salary as there are a lot of opportunities in the professional world waiting for you as there is a hike in demand for professionals.Promotions: The course will make you more skillful as it will add to your expertise. Adding proficiency and efficiency will take you a ladder up in your designation in the coming times.Security: It will give you more security to your career as with an added skill and certification you will stand ahead among your contemporaries in these times of competition.Growth: Your career will see an upward growth with the added certification and skills.Words of appreciation from our Students:1. The course is really good engaging and I found each and every session very interesting. Shikha Khanna2. It is a very good one if you are a beginner as it complete all the basic concepts and takes you ahead slowly and steadily. Ali Bakht3. The best part of the classes was the trainers. They were so engrossed and well-versed with the subject that the classes were flawless and it was easy to get hold of the content. Jillian Kilroy4. A very good program if you want to have a complete knowledge of Tableau and see an upward trend in your career by learning it. Manisha Ambwani5. I did not know that an online course can be so engaging but I really liked the whole content as it has boost up my confidence. Shashank Kakkar"
Price: 199.99
